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Plate tectonics and landforms

physical landscapes
z tectonic forces
z Denudation
Evolution of theory
z Longtime theory

z 1950s

Pieces of Evidence
z 1) Cartographic evidence
z 2)Paleontological
z 3) Paleoclimatological
z 4) Ring of Fire
Major Reason for opposition?

Plate tectonics
z provided answers to many unknowns

Earth Structure: A boiled egg

z The inner earth
z 3 parts
z core
z mantle
z Crust

Plate density
z how do they float?
z 1) continental crust
z 2)oceanic crust
Plate Boundaries and associated characteristics
z 1) Divergent plate
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Surtsey island
rift zones
East African Rift zone
divergent volcanoes

2) Convergence zones
z a)Oceanic-continental
z violent tectonic activity
Why violent?

Subduction zone landforms

z b) Large plate collision

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