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The case focuses mainly on the corporate culture of semi-public sector organizations,
which requires employee commitment in order to generate profits. It also focuses
upon the need for adequate recruitment and selection procedures along with an
intense need of open and transparent performance appraisal system.

The above are the pre-requisites to manage the crisis the organization is going
through. Employee involvement in management decisions can motivate them. The
case can help the students comprehend the importance of following management
issues such as:

 Importance of job satisfaction in the firm

 Overall impact of an effective corporate culture
 Obstructions faced by employees in the firm
 Employer-Employee conflicts
 Impact of higher employee morale on job performance
 Effects of communication on employee commitment and ownership for
 Impact of regular feedback and employee evaluation based on employee
 Advantages of adequate recruitment and promotional policies.

1. How would you analyze the corporate culture of Global and National

The top management of the organization communicates a desired corporate

culture to the subordinates. Rather it is their sole responsibility. As far as the
case of TV3 is concerned, the viewpoints of the top management are not
strategically aligned.

More of priority is given to personal positions and authorities at TV3, which in

turn leads to negative use of power. This negativity in thoughts and actions
communicates a message of suspiciousness and sense of inequality among
the employees.

Compensation system inequality also arises when a current employee after

retirement receives double of the salary as compared to the former one.

Lastly the unjust evaluation system increases the employee-employee

misunderstandings and creates sense of diplomacy and politics in the

In order to come up with appropriate solutions for the problems discussed, the
recruitment, evaluation and most important of all corporate culture is to be re-
designed and communicated effectively. New talent, abreast of current
scenarios and increased adaptability should be hired.

2. If you were Taimoor Shahid, how would you respond to the transfer

If I were Taimoor, I would have questioned my reason for transfer, which

surely would not be appreciated in such a centralized culture. In case of
negative or unlikely response I would quit the job.

3. How can be the ACR system, a cause for low employee performance
and decreased morale?

Every human being has a desire to know the consequences of his behavior or
performance. This can in turn, either boost up the morale or greatly
disappoint a person.

Annual Confidential Report system cannot in either way help in improving

employee’s performance. This does not allows employee to know what are his
drawbacks, his strengths and the areas he need to improve. It also creates a
sense of disapproval of the linkage of evaluation with performance in the mind
of the employee, thus decreasing trust and dependability from the
management. It is kept confidential between the immediate supervisor and
the Human Resource Manager, which highlights the feelings of suspicion
within the employee and from this point biasness is generated.

Hence the performance instead of improving is likely to fall.

4. How employee satisfaction can be help in generation of higher

profits, market share and customer base?

Employee satisfaction is a great help in generation of higher profits, market

share and customer base. This is because TV3 is providing entertainment
services to the customers, so if they take care of their employees, they will in
turn work only for the betterment of the organization and in the very way the
personal goals and corporate goals are aligned.

Success comes through people and in the world of fierce competition of today
companies can differentiate and gain edge on the basis of Human Resource. If
you understand what motivates people, you have at your command the most
powerful tool for dealing with them to get them achieved extraordinary

Satisfied employees turn to be more productive and committed.

5. What would be the likely impact of rehiring Muti-ur-Rehman Mirza

back in TV3?

Under the charismatic leadership of Mirza, TV3 was at the peak and the profits
were very high. But soon after he left the organization, its downfall started. After
him no other leader came who was as competent and capable. So rehiring him
would be the best option and decision to undertake because Mirza is:
 Very well informed and aware of TV3’s likely resources and the direction
which it needs to follow.
 He is proficient in his field.
 He has a charismatic personality and is able to make people do what is
best for the organization.

If you were the HR director of TV3 what steps would you take in order to
solve the current situation and avoid it in future?

If I were the HR director of TV3, my course of action would be:

 Rehiring of Muti-ur-Rehman Mirza and allow him autonomy over financial and
budgetary affairs.
 Secondly I would question the current attitude and opinion of my employees.
The reason behind would be the change to be brought in, in the corporate
culture. As the cultural changes are most resistive, so I would initiate it at the
employee level by introducing an open door policy.
 The performance evaluation system would be completely redesigned. It would
no longer be an ACR system.
 The rehiring policy at higher salaries should be immediately abandoned and
the market rate salaries would be offered.
 The recruitment ratio of internal vs. external employees would be 60:40. This
would not only boost up the morale of the internal employees but also would
help in encouraging fresh graduates to join the organization.
 I would initiate monthly inter-departmental lunches so as to increase the
communication within employees and build-in a sense of fraternity.

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