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OXFORD | E Beginner student's Book Tom Hutchinson OXFORD Contents Introducing yourself; Short forms: I’m, What's Indefinite articles: o/ an ettisens 124) TET iimbes 0-0, eephone renter By sist Z English inthe world Names Useful expressans: low co you sy. ? ee. naasSay SSS Bi Famiy esses i ory sessans 9-109 py ties Ep, eh eA fae: stents Countries eg Pentti: capital eters BEE serene scr: jet es tat ites at Seu ‘Pronunciation: Word sts Lessons 13-169 rng 5 4 Personal mt 7 — te Lessons 37-20 aprons mo aces get nd: Things ue e Pronunciation: Plural endings Lessons 21-24 and dink a we ate ae sa ile EEE Free time t00/ either English in the world: Computers aa te = Lessons 29-32) ir ee vi ete) eee | Present simple: third person singular: he, she, it Daily outines Enalish inthe wort: & working day | kya Ss mae Lessons 37-409 and 2 0h 7 Work at do you do? She's a waits. Adjectives: sal ee. aie ee ees Lessons 41-44 |B false rr Descriptions Se a ee sitive and negative statements hot gas ce The body Articles f - Actetties: ru, swim, play got aly the gut, et. Bes ‘Pronunciation: Reduced vols in can hn! Freer conan sates Ey ing forms Lessons 49-826 ‘Aativities Lessons 53-56 Places | Lessons 57-60 Clothes Pronunciation: and ds! Lessons 61-649 | PR Manip: in plate ston, cig a win” CB ttn i Bln nncenntn pag Ft simple: to be: statements Sa 659 BBY rcs bet tates Past time expressions yest lot gt te wi eee Pronunciation: Negative short forms Lessons 69-72 | Emergency services: police, ambuian * ° a? Eee oe Lessons 73-76 Irregular past forms: bought, ote, found, had, et. BPAY Post simple: negative statements: repular and imeaular verbs Life stories Positive statements: | Pronunctation: Sentence stress ‘sca (FZ wes aap at eee jb : That's Life! Epilogue page 81 Irregular verb list page 82 Review & Wordlists pages 83-102 TT (ee eo en as po eM aC scat tem Ea etal Seal a nee Bisticmmerere Read and write: Introducing yourself Stony: Tats fel fpinde 2 Man withavon > ‘and for ain ideas “English inthe world: English-speaking counties remy ein the time woth clocs Engh in the wor: Opening tines Listen and speak: Asking about pices 7 or: Ft’s if! Epide 3 Aa impartont esting s/t hese tise sory Pat “Enis inthe worl: Shop sgn: Pu, Psh, Open, Closed, et. Soa sten ad speak: Fe tne sti sey PP) Sto: Tats Ue! Eola ¢ hee’ he dna? ‘Pronunciation: Sor and long vowels z Offering att Read and write: A Dy in 2 Life fn parts ofthe day king about days and times ee Pie tec | Capita eters, Time prepostons: on at Story: Thats Life Episode 5 Lue’ in trouble Problems 1 Getting to kn sme: Web 0 We. PH Stowins interes. ads’ English in the world: Taboo questions. oe ad Stoo: Tats ht Eade 6 ee ot nor hour Fay etka ete: vas ners mais and eters tal ad oma eters english inthe word: Tet messages Eectes nse: A Ley ee ea Listen and speak: & job intecview BPP] ty cs ite pode 7 Cone yo te a? kagish in the wan. Spores Invitations 2 tag here places ae co 8 a Boone iene econs ae? English in the world: Which ficor? WM ws US English — is ods etn cote Sen te Fo Engtist in the wortd: Going to a party Talking bout pbs: Hee going to France a [FF] fier tine reine vst thr eg ot Baa EE Fonte iaay trend Story: Tha’ Life! Episode 9 Where were you? gh nthe wo: BPs and Amen Eg [Expressing anger Basa | BEET a Mant othe yor Me te i ‘Read and write: My early life ‘Story: That's Lil Sarah, you'te wonderful? English nthe won ge: Saying who Is ight and wrong 0 ‘Building a conversation . English in the worl The weekend ‘Aucio scripts pages 103-107 Pronunciation chart page 108 ATe NUYS 1 BBB Read and listen to the story. Pleased to meet you, Jordan. My name's Cindy Gaskell, 2a Complete the conversation. Ryan Hello. *__— Ryan Gaskell. Jordan Pleased to *___ you, Ryan. 2 name's Jordan Morris. Ryan Nice to meet “__, too, Jordan, b (EBEM Listen and check, My name is .. = What is ..2 It's. =Itis.. | 3. BENING Introduce yourself to some people in the class. Use the conversation in exercise 2. 4 BBE Listen and repeat. © oh/zero 6 six 1 one 7 seven 2 two 8 eight 3 three 9 nine 4 four 10 ten 5 five 5 [EB Read and listen. ‘What's your mobile ‘umber, Jordan? Lucy Patterson. (wbile) 07261 448_30 Peter Colaumbo 0_0_ 19623 Rusetl (mabile) 079_0 5573_ * Meanle (home) 0_63 481__82 7 Write some phone numbers from people in your class. ‘A What's your phone number? Bits sh in the world Names first name sumame/ last name a Jordan Mortis oy Cindy Gaskell Now I can ...iutrodice myself and give Cee SVU nee 1 [BB Listen and repeat. £ sep 7 ] Vo I , 1 aman 2 awoman 3 agit 4 a boy Sahouse 6 acar 7 an umbrella 8 a bag 2. Study the rules. Po a uss ce ‘a + consonant sound a bag “an + vowel sound ‘an umbrella _ This is @ bag. NOT Fhisis-bag. 3a KEM Listen and repeat. b Complete the labels with a or an. c EBM Listen, check, and repeat. 4. Work with a partner. Ask and answer about things in your classroom or in this book. How do you say ‘Santé’ in English? b Practise the expressions with some different words. How do you say ... ? I means ... We say to pigs 3 a teacher JM 2. Study the examples. Imp Myname is John \ 3 EA Listen. Follow the instructions. 4a EE Listen and repeat. Tm sony. I don't Tm somy. Can you repeat that, please Yes, It in room seven. b Practise the expressions with some different words. 5 GEMMLEY Give a partner some instructions, See Pere Peau eae Later That's Life! Episode 1 1. BBM Listen and repeat the names, 4 BBB Read and listen. Peter Columbo Cindy Gaskell Lucy Patterson Sarah Chen Jordan Morris, Ryan Gaskell 2 TED Read and tisten to the story. Match the names with the People in the pictures. | Sarah What’ your ast ane, Lacy? | Sasi rainie: Sarah How do you spell that? Lucy It’s P-A double T-ER-S-0- yan Hi, Lacy. : Sarah Thank you. Hello, Ryan. Tea, please. No ... Coffee. ae oo 5a [EM Read and listen, Lucy Yes. Coffee. The alphabet — Re ree ose Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Wioo3j Kk Lt Mm Nn 00 Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uv Ww Ww Xx vy Zz Lucy Thank you. b Listen again and repeat. 6 Listen, Choose the correct names, 1 Anne Stephens 7 Anne Stevens 2 defftey Haris Geoffrey Haris 3 Katie Mills katy Mills 4 John Moore John More 5 Tim Wallace Tim Wallis 7 Practise the conversation with | people in your class, | Tey Oh, hi, Peter. A Waat’s your name? || Peter Sarah, this is my friend, Lucy. . B My name's Bell Sarah Nice to meet you, Lucy. A How do you spell tha } Lucy Nice to meet you, too. I'm sorry, What's yout name again? double L-A. Belts Sarah W's Sarah ~ Sarah Cher ‘A Thank you 3 Work in groups. Introduce each other, Use the | conversation above. saa ATUL 2 4. [Bill Listen and repeat. 1 husband/2 wife 3 (parents) 4 son/ father 6 mother/7 daughter HSN oy i ohn peas Nt " @ brother/9 sister 10 (children) 2 Write the missing words. il Listen. Say the sentence. 1 son He's my sar, 2 wife She's my wife 4a Complete what the people say. : — b Alan is my *_ husband . PE ura is my? and BS [20h is my __. Laura is my & Alan is my * Brenda is my & and ‘Alan and Brenda are my 3 John is my = { Brenda is my = Laura and John are my b EBM Listen and check. 5a Study the rule. We use a name/noun + ’s to show possession. Felix is Laura's cat. Complete the sentences, 1 Alan is Grenda’s hushand, 2 Laura is sister 3 Brenda is __ wife. 4 is Alan and Brenda's son, 5 John is ___ brother. 6 and ___are John and Laura's, parents, 6 Make sentences about this family. Homer is Marge’s husband. ae i a es is name's Ryan. Her name's Cindy. Their surmame is Gaskell This is our daughter. sr name's Melanie. 2a EM Listen and repeat. my book his computer our car your pen her mobile hefr house | ts name b Study the rule. | Tree his book hier book 3a Lugy is talking to a new colleague. Complete the sentences. Lucey HiT Lucy. Whats y name? | Daniel ‘name's Daniel Barre, What's y___ last mame? | Lucy Patterson, Lucy Patterson, And this is company. As you know, $i name is Streetwise, wey That man 0 Managing Directo, | “name's Tan Cate Daniel And who's that woman? Lucy That's *m_—_— boss. *H_____ name's Olive Green. Lucy This is #0 office. This m__ desk. That's @ photo of m__— parents at "t__house. And that's My desk over there b [ERB Listen and check. 4 BENNY Work with a partner, Ask and answer about the people in one dats. = OB A B His name's var 1 EB carla is talking about her family, Listen and repeat the names below. Donna Henry Ricardo Carla Sophia David Maria Leo 2. Ei Listen. Match the names with the people in the photos. "i ‘mum and dad ‘mum = mother dad = father This is my murn. Hello, Dad. 3. Write six sentences about Carla's family. coma bout the 4 EMAL tell a partner a people in your family. Use photos or draw a family tree, [ Pronunciation The phonemic alphavet In English letters don’t always have the same sound, 1 EEEM Read and tisten, different letters; same sound: dog what same letters; different sound: YOUF our 2a Tick the pairs with the same vowel sound. 1 thee — meet v 2man car 3 you two 4 nine five 5 cat chair 6 son one T who boss 8 read please » MBA Listen and repeat, 3° We use a phonemic alphabet to show the sounds, Study the phonemic alphabet on page 108, ————— | 8 Sat Oi) wae Se VMAs 1a [ERM Read and listen. 2a [Ei Listen and repeat. ‘| a ; Good momning, Mr Jones. r q | f t Checking out? AIT as | Goodbye Good afternoon i Good evening, | Sondiaht | bye Hel tata a | See you later ‘Thank you very much, L_ MrJones. Goodbye. [ IEREM Drill. Listen and respond with the same expression, 1 Good evening, Goad evening 3 Complete the conversation, Oliver Hi, Kate. How "you? Kate Im? thanks, And *_? Oliver Fine, 4 MULE Greet some people in your class, Use the conversation in exercise 3. English in the world Titles 1 EBB Listen and repeat, LA Yo fine, thanks, And you? Mr Gaskeli Ms Gaskell or Mrs Gaskell (Gindy is marted,) Ms Patterson or Miss Patterson (Lucy is nat marred.) 2 We say: Hello, Ms Chen, NOT Helto-Hs-Sarah- hen, 3. In Britain and the USA peopte only use titles in formal situations, tn everyday situations they normally use first names, ‘Practise the conversations with a partner, ee Seas VOCABULARY Listen and repeat. 3a Which country are these cities in? Are they capital cities? 1 Moscow le the capital of Russia, 2 Venice la in Italy, 1 Moscow 7 Jakarta | 2 Venice 8 Tokyo | 3 Los Angeles 9 Madrid | 4 Shanghai 10 Sydney 5 Manchester 11. Rio de Janeiro 6 Giro 42 Paris b [EB Listen and check. 4 ERED Drill Listen. Say which country tthe people are from. 1 Ti from Los Angeles. 3 Britain 4 Russia Hee from the USA. 2. Tm from Cairo. Site's from Egypt, | Pesausgenote We use capital letters for cities and countries, 6 Japan He's from Russia. Tm in Venice, Paris isin France, 5 Work with a partner. Draw something from each country. Guess the country. 7 Indonesia (am '3 Australia. Pronunciation Word stress 10 Australia | Listen and repeat, f China dapan 2 Mark the syllable with the stress, Britain Hungary Russia America Italy korea Aastaia Brasil Egypt El Listen, check, and repeat. Pep nya 11 Egypt 12 the USA 2. Add two more countries to the list. Pee Dee 1 DRY Read and listen. 3 Rewrite the sentences with the short form of the verb. 1 (hn rom Spain oo My name's Yu Li 1 Lam fom Spain. A na student at 2 We are nat student. © London University 3 Nelson is from South Americ. Bad 4 They ave my friends. 5 Suse is not from Britain. 6 Tam not from Japan, 7 She is marred. 8 London is the capital of Britain T'm not from Britain. ‘Ym from China. My friends are from other countries, too. Thisis Costas. ‘ania isn fom Greece. TilenesTba gente albeit He's from Greece. || She’ fom Poland. tapdalaen, i; He is from Italy. (subject ver) NOT Is-from-Italy. OR He-Fom-ttaly, ‘Asentence always starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. ‘My mame is Yu Li, Tes La capital letter full stop Susie and Joshua are from || Maria and Nelson aren't from | 4 Complete the sentences, South Africa. South Africa. They're from 1 My name's. Maria, and I_____a student at Londan University, My husband a student her, too, We fom Britain, We from Argentina, 2 Susie and Joshua —_ from South Ameria. They from Cape Towa in South Afica South America, 3 Ania and Costas ___ from Europe. ‘Ania from Warsaw in Poland, Costas from Poland. He from Athens in Greece, 1 He's from Poland, He isn't from Poland, ‘m ‘m not I I 6 Complete the sentences about (am) (2m not) yousel He Russia. | HE Russia. i “ a usa She from Japan. | She from Japan. —— from the r [py a fe? Fema 3 1 fon —— 4 1a teacher ei a arent 5 1___a student. They 9) They, 7 8) 6 1 mares. Poa oa 0 ‘ay was’ Bruna Bocca 1 from ay, ashen iL silan University, Hom, 1 with my gilriend. Hor rama’ Caudis, ad shes a student, vie a a restaurant with my brat, nto ad cif er aa Frans, hee from Hal. ef Move. antonio anh rna are tudes, AMEOUDS A ae antec ak eee 2 Read the text again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 Bruno is from Italy 5 Trena is from the USA. 2 He's marred, 6 Antonio is her brother, 3 Claudia isn’t a student. 7 He's a doctor. 4 Bruno is her boyfriend. 8 They're at a restaurant. and We use and to add information, My name is Bruno. I'm from Italy. Hy name is Bruno and I'm from Italy. Her name is Claudia. She's a student. Her name is Claudia and she's a student. 3a Find or draw a photograph of yourself with other people. Write about the photograph. My name's (name) and I'm from (county). 'm a (student /doctor ..). In this photo Ym —__ (at @ restaurant /at a party/on holiday ...} with (names). (He's She's/ They're) from (country). — (Name) is a (student doctor.) b Read your partner's text, 1 English in the world English-speaking countries English isthe main language in more guage in mi 60 countries. These includes the Uk the USA Canad, Ireland Australi : alia New Zealanc South aftica Singapore damaing What tanguages do People speak in your country? What examples of English words do You see or hear in De Tmenty eaeecnecn) That's Life! Episode 2 | ¢ Cl head snd titer ta the story 2 Are the statements true (I) or false (F)? 1 Lucy is talking to her mother on her mobile, 2 The meeting is in Room 7. 3 Mrs Diderot is fromthe USA. 4 The man with the van is Jordan, 5 He's there to fix a computer. 6 The computer is in Lucy's office. 7 Loy says Daniel is an idiot, Yes, Tm fine, thanks Our meeting? .. I's with Mr Leclerc and Ms Diderot. | They/e from France. ‘Ah, yes, I isn this office 1 that office over there. 44 Conglete the exgressions. Saying sorry 1___ (vey) sorry. ‘Are ___ OK? ‘Tt alt right. Tm fine, thank —_. b ERB Listen, check, and repeat. 4 Work in a group, Practise the story. 1g Tm very sory ‘Ave you OK? 13 VOCABULARY 1. BEB tisten and repeat. 5 BEB isten. which number do you hear? 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 40. forty 1 | 42 twelve 22 twenty-two 50 fifty a 7 | 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 60 sixty ® | 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 70 seventy i 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 80 eighty A ? | 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six «90 ninety 7 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 100 a hundred 18 eighteen 28. twenty-eight 19 nineteen 29. twenty-nine 20_ twenty: 30. thirty 2 Count from 40 to 60. 3 3. Look at the pictures. Say the numbers. 1 Pronunciation -teen and -ty 1 EEE Listen and repeat, sixtéen Sey eighteen efghty 2a EER Listen, You witt hear pairs of | 4a Write the numbers in full. 32 bitte) umbers. Are the two . numb jE 1 same or diferent? |) su 0 —__ 2 1 3 36 b Listen again and repeat, b Say the numbers. See T 14 (VMTN 1a [EB Read and listen. Ryan Is Sarah a student? Lucy Yes, she is. yan Where is she from? Lucy She's from Singapore. Ryan Oh. How old is she? Lucy She's 28. Ryan Is she married? Lucy No, she isn’t, b Practise the conversation with a partner. 2. Study the table, Sie isa student, Is she a student? Yes, she is. NOT Yes-she's: No, she isn’t. Yau are from Thlland A ‘Are you from Thailand? Yes, I am. NOT ¥es-Fm: No, T'm not, HE Drill. Listen. Make questions. 1 He's a student. shea student? Work with a partner, Make questions and answers, Use the cues. ‘ls Sarah from the UK? B No, she isn't 1 Sarah /from the UK (No) 2 she/a student (Yes) 3 she /married (No) 4 you /marred (Yes /No} 5 you/a teacher (Yes/No) 6 you/a student (Yes/No) 5. Study the table. Where is he from? How old is she? is his name? isher address? What uw 6 Make questions with the cues. Give the answers. 1 Where /Sarah /from? 2 How old /she? 3. Where /you/from? 4 How old /you? rood ‘Questions start with a capital letter and end with ‘a question mark. Where is she from? i capital letter question mark Ta EERE] Listen. Complete the information. : nd Name: | Name From: Singapore} From: Age: 28 || ge =. KGingleymarried/divorced | | single/married/divorced 3 4 ae). = se single/married/divorced | | single/marred/divorced ‘Age: —__ single/married/divorced | | single/married divorced b Work with a partner. Use the information from the chart above. Ask and answer about the people, | Where is ___ from? | How old is _? Js he/she married? ey isk people questions about themselves 1a EERE) Jose is looking for a flat. Read and listen to his conversation. At an Accommodation Agency ; ‘Agent Can I take a few details fist? What's your surname? Jose Its Feria, ‘Agent How do you spell that? Jose It’s PE double R-E-L-R-A, rad ‘Agent. And what's your first name? Jose Jose. Thats J-0-5-E, ‘Agent: Thank you. Where are you from? Jose I'm from Brazil. ‘Agent Hovr old are you, Mr Ferreira? Jose I'm 27 years old, ‘Agent Are you married? ‘Jose No, Im not. Ima single, Agent And whats your telephone number? ‘Jose It’s 07096 46 double 52. That's my mobile, ‘Agent Thank you. b Practise the conversation with a partner, 2 HEB Listen to another conversation and choose the 3 ZMMITY Use the questions in Jose's conversation. correct items to complete the form. Interview your partner. Homie Sweet Home Home Sweet Home SHgh Steet, Newtown England 1S High Steet Newtown England Presonal Details Parsonal Details Tite; Me/Ms__ Title: Surname; Bellion/Deleonne Sumame: First name: Sonia/Sowja First nome; —____. Country: Switzerlema /Spain Country: Age: 34/35. Age: Marital status: Single /mawied/divercea | | Moritalstotus: Tel. no.: 020 745 188/020 734 £81 Tel.no.: Te ask for and give personal fnforme 6 16 PISA BT) Bass Thy Vea 41 EBD Listen and repeat, 3 Ask and answer with a partner, [A Point to one of the clocks. Ask the time, B Say the time, A What's the time? B it's ten to four = = 1 one o'clock 2 five past one on on mS 4 quarter past one 5 twenty past one 6 twenty-five past one 4 We can also give times in digital form. Say the times. 1 ix twenty-five 1 se T half past one twenty-five.to two 9 twenty to two | | 10 qarterto two 11 ten totwo 12 five to two 2 Bi Listen and point to the correct time. 1S English in the world Opening times These are typical opening times in Britain, Compare ‘them to your country, ‘Shops: Most sho, Ps a tos 30pm open from 9.00 a.m, Supermarkets: lot of supermarkets are open from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m, Some Supermarkets are open 24 hours, Banks: Banks are open f Pei rom 9.30 aim. to Offices: Normal office h es to 'ours are 9.00 a.m, 6 ‘Wi NUT NOG 1 GiB Listen and repeat. 3 EERY drill. Listen. say the plurat with three. 1 abag three bags 4 Write the plurals, 1a chair two chairs | 4 a briefcase 2 awallet 3 a purse 2 adog fw 3 awoman three —_ \ 4 a purse four 5 an orange two 6 a pencil seven 7 a sandwich two 4 an address book — 5 tissues 6 glasses 5 7 aie the 10 acar eight — is, Coes 5 RENAUEY what things do you carry in =) oe ‘your bag or pockets? Show a partner. 7 a credit card 8 ahairbrush 9 a driving licence NS v 10 keys 11 money 12 make-up 2a EERE Read and listen. co Pronunciation Plural endings 1 BE) Listen and repeat. b Study the rules, books pens sandwiches cats, cards oranges 2 Pr Put the Words in the correct column apples keys watches dogs briefcases students desks 3 BB Listen, check, and fepeat, ¢ EB Listen and repeat. Pome ee saa 1 8 [SPUN 1 BERD Listen and repeat. @ of 3 under Cle fo D 4 next to S infront of 6 behind 1 The book is __ the briefcase. 2 The briefcase is __ the chair. 3 The chair is ___ the table. 4 The cat is ___ the chair 5 The wallet is ___ the computer. 6 The money is the wallet. 7 The keys are the computer. 8 The bag is ___ the computer. 3 BEB) Look at the pictures and listen. Are the statements true (1) or false (F)? |The briecase is under the cha falze. i's on the char Indefinite. article : nO 2 | ‘a table. i 4 Look at the picture of Peter's office. Where are his ‘things? 1 The keys are behind the computer. 1 the keys 5 the books 2 the umbrela 6 the glasses 3 the wallet 7 the mobile phone 4 the briefcase 8 the sandwiches 5a [IDE] Help Peter to find his things. Listen and answer, 1 Where are: my keys? Theyte behiid the computer bb Work with a partner. Ask and answer about the picture, A Where io the mobile phone? Bits Tne De ask and say 1 BBB] Listen. Repeat the prices. 1 £3 three pounds, 5 _-3BG__ thirty-five cents | four pound 2) $40 tends g [em 50. fr punts 3 €12 wwebecuos 7 €26.80 MO 4 50p fiftyp 8 $7.20 sven dollars ‘twenty 2. Give the prices of some common things in your country. A cup of cottae ie 806. ACDie €15. 3a [IE Read and listen. Choose from the prices below to complete the conversation, £25 £45 £23.50 £38.50 Assistant Can I help you? Customer Yes. How much are these bags here on the shelf? | Assistant They're *£__. ee "Customer Oh, that's expensive, How much are those bacs pen behind the counter? - Assistant Theyre *¢. Customer Thats good. Can Thave that one, please? Assistant Certainly. Anything else? Customer No, thank you. Assistant That's ©, then, please, Customer Here you are. Assistant Thank you. That's £1.50 change, Customer Thank you. b Practise the conversation with a partner. ‘these books those books 4a BDI Listen, Answer the questions below for each conversation, 1 What does he /she buy? 2. Whereis it in the shop? 3. How much is it? b Work with a partner, Use the information from exercise 4a. Make the conversations. English in the world Shop signs - are these si ans 2 your language? That's Life! Episode 3 1 Read and listen to the story. 2. Answer the questions. 1 Who is Mr Linsky? 2 When is the meeting with Mr Linsky? 3 Is the meeting in London? 4 Where are the photographs? 5-Is The Photo Shop open tll eight o'clock? 6 Whereis Lucy at ten to seven? Mrs Green Good morning, Lucy. Lucy Morning, Olive. Tm sony Im late. 1 for our meeting with Mr Lnsky, live Mrs Green Thank you, Lucy. Is that Mr Linsky from Top Films? Lucy Yes, itis. Mrs Green Where isthe meeting? Is it here? ‘Lucy No, it isn't. Is at their office in Cambie. It's at half past ten tomorrow. Daniel Hey, Lucy. Were off to the pub ‘Ave you coming? [uey Oh, hi, Daniel. Sorry, but Tea Daniel Come on. Its my birthday. Lucy OK, but oni for afew minutes Daniel Great. 3a Complete the expressions. Invitations 4 We off to the pub. ‘Are ___ coming? but I can't. OK, but only a few minutes. b DEY Listen, check, and repeat. 4. Work in a group. Practise the story. Mrs Green See you tomorrow in Cambridge, Lucy. And don't be late. This meeting is important. Lucy Yes, Olive Mrs Green Oh, and Lucy, where are those photographs for Mr Lin ‘Ae they at The Photo Shop? Lucy Yes, they are, but it's OK. The Photo Shop is open tll 7. y) 1 Ue VU OS 1 Bil Listen and repeat. 2 Complete the words. 1 chese 6 mik 2 er 7 bred 3 cofee 8 cat 4 fut 9 fis 5 ips 10 b_tter 3 EBB isten. Complete the shopping list. 1 fish 2 meat 3 fruit aa | shopping list | cheese ba 4 Work with a partner. Ask about their fridge. 4 vegetables 5 eggs 6 cheese ‘A Whatetn your bidge? B Mil, 7 bread 8 butter 9 chocolate & s& Pronunciation 410 chips 11 rice 12 pasta \iced and voiceless consonants _ BE Listen and repeat. a 4 4 u sai] 13 water 14 milk 15 orange juice Wied Wis) a el Wy] vegetable /t) fish a6 15/9 ani /A/ bread Ay fruit /2{ cheese Asi tice nae 11 pasta 16 beer 17 wine 18 cola LW a 22 STU IT NY 1 BEB Read and listen. 2. Study the tables. Make sentences. 1 fruit You = fish. We a cheese, They + milk Present simple: I bread. You donot, wine. we dont Heat. They tice, 3 ERED Drill. Listen. Say the negative. 1 Tike cheese. | don ke ch 4 Put the words in the correct order. 1 lke we fruit, 2 fish eat dontt they 3 don't milk T drink 4 chocolate T like 5 we sport like don't 6 eat they rice 5 Complete the sentences with I like or I don’t like. 1 chocolate 2 tea, 3 animals. ‘o computers. 5 sport. 6 fish. 7 burgers. 8 milk. \ 9 English, 10 shopping, 6a QEMTANCY Complete the sentences about yourself. | 1 Tike 2 I don't like 3 Teat 4 Tdont eat ____. s ‘object 5 Vdrink fruit. 6 I don't drink Pets b Tella partner, theese, A | like rice. What about you? milk, B Yeo, | like rice. OR No, i don't like rice. Renee @ Co amd Pe THA FOUD {In Thailand people eat a lot of rice and noodles with meat and fish, The foodis very hot. ‘ieay family we ave three meals 42 day. For breakfast we have rice ‘soup with chicken or fish. For Tune wehave noodles. Dinner in the evening is our big | meal ofthe day. For dinner we eat ce with cay and veal We have ft for deer, We lot of frit e done apes. They e very expensive. ‘We don’t eat a Jot of potatoes, bread, or pasta. And we don't eat silk products, like chese or butter ‘We drink tea, coffee, water, or fruit juice. We don't drink wine, but swe drink ber. ‘We don't use chopsticks, We eat ‘witha spoon and fork. ‘Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 4 1 Food in Thailand is very hot, 2 People eat their big meal inthe afternoon, 3 Apples are expensive. 4 Thai people don't drink tea 5 They eat a lot of mile products. Choose the correct answers. 1 Suchart’s family eat 4 For lunch they have a two meals a day. b three meals a day. © one meal a day. 2 They eat a lot of a rice, potatoes. c bread. 3. They don't eat 6 a chicken. cheese. c fruit. We use but to join two contrasting ideas. We eat alot of fruit. We don't eat apples. a soup. b tice, noodles. They don't dink 2 fruit juice, b beer wine, They don't eat with a chopsticks, b a fork. © a spoon, We eat a lot of fruit, but we dontt eat apples. 2 We don't drink wine. We drink beer. We don't drink wine, but we drink beer. - Write about what you normally eat and drink. Food from __is People eat a lat of ___. We dor't eat a lot of ——. People rink Ina normal day I eat We use —__ to eat our food, English in the world Food 1. Which countries do these come from? fish and chips a pizza Give some more examples of fo id drinks from different countries, Nope write about food from different countries. 24 TSaT ei) was soy Veats 4 ‘1a EE Listen and repeat. 2a ERM Read and listen, 2 acup of tea e Man Would you like a cup of coffee? Woman Yes, please. ‘Man Milk? | Woman No, thank you. ‘Man Sugar? Woman Yes, please. Just one, ‘Man Here you are. Woman Thank you. ‘Man You're welcome. | | 3 mi 4 sugar b Practise the conversation with a partner. | 3. Complete the expressions. | | > ‘Would you a cup of tea? | eS you like mike —, thank you. 4 EERE] Listen to the conversations. Which things do the people choose from exercise 1? 5 alas of water 6 a soft dink [ tanguage note (stil/sparkling) A Sugar? yi a Biiat create (ey f j _ AA Ice and lemon? B Lust ice, please, we 5. Work with a partner, Make four ew conversations. What other drinks do you know? Use the words from exercise 1. 7 ice 8 lemon 2 o 5 VOCABULARY 1 Bi Listen and repeat. 5 go swimming 6 go to the cinema pa Tt | 8 do aerobics 15 watch TV 16 watch DVDs ~ 8 2a FER Drill. Listen, Make sentences. 1 tennis I play tenia, 2 aerobics | do aerobics, b Work with a partner. AA Say a noun. B Give the sentence A magazines B i read magazines 3a Do you do the things in the pictures in exercise 1? 1 | don't play football 2 I play tennia, b Compare your lifestyle with a partner's, A I don't play tootball. Nhat about you? B No, | don't play football, either. A I play tennis, What about you? B Yes, | play tennia, 00. A | don't play computer games. What about you? B J love computer games. To agree with a positive statement, ‘we use: ., 100. A Toplay tennis, B Tplay tennis, too, (=I agree) To agree with a negative statement, wwe use: .., either. ‘A T don't watch TV. B I don't watch Ty either. (= T agree) 6 Write true statements about ‘your life, Complete the sentences, 1 I play 2 I don't play —_. 3 Igo -— 4 T don't go 5 Ido__. 6 Tdon't do. 7 Tread — 8 T dont read —__ 9 Tlisten to 40 I don't listen to __. yI;} (TWIT 12 EER Read and listen. 3 EE Drill. Listen. Make questions. Use you. 1 watch DVDs Do you watch DvDs? 4a Make questions. Write the words in the correct order, 1 Do.you play computer games? 1 you play computer games do 2 you anewspaper do read 3 do like sport you 4 you meat eat do 5 90. swimming you do 6 yoga you do do 7 drink do coffee you 8 do smoke you Jack Do you play computer games, Terry? Terry Yes, 1 do. [play them with my children. Jack Do you enjoy them, b Use your questions. Ask and answer with a partner. A Do you play computer games? B Yes, Ido. OR No, { don't. ‘Terry No, I don't. 5a Use the verbs. Write eight Terry Because my children always win. questions. vy tead like tistento. drink play go watch do b Use your questions. Interview your partner, ‘A Do you read a newspaper? B Yes | do. OR No, | don't. English in the world Computers What do you call these things i language? ‘ings in your 2 monitor b Practise the conversation with a partner, 2 Study the tables. Make questions and answer Now I can ... ask questions about what Poe eae 1. EIB) Listen to a survey about free time, Tick v the things the 2 What do Paul and Mary do? people do. They listen to the They don't read a newspaper. We watch TV. (no atticle) We watch DvDs. (no article) We listen to the radio. We go to the cinema. 3. Listen again, What do they say about the things? Paul andl Mary listen to Radio 1. They like pop ru Radio 1 computer games the news the shopping centre | football swimming 4 Use the questionnaire. —— | ; \ Intervie artner. Put his/ he What do you do in oy | inthe secon estan ene ° | Pronunciation | a e c ¥ ime = Short and tong vowels 1 ARE) Listen and repeat, lage i oe Pa M1 ister Fie \a Fauland = — — Mary Jonee Jo shop Pof footvall sf do Do you... | 4 listen to the radio? 1 4 2 read a newspaper? ! 3 watch the news an TV? 4 watch sport on TV? 5 go to the cinema? 1 @ watch DVDS? 7 play computer games? /e/ magazine jc:/ gasses AI yeaa // purse 2 Say the words. Write them with the Correct sound from exercise 1, 8 go shopping? i aint 49 go toa sports centre? be ov 2 7 00k \ 5 10 play any sports Hse auto a That's Life! Episode 4 1 Read and tisten to the story. Whose van is it? 3a Complete the expressions. 2 Match the parts of the sentences. to 1 lucy is 2 a for the meeting. oteriogalit 2 Sarah is — 6 to park Where you off to? 3 Her sunglasses are ¢ going to a meeting, T__ going to The Photo Shop. 4 The Photo Shop isd. behind her car Would you tike __tift? 5 There's nowhere — e private Yes, 6 The parking space is. fia the car 7 Lucy is tate — 4g open. b [BBE Listen, check, and repeat. 8 The van is h off to the sports centre. 4 Work in a group. Practise the story. | Sarah Moming, Luc. How ae you? Tracy On, bi, Saab Tr ine thanks, Where ate you off to? | Sarah The sports centre. Ley Oh, right. Wel Ym goin to The Photo Shop and then toa mosting in Cobre. | | Sarah 1s that The Photo Shop net tothe sports cente? | | ny th, ysis Wonk you at : Yes ut there's Sarah. Yes, please. nowhere to park. acy Now, wee are my sunglasses? EES AE gh, thee ae the photos ee . for Mr Linsky, but Tm late for OK, Ra, Here we ae. [IM the meeting and OTs y za rs Look! That car’ in your parking space, Jordan ‘That van'sDehind my ca. And where's the driver? 1 BBB Listen and repeat. 29 VOCABULARY 6 live in the suburbs 5 live in the city centre 13 go to work 14 go to school 2 Write a sentence about yourself for each picture, 1 I don't lve in & houee. 2 vein a ats 3 BBR rill. Listen and ask the quesions. 1 Live alone Do you tive alone? 2. work in a restaurant Do.you work in reetaurant? 4 Pil tisten to the conversations. Write what the people do or don't do, 1 Do you tive in a village? io, we don't. They don’ tive in village 2 Do you work in a bank? Yes, we do. They work ina bank, 15 dive to work 16 walk to work 5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer about eactrpicture, A Do you five in a house? B Yes, Ido. OR Na I don. Pronunciation Diphthongs ‘Some English vowel sounds consi s consist of Sounds. We call these diphthongs, “ EBB Listen and repeat, a Pe/ don't alone Saf drive my Fe] tke ay Fea) here their 7 avin ey ‘1a ERB Read and listen. Ryan Where do you live, Sarah? || Sarah T ive in Bedford Street. | Ryan Oh, yes. Tenow it. I¥s near Lucy's place. | Sarah Yes, that’s right. Ryan Do you live alone? | Sarah No, I dont Ichare a fat with three other students. Ryan Oh, right. Do you like that? Sarah Yes, its great, We have a lot of fun. b Practise the conversation with a partner. 2 Study the rules. Gon 3 EBD rill. Listen. Ask where, 1 tive Where do you fie? 4 Choose the correct questions for the answers. 1 Where do you go shopping? When do you go shopping? 2 What time do you have lunch? What do you have for lunch? 3 What newspaper do you read? When do you read 2 newspaper? 4 What time do you go to school? How do you go to school? At the weekend. At one o'clock, Tread The Times. walk. 5 When do you play tennis? Where co you play tennis? 6 What do you watch on TV? When do you watch TV? At the club, In the evenings. 5a Complete the questions. Use you. 1A Where do.you work ? B Ina hospital. 2A What {in your fee time? B We go swimming 3A What time —___to work? B At eight o'clock. 4A When tennis? B At the weekend. 5 A Where karate? B At the sports centre. 6 A What for lunch? B A sandwich TA What ? B I work in a factory. 8 A Where ? B In the suburbs, b EEE Listen and check, ¢ Practise the conversations with a partner, 6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 1 Where do you tive? Where do you work /go to school? What time do you go to work/school? What do you do in your free time? What do you eat for breakfast? What newspaper do you read? Wher do you go shopping? Wrat time do you have lunch? ‘1a You are going to hear a radio interview. First read the cues. 1 Pavel and Misha live . au past ami) in the city centre, 3. They work wu drive to work. walk to work. 5 In their free time they... run in marathons. 6 They also go to. the cinema. concerts, EIB Listen to the interview. Choose the correct pictures. 3 2a Use the cues. Make questions about Pavel and Misha, 1 Where do they lve? 2 Do thay lke the city? 1 Where /live 2 ike the city 3 live in a house 4 Where /work 5: drive to work 6 watch TV a lot 7 What/do in their fee time 8 ike films Work with a partner. Use the questions, Ask and answer, ‘A Where do they lve? B They tve in A Do they like the city? B Yes, they do, 3. KEMMLG Write about your tite. Follow the pattern, live in (name). tive (alone with . (1/We) tive in —— (a house /a fat). It's in ____ (the suburbs /the city centre). I (work/go 4 schoo!) in —— (place) . 1 (drive /wolk). In my free time T___ (play tennis / watch TY). English in the world Addresses 1 We write addresses like hiss rame house. Mv R widen number sg Pes MN St street - Liverpech or road ur Sow postedde or city St Street Rd.= Road Ave, = 2 How do you give addresses in coun fresses in your nome Peg et Avenue | Read and listen to the dialogue. 1 EB@b Listen and repeat. ———}*_ When is your appointment at the doctors, Anna? B Its on Thursday. A What time? 1 Monday iz B Its at ten to six. a ee b ERIE] Listen to the dialogues. Write the days and | 2 Tuesday } times. = ak Event Day Time 3 Wednesday /s appoint wreday | 650 sae. 1 Anna's appointment eday | 550 |. 2 Jeffs interview x 4 Thursday 3 Carlo’s par ee) eee 4 Petras driving test | 5 Friday | Hi Si the meeting with MrBea| | | 6 The football match | 6 Saturday | | } | the weekend | ‘on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7 Sunday at half past six, 10.65, | the weekend | ee ae aaa 3a Write a sentence about each event: | 1 Ana's appointment is on Thureday atten to stk What day b Which of the events are on weekdays? isit today? | 4a Complete the expressions. —— is your appointment? Tes _1.30 on Friday. What dey our meeting? | It's __ Monday. | What fs your interview? Its __ two o'clock, bb ERM Listen and check. 5 Use the expressions and the information in the chart in exercise 2b, Make the conversations. A then is your interview, Jet? B 19 on Tuesday, We always write days of the week with a ‘A What tine? eee B i's at quarter to ten Wednesday NOT wednesday Pai Doe oe SS 2 33 ATU LUE YS g 2. How many expressions can you make with the words? have... | 2 shower, breakfast 3 BED Dril. Listen, Ask What time, 1 wake up What time do you wake up? 2 getup What time do you get up? a Describe your normal weekday. | wake up at 630. | get up at 648. b What is different at the weekend? On Sundays | don't wake up at 6.30. Iwake up at 9.00. ¢ Compare your life with a partner. A wake up at 6:30 on weekdays, What about you? When clo you wake up? B I wake up at seven o'clock English in the world +] A working day This is a common working day {n Britain, 130 breakfast 3.00 start work q1.00 tea/coffee break 100-2.80 nch - usually a sandwich 330 tea /coffee break 5.00 finish work 100 inner ~ the big meal of the day What is a normal worki country? ing day in your xt aa z oo 13 gp tobe 1. BBY Read and tisten. 4 Study the table, Make sentences, Iwake up at seven otclock, but don’t get up straightaway. i (a Be They UP” at eight o'clock, start work 3 E30, He go home She coestt ay «oes at 5a EIRP] Listen, Correct the the sentences about Jordan's day. Underline the mistakes. 1 dordan gets up a five ollock. 2 He has 2 bath. aa 3 He fas breakfast at 6.30. USE pep ae a gPran Leckie 4 He listens to the rao. ‘but she doesn't get up straightaway. 5 He goes to work at seven o'clock, ETAT 6 He stats work at 8.45. * ane she gets np ot 7.25. 7 He finishes work at 5.30, 8 He goes to bed at 12 o'clock 2. Study the table. Make sentences. b Listen again, Write the sentences from exercise 4a iad correctly. q get up 1 HG doesn't get up at fhe o'slock He get up at fn start work six es gohome at eight o'clock, They: in the afternoon. 6 Choose someone that you know. Compare He an at 6.30, your normal day to his/hers, Write six sentences. She eat wok 1 (listen to the radio In the morning, My brother (ny goes home docer't listen to the radio. He watches 1. Pronunciation Present simple -es endings go goes watch watches have_has do does finish finishes 1 BEBE) Listen, Is there an extra syllable (iz)) in the third person? 3 Describe Lucy's day. live tives x 1 She gets up at 715 am. watch vtatches if 1 I get up at 7.15 a.m. take takes 2 Thave breakfast. 9 goes 3 Twatch the news on TV. to does 4 After that I have a shower. finish finishes 5 Then I get dressed. use uses, 6 Igo to work at 8.15 a.m. Practise practises 7 I start work at nine o'clock, i 8 Finish work a Five otock Listen again and repeat Pata talk about other people's dat 1. BBB) Read and tisten to the text. What is the man’s name? 2 Read the text again. Match the parts Which country is he from? of the sentences. 4 Rodney lives 2 Malawi is io 3 Rodney is — 4 He helps — 5 He works 6 He visits — 7 He goes to the villages — 8 He loves — 2 on a motorbike b eatth centres in the villages. © a medical assistant, 4 in Malawi. e at the Machinga District Hospital. F his job g southem Africa Medic ona 1 pert vi pre Motorbike | tanguaoe note | ‘in the moming ‘in the afternoon BUT at night in the evening Rodney Masese is a medical assistant. He lives in the city ‘of Machinga in Malawi in | southern Africa. He works at 3. What does the text say about these times? the Machinga District Hospital, 1 On Tuesdays and Trursdays he vita | but on Tuesdays and Thursdays } health centres, he visits ome of the health | 1 Tuesdays and Thursdays |, centres inthe villages. 2 four'dclock in the morning (On Tuesdays and Thursdays Rodney gets up at four o'clock’ 3445 in the morning, He has a shower and gets dressed. Then he has 4 an hour and a half 4 5 three hours breakfast i, y AAAS he get motorbike an village si 1445 he gets on his motorbike and goes toa village sity ane tilometres away. It takes an hout and a haf, because the roads 8 Five dclock in the evening arerit very good There ae at of people atthe health centre. % | | They ll have problems with their eyes 4 EMIILIED Think of someone that you Rodney helps some people. He sends other people to the know. Describe his/her life. Follow the hospital. After three hours he has lunch. Then he gets on his pattern. Change the words in botd. health centre. She works at a university. She's a Rodiney visits two or three centres in one day: He doesnt want teacher, She starts work st 8.30 in the toe on the mad at night, 50 at ive oclack in the evening he morning and she finishes at 5.00 in ‘goes home, the evening, She doesnt work at the ‘Alot of people in Africa have problems with their eyes says weekends. In her free time she goes to Rodney: love my job, When |help a person to see again feel the park with her children. very happy 8 That's Life! Episode 5 jo Read and listen to the story. Why does 3a Complete the expressions. Lucy say ‘0h, no, not in iy say ‘Oh, no, not you again EGS 2 Answer the questions. Oh, no! | 1 What time is the meeting? This fs terible! 2 Whose van is it? Tm a hur 3. Why is his van behind Lucy’ car? Tim late for a meeting 4 Whereis Jordan? Yim trouble 5. Does Jordan move his van? 6 Why is Lucy in trouble? EIB Listen, check, and repeat. | 4 Work in a group. Practise the story. | ley Excuse me. Do you know this person Jontan Mons? Woman Yes, do. That's his van. Oh, are you in his parking space? ey Yes, Tan, bit ‘Woman 4 lot of people do that. He doesn’t like it. He parks his | van behira their crs ey Yes, Tinow. But wher she? Woman Oh, he works in one of those ofces over there. } acy Thank you. a Be Sa The rectng i ove, Lucy BRIN ein ny office this > an at three odock. ‘yey Excuse me, Are you Jordan? .. Oh, no, not you again! Jordan Hi Yes, is me - ‘the idiot with the van ey Well, yes, your van, Is behind my cat. Pes vo. Tm in wwdan Your car isin my parking space. ea now. ‘ucy Tm sony, but Tm in a hurry and Tm late fora meeting Josdan OK, Now whee are my keys? ATPL S 1 Listen and repeat, G ha 6 a mechanic 410 to look after 13 to fix 14 to build 15 to clean 16 to cook 2a Add two more jobs to the list. 4a Match the people with the places and the duties. Job + | Place Duties bb Make a list of six places where people work. 1 Mia isa chek. aschoot | sels clothes Lie 2 Petra is a ouse, an office | fixes machines ee 3 Antonio is a secretary. | a hospital | teaches English 4 Mahmoud isa teacher. | 2 factory | cooks food 5 Safia isa shop assistant. | a restaurant | looks after people 6 John is a mechanic. a shop | types letters 41 What do you do? = What is your job? 2 We always use an indefinite article © Write three sentences about each person. with a job: 1 Mia is a chet. She worke in a restaurant. She cooks food, Shes a waitress, NOT She's-waitess, 5. EMALIP Ask people in the class about their jobs. A What do you dot B Ima secretary d Dril. Listen. Say what the people s a builder ‘A Where do you werk? Hi a builder B I work ina bark 2-Tma shop assistant. A What do you do there? She's a shop assiotant BS type letters Cee ea 41. EBB Read and listen. 5a Choose the correct words to complete the conversations. 41 Ryan Where "do /does Jordan work? indy 200 /Does you know The Photo Shop? Ryan Yes, I*do does Cindy Well, he ‘work /works near there. Cindy Do you like your job, Jordan? Jordan Yes, I do. Cindy Do you work at weekends? Jordan No, I don't. I go to college on Saturdays. Cindy Oh? What do you do there? Jordan Drama. f want to be an actor. 2 Ryan *00/Oves Peter work for a newspaper? Sarah No, he ‘don't/doesn't. He work /works for a magazine company. Ryan What "do /does he do there? Sarah I°don't/doesn't know. | Ryan Does Jordan like his job? Cindy Yes, he does. Ryan Does he work at weekends? Cindy No, he doesn’t. He goes to college on Saturdays. Ryan Oh? What does he do there? indy Drama. He wants to be an 3 Cindy "00 /C0es you work at the university, Sarah? Sarah No, I don't /doesn’t. Tm a student there. indy 00 foes you like it? Sarah Yes, I "do / does. b EEL Listen and check. Make conversations. I ee aes Practise the conversations with Do yu you a partner. we tive in a city? Wot Poet . ‘they work in a bank? "they nl 6a Work with a partner. Ask finish work at 5 o'clock? about his/her job. Write the answers. he play tennis? Yes, he does, 1 What do you do? Does she she 2 Where do you work /study? it) No, (it) doest, 3. Do you arve to work/school/ university? 3 EE Drill. Listen, Make questions. 4 What time do you start? 1 He likes his job, 5 When do you finish? Does he like is job? 6 Do you work /study at the weekend? 2. They work in a hospital, 7 Do you use a computer in your Do they work in a hospital? job / studies? 8 Do you like your job / studies? 4 Study the table. Make questions. Peal about your first partners. We use the same question form for wh- questions. A What does Ivan do? do they» B He's an engineer Where 8 work? does she A Where does he work? do you d B He works in. et does he & A What time does he start work? When oo 40 home? does she Pee ‘ask questions about other people's = 1 EBB Read and tisten, Ambitions My name's Ritsuko, Tm a} and Iwork ina*__. 1 love ny job, but I really want to work in Africa I want to help People in poor countries, Hello, V's Alphonse. Im a 2 and I work ina *___ in ny town, I Like ay job but I want to work in 8 top Paris My name's Shania. Tm ¢ and I work for a’. I don't Like my jb. It’s boring. I really want to be a*__. Wy nane's Octavio Tm a! I work for a loval ©__y Like my job. Its interesting, ‘but I really want to work for a B 2a Complete the texts with the correct words. nurse doctor singer hospital waiter computer company newspaper secretary restaurant TV company factory reporter hotel shop assistant b Listen again and check. 3. Write about each person in exercise 1. § Riteuko is a ... and she works in . She loves her job, but ehe really wants to work in Africa. She wanta to help people in poor countries. 4. Test your memory B closes his/her book and A asks questions about the people. Use the cues, What /do? tke his/her job? Where / work? What/want to do? A What does Ritsuto do? B ohesa ‘A Dees she lke her job? B Yes, che does. 5 Write a paragraph about your job studies and your ambitions. Use the texts in exercise 1 as a model. Pronunciation fl. A lot of words have a /a/ (sct , 9/ (schwa) sound in the last syllable, especially wien the Syllable is -o7, or -e. This syllable is never stressed, EBA Listen and repeat the words, 1 waiter /weita/ 2 adr [ekto/ newspaper /’njuspeapa/ 4 reporter Attpacta/ 5 doctor /dokta/ 6 singer /'stna/ 7 teacher itfa/ 8 computer /om'pjucta/ Now I can .. Ce dane uae 2a Complete the expressions. Po Oh, t__. Really? EIB Listen. Repeat what Tony says. Try to copy his intonation, 3 Later, Tony tells someone about Nicky. Complete what he says. Her name's Micky. She lives in *__. ‘She works *___. She's a *___.. Her job is very “__.. In her free time she +. She tikes "_.. 4 (EQNTNNIS Work with a partner. You have just met for the first time. Use Tony's ‘questions. Get to know each other, AHI My name's B Do you Ine near here? A liven B Oh | see. English in the world Taboo questions Tony Hi, My names Tony. In Britain these are impoti ‘i Nicky Pleased to meet you, Tony. Tm Nicky. are impolite questions: Tony Do you live near here? Nicky Wo, I dont. Ilive in “the suburbs /a village ~ in Greendale. Tony Oh, Tsee. Where do you work? Nicky I work atthe Lancaster Hotel Tony Really? What do you do there? Nicky Tim a “chef/ receptionist. Tony Oh, right. Do you like it? Nicky Yes, Ido It's very interesting, Tony What do you do in your fee time? Nicky 1 go swimming and I play the Yuitar/ piano. ‘Tony That's interesting. What kind of music do you like? Nicky Ike ‘classical / rock music. ‘Tony Me, too. Nicky Anyway, what about you? How much do you earn? Compare this to your count itry. Do you ask these questions? What questi i these questions are b Practise the conversation with a partner. es Se Lae Pa VOCABULARY 1 (BBB Listen and repeat. 4a What's in the picture? Make a list, a brown bag 2} § 2 by pharo witha white cae

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