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Becca Lang

Period 2

Book I-II Essay

In modern-day America, the Democratic partys platform revolves around equality
for everyone, both fiscally and socially. In Miltons Paradise Lost, Satans goal of
equality for all angels, including God, matches the Democratic platform. Following along
with this idea, Bernie Sanders ran a presidential campaign in 2015 using rhetoric that
was very similar to Satans in Paradise Lost.
On June 16th, 2016, Bernie Sanders gave a speech in Burlington, Vermont about
political and social change. In this speech, Bernie claims that this election year was
about, ending a campaign finance system which is corrupt and allows billionaires to
buy elections. With this statement, he is saying that billionaires in our country have
more power than the majority middle class America and that they have more freedom to
get around rules that everyone else must follow. He also stated that, the 20 wealthiest
people own more wealth than the bottom 150 million. He creates a common enemy in
order to get the majority of Americans to stand together, and more subtly, stand with
him. This closely resembles Satans speech when he says, With this advantage then To
union, and firm Faith, and firm accord, More then can be in Heav'n. Satan is promoting
the idea of equality for all of the angels in Heaven and not the current unbalance of
power. He creates a common enemy to share with the angels by saying, Deities of
Heav'n, For since no deep within her gulf can hold Immortal vigor.
Also, going back to Bernie Sanders, he claims that, [revolution] always occurs
from the bottom on up. He believes that change only occurs once the larger majority

becomes unhappy with how the smaller more powerful is ruling. Satan uses this idea as
well in order to motivate the angels to literally go from the bottom on up to fight in
Heaven. The main argument of both mens speeches is that we the people need to fight
and overrule the unjust and over powerful minority. While Bernie Sanders calls for
protesting and other forms of activism and Satan calls for a war, their end goals are
essentially the same. It almost makes you wonder, maybe Satan was onto something.

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