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Hello 4th Grade families,

First of all, I would like to sincerely thank you for agreeing to participate in my action-based research
project that I am conducting in order to complete my masters degree program from West Chester
University. Your input will be invaluable to my research, as well as to how Ms. Funck and I run our
Below is a short survey regarding how supported you feel by our school (myself, Ms. Funck, Ms.
Stanley, and all of the principals at KPEA). When answering these questions, please be as honest as
possible, and remember that this survey is anonymous.
Please place an X over which option best applies to you and your family. Please note that there is an
opt out option for each question.
1. I feel that KPEA is able to support my child, even if he/she is working through something
challenging in his/her life.
I strongly

I agree

I disagree

I strongly

I would prefer
not to answer
this question

2. I feel that KPEA is able to support my family, even if we are working through something
challenging in our lives.
I strongly

I agree

I disagree

I strongly

I would prefer
not to answer
this question

3. Are there any additional supports that you wish would be offered/provided by our school?


4. If you answered yes to question 3, please select all areas of service that you would like to see
(or that you would like to see more of) from KPEA:
Family/parenting counseling
Adult education opportunities
Financial Counseling
Family support groups
Resources for families (e.g. food, housing,
Other (please list)

I would prefer not to answer this question

Please note: If you need any support immediately, you are always welcome to call me directly
(973-610-5209), as well as Ms. Stanley, our school social worker (267-738-1719). Thank you!

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