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When The World Turns it Back

When genocide occurs, the system of government fails to protect its own people and
there is a breach in human morality. In the modern world, genocide has only really been
considered as such, in the aftermath of the event. The point is that not enough governments or
people actively try to prevent genocide from occurring, especially if it is sanctioned by a state
body. These weapons of genocide are also sold by other countries who never investigate the
intentions of their clients and they go on to murder thousands. The case study will center on
the Rwandan genocide because information is abundant and it is a prime example of what
happens when the perpetrators go undaunted. The U.S. knew of the happenings going on in
Rwanda but an executive decision was made to ignore the situation in the interests of national
security. This has not been their first time in doing so and as of now, actively cooperates with
Turkey to hinder accusations of Turkish people committing genocide in 1918.

At the start of the Rwandan genocide, the government had a small standing army of a

few thousand soldiers which is natural for a small inactive country. Then orders for thousands
of war assets were placed that easily exceeded the armys size, three times over. Shipments
came from South Africa, France, Israel, and etc in the form of guns, ammo, grenades, and even
armored personal carriers. Countries that sold the weapons failed to recognize the threat of
the sheer quantity it was giving to Rwanda and actually continued for several years.2 Traces of

1. Rory Carroll, US chose to ignore the Rwandan Genocide, The Guardian, March
31st, 2004
2. 2Eline van der Veen, Weapons of Genocide, August 2009, University of

the sales recorded were researched by Eline who admitted cover ups were attempted to hide
this fact. France purged most of the information so only the knowledge of them selling
weapons in a 4 year period was found, no exact numbers on how much.

Then in very recent years, Israel has blocked the move to uncover any information

about its dealings with Rwanda because it was announced to actually have continued selling
arms during the course of the genocide. The government of Israel cited in the case of protecting
national security or foreign relations, it has the right to withhold information to the public. This
has become very controversial and a move that is seen as ill will when South Africa already has
accepted liability for trading weapons to an unstable region. The weapons numbering in the
tens of thousands from all 3 countries couldve easily been halted but continued on to kill the
native people of Rwanda. 4The U.N. is a body that regulates the world at a certain capacity
failed to help the Rwandan people and didnt punish anybody until years later when everything
was settled. This stems from the declaration made that defined human rights and genocide
decades before, at the conclusion of World War 2.
With the aftermath of the Holocaust leaving a scar on the world and a fatal reminder of
human cruelty, the U.N. was created to bring all the nations together in a move for prosperity.

Judah Gross, April 12 2016, Records of Israeli arms sales to Rwandan genocide to remain
sealed, The Times of Israel,
4 Schabas, William A. 2008. "Origins of the Genocide Convention: from Nuremberg to
Paris." Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 40:35-55.

One of their first acts was establishing rules and one such is the definition of genocide and the

consequences that could happen, ranging from sanctions and embargoes to the mobilization of
U.N. troops to intervene. The problem was that this treaty was non-binding and weak because
all the nations had to agree to it. The strong irony was that Cambodia actually ratified the treaty
as its own but years later actually committed it themselves among their own people. As for
Rwanda, it was easily labeled as a civil war and the tragedies that happened came to light for
the public afterwards when refugees told their stories. 6Our president Bill Clinton and his
advisors knew exactly what was happening within 16 days and was actually recorded calling it
as such but it was deemed to be hidden from public eyes. 7Rory Carroll examines the info
released on US response to Rwanda after the trial of convicted leaders came to a close.
Criticizing the speed to receive updates on the situation but calling the intervention to save
thousands of lives an uneven trade. Saying the country has no value to the American people
and does not prioritize as a national issue. 8Then Samantha Powers takes the next step even
further to say American politics mitigates genocide and has a lax stance on such atrocities. Even
cooperating in the case for Turkeys genocide of the Armenians and the cover up that is
happening now after 100 years.


1948, Treaty Series

Footnote 1
Footnote 1

8 Samantha Power, 2003. A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide

The La Times reported the demonstration for the Armenian genocide to be peaceful all

over the world including in the US. Discussing why the genocide is not widely recognized by the
world and what Turkey has done to keep it that way. In the case of the US, Turkey keeps a
pocket of US officials that allow lobbyists to have educational programs to show how caring
Turkish people are. A main reason for this blatant attempt to cull peoples mind is the strategic
purpose Turkey is to the US and the UN. 10 Turkey is a strong far eastern base of operations and
allows its presence to antagonize any ill intentions especially from Russia. Turkey knows this
and actually pushes its own nationalistic agenda and our governments allow it.

Meanwhile in the Middle East, ISIL is committing genocide as of right now against the

Yzadis people based on their religion that is seen as an abomination by ISIL. Thankfully, full
scale warfare and intervention is being carried out to save people but what changed this from
what happened in Rwanda or Turkey. It is because the area has value in the form of oil and
involves territory of our most important allies in the Middle east plus we live in a world where
communication is global, it becomes very hard to ignore evil acts like ethnic cleansing or
genocide. Added to this effect is the conflict between Muslims and the western world. Where
acts of terrorism are becoming more apparent and the swift retaliation of military forces the

Chad Garland, Nov 2 2016, Why Armenia Genocide recognition remains a tough sell, La


Footnote 9

CBS News, UN:ISIS Genocide of Yazidis in Irag Ongoing, August 3 2016

I wanted to write this paper to gain awareness of genocide in the world and how
the perpetrators are not the only ones to blame. It was a domino effect that kept happening
from the input of other countries and itself that led to that climax. A big step to prevent more
from happening is expanding the treaty the UN has on genocide and update it to fit a 21 st
century world that we live in. A lot of people speak of forgiving the past and moving forward for
the future but as of now, leaders dont even want to recognize the past. Preferably keeping it
hidden for years to come and denying the people the right to know the truth. Every life matters
and speaking and choosing who we help or kill should be a public decision not the recorded
minutes of a closed meeting.

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