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Millions of athletes didnt have a place to upload their

training on mobile as easily as on paper with a pen, whilst
being able to share it with their friends and follow their idols.

What is Sweat?
Sweat Mobile is a training, health
and fitness log, mobile app.
Anyone can create a profile within
seconds, upload workouts just as
fast and share it all with friends and

A social media training log portal

could be the best way to describe
Sweat Mobile.

What is Sweat?
Sweat Mobile was born out of frustration
from both serious and non-serious
athletes, of a missing mobile application
giving people the ability to build a
training log in an easy and efficient
manner, without input and data

There was also a strong demand for a

social aspect.

What Sweat isnt

Sweat isnt a GPS focused mobile
app or a data focused training

GPS Tracking
Data Analytics

Sweat does not aim to compete with

the likes of Strava or Training peaks.

We will eventually include similar

features, but for now, Sweat is a
social media focused training log
that is super simple to use.

Driving network effects will be key to Sweats growth and
ultimate success.
Phase 1: Running, Triathlon and Ironman

Running Market
Size Estimations
300-500k Serious
20-25m Casual

Tri/IM Market
Size Estimations
50-100k Serious
3-5m Casual

Sweat will initially attempt to flood

the markets of serious runners as
well as triathletes/ironman. This will
naturally trickle down to the casual
types, gearing functionality and
design towards these sports without
closing any doors to others.

We have strong network and

contacts in these sports.

Cycling, Bodybuilding/General Fitness will follow, adding features
and functionality to suit.
These sports are
predominantly individual
and typically have strong
tight-knit communities.

Phase 2: Cycling, General Fitness

Cycling Market
Size Estimations
150-250k Serious
10-15m Casual

Our personal network is

relatively strong in these
sports also.

Fitness Market
Size Estimations
Very large

At this stage, functionality will suit anyone wanting to log training,
share it with friends and followers and effectively promote sponsors.
We hope to see many sports teams logging, to get even closer to
their aspiring fans.
Phase 3: All sports; teams included.

Phase 2
Cycling, Bodybuilding, General Fitness

Our growth strategy is no different to most other proven social
media platforms. We approach and sign on elite level athletes in
the sport and utilise their trust and following. Repeat.
Although we are starting in
smaller, niche sports, there is no
limit to how big Sweat could
eventually become. All sports
are on our radar.

Sweats scalability and potential

uptake is essentially limitless.


Sweat provides

like to talk about training

a platform to log it all

Serious athletes in particular

often talk about training for
hours at a time.

A social platform to journal

everything on the track to
gossip about.

can be lonely
Athletes often do a lot of
training on their own and feel

social interaction with likeminded

Being able to easily discover
and follow like-minded people,
and share training.


Sweat provides

struggle to offer sponsors


the ideal platform for


Current social media platforms

arent niche enough to provide
value for brands.

People following others

training are most prone to
buy what theyre promoting.

have nowhere suitable to

Athletes tend to use excel or
pen & paper to record their
training. Boring!

a simple solution - never lost

Being mobile only, upload on
Sweat faster and more

Key Opportunity

Sweat Mobile is the ultimate platform to promote sponsors in the

most effective way possible.
Lets take our brand ambassador
Nick Symmonds for example. Nick
has approx 45k followers on
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Of these followers, we estimate
15-25% would be influenced
strongly by what he drinks during
training, wears whilst training and
gear he uses to perform at his best.

Key Opportunity
Facebook, instagram and twitter arent the
place to log your training and promote
these things daily. The audience is not
targeted enough and there is only so much
advertising/selling you can do before
people get tired of it on these platforms.

Sweat is the right platform for promoting

sponsors, daily. The 15-25% we mentioned
on the previous page will want to be on

Ultimately, we would like to get
to a point where brands need
their sponsored athletes to be
on Facebook, instagram, twitter
and most importantly, Sweat,
for the most targeted audience.

We built Sweat with brands in mind. They will know exactly how
many people are viewing their product or service.

The App
Sweat is the social network that allows athletes to:

with their
athlete friends
and new

new people,
products and

how some of
the best
athletes in the
world train

your training
and anything
else you do to
keep fit

by following
their friends
and pros

The App
Sweat isnt re-inventing the wheel.

Sweat is just bringing together the social and training recording

aspects of athletes lives whilst giving people the ideal simple
platform to record what they do.

The App
There is some very interesting and informative content curating on
Sweat Mobile already. Weve heard its getting addictive for people.

The Users
Two weeks post launch, we took a close look at where our users were
located. As expected, the majority were where our networks are.
Over 95% of our
users were from
the USA, UK,
Finland, Australia
and New Zealand.

The Users
Six weeks post launch, we had expanded into another 20 countries
This growth was
purely organic
and came from
users in new
countries seeing
their foreign
friends post about
it on other social

The Users
Sweat is seeing some of the worlds best athletes creating profiles
and sharing their workouts. These include Aaron Royle (U23 World Tri
Champion), Ryan Gregson (AUS 1500m record holder), Liz Clay
(Olympic Prospect 2016), Zane Robertson (NZ National Record
holder) as well as others.
We hope to have a few more world class athletes join very soon.
No promises yet! Were working on it.

We noticed many other mobile and web applications fail to gain
traction due to trying to monetise too early. With this in mind, we
have held off on implementing monetisation plans until we gain
the critical mass required.

We feel we can monetise in several ways in the near future:

1. Premium Features
2. Professional Athlete Premium Following
3. Advertising

Premium Features
Sweat version 1 is very simple. As we grow, we will add features
that users can choose to either purchase as a subscription or

These features could include:

Incorporating GPS (Garmin/Strava data)

Team collaboration (i.e. coach to team)
Guaranteed Race entry

We have several others in mind.

Professional Athlete Premium Following
An idea we have had from
the start is to allow
professional athletes to
monetise from Sweat by
offering a basic overview for
free and an in-depth journal
for a small fee.

We are still thinking this

option through.



Sweat Mobile will collect the data of
runners, cyclists, triathletes (and we hope)
many other sports athletes and this will be:
1. a very effective place to advertise
2. so well targeted that users feel they
benefit from the ads.

To the right is an example of such an ad.

The user seeing this ad would be an
Australian runner.

The Team
We pride ourselves on being passionate young entrepreneurs with a
history of passion in sport. With a wide skill set ranging from marketing,
legal, investment banking, information technology, design and most
importantly, startups - we are ready to take on the world.
Kevin Batt"
Managing Director"
2016 Olympic "
Prospect 5000m

Nick Symmonds"
Brand Ambassador"
7 time USA 800m Champ
2 time Olympian

Matt Fox"
CFO & Strategy"
Past 800m "
International Athlete

Nathan Bolivar
Creative Director / Design
All American 400m

Carson Aberle"
All American 800m

Tuomo Salonen
Legal Advisor
Finnish 800m Champion

Matt Winfrey
Information Security
USA Collegiate Athlete

(We do need a girl in the team soon though)

As you can see below, we have grown quickly, but steadily.
Android Launch

iOS Launch


500 Users

1000 Users

1700 Users

2400 Users

Seed Round Close

(Goal: 5000 Users)

Besides raising funds in order to expand faster, plans include improving

both iOS and Android into the new year to ensure the user experience
is 5*, as well as add several new features users have requested.

We plan to raise our seed funds to
1. Allow several of our partners to focus on the development
of Sweat Mobile full time.
2. Cover our growing server and admin costs.
3. Sponsor approximately 15-20 of the worlds best athletes,
with a yearly contract between US$5-15k to post all of their
training on Sweat and promote to their networks. There will
also be incentive scheme setup for athletes to bring on users.

What we are looking for in an investment
Other than the financial support, we ideally need an investor with
strong relationships in sport, with our phase 1 and phase 2 plans.
Phase 3 would be a bonus too.

We need an investor who will assist us in doing what we are already

doing - getting our foot in the door with athletes and teams and
allow us to explain the benefits of joining Sweat as a user.

Whats the goal?

The partners of Sweat Mobile truly believe the app has potential
to land on the world stage. We hope that many brands and
events will be interested in the content and data we will curate,
for advertising purposes as well as data cumulation purposes.

We feel that if we get it right, Sweat Mobile will be an acquisition

target for some companies as well.
Now we just need to get it right.

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