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Capacity Analysis and Level


Roadway Performance and Measurement

A major task in traffic engineering is to

quantify a roadways performance with
regard to specifying traffic volumes

Require a understanding of how much traffic

volume a roadway can accommodate and
under what operating conditions
Need a theoretical consistent approach to
analyze and measure roadway performance

Roadway Performance Measurement

Roadway performance depends on a wide

variety of field conditions

Capacity is a function of roadway types, free

flow speed, number of lanes, lane width, and
other physical and operating conditions
Traffic flow characteristics can be affected by
factors such as vehicle composition (the
classes of vehicles on the road), roadway
geometrics, and the time of measurement
(time of the day, day of the week)

Objective of Traffic Analysis

To provide a practical method of

quantifying the degree of
congestion and to relate this to the
overall traffic-related performance
of the roadway
The concept and methodologies of
Level of Service (LOS) are products
for the objectives

Level of Service Concept

Ranking of traffic operation conditions

experienced by users of a facility under
specific roadway, traffic, and traffic
control conditions
Six levels of service ranging from A to F.
A represents the best and F the worst
Methodologies for determining LOS are
based on Highway Capacity Manual (HCM).

Freeway LOS


Highest quality of
Completely free
High freedom to
Level of comfort
and convenience:

Freeway LOS


High speed
Presence of other
users begins to be
Some restrictions
to lane changing

Freeway LOS


Maneuverability is
Incidents can result
in significant queue
and delay

Freeway LOS


High density flow

Travel speeds are
reduced as volume

Freeway LOS


No gaps
Little room to
Unstable flow

Freeway LOS


Stop-and-go wave
Poor travel time
Low comfort
Increased accident

LOS Criteria for Freeway

For a given FreeFlow Speed

Flow Rate


The Level of
Service is defined.

Speed-flow curve: four lanes

Speed-flow curve: 6 or more lanes

Level of Service

Service Measures for LOS Analysis

A variety of traffic flow measures or

parameters can be used to define LOS
It is necessary to select measures that
can describe how drivers perceive the
service level of a particular transportation

Average speed for streets and highways

Average delay for traffic signals

The traffic flow measure selected to

define the LOS of a facility is referred to
as the service measure

Traffic Facilities

Uninterrupted flow

Vehicle drivers are interacting with

other drivers only, without interference
from other control devices

Interrupted flow

Vehicle drivers are subject to many

other control devices, such as traffic
controls, stop signs, pedestrians, etc.

LOS Determination for Uninterrupted

Flow Facilities

Determination of a roadway LOS begins

with the specification of base roadway
Base conditions represent unrestrictive
geometric and traffic conditions under
favorable environmental conditions
Capacity of a roadway will be the greatest
when all conditions meet the base values
Values more restrictive than the base
values result in a lower capacity

LOS Determination for Uninterrupted

Flow Facilities

Base conditions are seldom realized

in practice
Need to convert the measured flow
rate into equivalent service flow

Ideal Conditions

Lane width = 12 ft
No lateral obstacles (within 6 from
the edge pf pavement)
No heavy vehicles
Grade = 0 %
Driver population familiar with the

Volume-to-Capacity Ratio

Volume-to-capacity ratio is a measure of

traffic demand on a facility (expressed as
volume compared to its traffic-carrying
A v/c ratio of 0.7, for example, indicates
that a traffic facility is operating at 70
percent of its capacity.
In evaluating the performance of a
roadway, v/c ratios should be considered
together with the letter grade system.
v/c is more of a qualitative assessment
based heavily on speeds and travel time.

Maximum Service Flow

For a given level of service i as the

highest service flow that can be achieved
while maintaining the specified level of
Each level of service has a maximum
volume-to-capacity ratio that corresponds
to the maximum service flow rate (MSF).
MSFi = cj (v/c)I

cj: the per-lane capacity under ideal

conditions for a specified number of lanes j

Service Flow Rate

For actual prevailing conditions, the

maximum service flow rate is converted to
service flow rate.

SFi = MSFi N fw fHV fp

N: number of lanes
 fw : Adjustment for lane width and/or
lateral clearance
 fHV: Heavy Vehicle Adjustment
 fp: Driver Population Adjustment

Lane Width/ Lateral Clearance

Adjustment Factor Table

Adjustment for type of terrain

Level: Short grades of no more than 2%

Rolling: Any combination of horizontal and vertical
alignment that causes heavy vehicles to operate
substantially slower than passenger cars, but not
necessarily at their limiting speeds.
Mountainous: Any combination of horizontal and
vertical alignment that causes heavy vehicles to
operate at their limiting speeds for significant distances
or at frequent intervals.

Passenger Car Equivalent Adjustment Factor


Adjustment Factor Tables

Heavy Vehicle Adjustment

f HV =

1 + PT ( ET 1) + PR ( E R 1)

PT or PR = Percent truck (and buses) and Recreational cars

E t and E R = equals passenger car equivalents

Driver Population Adjustment Factor

Ranges 0.75 -1.0

Commuter traffic (familiar drivers): 1.0
Where greater accuracy is needed, comparative
field studies of commuter and recreational traffic
flow and speeds are recommended.

Design Traffic Volume

The directional hourly volume is

given as

K: ratio of the design hourly volume

and the AADT
D: proportion of peak-hour traffic
volume traveling in peak direction

K-Factor Determination

The 30th highest hourly volume of the

year is K

Peak Hour Factor

Peak Hour Factor (PHF) accounts for

the nonuniformity of traffic flow
over the peak hour.
PHF = V/(V154)
The service flow (SF) is then
defined as the actual rate of flow
expanded to an hourly volume.
SF = V/PHF or SF = V154

Example 1

A six lane freeway is on rolling terrain

with a 70 mph free-flow speed, 10 ft
lanes, with obstructions 2 ft from both the
right and left edges of the traveled
pavement. The traffic stream consists of
urban commuters. A directional weekday
peak hour volume of 2200 vehicles is
observed with 700 vehicles arriving in the
most congested 15 minute period. If the
traffic stream has 15% large trucks and
buses and no recreational vehicles,
determine the level of service (LOS).

Example - solution

Determine LOS > Determine v/c or MSF

v/c = SF/(cjNfwfHVfp)
What is SF ?
SF = V154 = 700 4 = 2800 veh/h
cj is found as 2300 pcphpl for six-lanes freeway
N = 3 (3 lanes in each direction)
fp = 1.0 for commuters (Table 7.7)
fw = 0.86 (Table 7.2)
ET = 3.0 (Rolling Terrain, Table 7.3)
fHV = 1/[1+PT(ET-1)+PR(ER-1)]=1/(1+0+0.15(3-1))
= 0.769

Example - solution

v/c = 2800/(230030.860.7691.0)=0.614
For 70 mph free-flow speed and 6-lane freeway, the
maximum v/c for LOS=B is 0.487
For 70 mph free-flow speed and 6-lane freeway, the
maximum v/c for LOS = C is 0.715
Therefore, the answer is LOS C.
Also solve the this based on MSF.

Example 2

A freeway is to be designed as a passenger-car-only

facility for an AADT of 35,000 vehicles per day. It is
estimated that the freeway will have a free-flow
speed of 70 mph. The design will be for commuters,
and the peak-hour factor is estimated to be 0.85
with 65 % of the peak-hour traffic traveling in the
peak direction. Assuming that highest 100 hourly
volumes over a one-year period is found in Figure
7.9, determine the number of 12 feet lanes required
(assuming no lateral obstructions) to provide at
least LOS C using the highest annual hourly volume
and the 30th highest annual hourly volume.

Example solution
DDHV = K1DAADT=0.1480.6535,000= 3367vph
 With V = DDHV
 SF = V/PHF = 3367/0.85 = 3961.18 vph
 N =SF/cj(v/c)ifwfHVfp
fw = 1.0 (ideal case)
fHV = 1.0 (no heavy vehicles)
fp = 1.0 (normal commuters)
Assume 3 or more lanes are needed, cj = 2300 pcphph
(v/c)c for LOS C is 0.715
Calculate N: N = 2.41

Example - solution

Therefore, 3 lanes must be provided

Assumption correct!
Another case, For 30th highest hourly annual volume
 = 0.12 0.65 35,000=2730vph
SF = V/PHF = 2730/0.85=3211.76 vph
Two lanes will be required (Why?)
The volume-to-capacity at LOS C is 0.747
N = 1.95
The assumption is correct!

Capacity Analysis

Capacity for
Signalized and Nonsignalized Intersection

Signalized Intersection

capacity = s (g/c)

Nonsignalized Intersection

Relative priority for traffic streams

 Major Road Vs. Minor Road
 Yield Sign Control Vs. Stop Sign Control
Gap Acceptance Theory
 Critical gap :the minimum time interval
between successive major-stream vehicles
 Follow up time :The minimum headway
between two minor stream vehicles entering
the same major stream gap

Urban Street Capacity Problem

A Case Study in Thailand

Capacity of urban street


Multi-lane Parking at the study site when the bottleneck is active.

(a) Turning Movements from School Access
(b) U-Turns from opposing direction
Source: RUDJANAKANOKNAD, Analysis of Factors Affecting Street Bottleneck Capacity
through Oblique Cumulative Plots, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, Vol.7, 2009


Capacity of urban street

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