Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh's Letter To President-Elect Donald Trump

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CATHERINE E, PUGH MAYOR {00 Holey Set, Room 250 Salimore, Maryland 21202 December 10,2016 Mr. Donald J. Trump President lect 725 Fifth Avenue [New York, NY 10022 Dear President elec-Trump: “Thank you for your insight that investmert in urban America is etical to improving our nation's economy a5 wel a providing better lives and opportunities forthe majority of Americans. You have so rightly spoken et Tength on the need for both utban renewal and sizable infrastructure investment. You have consistently observed that infastracture investment is a "gokéen opportunity for accelerated economic growth and more rapid productivity gains.” Iam writing € urge you o use the power of your office to support robust investment in trban infrastructure that will generate thousands of jobs and leverage billions in private sector investment. 1 offer Baltimore City asthe perfect place ttarge this investment. ‘Baltimore represents the glory of Americes past and the potential of America’s future greatness. Baltimore is leading the way in transforming urban blight ito vibrant neighborhoods, imovation distrets and job hubs, but ‘ye cannot doi alone. Lam committed to forging state and federal partnerships that bring investment t grow businesses, increase job opportunites, and improve the lives of our citizens. Specifically, 1am secking a partnership with your administration on transportation, water, and broadband infrastructure ‘Transportation Infrastructure ‘There are tvo transformational projects requiring federal Fostering Advancements in Shipping end “Transportation forthe Long-term Achievement of National Efficiencies (FASTLANE) grants: Port Covington I 195 Access and reconstraction ofthe Howard Street rail tunnel Port Covington ‘The Port Covington project is a $7 bilion ezonomic development project which will be home to Under ‘Armour’s global headquarters campus, 15 million square feet of additional mixed-use development, and will Create nearly 60,000 new jobs. Simply pat, Port Covingon is one of the largest redevelopment projets inthe Country. However, to realize the fll potential ofthe 260-are site, integrated infrastructure improvements to Intersiate 95 (L95) and the connecting roadway system to the Port Covington peninsula are required. The proposed firs phase ofthe improvements (he "Access [-95 project” wil also mitigate existing congestion and Allow for increased projected traffic volumes assoeated withthe projet. Howard Street Tunnel ‘The Howard Street tunnel is a rca link through which thousands of cargo containers ar transporte from the Port of Baltimore to many parts ofthe Usted States via rail. The tunnel was built inthe 1890s making it over 115 years old. The tunnel is at the pont of functional obsolescence due to its low clearance height which precludes the double-stacking of shiping cntaness. hone 410.396.3838 fa: 410.576 9425 email: mayor@blinoreingov Presiden le Tromp Request Page? Dezember 10 3816 ‘The ability to double stack cargo will vastly expand the Port of Baltimore's capacity and allow itt flly benefit {rom the deep-water berth, which serves the larger ships now abe to use the rently widened Panama Canal Baltimore's pot i one of only two pots onthe east coast shat can accommodate the larger ships, Its estimated the Howard Steet Tunnel project would create S00 construction jbs and up to 3,000 additional permanent jobs, ‘The state and private sector have pledged $270 million toward the project and are requesting $155 million FASTLANE finding. This project wil lead to reduced cost and time in shipping goods needed to keep the ‘country's economy growing. ‘Water Infrastructure Baltimore has aging water and sewer systems built upon century-old foundations in dre need of investment, shown by recent sinkholes in one of our most historic areas of Baltimore and water main breaks that have impeded businesses and disrupted water service to our customers throughout the city. We must spend just under Si illion fr our treatment plants to protect our waterways andthe Chesapeake Bay. We have more than SI billion in drinking water investment scheduled over the next 6 years as wel. Without the help of federally funded State Revolving Loan funds, tx exempt revenue bonds, public-private partnerships, and innovative projects, we will not succeed in saving this crieal infrastructure. Our addtional challenge is balancing all of these investments against the need to annually increase the rates our customers must pay. We are in need of| federal funds to match our local investment. ‘The good news is tht investment in water infastucture produces a great rate of return forthe economy. For very $1 million spent on water infrastructure, high paying and skilled jobs are created and early $3 million willbe generated in economie output in our economy: ‘Broadband Infrastructure Last year, Baltimore City released its Smarter City report ~ a blueprint for building broadband infrastructure to enabie economic and community investment. We are first working to install new fiber tall public sehoos using the federal E-rate program. Baltimore City Pubic Schools willbe applying for approximately $8 milion in E= rate funds in 2017. This new fiber will also utilize the City's recently installed fiber ring by connecting every School to datacenters and intemet carer hotel ‘The plan will strategically utilize the E-ate program wo both enhance the City’s educational capabilites, while also leveraging private and City funds, olay addtional fiber to spur economic development, job cestion and ‘more robust imtemet access. A cost-effective fiber network will lead to competition, lower broadband costs and ‘more connectivity for Baltimore residents and businesses. The City is eager to apply for additonal federal grant ‘opportunities similar to the $2 million received from the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP), led by the Department of Commerce's National Telecommuniations and Information Administation (NTIA) to help Baltimore realize its goal of having the most robust brosdband infrastructure possible. In conclusion, as @ native of New York City, you know the value of America’s cites and understand the challenges tha cities face in funding increasingly expensive infasructure improvements. Baltimore is prime location for new and innovative federal investment that wil surely provide a retum in tems of economic {evelopment and jb creation and which canbe adaped to serve similar cies. Tknow Bakimore’s best days are before us and fam certain you and your Administration will work ard to ensure Baltimore City has a fret future. ook forward to working with you and your Administration on these important matters, Blin Pay Mayor Cty of Baltimore

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