Solving Soil Erosion by Using Geotextile: The Stability Problem 3 Effect of Water

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Faculty of Civil Engineering & Environmental,Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM),86400 Parit Raja,
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The problem discussed in this paper is that of shallow slope failures caused by infiltration
of water and weather effect. These failures usually occur in regions of the world where steep
slopes consisting of residual soils are subjected to periods of prolonged and heavy rainfall. A
mechanism for the failure of these slopes is postulated whereby in-situ soil suctions are
decreased by the ingress of a wetting front until a critical depth is reached where the shear
strength of the soil is no longer sufficient to ensure stability. The use of geotextiles for the
containment of backfill of slope such as embankment and cut and fill slope is a suitable method
to overcome slope failure. A prime concern in this application is that the geotextile allows rapid
drainage of water from the contained backfill without permitting excessive loss of solid particles.
In this paper it is shown that how to use standard design criteria for the selection of a suitable
geotextile for this application. The out-of-plane distortion of the geotextile that occurs under
working conditions has a very significant effect on its ability to retain solid particles.
1.1 Problems Statement
Many problem occur to the slope especially slope at embankment and cut and fill.
1.2 Stability Problem

Figure 1
1 and 2; The stability

Figure 2Figure

problem 3 Effect of Water

Figure 3; The effect of

water on slope. (source

1.4 Landslide

Landslides (mass wasting) are an integral part of the process of cyclic development of
landforms though sequential development of slopes. It is well known that mass movements and
slope failures owe their existence to several attributes that directly or indirectly cause slope
instability most of which (if not all) are either man-made or man accelerated. Thus, most of the
disasters are natural events aggravated by undue human intervention.
In every slope gravity induced shear stresses exist which increase with the slope height,
slope inclination, and unit weight of the slope forming materials. Shearing stresses are also
added, particularly in the surface zone, because of thermal expansion and contraction, freezingthawing action and a host of other factors. Under normal conditions, the shear stress along the
slope is in equilibrium with the shear resistance of the slope. But these are often influenced and
modified by external and internal factors and as soon as the shear stress along the slope exceeds
the shear resistance, landslides and other mass wasting phenomenon set in along the most
vulnerable, critical, or the weakest surface and the slope is modified to new values of

1.5 Slope Erosion

Erosion is the process by which soil and rock are removed from the Earth's surface by
exogenesis processes such as wind or water flow, and then transported and deposited in other
While erosion is a natural process, human activities have increased by 10-40 times the
rate at which erosion is occurring globally. Excessive erosion causes problems such as
desertification, decreases in agricultural productivity due to land degradation, sedimentation of
waterways, and ecological collapse due to loss of the nutrient rich upper soil layers. Water and
wind erosion are now the two primary causes of land degradation; combined, they are
responsible for 84% of degraded acreage, making excessive erosion one of the most significant
global environmental problems.


2.1 Slope

A slope is defined as the rise or fall of the land surface that have gradient (usually in %)
There were several types of slope that usually used in construction

2.2 Embankment Slope

Figure 4; Embankment slope. Source

2.3 Cut and Fill Slope

Figure 5;

Cut and fill slope. Source

2.4 Hill Slope

Figure 6; Hill slope. Source

2.5 Geotextile

Geotextiles are permeable fabrics which, when used in association with soil, have the
ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect, or drain. Typically made from polypropylene or
polyester. It is also called permeable geosynthetics comprised solely of textiles.

2.5.1 The general function of geotextile

Filtration: Civil nonwoven geotextiles filter soil particles while allowing excellent water
permittivity for structures requiring drainage.
Erosion Control: They can provide erosion control structures with stabilization and filtration.
Reinforcement / Stabilization: They can improve the mechanical properties of soil and
structural fill by absorbing tensile forces and reducing deformation.
Separation: They also perform separation beneath roads, keeping dissimilar materials separated
to maintain their functionality.
Drainage: Their high in-place and normal flow rates prevent excess water buildup and pore
pressure, keeping civil structures strong and stable.

2.5.2 Types of Geotextile

There are three types of geotextile that usually used in the soil construction. Woven and
Non-Woven Geotextiles are designed to provide several options for stabilization locations and
facilitating the growth of vegetation. Depending on your location and intended use, fabrics have
included biodegradable options (such as coconut coir), as well as synthetic options such as
woven or non-woven fabrics. Woven geotextile

Woven geotextiles usually made from polypropylene. It will provide superior cushioning
and protect against puncture and abrasion when used for stabilization, separation and various
other erosion control applications. Each geotextile offers an individual strength based on the
woven design of the geotextile.

Figure 7; Example of woven geotextile. Source

Figure 8; Example of woven geotextile. Source

Woven geotextiles have been used in a wide range of applications involving stabilization
efforts, aggregate separation, and erosion control in construction areas. Some common
applications for these geotextiles include:

Sediment Control


Unpaved Road Bases


Strengthening of Paved Roads



Erosion Protection


Rip Rap Erosion Control


Subsurface Drainage


Construction Site Underlayment


Tank Underlayment

Use of these woven geotextiles can work to speed up construction, reduce the overall
costs over time, and strengthen roads to prevent future damage. Woven geo textiles are most
commonly used for stabilization applications that require a strengthened road or support for
placing product on top of the geotextile. Non-Woven Geotextile

Nonwoven geotextile, is used in a variety of civil and environmental applications. Built

with high levels of permeability, these geotextiles have been used for filtering, separation,
draining, sediment control, cushioning and various other construction and road repair
Nonwoven fabric is usually made from Propylene Staple Fibers that can be used in
almost any stabilization, separation or cushioning application, they are most commonly used in
areas that also require filtration. The non-woven design of the material provides a higher rate of
flow through, making it easier for water to pass through the material.

Figure 9; Example of non-woven geotextile. Source

Figure 10; Example of non-woven geotextile. Source

Some common uses for the material includes the following:


Road Stabilization Applications




Civil Applications


Railroad Work


Landfill Lining






Filtration under Rip Rap and Rocks


Environmental Applications

Drainage: One of the most common applications for this non-woven fabric is for use in filtration
around french drains and subsurface drains. These fabrics create a flow through the material that
helps filter out silt while still allowing water to flow through the fabric. Uses include:

French Drains


Subsurface Drains


Under Drains

Asphalt Overlay: When constant cracking in asphalt becomes a problem, geotextiles can be
used to help provide an extra layer of support. Placing these geotextiles down before the asphalt
can help prevent further cracking and allows the roads to have further flexibility during their use.
Aggregate Separation: For areas where stabilization is required, non-woven fabric geotextiles
play an important role of allowing water to pass through the material. This provides a stable layer
of material that will not weaken due to water. Coir geotextile

Coir is a 100% organic fiber, from a renewable source such the coconut husk. Naturally resistant
to rot, molds and moisture, it do not needs chemical treatment. Hard and strong, it can be spun
and woven into matting. They also have the right strength and durability to protect the slopes
from erosion, while allowing vegetation to flourish. They can dissipate the energy of flowing
water and absorb the excess solar radiation.

Figure 11; The picture of coil geotextile. Source

Coir Geotextiles offer:

1. 100 % Natural fiber, extracted from coconut husk
2. Adds organic material to soil
3. Promotes vegetative growth
4. 100% Bio-degradable and environmentally friendly
5. Tough, durable, versatile and resilient
6. High tear-strength resistance
7. Easy to install / maintain / patch-up.
8. Follows the contour of the soil surface.
9. Hygroscopic properties (Absorbing or attracting moisture from the air)
10. High tensile strength

Coir Geotextiles The Natural Erosion Controller

Coir geotextiles are classified as woven, meshes and nets and non-woven, as the blanket held by
coir threads and have varying densities depending on their application, but as a whole they serve
as slope stabilization agents prior to vegetation.
Coir geotextiles promote new vegetation by absorbing water and preventing top soil from drying
out. Coir geotextiles absorb solar radiation just like natural soil, and unlike geosynthetic
materials, it provides good soil support for up to three years, allowing natural vegetation to
become established.
The greater the geotextile density, the steeper the embankments it can be utilized on.
Applications have included ski slopes and bottom reinforcing material in water courses. (Under
water the degradation of coir is slower).

We were conducted a study about the characteristic of slope in the site construction. The slope is
the most importance part in the construction especially at the hill. This study include
embankment slope and cut and fill slope. The study is about why the slope have to be take care
always and how to prevent the slope from failed.

3.1 How to Overcome?

The construction of slope must be did carefully especially slope for highway or housing
There were a lot of problem will affected the slope day and night. As stated, the slope will facing
different of load, weather, and natural problem such as earthquake and flood. If the slope design
carelessly, the slope will failed in just few day after the construction of the slope finished. So we
would like to propose a slope design using a geotextile with several step to install the geotextile
with soil to make good slope that has high durability.
Step to make slope joint with geotextile
1. Subgred must be in flat surface and compacted properly
2. The geotextile must be spread on the flat surface, fill it with the soil and compacted it.
The excess of the geotextile is fold onto the compacted soil until 1/3 length of the geotextiles
that spread at flat surface.

First stage of slope

3. Repeated the step 2 until the slope arrive a high that needed
4. The full design is shown in figure below



1. Reduces the surface of soil from expose to the rain and shrinkage
The uses of the geotextile can reduce the surface area of the slope from contact with the water
such of heavy rain. So the impact of water force also reduced. The shrinkage of the soil also
redused because less surface area exposed to the hot temperature.
2. Reduce hidroseeding
Hydroseeding is the process of planting grass on the slope that is fast, efficient and economical
where sloppy surfaces where soil erosion is a major proble. But there are several problem with
hydroseeding process such
a) When the growing season is short and plant cannot stabilize the slope quickly
b) Planting at high altitudes
c) Where major storm are frequent occur
d) Hot day temperature
Thus, the using of geotextile can reduce the hidroseeding prosess
3. Increase soil strength
Geotextile can improve soil strength due to the fabric substantial mechanical strength
4. Reduce water absorption impact
The flow rate of water in the soil can be reduced by the geotextile. Geotextile can act as filter
that can slow down the flow of water into the soil.
5. Reduce future damages
Slope that using geotextile can reduce the future damage such as erosion and shrinkage.
6. Cushion
Geotextile is a good textile that can act as cushion to the soil.
7. Protect again puncture and abrasion
The geotextile can spread the force acting on it into large area. So the pressure is reduced
because the area is larger.
8. Reduces erosion
The uses of the geotextile can reduce the surface area of the slope from contact with the water
such of heavy rain. So the impact of water force also reduced. Then the erosion also decrease.


9. High durability
Geotextile last approximately 3 to 5 years depending on the fabric weight. The product degrades
into humus and enriching the soil.
10. Reduces maintenance cost
The maintenance cost totally can be reduces because the slope already strong enough to prevent
itself from erosion and landslide compare to the slope that do not use geotextile.



This technical paper attempts to contribute to the body of knowledge of geotextile.It is hoped
that it will brings more benefits and advantages to both rural and urban area.There are more steps
need to be taken such as create a that works Geo-Engineering to study the physical structure of
the soil and the installation of the geotextile under the soil from time to time.Besides,conducting
audits during construction to monitor the situation in area so that the work is carried out
according to the specification and workers at those qualification for the job .The parties involved
should be more alertin coordinating and rectify mistakes.The body responsible for approving
projects must be staffed by people who are really expert and professional.Last but not least,all
parties involved either directly or indirectly should give good cooperation during installation or
repair work to ensure that the results give benefits for a long time.


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