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Causes of the American Revolution Unit Calendar

Day 1
Taxes with the
King, Introduce

Day 2

Day 6
The Loyalists
vs. The Patriots

Day 7
Research and
Work Day

Day 3
Intolerable Acts
Vocab Activity

Day 8
Lesson: What is

Day 4
Teaching With
Text: Boston

Day 9
Teaching with
Text Lesson:
The Articles of

Day 5
Day 10
Bringing It All
Economic, and
Reasons for

Daily Lessons Abstract

Day 1: Hooking Lesson: Taxes with the King, Introduce Compelling Question
The Students are actively involved in paying taxes to student tax collectors who
have been employed by the King. The King unfairly distributes the taxes, represented by
candy. The tax payers are upset! Class discussion follows to make connections between
taxing activity and the tensions that existed after the French and Indian War in the
colonies. The students are presented with the compelling question and enduring
**The elaborated lesson plan follows**

Day 2: Concept Formation: Representation

Using examples and non-examples, students become familiar with the qualities of
fair representation. They will work towards identifying examples as representation or a
lack of representation as individuals. This lesson plan targets the misconception that the
American Revolution was based on paying taxes. Though no one likes paying taxes,
students will begin to understand that is wasnt about the money, but the lack of a voice
that the colonists had in government decisions.
**The elaborated lesson plan follows**

Day 3: Taxes Lesson: Intolerable Acts Lesson, Academic Vocabulary Activity

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, and
Quartering Act. The students will work in groups to prepare a short skit or presentation to
share with the class about their specific act. Students will use a chart to keep notes as
others present. Students will also complete the Academic Vocabulary Activity.

Day 4: Teaching With Text: Boston Massacre Investigation Lesson

Students witness a strange event in their classroom and are recorders of history,
not knowing that their written records will be used to try and figure out what happened
during this event. They will delve into the idea that just because we have a primary
source, does not mean that it has all of the details. It also does not mean the details
provided are always accurate due to perception and bias. Students will then use primary
source documents to analyze what happened at the Boston Massacre. Divided in half,
the class with work on defending either the Patriots or the Red Coats. The conclusion of
this activity is that we still are not sure who caused the Boston Massacre.
**The elaborated lesson plan follows**

Day 5: Concept Formation Lesson: Rebellion, Pencil/Paper Test

The students will work as a class to define rebellion using examples. They will
discuss qualities of rebellion. Does there need to be a good reason to rebel? What does
rebelling look like? Once rebellion has been defined, students will continue to refine their
understanding by identifying examples and non-examples, giving explanation as to why
or why not portray rebellion.
Paper and pencil test to follow.

Day 6: Loyalists vs. Patriots Lesson, Introduce Performance Assessment

This lesson focuses on the misconception that all of the colonists wanted to be free
from Great Britain. In groups of 4, students will each be given a topic to focus on such as
trade, government, resources, territory, etc. They will work together to build a pros and
cons list on chart paper regarding their topic and how it would be affected if the
colonists separated from Great Britain. A gallery walk follows, and students are able to
comment on other groups pro/con list.

Day 7: Research and Work Day

This day will be used for computer time if needed, document searching and
analyzing of sources. By the end of this day, students should have a list of facts about

their event or person. They should be able to draft their newspaper article based on the
information gathered today.

Day 8: Government Lesson: What is Democracy?

This lesson addresses the misconception that all governments are structured the
way ours is today. Some students might know of other government types, some may
have come from another country. However, most students dont think about the day to
day differences between our government and others. This will be a lecture based lesson
on the difference between a democracy and a monarchy. Students will practice their note
taking skills.

Day 9: Teaching With Text Lesson: Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation had many faults, but they were the groundwork for
what is now our Constitution. A Class discussion about the playground will engage the
class in ideas of why we need government, and further, how we make rules for that
government. They will then read and analyze the articles as a class, discussing the
problems that existed and why they needed to be changed.
Day 10: Bringing it all Together, Performance Assessment Due
The conclusion of the unit will be a brief powerpoint review of the causes of the
American Revolution. It will be an interactive presentation with repetition of slides from
the past. Students will work together to fill in the blanks and answer questions regarding
the causes. Then the class will play a review game similar to kickball. This will get them
up and moving, which makes memory recall easier.

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