VMS-VT 6.5 Naviecdis PDF

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Sperry Marine

for Commercial Software Version 6.5

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems

Sperry Marine
1070 Seminole Trail
Charlottesville, VA 22901-2891

Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright 2004 by Sperry Marine Inc.

February 23, 2004


Neither this document nor the information contained herein shall be reproduced,
used or disclosed to others without the written authorization of Sperry Marine,
a unit of Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation.

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 1-1
VMS/NAVIECDIS PURPOSE ............................................................................................ 1-1
SYSTEM OVERVIEW........................................................................................................ 1-1
System Network ................................................................................................................... 1-1
VMS/NAVIECDIS Chart Display ....................................................................................... 1-3
System Features.................................................................................................................... 1-4
Electronic Charts .................................................................................................................. 1-5
Sensor Data Integration and Display.................................................................................... 1-5
Route Planning ..................................................................................................................... 1-6
Automatic Track Steering and Speed Control...................................................................... 1-6
Radar Interface ..................................................................................................................... 1-6
Central Alarm Manager........................................................................................................ 1-6



INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 2-1
USER INTERFACE DEVICES........................................................................................... 2-1
Pointing Devices .................................................................................................................. 2-1
Mouse ................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Keyboard .............................................................................................................................. 2-2
Display Monitor ................................................................................................................... 2-2
LCD Monitors ...................................................................................................................... 2-3
CRT Monitors ...................................................................................................................... 2-3
Monitor Cleaning ................................................................................................................. 2-4
VMS/NAVIECDIS SOFTWARE BASICS ......................................................................... 2-4
Screen Layout....................................................................................................................... 2-4
Main and Secondary Menus ................................................................................................. 2-4
Chart Display Area............................................................................................................... 2-8
Fixed Windows .................................................................................................................... 2-8
Movable Windows ............................................................................................................... 2-9
Screen Controls .................................................................................................................. 2-10
Control Buttons .................................................................................................................. 2-10
Status Boxes ....................................................................................................................... 2-10
Data Entry .......................................................................................................................... 2-11
Data Indicators ................................................................................................................... 2-11
SOFTWARE STARTUP.................................................................................................... 2-12
Sensor Selection on Startup................................................................................................ 2-12
Chart Display on Startup .................................................................................................... 2-13
System Checkout................................................................................................................ 2-13
ALARMS AND WARNINGS ........................................................................................... 2-14
Internal VMS/NAVIECDIS Alarms .................................................................................. 2-14
Operator Messages ............................................................................................................. 2-16


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table of Contents (continued)

Vigilance Monitor (Optional)............................................................................................. 2-16

Chart Warnings .................................................................................................................. 2-16
Central Alarm Manager (optional) ..................................................................................... 2-17
SYSTEM SETUP ............................................................................................................... 2-17
Adjustment for Ambient Lighting Conditions ................................................................... 2-17
Chart Display...................................................................................................................... 2-18
Display Options from the Features Window ...................................................................... 2-19
Controlling Display Options .............................................................................................. 2-19
Stored Feature Sets............................................................................................................. 2-20
System Defined Feature Sets.............................................................................................. 2-20
Operator-Defined Feature Sets ........................................................................................... 2-21
Units of Measure ................................................................................................................ 2-21
Ownship Symbol / Outline ................................................................................................. 2-24
Vector Length..................................................................................................................... 2-24
Target Symbols .................................................................................................................. 2-25
Time and Date .................................................................................................................... 2-25
Selecting a Data Source for Time....................................................................................... 2-26
Time Zone .......................................................................................................................... 2-26
SENSOR MANAGEMENT............................................................................................... 2-27
Heading Sensor .................................................................................................................. 2-28
Course Over Ground Sensor............................................................................................... 2-28
Speed Over Ground Sensor ................................................................................................ 2-29
Speed Through the Water Sensor....................................................................................... 2-30
Position Sensor................................................................................................................... 2-31
Position Offset.................................................................................................................... 2-31
Secondary Sensors.............................................................................................................. 2-33
Manual Sensor Data ........................................................................................................... 2-34
Entering Manual Sensor Data............................................................................................. 2-36
Manual Entry of Ownship Draft......................................................................................... 2-37
Resetting Computed Values for Set and Drift.................................................................... 2-37
Position Discrepancy Alarm............................................................................................... 2-38
SOFTWARE SHUTDOWN............................................................................................... 2-39
SYSTEM SECURITY........................................................................................................ 2-40
System Security Violation Messages ................................................................................. 2-41



INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 3-1
MEASURING TOOLS ON THE CHART DISPLAY ........................................................ 3-1
Electronic Bearing Lines ...................................................................................................... 3-1
Variable Range Markers....................................................................................................... 3-2
GOTO................................................................................................................................... 3-4
CONNING INFORMATION DISPLAY............................................................................. 3-5
Depth Monitor ...................................................................................................................... 3-6
Central Alarm Manager (optional) ....................................................................................... 3-6
CAM Configuration ............................................................................................................. 3-8
CAM Window Controls ....................................................................................................... 3-8
QUERIES ............................................................................................................................. 3-9
Danger Query ....................................................................................................................... 3-9



Table of Contents (continued)


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chart Query ........................................................................................................................ 3-10

Query Options .................................................................................................................... 3-11
Executing the Chart Query ................................................................................................. 3-12
Target Query ...................................................................................................................... 3-12
DOCKING DISPLAY........................................................................................................ 3-13
Docking Window ............................................................................................................... 3-14
HUD Indicators .................................................................................................................. 3-14
PRECISION ANCHORING .............................................................................................. 3-15
Precision Anchoring Display Options................................................................................ 3-16
Setting Up the Precision Anchoring Operation .................................................................. 3-17
Ending a Precision Anchoring Operation........................................................................... 3-18
MAN OVERBOARD......................................................................................................... 3-18
Starting the Man Overboard Operation .............................................................................. 3-19
Entering Position and Elapsed Time Data.......................................................................... 3-19
Ending a Man Overboard Operation .................................................................................. 3-20
EVENT MARK.................................................................................................................. 3-21



INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 4-1
Introduction to Chart Selection and Display ........................................................................ 4-2
Chart Updates....................................................................................................................... 4-2
ELECTRONIC CHART TYPES ......................................................................................... 4-2
Vector Charts........................................................................................................................ 4-3
S57 Electronic Nautical Charts ............................................................................................ 4-3
C-MAP Charts...................................................................................................................... 4-4
Raster Charts ........................................................................................................................ 4-4
BA-ARCS Charts ................................................................................................................. 4-4
BSB-NOAA Charts .............................................................................................................. 4-4
Digitized Charts (DC) .......................................................................................................... 4-5
FACTORS AFFECTING CHART ACCURACY ............................................................... 4-5
Survey Data .......................................................................................................................... 4-5
Chart Datum ......................................................................................................................... 4-5
Natural Scale ........................................................................................................................ 4-6
Navigational Purpose ........................................................................................................... 4-6
CHART CONTROLS .......................................................................................................... 4-7
Chart Centering Mode: CENTER / OFFSET / CENTER WINDOW................................. 4-8
Offset Mode.......................................................................................................................... 4-8
Center Mode......................................................................................................................... 4-9
Center Window .................................................................................................................... 4-9
Chart Selection Mode: AUTO / LOCK / MAN ................................................................ 4-10
Auto Mode.......................................................................................................................... 4-11
Lock Mode ......................................................................................................................... 4-11
Manual Mode ..................................................................................................................... 4-12
Chart Display Scale ............................................................................................................ 4-12
Chart Legend Window: The LEGEND Button ................................................................. 4-14
CHART PORTFOLIOS ..................................................................................................... 4-15
Portfolio Window............................................................................................................... 4-15
Activating a Chart Portfolio ............................................................................................... 4-16
Clearing an Active Chart Portfolio..................................................................................... 4-16


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table of Contents (continued)

Unlocking a Chart Portfolio ............................................................................................... 4-17

CHART SELECTION........................................................................................................ 4-18
Automatic Chart Selection ................................................................................................. 4-18
Manual Chart Selection ...................................................................................................... 4-18
Selecting a Chart from the Active Chart Portfolio ............................................................. 4-18
Selecting a Chart from the Chart Catalog........................................................................... 4-19
Chart Catalog View Modes ................................................................................................ 4-20
Map Display Controls ........................................................................................................ 4-21
Chart Filters........................................................................................................................ 4-22
Updating the Chart Catalog................................................................................................ 4-24
Selection of Raster Charts Containing Panels .................................................................... 4-24
The Planning Sheet............................................................................................................. 4-25
CHART INSTALLATION AND LICENSING................................................................. 4-26
Chart Installation Procedure (Most Chart Types) .............................................................. 4-26
Installing Chart Updates..................................................................................................... 4-27
Licensing of Primar Encrypted S57 Charts ........................................................................ 4-28
Security Requirements ....................................................................................................... 4-28
S57 Security Info Window ................................................................................................. 4-28
Installing Licensing Data for S57 Security ........................................................................ 4-29
Licensing of British Admiralty ARCS Charts.................................................................... 4-30
ARCS Security Window .................................................................................................... 4-31
Reading Permits ................................................................................................................. 4-32
Entering the Permit Number Manually .............................................................................. 4-32
Entering and Verifying PIN Number ................................................................................. 4-32
Clearing Permits ................................................................................................................. 4-33
Installation and Licensing of C-MAP Charts ..................................................................... 4-33
C-MAP Controls on the Chart Utility Menu ...................................................................... 4-34
Installing C-MAP Charts to the Individual Workstation.................................................... 4-34
Entering C-MAP License Information ............................................................................... 4-35
Reading License Information from a Floppy Disk............................................................. 4-36
Manual Entry of License Information ................................................................................ 4-37
Uninstalling a C-MAP Database ........................................................................................ 4-37
C-MAP Updates ................................................................................................................. 4-38
Installing Quarterly Updates .............................................................................................. 4-38
Interim Updates .................................................................................................................. 4-38
REVIEWING UPDATE HISTORY FOR VECTOR CHARTS........................................ 4-39
Review Updates Window................................................................................................... 4-40
Review History Window .................................................................................................... 4-41
CHART DISPLAY OPTIONS FROM THE FEATURES MENU.................................... 4-42
Top-Level Display Options ................................................................................................ 4-43
Vector Chart Display Options ............................................................................................ 4-44
C-MAP Vector Chart Options............................................................................................ 4-48
Ownship Display Options .................................................................................................. 4-50
TRACK HISTORY ............................................................................................................ 4-52
History Window ................................................................................................................. 4-52
Track Display Options from the Features Menu ................................................................ 4-53
PORTFOLIO EDITOR ...................................................................................................... 4-54
Portfolio Editor Functional Areas ...................................................................................... 4-55
Portfolio Contents Table .................................................................................................... 4-55
Menu Area.......................................................................................................................... 4-55



Table of Contents (continued)

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Available Charts Catalog ................................................................................................... 4-56

Editing an Existing Chart Portfolio .................................................................................... 4-57
Creating a New Chart Portfolio.......................................................................................... 4-58
CHART ONE PRESENTATION LIBRARY .................................................................... 4-59
Presentation Library Index ................................................................................................. 4-60
Color Diagram.................................................................................................................... 4-61
Monitor Color Test............................................................................................................. 4-61
Ambient Lighting ............................................................................................................... 4-63
Performing the Color Test.................................................................................................. 4-63



INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 5-1
ROUTE PLANNING OVERVIEW..................................................................................... 5-1
Temporary Plan .................................................................................................................... 5-1
Voyage Plan ......................................................................................................................... 5-2
Autopilot Interface ............................................................................................................... 5-3
CONTROLS AND INDICATORS FOR ROUTE PLANNING.......................................... 5-3
Voyage Plan Control Window ............................................................................................. 5-3
Voyage Plan Display Options from the Features Menu....................................................... 5-5
Voyage Plan Status Window................................................................................................ 5-6
TEMPORARY PLAN EXECUTION .................................................................................. 5-7
Temporary Plan Window ..................................................................................................... 5-7
Creating and Running a Temporary Plan ............................................................................. 5-9
TTMG .................................................................................................................................. 5-9
Creating a Temporary Plan Containing Multiple Waypoints............................................. 5-10
Starting the Temporary Plan .............................................................................................. 5-11
Stopping the Temporary Plan............................................................................................. 5-11
VOYAGE PLAN EXECUTION........................................................................................ 5-11
Loading and Starting a Voyage Plan.................................................................................. 5-12
Approach Time for Operator Warning Message ................................................................ 5-13
Stopping and Clearing Voyage Plans................................................................................. 5-13
Voyage Plan Summary....................................................................................................... 5-14
Voyage Plan Summary Functional Areas .......................................................................... 5-14
Voyage Plan Summary Indicators...................................................................................... 5-15
Calculation Method for ETA Actual .................................................................................. 5-17
ETA Calculator .................................................................................................................. 5-17
Calculating SOA and DTG for the Loaded Voyage Plan................................................... 5-18
Calculating Speed of Advance ........................................................................................... 5-18
Calculate DTG.................................................................................................................... 5-19
Calculate ETA .................................................................................................................... 5-19
Critical Points..................................................................................................................... 5-20
Critical Point Alarms.......................................................................................................... 5-20
VOYAGE PLAN EDITOR ................................................................................................ 5-21
Voyage Plan Editor Functional Areas ................................................................................ 5-23
Waypoint Data Table ......................................................................................................... 5-23
Chart Display...................................................................................................................... 5-23
Menu Area.......................................................................................................................... 5-24
Creating or Loading a Plan for Editing .............................................................................. 5-26
Selecting a Chart ................................................................................................................ 5-26

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table of Contents (continued)

Chart Display Options from the VP Edit Features Menu................................................... 5-26

Entering Overall Plan Data................................................................................................. 5-27
Associating the Plan With a Chart Portfolio ...................................................................... 5-27
Plan Description ................................................................................................................. 5-28
Overall ETD ....................................................................................................................... 5-29
Safety Depth....................................................................................................................... 5-29
Plan Summary .................................................................................................................... 5-29
Inserting, Modifying or Removing Waypoints .................................................................. 5-30
Inserting a New Waypoint.................................................................................................. 5-31
Modifying an Existing Waypoint ....................................................................................... 5-32
Deleting an Existing Waypoint .......................................................................................... 5-32
Entering Waypoint Data..................................................................................................... 5-32
Position............................................................................................................................... 5-32
Track Type ......................................................................................................................... 5-33
Speeds................................................................................................................................. 5-33
Waypoints Notes ................................................................................................................ 5-33
Cross-Track Error Limit..................................................................................................... 5-33
Turn Rate or Radius ........................................................................................................... 5-33
Turn Rate............................................................................................................................ 5-34
Turn Radius ........................................................................................................................ 5-34
Saving Waypoint Data........................................................................................................ 5-34
Limiting Latitude................................................................................................................ 5-35
Entering Data for Critical Points ........................................................................................ 5-35
Adding, Modifying and Removing Critical Points............................................................. 5-35
Checking the Plan............................................................................................................... 5-37
Plan Validation ................................................................................................................... 5-37
Danger Query ..................................................................................................................... 5-37
Saving the Plan................................................................................................................... 5-38
Printing the Plan ................................................................................................................. 5-38
Removing a Plan ................................................................................................................ 5-39
Great Circle and Composite Tracks ................................................................................... 5-39
Great Circle Track .............................................................................................................. 5-40
Composite Track ................................................................................................................ 5-41



INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 6-1
Autopilots ............................................................................................................................. 6-1
Voyage Plan Status Window................................................................................................ 6-1
Autopilot Control Window................................................................................................... 6-3
PILOT CONTROL MODES................................................................................................ 6-4
Available Pilot Control Modes............................................................................................. 6-4
Advisory Mode..................................................................................................................... 6-5
Verifying System is in Advisory mode ................................................................................ 6-6
Track Mode .......................................................................................................................... 6-6
Verifying System is in Track Mode ..................................................................................... 6-7
A NOT TRACKING Indication in the VP Status Window.................................................. 6-7
Course changes in Track mode ............................................................................................ 6-7



Table of Contents (continued)

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Automatic System Response at Turns.................................................................................. 6-9

Turn Rate and Radius........................................................................................................... 6-9
TRACK-KEEPING ADJUSTMENTS................................................................................. 6-9
Track Controller Mode....................................................................................................... 6-10
Adjustment for Set / Drift................................................................................................... 6-11
Base Heading and Heading Order Limits........................................................................... 6-11
SPEED CONTROL............................................................................................................ 6-13
Speed Control Window Controls and Indicators................................................................ 6-13
Turning Speed Control On and Off.................................................................................... 6-14
Manual Adjustment for Desired Time of Arrival............................................................... 6-15
Selection of a Data Source for ETA Calculation................................................................ 6-16
Adjustment for Ship Loading Conditions .......................................................................... 6-16



INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 7-1
SAFETY CHECKING OVERVIEW................................................................................... 7-1
SAFETY ZONES................................................................................................................. 7-1
Ownship Safety Zone ........................................................................................................... 7-1
Setting Dimensions of the Ownship Safety Zone................................................................. 7-2
Voyage Plan Safety Zone ..................................................................................................... 7-3
DETECTION OF SAFETY VIOLATIONS ........................................................................ 7-4
Chart Portfolios .................................................................................................................... 7-4
Checking the Active Portfolio.............................................................................................. 7-4
Chart Portfolios in the Voyage Plan Editor.......................................................................... 7-5
Detecting Embedded Chart Features.................................................................................... 7-5
Navigational Purpose of Vector Charts................................................................................ 7-5
Detecting Operator Added Chart Features ........................................................................... 7-6
INDICATION OF SAFETY VIOLATIONS ....................................................................... 7-6
Indicating Detected Dangers on the Main Chart Display..................................................... 7-6
Indicating Detected Dangers in the Voyage Plan Editor...................................................... 7-7



INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 8-1
RADAR CONTROLS ON THE MAIN MENU .................................................................. 8-1
Radar/Targets Button ........................................................................................................... 8-1
TARGET DISPLAY ............................................................................................................ 8-2
Target Display Options from the Features Menu ................................................................. 8-3
Target Numbering ................................................................................................................ 8-4
CPA/TCPA Alarms .............................................................................................................. 8-4
Targets Menu........................................................................................................................ 8-4
Target Data Display ............................................................................................................. 8-5
Target Edit............................................................................................................................ 8-6
Target Swap.......................................................................................................................... 8-7
Reset IDs .............................................................................................................................. 8-7
Target History Track ............................................................................................................ 8-8
Print Target List ................................................................................................................... 8-8
Relative Target Data............................................................................................................. 8-8



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Table of Contents (continued)

AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM .................................................................. 8-10

Display of AIS Contacts on the Electronic Chart............................................................... 8-10
Viewing Received AIS Data Using a Target Query........................................................... 8-11
NAVLINES........................................................................................................................ 8-11
RADAR OVERLAY.......................................................................................................... 8-12
Activating the Radar Overlay............................................................................................. 8-12
Radar Overlay Adjustments ............................................................................................... 8-13
Selecting a Radar Transceiver............................................................................................ 8-14
Transparency Adjustment................................................................................................... 8-14
Clutter Reduction ............................................................................................................... 8-14
Sea Clutter Removal Adjustment ....................................................................................... 8-14
Rain Clutter Removal Adjustment ..................................................................................... 8-15
Gain Adjustment ................................................................................................................ 8-15
Radar Interference Cancellation ......................................................................................... 8-15
Radar Overlay Test............................................................................................................. 8-15
Defining and Activating the Test Pattern and Test Target ................................................. 8-15
PSC Status Registers .......................................................................................................... 8-17
CHART MATCH ............................................................................................................... 8-17



INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 9-1
CHART ADDITIONS OVERVIEW ................................................................................... 9-1
Displaying Chart Additions.................................................................................................. 9-1
Chart Additions Options From the Features Menu .............................................................. 9-2
CHART ADDITIONS EDITOR .......................................................................................... 9-2
Chart Display in the Chart Additions Editor ........................................................................ 9-3
Chart Display Controls and Indicators ................................................................................. 9-4
Jumping to a Specific Chart Location .................................................................................. 9-5
No Dangers Indicator ........................................................................................................... 9-5
The Editing Process.............................................................................................................. 9-5
Selecting Object Category and Type.................................................................................... 9-6
Selecting an Action .............................................................................................................. 9-7
Object Selection for Editing or Removal ............................................................................. 9-8
Object Attributes .................................................................................................................. 9-9
Setting Object Location........................................................................................................ 9-9
Other Attributes.................................................................................................................. 9-10
Save or Cancel Changes ..................................................................................................... 9-10
Chart Additions Examples.................................................................................................. 9-11
Danger Areas...................................................................................................................... 9-11
Adding a Danger Area........................................................................................................ 9-11
Modifying A Danger Area ................................................................................................. 9-13
Removing A Danger Area.................................................................................................. 9-13
Lines and Arcs.................................................................................................................... 9-14
Chart Annotations .............................................................................................................. 9-15
Navigation Points ............................................................................................................... 9-16
Navlines.............................................................................................................................. 9-16
Creating Navlines in the Chart Additions Editor ............................................................... 9-17
Editing or Removing Existing Navline Files...................................................................... 9-18



Table of Contents (continued)

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual



INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 10-1
SYSTEM MENU ............................................................................................................... 10-1
VMS Help .......................................................................................................................... 10-2
VMS/NAVIECDIS Software Updates ............................................................................... 10-2
Maintenance Password ....................................................................................................... 10-2
Reset Center Window......................................................................................................... 10-3
System Capture .................................................................................................................. 10-3
Diagnostics Window .......................................................................................................... 10-4
Screen Capture ................................................................................................................... 10-5
Monitor Brightness Check ................................................................................................. 10-5
Brightness Check for LCD Monitors ................................................................................. 10-6
Brightness Check for CRT Monitors.................................................................................. 10-6
NAVIGATION DATA LOGGING ................................................................................... 10-7
Data Log Files .................................................................................................................... 10-7
Reports ............................................................................................................................... 10-7
Data Log Report ................................................................................................................. 10-8
Noon Report ....................................................................................................................... 10-8
Bell Book Report................................................................................................................ 10-9
SYSTEM PLAYBACK.................................................................................................... 10-10
Controls and Indicators for Playback ............................................................................... 10-11
Playback Data Sources ..................................................................................................... 10-12
Chart Display Options for Playback................................................................................. 10-13
Running Playback ............................................................................................................ 10-13
Setting Playback Starting Time........................................................................................ 10-13
Setting Playback Rate....................................................................................................... 10-14
Selecting Automatic or Manual Mode ............................................................................. 10-14
Selecting a Chart .............................................................................................................. 10-14
Starting and Stopping Playback ....................................................................................... 10-14
FILE MANAGER ............................................................................................................ 10-15
File Management Window Functional Areas................................................................... 10-16
Data Type Selection ......................................................................................................... 10-17
Source and Destination Selection..................................................................................... 10-17
Node Selection ................................................................................................................. 10-17
Drive Selection................................................................................................................. 10-18
Selecting Files .................................................................................................................. 10-19
Copying Files ................................................................................................................... 10-19
Subdirectories On Floppy Disks and Remote Drives....................................................... 10-20
Deleting Files ................................................................................................................... 10-20
Confirmation Messages.................................................................................................... 10-21
Refresh ............................................................................................................................. 10-22
Mariner Objects in the File Manager ............................................................................... 10-22
Exporting Voyage Plans................................................................................................... 10-23



LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................ A-1



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table of Contents (continued)



INTERNAL VMS/NAVIECDIS ALARMS ........................................................................B-1
OPERATOR MESSAGES ...................................................................................................B-8
CHART WARNINGS........................................................................................................B-13



LIST OF CHART DATUM CODES ...................................................................................C-1



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 1-1. Typical VMS/NAVIECDIS Network.................................................................................... 1-2
Figure 1-2. VMS/NAVIECDIS Chart Display......................................................................................... 1-3
Figure 1-3. Typical Conning Information Display................................................................................... 1-4


Figure 2-1. On-Screen Keyboard ............................................................................................................. 2-2
Figure 2-2. VMS/NAVIECDIS Display With Main Menu ...................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-3. Secondary Menu .................................................................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-4. Main Menu ............................................................................................................................ 2-6
Figure 2-5. Secondary Menu .................................................................................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-6. Typical Fixed Window: Voyage Plan Editor........................................................................ 2-8
Figure 2-7. Typical Movable Windows.................................................................................................... 2-9
Figure 2-8. Window Containing Status Boxes ....................................................................................... 2-10
Figure 2-9. Course Window: Data Indicators........................................................................................ 2-11
Figure 2-10. Alarm Display Window..................................................................................................... 2-15
Figure 2-11. Operator Message Window ............................................................................................... 2-16
Figure 2-12. Chart Warnings Window ................................................................................................... 2-16
Figure 2-13. Adjustment for Ambient Light .......................................................................................... 2-17
Figure 2-14. Portfolio Window .............................................................................................................. 2-18
Figure 2-15. Features Window ............................................................................................................... 2-19
Figure 2-16. Operator-Defined Feature Sets .......................................................................................... 2-21
Figure 2-17. Units of Measure Window................................................................................................. 2-22
Figure 2-18. Vector Length Adjustment ................................................................................................ 2-24
Figure 2-19. Radar/Target Menu............................................................................................................ 2-25
Figure 2-20. Time and Date Display ...................................................................................................... 2-26
Figure 2-21. Time Window .................................................................................................................... 2-26
Figure 2-22. Time Zone Window........................................................................................................... 2-26
Figure 2-23. Sensor Indicators on the Main Menu................................................................................. 2-27
Figure 2-24. Position Indicator on the Secondary Menu........................................................................ 2-27
Figure 2-25. Heading Source Window ................................................................................................... 2-28
Figure 2-26. Course Window ................................................................................................................. 2-29
Figure 2-27. Ground Speed Window...................................................................................................... 2-29
Figure 2-28. Water Speed Window ........................................................................................................ 2-30
Figure 2-29. Position Source Window ................................................................................................... 2-31
Figure 2-30. Position Source Window: Offset Edit............................................................................... 2-32
Figure 2-31. Data Source Selection for Secondary Sensors ................................................................... 2-34
Figure 2-32. Manual Sensor Data Window ............................................................................................ 2-36
Figure 2-33. Course Window: Manual Data Selected ........................................................................... 2-37
Figure 2-34. Computed Sensor Data Window........................................................................................ 2-37
Figure 2-35. Position Discrepancy Alarm Is Not Issued ........................................................................ 2-38
Figure 2-36. Position Discrepancy Alarm Is Issued ................................................................................ 2-38
Figure 2-37. Exit VMS System Window ............................................................................................... 2-40



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

List of Figures (continued)


Figure 3-1. Electronic Bearing Line ......................................................................................................... 3-1
Figure 3-2. Variable Range Marker.......................................................................................................... 3-3
Figure 3-3. Coordinate Editor Window.................................................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-4. Conning Information Display Menu...................................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-5. Maneuvering Information Page ............................................................................................. 3-5
Figure 3-6. Depth Monitor ....................................................................................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-7. Central Alarm Manager ......................................................................................................... 3-7
Figure 3-8. Query Menu ........................................................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-9. Danger Query Window.......................................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-10. Spatial Query Window....................................................................................................... 3-10
Figure 3-11. Spatial Query Options Window......................................................................................... 3-11
Figure 3-12. Target Query Window ....................................................................................................... 3-13
Figure 3-13. Docking Display ................................................................................................................ 3-14
Figure 3-14. Features Window: Display Options for HUD Indicators.................................................. 3-15
Figure 3-15 Precision Anchoring Display .............................................................................................. 3-16
Figure 3-16. Features Menu: Anchoring Options.................................................................................. 3-16
Figure 3-17. Anchoring Window ........................................................................................................... 3-17
Figure 3-18. Man Overboard Display..................................................................................................... 3-18
Figure 3-19. MOB Data Window ........................................................................................................... 3-19
Figure 3-20. Event Description Window................................................................................................ 3-21


Figure 4-1. VMS/NAVIECDIS Chart Display......................................................................................... 4-1
Figure 4-2. Chart Controls on the Main Menu ......................................................................................... 4-7
Figure 4-3. Chart Display: Center Area................................................................................................. 4-10
Figure 4-4. Selection Mode Drop-Down Menu...................................................................................... 4-10
Figure 4-5. Selection Mode Example ..................................................................................................... 4-11
Figure 4-6. Display Scale Selection ....................................................................................................... 4-13
Figure 4-7. Chart Legend Window......................................................................................................... 4-14
Figure 4-8. Typical Chart Legend Data.................................................................................................. 4-14
Figure 4-9. Portfolio Window ................................................................................................................ 4-16
Figure 4-10. Voyage Plan Control Window........................................................................................... 4-17
Figure 4-11. Chart Catalog: Map & List Mode ..................................................................................... 4-19
Figure 4-12. Chart Catalog List Mode.................................................................................................... 4-20
Figure 4-13. Chart Catalog: Map Mode ................................................................................................. 4-21
Figure 4-14. Chart Filters Menu ............................................................................................................. 4-22
Figure 4-15. Chart Catalog: Map View, Filtered................................................................................... 4-23
Figure 4-16. BA Chart Containing a Panel............................................................................................. 4-24
Figure 4-17. Chart Utility Menu............................................................................................................. 4-26
Figure 4-18. Install Charts Window ....................................................................................................... 4-27
Figure 4-19. S57 Security Window ........................................................................................................ 4-29
Figure 4-20. ARCS Security Window.................................................................................................... 4-31
Figure 4-21. ARCS PIN Entry Menu ..................................................................................................... 4-33
Figure 4-22. Chart Utility Menu............................................................................................................. 4-34
Figure 4-23. Install C-MAP Window ..................................................................................................... 4-35
Figure 4-24. Choose C-MAP License File Menu................................................................................... 4-36



List of Figures (continued)

Figure 4-25.
Figure 4-26.
Figure 4-27.
Figure 4-28.
Figure 4-29.
Figure 4-30.
Figure 4-31.
Figure 4-32.
Figure 4-33.
Figure 4-34.
Figure 4-35.
Figure 4-36.
Figure 4-37.
Figure 4-38.
Figure 4-39.
Figure 4-40.
Figure 4-41.
Figure 4-42.
Figure 4-43.
Figure 4-44.
Figure 4-45.

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

C-MAP License Example .................................................................................................. 4-37

Enter C-MAP License Menu ............................................................................................. 4-37
Review Chart Updates Window ........................................................................................ 4-39
Review Updates Window .................................................................................................. 4-40
Review History Window ................................................................................................... 4-42
Features Menu ................................................................................................................... 4-43
Top-Level Display Options ............................................................................................... 4-43
Features Menu: Display Options for S57 Vector Charts .................................................. 4-44
Features Menu: Display Options for C-MAP Vector Charts............................................ 4-48
Features Menu: Ownship Options ..................................................................................... 4-50
History Window................................................................................................................. 4-52
Track Display Options from the Features Menu ............................................................... 4-53
Portfolio Editor: Editing a Chart Portfolio ....................................................................... 4-54
Portfolio Editor: Menu Area ............................................................................................. 4-55
Portfolio Editor: Available Charts as Map and List Display ............................................ 4-57
Portfolio Editor: Open Chart Portfolio ............................................................................. 4-58
Presentation Library Index ................................................................................................ 4-59
Presentation Library Expanded Object Group................................................................... 4-60
Presentation Library: Object Detail .................................................................................. 4-61
Presentation Library Color Diagram.................................................................................. 4-62
Adjustment for Ambient Light .......................................................................................... 4-63


Figure 5-1. Voyage Plan Track ................................................................................................................ 5-2
Figure 5-2. Voyage Plan Control Window............................................................................................... 5-3
Figure 5-3. Features Menu: Voyage Plan Options .................................................................................. 5-5
Figure 5-4. VP Status Window................................................................................................................. 5-6
Figure 5-5. Temporary Voyage Plan Window ......................................................................................... 5-8
Figure 5-6. Voyage Plan Control Window............................................................................................. 5-12
Figure 5-7. Voyage Plan Load Menu ..................................................................................................... 5-12
Figure 5-8. Voyage Plan Summary Window.......................................................................................... 5-14
Figure 5-9. ETA Calculation Options .................................................................................................... 5-17
Figure 5-10. Calculation Type Selection................................................................................................ 5-18
Figure 5-11. ETA Calculator: SOA and DTG for the Voyage Plan....................................................... 5-18
Figure 5-12. ETA Calculator: SOA....................................................................................................... 5-19
Figure 5-13. ETA Calculator: DTG....................................................................................................... 5-19
Figure 5-14. ETA Calculator: ETA ........................................................................................................ 5-20
Figure 5-15. Critical Point Marked on the Plan Track ........................................................................... 5-20
Figure 5-16. Critical Point Alarm........................................................................................................... 5-21
Figure 5-17. Voyage Plan Editor............................................................................................................ 5-22
Figure 5-18. Edit Plan Menu .................................................................................................................. 5-24
Figure 5-19. Load Voyage Plan Menu ................................................................................................... 5-26
Figure 5-20. VP Editor Features Menu .................................................................................................. 5-27
Figure 5-21. Select Portfolio Menu ........................................................................................................ 5-28
Figure 5-22. Enter Plan Description Menu............................................................................................. 5-28
Figure 5-23. Enter Local ETD Menu ..................................................................................................... 5-29
Figure 5-24. Enter Safety Depth Menu .................................................................................................. 5-29
Figure 5-25. Plan Summary.................................................................................................................... 5-29
Figure 5-26. Voyage Plan Editor With Waypoints Menu ...................................................................... 5-30


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 5-27.
Figure 5-28.
Figure 5-29.
Figure 5-30.
Figure 5-31.
Figure 5-32.
Figure 5-33.
Figure 5-34.

List of Figures (continued)

Waypoints Menu................................................................................................................ 5-31

Critical Points Menu .......................................................................................................... 5-35
Entering Data for Critical Points ....................................................................................... 5-36
Enter Filename Menu......................................................................................................... 5-38
Rhumb Line Track ............................................................................................................. 5-39
Great Circle Selected ......................................................................................................... 5-40
Composite Track Using a Limiting Latitude ..................................................................... 5-41
Enter Limiting Latitude Menu ........................................................................................... 5-42


Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-2.
Figure 6-3.
Figure 6-4.
Figure 6-5.
Figure 6-6.
Figure 6-7.
Figure 6-8.
Figure 6-9.

Voyage Plan Status Window ................................................................................................. 6-1

Autopilot Control Window .................................................................................................... 6-3
Operator Message Before Planned Wheel-Over Point .......................................................... 6-8
Autopilot Control Window .................................................................................................. 6-10
Track Controller Mode Menu .............................................................................................. 6-10
Heading Order Limits .......................................................................................................... 6-12
Operator Message: Heading Order Limits Exceeded ......................................................... 6-12
Speed Control Window........................................................................................................ 6-13
Ship Loading Conditions Drop-Down Menu....................................................................... 6-16


Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-2.
Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-4.

Ownship Safety Zone............................................................................................................. 7-2

Safety Configuration Window ............................................................................................... 7-2
Voyage Plan Safety Zone ...................................................................................................... 7-3
Alarm Display Window ......................................................................................................... 7-7


Figure 8-1. Main Menu Radar Controls ................................................................................................... 8-1
Figure 8-2. ARPA Targets on the Chart Display...................................................................................... 8-2
Figure 8-3. Features Menu Target Display Options ................................................................................. 8-3
Figure 8-4. Targets Menu ......................................................................................................................... 8-4
Figure 8-5. Target Data Display Window ................................................................................................ 8-5
Figure 8-6. Target Edit Menu ................................................................................................................... 8-7
Figure 8-7. Target Swap Window ........................................................................................................... 8-7
Figure 8-8. Target History Window ......................................................................................................... 8-8
Figure 8-9. Setting Up Relative Target Data ............................................................................................ 8-9
Figure 8-10. Target Data Pair Window .................................................................................................... 8-9
Figure 8-11. AIS Targets With Target Query......................................................................................... 8-10
Figure 8-12. Control Navline Window................................................................................................... 8-12
Figure 8-13. Radar Controls ................................................................................................................... 8-12
Figure 8-14. Radar Display Control Window ........................................................................................ 8-13
Figure 8-15. Test Pattern Display With Test Target .............................................................................. 8-16
Figure 8-16. Chart Match Window......................................................................................................... 8-18



List of Figures (continued)

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Figure 9-1. Chart Additions on the Chart Display.................................................................................... 9-1
Figure 9-2. Features Menu: Chart Additions Options .............................................................................. 9-2
Figure 9-3. Chart Additions Editor........................................................................................................... 9-3
Figure 9-4. Coordinate Editor Menu ........................................................................................................ 9-5
Figure 9-5. Object Categories Menu ........................................................................................................ 9-6
Figure 9-6. Object Types Menu (Light Objects) ....................................................................................... 9-6
Figure 9-7. Selecting an Existing Object for Editing or Removal............................................................ 9-8
Figure 9-8. Light Menu ............................................................................................................................ 9-9
Figure 9-9. Geometry Attribute Edit Menu .............................................................................................. 9-9
Figure 9-10. Color Menu........................................................................................................................ 9-10
Figure 9-11. Danger Area Displayed on the Electronic Chart................................................................ 9-11
Figure 9-12. Setting Points for Danger Area Location........................................................................... 9-12
Figure 9-13. Danger Area Selected for Editing...................................................................................... 9-13
Figure 9-14. Arc Object.......................................................................................................................... 9-14
Figure 9-15. Chart Annotation Symbol .................................................................................................. 9-15
Figure 9-16. User Remark ...................................................................................................................... 9-16
Figure 9-17. Navigation Point ................................................................................................................ 9-16
Figure 9-18. Chart Additions Editor: Navlines Added.......................................................................... 9-17
Figure 9-19. Edit Navline Menu............................................................................................................. 9-19


Figure 10-1. System Menu ..................................................................................................................... 10-1
Figure-10-2. Prompt for Floppy Disk..................................................................................................... 10-4
Figure 10-3. Diagnostics Window.......................................................................................................... 10-4
Figure 10-4. Build Information Window................................................................................................ 10-4
Figure 10-5. Screen Capture Window .................................................................................................... 10-5
Figure 10-6. Brightness Check Window ................................................................................................ 10-6
Figure 10-7. Reports Drop-Down Menu ................................................................................................ 10-7
Figure 10-8. Print Log Range Window .................................................................................................. 10-8
Figure 10-9. Noon Report Window........................................................................................................ 10-9
Figure 10-10. Print Bell Book Range Window ...................................................................................... 10-9
Figure 10-11. Playback Window.......................................................................................................... 10-10
Figure 10-12. Playback Sources and Playback Features ...................................................................... 10-12
Figure 10-13. Playback Time Window ................................................................................................ 10-13
Figure 10-14. File Manager.................................................................................................................. 10-15
Figure 10-15. Data Type and Destination Selection............................................................................. 10-18
Figure 10-16. Confirmation Message Window: Copying Files ........................................................... 10-21
Figure 10-17. Mariner Objects in the File Manager............................................................................. 10-22



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

List of Figures (continued)




VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 2-1.
Table 2-2.
Table 2-3.
Table 2-4.
Table 2-5.
Table 2-6.

Status Indications .................................................................................................................. 2-10

Data Display Colors .............................................................................................................. 2-11
Alarm Priority Levels............................................................................................................ 2-14
Units Of Measure .................................................................................................................. 2-22
Manual Sensor Data Window: Controls .............................................................................. 2-35
Security Violation Messages................................................................................................. 2-41

Table 3-1. Spatial Query Options Window Controls ............................................................................. 3-11

Table 3-2. Features Menu: Anchoring Options ..................................................................................... 3-16
Table 4-1. Chart Controls on the Main Menu .......................................................................................... 4-7
Table 4-2. Additional Information from the Chart Legend Window ..................................................... 4-15
Table 4-3. Chart Catalog Map Display Controls.................................................................................... 4-22
Table 4-4. S57 Security Info Window Controls ..................................................................................... 4-29
Table 4-5. ARCS Security Window Controls ........................................................................................ 4-31
Table 4-6. C-MAP Controls on the Chart Utility Menu......................................................................... 4-34
Table 4-7. Top-Level Display Options on the Feature Menu................................................................. 4-44
Table 4-8. S57 Vector Chart Display Options........................................................................................ 4-45
Table 4-9. Chart Text Options for S57 Vector Charts............................................................................ 4-46
Table 4-10. Chart Features Options for S57 Vector Charts ................................................................... 4-46
Table 4-11. Display Options for C-MAP Vector Charts ........................................................................ 4-49
Table 4-11. Ownship Display Options ................................................................................................... 4-51
Table 4-12. History Window Controls .................................................................................................... 4-53
Table 4-13. Portfolio Editor Menu Controls .......................................................................................... 4-55
Table 5-1. Voyage Plan Control Window ................................................................................................ 5-4
Table 5-2. Voyage Plan Options From the Features Menu ...................................................................... 5-5
Table 5-3. VP Status Window Indicators ................................................................................................. 5-6
Table 5-4. Temporary Plan Window Controls and Indicators.................................................................. 5-8
Table 5-5. Voyage Plan Summary Window Indicators .......................................................................... 5-15
Table 5-6. ETA Calculation Options...................................................................................................... 5-17
Table 5-7. Voyage Plan Editor Chart Display Controls ......................................................................... 5-23
Table 5-8. Edit Plan Menu Controls....................................................................................................... 5-24
Table 5-9. Rhumb Line Track ................................................................................................................ 5-40
Table 5-10. Great Circle Track............................................................................................................... 5-41
Table 5-11. Composite Track ................................................................................................................. 5-42
Table 6-1.
Table 6-2.
Table 6-3.
Table 6-4.
Table 6-5.

VP Status Window Indicators ................................................................................................. 6-2

Autopilot Control Window Controls and Indicators ............................................................... 6-3
Autopilot Settings and VMS/NAVIECDIS Pilot Control Modes........................................... 6-5
Speed Control Window Controls and Indicators .................................................................. 6-13
Ordered Speed Indicator Display Colors .............................................................................. 6-15

Table 8-1. Radar Controls on the Main Menu.......................................................................................... 8-1

Table 8-2. Target Display Options from the Features Menu.................................................................... 8-3
Table 8-3. Targets Menu Controls............................................................................................................ 8-5



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

List of Tables (continued)

Table 8-4. Target Data Display Column Names ...................................................................................... 8-6

Table 8-5. Radar Display Control Window Controls ............................................................................. 8-13
Table 8-6. Test Target Adjustments ....................................................................................................... 8-17
Table 9-1.
Table 9-2.
Table 9-3.
Table 9-4.

Chart Display Controls and Indicators in the Chart Additions Editor .................................... 9-4
Chart Additions Object Categories and Object Types ............................................................ 9-7
Chart Additions Editor Action Controls ................................................................................. 9-7
Controls for Saving or Discarding Chart Additions Changes ............................................... 9-10

Table 10-1. System Menu Controls........................................................................................................ 10-1

Table 10-2. Playback Window Controls and Indicators....................................................................... 10-11
Table A-1. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................... A-1
Table B-1. VMS/NAVIECDIS Alarm Descriptions ................................................................................B-1
Table B-2. VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator Messages .................................................................................B-8
Table B-3. VMS/NAVIECDIS Chart Warnings ....................................................................................B-13
Table C-1. List of Chart Datum Codes.....................................................................................................C-1



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

This manual provides information and procedures necessary to operate the Sperry Marine Voyage
Management System-Navigation Electronic Chart Display and Information System (VMS/NAVIECDIS).
It applies only to the following software version:
VMS/NAVIECDIS, Version 6.5
This manual is limited to information that is of concern to operators of the VMS, for voyage planning and
monitoring. It does not contain installation or maintenance procedures for the VMS software or other
related systems. The full set of software features described in this manual may not be available on all
system installations.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual





VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 1


This chapter provides a general description of the VMS/NAVIECDIS, a product of Sperry Marine.



The primary purpose of any Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is to contribute to
safe navigation. The VMS/NAVIECDIS is designed to deliver improved situational awareness for
decision makers on the bridge, due to accelerated information processing and unfettered access to the
electronic chart display. With the computerized system automating many of the time-consuming tasks in
voyage planning and navigation, the bridge officer can concentrate on making the right navigation



The VMS/NAVIECDIS is designed in accordance with the ECDIS specifications of the International
Maritime Organization. The system typically consists of two or more computer workstations connected
by a Local Area Network (LAN), with navigation sensors providing data inputs at one or more system
Using the ECDIS, navigation officers can access a variety of important data, where and when they need it.
Traditional bridge equipment and most navigation sensors can be interfaced to the system, and optional
remote monitors can provide additional slave displays at any required location.


System Network

The diagram in Figure 1-1 shows a typical VMS/NAVIECDIS installation. When the system includes
more than one workstation, all system computers are linked via the LAN, so that data input to one
computer is available at all workstations. Typically, the network includes at least one navigation station
and one planning station. The system shown in Figure 1-1 includes a third workstation designated as the
conning station.
The navigation station is usually located in the conning position. Most ECDIS functions are available at
the navigation station, with the exception of chart markup and some optional features. The planning
station provides all ECDIS functions. It is usually located in the chart room, near the chart table. A
printer is usually included at the planning station to provide hard copies of voyage data, and other printed
Voyage planning or chart editing can be performed at the planning station without interfering with the
conning operations at the navigation station. All navigation screens available at the navigation station are
also available at the planning station, so that the ships position can be monitored from either location.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 1: General Information













Figure 1-1. Typical VMS/NAVIECDIS Network

Computers serving critical functions are only to be used for purposes relevant to ship operation, so the
system is normally configured to prevent the operator from installing or running any other applications.
Underlying functions of the operating system are not available to the operator.



Chapter 1: General Information


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


The systems chart display, shown in Figure 1-2, is available at the navigation station and at the planning
station. The screen is designed to maximize the visibility of the electronic chart, while providing
convenient access to all system controls. Additional controls are provided on separate windows, which
can be moved around the screen to avoid blocking important areas of the chart. At any time, all open
windows can be hidden with a single button click, to reveal the full chart display.

Figure 1-2. VMS/NAVIECDIS Chart Display

The system is designed for flexibility in presenting information according to specific customer
requirements. For example, The conning station can be configured to display a single page of specific
navigation data, designed to comply with regulatory requirements or specific customer needs. A typical
Conning Information Display page is illustrated in Figure 1-3.
In the Conning Information Display, much of the digital data is presented graphically, to mimic analog
instruments. This makes it easier for the operator to comprehend and assimilate the data at a glance. The



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 1: General Information

displayed data is updated continuously based on the connected sensors, and the display layout is fixed, so
that the operator will learn to find data in the same location, any time he or she looks for it. The system
can also be configured to display other, similar pages to display engineering data or other needed

Figure 1-3. Typical Conning Information Display


System Features

The VMS/NAVIECDIS provides a wide variety of standard and optional features in addition to the chart
Basic system features include:

Display of electronic charts in various commercial formats.

Chart portfolio editor
Integration of data from various sensors, with real-time data display.
Data sharing on a local area network (LAN).
Voyage plan creation and execution, including safety checking of the Voyage Plan track.
Graphical chart tools, including electronic bearing lines and variable range markers.
Comprehensive alarm and operator message system.
Automated safety checking based on the contents of charts in the active chart portfolio.



Chapter 1: General Information

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chart Additions Editor for adding danger areas and other markup objects to the electronic chart.
Logging, printing and playback of ships navigation data.
Tools for management of a Man Overboard emergency.
File manager.

Optional features include:


Wide variety of available chart types.

Autopilot interface, providing DNV-certified track keeping.
Central Alarm Management.
Course Mode enhancement for automatic track steering.
Speed order control.
Radar interface, including target display on the electronic chart, Navlines, and Radar Overlay.
Automatic Identification of Ships.
Precision maneuvering displays, including Docking and Anchoring.
Special data displays: Conning Information, Engineering Information.

Electronic Charts

The VMS/NAVIECDIS has the capability to catalog and display electronic charts in various formats,
including commercially produced vector charts and commercially available scanned charts produced by
major official hydrographic offices. Since chart formats differ, the system can be configured at the
factory or onboard the ship to use the chart formats specified by the customer.
Available chart formats include:

ENC Vector charts in the S57 format, available from various suppliers.
C-MAP vector charts.
British Admiralty ARCS Raster Charts.
Raster charts such as those issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) and distributed by BSB Electronic Charts.

The planning station can be equipped with an optional digitizer device, providing for the creation of
electronic charts from existing paper ones. The digitizer can also be used to edit previously created
electronic charts, when a published Notice to Mariners updates the corresponding paper chart.


Sensor Data Integration and Display

One key system feature is its ability to receive sensor data, both from the local area network and through
direct hardware interfaces.
The types of navigation data used by the VMS/NAVIECDIS include, but are not limited to:

Speed over the ground.
Speed through the water.

Geographic position.
Set & drift.
Course over the ground.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 1: General Information

The system allows the operator to select the data source for each sensor type. In the case of position data,
for example, a GPS, LORAN or other position sensor device could be selected to provide the ships
position to the VMS/NAVIECDIS. If a valid source of data is temporarily unavailable, the operator can
manually enter the appropriate data and select MANUAL in the source window. See Chapter 2 for more
detailed information on selecting data sources for navigation sensors.


Route Planning

Using the Voyage Plan Editor, Voyage Plans can be created and stored. If a chart portfolio is associated
with a Voyage Plan, chart selection during execution of the plan can be carried out automatically. The
system performs safety checking of the Voyage Plan track on editing a plan and on its execution.


Automatic Track Steering and Speed Control

If the system includes an autopilot interface, Voyage Plans can be executed using automatic track
steering. The VMS/NAVIECDIS issues heading orders to the autopilot, to stay on the plan track. If the
system includes the optional speed control, propulsion orders can also be made automatically by the


Radar Interface

The optional radar interface provides access and display of target information from multiple ARPA
radars. Radar contacts are automatically processed to provide a single target list, so that if two radars
have acquired the same target it will be displayed as one target at the VMS/NAVIECDIS. Symbols
representing radar targets are displayed on the electronic chart. Each displayed target symbol can include
a speed vector, a history track and an identification number.
In addition to the targets display, the radar interface can optionally provide a Radar Overlay, which
displays radar video on the electronic chart. The radar return information from fixed navigation points
can be used to check the accuracy of the displayed chart, matching chart data to actual location data for
objects visible to the radar. See Chapter 8 for a detailed description of the VMS/NAVIECDIS radar


Central Alarm Manager

The optional Central Alarm Manager provides a comprehensive alarm management system, integrated
with the internal alarm functions of the VMS/NAVIECDIS.
Using the Central Alarm Manager, the system can serve as a central point for alarms, warnings and status
information from various shipboard systems and locations.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2


This chapter covers the following topics:

User Interface Devices.

VMS/NAVIECDIS Software Basics.
Alarms and Warnings.
Software Startup.

System Setup.
Sensor Management.
Software Shutdown.
System Security.

The information in this chapter provides a basic overview of the software controls needed to operate
various system functions, to manage navigation sensors, and to start up and shut down the system. Setup
procedures are provided, to prepare the system for use underway.



The operator interacts with the VMS/NAVIECDIS using the following types of devices:


Pointing devices.
Display monitor.

Pointing Devices

The type of pointing device used may vary from one installation to another. The pointing device can be a
trackball, joystick, touch pad or other device. Each type of pointing device has a center control and two
or three buttons. The operator moves the cursor on the screen using the center control, which can move in
any direction: up, down, left and right. Use any of the buttons surrounding the center control to activate
menu selections.
To make a menu selection using the pointing device:
a. Move the cursor to the desired menu item. Press any button on the pointing device to highlight
the menu item. The highlighted item is outlined in yellow to indicate that it has been selected.
b. To activate the selected menu item, release the button.


In some cases, a mouse may also be connected to the VMS/NAVIECDIS workstation. The mouse is used
like other pointing devices: Menu items are selected by moving the cursor and then pressing the left or
right button. To activate the menu item, release the button.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 2: Basic Operation


Many system functions require the operator to enter text or numeric data into on-screen data fields, using
a keyboard. Depending upon system configuration, an on-screen keyboard and/or an external, hardware
keyboard may be available.
The external keyboard looks and functions like any computer keyboard, while the on-screen keyboard
(see Figure 2-1) is a representation of a computer keyboard.
By default, both keyboards enter characters in Insert mode for text data, and Typeover mode for numeric
data. The keyboards INSERT key can be used to toggle between Typeover mode and Insert mode. In
Typeover mode, the insertion point is indicated by a rectangular cursor, and characters entered from the
keyboard replace the contents of the rectangle. In Insert mode, the insertion point is shown as a vertical
bar, and characters entered from the keyboard are inserted without overwriting previously entered data.

Figure 2-1. On-Screen Keyboard

When using the on-screen keyboard, data entry is made to the data field at the keyboards upper left
corner. To reset the field to its original value without closing the keyboard, select the ORIGINAL button.
Use the CLEAR button to clear the contents of the data field. The keyboards ACCEPT button closes the
keyboard display and enters the contents of the keyboards data field. To close the keyboard and discard
any entered data, select the CANCEL button.


Display Monitor

Monitors provided with the VMS/NAVIECDIS are calibrated to ensure that the colors displayed meet all
requirements for safe navigation.
Monitors used with the system are of the following types:

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), also known as a flat panel display.

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), the traditional type of computer monitor.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

It is the operators responsibility to observe the performance of the display, and to ensure proper
performance of the system by taking the simple measures described below.
Use of the brightness control on the monitor may inhibit visibility of information at night.

LCD Monitors

The only manual control available on the LCD monitor is the brightness control. Contrast for LCD
monitors is preset for optimal performance. As selections are made for ambient lighting conditions , the
software can automatically adjust the brightness level of LCD monitors to a known optimal setting. The
manual brightness control can be used to change the brightness setting from this level, if necessary. For
more information on making adjustments for ambient lighting conditions, see Paragraph 2.6.1.
The monitor brightness check should be performed after making an adjustment for ambient lighting. For
more information on the Brightness Check, see Paragraph 2.6.1. The monitor color test should be
performed periodically. For more information on the color test, see Paragraph 4.12.3.

CRT Monitors

CRT monitors have manual controls for brightness and contrast. They do not have the capability for
automatic brightness adjustment by the system software. As selections are made for ambient lighting
conditions, it may be necessary to adjust brightness and contrast to ensure visibility of all chart
information. For more information on making adjustments for ambient lighting conditions, see Paragraph
The monitor brightness check should be performed after making an adjustment for ambient lighting. For
more information on the Brightness Check, see Paragraph 2.6.1. The monitor color test should be
performed periodically. For more information on the color test, see Paragraph 4.12.3.
It is typically necessary to degauss a CRT monitor when a significant change is made in ships heading.
Some monitors provide for degaussing through an automatic, periodic degauss capability. On other
monitors, a manual degauss switch is provided.
When a CRT monitor is more than two years old, it may require more extensive readjustment and
recalibration depending on its level of use. As any CRT ages, it is normal for the picture to gradually
decrease in brightness, for more of the darkest shades of color to gradually become indistinguishable from
black, and for the tint of colors to gradually shift. If these conditions have become evident, the monitor
no longer meets system performance requirements. It should be evaluated, and repaired or replaced as



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

Monitor Cleaning

It is important to keep the surface of the monitor clean, to ensure maximum visibility of the display.
Clean the glass and bezel using a soft cloth. If necessary, wet with an alcohol-based glass cleaner or
water. Use as little pressure as possible. Rubbing too hard on the glass of an LCD monitor can cause dirt
on the glass surface or particles on the cloth to scratch the glass and damage the antireflective coating.



This section describes the basic controls and screen layout of the VMS/NAVIECDIS software.


Screen Layout

Figure 2-2 illustrates the VMS/NAVIECDIS display, which is designed to maximize the visibility and
usability of the electronic chart.

Main and Secondary Menus

At the top of the screen, the main menu provides quick access to system functions which must be
available for immediate action. At the bottom right corner of the screen, the Cursor Position window
provides a continuous indication of data related to the screen cursor. Cursor position indicators include
range, bearing and Time To Go from Ownship to the cursor position, as well as reciprocal bearing from
the cursor position to Ownship.
An additional menu can be displayed at any time by moving the cursor to the bottom of the screen (see
Figure 2-3). This secondary menu provides controls that are needed frequently during system operation.
From both the main menu and the secondary menu, various windows can be opened for access to all
system functions. Figure 2-4 illustrates the main menu, with a description of each of the controls
commonly found there. Figure 2-5 illustrates the secondary menu.
Depending upon installed equipment and other factors related to system configuration,
the availability and location of buttons on the main menu and other menus my differ from
those shown in this manual. The menus shown here are based upon a typical system



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 2-2. VMS/NAVIECDIS Display With Main Menu

Figure 2-3. Secondary Menu



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

Figure 2-4. Main Menu



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 2-5. Secondary Menu



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

Chart Display Area

The chart display area is located in the central part of the display screen. In addition to the electronic
chart, various windows are displayed in this area during normal system operation.
On the main menu, the HIDE button is always visible, to enable immediate access to the chart display. All
open windows are hidden when the HIDE button is selected. However, any planning work or other
activity that is in process on a hidden window remains undisturbed while the window is hidden. The open
windows can be recalled by selecting the SHOW button.

Fixed Windows

Some system functions are presented on large windows that completely cover the chart display area.
Fixed windows are used for complex system functions, such as the Voyage Plan Editor (see Figure 2-6).

Figure 2-6. Typical Fixed Window: Voyage Plan Editor



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Fixed windows are not movable. They can be closed by selecting the
(Exit) button at the upper right
corner of the window, or hidden using the HIDE button. The main menu is always visible above the

Movable Windows

Most system functions use controls that are located on smaller windows, which can be moved to any
location on the chart display. Some windows contain a simple menu of buttons, while others may provide
indicators for system data or other controls for operator input. For example, Figure 2-7 illustrates the
System Menu and Heading Source windows.

Figure 2-7. Typical Movable Windows

To move a window:
Select the windows title bar, which is the area at the top containing the name of the window.
Then drag the window to the desired new location. Once a window has been moved to the
location on the screen, it will continue to pop up there, until the system is restarted.
The correct procedure for closing a window depends upon the controls available on the window, and the
intention of the operator.
To close a window:
1. Select the ACCEPT button (if available) to remove a window from the display while activating
any operator inputs made from the window.
2. Select CANCEL, CLOSE or the
(Exit) button to remove a window from the display without
activating input made from the window.
The APPLY button can be used to activate operator inputs without closing the window.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 2: Basic Operation

Screen Controls

The following paragraphs describe the most common types of controls used for operator interaction with

Control Buttons

Control buttons are used to issue a command to the system, or to select an option from a list. Button
labels are normally black. Buttons that are unavailable due to system configuration or the present mode
of operation have a gray label.

Status Boxes

Status boxes provide a visual indication of the active or inactive status of individual software functions or
options. The status box is either square or diamond shaped, and its color is bright green to indicate an
active function, or dark to indicate an inactive one. On buttons containing status boxes, the button can be
selected to toggle between active and inactive states.
Figure 2-8 illustrates the Spatial Query Options window, which uses buttons containing status boxes.

Figure 2-8. Window Containing Status Boxes

Table 2-1 identifies and describes the possible status indications.
Table 2-1. Status Indications


Bright green or bright green with a check mark

On or active.


Off or inactive

Yellow or yellow with a white check mark


Yellow or yellow with a black check mark


A button in a pending-on status changes to an active status when the ACCEPT or APPLY button is selected.
A pending-off button changes to inactive status.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Data Entry

Operator entry of text or numeric data is required in various system menus. To change the information in
a data field, select the field and then enter new text or numeric values using the keyboard. In Figure 2-8,
the Search Radius field can accept a new value by operator entry. Data entry fields are identified by
white characters on a dark gray background.
The software provides data validation of entered values when required. Where a field width is enforced,
for example, the number of entered characters is limited. Other validation checks are also used where
appropriate; for example, a number entered as a heading value must be between 000 and 359. When an
invalid value is entered, the color of the value changes to red.

Data Indicators

Data indicators are used to display numbers, filenames, chart names, and other text or numeric
information. These indicators do not accept data entry from the operator. The color of the displayed
value indicates status of the data field.
Figure 2-9 illustrates data indicators used in the Course window.

Figure 2-9. Course Window:

Data Indicators
Table 2-2 identifies and describes color conventions used for data display.
Table 2-2. Data Display Colors
Indicator Color



Valid data, which is presently active and selected. For example, valid
sensor data from an active data source.


Valid data that is not in an active status. For example, valid sensor
data from a data source that is not presently selected as the active


Data that has been changed, and remains in a pending state. A pending
value is one that has been entered but not applied or accepted.


Invalid data.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 2: Basic Operation

Each VMS/NAVIECDIS is equipped with a device called a Security Block (sometimes
called a dongle) which is attached to the parallel port of one of the system computers.
On startup, the system compares a code stored in the Security Block to a similar code in
the system software. If the codes do not match, the system will not start. See Paragraph
2.9 for more detailed information on system security, including the list of error messages
that may be generated when a security problem occurs.

VMS/NAVIECDIS workstations are designed such that one switch at each workstation typically applies
power to that workstations computer and monitor. As the computer is started, the software automatically
establishes network communication with any other system workstations that may already be running.
A VMS/NAVIECDIS identification screen is displayed while the program is being loaded. After system
initialization, the identification screen is replaced by the ECDIS display (see Figure 2-2). At some
workstations, a Sea Page overlay, such as the Conning Information Display, may be configured for
display at startup in place of the main ECDIS display.
In order to prevent accidental deletion or mishandling of important files, the operating
system is not available to the user. Sperry Marine service representatives using the
correct password can access the operating system for system analysis and software
upgrades. The service representative will re-lock the operating system before departing
the ship.


Sensor Selection on Startup

On starting the VMS/NAVIECDIS at a specific workstation, navigation sensor devices are activated
automatically, as follows:

If no other workstation on the network has been started, sensors data sources are activated based
on the devices that were active at this workstation at the time when the computer was last
switched off.

If one or more workstations have already been started, and sensor data is present, sensor devices
already active at the running workstations are shown.

Each navigation sensor is typically interfaced to the system through a single workstation. The
VMS/NAVIECDIS software must be running at the individual workstation to make the data from its
associated sensors available to the system. If data from a specific sensor device is not available, make
sure that the sensor device is on and that the workstation it is wired to has been started.
For more information on the selection of data sources for navigation sensors, see Paragraph 2.7.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chart Display on Startup

By default, the chart display opens in Center mode, in which the Ownship symbol is shown in the center
of the chart. If no charts are available, the planning sheet is displayed. If a chart portfolio is active, the
display shows the most detailed chart, from the loaded portfolio, for the area where the ship is located.
For more information about the chart display and chart portfolios, see Chapter 4 of this manual.


System Checkout

After the workstation is started, some setup procedures may be necessary, including selection of data
sources for navigation sensors. This is likely if no other workstation is already running on the system
network. After navigation data sources have been selected, and any other required setup procedures have
been performed, the workstation is set for voyage monitoring underway. The following checklist can be
used to assess the readiness of the system. If further setup is necessary, see Paragraphs 2.6 and 2.7, and
other sections of this manual as noted below.
If the VMS/NAVIECDIS software has been reinstalled, additional procedures should be
followed before using the workstation for voyage planning and monitoring. Software
reinstallation, and the full checkout procedure after software reinstallation, requires the
presence of a Sperry Marine service engineer.
To verify proper setup, make the following checks:

On the main menu, the indicators for HDG (Heading), COG (Course Over the Ground), SOG
(Speed Over the Ground), and STW (Speed Through the Water) should all be green. Red data
indicates a loss of valid data from the selected source. On the secondary menu, the indicator for
POS (Position) should also be green.

Active sources for navigation data are indicated to the right of the displayed sensor data. Verify
that the desired sensor devices are selected; if not, select alternate data sources. On the chart
display, the color of the Ownship symbol or outline is red if the software determines that the data
sources for Position and/or Heading source are not providing valid data.

From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the MANUAL button to display the
Manual Sensor Data window. Verify that the DRAFT value entered there is accurate. If a valid
source of navigation data is temporarily unavailable for any other navigation sensors, enter data
manually, and then select MANUAL as the data source for the invalid sensor. For more
information on the use of manual data for navigation sensors, see below in Paragraph 2.7.7.

Select the ALARM button to open the Alarm Display window. Verify whether any alarm
conditions are indicated. See Paragraph 2.5.1 for more information on using the Alarm Display

On the main menu, the selected chart name is shown in the Chart Name indicator. Verify that the
correct chart and chart portfolio are selected. If not, select the desired chart and/or chart
portfolio. For information on chart portfolios and electronic chart selection, see Chapter 4.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation


It is the mariners responsibility to review charts before they are used. If a problem is
found, contact the issuing Hydrographic Office or chart reseller, in sufficient time to
receive the correct replacement chart or update.

From the secondary menu, select the FTRS button to open the Main Features window. Inspect the
selected chart display options, and correct them if necessary. For more information on setting
display options from the Main Features window, see Paragraph 2.6.3 .

If no Voyage Plan is active in the system, the Voyage Plan Name indicator on the main menu is
red, and displays the text NO VOYAGE PLAN LOADED. If a Voyage Plan was selected during
system setup, or if a plan has been loaded at another running workstation, the indicator shows the
name of the loaded plan. The name is green if the plan is actually running. If the desired plan is
not indicated, load the desired plan as necessary. For more information on loading Voyage Plans,
see Chapter 5.



The VMS/NAVIECDIS issues alarms and warnings to inform the operator of situations that require
Standard alarms and warnings include alarms of the following types: internal VMS/NAVIECDIS
Alarms, Operator Messages, and Chart Warnings. In addition to the standard alarms, the optional Central
Alarm Manager enables the VMS/NAVIECDIS to serve as a central point to process and display warning
information generated from other shipboard systems and devices. Operator responses to these various
types of alarms and warnings are covered in the paragraphs that follow.
A list of alarm and warning messages is provided in Appendix B.


Internal VMS/NAVIECDIS Alarms

When one or more internal alarms have been issued, the ALARM button on the main menu changes color
and begins to flash. At the same time, an audible alarm will sound. The color of the ALARM button and
the sound of the alarm tone indicate the level of severity of the most serious active alarm condition. Table
2-3 identifies and describes the available alarm priority levels.
Table 2-3. Alarm Priority Levels




Light blue

Notification to the operator.



Low-priority alarms.



Alarms of a priority below Primary.



Alarms which indicate a condition that requires prompt attention to

prevent an emergency condition.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual



Alarms which indicate that a caller is in distress or has an urgent

message to transmit.



Alarms which indicate that immediate danger exists to human life,

or to the ship and its machinery. Immediate action must be taken.

To obtain additional information, or to access controls for acknowledging and silencing alarms, select the
ALARM button to open the Alarm Display window (see Figure 2-10).

Figure 2-10. Alarm Display Window

In the Alarm Display window, an alarm description is displayed for each alarm condition detected by the
system, along with the date and time when the condition was first detected. Alarms that have not yet been
acknowledged by the operator are displayed in the Unacknowledged Alarms list in the upper portion of
the window. Each unacknowledged alarm is displayed on a separate button. For alarm conditions that
are still active, the color of the button indicates the severity of the alarm condition. If the alarm condition
has been resolved such that the condition causing the alarm is no longer detected, the button reverts to the
background color.
To respond to alarms listed in the Alarm Display window:
a. From the main menu, select the ALARM button.
b. From the Alarm Display window (see Figure 2-10), select the button for any alarm to
acknowledge and silence it. If the condition causing the alarm is no longer detected by the
system, the alarm indication will disappear. If the alarm condition still exists, the description will
move to the Acknowledged Alarms list at the bottom of the Alarm Display window.


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

c. Repeat for any existing alarm conditions. When all alarms have been acknowledged in this
manner, the ALARM button on the main menu will stop flashing. It will remain colored to
indicate the most serious acknowledged alarm.
d. The Alarm Display window can be closed by selecting the
corner of the window.


(Exit) button at the upper right

Operator Messages

Operator Messages are generated when the operator must be informed of significant system events, such
as an upcoming course change. These messages are presented in the Operator Message window (see
Figure 2-11).

Figure 2-11. Operator Message Window

The Operator Message window is displayed at the top of the electronic chart, covering any other windows
on the chart display. It is not movable. To clear the message, select the ACKNOWLEDGE button. For
messages that require additional action, ACCEPT and REJECT buttons are also provided.

Vigilance Monitor (Optional)

The Vigilance Monitor checks the alertness of the operator by asking questions on a periodic basis. The
questions are displayed in the Operator Message window. The operator has two chances to correctly
answer the questions. If the operator cannot answer questions, an alarm is generated. The frequency of
the questions and other specific features of the Vigilance Monitor are configured at the time of system
installation. When the operator is busy, execution of the Vigilance Monitor can be suspended.


Chart Warnings

Warning messages related to the chart display are presented in

the Chart Warnings window (see Figure 2-12). The window
can be moved to any location on the screen.
To close the Chart Warnings window, select the
button at the upper right corner. After it is closed, the window
can be reopened from the main menu by selecting the WARNS
button, which is yellow if any Chart Warnings are active.



Figure 2-12. Chart Warnings


Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

The Chart Warnings window is reopened automatically if a new warning is issued.


Central Alarm Manager (optional)

If the optional Central Alarm Manager (CAM) is installed, the system configuration can be customized to
provide management of alarms generated by a variety of on-board equipment, including equipment that is
external to the VMS/NAVIECDIS. Using CAM, the VMS/NAVIECDIS can serve as a central point for
alarms, warnings and status information generated from various shipboard areas and systems.
If it is installed, the CAM can be accessed as follows:
a. Expand the CID drop-down menu by selecting the CID button from the secondary menu at the
bottom of the screen.
b. Select the CENTRAL ALARM MANAGER button from the drop-down menu.
The Central Alarm Manager is described in more detail in Paragraph 3.4.2.



The following paragraphs describe procedures that are available for making adjustments to the
VMS/NAVIECDIS, to prepare the system for use underway. Procedures described in this section may be
performed in any order, according to the needs of the operator.
Setup options include:


Adjustment for ambient light.

Chart selection.
Display features selection.
Units of measure selection.

Ownship symbol/outline
Vector length setup.
Targets and Navlines setup.
Time and Date setup.

Adjustment for Ambient Lighting Conditions

To match the VMS/NAVIECDIS display to ambient lighting

conditions, the display brilliance and color balance can be adjusted
by selecting from a list of pre-defined options (see Figure 2-13).
Choices range from DAY BRIGHT (maximum brilliance) to NIGHT
(very dim). The appropriate option should be selected based on
ambient lighting conditions at the present time of day. Dimmer
settings are intended to reduce the effects of the display on the
operators vision at night.
Colors used in the display of electronic charts are affected when a
selection is made. To ensure that all chart information is visible, the
controls on the monitor must be set properly.

Figure 2-13. Adjustment for

Ambient Light



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

CRT monitors have both a brightness and a contrast control, which should be adjusted for maximum
visibility. LCD monitors have only a single operator-accessible control, for setting the brightness (also
known as backlight intensity or black level). Contrast adjustments for LCD monitors are preset to an
optimal setting, and there is no contrast control on the monitor. LCD controls are marked with an indexed
setting, calibrated at the time of system installation. Generally, before making an adjustment for ambient
light, the control should be set to its indexed position.
On workstations that are configured for an LCD monitor, the system software has the capability to
automatically set the optimal monitor brightness level, based upon known display characteristics of the
hardware. The automatic adjustment is made whenever a new ambient light option is selected. Once the
automatic setting for monitor brightness has been made, the manual controls can be used to change
monitor brightness from the preset level if necessary.
To ensure that the chart display conforms to established standards, it is
recommended that the monitor brightness check be performed after
changing the setting for ambient light. For more information on the
brightness check, see Paragraph 10.2.8. Also, the monitor color test
should be performed periodically. For more information on the color
test, see Paragraph 4.12.3.
To adjust for ambient lighting conditions:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the
(Brightness) button to expand the list of available options.
b. Select the desired option from the drop-down list.


Chart Display

In order for the VMS/NAVIECDIS to perform its voyage monitoring

functions, an electronic chart must be selected for display. Electronic
charts can be made available to the system for automatic selection by
activating a previously assembled chart portfolio. When a portfolio is
active which includes charts whose coverage area includes the present
Ownship position, the most detailed chart for that position can
automatically be displayed. An individual electronic chart can also be
selected manually. Selection of a chart and/or chart portfolio is made
from the Portfolio window (see Figure 2-14).
This section provides a brief description of the chart selection process.
Other chart selection options are available. For detailed information on
chart selection, chart portfolios, and chart display options, see Chapter 4.
Figure 2-14. Portfolio

When charts are selected manually, the Ownship symbol may or
may not be displayed on the selected chart, depending on ships
position and chart coverage.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To select a chart portfolio and/or a specific electronic chart:

a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the CHARTS button to display the
Portfolio window (see Figure 2-14).
b. The available chart portfolios are listed in the upper portion of the Portfolio window. Select the
button for the desired chart portfolio.
c. Charts contained in the selected portfolio are listed in the lower portion of the Portfolio window.
If a specific chart is desired, select the button for that chart. A specific chart may also be selected
from the Chart Catalog, which displays a list of all available charts. To display the Chart Catalog,
select the CHART CATALOG button.
d. Select the ACCEPT button to activate the selected portfolio and/or chart, and close the window.


Display Options from the Features Window

A variety of display options can be controlled from the Features window (see Figure 2-15). Options
selected from the Features window apply to the local workstation only.
To open the Features window:
Select the FTRS button to open the Features
window (see Figure 2-15).

Controlling Display Options

The Features window contains multiple lists of

display options under various sub-headings,
arranged as a hierarchical list.
For each
subheading, the list of options can be expanded or
contracted by selecting the button at the left side
of the window.
Use the

(Plus) button to expand a sub-

heading. Use the

(Minus) button to contract.

Individual chart display options are controlled by

buttons containing a status box. When the status
box is bright green, the option is on. When the
status box is dark, the option is off. When a
button is already on, selecting that button places it
in a pending-off state, indicated by a yellow status
box. Selecting a button that is off places that
button in a pending-on state, indicated by a yellow
status box.
Figure 2-15. Features Window



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

The Features window also contains other controls, including drop-down menus and data entry fields, for
controlling specific chart display options. For a detailed list of display options available for various
electronic chart types, see Paragraph 4.9. Display options associated with specific program functions are
described throughout this manual.
To control chart display options:
a. From the Features window, select the desired buttons to turn display options on or off. Where
data input or menu selections are required, make the desired changes.
b. While working in the Features window, select the APPLY button to activate all pending changes.
The menu remains open, to allow further changes.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to activate all pending changes and close the Features window.

Stored Feature Sets

Controls at the bottom of the Features window allow the operator to quickly reconfigure the display to a
pre-defined set of display options. The pre-defined display options include system-defined feature sets
and operator defined feature sets.
A pre-defined feature set named DEFAULT is activated automatically when the
VMS/NAVIECDIS is started. The operator can edit the Default feature set, but it cannot
be deleted. Editing of the Default feature set is accomplished using the same procedure
used for editing other operator-defined feature sets.

System Defined Feature Sets

Three system-defined feature sets are always available for selection, using controls at the bottom of the
Features window.
The following three feature sets are always available:

All Features On. Turns on all available options in the Features window

Standard Display. Turns on a specific set of display options in compliance with the IMO
Standard Display specification for ECDIS.

All Features Off. Turns off all available options in the Features window.

To apply system-defined feature sets:

a. Select one of the






b. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the selected configuration and close the Features window. To
activate selections without closing the window, select the APPLY button.
The Standard Display configuration can also be set at any time by selecting the STD button from the main



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Operator-Defined Feature Sets

Operator-defined feature sets can be created, stored and applied from the Features window. Using this
capability, appropriate sets of chart display options can be selected and used for specific navigation
situations. For example, in Figure 2-15, the feature set named OPEN SEA has been applied, as indicated in
the NAME field near the bottom of the window.
To apply an operator-defined feature set:
(Arrow) button in the
a. Select the
bottom section of the Features window, to
expand the list of available feature sets.
Figure 2-16 shows a possible list of feature
sets designated by the operator, using
operator-defined names.
b. Select the desired feature set from the list.

Figure 2-16. Operator-Defined Feature Sets

c. Select ACCEPT or APPLY.

When feature sets are created, edited or deleted, they are automatically copied to all system workstations.
To create or edit an operator-defined feature set:
a. From the Features window, select and apply the desired set of display options, as described in
b. In the NAME field, enter a name to identify the feature set.
c. Select the SAVE FTRS button.
To delete an operator-defined feature set:
a. Select the
(Arrow) button from the Features window to expand the list of available feature
sets (see Figure 2-16).
b. Select the desired feature set from the list.
c. Select the DELETE FTRS button.


Units of Measure

At each VMS/NAVIECDIS workstation, units of measure that are used in various menu displays and
other windows can be set from the Units of Measure window (see Figure 2-17). For each data category,
active units are changed by selecting from a drop-down list.
To select or change units of measure:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the UNITS button to open the Units of
Measure window.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

b. From the Units of Measure window (see Figure 2-17), expand the drop-down list of available
units for the desired data category, and select the desired unit of measure. Repeat for any of the
other data categories if desired.
c. Select ACCEPT or APPLY at the bottom of the window. The
system will make the necessary conversions and display the
associated data using the selected units.
Selections made from the Units of Measure window will
affect the display of data shown in various
VMS/NAVIECDIS menus and windows, but do not affect
the display of data that is embedded in the electronic chart.
In the case of Depth units, it is recommended that the unit
selected should match the unit used in the displayed charts.
Charts meeting all international ECDIS requirements will
use soundings in meters, but some vector charts may display
soundings in other units. When S57 charts are used, the
VMS/NAVIECDIS displays the soundings unit with the
name of the chart. Thus, when these charts are used, the unit
for the displayed chart can be checked by observing the
Chart Name indicator on the main menu. With any chart
type, the Chart Legend window can be used to obtain
information about units for charted depths.
Figure 2-17. Units of
Measure Window

Table 2-4 identifies available units for each data category.

Table 2-4. Units Of Measure
Units Available



nautical miles



nautical miles






Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 2-4. Units Of Measure


Units Available



nautical miles/hour



nautical miles/hour

(Atmospheric Pressure)

mm Hg
in Hg

Kilo Pascals
millimeters of Mercury
inches of Mercury




(Engine Pressure)


Kilo Pascals
kilograms/square centimeter
pounds/square inch




(Engine Power)



(Electrical Power)



















VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 2: Basic Operation

Ownship Symbol / Outline

Ownship position is displayed on the electronic chart either as a drawn-to-scale ship outline or as a point
symbol. Selection of the symbol or outline, and other Ownship display options, can be made from the
Features window. See Paragraph 4.9.4 for more information on Ownship selections from the Features
In addition to operator-selected display options, the display of the Ownship symbol or outline is affected
by the scale of the chart display, and the validity of sensor data providing information about Ownship
The size of the drawn-to-scale Ownship outline is based on the selected chart scale. If the length of the
drawn-to-scale Ownship outline is less than 15 mm, then it is displayed with a circle around it to make it
more visible. If the size of the outline is reduced below a preset minimum value, then the outline is
replaced by the point symbol and the following Chart Warning is displayed: SHIP OUTLINE NOT TO
The color of the Ownship symbol or outline (along with the circle where applicable) is red if the system
senses invalid data from the Position and/or Heading sensors.


Vector Length

The system provides for operator adjustment of the length, in units of time, of Ownship vectors and target
vectors on the chart display. Vector adjustment is performed by selecting the desired value from a dropdown list on the main menu.
The Vector Length setting affects the following display features:

Ownship vectors. Heading and Course vectors are available for

Ownship. The selected vector time value affects the length of both
vectors in the same manner.

Predicted Vector or Predicted Path. The Predicted Vector or

Predicted Path are displayed to a maximum vector length of six
minutes. If vector length is set to a greater value, the display of
these features is limited to six minutes.

Target vectors. Targets with speed/course vectors can be

displayed on the electronic chart, if the system is configured to
display target information

To set vector length:

a. From the main menu, expand drop-down list of available vector
options (see Figure 2-18).
b. Select the desired vector length.

The selection is applied



Figure 2-18. Vector

Length Adjustment

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

The selected time value is used in the following equation:

Vector Length (nm.) =


Speed (kn) Vector Length (min.)


Target Symbols

For system installations that use a radar interface, radar targets can be displayed on the electronic chart,
with target speed and course vectors. The display of target symbols must be enabled from the Features
window. After the target display is enabled, it can be toggled on and off with a single operator action,
from the main menu.
Automatic Identification System (AIS) data can also be displayed with the target symbols, when it is
available. In the Features menu, separate sub-headings are available to enable various display options for
Radar Targets and for AIS Targets.
To enable target symbols:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the FTRS button to open the Main
Features window.
b. From the Main Features window, expand the list of options under the TARGET subheading, and
then expand the sub-headings for RADAR TARGETS and for AIS TARGETS.
c. For both types of targets, select the SYMBOL button to enable or disable the display of target
symbols. When target symbols are enabled, the buttons status box is bright green. Enable other
target display options as desired.
d. Select ACCEPT or APPLY.
To turn target symbols on and off after they are enabled:
a. From the main menu, select the
button, to expand a drop-down menu of radar and target controls
(see Figure 2-19).
b. Select SHOW ALL, or select buttons as desired to display radar
targets and/or other radar and target options.
See Paragraph 2.6.3 for more information on the Features window. For
more detailed information on the VMS/NAVIECDIS target display, see
Paragraph 8.3. For more information on AIS, see Paragraph 8.4.


Figure 2-19.
Radar/Target Menu

Time and Date

Operating with the correct time is critical to precision electronic navigation. An indicator for local time
and date are provided at the bottom of the screen, in the secondary menu (see Figure 2-20).



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

Figure 2-20. Time and Date Display

The local time zone is indicated on the ZD button, to the right of the time and date indicator. The time
zone is displayed as a positive or negative value, in hours, from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Selecting a Data Source for Time

All system workstations synchronize time automatically. The VMS/NAVIECDIS receives the correct
value for UTC from satellite position information. The data source for time can be selected using the
Time window (see Figure 2-21).
To select a data source for time:

a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen (see

Figure 2-20), select the time and date indicator to display
the Time window. The name of each available data source
is listed on a separate button, next to its present value (see
Figure 2-21).
b. If necessary, use the scroll bar at the right side of the Time
window to show the desired data source. Then select the
button for that device. The selected button is indicated by
a bright green status box.

Figure 2-21. Time Window

c. Select the ACCEPT button to close the Time window and activate the selected data source.

Time Zone

The Zone Description (local time zone) is adjustable between the values 13 to +13, including half hours.
To adjust for the local time zone:

a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen (see

Figure 2-20), select the ZD button to display the Time
Zone window.
b. From the Time Zone window (see Figure 2-22), enter the
local zone number.

Figure 2-22. Time Zone Window

c. Select the ACCEPT button to close the window and apply the entered value. The time and date
indicator will change to show the local time for the entered time zone.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Navigation sensors provide data that is essential to VMS/NAVIECDIS voyage monitoring functions.
Each sensor is identified by the type of information that it makes available to the system. For each sensor
type, a data source must be selected to provide the required data.
Indicators are provided on the main menu for Heading (HDG), Course Over the Ground (COG), Speed
Over the Ground (SOG), and Speed Through the Water (STW) (see Figure 2-23).

Figure 2-23. Sensor Indicators on

the Main Menu

The values displayed on the main menu for Speed Over Ground and for Speed Through
the Water are magnitudes only. They do not indicate the direction of movement, forward
or astern.
On the secondary menu, a Position (POS) indicator is provided (see Figure 2-24).

Figure 2-24. Position Indicator on

the Secondary Menu

Ownship position as displayed on the secondary menu represents a single point, based on
configuration settings made at the time of system installation. The point on the ship
which is represented by Ownship position is called the ships reference position.
Normally, the reference position is configured at the ships center point; that is, a point
on the ships centerline at one half the ships length. It can be set to any point within the
perimeter of the ship. The reference position is used, for example, in the display of
Electronic Bearing Lines or Variable Range Markers when they are attached to the ship.
It is also used in other displays and calculations which make reference to Ownship
The sensors that are displayed on the main menu and the secondary menu are the primary navigation
sensors. On each of these indicators, the active data source is shown next to the displayed value.
An additional set of sensors is used for navigation data that is not displayed as prominently on the main or
secondary menus. These secondary sensors are also identified by sensor type; the specific sensor types
used will vary, depending upon system configuration and installed equipment.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

For each sensor type, the active data source can be designated by the operator. A data source selected at
any system workstation for any sensor type is active system-wide. Operator-entered values may also be
used in place of data supplied by an automatic sensor device. To use a manually entered value for any
sensor type, Manual must be selected as the data source for that sensor type. See Paragraph 2.7.7 for
more information on entering manual sensor data.
It is not necessary to perform the data source selection procedures provided below if the best data sources
are already selected. It is important, however, to understand how to select sensor devices, and to be able
to change data sources when necessary.


Heading Sensor

Data source selection for Heading is performed from the Heading Source window (see Figure 2-25).

Figure 2-25. Heading Source Window

To select a data source for Heading:

a. From the main menu, select the HDG indicator to display the Heading Source window (see Figure
The name of each available data source is listed on a separate button, next to its present value.
b. If necessary, use the scroll bar at the right side of the window to show the desired data source.
Then select the button for that device. The selected button is indicated by a bright green status
c. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the selection and close the Heading Source window. The
name of the selected data source, and its present value, are displayed on the main menu.

The system should never be operated in Track Steering mode (Pilot Control Active)
while using a magnetic compass as the source of heading data. Track Steering requires
more accurate heading data than can be provided by a magnetic compass. See Chapter 6
for more information on the use of automatic track steering.


Course Over Ground Sensor

The Course Over Ground sensor provides information about Ownship course, based on actual position
history. Data source selection for Course is performed from the Course window (see Figure 2-26).



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

In addition to the indicator on the main menu, the ships actual course over the ground is indicated on the
electronic chart display, by the Ownship course vector.

Figure 2-26. Course Window

To select a data source for Course Over Ground:

a. From the main menu, select the COG indicator to display the Course window (see Figure 2-26).
The name of each available data source is listed on a separate button, next to its present value.
b. If necessary, use the scroll bar at the right side of the window to show the desired data source.
Then select the button for that device. The selected button is indicated by a bright green status
c. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the selection and close the Course window. The name of the
selected data source, and its present value, are displayed on the main menu.


Speed Over Ground Sensor

Data source selection for Speed Over Ground is performed from the Ground Speed window (see Figure

Figure 2-27. Ground Speed Window

To select a data source for Speed Over Ground:

a. From the main menu, select the SOG indicator to display the Ground Speed window (see Figure
2-27). The name of each available data source is listed on a separate button, next to its present
value. The Forward/Aft and Port/Starboard components of the displayed speed are also shown, if
the connected log is able to provide this information
b. If necessary, use the scroll bar at the right side of the window to show the desired data source.
Then select the button for that device. The selected button is indicated by a bright green status



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

c. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the selection and close the Ground Speed window. The name
of the selected data source, and its present value, are displayed on the main menu. The value
displayed on the main menu is a magnitude only; it does not indicate the direction of movement,
forward or astern.

Ships speed over the ground is also displayed graphically on the chart display. The
length of the Ownship course vector indicates speed, in relation to the selected vector
length in units of time. For more information on setting vector length, see Paragraph


Speed Through the Water Sensor

Data source selection for Speed Through the Water is performed from the Water Speed window (see
Figure 2-28).

Figure 2-28. Water Speed Window

To select a data source for Speed Through the Water:

a. From the main menu, select the STW indicator to display the Water Speed window (see Figure
2-28). The name of each available data source is listed on a separate button, next to its present
value. The Forward/Aft and Port/Starboard components of the displayed speed are also shown, if
the connected log is able to provide this information.
b. If necessary, use the scroll bar at the right side of the window to show the desired data source.
Then select the button for that device. The selected button is indicated by a bright green status
c. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the selection and close the Water Speed window. The name of
the selected data source, and its present value, are displayed on the main menu. The value
displayed on the main menu is a magnitude only; it does not indicate the direction of movement,
forward or astern.

Some Speed Log devices provide only forward and aft water speeds. As long as the
selected sensor can provide both the Forward/Aft and Port/Starboard speed components,
they are both included in the displayed water speed.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Position Sensor

The geographic position of Ownship is reported by the Position sensor. Data source selection for Position
is performed from the Position Source window (see Figure 2-29).

Figure 2-29. Position Source Window

To select a data source for Position:

a. From the main menu, select the POS indicator to display the Position Source window (see Figure
2-29). The name of each available data source is listed on a separate button, and Latitude and
Longitude values provided by each device are shown to the right of its button.
Each sensor device is assigned a unique color. On the electronic chart, a separate history track
can be displayed for each Position data source, plotted in the color that is associated with that
device. The color for each sensor device is shown in the Position Source window.
b. If necessary, use the scroll bar at the right side of the window to show the desired data source.
Then select the button for that device. The selected button is indicated by a bright green status
c. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the selection and close the Position Source window. The
name of the selected data source, and its present value, are displayed on the main menu.

Position Offset

Certain position sensor devices may have good repeatable accuracy, but can have a fixed error for a given
geographic area. It is possible to compensate for this type of error at the VMS/NAVIECDIS by entering a
position offset. This may be necessary when the most accurate data source for position is not available.
The offset value and its status are displayed in the lower portion of the Position Source window. If an
offset has not been entered, the displayed offset values will all be zero (see Figure 2-29). If a position
offset is used, the Position Source window is expanded to provide controls for editing and activating the
offset (see Figure 2-30).
When a position offset is used, the word OFFSET is also displayed in the Position indicator on the
secondary menu, and the Chart Warnings window displays the message, POSITION OFFSET APPLIED.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation


Using a position offset is not the recommended mode of operation. Typically, an accurate
position sensor device is available, and an offset is not necessary.

Figure 2-30. Position Source Window: Offset Edit

To enter a value for position offset:

a. From the Position Source window (see Figure 2-29), select the OFFSET EDIT button. The window
is expanded to display the Offset Edit menu (see Figure 2-30).
a. From the Offset Edit menu, an offset value can be entered as latitude/longitude coordinates or as
explicit values for range and bearing. Select the option button for the desired method to be used:
LATITUDE-LONGITUDE or RANGE-BEARING. The data entry fields at the top of the menu will
change appropriately .
b. Enter the offset value by one of the following methods:
1. Enter the desired values manually.
2. Select the POSITION ON CHART button, and then select the known correct Ownship position
on the electronic chart.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the new values and close the Offset Edit menu. The resulting
offset is displayed in the RNG and BRG or LAT and LON indicators on the Position Source
window. The displayed values are yellow, indicating that the values are in a pending state.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

d. From the Position Source window, select the OFFSET ON / OFF button to make the offset active.
After the offset is activated, the status box on the button is bright green, and the button is labeled
e. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the offset and close the Position Source window.
After a position offset has been entered, the word OFFSET is shown on the secondary menu next to the
Position indicator, and the message POSITION OFFSET APPLIED is displayed in the Chart Warnings
window. When the Position Source window is re-displayed, the color of the offset data will be green,
indicating that the displayed offset value is active.
For the active position sensor device, the offset value will not change until it is modified or cleared by the
To deactivate a position offset while retaining the designated values for the offset:

a. In the Position Source window, an active offset is indicated by the status of the OFFSET ON / OFF
button. If an offset is presently active, the buttons status box is bright green with a white
checkmark, and the button is labeled OFFSET ON. To deactivate the offset, select the button.
When a position offset is not active, the status box is dark, and the button is labeled OFFSET OFF.
b. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the new offset status and close the Position Source window.
The OFFSET label will no longer be displayed next to the Position indicator on the secondary
To clear offset values from memory:

a. From the Position Source window, check that the OFFSET ON / OFF button is not indicating an
active offset. If no offset is active, the buttons status box is dark.
b. Select the OFFSET EDIT button. The window is expanded to display the Offset Edit menu (see
Figure 2-30)
c. From the Offset Edit menu, select RANGE-BEARING . Set both values to 0.
d. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the zero values and close the Offset Edit menu. The Position
Source window will display zero values for position offset. The color of the displayed data will
be yellow, indicating that the values are in a pending state.
e. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the zero values and close the Position Source window.


Secondary Sensors

The VMS/NAVIECDIS secondary sensors provide data of various additional types, depending upon
system configuration. The specific secondary sensors available for any system installation will depend
upon installed and configured sensor devices. Secondary sensor types can include Wind, Time, Set and
Drift, water Depth and Turn Rate.
The list of configured secondary sensor types is available from the secondary menu, at the bottom of the
screen. The active data source for each secondary sensor type can be designated by the operator, using a



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

procedure similar to that used for the primary sensors. Figure 2-31 illustrates the drop-down list of
secondary sensor types and a typical data source selection window.

Figure 2-31. Data Source Selection for Secondary Sensors

To select a data source for any secondary sensor:

a. Expand the list of secondary sensor types, by selecting the SNSRS button from the secondary
menu, at the bottom of the screen.
b. From the drop-down list, select the desired sensor type to open the data source selection window
for that sensor type. Each available data source is listed on a separate button, with present data
for that source displayed next to the button.
c. If necessary, use the scroll bar at the right side of the data source selection window to show the
desired data source. Then select the button for that device. The selected button is indicated by a
bright green status box.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the selection and close the window.
For each secondary sensor type, operator-entered values may be used in place of data supplied by an
automatic sensor device. To use a manually entered value for any secondary sensor type, Manual must be
selected as the data source for that sensor type. See Paragraph 2.7.7 for more information on entering
manual sensor data.


Manual Sensor Data

When a valid source of sensor data is unavailable, manually entered values can be used. Manual data can
be entered for any sensor type, from the Manual Sensor Data window (see Figure 2-32). After a manual
value has been entered for any sensor type, the data source for that sensor type must be reset to Manual
before the entered values will be active. Data source selection is made using the procedures described
Manual data is not normally used for all of the sensor types at the same time, except perhaps in system
testing or in an operational simulation.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To open the Manual Sensor Data window:

Select the MANUAL button from the secondary menu, at the bottom of the screen.

Inappropriate use of manual sensor data as the source of navigational information may
cause a hazard, since manually entered data cannot be updated as frequently or as
accurately as data provided by automatic devices. This is true particularly if manual data
is selected as the source for the Position or Heading sensors, especially when operating
with automatic track steering.
Table 2-5 identifies and describes the controls on the Manual Sensor Data window .
Table 2-5. Manual Sensor Data Window: Controls


The two data fields at the top of the window show Ownship position, as
Latitude and Longitude values. The operator can enter values directly into
these fields, or may select the POSITION ON CHART button and then select a
position on the electronic chart display.


Allows the operator to enter Ownship position by selecting the known correct
position on the electronic chart display.


Data field for Ownship heading, in degrees.


Data field for Ownship speed over the ground, in nautical miles per hour.
A manual value for Ground Speed represents a magnitude only. Forward/Aft
and Port/Starboard components of the speed value remain undefined.


Data field for Ownship speed through the water, in nautical miles per hour.
A manual value for water speed, represents a forward/aft component in
addition to the magnitude. The Port/Starboard component of the speed value
remains undefined.


Data field for Ownship Course, in degrees.


Data field for depth of the water at the present position, in meters.


Data field for Ownship Draft

In the case of the DRAFT value, manual data entry is required. Draft is
typically observed at the dock before getting underway, at three points:
Forward, Aft and in the center of the ship. From these three recorded numbers,
the maximum Draft is determined. It is up to the mariner to record and enter
the Draft value properly.


Data field for set, in degrees.


Data field for drift, in nautical miles per hour.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

Table 2-5. Manual Sensor Data Window: Controls



(direction and speed)

Data fields for true bearing of wind direction, in degrees, and for wind speed in
nautical miles per hour.


Closes the Manual Sensor Data window, and applies the displayed values as
the MANUAL data values for all sensor types.
For any sensor type, a manually-entered value is not activated until MANUAL is
selected as the active data source for that sensor type.


Applies the displayed values as the MANUAL data values for all sensor types,
without closing the Manual Sensor Data window.


Closes the Manual Sensor Data window without applying changed values.

Entering Manual Sensor Data


Using manual data for Position is not the normal mode

of operation. An automatic sensor device should be
selected as soon as valid data is available.

For Set and Drift, manual values can be entered from the
Manual Sensor Data window, as described below. If
computed values are used for Set and Drift, these can
also be manually reset. See below in Paragraph
for information on resetting the computed values for Set
and Drift.
To enter sensor data manually:

a. From the Manual Sensor Data window (see Figure

2-32), select the desired data field (for example,
data using the keyboard.
For POSITION, latitude and longitude values can be
entered using one of the following methods:

Figure 2-32. Manual Sensor

Data Window

1. Enter the desired values manually.

2. Ensure that the displayed chart shows the present known Ownship position. Select the
POSITION ON CHART button, and then select the known correct Ownship position on the
electronic chart.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

b. Select the APPLY button to apply all entered data without closing the Manual Sensor Data
window. Then repeat step a for all sensor types to be entered.
c. Select the ACCEPT button when finished, to apply all
pending changes and close the Manual Sensor Data
d. For each sensor type that will use manually entered data,
reset the active data source to Manual. For example,
Figure 2-33 illustrates the Course window with the Manual
option selected.

Figure 2-33. Course Window:

Manual Data Selected

Manual Entry of Ownship Draft

The value for Ownship Draft must be entered manually, as there is no automated sensor for Draft. Draft
is typically observed at the dock before getting underway, at three points: forward, aft and in the center of
the ship. From these three recorded numbers, the maximum draft is determined. It is the responsibility of
the operator to observe and enter the draft value properly.

Resetting Computed Values for Set and Drift

When Computed is selected as the data source for Set and Drift, the system continuously computes Set
and Drift values based on the active sources of data for Heading, Position, and Speed Through the Water.
The accuracy of the computed values for Set and Drift can only be as good as the accuracy of the active
data sources for Heading, Position, or Speed Through the Water. Accurate values for Set and Drift can be
especially important during a Man Overboard operation, since the VMS/NAVIECDIS Man Overboard
function uses Set and Drift values that were active at the start of the operation to compute the movement
of the person in the water.
When incorrect values are suspected for computed Set and Drift, they can be manually reset to zero or to
an estimated value, from the Computed Sensor Data window (see Figure 2-34). Resetting Set and Drift
reduces the time it takes for the system to calculate an accurate Set and Drift after accurate sensor data
has been restored. The VMS/NAVIECDIS uses the reset data as initial Set and Drift values, and then
continues computing Set and Drift based on information from the active sensor devices. It is
recommended that Set and Drift values should be reset whenever there is reason to believe that they might
be inaccurate.
To reset computed values for Set and Drift:

a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen,

select the S+D button to display the Computed Sensor Data
window (see Figure 2-34).
b. From the Computed Sensor Data window, enter zeros or
estimated values for Set and Drift.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the new values and
close the window.

Figure 2-34. Computed Sensor

Data Window



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 2: Basic Operation

Position Discrepancy Alarm

The VMS/NAVIECDIS continuously monitors position data from all of the active sources to ensure that
the difference between any two sources is within an allowable range based on the accuracy of the devices
used. When the accuracy of any connected source of position data is suspect, the system alerts the
operator by issuing a Position Discrepancy alarm.
This alarm is issued in the Alarm Display window. The alarm message is in the following format: POS
DISCREPANCY BETWEEN [SENSOR A] & [SENSOR B]. For more information on the Alarm Display
window, see Paragraph 2.5.1.
The allowable accuracy of each source of position data is based upon properties of the sensor device. For
each device, the allowable accuracy is configured at the time of system installation. A Position
Discrepancy alarm is issued when two connected devices disagree by a value greater than their combined
allowable uncertainty. All available sources are monitored, without regard to which device is presently
selected as the active position data source.
For example, two installed GPS receivers may be configured for a maximum uncertainty of 30 meters,
and the Loran-C receiver might be configured for a position uncertainty value of 1500 meters. Thus, the
difference between position data reported by GPS 1 and GPS 2 must not exceed 60 meters, but the
position data from Loran-C can differ by 1530 meters compared to GPS 1 or GPS 2 before an alarm is
Figure 2-35 and Figure 2-36 illustrate the operation of the Position Discrepancy alarm. These figures
each show three position sensor devices, represented by three circles. GPS 1 and GPS 2 each have an
allowable accuracy of 30 m, while POSITION 3 is accurate to 1500 m. For each device, the center of the
circle represents the reported position, with the area of the circle representing the allowable uncertainty.
(Figures are not drawn to scale.).






Figure 2-35. Position Discrepancy

Alarm Is Not Issued

Figure 2-36. Position Discrepancy

Alarm Is Issued



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 2-35 shows a normal condition, that will not cause an alarm to be issued. In this example, all three
reported positions are close enough that the areas of allowable uncertainty overlap. Figure 2-36 shows a
condition that would cause an alarm to be issued. In this example, GPS 1 and GPS 2 do not overlap. The
alarm is issued even though both GPS 1 and GPS 2 do overlap the allowable area for POSITION 3.
Some operating conditions, such as a GPS sensor operating in a fringe area, can cause repeated alarms as
the difference in reported position data drifts in and out of the allowable range of error.
To silence the recurring alarm, temporarily turn off the device that is causing the alarm. After the device
is turned off, one SENSOR TIMEOUT or LOSS OF POSITION DATA alarm will be issued. There will be no
more repeated alarms. The sensor device can be turned on again later, when better performance is
expected based on the ship's position or other factors.

Do not turn off a sensor device if it is the presently selected active source of position
data. Before turning off the device, select an alternate position data source. For more
information on selection of data sources for position, see Paragraph 2.7.5.



A single workstation or the entire system can be shut down in one operation. Remote shutdown of
VMS/NAVIECDIS workstations can be performed from any workstation; no one station is designated as
the master or controlling station for this procedure.

Each system workstation may be configured to provide a connection to a sensor device or

other peripheral equipment. It is important to change to alternate data sources before
shutting down a workstation that is presently providing navigational data to the system.
If an active sensor is lost, the system will issue an alarm, and the color of data displayed
for that sensor will change to red, on the workstations that are still running.
To initiate shutdown:

a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the QUIT button. Before shutting
down, the system displays the Exit VMS System window, requesting confirmation and offering
additional options.
b. From the Exit VMS System window (see Figure 2-37), select one of three system shutdown

ACCEPT. Shuts down the local workstation only.

CANCEL. Stops the shutdown process and resumes VMS/NAVIECDIS operation.

ADDITIONAL OPTIONS. Expands the Exit VMS System window, to allow shutdown of one or
more remote workstations, in addition to the local workstation. When the window is



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

expanded, the label on the button changes to HIDE ADDITIONAL OPTIONS; selecting the button
again collapses the window.

Figure 2-37. Exit VMS System


c. If the ADDITIONAL OPTIONS button was selected, a separate button is provided for each running
workstation, to allow selection of stations for shutdown. Selected buttons are indicated by a
bright green status box. The SELECT ALL button allows selection of all running workstations for
d. When all desired workstations have been selected, select the ACCEPT button to execute the



The VMS/NAVIECDIS contains internal security functions, which protect Sperry Marine from improper
use of the product.
System security is maintained by comparing identification codes on system startup. A code contained in
the software configuration file is compared to a similar code that is contained in the Security Block device
that is attached to the parallel port of one of the system computers. If these codes do not match, and if
they do not match a similar code found in the VMS/NAVIECDIS software, the system will shut down.
The following rules govern system security:

In order for the VMS/NAVIECDIS to operate, a Security Block device must be properly
programmed by Sperry Marine and attached to the system.

If the VMS/NAVIECDIS finds no indication on start-up that a Security Block was ever attached,
it will shut down.

The Security Block can be attached to any workstation in the system.



Chapter 2: Basic Operation

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

If more than one Security Block is installed in the system, all must be programmed identically.

Switching of Security Blocks requires a complete restart of the whole system.

If the Security Block becomes damaged or detached while the VMS/NAVIECDIS is running, a
warning message will alert the operator. The system will continue to operate for 48 hours, to
allow the operator to take appropriate action. The operator should contact Sperry Marine to
obtain a temporary security password, and to apply for a replacement Security Block. If the
password is not obtained within 48 hours the VMS/NAVIECDIS will shut down.

The allowable time for operating using a temporary password varies based upon communication
between the operator and Sperry Marine. If a Security Block is not installed after the specified
number of days the VMS/NAVIECDIS will shut down.

The VMS/NAVIECDIS also compares the allowed number of workstations (nodes) in the system,
to the actual number of nodes. If additional nodes were set up illegally they will shut down.

If on startup an invalid system identification code is found in the configuration file, the system
will shut down. No grace period is provided.

While the Security Block is broken or detached, installation of S57 and ARCS charts is
prohibited. This is true even if the user has obtained a temporary security password.


System Security Violation Messages

Table 2-6 contains error messages that are displayed if VMS/NAVIECDIS security is violated.

Table 2-6. Security Violation Messages



Invalid identification
Invalid identification

Invalid identification


System ID in configuration file does not match
Security Block. Contact your Sperry Marine Service Representative.
Invalid software version is installed.
Install proper software version or contact your Sperry Marine Service
System ID in configuration file does not match Security Block.
Invalid software version is installed.
Contact your Sperry Marine Service Representative.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 2: Basic Operation

Table 2-6. Security Violation Messages


Illegal nodes have been

set up.

48-hour grace period

has expired and new
security block has not
been installed.
48-hour grace period
has expired and Sperry
Marine temporary
password has not been
Security Block
damaged or detached.
Temporary password
has expired and
Security Block was
never seen before on
any node of the system.



Setup the proper numbers of nodes.
Sperry Marine prohibits configuring more nodes than have been legally
Grace period or temporary password has expired.
New Security Block was not installed.
Contact your Sperry Marine Service Representative.
Contact your Sperry Marine Service Representative.


Install proper security block or contact your Sperry Marine Service
Representative within 48 hours to obtain a temporary password.
Time left: [time]
Contact your Sperry Marine Service Representative.

Sperry Marine
temporary password
was inserted.


Contact your Sperry Marine Service Representative.
Your temporary password will expire

Invalid identification


System ID in configuration file is invalid.
Contact your Sperry Marine Service Representative.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 3


This chapter covers the following topics:


Measuring Tools.
Go To.
Sea Pages.

Docking Heads-Up Display.

Precision Anchoring.
Man Overboard.
Event Mark.


Measurement of range and bearing values can be performed on the chart display, using Electronic Bearing
Lines (EBLs), and Variable Range Markers (VRMs).


Electronic Bearing Lines

EBLs display distance and true bearing between objects as a line drawn on the electronic chart (see Figure
3-1). An EBL can be used between Ownship and any chart object, or between any other two objects on
the chart. Distances up to 1,000 nm can be measured. Two EBLs are available, designated as EBL 1 and
EBL 2. Both can be displayed at the same time.

Figure 3-1. Electronic Bearing Line



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

To create an EBL:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the EBLs button and then select
EBL 1 or EBL 2 to display the Electronic Bearing Line window (see Figure 3-1).
b. Select either ATTACHED TO OWN SHIP or ATTACHED TO CHART. When the EBL is attached to
the chart, an origin point must be designated. Select the CHANGE ORIGIN button, and then select
the desired origin point on the chart. When the EBL is attached to Ownship, the CHANGE ORIGIN
button is unavailable.
c. Select the CHANGE ENDPOINT button and then select the desired endpoint location on the chart.
The indicators on the Electronic Bearing Line window show the range and bearing from Ownship
position to the selected position on the chart. Release the pointing device to set the pending
position of the EBL endpoint.
(Plus) button or the
endpoint location.

(Minus) button can be used to make fine adjustments to the

d. Select ACCEPT to apply the entered values and close the Electronic Bearing Line window. A
window showing range and bearing of the EBL is displayed (in Figure 3-1, the EBL 1 window).
If more than one EBL window is open at once, they may be displayed on top of each
other. If so, drag the windows to new locations on the chart display so that both will be
To cancel an EBL:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the EBLs button and then select
EBL 1 or EBL 2 to display the desired Electronic Bearing Line window (see Figure 3-1).
b. From the Electronic Bearing Line window, select the OFF button.
c. Select ACCEPT to remove the EBL from the chart display.


Variable Range Markers

A Variable Range Marker (VRM) can be used to display a range ring on the electronic chart, centered on
Ownship or another selected origin point (see Figure 3-2). Two VRMs are available, designated as VRM
1 and VRM 2. Both can be displayed at the same time.
To create a VRM:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the VRMs button and then select
VRM 1 or VRM 2 to display the Variable Range Marker window (see Figure 3-2).
b. Select either ATTACHED TO OWN SHIP or ATTACHED TO CHART. When the VRM is attached to
the chart, a center point must be designated. Select the CHANGE ORIGIN button, and then select
the desired center point on the chart. When the VRM is attached to Ownship, the
CHANGE ORIGIN button is unavailable.


Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

c. Select the CHANGE RANGE button, then drag the cursor on the chart to achieve the desired range.
A circle is drawn on the electronic chart, and the RANGE indicator on the Variable Range Marker
window shows the radius of the circle.
(Plus) button or the
range value.

(Minus) button can be used to make fine adjustments to the

d. Select ACCEPT to apply the entered values and close the Variable Range Marker window. A
window showing range of the VRM is displayed (in Figure 3-2, the VRM 1 window).
If more than one VRM window is open at once, they may be displayed on top of each
other. If so, drag the windows to new locations on the chart display so that both will be

Figure 3-2. Variable Range Marker

To cancel a VRM:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the VRMs button and then select
VRM 1 or VRM 2 to display the desired Variable Range Marker window (see Figure 3-2).
b. From the Variable Range Marker window, select the OFF button.
c. Select ACCEPT to remove the VRM from the chart display.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 3: Navigation Tools


The GoTo function makes it possible to jump to known locations on the electronic chart. Any geographic
location on the displayed chart can be designated by its latitude/longitude coordinates, or locations that
may be needed repeatedly can be saved by name, and then selected from a drop-down list, which is sorted
alphabetically. When a designated position is accepted, the chart display shifts to show the desired
To jump to a designated chart location:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select
the GO TO button to display the Coordinate Editor window
(see Figure 3-3).
b. If the desired location has previously been saved by name,
select the
(Arrow) button to expand the drop-down list
of saved locations. Select the desired location from the list.
Any location can also be entered using its position
coordinates, in the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE fields.
c. Select ACCEPT or APPLY to shift the chart to show the
desired location.
All data entry fields can all be cleared using the CLEAR button.
To save a location by name:

Figure 3-3. Coordinate Editor


a. From the Coordinate Editor window, enter the desired position coordinates, and then enter a
descriptive name in the NAME field.
b. Select the SAVE button to save the displayed location to the drop-down list of saved locations.
To delete an item from the list of saved locations:
(Arrow) button to expand the drop-down list
a. From the Coordinate Editor window, select the
of saved locations. Select the desired location from the list.
b. Select the DELETE button.



Chapter 3: Navigation Tools


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


The Conning Information Display (CID) provides access to one or more

windows designed to give watch standers quick access to important data.
Each CID page presents data in an easy to read, visual format, in regard to
navigational information, engineering status, alarms, or any other area of
All available CID pages are listed in the CID drop-down menu, which is
available from the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen. Figure
3-4 illustrates a typical list of available CID pages.
The specific CID pages that are available will vary, based on
options included with the VMS/NAVIECDIS installation.

Figure 3-4. Conning

Information Display Menu

One example of a CID page is the Central Alarm Manager, which is described in Paragraph 3.4.2.
Another example is the Maneuvering Information page that is illustrated in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5. Maneuvering Information Page



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

When a CID page is presented in a large, fixed window, a MAX / MIN button may be included, at the left
side of the title bar, at the top of the window (see Figure 3-5). The MAX / MIN button can be used to
expand the window to cover the full screen. This would be useful, for example, if a single workstation
were dedicated to the Maneuvering display, while other workstations were available for other
VMS/NAVIECDIS voyage monitoring functions. When the window is maximized, it covers the main


Depth Monitor

One type of CID page that is included as a standard

feature of the VMS/NAVIECDIS is the Depth
Monitor (see Figure 3-6). This tool can be used as
a visual indicator for ocean depth under the ship, in
relation to an operator-designated reference depth.
The Depth Monitor window provides a graph of
ocean depth vs. time. Depth is presented on the
vertical axis, with the upper limit of the depth
range being the ocean surface. Time is presented
on the horizontal axis, up to the present time at the
right side of the window. The Ownship icon at the
upper right corner of the window provides a
graphic indicator for the present time, and the depth
graph behind Ownship shows depth history.

Figure 3-6. Depth Monitor

If, at the present time, the ocean depth is greater than the reference value, the colored area of the window
is green. If the ocean depth is less than the reference value, the colored area is red. The Depth Monitor is
supplied in two different depth ranges: 0 to 50 meters, and 0 to 200 meters.
In Figure 3-6, the operator has set a reference depth of 25 meters, as indicated by a red horizontal line
across the depth graph. Because the present depth is greater than 25 meters, the color is green. The
reference depth can be changed by positioning the screen cursor over the reference value and dragging the
line up or down as desired.
To use the Depth Monitor:
a. Expand the CID drop-down menu by selecting the CID button from the secondary menu at the
bottom of the screen (see Figure 3-4).
b. Open the Depth Monitor in the desired range, by selecting DEPTH 0-200 or DEPTH 0-50.
c. Drag the reference depth to the desired value.


Central Alarm Manager (optional)

If the optional Central Alarm Manager (CAM) is installed, the system configuration can be customized to
provide management of alarms generated by a variety of on-board equipment, including equipment that is
external to the VMS/NAVIECDIS. Using CAM, the VMS/NAVIECDIS can serve as a central point for
alarms, warnings and status information generated from various shipboard areas and systems.



Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Installations which include CAM must also include sound capabilities in order to use the audible
components of the system.
Alarms issued by CAM are displayed in the Central Alarm Manager window (see Figure 3-7). CAM
alarms are also displayed in the Alarm Display window, in the same manner as VMS/NAVIECDIS
internal alarms.

Figure 3-7. Central Alarm Manager

To open the Central Alarm Manager window:

a. Expand the CID drop-down menu by selecting the CID button from the secondary menu at the
bottom of the screen (see Figure 3-4).
The window can be closed by selecting the

(Exit) button at the upper right corner of the window.

Like the Alarm Display window, the CAM window is divided into an Unacknowledged Alarms area and
an Acknowledged Alarms area. In addition, a colored panel is provided at the top of the window, as a



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

priority indicator. The color of the panel matches the color that is associated with the priority level of the
most serious active alarm. The priority indicator flashes when any unacknowledged alarms are present.

CAM Configuration

CAM configuration is performed at the time of system installation. Configuration of the system includes
the selection of alarm inputs. These can include alarm conditions external to the VMS-VT, such as serial
data or analog voltages generated by equipment at any location on the ship.
The configuration process can also provide for grouping of internal and external alarm indications, to
enable the operator to quickly understand and respond to multiple alarms that may be issued under certain
conditions. Alarms contained in a single group must be of the same priority level. Reconfiguration can
be made at any time by a Sperry Marine field service engineer. No operator-accessible controls are
provided for reconfiguration by shipboard personnel.

CAM Window Controls

All detected alarms which have not yet been acknowledged by the operator are listed in the
Unacknowledged Alarms area. Each alarm is displayed on a separate button. Select the button for any
alarm to acknowledge and silence it.
Alarm indications in the CAM window are displayed as a hierarchical list. Alarms which are members of
an Alarm Group are shown under a sub-heading which indicates the name of the group. All alarm
indications belonging to a single group have the same priority level, so all buttons displayed for a single
group will be the same color. They are sorted according to the time when the alarm condition was
detected. To acknowledge all alarms belonging to a single group, select the button for the group
Select the

(Plus) button to expand a subheading, or use the

(Minus) button to contract.

A button containing a status box is located to the right of each alarm description. Select this button for
any alarm, to display additional information about that alarm condition. The information is shown
immediately below the Unacknowledged Alarms area. For example, in Figure 3-7, the following text is
The Acknowledged Alarms area contains a list of alarm indications which are still detected by the system,
after being acknowledged by the operator. When an alarm indication is no longer detected, it will
disappear from the Acknowledged Alarms area.



Chapter 3: Navigation Tools


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Queries can be used to obtain information about objects on the

displayed chart. The amount of detailed information available
depends upon the chart type.
The following types of queries are available: Danger Query, Chart
(Spatial) Query, and Target Query.
To initiate a query:
From the main menu (see Figure 3-8), select the QUERY
button to expand a drop-down menu from which to select the
desired query type.


Figure 3-8. Query Menu

Danger Query

If a Voyage Plan is running, a danger query can be used to display information about dangerous objects
along the present leg of the plan. The results of the query are displayed in the Danger Query window (see
Figure 3-9).

Figure 3-9. Danger Query Window



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 3: Navigation Tools


Dangers can only be detected on charts contained in the active portfolio. For more
information on VMS/NAVIECDIS safety checking, see Chapter 7. On raster-format
charts, dangers are limited to Danger Areas or other operator-defined additions to the
chart data. These objects would be created and saved using the Chart Additions Editor..
To execute a danger query:
a. From the main menu (see Figure 3-8), select the QUERY button, to expand the drop-down menu
of query types.
b. From the Query menu, select the DANGER QRY button, to display the Danger Query window (see
Figure 3-9). In the upper part of the window, each danger object found within the Ownship
safety zone is listed on a separate button.
c. To obtain more information, select any object in the list. The selected object is indicated by an
arrow on the chart display, and a description of the selected object is displayed in the bottom part
of the Danger Query window.


Chart Query

A Chart query (also called a Spatial query) can be used to obtain information about all types of objects on
the displayed chart, based on a query point, query radius, and other operator-designated query options.
The results of the query are displayed in the Spatial Query window (see Figure 3-10).

Figure 3-10. Spatial Query Window



Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

The amount of information available depends upon the type of chart displayed. On vector-format charts,
a spatial query can be used to obtain information about any charted object or symbol. For raster-format
charts, spatial queries can provide information only on operator-defined objects that have been saved to
the chart using the Chart Additions Editor. A spatial query can also provide Ownship information, if the
Ownship Symbol option is selected from the Features menu.

Query Options

Before executing a Chart query, the desired query options should be selected from the Spatial Query
Options window (see Figure 3-11). Query options include the type(s) of objects to search for, the query
radius, and the sorting order for objects identified during the query. Table 3-1 identifies and describes
controls on the Spatial Query Options window.

Figure 3-11. Spatial Query Options Window

Table 3-1. Spatial Query Options Window Controls



Turn on to include Area objects in the query.


Turn on to include Line objects in the query.


Turn on to include Point objects in the query.


Option buttons to select whether the query will return only the closest
object or all objects found near the query point, within the designated
search radius.


Turn on to enable automatic selection of a search radius, based on the

scale of the displayed chart.


Data field for manual entry of a search radius value.

An operator-entered value for Search Radius is used only when the
RADIUS BASED ON SCALE button is not selected. The radius can be set
to a maximum of 9.99 nautical miles. Performance may be negatively
impacted by choosing an inappropriately large value for Search Radius.


Option buttons to set the sorting order of query results. based upon the
Class of objects found in the query. Objects can be sorted by their class
designation, distance from the query point, or the object type (for
example, Areas, Lines, or Points).



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

To select query options:

a. From the main menu (see Figure 3-8), select the QUERY button, to expand the drop-down menu
of query types.
b. From the Query menu, select the OPTIONS button to display the Spatial Query Options window
(see Figure 3-11).
c. Set the parameters for the query using the controls on the Spatial Query Options window.
d. Select the ACCEPT button to activate the selected query options and close the Spatial Query
Options window.

Executing the Chart Query

The Chart query can be executed at any time, based on the active query options.
To execute the query:
a. From the main menu (see Figure 3-8), select the QUERY button, to expand the drop-down menu
of query types.
b. From the Query menu, select the CHART QRY button, and then select a query point on the chart
display. As the cursor is moved over the chart, latitude and longitude coordinates for the cursor
location are shown.
When a chart that has a local offset to WGS-84 is displayed, both the WGS-84 and local
datum positions are indicated. The cross hairs at the cursor position indicate the WGS-84
datum position at the displayed latitude and longitude. A line segment extending from
the cursor position shows the local datum position; that is, the end of the line segment
indicates the same latitude and longitude at the local datum position.
c. Release the pointing device to display the Chart Query window (see Figure 3-10). In the upper
part of the window, each object found within the previously defined search radius is listed on a
separate button.
d. To obtain more information, select any object in the list. The selected object is indicated by an
arrow on the chart display, and a description of the selected object is displayed in the bottom part
of the Chart Query window.


Target Query

If any contacts have been identified as ARPA radar targets, or as Automatic Identification System (AIS)
targets, a Target query can be used to obtain additional information. The results of the query are
displayed in the Target Query window (see Figure 3-12).



Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 3-12. Target Query Window

To execute a target query:
a. From the main menu (see Figure 3-8), select the QUERY button, to expand the drop-down menu
of query types.
b. From the Query menu, select the TARGET QRY button, and then select a target symbol on the
chart display.
c. Release the pointing device to display the Target Query window (see Figure 3-12). In the upper
part of the window, all radar targets near the selected target symbol are listed, each on a separate
button. Ownship is included in the list, if it is near the selected target.
d. To obtain more information, select any target in the list. The selected target is indicated by an
arrow on the chart display, and a description of the selected target is displayed in the bottom part
of the Target Query window.



The Docking Display uses inputs from various sensors to mathematically compute the ships fore and aft
motion and its port and starboard velocity at the bow and the stern. The Docking Display is intended for
use during ship docking and other low-speed maneuvering operations such as anchoring.
The components of the Docking Display include the Docking window and the related Heads Up Display
(HUD) indicators, which are presented in the chart display area (see Figure 3-13). The operator can select
specific indicators for display, and move them as desired on the electronic chart.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 3: Navigation Tools


Values shown in the Docking window may differ from those provided by the ships speed
logs. The Docking window is designed to display computed velocities at the bow and the
stern, while the speed log provides a measured value at its specific location on the ship.

Figure 3-13. Docking Display


Docking Window

The Docking window (see Figure 3-13) provides graphical information for low-speed maneuvering. It
also provides controls for the HUD indicators.
To open the Docking window:
Select the

(Docking) button from the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen.

The Docking window can be closed by selecting the CANCEL button.


HUD Indicators

The HUD indicators are shown on the chart display, as illustrated in Figure 3-13. The color of these
indicators shows whether or not their displayed data is valid; the indicators are black when the



Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

information is valid, and red when no valid data is available. The available HUD indicators are
configured at the time of system installation, depending upon installed equipment.
The display of the HUD indicators must be enabled from the Features window (see Figure 3-14). After
the indicators are enabled, they can be toggled on and off from the Docking window. In the Features
window, individual HUD indicators are listed under the subheading named HUD WIDGETS.
To enable or disable HUD indicators:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom
of the screen, select the FTRS button to
display the Features menu. Display
options related to Docking (Heads Up
Display) are provided under the
subheading HUD WIDGETS (see Figure
b. Turn the desired indicators on and off.
Indicators that are enabled buttons are
indicated by a bright green status box.
when enabled, will allow individual
HUD indicators to be moved on the chart
display, by dragging with the pointing

Figure 3-14. Features Window: Display Options

for HUD Indicators

c. Select the ACCEPT button to activate the selections and close the Features menu. Select APPLY to
activate selections while leaving the menu open for further changes.
It is recommended that for close maneuvering, Ownship display options be adjusted to show the ships
predicted path. For more information on Ownship display options, see Paragraph 4.9.4. For general
information on the Features menu, see Paragraphs 2.6.3.
To toggle the HUD indicators on and off:
From the Docking window (see Figure 3-13), select the desired buttons; for example, WIND,



The Precision Anchoring function enables management of anchoring operations using the
VMS/NAVIECDIS. During a Precision Anchoring operation, the planned anchorage is shown on the
electronic chart (see Figure 3-15). The Precise Anchoring window displays numeric data related to the
ships approach to the anchorage.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

Figure 3-15 Precision Anchoring Display


Precision Anchoring Display Options

A Precision Anchoring display created at one

workstation is active at all stations on the system
network. It can be removed from the display of
individual workstations using the Features menu
(see Figure 3-16).
Table 3-2 identifies and
describes the available display options in the
Features menu, for Precision Anchoring.

Figure 3-16. Features Menu: Anchoring Options

Table 3-2. Features Menu: Anchoring Options




Turn on to enable the Precision Anchoring display on the local workstation. If

turned off, no anchorage information will appear on the workstations chart
display area, even if an anchoring operation is active in the system.


Turn on to show the Head Bearing line as part of the Precision Anchoring
display. This option is turned off automatically if ANCHORAGE is turned off.



Chapter 3: Navigation Tools


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Setting Up the Precision Anchoring Operation

To set up and use Precision Anchoring:

a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the
open the Anchoring window (see Figure 3-17).

(Anchoring) button to

b. From the Anchoring window, enter the position of the

anchorage. Latitude and longitude coordinates can be
entered manually, or the anchorage position can be selected
POSITION ON CHART button, and then select the desired
location on the chart display. If the anchorage is not within
the coverage area of the presently displayed chart, use the
Portfolio window to select the appropriate chart for
temporary display. For more information on manual chart
selection, see Paragraph 4.6.2.
c. In the HEAD BRG field, enter the planned course while
approaching the anchorage position.

Figure 3-17. Anchoring Window

d. In the INNER INTERVAL field, enter the desired distance between the inner range rings on the
Precision Anchoring display. Enter the desired distance between outer range rings in the
OUTER INTERVAL field. These distances can be set to whatever values are convenient, or to
values specified by the ships operating procedures. One possible method is to set the inner rings
to an interval equal to one-third the length of the ship, and the outer rings to an interval equal to
the length of the ship.
e. Select the ANCHORING ON button. When the Precision Anchoring function is activated, the status
box on the button is bright green.

Select the APPLY button to display the anchorage and the Precise Anchoring window (see Figure

g. When all necessary anchoring data is entered, select the CLOSE button to close the Anchoring
h. Use a Temporary Plan to maneuver the ship to the head bearing line, and then to the anchorage.
For more information on operating with a Temporary Plan, see Paragraph 5.4.
See below in Paragraph 3.7.3 for information on ending a Precision Anchoring operation.
Simply closing the Precise Anchoring window does not end an anchoring operation, or
remove the anchorage from the chart display. If the Precise Anchoring window is closed,
it can be reopened by reselecting the ANCHORING button from the Navigation Tools
window, and then selecting APPLY from the Anchoring window.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

Ending a Precision Anchoring Operation

A Precision Anchoring operation can be ended from the Anchoring window. When the operation is
ended, the anchorage display is removed from all VMS/NAVIECDIS workstations.
To end a Precision Anchoring operation:
a. From the Anchoring window, verify that the ANCHORING ON button is selected, as indicated by a
bright green status box. De-select the ANCHORING ON button, to turn Precision Anchoring off.
When Precision Anchoring is deactivated, the status box on the button is dark.
b. Select the APPLY button. After a short delay, the anchorage will disappear from the chart display.
c. If the Precise Anchoring window is open, close it by selecting the
Anchoring window by selecting the CLOSE button.


(Exit) button. Close the


The Man Overboard function enables management of a Man Overboard emergency using the
VMS/NAVIECDIS. During a Man Overboard operation, a symbol is displayed on the electronic chart
representing Oscarthe man in the water.
The VMS/NAVIECDIS calculates the estimated position of the person in the water based on Set and Drift
values that were active when the Man Overboard operation was initiated. It displays the Oscar symbol at
the calculated position. Data related to the operation is displayed in the Man Overboard window (see
Figure 3-18). This information includes range and bearing to Oscar, relative to the bow position of
Ownship. It also includes elapsed time, present rudder angle, and the present wind bearing and speed .
The display of the Oscar symbol can be enabled or disabled at the local workstation, using the
MAN OVERBOARD button from the Features menu.

Figure 3-18. Man Overboard Display



Chapter 3: Navigation Tools


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Starting the Man Overboard Operation

As soon as a Man Overboard situation is known, select the

(Manu Overboard) button from the
main menu (see Figure 3-18). This action starts the processing of data related to the situation. After the
operation is initiated, additional information should be entered as it becomes known, so that the position
of the person in the water can be estimated with as much accuracy as possible.
While the Man Overboard operation is active, the icon on the Manu Overboard button is
red. The fastest method to determine whether a Man Overboard operation is active is to
check the color of the icon.
To start the Man Overboard operation:
a. Select the
(Manu Overboard) button from the main
menu. The MOB Data window (see Figure 3-19) is displayed, for
entry of time and/or position data, if known. Processing of data
related to the Man Overboard situation begins as soon as the Man
Overboard button is selected. Whether or not position data has
been entered by the operator, the symbol for Oscar is displayed
on the chart. If no other position data is entered, the Oscar
symbol is first displayed at the bow position of Ownship.
b. If the time or location where the person was lost is not known,
select the ACCEPT button to display the Man Overboard Window
(see Figure 3-18) and close the MOB Data window.

Figure 3-19. MOB Data


If additional information becomes available, the MOB Data window can be reopened at any time by
selecting the Man Overboard button again. The Man Overboard window is displayed whenever the
ACCEPT button is selected from the MOB Data window. It can be closed by selecting the


A Man Overboard operation continues to be active until it is properly deactivated.
Selecting CANCEL from the MOB Data window does not deactivate the Man Overboard
function. It simply closes the window.


Entering Position and Elapsed Time Data

The MOB Data window provides for entry of time and position data as it becomes available, so that the
position of the person in the water can be estimated as accurately as possible. Data may be entered or
edited when the Man Overboard operation is started, or at any time during the operation.
Elapsed time is based on the time when the Man Overboard operation was started. If more accurate
information is known, it can be entered manually.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 3: Navigation Tools

To enter elapsed time:

From the MOB Data window (see Figure 3-19), enter the known value in the ELAP TIME field, in
the format hours:minutes:seconds.
The location where person in the water was lost can be entered from the MOB Data window by selecting
a position on the chart display.
To select the location where the person was lost:
a. From the MOB Data window, select the button labeled SELECT A POSITION ON CHART (see
Figure 3-19).
b. Select the position on the chart display which represents the location where the person was lost.
If a visual contact has been made, bearing and range values to the present position of the man in the water
can be entered manually.
To manually enter data from a visual contact:
From the MOB Data window (see Figure 3-19), enter the appropriate values in the BEARING. and
RANGE fields.
To accept the entered values, select the ACCEPT button from the MOB Data window. The estimated
position of the person in the water will be updated, and the Oscar symbol will be repositioned on the

3.8.3 Ending a Man Overboard Operation

The Man Overboard operation remains active until the operator explicitly ends it. Simply closing the
Man Overboard window or canceling the MOB Data window does not end a Man Overboard operation.
It is important to end a Man Overboard operation correctly. Failure to do so allows the
Man Overboard calculations to continue after they are no longer useful. This could
confuse and delay the start of any future Man Overboard operation.
To end the Man Overboard operation:
a. If the MOB Data window is not displayed, open it by selecting the
button from the main menu.

(Manu Overboard)

b. From the MOB Data window (see Figure 3-19), select the NO OSCAR button. The color of the
status box on the button will change to bright green, indicating that the operator wishes to end the
Man Overboard operation.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to close the MOB Data window.
d. The system will display a message window requesting confirmation that there is no person
overboard. From the message window, select YES to end the Man Overboard operation.



Chapter 3: Navigation Tools


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


The Event Mark function allows the operator to mark and describe events that occur during a voyage.
When an Event Mark is set, the time of the event is immediately recorded to a log file on the hard drive of
the local workstation. If the Ownship History option is turned on in the Features menu, a time-stamped
event mark is placed on the chart display at the present Ownship position.
Event times and descriptions recorded in the log file can be viewed in the Bell Book report.
To set an Event Mark:
a. From the main menu, select the
(Event) button to
display the Event Description window (see Figure 3-20).
b. Save a descriptive name for the event, using one of the
two following methods.
1. Expand the drop-down menu and select a predefined
event description. Event names listed in the menu are
configured at the time of system installation, and
cannot be modified by the operator.
2. Enter a new description in the field near the top of the

Figure 3-20. Event

Description Window

c. Select the ACCEPT button.

Event descriptions are optional; an event may be recorded without including a description. Event
descriptions are not shown with the Event Mark on the chart display, but they are recorded into the log
file on the hard drive.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 3: Navigation Tools




VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4


This chapter covers the following topics:

Electronic Charts Overview.

Chart Types.
Chart Installation.
Chart Selection.

Chart Display Options.

Chart Portfolios.
Chart Queries.
Chart One Presentation Library.

Charts are displayed in the VMS/NAVIECDIS as shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1. VMS/NAVIECDIS Chart Display



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Introduction to Chart Selection and Display

The VMS/NAVIECDIS chart display has been designed to maximize the visibility of the chart, while
providing full access to on-screen controls. The system has the capability to display electronic charts in a
variety of formats.
Selection and display of electronic charts are controlled at the local workstation, so that each workstation
in a networked system can display a chart appropriate to the task at that station. Charts are generally
stored at the local workstation also, to reduce traffic on the system network and to increase the speed of
the chart display.
To enable the full range of chart display capabilities, charts should be organized into chart portfolios. A
chart portfolio is a selected group of charts, designated by name, which can be created for a particular
voyage or mission. A portfolio can be activated manually, or it can activated automatically if it is
associated with the loaded Voyage Plan. Chart portfolios can be created or edited using the Portfolio
Any chart can be selected manually for display, from the Chart Catalog. In addition, the system can
select charts automatically, based on the contents of the active chart portfolio. Using automatic chart
selection, the system displays the most detailed chart in the portfolio, for the present Ownship position or
the operator-designated view area. Automatic chart selection is disabled when no chart portfolio is active.
When no chart is selected for display, the Planning Sheet, which consists of a Mercator grid over a neutral
background, is shown.
Units used for soundings shown on the chart display are based on data contained in the
chart. In a portfolio which contains charts of various types, it is possible that the
displayed units may change as charts are selected along the ships course. Thus, the units
may differ from chart to chart, and may differ from the VMS/NAVIECDIS system
setting. The Chart Legend window, which is described in Paragraph 4.4.4, can be used to
determine the units for the displayed chart.


Chart Updates

Chart updates are made available on a schedule determined by the chart supplier. Charts should be kept
up to date by following the procedures established by the supplier.
Presently, ships are still required to maintain backup systems, in the form of traditional paper charts. The
paper charts, as well as the electronic charts, must be kept current using appropriate updates. When
operating with raster charts made from paper charts, the paper charts and the electronic charts should



The advancement of electronic systems for marine navigation has been dependant upon the development
of accurate electronic charts offering world-wide coverage. The electronic chart is a crucial component
of any ECDIS. The VMS/NAVIECDIS chart display conforms to international standards which have



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

been created to ensure that only reliable data from known sources and in specific formats may be used for
Electronic chart types are divided into two basic categories:

Vector charts. Chart data is stored in a database. The chart display is drawn on the computer
screen based on processing of the various stored data elements.

Raster charts. The chart display shows a scanned version of a traditional paper chart.

Within each of the two main categories, charts can be of various types, based on the supplier of the chart.


Vector Charts

For international ECDIS certification, a system must have the capability to use vector-format charts
meeting specific display requirements as established by IHO. Vector-format charts should be used when
available, since they enable enhanced system functions regarding safety checking, operator queries, and
display options.
Vector-format charts are created by using hydrographic data to build a database. As distributed by the
chart supplier, vector chart databases are organized into chart volumes, which are divided into individual
data libraries. When installed to the VMS/NAVIECDIS, this data is combined into databases that cover a
large geographic area. The Chart Catalog does not break the databases down into separate geographic
components that would correspond to individual paper charts. Thus, when operating with vector charts,
the name of the selected chart could be S57-METERS, or WORLD, rather than a name representing a
specific geographic area.
When vector-format charts are used, the electronic chart display is drawn by the VMS/NAVIECDIS
based upon the information stored in the database. Various types of objects may be turned on or off by
the operator, to reduce clutter or to show specific chart features. Using the vector chart database, the
operator can also query the chart for information on any charted object.
The system can use vector charts in the S57 format, meeting all international ECDIS standards. It can
also be configured to use commercial vector charts from C-MAP Cartographic Service, of Norway.

S57 Electronic Nautical Charts

A vector chart database produced in accordance with the S57 standard, as established by the International
Hydrographic Organization (IHO), is known as an Electronic Nautical Chart (ENC). It can also be
referred to as an S57 chart. Charts in this format are available from various suppliers.
The VMS/NAVIECDIS has the capability to use standard S57 chart data from any supplier. In addition,
the system can be configured to use encrypted S57 charts supplied from Primar. For more information on
installation of Primar licensing data, see Paragraph 4.7.3. Because S57 charts are supplied from a variety
of sources, the schedule for chart updates is the responsibility of the chart supplier.
When an S57 chart installation is performed, the ENC data provided on the CD-ROM undergoes a
conversion process. The result of this process is the creation of the System Electronic Nautical Chart
(SENC) database, which is in a form that is directly usable by the VMS/NAVIECDIS.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

C-MAP Charts

C-MAP charts meet some but not all international standards for ECDIS. World coverage is provided on a
single CD-ROM, which is re-issued quarterly. For more information on the installation of C-MAP charts,
and on C-MAP licensing, see Paragraph 4.7.5.
Quarterly updates are supplied by C_MAP on CD-ROM. In addition, interim updates can be ordered
when necessary. Quarterly updates contain all previous interim updates.


Raster Charts

Raster-format charts are produced by scanning paper nautical charts. The chart images are stored as
graphics files they are essentially pictures of the original paper charts. Multiple charts are generally
distributed on a single CD-ROM, with each disk representing a chart volume, covering a large geographic
area. Each individual chart within a chart volume is identified separately by name.
Since a raster chart is based on a simple image of a paper chart, the electronic version of the chart shows
all of the information that appears on the paper chart. All chart features, such as buoys, lighthouses, and
pilot stations, are displayed. Because the chart is not based on an underlying database, individual chart
features cannot be turned on and off, and only limited information is available on a chart query.
When raster charts are displayed, the colors of various chart features are determined by the contents of the
original paper chart; they are not set by the display system. For this and other reasons, raster charts do not
satisfy all international standards for ECDIS.
The VMS/NAVIECDIS can use raster-format charts from British Admiralty Raster Chart Service (BAARCS). It can also use raster charts in the BSB-NOAA format, as distributed by BSB Electronic Charts.

BA-ARCS Charts

British Admiralty Raster Chart Service (BA-ARCS) raster format charts are scanned versions of the paper
charts issued by the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO). They are issued and licensed as a service of the
UKHO. These raster-format charts are widely used due to the extensive world coverage provided by BA.
BA-ARCS charts are issued on 11 regional CD-ROMs (RC1 to RC 11). Before the charts on the regional
disks can be used, they must be licensed individually. For more information on installation of BA-ARCS
licensing data, see Paragraph 4.7.4.
An update CD-ROM is issued weekly by BA. The update disk contains update data for all regional disks.
When a new regional disk is issued, it contains all previous update data.


The VMS/NAVIECDIS can use BSB format raster charts as distributed by various suppliers. These are
commercial charts based on paper charts licensed by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) and the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS).



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Updates for BSB/NOAA charts are available via the supplying hydrographic office. Updates are
produced on CD-ROM, according to geographic region. They are released every 45 days, or any time a
new edition of a paper chart is issued. The system does not provide for Notice-to-Mariners corrections to
BSB/NOAA charts.


Digitized Charts (DC)

In addition to using charts distributed from official or commercial sources, the VMS/NAVIECDIS can
read Digitized Chart (DC) data that was created using a digitizer device with paper nautical charts. DC is
an older, proprietary chart format. A World chart in the DC format is supplied with the system for use as
a reference in the Chart Catalog.
Digitized charts are used for navigation only on systems which are equipped with an optional chart



Using electronic position sensors, mariners are becoming accustomed to knowing their geographical
position with great accuracy, anywhere in the world. However, a position plotted on a navigational chart
is only as good as the accuracy of the chart. Thus, it is important to understand the limitations and
possible inaccuracies of both electronic and paper charts.


Survey Data

Charts are created using the most accurate hydrographic survey data available at the time. Technological
advancement has made very accurate data available in recent years. However, depending upon
geographic location, it is common for mariners to be navigating on charts based on survey data that is
decades old. Vector-format charts are generally based on recent survey data, but even these charts must
sometimes use old data where more recent surveys do not exist.


Chart Datum

The chart datum is the mathematical model used by a chart maker to map the earths surface. In the
VMS/NAVIECDIS, the Mercator grid is always displayed using the datum known as World Geodetic
System 1984 (WGS-84). This is considered to be the latest and most accurate datum available. The
electronic charts and all chart objects are also displayed using the WGS-84 datum whenever possible.
While WGS-84 is the present standard for accurate mapping and display of position information, there are
hundreds of datums in use around the world, and each makes different assumptions about the exact size
and shape of the earth. This means that a given latitude and longitude can correspond to different
locations when plotted on charts that are derived from different datums.
Datum discrepancies become more important when using larger-scale charts; however, it is always
important to be aware of the datum of the displayed chart. While vector-format charts are generally based
on the WGS-84 datum, many raster-format charts are based on old surveys and a variety of datums.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

If the chart is based on another datum, the system offsets the chart to WGS-84, if the offset to WGS-84 is
known and provided in the chart file. Even when the offset for a chart datum is known, however, offset
correction values used for the chart are computed as average values for the entire chart. These correction
values may not be perfectly accurate throughout the geographical area covered by the chart.
The position sensor should always supply position data based on the WGS-84 datum.
Follow instructions supplied with position sensor equipment to ensure that the data
provided to the VMS/NAVIECDIS uses WGS-84. Do not adjust GPS receivers or other
position sensor equipment to convert position data to any datum other than WGS-84
before it is sent to the VMS/NAVIECDIS, even if the displayed chart was created using a
different datum.
When displaying an electronic chart that was created using a datum other than WGS-84, the Chart
Warnings window shows information about the charts datum. The Chart Legend window also shows the
datum of the displayed chart. For more information on Chart Warnings, see Paragraph 2.5.3. For more
information on the Chart Legend window, see Paragraph 4.4.4. Codes used to identify various known
chart datums are listed in Appendix C.


Natural Scale

Chart data is compiled or scanned at a specific scale, based upon the hydrographic data or paper chart
from which the electronic chart was created. This scale is called the charts natural scale. When charts
are first selected for display, they are displayed at their natural scale.
For convenience, the VMS/NAVIECDIS allows the operator to zoom in or out on the displayed electronic
chart. However, a charts natural scale indicates the level of detail that is available on the chart. The
electronic chart display cannot provide a higher level of detail than is available at the scale of the data
from which it was made. The scale display on the main menu indicates OVER (zoomed in) or UNDER
(zoomed out) when the chart is not displayed at its natural scale.
Within a single chart volume, vector chart data for various area locations may be
compiled at different scales; thus, a composite scale is computed that is displayed as the
natural scale for the entire volume. If areas are displayed together that were based upon
different compilation scales, a gray boundary line is displayed between the areas.
If a compilation scale boundary is shown on the display, the accuracy of the chart at any
location is limited by the scale at which it was compiled. For an area whose compilation
scale is smaller (less detailed) than the natural scale of the displayed chart, chart data in
that area will have reduced accuracy for precise navigation.


Navigational Purpose

In addition to the natural scale, the level of detail and expected accuracy available on a specific chart is
also related to its navigational purpose; for example, Harbor, Approach, Coastal or General. Designations
of navigational purpose for electronic charts are similar to those used for traditional paper charts, with



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Harbor charts generally providing the best absolute accuracy for a relatively limited coverage area. As
the coverage area increases for Approach, Coastal and General charts, the level of detail is reduced.



Controls related to the VMS/NAVIECDIS chart display are grouped together on the main menu (see
Figure 4-2). Similar controls are available in other system areas where a chart display is used, including
the Chart Catalog, the Voyage Plan Editor and the Mariner Object Editor.

Figure 4-2. Chart Controls on the Main Menu

Table 4-1 identifies and describes these controls. Related procedures are described in more detail in the
paragraphs that follow.
Table 4-1. Chart Controls on the Main Menu

Buttons for selection of Center or Offset mode. The selected mode
determines the centering behavior of the electronic chart display.
One of these buttons is always in an active status. The label on the active
button is bright green. When Center mode is active, the chart display is
centered on Ownship position. Ownship is always visible on the chart
display. When Offset mode is active, the chart display is centered on an
operator-selected offset point. Depending upon the location of the selected
offset point, Ownship may or may not be visible on the display.


Button to activate a Center Window, which alters chart centering behavior in

Center mode. The Center Window is a rectangular area providing for an
operator-designated chart centering point and reset boundary.

Chart Scale Indicator

Indicator showing the present display scale of the electronic chart. The
words OVER or UNDER following the scale value indicate whether the
displayed scale is greater than or less than the charts natural scale. Select
this indicator to open a drop-down menu for selection of a specific scale


Zoom Window. This button provides for zooming in on the chart to an

operator-designated window on the chart display area.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Table 4-1. Chart Controls on the Main Menu


Zoom buttons, for manual rescaling of the electronic chart display. The Plus
button zooms the chart display in (increases chart scale to show more detail).
The Minus button zooms the chart display out (decreases chart scale to show
a larger area).

Chart Name Indicator

Indicator showing the name of the presently displayed chart.

Selecting the chart name opens the Chart Legend window, which displays
additional information about the chart.

MAN (shown)


Drop-down menu for operator designation of the desired chart selection

mode: AUTO, LOCK, and MAN (Manual). The designated mode controls
automatic chart selection from the active portfolio.


Operator selection of a chart centering mode determines where the Ownship symbol or outline appears on
the chart display. The available modes are Center and Offset.
The available chart centering modes are defined as follows:

Offset. The operator can select a specific geographic location to use as the center of the display,
regardless of Ownship position. In this mode, the system does not always maintain the Ownship
symbol or outline on the chart display area.

Center. The Ownship symbol or outline is always shown on the chart display. When the chart
display shifts, it repositions Ownship at the center of the display, or at an operator-defined center

To select the desired chart centering mode:

From the main menu (see Figure 4-2), select OFFSET or CENTER.

Offset Mode

In Offset mode, the displayed chart can be shifted to show any selected point at the center of the display
screen, regardless of Ownship position. Thus, the operator can move around to view various areas on the
chart, or can even move off the presently displayed chart onto other charts or a planning sheet.
Depending upon the offset point that is selected, Ownship may or may not appear on the display screen.
If the selected offset point is off the presently displayed chart, the system can select another chart from
the active portfolio, depending upon the operator selection previously made from the AUTO / LOCK / MAN
menu. For more information on chart selection modes, see Paragraph 4.4.2.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Selecting the OFFSET button disables automatic chart selection based on Ownship
position. The displayed chart is chosen solely on the basis of the offset point selected by
the operator.
To use Offset mode:
a. From the main menu, select the OFFSET button.
b. Select a point on the displayed chart. The chart will shift, to place the selected geographic
location at the center of the chart display area. To shift again, select another point on the chart.
The chart can be shifted repeatedly after selecting the OFFSET button once.

Center Mode

In Center mode, the Ownship symbol or outline is always visible on the displayed chart. As Ownship
moves toward the edge of the chart, the chart shifts automatically to show Ownship at the designated
center of the screen. The chart is repositioned when Ownship reaches a system-configured reset
boundary. By default, the designated center of the screen is the actual center of the chart display area.

Center Window

When a Center Window is activated, the designated center point is selected by the operator. Thus, the
operator controls the screen location to which the Ownship symbol or outline will reset when the chart
shifts in Center mode. The Center Window also provides operator control of the reset boundary. Figure
4-3 illustrates how a Center Window might be used.
Here, the Center Window has been established in the bottom portion of the screen, so that more of the
chart is always visible ahead of Ownship while on a northerly course. When the ship reaches the reset
boundary defined by the Center Window, the chart will shift to show Ownship at the center of the
rectangle. The Center Window boundary is not visible after it has been activated.
To activate a Center Window:
a. From the main menu (see Figure 4-2), select the CTRWN button.
b. Select a point on the electronic chart, to represent the center point of the Center Window. A cross
and a small rectangle, indicated by dashed lines, are displayed at the selected point. The
rectangle represents the Center Window. The center of the rectangle represents the operatordesignated center point of the chart display.
c. Select the edge of the box and drag it to the desired size. The perimeter of the box now
represents the designated reset boundary.
The Center Window is activated immediately. The chart will shift to show Ownship at the center of the
designated area. The designated center point and reset boundary will continue to be active whenever
Center mode is selected, until default centering behavior is restored.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Figure 4-3. Chart Display: Center Area

To restore the default chart centering behavior:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the SYSTEM button to display the
System Menu window.
b. From the System Menu, select the RESET CTRWN button.


Chart Selection Mode: AUTO / LOCK / MAN

The automatic selection of charts from the active portfolio is controlled by making
a selection from the AUTO / LOCK / MAN drop-down menu.
To change the selection mode:
a. From the main menu, expand the drop-down menu for chart selection
mode (see Figure 4-4).
b. Select the desired selection mode by selecting the AUTO, LOCK or MAN
option from the menu.



Figure 4-4.
Selection Mode
Drop-Down Menu

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Auto Mode

When the chart selection mode is set to Auto, the system always displays the most detailed chart in the
active portfolio for the present Ownship position (in Center mode), or the operator-designated offset point
(in Offset mode).
For example, see Figure 4-5. The rectangles labeled A and B are electronic charts with overlapping
coverage. The arrow represents the Ownship track. Chart B has a larger scale (is more detailed) than
Chart A. Assuming that Center mode is active, the system automatically compares the scales of the two
charts, and displays the most detailed chart based on Ownship position.
Thus, if Ownship is located in the area covered only by Chart A, the display shows chart A. As Ownship
moves into the area covered by both Chart A and Chart B, the display will show Chart B, which has the
larger scale. As Ownship moves out of the area covered by Chart B, the display will again show Chart A.

Figure 4-5. Selection Mode Example

If Offset mode is active, the same chart selection logic applies, though without reference to Ownship
position. If the operator-selected offset point lies within the area covered by both Chart A and Chart B,
Chart B is displayed because it has the larger scale.
When manual rescaling (zooming) operations are made, the display cannot remain in Auto selection
mode. Rescaling resets the selection mode to Manual. For more information on controls for manually
rescaling the chart display, see below in Paragraph 4.4.3.

Lock Mode

When the chart selection mode is set to Lock, the presently displayed chart cannot be replaced by another
chart until the chart display is unlocked. Zooming and offsetting are allowed in Lock mode, but
automatic chart selection will not occur based on scale changes.
Lock mode is useful when displaying the Planning Sheet, to prevent the system from automatically
switching to an electronic chart from the active portfolio. It is also useful when zooming out to an Under
scale view on a large scale chart. Lock mode prevents the system from automatically displaying a less
detailed chart from the portfolio.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

When the chart selection mode is set to Lock, and then the chart centering mode is set to Center, the
selection mode changes from Lock to Manual as required if the locked chart does not include Ownship
position. This prevents a delay in locating Ownship on the chart display.
Lock mode is automatically overridden under the following circumstances:

If the ship sails off the presently selected chart while in Center mode, the chart selection mode
automatically switches from Lock to Manual.

If Ownship position is off of the presently displayed chart, and the chart centering mode is set to
Offset, the chart selection mode automatically switches from Lock to Manual when the CENTER
button is selected. Ownship is always visible on the chart display when the chart centering mode
is set to Center.

Manual Mode

When the chart selection mode is set to Manual, the VMS/NAVIECDIS does not automatically load a
larger-scale chart when one becomes available. The system attempts to maintain the chart display at the
present scale.
For example, see Figure 4-5. The rectangles labeled A and B are electronic charts with overlapping
coverage. The arrow represents Ownship track. Chart B has a larger scale (is more detailed) than Chart
When the selection mode is set to Manual, and Ownship is located in the area covered only by Chart A,
the display shows Chart A. As Ownship moves into the area covered by both Chart A and Chart B, the
display continues to show Chart A, even though Chart B is available. The Chart Warnings Window will
If the CENTER button is selected, automatic chart selection will occur, but the system will not change
charts based on scale.
If the OFFSET button is selected while the chart selection mode is set to Manual, the system offsets the
chart according to the following rules: If the operator-designated offset point is within the boundaries of
the presently selected chart, that chart continues to be displayed even if a larger scale chart is available. If
the offset point is outside the boundaries of the presently selected chart, the system picks from the active
portfolio the chart that has a scale closest to the scale of the presently selected chart.


Chart Display Scale

The Scale display on the main menu (see Figure 4-6) shows the present display scale of the chart. The
system provides the capability to change the display scale, by zooming in and out. If the label OVER is
shown following the scale value, this indicates that the chart has been zoomed in at least once from its
natural scale (display scale increased). The label UNDER indicates that it has been zoomed out (display
scale decreased).



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To select a specific display scale:

a. Select the Scale indicator, to open a drop-down menu of
available scale values.
b. Select the desired scale value from the drop-down menu.
(Plus) and the
(Minus) button can also be used to zoom
in or out on the chart. These buttons are designed to provide a fine
control over the display scale. The actual amount of zooming
available depends upon the type and supplier of the displayed chart.
Another method for zooming in on the chart is to use the ZMWN (Zoom
Window) button. Zoom Window allows the operator to zoom in at a
specific area of interest.
To use Zoom Window:
a. From the main menu (see Figure 4-6), select the ZMWN button.
b. Select a location on the chart where a more detailed view is
desired. A small box will appear on the chart at the selected
c. Expand the window box by dragging with the pointing device.
The chart display will zoom in, centered on the selected point.
The chart centering mode is automatically reset to Offset.

Figure 4-6. Display Scale


When the operator has zoomed in or out on a displayed chart, and another chart covering the same area
with a natural scale closer to the new scale is available in the portfolio, that chart is displayed, unless the
displayed chart is locked. If the zooming controls are used while the chart selection mode is set to Auto,
the chart selection mode changes to Manual.
The amount of detail contained in an electronic chart is based on the charts natural scale.
With vector-format charts, it is possible to zoom in on a smaller scale chart, such that the
chart may appear to provide a higher level of accuracy than it was designed for. When
the display scale is zoomed in to this extent, the chart is overlayed with vertical gray
lines, as a warning to the operator.
To return the displayed chart to its natural scale, zoom in or out until the OVER or UNDER label
disappears. If a chart portfolio is active, the most detailed chart in the portfolio for the present Ownship
position can immediately be displayed at its natural scale by setting the chart selection mode to Auto.
For smaller-scale charts in the portfolio it may not be possible to display the charts at their natural scale
by simply zooming out or zooming in. To display these charts at their natural scales it may be necessary
to manually select a different chart, and then select the desired chart from the Portfolio window. When
selected in this manner the chart will initially be displayed at its natural scale.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Chart Legend Window: The LEGEND Button

The Chart Legend window (see Figure 4-7 and Figure 4-8) provides a list of information about the
displayed electronic chart.

Figure 4-7. Chart Legend Window

Data Provider:
Nav Purpose:
Edition Date:
Update Date:
Update Number:
Last Notice to Mariner:
Horizontal datum:
WGS84 Shift:
Vertical Datum:
Magnetic Variation:
Safety Depth:
Safety Contour:
Data Quality:
Depth Units:
Height Units:
Data Format:
Data Format Version:

North American Datum 1983
00000.000N, 00000.000E
Mean Lower Low Water

Figure 4-8. Typical Chart Legend Data

To open the Chart Legend window:
From the main menu (see Figure 4-2), select the chart name indicator. In Figure 4-2, this
indicator is labeled S57 METERS.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Use the scroll bar at the right side of the window to view all available information. Use the scroll bar at
the bottom of the window to view all available lists related to different versions of updated chart data.
Figure 4-8 illustrates information that would be typically be available from the Chart Legend window.
Additional information, when made available by the hydrographic office issuing the chart, can be viewed
using the buttons along the bottom of the window. Table 4-2 identifies and describes these controls.
Table 4-2. Additional Information from the Chart Legend Window



Provides any added information which the issuing hydrographic office considers to
be necessary.


For raster-format charts, provides visual images of all sections of the chart legend
from the paper chart.


Provides items of temporary interest, which mariners need to know but which will
not be added to the visual chart; for example, a dredging operation which will be
active at a particular geographic location, for a specified time period.



A chart portfolio is an operator-designated, named group of charts. The VMS/NAVIECDIS uses the
charts that are contained in the active chart portfolio to enable automatic chart selection. Various safety
checking processes also check the charts in the active portfolio for known hazards and other dangers. For
these reasons, the use of a chart portfolio is recommended.
Only one chart portfolio can be active at any time. A portfolio can be activated manually, or it can be
activated automatically if it is associated with a loaded Voyage Plan. When a portfolio is associated with
a Voyage Plan, automatic access is provided to a predetermined list of charts during execution of the plan.
For more information on Voyage Plans, see Chapter 5 of this manual.
Portfolios are created or edited using the Portfolio Editor. They are saved as electronic files with the
.FOL filename extension. For more information on the Portfolio Editor, see Paragraph 0. A portfolio that
is presently active cannot be edited until it is cleared. See below in Paragraph 4.5.3 for information on
clearing a portfolio. A portfolio is locked, if it is associated with the loaded Voyage Plan. A locked
portfolio must be unlocked before it can be cleared or edited. See Paragraph for information on
unlocking a locked portfolio.


Portfolio Window

The Portfolio window (see Figure 4-9) provides controls for manual activation of a chart portfolio, for
clearing an active portfolio, and for manual selection of a chart, either from the active portfolio or from
the full Chart Catalog.
To display the Portfolio window:
Select the CHARTS button from the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

All available chart portfolios are listed on separate buttons in the upper portion of the window. If a
portfolio is presently active, its name is displayed in green above the list of available portfolios. In Figure
4-9, the selected portfolio is US_EASTCOAST.


Activating a Chart Portfolio

To manually activate a chart portfolio:

a. From the Portfolio window, select the desired portfolio from
the list of available portfolios. If necessary, use the scroll bar
at the right to scroll through the complete list.
b. Select the APPLY button to make the portfolio active. Or
select ACCEPT to activate the portfolio and close the Portfolio
All available charts from the selected portfolio are listed on separate
buttons in the lower portion of the menu. The name of the presently
selected chart is displayed in green above the list of available charts.


Clearing an Active Chart Portfolio

The active chart portfolio can be cleared, to deactivate it when it is no

longer needed. It is necessary to clear an active portfolio before it can
be edited.
With no active portfolio, the system cannot select charts
automatically, and its danger detection capability is
temporarily disabled. For this reason, an alarm may be issued
after clearing the active chart portfolio.
To clear the active chart portfolio:
If the active chart portfolio is associated with a loaded Voyage
Plan, the portfolio is locked, and the CLEAR PORTFOLIO
button will be unavailable. To unlock the portfolio, the plan
must be stopped and unloaded, as described in Paragraph
a. From the Portfolio window (see Figure 4-9), select the

Figure 4-9. Portfolio


b. Select the ACCEPT button to clear the active portfolio and close the Portfolio window.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Unlocking a Chart Portfolio

To unlock a chart portfolio that is associated with a loaded Voyage Plan, it is necessary to stop and unload
the plan, from the Voyage Plan Control window (see Figure 4-10). Only after it is unlocked can a
portfolio be cleared or edited.

Figure 4-10. Voyage Plan Control Window

Do not stop a running Voyage Plan when the loss of navigation monitoring information
could cause a hazard. Stopping the plan prevents the system from returning Voyage Plan
status information such as cross-track error, and time and distance to go. On
VMS/NAVIECDIS installations which are configured for automatic track steering,
stopping a running Voyage Plan also interrupts the track-keeping ability of the system.
To unlock a portfolio:
a. From the main menu (see Figure 4-10), open the Voyage Plan Control window by selecting the
Voyage Plan name indicator. In Figure 4-10, this indicator is labeled HEN-MAY.VP.
b. If the loaded Voyage Plan is running, it must be stopped before it can be unloaded. From the
Voyage Plan Control window, select the STOP button. The STOP button is available only while a
Voyage Plan is running.
c. Select the CLEAR button from the Voyage Plan Control window, to unload the Voyage Plan and
thus unlock the portfolio.
The portfolio can now be cleared by selecting the CLEAR PORTFOLIO button from the Portfolio window,
as described above. After it is cleared, it can be opened in the Portfolio Editor and modified if desired.
After the changes have been saved, the Voyage Plan can be loaded and restarted. See Paragraph 5.5 for
information on restarting the plan.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 4: Electronic Charts


Charts can be selected for display automatically or manually. The way charts are selected depends upon
whether a chart portfolio is active, and upon and the designated chart selection mode (Auto, Lock or
Manual), as described in Paragraph 4.4.2.


Automatic Chart Selection

The VMS/NAVIECDIS can select charts automatically as the ship moves, if a chart portfolio is active,
and the portfolio contains appropriate charts for the displayed area. If no chart portfolio is active, the
system cannot select charts automatically.
To enable automatic chart selection, set the selection mode to Auto as follows:
a. From the main menu,









b. Select AUTO.
With the selection mode set to Auto, the system checks Ownship position (if Center mode is active) or the
offset point (if Offset mode is active). Based on this information, it automatically selects the appropriate
chart from the active portfolio. For more information on chart selection mode, see Paragraph 4.4.2. For
more information on Center and Offset, see Paragraph 4.4.1).


Manual Chart Selection

At any time, any chart that has been installed to the system can be selected for display, even if the chart is
not contained in the active chart portfolio. Manual chart selection permits selection of an alternate chart,
in place of a chart automatically selected by the system. It can be necessary to choose charts manually
when operating without an active portfolio, or when performing planning or training tasks.
If a chart is selected manually while there is an active chart portfolio, the chart selection mode changes to
Manual, and the chart centering mode is reset to Offset.
Charts can be manually selected or overridden by the following methods:

Select a chart from the active chart portfolio.

Select a chart from the Chart Catalog.
Lock the presently selected chart, to prevent automatic selection of other charts.
Selecting a Chart from the Active Chart Portfolio

To select a chart from the active portfolio:

a. Open the Portfolio window (see Figure 4-9) as described in Paragraph 4.5.1.
b. All available charts from the active portfolio are listed on separate buttons in the lower portion of
the window. The name of the presently selected chart is displayed in green above the list of



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

available charts. Use the scroll bar, if necessary, to scroll through the list of available charts.
Then select the button for the desired chart.
c. Select ACCEPT to close the Portfolio window and display the chart.

Selecting a Chart from the Chart Catalog

The Chart Catalog (see Figure 4-11) contains the entire collection of charts available to the system. It can
be used to choose any chart at any time.

Figure 4-11. Chart Catalog: Map & List Mode

To select a chart from the Chart Catalog:
a. Open the Portfolio window (see Figure 4-9) as described in Paragraph 4.5.1.
b. From the Portfolio window, select the CHART CATALOG button.
c. Select the desired chart, then select ACCEPT.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

The Chart Catalog window hides the main chart display area, where voyage monitoring operations are
performed. To immediately return to the main chart display and hide the Chart Catalog, select the HIDE
button from the Main menu. To go back to the Chart Catalog, select the SHOW button. The Chart
Catalog can also be closed by selecting the CANCEL button at the bottom of the Portfolio window.

Chart Catalog View Modes

At the top of the Chart Catalog window, the buttons labeled MAP, LIST, and MAP & LIST can be used to
select the desired view mode for available charts. Based on the selected option, the available charts can
be displayed as a list, or they can be shown graphically on a world map. The MAP & LIST option (see
Figure 4-11) combines the Map and List formats. Figure 4-12 illustrates the Chart Catalog in List mode.
In the list, the presently displayed chart is highlighted in green. When another chart is selected by the
operator, the newly selected chart is highlighted in yellow. The list of charts is presented in a table
format, and can be sorted on any column by selecting the button at the top of the column.

Figure 4-12. Chart Catalog List Mode



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 4-13 illustrates the Chart Catalog in Map mode. Coverage areas of available charts are shown
graphically as outlined areas on a world map. Zoom in or out on the map using the controls at the bottom
of Chart Catalog window. As the scale of the world map is changed, charts are shown on the map which
are appropriate for that display scale.
In Map mode, the presently displayed chart is highlighted on the map in green. When a chart outline is
selected by the operator; the newly selected chart is highlighted in yellow.

Figure 4-13. Chart Catalog: Map Mode

Map Display Controls

The six buttons along the bottom of the map give the operator control over the map display. Map display
controls are similar in function to the main chart display controls. The present scale of the map display is
shown beneath the display control buttons at the bottom of the map. Table 4-3 identifies and describes
the map display controls .



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Table 4-3. Chart Catalog Map Display Controls




The two zoom buttons function like the zooming buttons on the Main menu
(see Paragraph 4.4.3). They allow the operator to change the scale of the
Chart Catalog map display. The map display remains centered on the same
point while zooming. Zoom the map in or out to the desired scale, to show
charts that are available at that scale.


This button functions like the ZMWN (Zoom Window) button on the main
menu (see Paragraph 4.4.3). Both the scale and center point of the map
display are changed when the WINDOW button is used. Thus, this button
combines the functions of the zooming buttons with the OFFSET button.


Changing the offset of the Chart Catalog map display allows the operator to
move around on the map. Select the OFFSET button and then select a point
on the map to re-center the map around the selected point.


When selected, this button zooms the Chart Catalog map display out to the
smallest scale possible: 1:80 million.


This button re-centers the Chart Catalog map on present Ownship position.

Chart Filters

From the Filters menu (see Figure 4-14), the available charts shown in the Chart Catalog can be limited to
charts of specific formats, suppliers or scales. This filtering function enables rapid selection of charts by
preventing display of unwanted data. Filtering can be performed while using any of the Chart Catalog
view modes.

Figure 4-14. Chart Filters Menu



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To filter the Chart Catalog display:

a. From the Chart Catalog (see Figure 4-13), select FILTERS to display the Filters menu.
b. From the Filters menu (see Figure 4-14), select the desired chart characteristics, and then select
the ACCEPT button.
The Filters menu controls filtering options in three categories: Chart Formats, Suppliers (issuing
hydrographic office), and Scales (also known as Navigational Purpose). The specific options listed in
each category will vary, depending upon installed chart types.
Typical filtering options include:
Chart Formats

HCRF (Hydrographic Chart Raster Format)
DC (Digitized Charts)





For example, see Figure 4-15. Here,

the operator has limited the available
(navigational purpose) is Coastal. In
this example, other Scale options are
turned off. Compare Figure 4-15 to
Figure 4-13, where all Scale options are
turned on.

Figure 4-15. Chart Catalog: Map View, Filtered



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Updating the Chart Catalog

To ensure that the most up to date charts are available, select the UPDATE CATALOG button from the
Portfolio window (see Figure 4-11). Selecting UPDATE CATALOG on any system workstation causes all
workstations on the network to check for new charts. This is useful when using charts that are loaded
from removable media such as CD-ROM.

Selection of Raster Charts Containing Panels

Paper charts are sometimes designed to include one or more inset panels, to present a more detailed view
of a particular geographic area. Some electronic charts in the BA-ARCS format or other raster formats
are made from images of paper charts that contain panels. A BA-ARCS chart that contains a panel is
shown in Figure 4-16.

Figure 4-16. BA Chart Containing a Panel

Essentially, the panel contains a second chart, whose scale is different from the first. The two charts are
displayed together, but the VMS/NAVIECDIS chart display is referenced to only one chart, at one scale,
at a time. Thus, each panel must be treated as a separate chart. To enable the display of charts containing
panels, the VMS/NAVIECDIS Chart Catalog lists each panel separately.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

When displaying BA-ARCS charts that contain panels, it is recommended that the chart
centering mode should be set to Center, and the chart selection mode should be set to
Auto or Manual. Otherwise, the system may allow the ship symbol or outline to move
across the boundary of the panel without changing the displayed chart. This would cause
the chart display to show Ownship position at a location which is not the actual position
of the ship.
For example, a BA-ARCS chart designated as BA 1528 shows Boston Harbor. This chart contains a
panel showing the inner harbor area. The panel is listed in the Chart Catalog as BA 1528 P1. When
either of these charts is selected, the entire chart display area is referenced to the scale of the selected
chart. Though the other chart may be visible, only the selected chart can supply accurate information. If
there is any confusion concerning which chart is presently selected, refer to the chart name indicator on
the main menu, which displays the name of the presently selected chart.
Symbols shown in the chart display area, (for example, target symbols), are displayed
with reference to the selected chart only. The same is true of the lat/lon grid, as well as
the indicated lat/lon position of the screen cursor. No chart features will be accurately
represented on any displayed panels other than the selected one.
When the chart centering mode is set to Center, and the chart selection mode is set to Auto or Manual, the
system will attempt to change charts when Ownship reaches the boundary of the displayed chart. If
another chart is not available whose coverage area includes the present Ownship position, the Planning
Sheet is displayed. Ownship will be prevented from sailing across the boundary of the chart, onto an
undefined location on the other visible chart.
For more information on chart centering mode, see Paragraph 4.4.1. For more information on chart
selection mode, see Paragraph 4.4.2.


The Planning Sheet

The Planning Sheet, consisting of a Mercator grid over a neutral background, is the default display when
no chart is loaded, or when no installed chart is available for Ownship position or the selected offset
To display the planning sheet:
a. Open the Portfolio window (see Figure 4-9) as described in Paragraph 4.5.1.
b. From the Portfolio window , select the PLANNING SHEET button, then select ACCEPT.
When the Planning Sheet is displayed, the chart selection mode is set to Lock, to ensure that the system
will not automatically change to a more detailed chart.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 4: Electronic Charts


Electronic charts are normally installed to the VMS/NAVIECDIS such that the chart data is stored on the
hard disk at each system workstation. Installation procedures are similar for most chart types, and the
system is designed to guide the operator through the installation using on-screen instructions. Some chart
suppliers require installation of additional licensing data to enable the installed charts. Licensing data
should be installed before installation of the chart data.
When new charts or chart updates are installed, it is the mariners responsibility to load
and view charts as necessary to determine the usability of the installed chart data. If a
problem is encountered with any chart or chart update, the mariner should contact the
issuing Hydrographic Office or chart reseller, in sufficient time to receive the correct
replacement chart or update.
The chart installation procedure is provided below. Licensing
procedures for specific chart types are provided in the subparagraphs that follow. Installation of C-MAP charts, and of CMAP licensing data, require special procedures which are
described in Paragraph 4.7.5.
Installation of charts and chart license data for all chart types is
initiated from the Chart Utility Menu window (see Figure
To open the Chart Utility Menu:
From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen,
select the CHRT TLS button.


Figure 4-17. Chart Utility Menu

Chart Installation Procedure (Most Chart Types)

All charts, including BA-ARCS charts, must be stored and accessed from the system hard drives, and not
from the distribution CD-ROM. For most chart types (except C-MAP), chart installation is accomplished
from the Install Charts window (see Figure 4-18).
Depending upon the chart type and supplier, the installation process may include
conversion of chart data to a format that is usable by the VMS/NAVIECDIS. For
example, ENC chart data is converted to the System Electronic Nautical Chart (SENC)
data format. This data conversion will consume the resources of the system computers,
and may take thirty minutes or more. System performance will be seriously degraded
while this process is executing. If possible, do not execute this process while underway.
If chart installation is executed while the system is performing any critical voyage
monitoring operations, performance may be inadequate.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To install charts:
a. Insert the disk containing chart data to be installed into a drive on the local workstation. In the
case of BA-ARCS charts, the appropriate regional disk and the most recent update disk must be
placed in separate CD-ROM drives.
Older regional and update disks should be discarded. An older update disk should never
be used with a more recent regional disk.
b. From the Chart Utility menu (see Figure 4-17), select
the INSTALL CHARTS button to open the Install Charts
c. From the Install Charts window (see Figure 4-18),
expand the Chart Type drop-down menu, and select
the desired chart data format. Each available chart
type is listed on a separate button.
d. Enter the correct drive letter to identify the local drive
from which the chart data will be installed.





Figure 4-18. Install Charts Window

The message area in the lower part of the Install Charts window provides information about the ongoing
installation. If for any reason the system cannot perform the data conversion or chart installation, an error
message is displayed there. For example, in Figure 4-18, the message indicates NO READ SOURCE NOT
NEWER. This means that the installation was unsuccessful because the operator attempted to install a
chart volume which was an older edition than a volume that was already installed. The system will not
permit a chart installation in which older data will overwrite newer data.
After charts are installed to one system workstation, they are automatically copied to all running
workstations on the system network. For any workstation that was not running at the time of chart
installation, the charts must be installed when that workstation is again activated.


Installing Chart Updates

Chart suppliers issue regular updates. To install a regularly scheduled update for a chart volume that has
previously been installed, follow the same procedures as for initial chart installation.
Updates must be installed in numerical sequence. The update process will fail if the data to be installed is
found to be corrupted, or is an earlier version than the currently installed data.
BA-ARCS chart data is updated weekly. Update disks are issued to supplement the data
supplied on the regional coverage CD-ROMs. New regional disks are issued when
necessary. When a new regional disk is released, subsequent update disks no longer



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

contain information updated on the regional disk. Thus, for proper display of accurate
chart data, the most recent regional disk must be used with the most recent update disk.


Licensing of Primar Encrypted S57 Charts

If S57 Security measures are configured, the VMS/NAVIECDIS can install and use encrypted S57 charts
supplied by Primar. Licensing data for S57 security must be installed before the chart installation is
executed. Decryption of the chart data is applied during the chart installation process.

Security Requirements

Encrypted S57 charts are supplied on CD-ROM, along with a floppy disk containing a Cell Permit for
each of the encrypted chart data cells licensed for installation. Once installed, encrypted S57 charts are
used in the same manner as other S57 charts, as long as the required security measures are in place.
Security requirements include:

Security Block (dongle). This device is attached to the parallel port of at least one system
computer. Information stored in the Security Block is used by the S57 security functions. The
Security Block is supplied by Sperry Marine and is also required for other system security
measures. The VMS/NAVIECDIS will not start unless a properly configured Security Block is in

User Identification Key. Code created during VMS/NAVIECDIS installation. This code is
stored in the systems configuration file, to identify the installed VMS/NAVIECDIS system,
including the allowed number of workstations (nodes) licensed by Sperry Marine.

User Permit. Code supplied by Sperry Marine to identify a licensed user for the encrypted S57
charts. This code is supplied on paper, and/or on a floppy disk containing the file named
LMSPERMIT.TXT. It must be used in applying to Primar to receive encrypted S57 data and Cell
Permit files for the data. This code is also used by the VMS/NAVIECDIS to enable decryption of
chart data.

Cell Permits. Individual chart data files, called cells, cannot be activated without the
accompanying Cell Permit. Cell Permit files are supplied by Primar on floppy disk or CD-ROM.

Public Key. Code supplied by Primar and used by the VMS/NAVIECDIS in identifying and
decrypting chart data. This code is associated with all chart data supplied by Primar, and is
supplied on a floppy disk. After the code is installed, it is stored in the VMS/NAVIECDIS and
will need to be changed or reinstalled only after reinstallation of the system software, or in the
event that Primar has issued a replacement Public Key due to a violation of its security measures.

S57 Security Info Window

Management functions for the security measures associated with encrypted S57 charts are provided on the
S57 Security Info Window (see Figure 4-19).



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To open the S57 Security Info Window:

a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen,
select the CHRT TLS button to display the Chart Utility
Menu window.
b. From the Chart Utility Menu (see Figure 4-17), select
the S-57 SECRTY button.
Table 4-4 identifies and describes the controls on the S57
Security Info window.
Figure 4-19. S57 Security
Table 4-4. S57 Security Info Window Controls



Opens a window containing controls for manually entering the User



Initiates a read process, to automatically input the User Permit code from
the floppy disk supplied by Sperry Marine.


Initiates a read process, to automatically input the Primar Public Key,

which is supplied on floppy disk.


Opens a window containing controls for reading Cell Permits, prior to

installing encrypted chart data. A Cell Permit is required for each chart
data file. Cell Permits may be supplied on a floppy disk or CD-ROM.


Opens a window containing a table displaying the following information

for each chart data file: Name of cell, Permit expiration date,
Subscription status, and Edition.


Opens a window displaying S57 security information. If security

measures for encrypted S57 charts are missing or invalid, this button will
display a message window specifying the error condition.

Installing Licensing Data for S57 Security

The User Permit or Public Key normally need to be reinstalled only after reinstallation of the
VMS/NAVIECDIS software, or after initial purchase of Primar chart licenses. For newly purchased chart
licenses, the Cell Permits must be read from the floppy disk supplied with the chart data, before the chart
installation is performed.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

To inspect or correct the status of existing S57 security measures:

a. From the S57 Security Info Window (see Figure 4-19), select the CELL PERMIT INFO button to
display security status information. If any problems are present in regard to S57 security
measures, a message window will display error condition information.
b. If error conditions exist with the User Permit or Public Key, insert the required disk into a system
drive, and then select READ USER PERMIT or READ PUBLIC KEY as necessary. The User permit
may also be entered manually by selecting ENTER USER PERMIT to open a data entry window. If
other problems exist, contact Sperry Marine field service.
To install Cell Permits:
a. Insert the distribution CD-ROM into a system CD-ROM drive. Insert the disk containing the Cell
Permits for the data into a another drive.
b. From the S57 Security Info Window (see Figure 4-19), select READ CELL PERMITS to
automatically input the Cell Permits for the chart data to be installed.
c. After Cell Permits have been installed, select the CLOSE button on the S57 Security window. The
S57 charts can now be installed from the distribution CD-ROM, using the procedure described in
Paragraph 4.7.1.


Licensing of British Admiralty ARCS Charts

Specific license security procedures, described below, are required by BA to configure the
VMS/NAVIECDIS to use BA-ARCS charts.
To display BA-ARCS charts, the following security measures must be in place:

A programmed Security Block (dongle) device must be attached to the parallel port of a
designated VMS/NAVIECDIS workstation. This device is specific to the individual computer to
which it is attached. If the Security Block is removed, or if the designated computer is not
running, BA-ARCS charts will not be available.

Chart Permits information must be installed. Chart permits are specific to the ship, and are
normally read from a Permits Disk at the same workstation where the Security Block is installed.

A PIN number, specific to the ship and issued by Sperry Marine, must be installed to the system.
When using BA-ARCS charts, an expiration date warning is presented 30 days prior to
the expiration date of the permit. When this warning is displayed, contact the supplier of
the charts for a new permit number and Permits Disk. Permits Disks and PIN numbers
are not transferable between ships.

Once these security measures are in place, they do not need to be reinstalled, except on expiration of
licenses, purchase of additional licenses, or reinstallation of the system software. The charts themselves
are distributed on a British Admiralty ARCS CD-ROM, or on an update CD-ROM.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

ARCS Security Window

The ARCS Security window (see Figure 4-20) is used to set up

the VMS/NAVIECDIS to display BA-ARCS charts.
To display the ARCS Security:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen,
select the CHRT TLS button to display the Chart Utility
Menu window. (see Figure 4-17).
b. From the Chart Utility Menu, select the ARCS SECURITY
Table 4-5 identifies and describes the controls on the ARCS
Security window.
Figure 4-20. ARCS
Security Window
Table 4-5. ARCS Security Window Controls



Opens a dialog window for entry of the assigned PIN number for the ship.
The PIN number is supplied by Sperry Marine, and must be entered when
first using BA-ARCS charts.


Opens a dialog window for manual entry of a chart permit number, which is
provided by the chart supplier. This button is only used under special
circumstances; for example, temporary use on expiration of a previous


Initiates the process of reading chart permits from a system floppy drive,
using the Permits Disk provided by the chart supplier. This button is used
when the permits have expired, when new charts are added, or when the
charts are installed for the first time.


Purges expired permits from the system.


Initiates the process of making back-up copies of the Permits Disk.


Displays chart license information.


Purges all stored ARCS licensing data. This data should only be purged if
problems arise with the display of ARCS charts.


Displays expiration data for chart licenses.


Closes the ARCS Security window.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Reading Permits

It is necessary to read permits when first using BA-ARCS charts, or when a new Permits Disk is received.
The system is configured such that ARCS Permits Disks must be read from the floppy drive at a
designated workstation, configured at the time of system installation. The other stations read the permits
across the network.
To read permits:
a. Start all VMS/NAVIECDIS workstations. Verify that the system is running on each station.
b. Insert the Permits Disk into the designated floppy drive. From the ARCS Security window (see
Figure 4-20), select the READ PERMITS button.
c. A confirmation message is displayed, as a reminder to insert the Permits Disk. Select the
ACCEPT button from the message window to read the permits information from the disk. If the
ARCS Security Block is installed and the Permits disk is correct, the system will return to the
ARCS Security window. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.
d. Remove the Permits Disk from the floppy drive of the designated workstation.
If the security block is not valid or any other problem occurs with the security block, a message window
is displayed informing the operator of the problem. If the correct Permits Disk is not installed, or any
other problem occurs with the permits disk, the following message is displayed: COULD NOT ACCESS
PERMIT TRANSFER. If these or any other security problems occur with ARCS charts, the charts will not
be available.

Entering the Permit Number Manually

In some cases, temporary permits may be issued by the chart agent and entered manually until the
appropriate Permits disk can be obtained.
To manually enter a permit number:
a. From the ARCS Security window (see Figure 4-20), select ENTER PERMIT to display the Chart
Permit Entry window (not shown).
b. From the Chart Permit Entry window, enter the permit number, then select the ACCEPT button.

Entering and Verifying PIN Number

It is necessary to enter a PIN number only when first using BA-ARCS charts, or on reinstallation of the
VMS/NAVIECDIS software. Entry of the PIN number should be verified if problems arise with the
display of BA-ARCS charts.
To enter the PIN number for the ship:
a. From the ARCS Security window (see Figure 4-20), select ENTER PIN to display the ARCS PIN
Entry menu (see Figure 4-21).



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

The ARCS PIN Entry menu should contain existing

ship-specific data. If a valid PIN number has already
been entered, the message OK is displayed in the
ENTER PIN field. Under most circumstances it is
unnecessary to re-enter the PIN number.
b. If necessary, enter the ships correct PIN number to the
ENTER PIN field.
c. Select CANCEL to close the ARCS Security window.
After the licensing data is properly installed, the charts can be
installed as described in Paragraph 4.7.1

Clearing Permits

If there are difficulties in displaying ARCS charts at one or more

system workstations, clearing and re-entering the Permits
information may solve the problem.
To clear the current permits from the system:
a. From the ARCS Security window (see Figure 4-20),
select the CLEAR PERMITS button. A confirmation
window is displayed, to verify that permits will be
b. From the confirmation window, select the ACCEPT
c. Re-enter the permits information, as described above in
Paragraphs, and


Figure 4-21. ARCS PIN

Entry Menu

Installation and Licensing of C-MAP Charts

C-MAP charts are installed using a different procedure from the one that is used for other chart types.
With C-MAP charts, the chart database installation and license installation must be carried out separately
for each workstation in the system. Once they are properly installed and licensed, C-MAP charts may be
selected and used in a similar manner to other chart types.
At each workstation on the system network, a device called an eToken is inserted in the computers
Universal Serial Bus (USB) port to provide security for the C-MAP chart data. In addition, C-MAP
license data must be entered at the workstation, to match the security data stored in the eToken. A tag is
attached to each eToken, providing the five digit C-MAP User number which identifies the workstation.
When using C-MAP charts, the system will display a warning 61 days prior to the
expiration date of any C-MAP license. This warning is reissued at approximately noon



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

every day until the expiration date. When this warning occurs, contact the chart supplier
for a new license. A separate warning is issued when operating with an expired license.
See Appendix D for information on contacting C-MAP Cartographic Service concerning registration,
ordering, licensing, and troubleshooting.

C-MAP Controls on the Chart Utility Menu

Controls for installing and licensing C-MAP charts are provided on the Chart Utility Menu window (see
Figure 4-22).

Figure 4-22. Chart Utility Menu

To open the Chart Utility Menu:
From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the CHRT TLS button.
Table 4-6 identifies and describes the C-MAP controls on the Chart Utility Menu.

Table 4-6. C-MAP Controls on the Chart Utility Menu




Initiates C-MAP database installation.


C-MAP Security. Initiates entry of C-MAP license information.


Initiates removal of a previously installed C-MAP database.


Initiates request for or application of interim updates.

Installing C-MAP Charts to the Individual Workstation

The C-MAP chart databases must be installed separately to each workstation. Chart information is
installed to the local workstation hard disk from the distribution CD-ROM. After installation, the chart
license must be installed to the individual workstation.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


C-MAP installation consumes nearly all of the available computing power. Therefore,
database installation must NOT be performed while underway.
Before installation, take note of the following points:

Installation of a C-MAP database replaces any installed database of the same name, regardless of
issue number. For instance, installing World DB, issue number 33, will replace the installed
World DB, even if its issue number is 40.

Databases are installed on the local machine only. Installation must be repeated for every
computer that should have access to the C-MAP chart.

For systems that contains multiple VMS/NAVIECDIS workstations, the identical chart databases
should be installed on all workstations that will display C-MAP charts.

At each workstation, the databases license must be applied after the database has been installed.

To install the C-MAP database:

a. Insert the C-MAP CD-ROM, containing the C-MAP
database to be installed, into a CD-ROM drive on the
local workstation.
b. From the Chart Utility Menu (see Figure 4-22), select
the INSTALL C-MAP button to display the Install CMap window.
c. From the Install C-Map window (see Figure 4-23),
enter the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive containing
the C-MAP disk (typically D or E). Select ACCEPT.
d. A confirmation message is displayed before the
database is installed. Select YES in the message

Figure 4-23. Install C-MAP


Once the installation process is initiated, the workstation is unavailable for voyage planning or monitoring
until the process is completed. No progress indication is shown. Upon completion, a message window is
displayed indicating whether the installation was successful.
If a previously installed chart database has been updated by installation of a newer version, the
workstation must be restarted to complete the installation.

Entering C-MAP License Information

License information is normally entered by allowing the system to read it from a floppy disk. It can also
be entered manually.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts


Each computer licensing C-MAP charts will have a separate license. The procedure for
entering license information must be repeated at all computers licensing C-MAP charts.
When a C-MAP license has expired and must be updated, it is necessary to uninstall the
C-MAP World database and then reinstall it before entering the updated license. For
information on uninstalling the database, see Paragraph For information on
installing the database, see Paragraph

Reading License Information from a Floppy Disk

Reading the license information from a floppy disk is the preferred method of entering C-MAP licenses.
The disk may be supplied by C-MAP, or may be created by the operator based on information provided
from C-MAP by email.
To read license information from the disk:
a. From the Chart Utility Menu (see Figure 4-22), select
the C-MAP SECRTY button to display the C-Map
Security window.
b. From the C-MAP Security window, select
READ LICENSE to display the Choose C-Map DB
c. From the Choose C-Map DB menu, select the
database to which the license applies (typically,
WORLD), then select ACCEPT.
d. When prompted, insert the C-MAP floppy disk
containing the license, then select ACCEPT to display
the Choose C-Map License File menu.

Figure 4-24. Choose C-MAP

License File Menu

e. From the list of licenses that are available on the floppy disk (see Figure 4-24), select the license
file that is identified by a number matching the number on the eToken. This step is necessary,
even if only one license appears in the list.

Select the ACCEPT button to apply the license data and close the C-MAP Security window.

Upon completion, a message window is displayed indicating whether the process was successful.
To create a license disk using information provided by email:
a. The email received from C-MAP should include an attached file or files named
PASSWORD#####.txt, where ##### refers to a five digit C-MAP User number. For each
workstation, the User number is indicated on a label affixed to the front of the computer.
b. Copy the file or files to a blank floppy disk.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Manual Entry of License Information

The following procedure can be used for manual entry of CMAP chart licenses.
An example of C-MAP license
information is provided in Figure 4-25.
C-MAP licenses will normally be read from a file provided by
C-MAP. If so, manual entry will not be used. Do not attempt
to manually enter license information if either the license code
or the collection name is unknown.

[Sperry Marine eT 30019]

CD-ROM ID=World.132
Zone 0=A2B9FF427509E34B
Figure 4-25. C-MAP License

To manually enter license information:

a. From the Chart Utility Menu (see Figure 4-22), select
the C-MAP SECRTY button to display the C-Map
Security window.
b. From the C-MAP Security window, select
ENTER LICENSE to display the Choose C-Map DB
menu (see Figure 4-24).
c. From the Choose C-Map DB menu, select the
database to which the license applies (normally
WORLD), then select ACCEPT to display the Enter CMAP License menu (see Figure 4-26).
d. Expand the drop-down menu at the top of the window,
and select the C-MAP name for the licensed
collection. Examples of collections name are Zone 0,
Zone 1 or Area 2. In the field near the center of the
window, enter the 16-character C-MAP license code
A2B9FF427509E34B). The database name is case
sensitive, so enter all letters exactly as they are
provided from C-MAP.

Figure 4-26. Enter C-MAP

License Menu

e. When the license information has been correctly entered, select ACCEPT. Upon completion, a
message window is displayed indicating whether the process was successful.

Uninstalling a C-MAP Database

The removal process for C-MAP databases must be carried out on each workstation where the database is
To remove an installed C-MAP database:
a. From the Chart Utility Menu (Figure 4-22), select UNINST C-MAP to display the Choose C-Map
DB menu (see Figure 4-24).



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

b. From the Choose C-Map DB menu, select the database to uninstall (typically, WORLD), and then
select ACCEPT.
c. A message window is displayed to request confirmation before uninstalling the database. Select
YES in the message window to complete the removal of the database.
Once the removal process is initiated, the workstation is unavailable for voyage planning or monitoring
until the process is completed. No progress indication is shown. Upon completion, a message window is
displayed indicating whether the process was successful.

C-MAP Updates

C-MAP chart databases are updated quarterly in the form of a replacement CD-ROM containing the latest
chart information. In addition, interim updates are available on request, as described below.
After an updated C-MAP chart database has been installed, shut down the
VMS/NAVIECDIS at the workstation and restart. Otherwise, the C-MAP charts may not
display properly.

Installing Quarterly Updates

Quarterly updates are installed from the CD-ROM by the same procedure used for installation of new
databases. See Paragraph for instructions on performing the installation.

Interim Updates

Interim updates for C-MAP chart databases are available on request from C-MAP Cartographic Service.
These updates are distributed on floppy disks. Update disks include interim updates available for licensed
charts found on the specific VMS/NAVIECDIS installation.
If all VMS/NAVIECDIS workstations have licensed the same set of C-MAP charts, then
the update request process need only be done on one computer, and the one order request
file sent to C-MAP. If different workstations on the system are licensed for different CMAP charts, repeat this procedure for each computer.
To request interim updates, it is necessary to create an electronic request file specifying which charts are
licensed on the specific VMS/NAVIECDIS installation. The file must be sent to C-MAP, either by
electronic transfer or by postal delivery on a floppy disk.
To request an interim update:
a. From the Chart Utility Menu (see Figure 4-22), select UPDATE C-MAP to display the C-Map
Update window.
b. From the C-Map Update window, select the CREATE UPDATE ORDER button to display the
Choose C-Map DB menu (see Figure 4-24).


Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

c. From the Choose C-Map DB menu, select the database which requires updating (typically,
WORLD), then select ACCEPT.
d. When prompted, insert a disk into the floppy drive of the local workstation. Select ACCEPT.
Upon completion, a message window is displayed showing the name of the update order request file.
After the update order request file has been sent, C-MAP will create an update floppy disk and send the
disk to the customer. The updates are installed from the floppy disk.
Installation of interim updates takes a considerable amount of time. The installation
process consumes nearly all of the available computing power. Therefore, update
installation must NOT be performed while underway.
To install an interim update:
a. From the Chart Utility Menu (see Figure 4-22), select UPDATE C-MAP to display the C-Map
Update window.
b. From the C-Map Update window, select the PROCESS UPDATE button to display the Choose CMap DB menu (see Figure 4-24).
c. From the Choose C-Map DB menu, select the database whose update is required (typically,
WORLD), and then select ACCEPT.
d. When prompted, insert a disk into the floppy drive of the local workstation. Select ACCEPT to
display the Choose C-Map Update File menu.
e. From the Choose C-Map Update File menu, select the desired update file from the available files
found on the floppy disk. Then select ACCEPT.


Upon completion, a message window is displayed indicating whether the process was successful.
After a successful update installation, the workstation must be restarted.


Updates to S57 vector chart databases can be reviewed by the operator when desired.
To review updates for vector charts:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the
screen, select the CHRT TLS button to display the
Chart Utility Menu window (see Figure 4-22).
b. From the Chart Utility Menu, select the
VECTOR CHART UPDATES button to display the
Review Chart Updates window.

Figure 4-27. Review Chart Updates




VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

c. From the Review Chart Updates window (see Figure 4-27), two options are available for
reviewing chart updates.
1. Select the REVIEW UPDATES button to open the Review Updates window (see Figure 4-28)..
2. Select the REVIEW HISTORY button to open the Review History window (see Figure 4-29)
The Review History window and the Review Updates window are described in more detail below.


Review Updates Window

The Review Updates window (see Figure 4-28), provides detailed information about the contents of each
update that has been applied to the vector chart databases at the local workstation.

Figure 4-28. Review Updates Window



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

All updated chart libraries are listed at the left side of the window, under the heading UNIT NAME. Each
chart library is displayed on a separate button. Selecting a chart library from this list causes the chart to
be displayed in the UNIT CHART area. To the right of the Unit Name, individual updates that have been
made to the selected chart library are listed under DATE AND UPDATE #. By selecting a chart library, and
then an update number, detailed information is available about each updated object on the chart.
For example, Figure 4-28 shows update information for the chart library named GB3022840. The date of
the displayed update is shown as 08/11/03_4, which indicates that the update was performed on August 11,
2003. The number 4 added to the date indicates that this is the fourth update to this chart.
To review updates:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the CHRT TLS button to display the
Chart Utility Menu window.
b. From the Chart Utility Menu window. (see Figure 4-22), select the HISTORY UPDATES button to
display the Review Updates window.
c. In the Review Updates window, select the button for the desired chart. The chart is displayed in
the UNIT CHART area of the window.
d. All updates that have been made to the selected chart are listed in under the heading DATE AND
UPDATE #. Select the desired update from the list.
e. All objects that have been changed as a result of the selected update are listed under the heading
UPDATED OBJECTS. Select an updated object.


The display of the updated chart will shift to show the selected object, which is highlighted, and
indicated by an arrow (see Figure 4-28). Descriptive text about the object is displayed in the
SPATIAL QUERY area at the right side of the window.

Review History Window

The Review History Window (see Figure 4-29) provides a history table listing the installation and update
history for all vector chart libraries at the local workstation. Each row in the table represents a single
library installation or update. The table can be sorted on any column by selecting the heading button for
the column to be sorted.
By selecting any row in the history table, the operator can obtain additional information (if available)
about any installation or update, displayed in the panel at the bottom of the window. The selected row is
highlighted in yellow.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Figure 4-29. Review History Window



In the Features menu (see Figure 4-30), various display options are arranged in a hierarchical list. Each
subheading in the list can be expanded to expose more options for selection. Use the scroll bar at the
right side of the Features menu to scroll through the entire list of options.
Selections made from the Features menu apply only to the local workstation. For more information on
using the Features menu, including information about pre-defined feature sets, see Paragraph 2.6.3.
To make selections from the Features menu:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the FTRS button to open the Features
b. Use the

(Plus) button to expand a subheading. Use the



(Minus) button to contract.

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

c. Make changes to chart display options as desired, using the controls on the Features menu.
Display options that are displayed on a button with a status box can be toggled on and off. An
option that is on is indicated by a bright green status box.
d. Select the APPLY button to apply all pending changes while leaving the Features menu open for
further changes. Select the ACCEPT button to apply all pending changes and close the Features

Figure 4-31. Top-Level Display Options

in the Features Menu

Figure 4-30. Features Menu


Top-Level Display Options

The full list of items at the top level of the Features hierarchy is illustrated in Figure 4-31. The top level
of the hierarchical list contains various subheadings which can be expanded to expose individual display
options. The specific options available under these subheadings are discussed in this manual in the
sections related to the particular functions.
In addition to these subheadings, a few selectable options are available at the top level of the hierarchical
list. These options are described below in Table 4-7.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Table 4-7. Top-Level Display Options on the Feature Menu




When on, the latitude/longitude grid is shown on the chart display, with
labeled parallels and meridians. An appropriate grid is automatically
displayed based on the scale of the chart display.


When on, the display features for Man Overboard are enabled at the local
workstation. When this option is off, a Man Overboard situation will not
be displayed at the local workstation, even if it is active in the system.


When on, the Orientation Arrow is enabled. The Orientation Arrow

indicates true North, and is displayed at the upper left corner of the chart
display area.


When on, Navlines are enabled for display.


Vector Chart Display Options

To set display options for vector charts in the S57 format, expand the S57 VECTOR CHARTS subheading.
Figure 4-32 shows the complete list of options for S57 vector charts, from the Features menu.

Figure 4-32. Features Menu: Display Options for S57 Vector Charts


Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

The list of S57 display options is further subdivided under the CHART TEXT and CHART FEATURES
subheadings. Table 4-8 provides detailed information about S57 Vector Chart options. Table 4-9
provides information on Chart Text options for S57 charts, and Table 4-10 provides information on Chart
Features options.
Table 4-8. S57 Vector Chart Display Options

Drop-down menu for selection of symbolization type: SIMPLIFIED
Either traditional or simplified maritime symbols can be displayed
on vector charts. Traditional symbols are those commonly found on
paper charts. The simplified symbols have been created specifically
for electronic chart displays and are part of the ECDIS Presentation


Drop-down menu for selection of the number of depth shades to be

used: TWO or FOUR.
Depth Shades provide a graphical display of areas that are
considered to be safe or unsafe water, on the basis of soundings
contained in the vector chart data. The boundary between safe and
unsafe water is defined by the operator-designated value for Safety
Depth. When two shades are used, unsafe water is dark blue, and
safe water is white. When four shades are used, safe water is shown
in two shades of blue, divided by the Shallow Contour value. Safe
water is divided into white and gray areas, divided by the Deep
Contour value. For more information on setting values for
VMS/NAVIECDIS safety checking, see Paragraph


Data field for entry of a Shallow Contour value.

This value is used when the Depth Shades feature is set to FOUR (see
above). The Shallow Contour defines the depth at which shallow
water is subdivided into two distinctly shaded zones. The value of
the Shallow Contour must be less than the Safety Depth (surface
ship configuration), or Below Keel Clearance plus Ownship Depth
(submarine configuration). For more information on setting values
for VMS/NAVIECDIS safety checking, see Paragraph


Data field for entry of a Deep Contour value.

This value is used when the Depth Shades feature is set to FOUR (see
above). The Deep Contour defines the depth at which deep water is
subdivided into two distinctly shaded zones. The value of the Deep
Contour must be greater than the Safety Depth. The maximum value
that can be entered is 999.9. For more information on setting values
for VMS/NAVIECDIS safety checking, see Paragraph



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Table 4-9. Chart Text Options for S57 Vector Charts




Includes vertical clearance of bridges, overhead cables, pipes or

conveyors, recommended routes, deep water route centerline, names
and communications channels of radio calling-in points.


Includes names and/or numbers of buoys, beacons, daymarks, light

vessels, light floats and offshore platforms.


Text describing navigational lights: fixed, flashing, red, green, etc.


Notes on chart data.


Text descriptions of the nature of the seabed.


Names and/or numbers of berths.


Text that does not fall into any of the specific Chart Text categories.

Table 4-10. Chart Features Options for S57 Vector Charts




Turn on to enable display of failed symbolization as a question mark.

Failed Symbolization represents an object in a vector chart database,
which the system is unable to recognize. Part of Standard Display.


Direction of buoyage and IALA buoyage regions. Part of Standard



Part of Standard Display.


Topmarks for paper chart symbols. Part of Standard Display.


Part of Standard Display.


Fog signals and retro-reflectors. Part of Standard Display.


Racon and radar reflectors. Part of Standard Display.


Includes rivers, riverbanks, lakes, lakeshore, sloping ground, dykes,

causeways and dams. Part of Standard Display.


Includes radar conspicuous objects, visually conspicuous objects and

built-up areas. Part of Standard Display.


Includes dunes, ridges, cliff tops, contours and elevation, trees,

vegetation, marshes, non-navigable canals, rivers or lakes, rapids,
waterfalls, tideways and saltpans.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 4-10. Chart Features Options for S57 Vector Charts




Includes any of the following, not classified as conspicuous

landmarks: buildings, tanks, silos, water towers, walls, forts,
airports, runways, roads, tunnels, control points, quarries, refineries,
power stations, tank farms, wind farms, factories and timber yards.


Includes harbor types, customs checkpoints, distance marks, berthing

facilities, mooring facilities, gates (such as lock gates), dry docks,
cranes, docks or locks not navigable at scale of data and gridirons.


Includes mooring cables, tunnels on seabed and sandwaves. Part of

Standard Display.


Includes nature of the seabed, springs, seaweed, fish havens, fishing

stakes, rocks, wrecks, obstructions which are not considered to be a
danger to navigation. These types of objects, if dangerous, are
included in the basic chart data and cannot be turned on and off from
the Features menu.


Part of Standard Display.


Soundings shallower than the Safety Depth. For more information

on Safety Depth, see Chapter 7.



Soundings deeper than the Safety Depth. For more information on

Safety Depth, see Chapter 7.


Depth contours other than the Safety Contour.


Water turbulence, current and tidal stream information.


Includes restricted areas, ferry route areas, submarine transit lanes,

military practice areas, sea plane landing areas, offshore production
areas, caution areas and fairways. Part of Standard Display.


Includes fishing grounds, marine farms, anchorage areas, anchor

berths, pipeline areas, cable areas, dumping grounds, cargo
transshipment areas and incineration areas. Part of Standard


Includes continental shelves, harbor areas, free port areas, customs

zones, fishery zones, contiguous zones, exclusive economic zones,
national territorial areas, territorial seas, territorial sea baselines and
administration areas.


Includes leading lines, clearing lines, recommended tracks, ferry

routes, radar lines and limits of shore radar. Part of Standard

PILOT AND SIGNAL STATIONS Includes pilot boarding points, signal stations, traffic and signal
station warnings. Part of Standard Display.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Table 4-10. Chart Features Options for S57 Vector Charts




Enables display of data quality symbols, overlayed on the electronic

chart, to indicate the reliability of the information on which the chart
is based.


Enables display of the Additional Information symbol. At chart

locations where the symbol appears, the chart may be queried to
obtain the information represented by the symbol.



Radar stations and radio stations.


Diagonal grid for shallow water, part of standard display


Coast Guard Stations and rescue stations.

Small craft facilities.

C-MAP Vector Chart Options

Figure 4-33 shows the complete list of display options from the Features menu, for C-MAP vector charts.

Figure 4-33. Features Menu: Display Options for C-MAP Vector Charts



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 4-11. Display Options for C-MAP Vector Charts




Drop-down menu for selection of symbolization type: SIMPLIFIED

or TRADITIONAL. These categories of chart symbolization are
specific to C-MAP charts.


Drop-down menu for selection of the number of depth shades to be

used: TWO or FOUR.


Turn on to display C-MAP chart data using symbolization which

emulates the ECDIS symbolization specified in the S52 standard of
the IHO. At any time, either S52 SYMBOLIZATION or C-MAP
SYMBOLIZATION must be selected.


Turn on to display C-MAP chart data using symbolization designed

by C-MAP Cartographic Service. At any time, either S52


Turn on to display a pre-defined set of display options based on the

Standard Display specification of C-MAP Cartographic Service.


Turn on to select a minimum set of display options, limited to those

which are considered to be Base chart features, as defined by CMAP Cartographic Service.


Data field for entry of a Shallow Contour value. This setting is made
in the same manner as for S57 charts. For more information on the
Shallow Contour value, see Table 4-8.


Data field for entry of a Deep Contour value. This setting is made in
the same manner as for S57 charts. For more information on the
Deep Contour value, see Table 4-8.


Turn on to display a plain dashed line to indicate the boundary of

water areas. When the PLAIN BOUNDARY AREAS option is turned
off, boundary lines contain additional symbolization for the type of
area displayed.


Turn on to display an overlay to indicate shallow water.


Turn on to enable the display of text which is categorized as

Important Text.


Turn on to enable the display of text which is categorized as Other



Turn on to enable the display of text which is categorized as Generic



Turn on to enable the display of text describing navigational lights.

REAL LIGHT SECTOR LENGTH Turn on to enable an indication of the visible length of light sectors.
When REAL LIGHT SECTOR LENGTH is turned off, sector lines are
shortened to reduce chart clutter.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Table 4-11. Display Options for C-MAP Vector Charts




Turn on to remove all isolated dangers (wrecks and obstructions)

from the display. For dangers which have a sounding less than the
configured safety depth but which are located in safe water, the
dangerous object is replaced with a magenta X symbol. For dangers
which have a sounding greater than the configured safety depth, or
which are located in shallow water, the dangerous object is removed
from the chart display.


Turn on to enable the display of numeric soundings on the chart.


Turn on to enable display of sounding values on the contour line.


Turn on to suppress the display of all depth contours except the

safety contour. The safety contour is not shown if either the C-MAP
Base Display or Standard Display option is selected.


Turn on to enable the display of data quality symbols, to indicate the

reliability of the information on which the chart is based.


Turn on to enable the display of a visible boundary line between the

coverage areas of individual chart data cells.


Ownship Display Options

Figure 4-34 shows options available from the Features menu related to display of the Ownship symbol or
outline. Table 4-12 gives detailed information about specific Ownship display options.

Figure 4-34. Features Menu: Ownship Options



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 4-12. Ownship Display Options




Turn on to show Ownship as a drawn-to-scale outline on the chart

display. The system requires that either SHIP OUTLINE or the
SHIP SYMBOL be selected at any given time.


Turn on to show Ownship as a symbol on the chart display. It is not

drawn to scale. The system requires that either SHIP OUTLINE or the
SHIP SYMBOL be selected at any given time.


Turn on to enable display of a heading vector with Ownship.

controlled from the main menu, using the drop-down menu for
vector length. For more information on setting vector length see
Paragraph 2.6.6.


Turn on to enable display of a course vector with Ownship. The

length of the course vector is controlled from the main menu, using
the drop-down menu for vector length. For more information on
setting vector length see Paragraph 2.6.6.


Turn on to enable display of a predicted vector on the chart display.

The predicted vector indicates the predicted Ownship course,
including Rate of Turn at waypoints. By default, the predicted
vector is drawn as a line on the chart.
The length of the predicted vector is controlled from the main menu,
using the drop-down menu for vector length. If the vector length
setting is greater than six minutes, predicted vector length is limited
to six minutes. For more information on setting vector length see
Paragraph 2.6.6.


Turn on to enable display of a predicted path on the chart display.

Like the predicted vector, a predicted path shows the predicted
Ownship course, including Rate of Turn at waypoints. The predicted
path is drawn as two parallel lines with the predicted ship's outline,
to predict the ship's boundaries along the predicted course.
The length of the predicted path is controlled from the main menu,
using the drop-down menu for vector length. If the vector length
setting is greater than six minutes, predicted path length is limited to
six minutes. For more information on setting vector length see
Paragraph 2.6.6.
The predicted path is paired with the predicted vector only one of
these two features can be on at one time.


Turn on to enable display of the Ownship predicted vector as dotted

ship outlines.


Turn on to enable display of Ownship history as dotted ship outlines.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Table 4-12. Ownship Display Options




Turn on to enable display of the Ownship history track on the chart

display. The appearance of the Ownship history track is affected by
the setting for ECDIS HISTORY. The length of the Ownship history
track is affected by settings made in the History window; for more
information, see Paragraph 4.10.


Turn on to set the appearance of the Ownship history track. This

setting is visible on the chart display only if SHIP HISTORY is turned
on. When ECDIS HISTORY is on, the history track is shown as a solid
line. When off, the track is shown as a series of dots.


Turn on to enable display of tick marks on the ECDIS History track




The History window (see Figure 4-35) provides for operator control of the Ownship history track display.
Further adjustments to the history track display can be made from the Features menu (see Figure 4-36).

Figure 4-35. History Window


History Window

To change settings for display of the Ownship history track:

a. From the Main menu, select the HISTORY button to display the History window.
c. From the History window (see Figure 4-35), expand the drop-down menus, and change values as
d. Select ACCEPT or APPLY to activate the changes.
Table 4-13 describes the drop-down menu options that are available from the History window.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 4-13. History Window Controls




If the SHIP HISTORY option is turned on from the Ownship subheading in the
Features menu, Ownship track history is drawn on the chart display following
the Ownship symbol or outline. A time stamp is placed next to the history
track at a designated time interval. To change the interval between each time
stamp, expand the drop-down menu and select the desired time value.


The value selected from this drop-down menu sets the limit for the length of
the displayed history track, from zero to a maximum of eight hours. For
example, if the value is set to six hours, the displayed history track will show
Ownship position for only the past six hours.


The value selected from this drop-down menu sets the starting point for
available position history that can be shown, based on the setting of
set to eight hours, and DISPLAY HISTORY BACK is set to four hours. If the
operator sets DISPLAY HISTORY BACK down to two hours, the displayed
history track will immediately be cut down to two hours. As time passes, the
beginning point of the history track will remain fixed as the length of the
history track grows. Its length will be limited to eight hours.


Track Display Options from the Features Menu

Figure 4-36 shows a typical set of options available from the Features menu, related to display of the
Ownship history track. The actual list will be based upon the available Position sensor devices installed.

Figure 4-36. Track Display Options

from the Features Menu
The history track display is based, by default, on the active data source for Position. Additional history
tracks can be turned on and off for each of the available Position sensors. The history track for each
sensor device is drawn on the chart display in a unique color. Colors for specific position sensors are
displayed in the Position Source window. For more information on position sensor source selection and
the Position Source window, see Paragraph 2.7.5.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 4: Electronic Charts


Chart Portfolios can be created, edited or deleted using the Portfolio Editor (see Figure 4-37)

Figure 4-37. Portfolio Editor: Editing a Chart Portfolio

To display the Portfolio Editor:
a. From the secondary menu, select the CHARTS button to display the Portfolio window.
b. From the Portfolio window, select the PORTFOLIO EDITOR button.
The Portfolio Editor window hides the main chart display area, where voyage monitoring operations are
performed. To immediately return to the main chart display and hide the Portfolio Editor, select the HIDE
button from the Main menu. To go back to the Portfolio Editor, select the SHOW button.
When editing is completed, close the editor by selecting the
the Portfolio Editor window.



(Exit) button at the upper right corner of

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Portfolio Editor Functional Areas

The Portfolio Editor is divided into three functional areas: the Portfolio Contents table, the Menu area,
and the Available Charts catalog.

Portfolio Contents Table

The Portfolio Contents table is located across the top portion of the Portfolio Editor (see Figure 4-37).
This area of the screen shows which charts are contained in the portfolio that is open in the editor. The
Portfolio Contents table includes information about each chart in the portfolio. Depending upon the chart
type and supplier, information may not be shown in every column.
Each row in the Portfolio Contents table includes:

SUPPLIER. Source of the electronic chart.

INDEX #. Index number or chart identifier.
VOLUME. The CD volume from which the chart is read.
SCALE. Natural scale of the chart.
DATE. Publication date.
CHART NAME. Descriptive name for the chart.
Menu Area

The Menu area of the Portfolio Editor (see Figure 4-38) contains
controls used in creating, editing and deleting chart portfolios. Table
4-14 identifies and describes the controls in the Menu area.

Figure 4-38. Portfolio Editor:

Menu Area

Table 4-14. Portfolio Editor Menu Controls




Adds one or more charts, previously selected in the Available Charts

Catalog, to the chart portfolio. The charts will be added to the Portfolio
Contents table.


Deletes one or more charts, previously selected in the Portfolio Contents

table, from the chart portfolio. The charts will be removed from the
Portfolio Contents table.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Table 4-14. Portfolio Editor Menu Controls




Identifies the chart portfolio being edited, by its saved name. When editing a
new portfolio, this indicator is blank until the portfolio has been saved under
a new name.


Clears the Portfolio Editor, for creation of a new portfolio.


Initiates deletion of an existing portfolio. Opens the Delete Portfolio menu,

containing a list of all chart portfolios available for deletion.


Initiates editing of an existing portfolio. Opens the Open Portfolio menu

containing a list of all chart portfolios available for editing.


Saves the portfolio under its present name.


Indicator showing the name of the chart portfolio that is presently active in
the system. The active portfolio must be cleared before it can be edited. If
no portfolio is active, this indicator is blank.


Indicator for the locked or unlocked status of the active chart portfolio. If
the active portfolio is associated with the presently loaded Voyage Plan, the
words LOADED VP are displayed. In this case, the portfolio is locked. Before
the portfolio can be edited, it must be unlocked by stopping and clearing the

Available Charts Catalog

The Available Charts Catalog is located in the central part of the Portfolio Editor window. It shows all
charts that are available to the system. Any chart in the Chart Catalog may be included in the chart
portfolio. In this area, charts may be represented in a List format, or in a graphical Map format, showing
individual charts as rectangular areas on a World map. The Map and List formats may also be combined
as Map and List (see Figure 4-39).
The four buttons along the top of the Available Charts Catalog (MAP, LIST, MAP & LIST, and FILTERS)
control which charts are listed and how they are presented. These buttons are similar in function to the
buttons of the same names in the main Chart Catalog. For more information on the Chart Catalog, see
When the Map format is used (see Figure 4-39), the ZOOM IN, ZOOM OUT, WINDOW, OFFSET, and WORLD
buttons control the map display scale. These buttons are similar in function to the buttons of the same
names in the main Chart Catalog, described in Paragraph



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 4-39. Portfolio Editor: Available Charts as Map and List Display


Editing an Existing Chart Portfolio

Any chart portfolio stored in the system can be edited, except the presently active portfolio. The name of
the active portfolio is shown in the ACTIVE PORTFOLIO indicator (see Figure 4-39). Only one portfolio
may be active at a time. If the active portfolio must be edited, it is necessary to clear it first. See
Paragraph 4.5.3 for information on clearing the active portfolio.
A portfolio may also be locked, if it is associated with the loaded Voyage Plan. The plan must be stopped
and cleared to unlock the portfolio before the portfolio can be cleared for editing. The portfolios locked
or unlocked status is shown in the PORTFOLIO ATTACHED TO indicator (see Figure 4-39). It is locked if
the portfolio is attached to the loaded Voyage Plan. See Paragraph for information on unlocking a
portfolio for editing.
To edit an existing chart portfolio:
a. From the Menu area of the Portfolio Editor, select the OPEN PORTFOLIO button to display the
Open Portfolio menu (see Figure 4-40).



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

b. In the Open Portfolio menu, each portfolio that is available for editing is listed on a separate
button. Select a portfolio from the list. For example, in Figure 4-40, FLORIDA_COAST is
c. Select the ACCEPT button to load the selected chart portfolio
into the Portfolio Editor. When the portfolio is loaded to the
editor, its name is shown in the DESCRIPTION indicator.
Charts that are already included in the portfolio are listed in
the Portfolio Contents table at the top of the editor window.
d. Use the controls for the Available Charts Catalog, to display
available charts in the: Map, List or Map and List view mode.
Use the FILTERS button, if desired, to limit the charts shown in
the catalog.
e. Add and/or delete charts from the portfolio as follows:
1. If charts are to be added to the portfolio, select one or
more charts from the Available Charts Catalog. Whether
the charts are shown as a map or a list, the procedure for
adding charts is the same: Select one or more charts, and
then select the ADD CHART button. Selected charts are
highlighted in yellow until they are added. Charts already
added to the portfolio are highlighted in green.
2. If charts are to be removed from the portfolio, select one
or more charts from the Portfolio Contents table and then
select the DEL CHART button.
Selected charts are Figure 4-40. Portfolio Editor:
Open Chart Portfolio
highlighted in yellow until they are deleted.

If necessary, enter a new name for the portfolio in the DESCRIPTION field.
Some characters are not allowed in portfolio names. If illegal characters are used, the
portfolio cannot be saved, and the following message is displayed: ERROR SAVING
PORTFOLIO. The following characters are not allowed. \ / | * ? < >

g. To save the portfolio, select the SAVE PORTFOLIO button.


Creating a New Chart Portfolio

To create a new chart portfolio:

a. From the Menu area of the Portfolio Editor (see Figure 4-39), select the NEW PORTFOLIO button.
This clears the Portfolio Editor, if another portfolio was previously loaded in the editor.
b. Add charts to the portfolio, and then save it in the same manner as when editing an existing



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


The Chart One Presentation Library contains an index of chart symbols, as used on vector-format charts
in accordance with applicable ECDIS standards (see Figure 4-41). It also provides a Color Diagram,
used in monitor adjustment and color testing (see Figure 4-44).
To open the Chart One Presentation Library:
Select the CHART 1 button from the secondary menu at the bottom of the ECDIS screen.
The INDEX and COLOR DIAGRAM buttons at the upper left corner of the Presentation Library window can
be used to switch between the Index display and the Color Diagram.

Figure 4-41. Presentation Library Index



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Presentation Library Index

The Presentation Library Index (see Figure 4-41) provides comprehensive information about vector chart
symbology. Symbols are grouped in the Index in nine areas, which can be expanded to obtain
information about individual chart symbols.
To show information about specific symbols:
a. From the Index display, select the desired area for an expanded view. Figure 4-42 provides an
example of the expanded view of one of the nine available areas. Information about individual
symbols is only available in the expanded view.
b. To see explanatory information about any individual symbol, select the symbol on the expanded
Index display. The explanation is shown in the upper part of the Presentation Library window.
For example, in Figure 4-43 the operator has selected the airport symbol.

Figure 4-42. Presentation Library Expanded Object Group



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 4-43. Presentation Library: Object Detail

To go back to the full Index view, select the INDEX button again.


Color Diagram

The Presentation Library Color Diagram (see Figure 4-44) provides color patterns used in making a visual
check of the monitors performance.
To display the Color Diagram:
Select the COLOR DIAGRAM button from the Presentation Library window.


Monitor Color Test

When a CRT monitor is more than two years old, it may require readjustment or recalibration, depending
on its level of use. As any CRT ages, it is normal for the picture to gradually decrease in brightness, for
more of the darkest shades of color to gradually become indistinguishable from black, and for the tint of
colors to gradually shift.
With monitors of any type, the correct display of chart colors requires that the monitor be adjusted and
functioning properly under all ambient light conditions. Adjustment of the brightness control on the
monitor, and the contrast control where it is available, greatly affects the presentation of colors on the
electronic chart display.
The Color Test can be used to check the display of colors to verify that all chart objects should be clearly
visible. This procedure can be used to verify whether an aging monitor remains capable of providing the
necessary color differentiation, particularly for use at night. The Color Test is made while observing the
display of the Presentation Library Color Diagram (see Figure 4-44).



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

Figure 4-44. Presentation Library Color Diagram

The following color patterns should be clearly visible when making the Color Test:

Three Yellow Diagonal Lines

Four Orange Diagonal Lines
Three Magenta Diagonal Lines
Four Green Diagonal Lines
Three Blue Diagonal Lines
Three Grey Diagonal Lines

If the monitor fails the Color Test, it no longer meets minimum requirements for display performance. It
should be evaluated, and repaired or replaced it as necessary.



Chapter 4: Electronic Charts

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Ambient Lighting

Testing should be performed at all ambient lighting conditions, including Day, Dusk and Night
conditions. Adjustment of the VMS/NAVIECDIS for ambient light is performed using the procedure
described in Paragraph 2.6.1. Monitor brightness should be adjusted properly before making the Color
Inappropriate use of the brightness control on the monitor may inhibit visibility of
information at night.
Testing conditions are defined as follows:

Day. Between sunrise and sunset.

Dusk. More than one hour before sunrise and more than one hour after sunset.
Night. Conditions when the VMS/NAVIECDIS monitor is the predominant source of light.
Allow at least 10 minutes for eyes to adapt to conditions of night lighting before performing the
Color Test.

System options for ambient lighting are illustrated in Figure 4-45.

Performing the Color Test

To perform the Color Test for daytime or dusk conditions:

a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the ECDIS
screen, select the appropriate option to adjust the display for
ambient light. In daytime conditions, select the DAY BRIGHT
option. In dusk conditions, select DUSK. At night, select the
NIGHT option, and allow the equipment to warm up for a
minimum of 30 minutes.

Figure 4-45. Adjustment

for Ambient Light

b. From the Presentation Library window, select the COLOR DIAGRAM button, to display the
Presentation Library Color Diagram (see Figure 4-44).
c. Observe the Color Diagram, to distinguish the display of colored lines as described above.
d. Under daytime conditions, repeat the test using the DAY WHITE BACK and DAY BLACK BACK



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 4: Electronic Charts




VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5


This chapter covers the following topics:


Route Planning Overview.

Route Planning Controls and Indicators.
Temporary Plan Execution.
Voyage Plan Execution.
Voyage Plan Summary.

Critical Points.
ETA Calculator.
Voyage Plan Editor.
Great Circle and Composite tracks.


An important feature of the VMS/NAVIECDIS is its capability to store route planning information, and
to monitor the ships progress based on data stored in the plan.
The following types of route plans are available:

Temporary Plan. A Temporary Plan can be created and executed at any time. This type of plan
provides some voyage monitoring capability, but it cannot be reused.

Voyage Plan. A stored Voyage Plan can be saved and reused. It contains a list of waypoints,
with associated data. The use of a stored Voyage Plan enables enhanced safety checking,
automatic pilot control, and other system functions. When the running plan is associated with a
chart portfolio, the system can select charts automatically as the ship progresses along its route.
Because Voyage Plans are reusable, the effort required for repetitive planning tasks is reduced.


Temporary Plan

Temporary plans are created on the main chart display using the Temporary Voyage Plan window.
Temporary plans are not saved, cannot be printed, and cannot be transferred between ships. Procedures
for creating and executing Temporary Plans are described in Paragraph 5.4.
A Temporary Plan can be created and executed regardless of whether a stored Voyage Plan is loaded.
After a stored Voyage Plan is loaded, a Temporary Plan with an RTP waypoint must be used to designate
a course to the Voyage Plan track, so that the Voyage Plan can be executed. Temporary plans can also be
used to depart from the track of an active plan, or to return to a Voyage Plan after a temporary course
change. Temporary Plans are also called Temporary Voyage Plans.
When a Temporary Plan is stopped, or when the ship passes the end of the Temporary Plan, it is
immediately cleared from the display and cannot be recalled.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 5: Route Planning

Voyage Plan

A Voyage Plan is a stored, reusable plan, designating the intended track line, waypoints, and other data
related to a voyage. Voyage Plans can be reused any number of times, though the plans Estimated Time
of Departure must be changed when the plan is reused. Only one Voyage Plan can be active at a time.
With an active Voyage Plan, data associated with the plan is available for immediate access,

Estimated time of departure (ETD).

Displayed track line.
Waypoint positions.
Wheel-over point at each waypoint.
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) to each waypoint.
Planned speeds, turn rates, wheel-over points, and displayed turn arcs at waypoints.
Planned Speed of Advance (SOA), minimum speed and maximum speed for each track leg.
Time To Go (TTG) and Distance To Go (DTG) for the present track leg.

Figure 5-1 illustrates a Voyage Plan track line on the electronic chart display.

Figure 5-1. Voyage Plan Track

The Voyage Plan Editor is used to create, edit, and save Voyage Plans. Voyage Plans are saved to the
local workstation as electronic files using the VP filename extension. At any time, the Voyage Plan
Editor can be used to view details of the active plan or any alternate plan.
Using the system File Manager, Voyage Plans can be copied manually to floppy disks, or exported to a
standard text format for external backup. If the VMS/NAVIECDIS installation includes a printer, a hard
copy of Voyage Plan data can also be printed for reference.
From the Voyage Plan Editor, the plan can also be associated with an electronic chart portfolio. A chart
portfolio is a group of electronic charts, assembled for convenient use during a voyage. Upon execution
of a Voyage Plan that contains an associated portfolio, charts are selected automatically. For more
information on charts and chart portfolios, see Chapter 4 of this manual.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

The first time a Voyage Plan is executed, it is automatically copied to all running workstations. Each
time a plan is started, it is executed independently at all workstations, so that the loss of a single station
will not affect the running plan. During Voyage Plan execution, the plan track line is displayed on the
electronic chart, and the ship's progress is monitored with respect to the plan. When a running Voyage
Plan is stopped, it remains loaded in system memory until it is cleared, or until a different Voyage Plan is
In order to start a loaded Voyage Plan, a Temporary Plan containing a Return To Plan (RTP) waypoint
can be used. The Temporary Plan designates a course to the loaded Voyage Plan track at the RTP
waypoint. This waypoint may be set at any point along the Voyage Plan track. After the ship passes the
RTP waypoint, the system will begin monitoring the ships progress on the loaded Voyage Plan. See
Paragraph 5.5 for detailed information on starting and running a Voyage Plan.


Autopilot Interface

On a system that includes an interface to an automatic pilot device, the VMS/NAVIECDIS can control
the heading orders to the autopilot while executing a Temporary Plan or a Voyage Plan.
The state of the autopilot interface is expressed as the Pilot Control mode of operation. When the Pilot
Control is in Track mode, heading orders are sent from the VMS/NAVIECDIS to the autopilot, based on
the Temporary Plan or Voyage Plan. When the Pilot Control is in Advisory mode, the system is used for
voyage monitoring only, based on the Temporary Plan or Voyage Plan; in this case it does not control
heading orders. On systems that do not include an autopilot interface, only Advisory mode is available.
The Pilot Control mode is indicated in the Voyage Plan Status window and the Voyage Plan Summary
window. For more information about the Voyage Plan Status window, see Paragraph 5.3.3. For more
information on the Voyage Plan Summary, see Paragraph 5.5.4. For more information about operating
with automatic track steering, see Chapter 6.



Voyage Plan Control Window

The Voyage Plan Control window (see

Figure 5-2) provides access to various
functions related to Voyage Plan or
Temporary Plan operation.

Figure 5-2. Voyage Plan Control Window



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

To open the Voyage Plan Control window:

Select the Voyage Plan name indicator from the main menu. In Figure 5-2, the label on the
Voyage Plan Name indicator is NORF_OUT.VP.
Table 5-1 identifies and describes the controls on the Voyage Plan Control window.
Table 5-1. Voyage Plan Control Window



Opens the Voyage Plan Editor.


Opens the Voyage Plan Load menu, for selection of a stored plan. This
button is not available when a plan has already been started.
The selected plan is loaded into system memory and displayed on the
electronic chart, making it ready for execution. The plan must be started
before any voyage monitoring functions can be executed based on the plan.


Opens the Temporary Voyage Plan window, for creation of a Temporary

Plan. A Temporary Plan can be used to start a Voyage Plan, by designating
a course to the Voyage Plan track. Once the Temporary Plan is started,
voyage monitoring functions are active.


Stops execution of any running Temporary Plan or Voyage Plan.


Removes a loaded Voyage Plan from system memory. This button is not
available when a plan has already been started.


Opens the Voyage Plan Status window, if it is not already displayed. This
window opens automatically when a Temporary Plan or a stored Voyage
Plan is started.


Opens the Voyage Plan Summary window, showing detailed information

about the presently executing plan.


Opens the Critical Point Status window, where Critical Point alarms are
displayed. This window opens automatically when a Critical Point alarm is


Opens the ETA Calculator window, which can be used to make calculations
related to speed, time and distance.


Drop-down menu for selection of predefined options, for establishing the

basis for automatic calculation of ETA.


Drop-down menu for selection of a time interval before wheel-over, for

display of an Operator Message warning of the approach of the turn. Plan
status, as displayed in the Voyage Plan Status window, also changes to
APPROACHING at the designated Approach Time.


Closes the Voyage Plan Control window.



Chapter 5: Route Planning


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Voyage Plan Display Options from the Features Menu

A Voyage Plan made active at one workstation is

active at all stations, though individual display
options of the plan can be removed from the screen
on any workstation using the Features menu (see
Figure 5-3).
To open the Features menu:
Select the FTRS button from the secondary menu
at the bottom of the screen.
Table 5-2 contains information about the specific
options related to the display of Voyage Plans. For
more information on the Features menu, see
Paragraphs 2.6.3 and 4.9.

Figure 5-3. Features Menu: Voyage

Plan Options

Table 5-2. Voyage Plan Options From the Features Menu




Turn on to show the Voyage Plan track line on the chart display.


Turn on to show each waypoints identification number on the chart



Turn on to show each waypoints name on the chart display.


Turn on to show the course bearing value on the chart display, for each leg
of the plan.


Turn on to show speed, distance and time values on the chart display, for
each leg of the Voyage Plan.


Turn on to show Planned Position as a moving, oval-shaped symbol,

indicating the intended Ownship position at any given time during
execution of the plan. Planned Position is also referred to as Position of
Intended Movement (PIM).


Turn on to enable indication of the wheel-over point on the plan track, for
each waypoint.


Turn on to display waypoints using symbology and text in accordance with

international ECDIS standards.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 5: Route Planning

Voyage Plan Status Window

After starting a Temporary Plan or a Voyage Plan, the VP Status window (see Figure 5-4) is displayed
automatically. The VP Status window shows information about the present plan leg, the state of the
running plan, and the state of the autopilot interface.

Figure 5-4. VP Status Window

Table 5-3 identifies and describes the indicators in the VP Status window.
Table 5-3. VP Status Window Indicators

Present state of the VMS/autopilot interface (if available). This indicator normally
shows the present Pilot Control mode of operation. In the event that the systems
track-keeping ability has been interrupted, it shows information related to the loss of
track steering. Possible values include CONTROL OFF, TRACK, NOT TRACKING, or AT
On systems that do not provide automatic track steering capability, the only possible
value is ADVISORY.
For more information on the VMS/autopilot interface, and operation with automatic
track steering, see Chapter 6.


ID number of the waypoint toward which the ship is steering. An asterisk (*)
appearing after the waypoint number indicates that it is a temporary waypoint.


Time To Go. Time to the next wheel-over point (not to the next waypoint).


Distance To Go. Distance to the next wheel-over point (not to the next waypoint).


Bearing. True bearing of the plan track. This is not necessarily the same as bearing to
the next waypoint from Ownship.


Rate of Turn. Recommended turn rate to stay on track when the plan state is TURNING.


Cross-Track Error. Distance left or right of the plan track.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 5-3. VP Status Window Indicators


Present status of the loaded Voyage Plan. Possible values are:
IDLE. A Voyage Plan has been loaded but not started.
SAILING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is on a leg between waypoints.
APPROACHING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is approaching a turn at waypoint.
TURNING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is executing a turn at waypoint.
ENDING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is approaching end-of-plan.
FINISHED. Voyage plan has been started. Ship has passed end-of-plan.

To close the VP Status window, select the

at any time.

(Exit) button. The window can be manually redisplayed

To manually display the VP Status window:

a. Open the Voyage Plan Control window as described in Paragraph 5.3.1.
b. From the Voyage Plan Control window, select the VP STATUS button.



A Temporary Plan consists of at least one temporary waypoint and one track line. If a stored Voyage
Plan is loaded, the Temporary Plan can be used to start the loaded plan, by designating a course to the
Voyage Plan track at an RTP waypoint. A Temporary Plan can also be created and executed
independently of any stored plan.
If, in the process of creating a Temporary Plan, it is necessary to inspect details of the
active Voyage Plan or any alternate Voyage Plan, the Voyage Plan can be opened in the
Voyage Plan Editor as described in Paragraph 5.6.


Temporary Plan Window

Temporary plans are created on the main chart display. The controls for creating and starting the
Temporary Plan are provided on the Temporary Voyage Plan window (see Figure 5-5). A Temporary
Plan can be created and executed regardless of whether a Voyage Plan is loaded.
When a Temporary Plan is stopped, it is immediately cleared from the display and cannot be recalled.
To open the Temporary Voyage Plan window:
a. Open the Voyage Plan Control window as described in Paragraph 5.3.1.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

b. From the Voyage Plan Control window, select the START button.
An alternative method for opening the Temporary Voyage Plan window is to select the TEMP VP
button from the main menu.

Figure 5-5. Temporary Voyage Plan Window

Table 5-4 identifies and describes the controls and indicators on the Temporary Voyage Plan window.
For more detailed information on using these controls, see the paragraphs that follow.
Table 5-4. Temporary Plan Window Controls and Indicators



Indicator showing the number of the waypoint most recently added to the
Temporary Plan.


Indicator showing true bearing of the track leg to the most recently added


Indicator showing length of the track leg to the most recently added


Initiates the adjustment of turn radius to the track for the most recently
entered waypoint. Turn radius is adjusted by dragging the screen cursor
toward or away from Ownship on the chart display. The present setting for
Turn Radius is indicated to the right of the button.


Adds a waypoint to the Temporary Plan. The waypoint position is set by

selecting the desired location on the chart display.


Delete the most recently entered waypoint.


Adds a Return to Plan (RTP) waypoint to the Temporary Plan. The

waypoint position is set by selecting the desired location along the Voyage
Plan track.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 5-4. Temporary Plan Window Controls and Indicators




Initiates moving the most recently entered waypoint. The waypoint

position is set by selecting the desired location on the chart.


Sets a 500 mile Track to Make Good line at the same bearing as the track to
the most recently entered waypoint.


Indicator showing total distance of the Temporary Plan.


Data entry field for allowable cross-track error. Allowable cross-track error
can be edited by entering the desired value in the data field.


Accepts and activates the Temporary Plan.


Discards the Temporary Plan.


Creating and Running a Temporary Plan

A Temporary Plan can be a simple track line, or it can be a more complex plan containing a number of
If the system includes an autopilot interface, and automatic track steering is active, the system will issue
heading orders to the pilot control device to stay on the Temporary Plan track, after the Temporary Plan is
accepted. If the plan is running in Advisory mode, (that is, the automatic pilot device is not active) it is
necessary to adjust the heading order to follow the plan track.
Temporary plans are created on the VMS/NAVIECDIS chart display. No separate editor
is used. If the plan has not been accepted by the time Ownship passes the point where it
would make the course change to execute the plan, the Temporary Plan is cleared from
the display and cannot be recalled.


The Track To Make Good (TTMG) is a 500 mile track line, which is drawn along the ships present
heading. A waypoint (Waypoint 1* if no other waypoints have been set) is automatically placed at the
end of the 500 mile track line.
The TTMG track is the simplest type of Temporary Plan. Its main purpose is to quickly provide a
temporary track line that can be used as a starting place for a more complex Temporary Plan by
modifying the track bearing and/or adding waypoints as needed. It can be created and executed
regardless of whether a stored Voyage Plan has been loaded. A TTMG track can also be added on to the
end of any Temporary Plan before it is accepted.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

To add and execute a TTMG track line:

a. From the main menu, select the TEMP VP button. A TTMG track line is drawn at the present
heading, to a temporary Waypoint 1* at a range of 500 nm. The Temporary Voyage Plan
window (see Figure 5-5) is displayed.
b. To change the bearing of the TTMG track, select the MOVE POINT button, and then select a
location on the chart display. While holding down the button on the pointing device, drag the
screen cursor to place the TTMG line at the desired track bearing. Observe the temporary track
indication on the screen, and the BEARING indicator in the Temporary Voyage Plan window,. to
achieve the desired bearing value. Release the button on the pointing device to set the track line
on the chart display.
c. After the TTMG line is set, it is possible to change the radius for the turn to the TTMG track.
Select the CHANGE TURN RADIUS button and then select a point on the chart display near the bow
of Ownship. Drag the selected point away from Ownship to increase the turn radius, and toward
the bow of Ownship to decrease the turn radius. For the specific ship, the minimum turn radius is
configured at the time of software installation. The system will not allow the turn radius to be set
below the configured minimum value.
d. Until it is accepted, the Temporary Plan remains in a pending state. From the Temporary Voyage
Plan window, select the ACCEPT button to start the Temporary Plan. If the CANCEL button is
selected, the plan is removed from the screen.

Creating a Temporary Plan Containing Multiple Waypoints

A more complex Temporary Plan can be created by defining waypoints on the chart display, using the
Temporary Voyage Plan window. A Temporary Plan can contain up to 50 waypoints. Temporary
waypoints are indicated on the chart display by an asterisk (*) following the waypoint number.
To add waypoints to a Temporary Plan:
a. From the main menu, select the TEMP VP button. A TTMG track line is drawn at the present
heading, to a temporary Waypoint 1* at a range of 500 nm. The Temporary Voyage Plan
window (see Figure 5-5) is displayed.
b. From the Temporary Voyage Plan window (see Figure 5-5), select the ADD WAYPOINT button,
and then select a location for the waypoint on the chart display. While holding down the button
on the pointing device, drag the screen cursor to obtain a track leg with the desired bearing and
distance. Observe the temporary track indication on the screen, and the BEARING and DISTANCE
indicators in the Temporary Voyage Plan window, to achieve the desired location for the
waypoint. Release the button on the pointing device to set the waypoint on the chart display.
c. After the waypoint is set, it can be moved if necessary. To move Waypoint 1*, select the
MOVE POINT button, and then select a new location for Waypoint 1* on the chart display. The
MOVE POINT button can be used to move the location of the last temporary waypoint added to the
plan (while the plan is still in a pending state).
d. To add a second waypoint, select the ADD WAYPOINT button again and select the desired location
for Waypoint 2*. A second track line is drawn between waypoints 1* and 2*.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Continue adding waypoints until the desired plan has been defined. To delete the last temporary
waypoint added to the plan, select the DELETE ENTRY button. Waypoints in a Temporary Plan
can only be added after the last defined waypoint.
If desired, select ADD TTMG from the Temporary Voyage Plan window to add a 500 mile TTMG
track line from the final waypoint.
e. If a stored Voyage Plan is loaded, use the ADD RTP button from the Temporary Voyage Plan
window to join the loaded plan at a designated Return to Plan waypoint. After selecting
ADD RTP, select a point on the Voyage Plan track to be used as the RTP waypoint. The RTP
waypoint may be placed on any leg of the Voyage Plan. The ship will join the plan at the
designated point.

Until it is accepted, the Temporary Plan remains in a pending state. From the Temporary Voyage
Plan window, select the ACCEPT button to start the Temporary Plan. If the CANCEL button is
selected, the plan is removed from the screen.
Starting the Temporary Plan

The Temporary Plan begins executing when the ACCEPT button is selected from the Temporary Voyage
Plan window, as described in Paragraphs and

Stopping the Temporary Plan

A Temporary Plan stops automatically when the ship passes the last waypoint in the plan. While a
Temporary Plan is running, it can be stopped manually at any time using STOP button from the Voyage
Plan Control window. Once it stops, the Temporary Plan is immediately cleared from the screen and
from system memory. It cannot be recalled.
To stop a Temporary Plan:
a. Open the Voyage Plan Control window as described in Paragraph 5.3.1.
b. From the Voyage Plan Control window, select the STOP button.
c. Before the plan is stopped, a confirmation message is displayed. From the confirmation window,
select the YES button to stop the plan, or NO to continue running the plan.



In order to execute a Voyage Plan, the plan must first be loaded to system memory, and then it must be
started. To start the plan, a Temporary Plan is used to set the ship on the intended track. Procedures for
loading and starting a Voyage Plan are described below.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 5: Route Planning

Loading and Starting a Voyage Plan

In order for a Voyage Plan to accurately calculate and display various time values
associated with the voyage, the overall Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) must be
entered to accurately reflect the actual time of plan execution. ETD is stored with the
plan data, and is entered from the Voyage Plan Editor. See Paragraph for more
information on setting overall ETD.

To load the Voyage Plan:

a. Open the Voyage Plan Control window as described in Paragraph 5.3.1.
b. From the Voyage Plan Control window (see Figure 5-6), select the LOAD button to display the
Voyage Plan Load menu.
c. From the Voyage Plan Load menu (see Figure 5-7), select the desired Voyage Plan from the list
of available plans., and then select ACCEPT. The track line and the waypoint numbers of the
selected plan will be displayed on the chart. Curved track lines are shown to indicate the plan
track at waypoints.

Figure 5-6. Voyage Plan

Control Window

Figure 5-7. Voyage Plan

Load Menu

To start the Voyage Plan:

a. From the Voyage Plan Control window (see Figure 5-6), select the START button to display the
Temporary Voyage Plan window (see Figure 5-5).
b. From the Temporary Voyage Plan window, create a Temporary Plan as described in Paragraph

Use the ADD RTP button to set a Return to Plan (RTP) waypoint point on the displayed Voyage
Plan track line.

d. Select the ACCEPT button to execute the Temporary Plan. After Ownship passes the RTP
waypoint at the end of the Temporary Plan, the system will immediately begin monitoring the
ships progress toward the next waypoint in the Voyage Plan.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

The Temporary Plan will be cleared from the display when the ship joins the track line of the selected
Voyage Plan. For more information on using an RTP to start a Voyage Plan, see Paragraph


Approach Time for Operator Warning Message

During the running of a Voyage Plan, an Operator Message is displayed at a specified time interval on the
approach to each waypoint. The message announces the time to the wheel-over point, whether the plan is
running in Advisory or Track mode. At the same time, the PLAN indicator in the VP Status window will
change to APPROACHING.
The Approach Time for course changes at waypoints can be adjusted from the Voyage Plan Control
window. This setting applies to any running Voyage Plan.
To adjust Approach Time:
a. Open the Voyage Plan Control window as described in Paragraph 5.3.1.
b. From the Voyage Plan Control window (see Figure 5-6), expand the APPROACH drop-down
menu, and select the desired time interval.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to activate the new Approach Time setting.


Stopping and Clearing Voyage Plans

When a Voyage Plan is active, it will stop automatically when the ship passes the last waypoint in the
plan. An Operator Message is displayed to warn the operator when approaching the end of the plan, and
again after passing the final waypoint.
A plan can also be stopped manually at any time using the Voyage Plan Control window. When the
operator manually stops a running Voyage Plan, all voyage monitoring and automatic track steering
functions related to the plan are cancelled. The plan remains in system memory, and can be restarted
using a Temporary Plan with an RTP waypoint, as described above in Paragraph To remove the
plan from system memory, it is necessary to clear the plan after stopping it.
To stop a Voyage Plan:
a. Open the Voyage Plan Control window as described in Paragraph 5.3.1.
b. From the Voyage Plan Control window (see Figure 5-6), select the STOP button.
c. Before the plan is stopped, a confirmation message is displayed. From the confirmation window,
select the YES button to stop the plan, or NO to continue running the plan.
To clear a Voyage Plan:
a. From the Voyage Plan Control window (see Figure 5-6), select the CLEAR button.
confirmation message is displayed. The plan is immediately cleared from system memory.




VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 5: Route Planning

Voyage Plan Summary

The Voyage Plan Summary window (see Figure 5-8) displays information related to a loaded Voyage
Plan or Temporary Plan.
To display the Voyage Plan Summary window:
a. Open the Voyage Plan Control window as described in Paragraph 5.3.1.
b. From the Voyage Plan Control window select the SUMMARY button.

Figure 5-8. Voyage Plan Summary Window

Voyage Plan Summary Functional Areas

The Voyage Plan Summary window is divided into the following functional areas:

Plan Status. At the top of the Voyage Plan Summary window, the following status information
is displayed: Voyage Plan State (for example, SAILING), Pilot Control mode of operation (for
example, CONTROL OFF), and the plan Description.

Waypoint Data table. The table near the top of the Voyage Plan Summary window shows
information about each waypoint saved with the Voyage Plan. Temporary waypoints do not
appear in the Waypoint Data table. If a Temporary Plan is running but there is no loaded Voyage
Plan, the Waypoint Data table is blank, even if waypoints have been set in the Temporary Plan.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Individual waypoints in the table can be selected, for ease of visibility or to view saved Waypoint
Notes for the waypoint. Selection of a row in the Waypoint Data Table does not affect the
indicators in the lower portion of the Voyage Plan Summary window.

Wpt Notes. If Waypoint Notes have been saved with the waypoint that is selected in the
Waypoint Data Table, they are displayed here.

Wheel-Over data. At the lower left corner of the Voyage Plan Summary window, information is
displayed about the next pending wheel-over point. If a Temporary Plan or a Voyage Plan has
been started, this section of the screen shows the next waypoints identification number and other
related data. If the running plan is a Temporary Plan, the Temporary Plan status box is bright

Overall Plan data. If a Voyage Plan has been started, overall data related to the plan is
displayed at the lower right corner of the Voyage Plan Summary window. If a Temporary Plan is
running, the Overall Plan display remains blank, even if waypoints have been set in the
Temporary Plan.

Voyage Plan Summary Indicators

Table 5-5 identifies and describes the indicators provided in the Voyage Plan Summary window.
Table 5-5. Voyage Plan Summary Window Indicators

Present state of the loaded Voyage Plan. The plan state is also displayed in the
VP Status window, in the PLAN indicator. Possible values are:
IDLE. A Voyage Plan has been loaded but not started.
SAILING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is on a leg between waypoints.
APPROACHING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is approaching a turn.
TURNING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is executing a turn at waypoint.
ENDING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is approaching end-of-plan.
FINISHED. Voyage plan has been started. Ship has passed end-of-plan.


Present state of the VMS/autopilot interface (if available). This indicator

normally shows the present Pilot Control mode of operation. In the event that
the systems track-keeping ability has been interrupted, it shows information
related to the loss of track steering. Possible values include CONTROL OFF,
On systems that do not provide automatic track steering capability, the only
possible Pilot Control value while running a voyage plan is CONTROL OFF.
For more information on the VMS/autopilot interface, and operation with
automatic track steering, see Chapter 6.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

Table 5-5. Voyage Plan Summary Window Indicators




Lists all waypoints or plan legs contained in the loaded Voyage Plan. This list
is similar to the list that would be displayed when the same plan is opened in
the Voyage Plan Editor. The scrollbar at the right enables viewing of all
waypoints saved for the plan.

(Waypoint Notes)

Notes saved for the selected waypoint. Waypoints for which notes have been
saved are identified by a # symbol following the waypoint number.


The waypoint number associated with the next wheel-over.


Time To Go to the next wheel-over.


Distance To Go to the next wheel-over.


Estimated Time of Arrival of the wheel-over.


Track Bearing to the Waypoint.

(Rate of Turn)

Required Rate of Turn.

(Cross Track Error)

The present Cross Track Error. The side of the track (right or left) that the ship
is on is also displayed.


Status indicator for plan type. The status box is bright green to indicate a
Temporary Plan. It is gray for a stored voyage plan.

(Plan Duration)

Overall time for traversal of the plan.

(Plan Distance)

Overall distance of the plan.


The number of waypoints in the plan.

(Distance Traveled)

Distance traveled along the plan, from the first waypoint.


Overall Estimated Time of Arrival, displayed in Coordinated Universal Time

(UTC). ETA is based upon time and speed values entered for each waypoint,
and on the Estimated Time of Departure (ETD).

(Plan Time to Go),

Time To Go (TTG) to the end of the plan.

(Plan Distance to Go)

Distance To Go to the end of the plan.

(Ground Speed)

Ground Speed, or Speed Over Ground.

(Speed of Advance)

Present Speed of Advance along the Voyage Plan.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 5-5. Voyage Plan Summary Window Indicators




(Speed for ETA)

Speed required to meet the estimated time of arrival (ETA).


(Actual ETA)

Actual Estimated Time of Arrival, which is calculated based on the actual

departure time. The speeds used will depend upon the selection made for the
ETA calculation method (ETA_1 or ETA_2). For more information on selecting
a method for ETA calculation, see Paragraph

Calculation Method for ETA Actual

Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) calculations are made automatically during Voyage Plan execution, and
are displayed in the Voyage Plan Summary window, in the ETA ACTUAL indicator. The method used for
making this calculation can be selected from the Voyage Plan Control window.
To select the method for ETA calculation:
a. Open the Voyage Plan Control window as described in Paragraph
b. From the Voyage Plan Control window (see Figure 5-9), expand the
drop-down menu for ETA basis and select ETA_1 or ETA_2.
Table 5-6 identifies and describes the available ETA calculation options.

Figure 5-9. ETA

Calculation Options

Table 5-6. ETA Calculation Options




ETA is calculated using present speed of advance for the remainder of the
present leg and for all remaining legs to the end of the plan. Planned speeds
are not used.


ETA is calculated using present speed of advance for remainder of the present
leg, and planned speeds for all remaining legs to the end of the plan.


ETA Calculator

The ETA Calculator is a convenient and flexible tool for making distance and time calculations,
independently of the automatic calculations that are made by the VMS/NAVIECDIS. During Voyage
Plan execution, it can be used to make calculations based on the specific values that are of interest to the
To open the ETA Calculator:
a. Open the Voyage Plan Control window as described in Paragraph 5.3.1.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

b. From the Voyage Plan Control window (see Figure 5-6), select the ETA CALCULATOR button.
Before making a calculation, it is necessary to select a calculation type from the drop-down menu at the
upper left corner of the ETA Calculator window (see Figure 5-10).
For each calculation type, the operator must enter the desired values
or other parameters and then execute the calculation by selecting the
CALCULATE button (see Figure 5-11). The output of the calculation
is displayed in the lower part of the calculator window, in the SOA,
DTG, and/or ETA indicators. If the operator-entered values are such
that a valid calculation cannot be made, an error message is displayed
in the STATUS indicator at the bottom of the window.
The appearance of the calculator window will vary, depending upon
the calculation type selected. Each calculation type is illustrated and
described below.

Figure 5-10. Calculation

Type Selection

Calculating SOA and DTG for the Loaded Voyage Plan

When the SOA / DTG/ FOR VP option is selected, the ETA Calculator window is organized as shown in
Figure 5-11.
The calculator provides the required Speed of Advance and the Distance to Go, based on present Ownship
position and an operator entered ETA to a selected End Waypoint. The distance component of the
calculation is determined by drawing a rhumb line from Ownship to the Start Waypoint, and then
following the plan track to the End Waypoint.
To make the calculation:
a. Enter waypoint numbers for START WP and
an END WP from the loaded Voyage Plan.
b. Enter a value for ETA to represent the
expected arrival time at the End Waypoint.
ETA can be entered as local time or UTC. If
it is entered as local time, select the
LOCAL TIME button; the status box on the
button should be bright green. Also enter the
time zone to define the offset for local time.
c. Select the CALCULATE button, and read the
result in the SOA and DTG indicators.
Figure 5-11. ETA Calculator: SOA and DTG
for the Voyage Plan

Calculating Speed of Advance

When the CALCULATE SOA option is selected, the ETA Calculator window is organized as shown in
Figure 5-12. The calculator provides the required Speed of Advance, based on Distance to Go and the
expected arrival time.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To make the calculation:

a. Enter a value for DTG.
b. Enter a value for ETA to represent the
expected arrival time. ETA can be entered as
local time or UTC. If it is entered as local
time, select the LOCAL TIME button; the
status box on the button should be bright
green. Also enter the time zone to define the
offset for local time.
c. Select the CALCULATE button, and read the
result in the SOA indicator.

Calculate DTG

When the CALCULATE DTG option is selected, the

ETA Calculator window is organized as shown in
Figure 5-13. The calculator provides the Distance to
Go, based on Speed of Advance and the expected
arrival time.

Figure 5-12. ETA Calculator: SOA

To make the calculation:

a. Select the CURRENT SOA button, to set the calculator to use either an operator-entered value for
SOA, or the actual SOA from the running Voyage Plan. If actual SOA will be used, the status
box on the button will be bright green.
b. If an operator-entered value will be used,
enter the desired value for SOA.
c. Enter a value for ETA to represent the
expected arrival time. ETA can be entered as
local time or UTC. If it is entered as local
time, select the LOCAL TIME button; the
status box on the button should be bright
green. Also enter the time zone to define the
offset for local time.
d. Select the CALCULATE button, and read the
result in the DTG indicator.

Figure 5-13. ETA Calculator: DTG

Calculate ETA

When the CALCULATE ETA option is selected, the ETA Calculator window is organized as shown in
Figure 5-14. The calculator provides the Estimated Time of Arrival, based on Distance to Go and Speed
of Advance.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

To make the calculation:

a. Select the CURRENT SOA button, to set the
calculator to use either an operator-entered
value for SOA, or the actual SOA from the
running Voyage Plan. If actual SOA will be
used, the status box on the button will be
bright green.
b. If an operator-entered value will be used,
enter the desired value for SOA.
c. Enter a value for DTG.
d. Select the CALCULATE button, and read the
result in the ETA indicator.
Figure 5-14. ETA Calculator: ETA


Critical Points

Along the track of a Voyage Plan, various Critical Points can be defined and displayed. Critical Points
are useful as reminders or prompts for special actions that must be taken at specific places along the track
line Each Critical Point is displayed as a large dot on the plan track, in the same color as the track line
(see Figure 5-15).

Figure 5-15. Critical Point Marked on the Plan Track

Critical Points are saved with the plan, using the Voyage Plan Editor. Within the plan, they are associated
with the waypoint leg on which they are placed. For more information on editing and saving Critical
Points, see Paragraph 5.6.9.

Critical Point Alarms

A Critical Point alarm is issued when a preset distance or time before a Critical Point is reached. The
alarm message is displayed in the Critical Point Status window (see Figure 5-16).



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 5-16. Critical Point Alarm

In the upper part of the Critical Point Alarm window, data is provided concerning the displayed alarm. In
Figure 5-16 for example, the ship has passed Alarm Point 8-1; that is, the first Critical Point alarm
defined after Waypoint 8. The window gives the time of the alarm, the name of the alarm point, and
Distance to Go (DTG) and Time to Go (TTG) to the Critical Point. The alarm text is provided below the
displayed alarm data.
To respond to a Critical Point alarm:
Select the ACKNOWLEDGE button at the bottom of the window.
An additional alarm will be displayed as Ownship actually passes the Critical Point.



Voyage Plans can be created or edited using the Voyage Plan Editor (see Figure 5-17).
It is recommended that the same workstation (typically the Planning Station) should
always be used when changes are made to Voyage Plans. When a plan is saved, it is
written to the hard drive of the local workstation as an electronic file using the VP
filename extension. The first time the plan is executed, it is copied automatically to all
running workstations.
To open the Voyage Plan Editor:
a. Open the Voyage Plan Control window by selecting the Voyage Plan name indicator from the
main menu. In Figure 5-17, the label on the Voyage Plan Name indicator is NO VP LOADED.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

b. From the Voyage Plan Control window, select the VP EDITOR button.
The Voyage Plan Editor hides the main chart display area, where voyage monitoring operations are
performed. To immediately return to the main chart display and hide the Voyage Plan Editor, select the
HIDE button from the Main menu. To go back to the Voyage Plan Editor, select the SHOW button.
When editing is completed, close the editor by selecting the
the Voyage Plan Editor window.

(Exit) button at the upper right corner of

Figure 5-17. Voyage Plan Editor



Chapter 5: Route Planning


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Voyage Plan Editor Functional Areas

The Voyage Plan Editor is divided into the following functional areas:

Waypoint Data table.

Menu area.
Chart display area.

These areas are described in more detail in the paragraphs that follow.

Waypoint Data Table

Across the top of the Voyage Plan Editor window (see Figure 5-17), the Waypoint Data table displays
information about each waypoint that is included in the plan. Selection of a waypoint in the table enables
editing or deletion of that waypoint. This area of the editor is similar to the Waypoint Data table in the
Voyage Plan Summary window.

Chart Display

The central part of the editor window is used for the chart display area, where the Voyage Plan track line
is shown. The electronic chart displayed in the editor is essential if waypoint position information will be
entered by selecting a chart location. Even if position information will be entered as explicit latitude and
longitude values, the chart display is an important reference while editing. Chart display controls are
placed at the bottom of the editor, beneath the chart. The similar controls used for the main chart display
are described in more detail in Paragraph 4.4.
Table 5-7 identifies and describes the chart display controls for the Voyage Plan Editor.
Table 5-7. Voyage Plan Editor Chart Display Controls



The two zoom buttons function like the zooming buttons on the Main
menu (see Paragraph 4.4.3). They allow the operator to change the scale
of the editors chart display.


This button functions like the ZMWN (Zoom Window) button on the main
menu (see Paragraph 4.4.3). Both the scale and center point of the map
display are changed when the ZM WINDOW button is used. Thus, this
button combines the functions of the zooming buttons with the OFFSET


Changing the offset of the Chart Catalog map display allows the operator
to move around on the map. Select the OFFSET button and then select a
point on the map to re-center the map around the selected point.

MAN (shown)

Drop-down menu providing options for chart selection mode: AUTO,

LOCK, and MAN (manual). Controls the automatic selection of charts as
the display offset is changed. Automatic chart selection is enabled only if
the Voyage Plan is associated with a chart portfolio.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

Table 5-7. Voyage Plan Editor Chart Display Controls




Shifts the chart display such that the waypoint selected in the Waypoint
Data table is shown at the center of the viewing area.


Opens the Chart Catalog, for selection of a chart for display in the editor.
All charts and the Planning Sheet are available for selection in the Chart
Catalog. The name of the selected chart is displayed to the right of the
CHART button.


Indicator showing the present display scale of the editors chart display.

Menu Area

The Voyage Plan Editor menu area is located at the right side of the
editor window (see Figure 5-17). Various menus are displayed in
this area, to provide the necessary controls for creating, editing and
saving Voyage Plans.
On opening the Voyage Plan Editor, the Edit Plan menu is
displayed (see Figure 5-18). Table 5-8 identifies and describes the
controls in the Edit Plan menu.

Figure 5-18. Edit Plan Menu

Table 5-8. Edit Plan Menu Controls



Opens the Waypoints menu for insertion of a new waypoint, numbered

before the presently selected waypoint.


Opens the Waypoints menu for insertion of a new waypoint, numbered

after the presently selected waypoint.


Opens the Waypoints menu for editing of the selected waypoint.


Deletes the selected waypoint.


Indicator showing the name of the plan that is open in the editor.


Indicator showing the number of waypoints in the plan.


Clears the Voyage Plan Editor, for entry of data for a new plan.


Opens the Enter Plan Description menu, for entry of a text description of
the plan.


Opens the Load Voyage Plan menu, for selection of a plan for editing.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 5-8. Edit Plan Menu Controls




Saves the plan that is open in the editor, under its existing name. If the
plan does not yet have a name, the Enter Filename menu is displayed, for
entry of a plan name. Before saving the plan, the system performs
validation and safety checks.


Opens the Enter Filename menu, to save the plan under a new name.


Opens the Enter Local ETD menu, for entry of the plans Estimated Time
of Departure.


Opens the Enter Limiting Latitude menu, for creation of a composite

track using a limiting latitude.


Opens the Select Portfolio menu, from which a chart portfolio can be
associated with the plan.


Executes plan validation. This is also performed automatically when the

plan is saved.


Prints a text version of the plan, if a system printer is installed.


Opens the Critical Points menu, for creation, modification or removal of

Critical Points along the plan track.


Opens the VP Edit Features window, for selection of display options for
the editors chart display area.


Opens the Enter Safety Depth menu, for entry of a safety depth to be used
for Voyage Plan safety checking.


Electronic Bearing Lines, Lines of Parallel Index, and Variable Range

Markers can be used in the Voyage Plan Editor chart display, for
measuring of range and bearing values or other uses for the convenience
of the operator. These lines and values are not saved with the plan.


Opens the Coordinate Editor window, from which pre-selected points or

any other location on the electronic chart may be selected for display.
This allows the operator to move around on the chart, to display areas of
specific interest.


Executes a Danger query, to find safety checking violations along the

plan track. This is also performed automatically when the plan is saved.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 5: Route Planning

Creating or Loading a Plan for Editing

The Voyage Plan Editor can be used to create a new plan, or to

open existing plans for editing. Controls for loading a plan in the
editor are accessed from the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18).
To create a new plan:
a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the
NEW PLAN button to clear any existing waypoint data that
may have been loaded in the editor.
b. After selecting NEW PLAN, the Waypoint Data table at the
top of the Voyage Plan Editor will be empty. Begin editing
the new plan as described below for an existing plan. To
enter the
first waypoint for a new plan, select
To open an existing plan for editing:
a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the
OPEN PLAN button to display the Load Voyage Plan menu
(see Figure 5-19).
b. Select one of the available plan files, and then select the
ACCEPT button to load the plan into the editor.


Figure 5-19. Load Voyage

Plan Menu

Selecting a Chart

Before proceeding with creation or editing of plan data, a chart should be selected for display in the
editors chart display area.
To select a chart for display:
a. From the chart display controls at the bottom of the editor window (see Figure 5-17), select the
CHART button to display the Chart Catalog.
b. From the Chart Catalog, select the desired chart for display, or select the PLANNING SHEET
button to display the Planning Sheet. For more information on using the Chart Catalog, see
c. Select the ACCEPT button to accept the chart selection and return to the Voyage Plan Editor.
Select CANCEL to return to the editor without selecting a new chart.

Chart Display Options from the VP Edit Features Menu

To reduce clutter on the Voyage Plan Editor chart display, display options may be turned on or off from
the Edit Features menu (see Figure 5-20). This menu is similar to the Features menu for the main chart
display, except that the available options are limited to those that would be useful in the editor.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Display options selected from this menu apply only to the chart display in the Voyage Plan Editor.
Selection of options from the VP Edit Features menu is for the convenience of the operator. Selected
options are not saved with the Voyage Plan.
To select chart display options:
a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18),
select the FEATURES button, to display the Edit
Features menu.
b. From the Edit Features menu (see Figure 5-20),
select the desired buttons to turn display
options on or off.
c. While working in the VP Edit Features menu,
select the APPLY button to enter all pending
changes. The menu remains open, to allow
further changes. Select the ACCEPT button to
activate all pending changes and close the Edit
Features menu.
The controls at the bottom of the Edit Features menu
provide for the use of stored feature sets in the editor.
These are similar to the feature sets used in the Main
Features menu, except that they apply only to the
Voyage Plan Editor chart display.
For more
information on using pre-defined feature sets, see


Figure 5-20. VP Editor Features Menu

Entering Overall Plan Data

Before entering waypoints to a new plan, certain data items can be entered which affect the plan as a
whole. These data items include association of a chart portfolio with the plan, the plan description, safety
depth, and the overall ETD.

Associating the Plan With a Chart Portfolio

The best way to load charts when running a Voyage Plan is to allow the VMS/NAVIECDIS to
automatically select the appropriate chart from an associated chart portfolio. A chart portfolio can be
associated with the plan from the Voyage Plan Editor, using the Select Portfolio menu (see Figure 5-21).
The association is saved in the plan file.
Only one chart portfolio can be associated with a plan. For general information on chart portfolios, see
Paragraph 4.5. For information on the creation of chart portfolios using the Portfolio Editor, see
Paragraph 4.11.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning


The Select Portfolio menu does not show which charts are contained in the available
portfolios. To check the contents of a specific portfolio, it is necessary to use the
Portfolio window or the Portfolio Editor. If an appropriate portfolio does not already
exist, it should be created using the Portfolio Editor.
To associate a chart portfolio with the plan:
a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the
PORTFOLIO button to display the Select Portfolio menu.
b. Each available portfolio is listed on a separate button in the
central part of the Select Portfolio menu (see Figure 5-21).
Select the button for the desired portfolio. The status box
should be dark on the CLEAR PORTFOLIO button.
c. Select ACCEPT to apply the association and close the
Associate Portfolios menu.
To remove the association of a portfolio with the plan:
a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the
PORTFOLIO button to display the Select Portfolio menu.

Figure 5-21. Select Portfolio


b. From the Select Portfolio menu (see Figure 5-21), remove the association of any portfolio with
the plan by selecting the CLEAR PORTFOLIO button. The status box on the button should be
bright green.
c. Select ACCEPT to apply the change and close the Select Portfolio menu.

Plan Description

An optional, descriptive name can be saved with the plan. This name is displayed in the Voyage Plan
Editor and in the Voyage Plan Summary window, in the Description indicator. In the Voyage Plan
Editor, it is entered from the Enter Plan Description menu (see Figure 5-22).
As an aid in identifying plans, it is recommended that a plan
description should be used. The description should be the same as,
or similar to, the plans filename. If no description is entered, the
filename is used as a default plan description.
To enter a plan description:
a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the
DESCRIPTION button to display the Modify Description

Figure 5-22. Enter Plan

Description Menu

b. From the Modify Description menu (see Figure 5-22), enter a descriptive name for the plan.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to close the menu.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Overall ETD

Time values associated with a Voyage Plan, including ETA for each waypoint and the overall duration of
the plan, are calculated relative to the Estimated Time of Departure saved for the plan. ETD is entered
from the Enter Local ETD menu (see Figure 5-23). It is necessary to change the overall ETD each time a
saved plan will be reused.
To change overall ETD:
a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the ETD
button to open the Enter Local ETD menu.
b. From the Enter Local ETD menu (see Figure 5-23), set the
desired value for Time,. Time Zone, and Date.
c. Select ACCEPT to close the menu. All time values
displayed for the plan in the Voyage Plan Editor are
immediately recalculated.
The data will be saved
permanently when the plan is saved to disk.

Figure 5-23. Enter Local

ETD Menu

Safety Depth

The depth component for Voyage Plan safety checking is based on the Safety Depth which is entered for
the entire plan from the Enter Safety Depth menu (see Figure 5-24).
To enter a safety depth:
a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the
SAFE DPTH button to display the Enter Safety Depth menu.
b. From the Enter Safety Depth menu (see Figure 5-24), enter
the desired depth value.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to close the menu.


Figure 5-24. Enter Safety

Depth Menu

Plan Summary

During editing, a summary of overall plan data is displayed, in the

Plan Summary menu (see Figure 5-25). The Plan Summary menu
contains indicators for the following overall plan information:
Overall distance, average speed, overall duration, and ETA.
Figure 5-25. Plan Summary



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 5: Route Planning

Inserting, Modifying or Removing Waypoints

In the Voyage Plan Editor (see Figure 5-26), waypoints that have been saved to the plan are displayed on
the chart, and in the Waypoint Data table at the top of the editor window.

Figure 5-26. Voyage Plan Editor With Waypoints Menu

During waypoint editing, the Waypoints menu is displayed at the right side of the editor window (see
Figure 5-26 and Figure 5-27). Data entered for a specific waypoint applies to the track leg which begins
with that waypoint.
Adding, deleting or modifying the position of a waypoint in the middle of a Voyage Plan
causes the plan track to be redrawn between existing waypoints. Data associated with the
affected track leg will be deleted or moved.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Inserting a New Waypoint

From the Edit Plan menu, a new waypoint can be inserted to the plan before or after any selected
To create a waypoint at a new position:
a. If at least one waypoint has previously been created, select
a waypoint from the Waypoint Data table in the Voyage
Plan Editor (see Figure 5-17). If no waypoints were
previously created, skip to step b.
b. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select
display the Waypoints menu (see Figure 5-26 and Figure
5-27). The new waypoint will be added before or after the
previously selected waypoint.
c. If a descriptive name is desired, select the NAME field and
enter a descriptive name for the waypoint. This step is
optional, but recommended.
d. Enter the waypoint position. Waypoint position can be set
either by manual entry of latitude and longitude values, by
selecting a location on the displayed chart, or by entering
values for range and true bearing, from the previous

Figure 5-27. Waypoints Menu

1. For manual entry of waypoint position, select the LAT / LON button and then enter the desired
values in the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE fields.
2. To select a waypoint location on the chart, select the POS ON CHART button and then select
the desired location on the displayed chart.
3. To designate a range and bearing from the previous waypoint, select the RNG / BRG button to
display data entry fields for RANGE and BEARING. Enter the desired values.
e. Enter other data as desired in the Waypoints menu (see Paragraph 5.6.7).

Select the ACCEPT button to close the Waypoints menu. After the waypoint has been accepted, it
is displayed on the chart and the Waypoint Data table is updated to show the new waypoint.

The CENTER button below the chart display can be used to shift the displayed chart to place the selected
waypoint in the center of the editors chart display area.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning


For convenience, data entered for the first waypoint in the plan is carried over for
subsequent waypoints. Thus, it is advisable to enter all data for the first waypoint before
placing other waypoints on the chart.

Modifying an Existing Waypoint

The MODIFY WAYPOINT button allows an existing waypoint to be changed.

To modify a waypoint:
a. Select a waypoint from the Waypoint Data table in the Voyage Plan Editor (see Figure 5-17).
b. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the MODIFY WAYPOINT button to display the
Waypoints menu (see Figure 5-27).
c. From the Waypoints menu, enter waypoint position and other data as desired for the selected
d. Select the ACCEPT button. The Waypoint Data table is updated to show the modified waypoint

Deleting an Existing Waypoint

The DELETE WAYPOINT button allows any waypoint in the plan to be deleted.
To delete a waypoint:
a. Select a waypoint from the Waypoint Data table in the Voyage Plan Editor (see Figure 5-17).
b. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the DELETE WAYPOINT button. A message
window will ask for confirmation of the waypoint deletion. Select YES to delete, or NO to cancel
the deletion.


Entering Waypoint Data

Once a waypoint has been selected or inserted, data can be entered for that waypoint, using the Waypoints
menu (see Figure 5-27). The following paragraphs describe in detail the data that can be saved with each


The methods for setting waypoint position are provided in Paragraph



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Track Type

Two options are available for track type: GC (Great Circle) and RL (Rhumb Line). This selection affects
the type of track line that will be drawn for the plan leg following the waypoint being edited.
If a great circle track is selected, it may be necessary to set a limiting latitude. To define
a limiting latitude, first insert all required waypoints and then select the LIMIT LAT button
from the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18). This allows the use of a composite track. See
below in Paragraph 5.6.14 for more information on the great circle track and composite


For the plan leg following the waypoint, enter the planned speed in the SPEED field. This value will be
used in computing initial ETA values for the plan.
Enter a maximum speed in the MAX field. During plan execution, an alarm will be generated if it is
impossible for the ship to make the planned ETA without violating the maximum speed limit.
Enter a minimum speed in the MIN field. During plan execution, an alarm will be generated if it is
impossible for the ship to make the planned ETA without violating the minimum speed limit.
The ETA indicator displays the planned ETA for the waypoint, based on overall ETD and planned speeds.

Waypoints Notes

If any special information about the waypoint is required, it can be entered as a Waypoint Note. During
plan operation, waypoints for which a note has been saved are indicated by a # symbol following the
waypoint number. During plan execution, notes for any waypoint can be inspected from the Voyage Plan
Summary window (see Paragraph 5.5.4).
To enter Waypoint Notes:
a. Select the WP NOTES button, to display the Notes menu.
b. Enter the desired information using the keyboard, and then select the ACCEPT button to close the
Notes menu.

Cross-Track Error Limit

Enter the desired limit value for cross-track error in the XTE LIMIT field. During execution of the plan, an
alarm is issued if the ship sails right or left of the plan track by a distance greater than the designated limit

Turn Rate or Radius

The plan track at a turn is based upon an operator designated value for Turn Rate or Turn Radius.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

To select the method by which the plan track will be computed at the next turn:
a. Select the TURN RATE or TURN RADIUS option button.
b. Enter the desired value in the data entry field to the left of the option button.
As each waypoint is edited, this selection affects the turn drawn at the end of the track leg associated with
that waypoint. For example, if a Turn Rate is entered for Waypoint 1, this value is used in computing the
plan track at the wheel-over point approaching Waypoint 2. The planned turn arc is drawn on the chart
display of the Voyage Plan Editor after the waypoint is saved. This curved line around the waypoint
becomes the plan track; it is the controlling factor when executing the turn.
When the plan is validated, the operator-entered value for Turn Rate or Turn Radius is compared to the
known turning characteristics of the ship. Validation will fail if the entered value is outside of the ships
operational limits.
Additional information on each of the available choices is provided in the paragraphs that follow.

Turn Rate

Turn Rate is expressed in degrees per minute. Any value up to the ship's maximum turn rate may be
When the Turn Rate option is selected, the calculated radius for the next turn is based also on ships speed
of advance. Thus, if the ship's actual speed is higher than the planned speed, the actual turn rate must be
faster than the planned rate in order to stay on track. If the ship's actual speed is lower than the planned
speed, the actual turn rate must be lower than the rate entered in order to stay on track.
The ships known maximum Turn Rate is configured at the time of system installation. The instantaneous
turn rate ordered by the VMS/NAVIECDIS may be up to two times this maximum. The maximum Turn
Rate limit refers to the nominal turn rate, not the instantaneous turn rate.

Turn Radius

Units used for Turn Radius are shown next to the displayed value. When the Turn Radius option is
selected, the drawn radius for the next turn is based explicitly on the radius value entered by the operator.

Saving Waypoint Data

When the desired waypoint data has been entered, select the ACCEPT button at the bottom of the
Waypoints menu (see Figure 5-27). Select the CANCEL button if for any reason the entered data should
be discarded.
Even after waypoint data has been accepted, it is not saved permanently until the plan is
saved to disk. For more information on saving a plan, see Paragraph 5.6.11.



Chapter 5: Route Planning


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Limiting Latitude

When one or more waypoints in the plan will use a great circle track, the LIMIT LAT button can be used, if
desired, to set a limiting latitude for the plan. The limiting latitude should be set after the waypoints have
already been defined for the plan. The Voyage Plan Editor will redraw the plan track, adding waypoints
as necessary to create a track for which the latitude value does not exceed an operator-entered limit.
For more information on selecting rhumb line or great circle track for a leg of the Voyage Plan, see
Paragraph For detailed information on great circle and composite tracks using a limiting latitude,
see Paragraph 5.6.14.


Entering Data for Critical Points

Critical Points are operator-selected positions along the plan track,

which are saved with the plan data as predetermined alarm points.
During plan execution, the Voyage Plan can use these selected
points to issue alarms reminding watchstanders to perform specific
actions, or to alert them to any special instructions or known
conditions at that location.
To view information on existing Critical Points:
From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the CP
button to display the Critical Points menu (see Figure
If any Critical Points have previously been defined in the Voyage
Plan, they are listed at the bottom of the menu. Use the scroll bar at
the right to view any Critical Points data that may not fit on the
screen. Critical Points are also shown as large dots on the plan
Each Critical Point is identified by a number, based on the
waypoint number for the track leg on which the point is located.
For example, in Figure 5-28 the first point listed is designated as
point CRITICAL POINT 8-1, which would be the first Critical Point
following waypoint 8.
Each entry in the list of Critical Points also contains the defining
information for that point, including the descriptive name saved for
the point, distance to the following waypoint, alarm time or
distance, and the alarm message.

Figure 5-28. Critical

Points Menu

Each item in the list can be selected for editing or deletion. The selected item is highlighted in yellow.

Adding, Modifying and Removing Critical Points

In the Critical Points menu (see Figure 5-28), the buttons located above the displayed data can be used for
adding, deleting or modifying Critical Points. Changes made using the Critical Points menu are saved
with the plan.


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

Like all data saved for a particular leg of a Voyage Plan, Critical Points are saved with the preceding
waypoint on the plan track. Thus, if the waypoint preceding a Critical Point is deleted, the Critical Point
is also deleted.
To insert a new Critical Point:
From the Modify Critical Points menu, select the INSERT
button to display the editing controls in the Critical Points
menu (see Figure 5-29). To enter data for the point, follow
the procedures given below.
To modify or remove an existing Critical Point:
a. From the Critical Points menu, use the list of existing
Critical Points to select the point to be modified or deleted.
If necessary, use the scroll bar at the right of the list to
expose all existing Critical Points.
b. To delete the selected point, select the REMOVE button, and
then select ACCEPT. To modify the selected point, select
the MODIFY button to display the editing controls in the
Critical Points menu (see Figure 5-29). To enter data for
the point, follow the procedures given below.
To enter Critical Point data:
a. To set the position of the Critical Point on the plan track,
select the POSITION ON CHART button and then select a
position the chart display, on the desired leg of the plan
track. While holding down the button on the pointing
device, move the cursor up and down the track line.
Observe the indicator at the top of the Critical Points menu,
to place the Critical Point at the desired distance from the
end of the track leg. For example, Figure 5-29 shows data
for a point located 2.40 nm before Waypoint 9.

Figure 5-29. Entering Data for

Critical Points

b. Enter a descriptive name for the Critical Point, in the NAME field.
c. Select an alarm option: ALARM DISTANCE or ALARM TIME. This setting determines the method
by which the Critical Point alarm will be displayed during plan execution: at a specific distance or
time before the ship intercepts the Critical Point. After the alarm option is set, enter the desired
distance or time value below the option button.
d. Enter the alarm text in the field that is labeled INPUT MESSAGE. During plan execution, this text
will be shown in the Critical Points Status window, when the Critical Point alarm is issued.
e. Select the ACCEPT button to accept the Critical Point data to the plan. The data will be saved
permanently when the plan is saved to disk.



Chapter 5: Route Planning


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Checking the Plan

As waypoints are added to the Voyage Plan, safety and validation checks can be made to ensure the
integrity of the plan. A Danger query and Validation check are performed automatically on saving the
plan. They can also be performed on operator command, as described below.
Plan validation checks for inconsistencies or other internal problems in the plan, as well as violations of a
safety zone established for each leg of the plan.
A Danger query obtains a list of known, unsafe conditions along the plan track.

Plan Validation

Plan validation checks the Voyage Plan for internal inconsistencies and safety checking violations. Plan
validation is performed automatically, when the plan is saved.
To perform plan validation on operator command:
Select the VALIDATE button from the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18).
During plan validation, a Voyage Plan leg safety zone is constructed for each leg of the plan, and safety
checking is performed based on the contents of the associated chart portfolio. When the validation
process is completed, a message window displays information about any problems that may exist with the
For more information on VMS/NAVIECDIS safety checking, see Chapter 7. For more information on
associating a chart portfolio with a Voyage Plan, see Paragraph For more information on adding
Danger Areas or other objects to a chart, see Chapter 9.
The following criteria are used in Voyage Plan validation:

The plan must have a valid name.

If the plan will be saved to an existing electronic file, that file must not be corrupted.
There must be at least two waypoints defined. The maximum number of waypoints is 200.
Waypoint locations must represent a valid latitude and longitude.
No two waypoints can be at the same position.
No turns may overlap; that is, turns must be separated by a plan leg.
Planned speed for each leg must be greater than zero, and less than the ships maximum speed.
For each leg, planned speed must be within the maximum and minimum limits saved for the leg.
For each waypoint, Turn Rate and/or Turn Radius must be within the limits of the known turning
characteristics of the ship.
Danger Query

From the Voyage Plan Editor, a Danger query searches for known hazards found along the plan track,
based on the contents of the associated chart portfolios. A Danger query is performed automatically when
the plan is saved.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

To check the plan for known dangers:

a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the DANGERS button to display the Danger
Query window.
b. If dangers exist along the plan track, the Danger Query window will display a list of safety
violations. To display detailed information about each known danger object, select it from the
list. The selected object will be highlighted on the chart display, and specific information about
the object will be displayed in the Danger Query window.
For more information on the Danger Query window, see Paragraph 3.5.1. For more information on
VMS/NAVIECDIS safety checking, see Chapter 7.


Saving the Plan

After creating or modifying a Voyage Plan, the Voyage Plan Editor can save the plan to the hard disk of
the local workstation. If an existing plan has been modified, it can be saved under its original filename or
under a new filename. The first time a plan is executed, it is distributed automatically to all running
workstations on the network.
Before saving, the Voyage Plan Editor performs a validation check on the plan. If validation errors are
found, a message window is displayed describing the problems with the plan. For more information on
plan validation, see Paragraph 5.6.10.
To save a plan under its original filename:
From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the SAVE button.
As a plan is being edited, it is recommended to save the data periodically.
To save a plan under a new filename:
a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the
SAVE AS button to display the Enter Filename menu.
b. From the Enter Filename menu (see Figure 5-30), enter the
desired name for the plan. The maximum number of
characters for a valid filename is 8.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to close the menu and save the


Figure 5-30. Enter Filename


Printing the Plan

On systems equipped with a printer, it is possible to print a hard copy of Voyage Plan data by selecting
the PRINT button from the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18). The print output is made to the default
system printer.



Chapter 5: Route Planning


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Removing a Plan

Removal of a Voyage Plan is performed using the system File Manager. The File Manager can also be
used for copying plan data between workstations, or to export Voyage Plan data in a standard, delimited
text format. For more information on using the File Manager, see Paragraph 10.5.


Great Circle and Composite Tracks

VMS/NAVIECDIS Voyage Plans provide for the use of rhumb line or great circle tracks. A plan can also
be constructed which uses a composite track, containing both types of tracks on different legs. Figure
5-31 illustrates an east-west track using a rhumb line.

Figure 5-31. Rhumb Line Track

To illustrate the use of the track types available in the Voyage Plan Editor, the following practical
example compares rhumb line, great circle and composite tracks for the same voyage.
For this example, assume that a plan must be created for a voyage from a point off the coast of California
to a point near Japan. The plan includes the following waypoints: Waypoint 1 is at 3747.815 N,
12231.966 W, and Waypoint 2 is at 3456.918 N, 15328.485 E. Figure 5-31 shows the plan track
from Waypoint 1 to Waypoint 2 if a rhumb line track is selected for Waypoint 1.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

Table 5-9 shows the total distance of the track leg, and the initial track to steer.
Table 5-9. Rhumb Line Track


Rhumb line distance, Wpt 1 to Wpt 2

4072.41 nm

Initial track bearing

267.6 degrees true

Great Circle Track

In the example plan, the shorter great circle track, or a composite track, would more likely be used.
Figure 5-32 shows the track for the same plan, if Waypoint 1 is changed from RL to GC.

Figure 5-32. Great Circle Selected

In Figure 5-32, the plan has been saved under a new name: CALJP_GC. Saving both versions of the plan
with different names allows both to be stored and recalled later as needed.
Table 5-10 shows that the length of the track leg has been reduced.



Chapter 5: Route Planning

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 5-10. Great Circle Track



Great circle distance, Wpt 1 to Wpt 2

3925.44 nm

Initial track bearing

296.2 degrees true

Composite Track

If the great circle track would take the ship to a higher latitude than desired, it is possible to set a limiting
latitude. When a limiting latitude is used, the system calculates a new track below the specified latitude,
adding waypoints as necessary.
Figure 5-33 shows a composite track, using a limiting latitude of 42 degrees. The plan now contains two
new great circle legs below the limiting latitude, and a rhumb line leg due west at the limiting latitude.

Figure 5-33. Composite Track Using a Limiting Latitude



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 5: Route Planning

Table 5-11 shows the total length of the track from Waypoint 1 to Waypoint 4. The Voyage Plan
illustrated in Figure 5-33 has been saved with the filename CALJP_LL.
Table 5-11. Composite Track


Composite distance, Wpt 1 to Wpt 4

3939.56 nm

Initial track bearing

289.8 degrees true

To enter the limiting latitude:

a. From the Edit Plan menu (see Figure 5-18), select the
LIMIT LAT button to display the Enter Limiting Latitude
menu (see Figure 5-34).
b. Enter the desired limiting latitude.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to close the Limiting Latitude



Figure 5-34. Enter Limiting

Latitude Menu

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 6


This chapter covers the following topics:

VMS/NAVIECDIS operation using automatic track steering.

Automatic Speed control.

This chapter explains VMS/NAVIECDIS operation for installations which include an autopilot interface.
The purpose of the autopilot interface is to keep the ship on the Voyage Plan track using automatic track
steering, by providing a method for the VMS/NAVIECDIS to send heading orders to an autopilot device.



The VMS/NAVIECDIS is compatible with autopilots made by Sperry Marine. It can also control
autopilots made by other manufacturers. Since design features and nomenclature may differ for each type
of autopilot, terminology used in this chapter is specific to the Sperry Marine products. Refer to the
operators manual supplied by the autopilot manufacturer for information on setting up the autopilot to
accept heading orders from the VMS/NAVIECDIS.
In this manual, the autopilot mode of operation in which heading orders are received from the
VMS/NAVIECDIS is referred to as Nav mode.




Voyage Plan Status Window

The VP Status window (see Figure 6-1) is displayed automatically whenever a

Temporary Plan or a stored Voyage Plan is started.
At the top of the window, the control state or error condition of the autopilot
interface is displayed. Other indicators display data related to the present plan
leg and the status of the running plan.
To close the VP Status window, select the
redisplayed at any time.

(Exit) button. It can be

To manually display the VP Status window:

a. From the main menu, select the Voyage Plan name indicator to display
the Voyage Plan Control window.

Figure 6-1. Voyage

Plan Status Window

b. From the Voyage Plan Control window, select the VP STATUS button.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

An alternate method to open the VP Status window is to select the STATUS button from the
secondary menu at the bottom of the screen.
Table 6-1 identifies and describes the indicators on the VP Status window.
Table 6-1. VP Status Window Indicators



Control state or error condition of the autopilot interface. Possible values are:
CONTROL OFF. A Voyage Plan has been started, but the VMS/NAVIECDIS is not
controlling the autopilot because automatic track steering is not activated or not
NOT TRACKING. Error condition in which the VMS/NAVIECDIS is not controlling the
ships heading, although automatic track steering is activated. May be due to position
sensor failure, cross-track error that is too large, or other factors.
TRACK. A plan has been started. Automatic track steering is activated and the
VMS/NAVIECDIS is controlling the autopilot. In Track mode, the ordered heading is
also displayed following the word TRACK.
AT ORDER LIMIT. Error condition in which a heading order has been issued that is
outside of the limit set in the Autopilot Control window.
For more information on VMS/NAVIECDIS Pilot Control modes, see Paragraph 6.3.1.


ID number of the waypoint toward which the ship is steering. An asterisk (*)
appearing after the waypoint number indicates that it is a temporary waypoint.


Time To Go. Time to the next wheel-over point (not to the next waypoint).


Distance To Go. Distance to the next wheel-over point (not to the next waypoint).


Bearing. True bearing of the plan track. This is not necessarily the same as bearing to
the next waypoint from Ownship.


Rate of Turn. Recommended turn rate to stay on track when the plan state is TURNING.


Cross-Track Error. Distance left or right of the plan track.


Present status of the loaded Voyage Plan. Possible values are:

IDLE. A Voyage Plan has been loaded but not started.
SAILING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is on a leg between waypoints.
APPROACHING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is approaching a turn at waypoint.
TURNING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is executing a turn at waypoint.
ENDING. Voyage plan has been started. Ship is approaching end-of-plan.
FINISHED. Voyage plan has been started. Ship has passed end-of-plan.



Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Autopilot Control Window

Controls for making adjustments while operating with automatic

track steering are provided from the Autopilot Control window (see
Figure 6-2).
To display the Autopilot Control window:
Select the PILOT button from the main menu.
For more information on making track-keeping adjustments, see
Paragraph 6.4.
Table 6-2 identifies and describes the controls and indicators on the
Autopilot Control window.

Figure 6-2. Autopilot Control

Table 6-2. Autopilot Control Window Controls and Indicators



Indicator showing the current heading order. The value for Ordered
Heading is computed from the Base Heading for the present Voyage
Plan leg, and any adjustment value presently ordered to stay on track.


Status indicator, in which a bright green status box indicates that the
autopilot is in Nav mode (Voyage Plan pilot control mode is TRACK).
When automatic track steering is not active, the status box is dark.


Indicator showing present Ownship heading, and the presently selected

source for heading data.


Drop-down menu from which to select the desired Track Controller

(gain) settings. The indicator to the right of the drop-down menu shows
the required change in ordered heading necessary to steer the ship along
the track line.


Indicator showing present values for Set and Drift. The selected source
for Set and Drift data (Computed or Manual) is displayed below the
indicated values. For more information on Set and Drift data, see
Paragraphs 2.7.6 and


Indicator showing the adjustment value that will be made to the heading
order, to compensate for Set and Drift.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

Table 6-2. Autopilot Control Window Controls and Indicators




The two Heading Order Limits indicators show the limits (left and right)
for heading orders made automatically to stay on track. The indicator on
the left shows the left heading order limit, and the indicator on the right
shows the right limit.
The slider control can be used to change the present value for Base
Heading, and the corresponding Heading Order Limits. For more
information on heading order limits, see Paragraph 6.4.3 .


Indicator showing the present value for intended heading, based on the
bearing value of the present Voyage Plan leg and environmental factors.


Drop-down menu from which to select the desired maximum value (5-45
degrees) for heading order adjustments to be made automatically to stay
on track. For more information on setting maximum heading order
adjustment values, see Paragraph 6.4.3.



A VMS/NAVIECDIS that includes an autopilot interface usually offers two possible Pilot Control modes:
Advisory mode and Track mode. The active Pilot Control mode affects the operation of the autopilot
interface while executing either a stored Voyage Plan or a Temporary Plan.
An additional mode of operation is available on systems which are configured with the optional joystick
control. Joystick operation is not covered in this manual.


Available Pilot Control Modes

Pilot Control modes include:

Advisory Mode: In Advisory mode, the VMS/NAVIECDIS monitors the ships progress along
the plan track, but does not adjust the autopilots heading order to keep the ship on the track line.
When the system is in Advisory mode, the ship is steered by direct helm orders or by the
autopilot in Auto mode. Advisory mode refers to any steering mode other than Track mode or
Course mode.

Track Mode: In Track mode, the VMS/NAVIECDIS issues heading order commands to the
autopilot to keep the ship on the Voyage Plan track, and to execute planned course changes. It
does so while adjusting for Set and Drift and other external conditions.

If the VMS/NAVIECDIS installation does not include an autopilot interface, then the system cannot send
heading order commands to the autopilot. In this case, the system can operate only in Advisory mode,
and Track mode is not available.



Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

When Track mode and Advisory mode are both available, the operator activates the desired operating
mode at the autopilot, and may switch back and forth between the two modes without stopping the
Voyage Plan. See below in Paragraph 6.3.1 for detailed information on selecting Pilot Control modes.
Operational modes for the VMS/NAVIECDIS and the autopilot are related as follows:

If the autopilot is in Auto mode, heading orders must be entered at the autopilot.
VMS/NAVIECDIS will remain in Advisory mode.

Selecting Nav mode at the autopilot switches the VMS/NAVIECDIS to Track mode
automatically. In Track mode, the system can adjust the heading orders to the autopilot, to stay
on track.


See Paragraphs 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 for detailed information on Advisory mode and Track mode. Table 6-3
identifies the relationship between the Pilot Control modes and various autopilot settings.
Table 6-3. Autopilot Settings and VMS/NAVIECDIS Pilot Control Modes





HELM, NFU, REMOTE or other steering control inputs.



Heading order inputs are made at the autopilot.



Heading orders are generated by the VMS/NAVIECDIS.

Available only when running a Voyage Plan.

The Pilot Control mode is indicated in the following ways:

VP Status window. The active mode is displayed at the top of the VP Status window (see Figure
6-1). See in Paragraph 6.2.1 for instructions on opening the VP Status window, and a full
description of possible indications.

Autopilot Control window. In Advisory mode, the displayed value for ORDERED HEADING is
white, and the status box in the CONTROL AUTOPILOT indicator is dark (see Figure 6-2). In Track
(or Course) mode, ORDERED HEADING is bright green, and the status box on the
CONTROL AUTOPILOT indicator is green.
In the Autopilot Control window, CONTROL AUTOPILOT is an indicator only. The Pilot
Control mode cannot be changed by selecting it.


Advisory Mode

In Advisory mode, the autopilot has not been switched to receive heading orders from the
VMS/NAVIECDIS. The ship is steered from the helm wheel, the autopilot, or another steering method
separate from the VMS/NAVIECDIS.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

If a plan is started while operating in Advisory mode, the VMS/NAVIECDIS is used only to monitor the
ships progress with respect to the plan track. In Advisory mode, the system does not adjust the
autopilots heading order to keep the ship on the track line. An Operator Message advises the operator
when approaching a waypoint, but the operator must execute the turn.

Verifying System is in Advisory mode

To verify that the system is operating in Advisory mode, observe the VP Status window (see Figure 6-1).
In Advisory mode, the indication CONTROL OFF is displayed at the top of the window. If the VP Status
window is not visible, it can be displayed by following the procedure described in Paragraph 6.2.1.


Track Mode

In Track mode, the VMS/NAVIECDIS issues heading order commands to the autopilot. All changes to
the ships heading must be initiated from the VMS/NAVIECDIS, though the autopilot executes the
heading commands.
The VMS/NAVIECDIS should never be operated in Track mode when accurate heading
or other navigational data is not available. If heading order adjustments are made based
upon data of insufficient accuracy, the system may be unable to keep the ship on the plan
A Voyage Plan must be started before attempting to place the VMS/NAVIECDIS into
Track mode. If the autopilot is placed in Nav mode when no Voyage Plan has been
started, the following Operator Message is displayed: AUTOPILOT CONTROL WITH NO
VOYAGE PLAN. This message will appear periodically until a Voyage Plan is started or
the autopilot is taken out of Nav mode.
To switch the VMS/NAVIECDIS into Track mode:
a. Start a Temporary Plan or a stored Voyage Plan.
b. Observe the value in the XTE (Cross-Track Error) indicator in the Voyage Plan Status window.
Switch the autopilot to Nav mode while the displayed cross-track error is as close to zero as
Immediately after the autopilot is switched into Nav mode, the VMS/NAVIECDIS will change to Track
mode and will begin issuing heading orders to the autopilot. The system will continue to change the
heading order to keep the plan track.
The indication NOT TRACKING may be displayed for a few seconds in the VP Status
window when Nav mode is first selected at the autopilot. The indicator should quickly
switch to TRACK.



Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Verifying System is in Track Mode

To verify that the system is operating in Track mode, observe the VP Status window (see Figure 6-1). In
Track mode, the indication TRACK is displayed at the top of the window. The present heading order is
displayed following the word TRACK. The PLAN indicator shows present state of the Voyage Plan:
APPROACHING, SAILING, TURNING, FINISHED, or IDLE. If the VP Status window is not visible, it can be
displayed by following the procedure described in Paragraph 6.2.1.

A NOT TRACKING Indication in the VP Status Window

When changing to Track mode, it is important to observe the VP Status window, to verify that TRACK
mode is indicated. If for any reason the system fails to set Track mode, the words NOT TRACKING will be
shown and the system will remain in Advisory mode. In this case, the ship must be steered manually until
the cause of the failure is found. The system cannot adjust the heading order to stay on track when NOT
TRACKING is indicated.
The Pilot indicator displays NOT TRACKING under the following conditions:

The ship has reached the end of the loaded Voyage Plan.
The present source of position data has become invalid.
The present source of heading data has become invalid.
Cross-track error has exceeded the maximum value saved in the Voyage Plan.

If NOT TRACKING is displayed, take the following corrective action:

To resume following the loaded Voyage Plan, a new Temporary Plan must be created and
accepted. For information on creating temporary Voyage Plans, see Paragraph 5.4.

When a NOT TRACKING condition results from excessive cross-track error (XTE), it is possible
that the value saved in the Voyage Plan for XTE Limit was set too low, or that another problem
exists with the systems track-keeping ability.

For more information on adjusting the allowable cross-track error in a Voyage Plan, see Paragraph For more information on making track-keeping adjustments, see Paragraph 6.4 below.

Course changes in Track mode

In Track mode, as in Advisory mode, an Operator Message is displayed when approaching a waypoint.
This message is displayed in the Operator Message window, at the top of the screen, at the operatordesignated Approach Time. At the same time, the PLAN indicator in the VP Status window changes to
In Track mode, an additional operator message is issued 60 seconds before the planned wheel-over point.
The operator must respond to the approach message using one of the buttons in the message window.
Possible responses to the approach message are:

REJECT. The message window will close, and the ship will maintain its present heading.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

ACCEPT. The system will automatically initiate the turn at the wheel-over point and will
complete the planned course change.

ACKNOWLEDGE. The audible alarm that accompanies the message will be silenced. The operator
must still accept the turn before the system can initiate any change in heading.

If a turn is not accepted and the ship has deviated from the plan track, the operator may rejoin the loaded
plan with or without switching out of Track mode. To rejoin the plan while remaining in Track mode, it
is necessary to start a Temporary Plan that includes a Return To Plan (RTP) waypoint.

Figure 6-3. Operator Message Before Planned Wheel-Over Point

To rejoin the plan while remaining in Track mode:
a. From the main menu, select the TMPVP button to display the Temporary Voyage Plan window.
b. From the Temporary Voyage Plan window, select the ADD RTP button.
position for the RTP waypoint 1*.

Select the desired

c. Select the ACCEPT button.

For more information on using a Temporary Plan for rejoining a Voyage Plan track, see Paragraph 5.5.1.
To rejoin the plan by switching out of Track mode:
a. Switch the autopilot out of Nav mode, and make the course change in Auto or Helm mode.
b. Switch the autopilot back to Nav mode. This will automatically switch the VMS/NAVIECDIS
back to Track mode. It is recommended that this step be performed when the ships cross-track
error is less than 50 meters.



Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Automatic System Response at Turns

In Track mode, on reaching a planned course change, the operator must take appropriate action as
described above. When the ship passes the turn without operator acceptance, the following Operator
Message is displayed: TURN NOT ACCEPTED. The system will respond according to configuration
settings made at the time of installation. There are two possible system configurations in regard to
unaccepted turns; Always Accept Turns may be enabled, or it may be disabled.
When a planned turn is not accepted, the system will respond in one of the following ways:

If Always Accept Turns is enabled. The ship will proceed with the planned turn. The
VMS/NAVIECDIS will make the planned course change as called for by the Voyage Plan, and
issue the TURN NOT ACCEPTED message. Not all ships are configured to meet this requirement.

If Always accept turns is disabled. The ship will maintain present heading and will not follow
the intended Voyage Plan track. The VMS/NAVIECDIS will automatically extend the present
track line to a new waypoint 500 nm from the ships present position, and will drop out of Track
mode. If it is desired to return to the plan track, additional operator action is required.

Turn Rate and Radius

The graphic representation of the plan on the chart display includes curved track lines at course changes,
representing planned turn rate and radius. In Track mode, when the Voyage Plan state is TURNING, the
system steers the ship through course changes based on this displayed turn radius.
The radius of the planned turn at each waypoint depends on turn data entered when the plan was created.
This data includes operator designated values for turn rate or radius, combined with planned speed. If the
ships speed is less than the planned speed, the ordered turn rate will be less than the planned rate. If the
ships speed is faster than the planned speed, the ordered turn rate will need to be greater than the planned
rate in order to stay on track.
That is, once a plan is saved, the graphically displayed turn radius at each waypoint becomes the
controlling factor. When the plan is executed, the turn rate will match the plan only if the ships speed
matches the planned speed. If the ships speed is greater than the planned speed, and the required turn
rate exceeds an acceptable value for the known turning characteristics of the ship, the following Operator
For information on setting Turn Rate or Turn Radius when saving waypoints to a temporary or stored
Voyage Plan, see Chapter 5 of this manual.



Controls for making track-keeping adjustments are provided from the Autopilot Control window (see
Figure 6-4). These controls allow the operator to set parameters for achieving the best possible trackkeeping performance in Track mode. The settings on the Autopilot Control window have no effect on the
system when operating in Advisory mode.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

To display the Autopilot Control window:

Select the PILOT button from the main menu.
ORDERED HEADING is displayed at the top of the Autopilot Control
window. In Track mode, the color of this indicator is green. It
shows the heading order being sent to the autopilot from the
VMS/NAVIECDIS. Actual Ownship heading is displayed below the
CONTROL AUTOPILOT indicator, along with the name of the selected
heading source.
The heading order is also displayed at the autopilot, as Course Order
or Order; but the VMS/NAVIECDIS is in control of these orders.
Operator inputs made from the Autopilot Control window
are valid only in Track mode, when the Voyage Plan state is
SAILING. Under these conditions, heading orders cannot be
changed using the controls on the autopilot.


Figure 6-4. Autopilot Control


Track Controller Mode

Selection of a Track Controller mode provides for operator adjustment of track-keeping performance, to
account for factors such as present traffic conditions, weather, ships location, and position sensor
performance. Track Controller mode selection adjusts the cross-track error gain settings, on which the
VMS/NAVIECDIS bases its heading orders to the autopilot. This setting controls how tightly the system
will keep to the plan track.
Selection of a Track Controller mode is performed from the
Autopilot Control window (see Figure 6-4), where the Track
Controller Mode drop-down menu is located below the heading
To select a Track Controller mode:.
a. Expand the Track Controller Mode drop-down menu (see
Figure 6-5), and select from one of the available choices.
Use the scroll bar at the right of the drop-down menu if the
desired setting is not visible.

Figure 6-5. Track Controller

Mode Menu

b. After a new Track Controller mode has been selected, the change remains in a pending state.
Select ACCEPT or APPLY to activate the new selection.
Available pilot gain settings are configured at the time of system installation, and tested
at sea trials to determine which settings provide the best results. Good track-keeping
performance in a variety of conditions can usually be achieved with three available gain



Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

The names for the available gain settings can be changed at installation, or later by a Sperry Marine field
engineer. Names used to designate specific gain settings vary from ship to ship. LOW GAIN, NOMINAL,
and HIGH GAIN are often used. Another common convention is to use the names TIGHT, NOMINAL, and
In Figure 6-5, the Track Controller mode has been set to NOMINAL. The number (-0.4) displayed to the
right of the drop-down menu button represents the change in ordered heading (in degrees) necessary to
steer the ship along the track line. The negative value means that the ordered heading is less than the
track bearing. This indicates that the ship is to the right of the plan track line, or there is a current pushing
the ship to starboard, which requires the corrective heading order to port. The track bearing is displayed
on the VP Status window, in the BRG indicator.
Regardless of the Track Controller mode setting, the VMS/NAVIECDIS compensates automatically for
the type of position data received from the selected Position sensor. For example, the system adjusts
sensitivity automatically when position data switches between DGPS and non-DGPS data.


Adjustment for Set / Drift

In the Autopilot Control window, present values for Set and Drift are displayed immediately below the
Track Controller Mode drop-down menu, (see Figure 6-4).
Adjustment for Set and Drift is always turned on. The system uses Set and Drift data from the systems
active data source (Computed or Manual), and adjusts the heading order accordingly to stay on track. The
number displayed in the ADJ FOR SET / DRIFT indicator shows the amount the heading order will be
adjusted due to Set and Drift.
Display of Set and Drift data is for informational purposes only. Calculations for Set and Drift are
performed automatically, and no operator adjustment is possible from the Autopilot Control window.
The selected SET / DRIFT DATA SOURCE is displayed below the SET / DRIFT indicator. The two possible
values are COMPUTED or MANUAL. Selection of a source for Set and Drift data cannot be made from the
Autopilot Control window; for more information on selecting data sources for Set and Drift, see
Paragraphs 2.7.6 and
The VMS/NAVIECDIS will steer onto the plan track even if manual Set and Drift values of zero are
used. However, in the presence of a significant current, the ship will acquire the track more quickly if
accurate values for Set and Drift are computed. This is especially true during, and just after, course


Base Heading and Heading Order Limits

In the lower part of the Autopilot Control window, under the label HEADING ORDER LIMITS, indicators are
provided to show the limits for heading values that the VMS/NAVIECDIS can order without requesting
operator confirmation. Below the indicators for the left and right limits and the base heading, a slider
control is provided for making manual adjustments to the base heading and the corresponding limits. In
addition, a drop-down menu is also available for adjusting the maximum value for automatic heading
order adjustment. This section of the Autopilot Control window is illustrated in Figure 6-6.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

The settings for heading order limits govern system behavior in

generating heading orders to keep the plan track. In Figure 6-6 for
example, the maximum heading order adjustment value is set to 10,
and the base heading is 052.4. This means that the VMS/NAVIECDIS
has determined that the present heading should be 052.4, and the
operator has limited the system to adjustments of five degrees or less.
If, due to set and drift, cross-track error, or other factors, the
VMS/NAVIECDIS needs to order a heading greater than 062.4, the
system will require operator confirmation to do so. In this case, the
PILOT indicator in the VP Status window will display AT ORDER
LIMIT. Also, an Operator Message will be displayed, requesting a
change in the base heading; for example, PILOT TO 065 (see Figure

Figure 6-6. Heading Order


Figure 6-7. Operator Message: Heading Order Limits Exceeded

When this type of message is displayed, it is usually the result of heading order limits that have been set
inappropriately for the present environmental situation. There are several possible responses to the
message. Choosing between these options is a matter of operator judgment and experience. The goal is
to keep the plan track while preventing the repeated and distracting issuance of Pilot to messages.
One response is to select the ACCEPT button from the Operator Message window. When the PILOT TO
message is accepted, a course correction will be made automatically. The Maximum Heading Order limit
value will be unchanged, but it will be referenced to a new Base Heading, chosen by the
Another possible response would be to adjust the Base Heading manually from the Autopilot Control
window, using the slider control. Again, the limits for Maximum Heading Order Adjustment remain the
same, but the system will have more freedom to steer in the direction required to keep the plan track.
System response would be similar to acceptance of the Pilot To message, except that the operator would
decide what the new Base Heading will be. In some cases, this may result in a quicker return to the plan
track, with fewer additional course corrections.
Still another response to the Pilot To message would be to increase the setting for Maximum Heading
Order Adjustment to a value that would allow the course correction without operator confirmation. After
the new value is applied, the Operator Message is cleared automatically, because the course correction
can be made without changing the present value for Base Heading.



Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Speed Control is an optional feature which enables the system to control the ships speed based upon
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) requirements of a running Voyage Plan, and/or manual input from the
operator. All VMS/NAVIECDIS stations can make inputs to the Speed Control; changes from any
station are distributed to all stations.
Speed Control computes the required Speed of Advance, Speed for ETA
and ETA Actual. This computed data is displayed in the Voyage Plan
Summary window, and can be used as advisory information even when
the system is not actively sending speed orders to the ships propulsion
control system. For more information on the Voyage Plan Summary
window, see Paragraph 5.5.4.
All operator inputs for the Speed Control are made from the Speed
Control window (see Figure 6-8).
Speed Control can operate only when a Voyage Plan has been
started and the ship has passed any temporary waypoints.
To open the Speed Control window:
Select the SPEED button from the secondary menu at the bottom
of the screen.


Speed Control Window Controls and Indicators

Table 6-4 identifies and describes the controls and indicators on the
Speed Control window.

Figure 6-8. Speed Control


Table 6-4. Speed Control Window Controls and Indicators




Button to turn the Speed Control on and off. When the Speed Control
is on, the status box on the button is bright green.


Indicator showing the present speed along the Voyage Plan track. This
data is available when the Speed Control is turned on and a Voyage
Plan is running.


Indicator showing the Speed of Advance required to make the planned

ETA based upon planned, maximum, and minimum leg speeds. This
data is available when the Speed Control is turned on and a Voyage
Plan is active.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

Table 6-4. Speed Control Window Controls and Indicators




Indicator showing the speed order presently being sent to the

propulsion system. If the Speed Control is off, the ships present speed
is displayed. If the Speed Control is on, the Ordered Speed indicator
shows the speed presently being ordered based upon the control status
information received from the propulsion control system and operator
inputs to the Speed Control.
The color of the indicator provides information about the control state
of the Speed Control. For more information on controlling Ordered
Speed, see Paragraph 6.5.2.


Indicator showing the Desired Time of Arrival (DTA). By default,

DTA is derived from the active Voyage Plan. If the Speed Control is
off, the DTA indicator is blank.
If the Speed Control is on, DTA can be modified manually by the
operator by moving the slider control. After the operator has made a
control input to change DTA, the color of the indicator changes to
yellow to indicate a pending state. For information on changing the
DTA, see Paragraph 6.5.3.


Button to reset DTA to the value saved in the Voyage Plan.


Indicator showing the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA), based on the

selected data source. For more information on the calculation of ETA,
see Paragraph 6.5.4.


Option buttons for selection of the data source for the ETA calculation:
planned speed or present speed.


Drop-down menu for selection of present ship loading conditions. For

more information on Loading Conditions, see Paragraph 6.5.5.


Applies all changes and closes the Speed Control window.


Applies all changes without closing the window.


Closes the window without applying changes.

6.5.2 Turning Speed Control On and Off

To turn the Speed Control on and off:
a. From the Speed Control window (see Figure 6-8), select the CONTROL SPEED button. When
Speed Control is on, the status box on the button is bright green. If required devices are not
available to the system, the CONTROL SPEED button is not available.
b. Select the ACCEPT button to activate the Speed Control and close the Speed Control window.
Select APPLY to activate the function without closing the menu.



Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

When Speed Control is off, the ships speed must be controlled manually. Any ordered speed changes
must be handled directly through the propulsion control system.
When on, Speed Control provides for automatic updates to ordered speed based upon Desired Time of
Arrival (DTA), and information found in the active Voyage Plan. The operator may input speed changes
by modifying the DTA; changes in DTA generate speed orders that override the planned speed set in the
Voyage Plan.
The status box on the CONTROL SPEED button, and the color of the ORDERED SPEED indicator, provide
information about the control state of the Speed Control. Table 6-5 describes the display colors used in
the ORDERED SPEED indicator.
Table 6-5. Ordered Speed Indicator Display Colors







Valid data; Speed Control is off. Indicator shows present

ship speed.



Error condition; Speed Control is off. Indicator shows

present ship speed.



Waiting for completion of procedure. Indicator shows

present ship speed.



Speed Control is commanding ordered speed values to the

propulsion control system. Indicator shows ordered speed.

Manual Adjustment for Desired Time of Arrival

When the Speed Control is on, the ordered speed to the propulsion system can be adjusted manually by
changing the Desired Time of Arrival (DTA).
To adjust DTA:

From the Speed Control window (see Figure 6-8), move the slider control for
DESIRED TIME OF ARRIVAL to the right to set a later arrival time, or to the left for an earlier
arrival time. The color of the DTA indicator will change to yellow, to indicate a pending status.

b. Select APPLY to activate the DTA adjustment and update the Speed Control indicators, or select
ACCEPT to activate the input and close the Speed Control window.
To restore the DTA value from the active Voyage Plan:
a. From the Speed Control window (see Figure 6-8) select the RESTORE PLANNED ARRIVAL button.
b. Select APPLY to activate the DTA adjustment and update the Speed Control indicators, or select
ACCEPT to activate the input and close the Speed Control window.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 6: Automatic Pilot and Speed Control

6.5.4 Selection of a Data Source for ETA Calculation

The value indicated for ETA is calculated based one of the following sources: data saved in the Voyage
Plan, or data representing the present Ownship situation.
To change the data source for the ETA indicator,
Select the PLANNED or the PRESENT option.
If the Speed Control is off, and the PLANNED option is selected, ETA is calculated based on planned
speed for all future Voyage Plan legs. If the PRESENT option is selected, ETA is calculated based on
present Speed of Advance for all future legs.


Adjustment for Ship Loading Conditions

Because ship loading conditions have an effect on Speed Control

function, the system provides for selection of loading options.
To adjust for ship loading conditions:
a. Expand the drop-down menu for loading conditions at the
bottom of the Speed Control window (see Figure 6-9). Then
select the desired value from the list: Full, Medium, or Light.
Figure 6-9. Ship Loading
c. Select ACCEPT to activate the selection and close the Speed Conditions Drop-Down Menu
Control window.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 7


This chapter covers the safety checking capabilities of the VMS/NAVIECDIS.



VMS/NAVIECDIS safety checking searches for dangers related to the present Ownship position and
course, and warns the operator of hazards to safe navigation. When a Voyage Plan is active, safety
checking is also applied to each leg of the Voyage Plan route. An alarm is issued when hazards are
found. The system performs its safety checking function by constructing a safety zone, and searching
chart data for potentially dangerous objects that would violate the safety zone.
With ECDIS-compliant vector-format charts, various objects found within the safety zone will cause an
alarm to be issued. In addition, operator-defined Danger Areas or other objects can be added to any type
of electronic chart. These objects are also visible to safety checking.
Only the charts in the active chart portfolio are checked for potential safety violations. Thus,
VMS/NAVIECDIS safety checking is enabled only while a chart portfolio is active. If no charts in the
active portfolio contain safety coverage for the ships present position, an alarm is issued.



Two types of safety zones are used:

Ownship safety zone. This zone moves with the ship. It is a three-dimensional box, defined by
the ships beam, a buffer on either side and to the stern of the ship, and operator-designated
values for Safety Depth, Safety Height, and Look-ahead Time.

Voyage Plan safety zone. During editing or execution of a Voyage Plan, this zone is based on
the plan track and the operator-designated cross-track error limit.


Ownship Safety Zone

The Ownship safety zone is illustrated in Figure 7-1. The width of the zone is fixed at twice the ships
beam. Thus, a safety buffer surrounds the ship to a distance of one-half the beam. The same buffer
extends to the rear of the ship. Ahead of Ownship, the zone is extended along the actual Course Over
Ground, to a distance based on an operator-entered value for Look-ahead Time and the ships speed.
Operator-entered values for Safety Depth and Safety Height, relative to the oceans surface, define the
upper lower limits of the Ownship safety zone. These values are used in checking for violations of the
safety zone based on the depth of charted hazards, or the height of objects which might cause an overhead


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 7: Safety Checking

Figure 7-1. Ownship Safety Zone

Setting Dimensions of the Ownship Safety Zone

Controls for operator entry of Look-ahead Time, and of the upper and lower limits of the Ownship safety
zone, are provided on the Safety Config window (see Figure 7-2).
Units used for Safety Depth and Safety Height are based on the operator-designated
Depth units, set in the Units of Measure window. Units used for charted depths are based
on chart data, and may not be the same as the units used in the Safety Config window.
To check the units used in the displayed chart, observe the Chart Legend window. For
more information on the Chart Legend window, see Paragraph 4.4.4. For more
information on Units of Measure, see Paragraph 2.6.4.
To set up the Ownship safety zone:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select
the SAFETY button to display the Safety Config window.
b. From the Safety Config window (see Figure 7-2), enter the
Look-ahead Time, Safety Depth and Safety Height.
c. After all values have been entered, select the ACCEPT button
to apply the new values and close the Safety Config window.



Figure 7-2. Safety

Configuration Window

Chapter 7: Safety Checking

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

The length of the Ownship safety zone increases if the operator increases the Look-ahead Time, or if the
ships speed increases. The depth of the zone increases when the Safety Depth is increased, and the
height of the zone increases when the Safety Height is increased. Entered values for Look-ahead Time,
Safety Depth and Safety Height are retained between executions of the VMS/NAVIECDIS software.
The Safety Depth can be displayed graphically when using ECDIS-compliant vector-format charts, as a
depth contour. Depending upon settings made from the Main Features menu, areas that are deeper than
the Safety Depth are colored differently from areas that are shallower than the Safety Depth. Two or four
depth shades can be used, with unsafe water colored blue and safe water colored light gray or white. For
more information on depth shades and the Main Features window, see Paragraph 4.9.2.


Voyage Plan Safety Zone

The Voyage Plan safety zone is based on the Voyage Plan track line. It follows the planned turn radius at
each waypoint (see Figure 7-3).






2 XTE max+ w

w=ownship width

Figure 7-3. Voyage Plan Safety Zone

For each leg of the plan, the width of the zone includes Ownship beam plus a buffer on each side which is
equal to the cross-track error alarm limit (XTE). Thus, the width of the Voyage Plan safety zone is equal
to twice the cross-track error limit plus the width of the ship. Since the cross-track error alarm limit can



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 7: Safety Checking

be set differently for each leg of the plan, the width of the Voyage Plan safety zone may vary from one
leg to another.
Voyage Plan safety checking is performed during plan editing and during plan execution. In the Voyage
Plan Editor, the entire plan is checked when the plan is saved. During plan execution, each leg is checked
when the ship turns onto the leg at a waypoint. Thus, the length of the Voyage Plan safety zone is based
on the length of the plan legs, and not on the operator-designated Look-ahead Time. The depth
component of the Voyage Plan safety zone is an operator-designated value saved for the entire Voyage
A similar safety zone is also used during execution of a Temporary Plan. With a Temporary Plan, the
cross-track error limit is the same for all legs, based on an operator setting made from the Temporary Plan
window. Thus, the width of the safety zone will be fixed for the entire Temporary Plan. If the operator
does not change the cross-track error limit for a Temporary Plan, the default value is 185 meters.
For more information on Voyage Plan execution, see Paragraph 5.5. For information on the Voyage Plan
Editor, see Paragraph 5.6. For information on Temporary Plans, see Paragraph 5.4.



Safety checking checks all objects inside the safety zones, and warns the operator when a safety violation
is found. Detected objects can be embedded features of an electronic chart, or they can be objects added
by the operator using the Chart Additions Editor.


Chart Portfolios

In order for an object to be detected as a safety violation, the object must be on an electronic chart that is
included in the active chart portfolio.
Charts can be selected manually for display, which are not necessarily included in the
active chart portfolio. Safety checking will not detect dangerous objects and areas on the
displayed chart if it is not included in the active portfolio.

Checking the Active Portfolio

On the main chart display, a chart portfolio can be activated manually, or it can be activated automatically
when it is associated with a loaded Voyage Plan.
To check the active portfolio on the main chart display:
Open the Portfolio window by selecting the CHARTS button from the secondary menu at the
bottom of the screen.
The name of the active portfolio is displayed at the top of the window. Charts contained in the active
portfolio are listed in the lower portion of the window. If no portfolio is active, or if a different portfolio
is needed, see Paragraph 4.5 for more information on portfolio activation.



Chapter 7: Safety Checking

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chart Portfolios in the Voyage Plan Editor

During creation or editing of a stored Voyage Plan in the Voyage Plan Editor, a chart portfolio should be
associated with the plan. The association of the portfolio is saved with the plan, and the portfolio will be
activated automatically when the plan is executed.
This associated portfolio is used by the Voyage Plan Editor in safety checking the plan. If no portfolio is
associated with the plan, the Voyage Plan Editors safety checking function is disabled.
The chart portfolio that is associated with a plan, and is used for safety checking in the
Voyage Plan Editor, is not necessarily the same as the portfolio that is presently active on
the main chart display.
For more information on the Voyage Plan Editor, see Paragraph 5.6.


Detecting Embedded Chart Features

The use of vector-format charts enables enhanced safety checking, in comparison to raster charts.
Features that are visible on ECDIS compliant vector charts are embedded in the chart data as objects.
These objects are categorized as points (buoys, beacons, obstructions, etc.), lines (depth contours,
boundary lines, etc.), or areas (Restricted areas, Anchorage Areas, etc.).
When an object is on a vector chart, it can trigger a danger alarm if the object violates the operator
designated value for Safety Depth; for example, when the system detects shallow depth areas. Similarly,
a Safety Height violation might be issued when overhead cables or bridges are detected. A danger alarm
is also triggered for a variety of specific object types listed in the international standard for ECDIS,
regardless of the safety depth and safety height; for example, Military Practice Areas, Anchorage
Prohibited Areas, and Specially Protected Areas. These types of objects always trigger a danger alarm
when a safety zone violation is detected.
Raster format charts offer reduced capabilities for safety checking. Because the chart data is stored as a
simple image, it does not provide for information to be stored about individual chart features. On raster
format charts, the only objects that can be detected by safety checking are those that have been added by
the operator using the Chart Additions Editor.

Navigational Purpose of Vector Charts

Vector-format charts are categorized according to navigational purpose, based on the compilation scale of
the chart data. The categories are World, General, Coastal, Approach, and Harbor. Safety checking is
limited to Approach and Harbor charts. Objects that are displayed on the smaller scale charts are not
detected, even when the objects are obviously hazardous to navigation.
When creating chart portfolios, it is important to include appropriate chart data to support
safety checking.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 7: Safety Checking

When appropriate charts are not available to enable safety checking functionality for a particular area,
known dangers can be added to the available charts using the Chart Additions Editor.
For more information on chart compilation scales, navigational purpose and other factors related to chart
accuracy, see Paragraph 4.3. For more information on the creation and editing of chart portfolios, see
Paragraph 4.11.


Detecting Operator Added Chart Features

The Chart Additions Editor can be used to add various types of objects to any electronic chart. When
objects are added to any chart, they are visible to safety checking. In the case of Danger Area objects,
safety zone violations are issued without regard to the settings for Safety Depth and Safety Height.
On raster format charts, objects which have been added by the operator are the only objects that can be
detected by safety checking. Other visible features of raster charts are displayed as graphic images only.
Safety-related data is not stored as a component of the chart.
For more information on adding objects to electronic charts using the Chart Additions Editor, see
Paragraph 9.3.



The VMS/NAVIECDIS will warn the operator when a violation of the Ownship safety zone or the
Voyage Plan safety zone is detected.


Indicating Detected Dangers on the Main Chart Display

On the main chart display, a safety checking violation is indicated by issuance of an alarm, which is
shown in the Alarm Display window (see Figure 7-4).
The alarm description is displayed in the Unacknowledged Alarms list, in upper portion of the window.
The operator can acknowledge the alarm to silence it. If the condition causing the alarm persists, the
alarm description will be moved to the lower portion of the window. Procedures related to
VMS/NAVIECDIS alarm display capabilities are described in more detail in Paragraph 2.5.
When the detected object violates the Ownship safety zone, the following alarm is issued: DANGERS
EXIST ALONG CURRENT COURSE. If no charts in the active portfolio contain safety coverage for the
ships present position, the following alarm is issued: PORTFOLIO HAS NO DANGER DATA FOR SHIPS
On loading a Voyage Plan that was saved without correction of validation errors, an alarm is issued
indicating the validation errors; for example, DANGERS EXIST ON LEGS 6 AND 9. While any Voyage Plan
or temporary plan is running, each plan leg is checked for violations of the Voyage Plan safety zone, as
that leg is begun. If a violation is found, the following alarm is issued: DANGERS EXIST ON PRESENT



Chapter 7: Safety Checking

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 7-4. Alarm Display Window

Because charts from the active portfolio are checked for safety violations, danger alarms are issued
without regard to whether the detected object is on the displayed chart. If the location of the detected
object is visible on the displayed chart, the object is highlighted. A Danger query can be used to obtain
more information about detected dangers. For more information on performing the Danger query, see
Paragraph 3.5.1.


Indicating Detected Dangers in the Voyage Plan Editor

On saving a plan in the Voyage Plan Editor, a validation process is applied to the entire plan. Validation
includes safety checking for every leg of the plan, based on the Voyage Plan safety zone. The same
check can be initiated by the operator, by selecting the VALIDATE button from the Edit Plan menu in the
Voyage Plan Editor.
If an object is detected which violates the Voyage Plan safety zone, a warning message is displayed. The
message is identical to the alarm message that would be displayed on loading the unvalidated plan; for
example, DANGERS EXIST ON LEGS 2 AND 4. The operator may choose to accept the plan with violations,
or modify the plan to remove or reduce the danger violations. In the editor, a danger query can be
performed for the plan by selecting the DANGERS button. Querying the plan in this way will provide
more information about specific objects that were detected.
Safety checking in the Voyage Plan Editor cannot be performed unless a chart portfolio is associated with
the Voyage Plan. To be effective, the portfolio must contain charts with the required embedded data, or
appropriate objects added by the operator, for all plan legs. If a portfolio has not been specified, or the
portfolio does not include danger information for some or all of the plan legs, a warning is issued when
the plan is saved or validated.
For more information on safety checking and validation functions in the Voyage Plan Editor, see
Paragraph 5.6.10.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 7: Safety Checking




Chapter 8


This chapter covers the following topics:

Target Display.
Automatic Identification System.

Radar Overlay.
Chart Match.

The VMS/NAVIECDIS is designed to interface with one or more Sperry Marine radars for display of
ARPA radar contacts and Navlines. The optional Radar Overlay enables the VMS/NAVIECDIS to
display radar video directly on the chart display. In addition, if the ship is equipped with an Automatic
Identification System (AIS), contact data from the AIS can be displayed at the VMS/NAVIECDIS.



Table 8-1 identifies and describes the radar and target controls available from
the main menu (see Figure 8-1)

Figure 8-1. Main

Menu Radar Controls
Table 8-1. Radar Controls on the Main Menu


Opens the Targets Menu window, which provides controls for various functions
related to the display of radar target data and collision avoidance.


Opens the Radar Display Control window, for adjustment of the display
characteristics of the Radar Overlay.
The Radar/Target button provides a quick method to turn the display on or off for
radar and target features, and it serves as a visual indicator for radar and target
display status. This button is described in more detail in Paragraph 8.2.1.


Radar/Targets Button

Selecting the
(Radar/Targets) button on the main menu opens a drop-down menu for
quick activation or deactivation of ARPA radar targets, AIS targets, and/or the Radar Overlay (see Figure



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

In addition, each of the three icons on the button indicates the status of a separate feature. The
(square) icon is linked to the display of ARPA targets, the
(triangle) is linked to AIS targets, and the
(oval) is linked to the Radar Overlay. The icons are green when the feature is turned on, or gray
when it is off.



The VMS/NAVIECDIS Target Display interface enables the display of radar contacts and AIS targets on
the chart display. All workstations have access to the same set of target data. Figure 8-2 illustrates the
display of target symbols on the electronic chart, including the course/speed vector, and history track.

Figure 8-2. ARPA Targets on the Chart Display

The length of the target speed/course vectors is tied to the length of the Ownship course vector, which is
controlled from the main menu using the drop-down menu for vector length. For more information on
setting vector length, see Paragraph 2.6.6.
All target vectors displayed at the VMS/NAVIECDIS represent the targets true Course
Over Ground, regardless of the source of the target data. Data for radar targets is
received from an ARPA radar as TTM sentences, and the targets course may be reported
as true or relative; however, the VMS/NAVIECDIS will convert a relative value to true
for display. Data for an AIS target is always reported to the VMS/NAVIECDIS as a true
Course Over Ground.



Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Detailed information about a specific target can be obtained by performing a Target query. For more
information about Target queries, see Paragraph 3.5.3.
The colors used for target symbols comply with applicable standards. However, because
colors used on raster charts are defined independently of these standards, symbols may
not be clearly visible on some raster charts.


Target Display Options from

the Features Menu

The display of target symbols, including AIS

targets, may be turned on and off from the
Main Features menu. Figure 8-3 shows the
available options available from the Features
menu, related to display of the target symbols
on the electronic chart display.
To open the Main Features menu:
Select the FTRS button from the
secondary menu at the bottom of the

Figure 8-3. Features Menu Target Display Options

Table 8-2 identifies and describes the available target display options.
Table 8-2. Target Display Options from the Features Menu



Turn on to enable the display of target symbols for ARPA radar targets.
When this button is turned on or off, the status indicator on the Radar/Target
button is changed also.


Turn on to enable the display of target symbols for AIS targets. When this
button is turned on or off, the status indicator on the Radar/Target button is
changed also.


Turn on to show the target ID number with the target symbol on the chart
display. This feature is turned off automatically if display of the symbol is
turned off.


Turn on to show the target name with the target symbol on the chart display.
This feature is turned off automatically if display of the symbol is turned off.


Turn on to show the name and call sign of the an AIS target vessel, if known.
This feature is turned off automatically if display of the symbol is turned off.


Turn on to show the target course vector with the target symbol on the chart
display. This feature applies to AIS targets as well as radar contacts. This
feature is turned off automatically if display of the symbol is turned off.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

Table 8-2. Target Display Options from the Features Menu



Turn on to show a history track with all target symbols on the chart display.
This feature is turned off automatically if display of the symbol is turned off.


Turn on to show the text of AIS data with the AIS target symbol on the chart


Data field for entry of an AIS range value, to limit the display of AIS data
based on range to the AIS target.


Target Numbering

Target numbering conventions vary depending upon the types of radars installed, and other configuration
parameters. When used with multiple radars, the VMS/NAVIECDIS performs target correlation. If two
radars acquire the same target, and assign the target separate target numbers, the system can recognize the
identity of the acquired contact, and assign it a unique number. The target is shown as a single symbol on
the chart display.
The starting and ending numbers made available for target IDs are configured at the time of system
installation. The numbering convention is designed not to conflict with target identification systems used
by the installed radar systems. Target numbering conventions cannot be changed by the operator.


If the Closest Point of Approach (CPA) or Time to Closest Point of Approach (TCPA) for a target is
below a pre-configured limit, the target vector and the outline of the target symbol and are red, and an
alarm is issued.
An example of an alarm indication based on a CPA or TCPA violation would be CPA LIMIT BREACHED
TARGET 52. When an actual collision danger exists, another alarm would be issued; for example,


Targets Menu

Most target display functions are accessed from the Targets Menu
window (see Figure 8-4).
To open the Targets Menu window:
From the main menu, select the ARPA button.
Data that is made available using controls from the Targets Menu
will also apply to AIS Targets. Table 8-3 identifies and describes
the controls on the Targets Menu window.



Figure 8-4. Targets Menu

Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 8-3. Targets Menu Controls



Opens the Target Display window, which shows numeric information

about tracked targets.


Opens the Target Data Pair window, for selection of targets for relative
data display.


If a printer is attached to the system, prints a list of data for targets in track.


Opens the Target Edit window, for operator editing of data relative to a
selected target.


Opens the Target History window, from which the history track for
displayed targets can be turned on and off.


Opens the Target Swap window, from which ID numbers for a selected
pair of targets can be exchanged.


Forces the VMS/NAVIECDIS to assign the lowest available ID number to

the next tracked target


Closes the Targets window.

Target Data Display

The Target Data Display window (see Figure 8-5) provides information about all tracked targets,
including ARPA and AIS contacts. The data is displayed in a table format.
To open the Target Display window:
a. Open the Targets Menu window as described above in Paragraph 8.3.3.
b. From the Targets Menu (see Figure 8-4), select the TARGET DATA DISPLAY button.

Figure 8-5. Target Data Display Window



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

The Target Data Display can be closed by selecting the

(Exit) button in the upper right corner of the
window. By default, the information listed in the target table is sorted by Target ID. The list can be
resorted by selected the button at the top of the following columns: ID, Name, Symbol, Range, CPA, and
Table 8-4 identifies and describes each of the columns in the target table.
Table 8-4. Target Data Display Column Names


Target identification number.


Target Name.


Operator designated target platform a text description of the target..


Symbol assigned to the target.


Range to the target from Ownship.


Bearing of the target from Ownship.


Targets present position.


Targets present course.


Targets present speed.


Bearing to the target at Closest Point of Approach.


Targets present heading.


Targets present Rate of Turn.


Bearing from Ownship to the targets Closest Point of Approach.

CPA (nm)

Range to Closest Point of Approach.

TCPA (min)

Time to Closest Point of Approach.

Target Edit

For any target in track, the name, platform, type and threat designation can be edited, and the display of
the history track for the individual target can be turned on and off. The controls for selecting and editing
a target are provided on the Target Edit window (see Figure 8-6).
To select and edit a target:
a. Open the Targets Menu window as described above in Paragraph 8.3.3.
b. From the Targets Menu, select TARGET EDIT to display the Target Edit Menu window (see Figure



Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

c. From the Target Edit Menu (see Figure 8-6), select the
ON CHART button, and then select a target on the chart
display. The ID number of the selected target is displayed in
the ID indicator.
d. Enter a name for the target in the NAME field, and brief text
description in the PLATFORM field.
e. Select the HISTRY button to turn the targets history track on
and off in the chart display. When the history track is on, the
buttons status box is bright green. See below in Paragraph for more information on controlling the target history

Figure 8-6. Target Edit Menu

Make selections for target TYPE and for THREAT from the drop-down menus.

g. Once editing is complete, select the ACCEPT button. The target symbol on the chart display will
change according to the selected threat level, and data entered for the target will be added to the
Target Display window.

Target Swap

In some cases, targets may be identified incorrectly, or

identification numbers of tracked targets may accidentally be
interchanged. The Target Swap window provides the operator
with the ability to correct this situation, by swapping identification
numbers between two existing target symbols.
To swap target identification information:
a. Open the Targets Menu window as described above in
Paragraph 8.3.3.

Figure 8-7. Target Swap


b. From the Targets Menu (see Figure 8-4), select the SWAP TARGETS button to display the Target
Swap window (see Figure 8-7).
c. Select the target IDs to swap. From the Target Swap window, first select the ON CHART button
for 1st ID, and select a target on the chart display. Then select the second ON CHART button, and
select a second target on the chart display.
d. To execute the swap and close the Target Swap window, select the ACCEPT button.

Reset IDs

Target ID numbers are normally assigned sequentially. As targets are dropped, some lower ID numbers
may become available. The RESET IDS button forces the system to assign the lowest available ID number
to the next tracked target.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

To reset target IDs:

a. Open the Targets Menu window as described above in Paragraph 8.3.3.
b. From the Targets Menu (see Figure 8-4), select the RESET IDS button.
c. A message window will be displayed, requesting operator confirmation for the Reset IDs
operation. To proceed, select the YES button on the message window.

Target History Track

The displayed history track for target symbols on the chart display can be turned on and off by various
To control the history track use one of the following procedures:
1. To change the display of the target history track for all
targets, one method is to open the Targets Menu window as
described in Paragraph 8.3.3, and then select the
TARGET HISTORY button. From the Target History window
(see Figure 8-8), select the ALL HISTORY ON button or the
ALL HISTORY OFF button, and then select ACCEPT.

Figure 8-8. Target History


2. To change the display of the target history track for all targets, another method is to change
settings in the Features menu, as described in Paragraph 8.3.1. From the Features menu (see
Figure 8-3), select the HISTORY option under the TARGETS subheading to turn the target history
track on or off.
3. For each target, edit target information as described in Paragraph From the Target Edit
window (see Figure 8-8) select the HISTORY button to control the display of the history track.

Print Target List

If a printer is available, a target list can be printed showing all targets in track.
To print the target list:
a. Open the Targets Menu window as described above in Paragraph 8.3.3.
b. From the Targets Menu (see Figure 8-4), select PRINT TARGET LIST.

Relative Target Data

For any tracked target, it is possible to display relative data between that target (Target A) and another
known object (Target B), which can be another radar target, Ownship or a geographic location.
Parameters for relative target display are selected from the Target Data Pair window (see Figure 8-10).



Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To set up the relative data display:

a. Open the Targets Menu window as described in Paragraph 8.3.3.
b. From the Targets Menu (see Figure 8-4), select


c. From the Target Data Pair window (see Figure 8-9),

select a radar contact to be designated as Target A:
1. Select the TGT1 ON CHART button.
2. Select a target symbol on the chart display. The ID
number of the selected target is displayed in the
TARGET 1 indicator.
d. Select the type of object to be designated as B:

Figure 8-9. Setting Up

Relative Target Data


2. If OWNSHIP was selected, no further information is needed. If TARGET was selected, select
the desired target on the chart display. If POSITION was selected, select the TGT2 ON CHART
button, and then select the desired location on the chart.
e. Select the ACCEPT button.
After the designation of Target A and Target B is made and accepted, an additional window is displayed,
showing numeric data related to each object, and relative data between the objects (see Figure 8-10).
The following data is displayed relative to A and B:

Target A data. The top part of the window

displays data for the designated Target A,
including the target ID, bearing to B, position,
course and speed.

Target B data. The middle section of the

window displays data for the designated
object B, which may be a radar target,
Ownship, or a selected position. Displayed
data includes (as applicable) the target ID,
bearing to A, position, course and speed

Relative Data. The bottom part of the

window displays relative data from A to B.
Relative data includes range between the two
targets, range and bearing at CPA, and TCPA.

Figure 8-10. Target Data Pair Window



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

To end calculation and display of relative target data:

a. From the Targets Menu (see Figure 8-4), select the TGT DATA PAIR button to redisplay the
controls for setting up the relative target data display.
b. Select the CLEAR button (see Figure 8-9).
b. Select the ACCEPT button to close the Target Data Pair window, and end calculation and display
of relative target data.



The Automatic Identification System (AIS) enhances navigational safety by providing an automated
method for communication of essential data between ships at sea. Using an AIS transponder, ships
continuously transmit their identity, position, course, speed, and other voyage related data, to other ships
and to shore stations. The data is received automatically, and made available for display.


Display of AIS Contacts on the Electronic Chart

For ships equipped with AIS, the VMS/NAVIECDIS can be configured to receive and display contact
data from the AIS transponder, and display triangular target symbols for AIS contacts on the electronic
chart (see Figure 8-11). Various system configurations are available, in which the AIS transponder can be
connected directly to the VMS/NAVIECDIS or in which the AIS is connected to the VMS/NAVIECDIS
through the radar.

Figure 8-11. AIS Targets With Target Query



Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

The display of AIS symbols on the electronic chart can be enabled or disabled from the Main Features
window (see Figure 8-3), as described in Paragraph 8.3.1. While the AIS transponder is active, AIS
contacts are displayed automatically, if the AIS SYMBOL option is turned on. To limit the display of AIS
contacts to those within an specified range from Ownship, enter the desired value in the AIS RANGE field.
When AIS is configured, the system correlates ARPA and AIS targets, and synchronizes their ID
numbers. When an AIS target is correlated with an ARPA target, a dot is displayed inside the target
symbol. AIS targets are visible in the Target Data Display window, Target Data Pair window and other
displays related to contact data.
AIS target symbols are oriented toward the targets heading. If a Rate of Turn is detected for the target, a
hook is drawn at the end of the targets course vector to show the direction of the turn.


Viewing Received AIS Data Using a Target Query

Additional information about any displayed AIS target can be obtained using a Target query.
To perform a Target query:
a. From the main menu, select the QUERY button to expand a drop-down menu of query types.
b. Select the TARGET QUERY button, and then select one of the target symbols on the chart display.
The result of the query is shown in the Target Query window, as illustrated in Figure 8-11. For general
information on queries in the VMS/NAVIECDIS, see Paragraph 3.5.



Navlines are radar maps, which are used at the Sperry Marine radar displays as an aid to navigation. Each
Navline map consists of one or more line segments, which can be used to help identify traffic separation
zones, channel boundaries, submerged obstructions, hazardous areas, coastal features, intended track
lines, or any other information considered appropriate by the operator.
Navline maps are stored as electronic files, using the NVL filename extension. They can be displayed at
the VMS/NAVIECDIS, or at a compatible radar (RASCAR or BridgeMaster ECDIS).
Navlines are created using the Chart Additions Editor. For more information, see Paragraph
They can also be created at the radar. See the radar documentation for information on creating,
displaying and transferring Navlines at the radar.
To enable or disable the display of Navlines at the local workstation:
a. Open the Main Features window by selecting the FTRS button from the secondary menu at the
bottom of the screen.
b. Select or deselect the RADAR NAVLINES option. When enabled, the status box on the button is
bright green.
c. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the selection and close the window.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

To select Navlines for display:

a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen,
select the NAVLINE button to display the Control Navline
window (see Figure 8-12).
b. From the Control Navline window, the Navline file to be
c. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the selection and close
the window.
The selected Navline map is shown on the chart display as a group
of line objects. It is made available for display at all workstations.
If the radar is so configured, Navlines are automatically displayed
at the radar when selected and accepted at the VMS/NAVIECDIS.
Navline files can be copied or deleted using the system File
Manager. For more information on the File Manager, see
Paragraph 10.5.


Figure 8-12. Control

Navline Window


The optional Radar Overlay uses a special hardware interface between the radar and the
VMS/NAVIECDIS, which allows radar video to be displayed on the electronic chart. On installations
that are configured for the Radar Overlay, the alignment of charted objects with the radar position of the
same objects can provide a visual check on the accuracy of the chart and of Ownship position as reported
by the position sensor.
Controls for the Radar Overlay permit the operator to select a radar transceiver as the source for the radar
video display, and to adjust and test the radar video. Control inputs to the radar transceiver are not made


Activating the Radar Overlay

To activate or deactivate the Radar Overlay:

(Radar/Targets) button on the main menu (see
a. Select the
Figure 8-13), to expand a drop-down menu of radar display options.
b. From the drop-down menu, activate the Radar Overlay by selecting the
button labeled SHOW RADAR OVERLAY. If the Radar Overlay is already
activated, the button is labeled HIDE RADAR OVERLAY.
When the Radar Overlay is activated, the
button is bright green.

(oval) icon on the Radar/Targets



Figure 8-13. Radar


Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Radar Overlay Adjustments

Adjustments to the Radar Overlay are made from the Radar

Display Control window (see Figure 8-14).
To open the Radar Display Control window:
From the main menu (see Figure 8-13), select the RDR CTL
Table 8-5 identifies and describes the controls on the Radar
Display Control window.

Figure 8-14. Radar Display

Control Window
Table 8-5. Radar Display Control Window Controls



Drop-down menu for selection of a radar transceiver.


Slider control for selection of a Transparency value, which determines the

extent to which the chart display can be seen through the radar video.


When on, Sea Clutter removal is made automatically.


Slider control for manual adjustment of Sea Clutter removal.


Slider control for manual adjustment of Rain Clutter removal.


Slider control for manual adjustment of video gain.


When on, filtering is applied to reduce interference from other radar



Opens the Radar Test window, for controlling the display of the radar test
pattern and/or the test target.


Applies all settings and closes the window.


Closes the window without applying changes to radar settings.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

Selecting a Radar Transceiver

If the system installation includes the optional Radar Interswitch, the operator may select one of up to six
radar transceivers to provide radar video for the Radar Overlay.
Radar transceiver selection permits the operator to take advantage of the optimum radar for a particular
situation, given the radar location and operating characteristics. Since the VMS/NAVIECDIS is in a
slave configuration in relation to the radar, actual transceiver characteristics cannot be changed from a
VMS/NAVIECDIS workstation.
To select a radar transceiver:
From the Radar Display Control window (see Figure 8-14), expand the XCVR drop-down menu (if
available) and select from the list of available transceivers.

Transparency Adjustment

The level of transparency of the Radar Overlay display determines the extent to which the electronic chart
can be seen through the radar video.
The available transparency levels are identified by a number from 0 to 6. The lower the transparency
level, the more transparent the radar overlay will be, and the more clearly visible the chart display will
appear. The higher the level, the less transparent the radar overlay will be, and the chart display will be
less visible. At level 0, the Radar Overlay is not displayed.
To adjust the transparency level:
From the Radar Display Control window (see Figure 8-14), move the TRANSPARENCY slider
control left or right until the desired transparency level is obtained.

Clutter Reduction

Under the heading of Clutter Reduction, adjustments are provided for Sea Clutter, Rain Clutter, video
Gain, and Radar Interference Cancellation.

Sea Clutter Removal Adjustment

The level of Sea Clutter removal can be adjusted manually, or it can be set for automatic adjustment. The
percentage (1 - 100) of Sea Clutter removal is displayed next to the SEA control. The higher the
percentage, the more Sea Clutter is removed from the display.
To set automatic control of Sea Clutter removal:
From the Radar Display Control window (see Figure 8-14), select the AUTOSEA button.
When the AutoSea feature is turned on, the status box on the button is bright green. To turn the automatic
feature off, deselect the AUTOSEA button. The AUTOSEA button must be off (indicated by a dark status
box) before a manual setting for sea clutter removal can take effect.



Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To manually adjust the level of Sea Clutter removal:

From the Radar Display Control window (see Figure 8-14), move the SEA slider control left or
right until the desired amount of sea clutter is removed from the display.

Rain Clutter Removal Adjustment

The level of Rain Clutter removal can be adjusted manually. The percentage (1 - 100) of Rain Clutter
removal is displayed next to the RAIN control. The higher the percentage, the more Rain Clutter is
removed from the display.
To adjust the level of Rain Clutter removal:
From the Radar Display Control window (see Figure 8-14), move the RAIN slider control left or
right until the desired amount of rain clutter is removed from the display.

Gain Adjustment

Video gain can be adjusted manually. The percentage (1 to 100) of video gain is displayed next to the
GAIN control.
To adjust the Radar Overlay display intensity:
From the Radar Display Control window (see Figure 8-14), move the GAIN control slider left or
right until the desired intensity is achieved on the Radar Overlay display.

Radar Interference Cancellation

Radar Interference Cancellation filters interference from other radar antennas. Interference Cancellation
can be turned on and off from the Radar Display Control window.
To activate or deactivate the removal of interference from other radars:
Select the RADAR INTERFERENCE CANCELLATION button from the Radar Display Control
window (see Figure 8-14).
When Radar Interference Cancellation is turned on, the status indicator on the button is bright green. To
turn Interference Cancellation off, deselect the button.


Radar Overlay Test

To test the video display capabilities of the VMS/NAVIECDIS workstation, independent of the
transceiver, a Radar Overlay test pattern is available for display (see Figure 8-15). The test pattern
simulates radar video. An operator-defined test target can be added to the Radar Overlay test display if

Defining and Activating the Test Pattern and Test Target

The test pattern and test target can be activated from the Radar Test window (see Figure 8-15).



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

To open the Radar Test window:

a. Open the Radar Display Control window as described above in Paragraph 8.6.2.
b. From the Radar Display Control window (see Figure 8-14), select the TEST button
To display the radar test pattern:
From the Radar Test window, select the TEST TARGET PATTERN button to display the test
pattern. When the test pattern is turned on, the status box on the button is bright green.

Figure 8-15. Test Pattern Display With Test Target

On the Radar Test window (see Figure 8-15), the controls for display of the test target are contained in
the frame labeled VARIABLE TEST TARGET.
The test target is displayed as an arc on the
VMS/NAVIECDIS chart display, at the selected relative bearing and range from Ownship. Operator
selections for Width, Range and Depth control the size of the target symbol.



Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To display the test target:

a. From the Radar Test window, select the ON button to display the test target. When the test target
is turned on, the status box on the button is bright green.
b. Make adjustments as necessary to the test target display, to set the size of the test target symbol
and its position relative to Ownship. Adjustments for size and position of the test target symbol
are made using the slider controls inside the frame labeled VARIABLE TEST TARGET. Details
about the available adjustments are provided in Table 8-6.
Table 8-6. Test Target Adjustments



Relative bearing to target, from Ownship. Measured in degrees.


Width of target symbol. Measured in degrees of arc, originating at Ownship.


Range from Ownship to the target symbol.


Thickness of the target symbol.

After all adjustments have been made, select the ACCEPT button to close the Radar Test window and
display the test target.

PSC Status Registers

In addition to the controls described above, indicators are also provided on the Radar Test window to
display information related to the radar scan converter device in the VMS/NAVIECDIS computer. These
status indicators are inside the frame that is labeled PSC STATUS REGISTERS (see Figure 8-15). This
diagnostic information is used for troubleshooting the system hardware, and is not used by the operator.



Chart Match provides for application of an offset to the electronic chart display, based on a comparison of
the charted position of a particular object (buoy, tower, etc) to a radar return position for the same object.
Chart Match is executed from the Chart Match window (see Figure 8-16). It is available on systems
which include Radar Overlay.
Accuracy of the radar target returns in range and bearing on close-in targets must be
confirmed prior to performing this procedure and applying the chart offset. A radar that
is improperly calibrated, operated or maintained may induce errors into the calculations
and the resulting chart offset.
To use Chart Match, the operator selects a point from the electronic chart, and then selects the same point
as represented on the Radar Overlay. After the points have been selected, the calculated offset between



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 8: Radar Overlay and Contact Management

the two points is displayed in the lower portion of the Chart Match window. If the operator accepts the
offset, it is applied to the electronic chart. No changes are made to the chart display if the operation is
To use Chart Match:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen,
select the MATCH button to display the Chart Match
b. From the Chart Match window (see Figure 8-16), select
SELECT CHART POINT. Then select the desired object on
the displayed chart. Be sure to position the cursor
accurately over the object selected for comparison.
c. From
SELECT RADAR OFFSET PT, and again very accurately
position the cursor over the radar return for the same
object chosen in step b.

Figure 8-16. Chart Match


d. If necessary, select RESET OFFSET POINT and reselect the radar offset point.
necessary only if the radar offset point was first selected in error.

This step is

The two points, Chart Point and Radar Offset Point, can be selected or changed in any order.
Once the points have been selected, the RANGE and BEARING indicators on the Chart Match
window will show the difference in range and bearing data from the actual radar return to the
same object as displayed on the electronic chart.
e. To apply the chart offset, select the ACCEPT button. On the electronic chart, Ownship will be
repositioned, and the chart display will shift to show the Chart Point and the Radar Offset Point
aligned. The offset will only occur if both points have been selected, and they are in different
locations. The CANCEL button closes the menu without applying or saving any changes.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9


This chapter covers the following topics:


Chart Additions Overview.

Displaying Chart Additions.
Chart Additions Editor.


Electronic charts are as accurate and as complete as possible, within the limitations of existing
hydrographic survey data. In addition to the data supplied by the navigational chart, however, operatorentered information often must be included, concerning known dangers, navigational aids, or other data
related to specific chart locations.
With paper charts, this information is added to the chart as markup. The VMS/NAVIECDIS provides for
chart markup through the creation of operator-defined Mariner Objects. These objects are added to the
basic chart data, using the Chart Additions Editor. The added objects are referred to as Mariner Objects
or Chart Additions, and can be added to any type of electronic chart. Various types of objects can be
added, including areas, lines, or points on the chart.
In addition to adding objects, the Chart
Additions Editor can also be used to mark
charted objects as deleted, when they are
known to be in error. Navlines, which are
operator-defined groups of lines displayed at
the Sperry Marine radars and at the
VMS/NAVIECDIS, can also be created
using the Chart Additions Editor.


Displaying Chart Additions

Objects which have been added to the

electronic chart data are displayed as
symbols on the chart display (see Figure
9-1). The symbology used conforms to
international ECDIS standards, and is
documented in the Chart One Presentation
Library. For information on using the Chart
One Presentation Library, see Paragraph

Figure 9-1. Chart Additions on the Chart Display



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9: Chart Markup

Generally, the added objects are saved for a specific chart. Thus, when a chart containing added objects
is displayed, any objects saved to that chart are automatically displayed. An object which is associated
with a specific chart is displayed only with the chart to which it was saved. If a different chart is selected
the object is not shown, even if its location is shown.
The exceptions to this rule are Navlines and Navigation Points. Objects of these types are associated with
their location, and not with a specific chart. They can be displayed on any chart (including the Planning
Sheet) whose coverage area includes the objects location.

9.2.2 Chart Additions Options From the

Features Menu
The display of individual types of Chart Additions
objects can be turned on and off at the local workstation,
from the Features menu.
Figure 9-2 shows options available from the Features
menu, related to the display of Chart Additions objects.
For more information on chart display features and the
Features menu, see Paragraphs 2.6.3 and 4.9.
To display the Features menu:
Select the FTRS button from the secondary menu
at the bottom of the screen.

Figure 9-2. Features Menu:

Chart Additions Options



The Chart Additions Editor (see Figure 9-3) is used to create, edit or remove objects of all types. The
central part of the editor window is occupied by a chart display. Controls are provided for adjusting the
chart display, selecting a chart, and other chart display functions. The menu area at the right of the editor
window provides controls for editing Chart Additions objects.
Objects saved using the Chart Additions Editor can also be copied or deleted using the File Manager. For
example, they can be copied to a floppy disk and used as a backup, or for transfer from one
VMS/NAVIECDIS installation to another. For more information on the system File Manager, see
Paragraph 10.5.
To open the Chart Additions Editor:
Select the

(Mariner Object) button from the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen.



Chapter 9: Chart Markup

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Figure 9-3. Chart Additions Editor

The Chart Additions Editor window hides the main chart display area, where voyage monitoring
operations are performed. To immediately return to the main chart display and hide the Chart Additions
Editor, select the HIDE button from the Main menu. To go back to the Chart Additions Editor, select the
SHOW button.
When editing is completed, close the editor by selecting the
the Chart Additions Editor window.


(Exit) button at the upper right corner of

Chart Display in the Chart Additions Editor

The Chart Catalog is accessible within the Chart Additions Editor, to select a chart to which objects can
be saved. Selecting a chart is an important first step in the process of creating or editing Chart Additions,
because most objects (with the exception of Navlines and Navigation Points) must be saved to a specific



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9: Chart Markup

To select a chart:
a. From the Chart Additions Editor (see Figure 9-3), select the CHART button to display the Chart
b. Select the desired chart, and then select ACCEPT at the bottom of the Chart Catalog. The selected
chart is displayed in the chart area of the Chart Additions Editor.
After a chart is selected, the name of the chart and the scale of the editors chart display are indicated in
the menu area to the right of the chart display.

Chart Display Controls and Indicators

Table 9-1 identifies and describes the editors chart display controls and indicators.
Table 9-1. Chart Display Controls and Indicators in the Chart Additions Editor



These buttons are similar in function to the zooming controls on the main
menu. They adjust the display scale of the editors chart display.


Returns the display to the natural scale of the selected chart, to undo scale
changes made using the zooming controls.


Like the OFFSET button for the main chart display, allows the operator to
move around on the chart.


Opens the Coordinate Editor menu, providing controls for moving around on
the displayed chart by jumping to any charted location. For more
information, see Paragraph


This indicator shows whether safety coverage is active for the chart
displayed in the editor. The button is turned on automatically when Danger
Areas have been added to the chart. For more information on the
NO DANGERS / CHT COVERED button, see Paragraph

Chart name and scale


These indicators show the name of the chart displayed in the editor, and the
present scale of the chart in the editors chart display.


Drop-down menu for Electronic Bearing Lines (EBL) and Variable Range
Markers (VRM). These tools are useful in the Chart Additions Editor, for
measuring range and bearing values on the chart display. EBLs are not
saved as Chart Additions. For more information on the EBLs and VRMs,
see Paragraph 3.2.



Chapter 9: Chart Markup

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Jumping to a Specific Chart Location

The GOTO POS button (see Figure 9-3) allows the operator to find
specific locations on the chart. Locations that are needed repeatedly
can be saved by name, and then selected from a drop-down list.
To jump to a designated chart location:
a. From the Chart Additions Editor (see Figure 9-3), select the
GOTO POS button to display the Coordinate Editor menu (see
Figure 9-4).
b. If the desired location has previously been saved by name,
select the
(Arrow) button to expand the drop-down list of
saved locations. Select the desired location from the list. Any
Figure 9-4. Coordinate Editor
location can also be entered as position coordinates, in the
c. Select ACCEPT or APPLY to shift the chart to show the desired location.
To save a location by name:
a. From the Coordinate Editor window, enter the desired position coordinates, and then enter a
descriptive name in the NAME field.
b. Select the SAVE button to save the displayed location to the drop-down list of saved locations.

No Dangers Indicator

In the Chart Additions Editor (see Figure 9-3), the state of the NO DANGERS / CHT COVERED indicator
shows the safety checking status of the chart that is open in the editor.
If one or more Danger Areas have been added to the chart, the status box on this indicator will be bright
green. This indicates that safety checking is enabled for the chart, even if the chart would not normally be
used as a source of safety information. For example, charts whose navigational purpose is World,
General, or Coastal are not normally covered for safety checking unless Danger Areas have been added.
If safety checking is enabled for a chart by the addition of a Danger Area, safety coverage is enabled
automatically, and it cannot be turned off by the operator.
If no Danger Areas have been added to the chart, the NO DANGERS / CHT COVERED indicator will remain
dark. On saving other types of Chart Additions objects, a message window is displayed, reminding the
operator that no danger information has been added to the chart:


The Editing Process

After a chart is selected, the editing process for Chart Additions involves selecting an object category and
type, and then selecting an action: to add, edit or remove an object from the chart. The following subparagraphs provide an overview of the editing process. For detailed examples based on specific object
types, see Paragraph 9.3.3.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9: Chart Markup

Selecting Object Category and Type

Chart Additions objects are classified according to their object category, and then by object type. After a
chart is selected in the Chart Additions Editor, the first step in adding, editing or removing objects is to
select the desired object category and type.
On opening the Chart Additions Editor, the available object categories are shown at the top of the editors
menu area (see Figure 9-5). Each object category is displayed on a separate button. After an object
category is selected, the Objects Types menu for the selected category is displayed (see Figure 9-6).
For example, in Figure 9-6, the available object types are displayed for the Aids to Navigation category.
Within that category, the selected object type is Light, as indicated by a bright green status box on the
LIGHT button. The name of the selected object type is also displayed in green at the top of the menu.

Figure 9-5. Object Categories


Figure 9-6. Object Types Menu

(Light Objects)

Table 9-2 identifies the available object categories, and the object types available for each category.



Chapter 9: Chart Markup

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table 9-2. Chart Additions Object Categories and Object Types

Object Category

Available Object Types


Available object types include Danger Area, Restricted Area, Traffic

Separation Zone, Shoreline Construction, Polygon, and Rectangle. These
objects represent a closed perimeter on the chart.


Available object types include General Line, Traffic Separation Line, and
Arc. These objects represent a line on the chart.


Available object types include Lateral Beacon, Cardinal Beacons (North,

South, East and West), Special Purpose Beacons, Isolated Danger Beacon,
and Safewater Beacon. These objects represent a point on the chart.


Available object types include Position Fix, Position Line, Tidal Stream,
Chart Deletion, Navigation Point, Chart Annotation, Text Note, Topmark,
and Light. These objects represent a point on the chart.


No separate object types are available in this category.

Selecting an Action

After selecting an object type, the ADD, EDIT or REMOVE button can be used from the Object Types menu
(see Figure 9-6), to initiate an action in the Chart Additions Editor. Actions taken from the Object Types
menu apply only to objects of the selected object type.
Table 9-3 identifies and describes the action controls in the Object Types menu.
Table 9-3. Chart Additions Editor Action Controls



Select this button to add a new object to the electronic chart, of the selected
object type.


Select this button to initiate the process of selecting and modifying an

existing Chart Additions object.


Select this button to initiate the process of selecting and removing an

existing Chart Additions object.

When the ADD button is selected, the Object Types menu is replaced by an attribute selection menu
specific to the selected object type. The procedure for attribute selection is described in Paragraph When the EDIT or REMOVE buttons are selected, an existing object must be selected on the
editors chart display, as described in Paragraph



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9: Chart Markup


Chart Additions objects can also be deleted using the VMS/NAVIECDIS File Manager.
For more information on the File Manager, see Paragraph 10.5.

Object Selection for Editing or Removal

After an object type has been selected, and an Edit or Remove action has been initiated, it is necessary to
select the object which will be removed or edited.
To initiate editing or removal of an existing object:
a. Check that the object is visible on the displayed chart. If it is not, use the OFFSET CHART button
or the GOTO POS button to shift the chart to the desired location.
b. Select the desired object on the chart display. After the object is selected, the Select Feature to
Edit (or Remove) window is displayed (see Figure 9-7), and the object is highlighted on the chart.
If more than one object of the selected object type is found, each object is displayed on a separate
button in the top part of the window.
c. From the Select Feature window, ensure that the desired object is selected, and then select the
ACCEPT button.

Figure 9-7. Selecting an Existing Object for Editing or Removal

When removing an object, it will immediately disappear from the editors chart display.
When editing an object, the attribute selection window for the selected object type will now open, to
provide for changes to the object.



Chapter 9: Chart Markup

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Object Attributes

When adding or editing an object, the Object Types menu is replaced

by an attribute selection menu specific to the selected object type. For
example, Figure 9-8 illustrates the Light menu, from which to set
specific attributes for a Light object.
Object attributes include the location of the object, its color, shape, or
other characteristics. A similar menu is available for each object type.
Since objects of different types will have different sets of attributes,
the number of buttons available at the top of the menu will differ
depending on the selected object type.
The ASSOCIATE FTR & CHART indicator, which is located near the
bottom of the menu, indicates whether the object being edited is
associated with the specific chart that is shown in the editor. Most
objects are associated with the chart to which they are saved, and so
the status box on this indicator will be bright green. Navigation
Points and Navlines are exceptions to this rulethese objects are
associated with their location, and not with a specific chart. Thus, for
these objects, the status box will be dark.
The ASSOCIATE FTR & CHART indicator cannot be selected by the
operator to change the association of the object with the chart.
Figure 9-8. Light Menu

Setting Object Location

One attribute that is required for all Chart Additions objects is its
location. To set the position of the object select the LOCATION button
(see Figure 9-8) to display the Geometry Attribute Edit menu Figure
9-9 illustrates the Geometry Attribute Edit menu that would be
provided for an object, like a light, which is located by a single point
on the chart..
To set the location of a point on the chart:
a. Enter a position, using one of the following procedures.
1. Select the MANUAL button, and then enter the desired
values into the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE fields. After
entering the position coordinates, accept the point by
selecting the ACCEPT PT button
2. Select the CHART button and then select the desired
location on the editors chart display area.
If the position information is entered incorrectly, select the
REMOVE LAST button and then select the location again.

Figure 9-9. Geometry

Attribute Edit Menu



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9: Chart Markup

b. To apply the entered values and close the Geometry Attribute Edit menu, select the ACCEPT

Other Attributes

Depending upon the object type, additional attributes may need to be

defined, such as size, color, shape, or length.
For the Light object, for example, the Chart Additions Editor provides
a Color attribute. To designate the color of the light, select the COLOR
button (see Figure 9-8) to display the Color menu (see Figure 9-10),
where each color is shown on a separate button. Select the desired
color and then select ACCEPT to close the Color menu.

Save or Cancel Changes

After all changes for a Chart Additions object have been entered and
accepted, the changes are not saved to the system hard disk until the
SAVE button is selected from the Object Types menu (see Figure 9-6).
To cancel all changes made in the editor since the last save, select the
CLEAR button.

Figure 9-10. Color Menu

After saving, return to the Object Categories menu (see Figure 9-5), by selecting the CLOSE button from
the Object Types menu.
Table 9-4 identifies and describes the controls for saving or discarding Chart Additions changes.
Table 9-4. Controls for Saving or Discarding Chart Additions Changes



Saves changes to the selected chart. After saving, the Object Types menu
remains open, allowing further editing of objects of the selected object type.


Cancels all unsaved changes. The Object Types menu remains open,
allowing further work with objects of the selected object type.


Closes the Object Types menu, and returns to the Object Categories menu.



Chapter 9: Chart Markup


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chart Additions Examples

The following examples provide detailed editing procedures which can be used for various object types.

Danger Areas

The Danger Area is displayed on the chart as shown in Figure 9-11.

Figure 9-11. Danger Area Displayed on the Electronic Chart

Adding a Danger Area

To add a Danger Area:

a. From the Object Categories menu (see Figure 9-5), select the AREAS button to display a list of
Area object types. Select the DANGER AREA button.
b. Select the ADD button to open the Danger Area menu, for attribute selection.
c. From the Danger Area menu, select the LOCATION button to display the Geometry Attribute Edit
menu (see Figure 9-12). A Danger Area is defined by three or more points, enclosing a perimeter
on the chart. From the Geometry Attribute Edit menu, the MANUAL button or the CHART button
can be used to set the position of points that define the perimeter of a Danger Area.
After at least two points have been defined, the area perimeter will be completed automatically
when the area is accepted.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9: Chart Markup

Figure 9-12. Setting Points for Danger Area Location

To set point locations using the MANUAL button:
1. From the Geometry Attribute Edit menu (see Figure 9-12), select the MANUAL button.
2. In the LAT and LON fields, enter position coordinates for the first point of the Danger Area
perimeter. After entering the desired values, select the ACCEPT PT button. A red dot is
shown on the chart at the designated position.
3. Enter another set of latitude and longitude values, to create a second point on the areas
perimeter. Again, select the ACCEPT PT button. A line will be drawn from the first point to
the second point. Continue defining the perimeter of the Danger Area by placing points on
the chart. If an error is made while entering the any point, select the REMOVE LAST button to
remove the last point entered.
4. Select the ACCEPT button to close the Geometry menu and return to the Danger Area menu.
To set point locations using the CHART button:
1. From the Geometry Attribute Edit menu (see Figure 9-12), select the CHART button.
2. In the editors chart display area, select a location on the chart where the Danger Area will
begin. A red dot is shown on the chart at the selected point.
3. Select a second location on the chart. A line will be drawn from the first point to the second
point. Continue adding points to the chart to define the Danger Area. If a point is selected on
the chart in error, select the REMOVE LAST button to remove it from the chart.
4. Select the ACCEPT button to close the Geometry Attribute Edit menu and return to the
Danger Area menu.
e. Select the ACCEPT button on the Danger Area menu.



Chapter 9: Chart Markup

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Modifying A Danger Area

To modify an existing Danger Area:

a. From the Chart Additions Editor (see Figure 9-5), select the AREAS button to display a list of
Area object types (see Figure 9-6). Select the DANGER AREA button, and then select EDIT.
b. On the chart display, select the Danger Area to be edited. After an area is selected, the Select
Feature to Edit window is displayed (see Figure 9-13), showing information about the selected
Danger Area. Check that the desired area is selected, and then select the ACCEPT button to open
the Danger Area menu for attribute selection.
c. From the Danger Area menu (see Figure 9-13), select the LOCATION button or the USER REMARK
button, and make changes as desired. Procedures for modifying an existing area are the same as
those given above for creating a new area (see Paragraph
d. When changes to the Danger Area are complete, select ACCEPT to return to the Object Types
e. When all editing changes are complete, select the SAVE button.

Figure 9-13. Danger Area Selected for Editing

Removing A Danger Area

To delete an existing Danger Area:

a. From the Chart Additions Editor (see Figure 9-5), select the AREAS button to display a list of
Area object types. Select DANGER AREA (see Figure 9-6), then select REMOVE.
b. On the chart display, select the Danger Area to be removed. The Select Feature to Remove
window is displayed (similar to Figure 9-13), showing information about the object that is



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9: Chart Markup

selected for removal. Check that the desired area is selected, and then select the ACCEPT button
to close the Select Feature to Remove window.
c. Select the SAVE button to complete the removal of the Danger Area.

Lines and Arcs

The Lines and Arcs category contains object types which are represented by a straight or arced line on the
chart display.
The location of a Line object is defined by a starting point and an ending point, which are set using a
procedure similar to that for setting the perimeter of a Danger Area, as described in Paragraph
The following example demonstrates the tools used for setting the location of an Arc object (see Figure

Figure 9-14. Arc Object

To add an Arc object:
a. From the Chart Additions Editor (see Figure 9-5), select the LINES AND ARCS button to display
the list of object types that are available in this category. Select the ARC button.
b. Select the ADD button to open the Arc menu, for attribute selection.
c. From the Arc menu, select the LOCATION button to display the Geometry Attribute Edit menu
(see Figure 9-14). An Arc object is defined by an origin point, range, starting angle, and ending



Chapter 9: Chart Markup

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

d. The first step in defining the arc is to set the location of the origin point, which represents the
center of the arc radius. This is accomplished by first selecting the ORIGIN button, and then using
the MANUAL button or the CHART button to set the point on the chart, as described in Paragraph for the Danger Area.
e. Select the RANGE button to set the distance from the origin point to the arc. The selection of the
MANUAL button or the CHART button also applies to range.
To set range using the MANUAL button:
1. Enter a value in the RANGE field
2. Select ACCEPT RNG. A range ring is drawn on the chart at the indicated range.
To set range using the CHART button:
1. Drag the screen cursor away from the origin point, while observing the RANGE indicator. A
range ring is drawn on the chart at the indicated range.
2. Release the pointing device to set the range.
e. After the origin point and range are established, move the STARTING ANGLE slider control to set a
bearing angle for the beginning point of the arc. Move the ENDING ANGLE control to set the
bearing of the ending point. The arc will be drawn clockwise, from the starting point to the
ending point. If both angles are set to zero, the arc will be a complete circle.

When changes to the Arc object are complete, select ACCEPT to return to the Object Types menu.

g. When all editing changes are complete, select the SAVE button.

Chart Annotations

A Chart Annotation is a text comment that can be added to an electronic chart. It could
be used, for example, to provide descriptive information about an existing charted
object. The location of a Chart Annotation is marked on the chart by a symbol (see
Figure 9-15); the Chart Annotation text is not shown on the chart display. A Chart
query can be used to view the text when needed. For more information about Chart
queries, see Paragraph 3.5.2.
To add a Chart Annotation:
a. From the Chart Additions Editor (see Figure 9-5), select the NAV AIDS button
to display a list of Nav Aids object types.

Figure 9-15.

b. Select the CHART ANNOTATION button, and then select the ADD button to open the Chart
Annotation menu, for attribute selection.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9: Chart Markup

c. From the Chart Annotation menu, select the LOCATION button

to open the Geometry Attribute Edit menu (see Figure 9-9).
Use the CHART button or the MANUAL button to set the
location of the Chart Annotation, as described in Paragraph for the Danger Area. After the location is set, select
the ACCEPT button to apply the selected location and close the
Geometry Attribute Edit menu.
d. Select the USER REMARK button to open the User Remark
menu (see Figure 9-16). Enter the desired text, and then select
the ACCEPT button.
A User Remark can be saved with most types of Chart
Additions objects. Querying the chart for information on any
Chart Additions object provides access to the User Remark
text (if any) that was saved with the object.

When all changes are complete, select the SAVE button.

Figure 9-16. User Remark

Navigation Points

The location of a Navigation Point object is marked on the chart by a symbol (see Figure
9-17). This type of object can be used, for example, to mark charted objects that are used
in making a visual fix.
Navigation Point objects are not associated with a specific chart. When a
Navigation Point is added, it will be displayed at its saved location on
any chart or the Planning Sheet.

Figure 9-17.

To add a Navigation Point:

a. From the Chart Additions Editor, select the NAV AIDS button (see Figure 9-5), to display a list of
Nav Aids object types.
b. From the list of Nav Aids object types, select NAVIGATION POINT. The procedure for completing
the definition of the Navigation Point object is similar to those described above for Chart
Annotations. See Paragraph


Navlines are simple, operator-defined maps which are displayed on the electronic chart. They can be
used to help identify traffic separation zones, channel boundaries, submerged obstructions, hazardous
areas, coastal features, intended track lines, or any other information considered appropriate by the
operator. Each Navline map consists of a group of line segments, which may or may not be connected to
each other.



Chapter 9: Chart Markup

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Navlines can be created and managed at the radar, or they can be created, modified, or removed using the
Chart Additions Editor (see Figure 9-18). Each group of lines is saved to the system hard disks as a
single Navline file, which is named using the NVL filename extension. Navlines can also be copied or
deleted using the system File Manager.

Figure 9-18. Chart Additions Editor: Navlines Added

Navlines added at any location are available for display on any chart covering that location. Unlike most
other objects added using the Chart Additions Editor, Navlines are not associated with a particular chart.
When adding Navlines, any chart that shows the desired location, including the Planning Sheet, can be
displayed in the Chart Additions Editor. For more information on Navlines, see Paragraph 8.5.
The display of Navlines is controlled from the Features menu, separately from the list of Chart Additions
options. To enable or disable the display of Navlines, use the RADAR NAVLINES button from the Features

Creating Navlines in the Chart Additions Editor

Any number of line segments can be saved to a Navline file. Each line segment is located on the chart by
its starting point and ending point.
To create a new Navline file:
a. From the Object Categories menu (see Figure 9-5), select the NAVLINES button. There are no
additional object types under the Navlines category, so the Object Types menu will open with no
available choices in the top part of the menu. Select the ADD button to display the Navline menu
(see Figure 9-18).



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9: Chart Markup

b. From the Navline menu, set the location for the starting and ending points of the first line
segment. The MANUAL button or the CHART button can be used to set the point locations.
To set point locations using the MANUAL button:
1. From the Navline menu (see Figure 9-18), select the MANUAL button.
2. In the LAT and LON fields, enter position coordinates for the starting point of the first line
segment to be placed on the chart. After entering the desired values, select the ACCEPT PT
button. A red dot is shown on the chart at the designated position.
3. Enter a second set of latitude and longitude values to set the lines ending point, and again
select the ACCEPT PT button. When the second point is accepted, the line is drawn on the
displayed chart. If an error is made while entering any point, select the REMOVE LAST button
to remove the last point entered.
To set point locations using the CHART button:
1. From the Navline menu (see Figure 9-18), select the CHART button.
2. In the editors chart display area, select a location for the starting point of the first line
segment to be placed on the chart. A red dot is shown on the chart at the designated position.
3. Select a second location on the chart. A line will be drawn from the first point to the second
point. If an error is made while entering any point, select the REMOVE LAST button to remove
the last point entered.
c. Continue adding line segments. Normally, the ending point of the previous line segment serves
as the starting point of the next.
To start an unconnected segment, select the
BEGIN LINE SEGMENT button before setting the lines starting point.
d. When all line segments have been added, enter a name for the Navline file, in the NAME field.
Navline filenames must contain no more than sixteen characters. If a space is included in the
filename, the Navline file will not be usable at the BridgeMaster ECDIS radar.
e. Navlines are saved from the Navline menu, not from the Object Types menu. After naming the
file, select the SAVE button to close the Navline menu and return to the Object Categories menu
(see Figure 9-5). Use the CANCEL button to return to the Object Categories menu without saving.

Editing or Removing Existing Navline Files

Existing Navline files can be modified or removed using the Chart Additions Editor, even if the file was
originally created at the radar. The procedure for selecting the Navlines file is different from the selection
procedure for other object types.
Navlines can also be copied or deleted using the VMS/NAVIECDIS File Manager. For
more information on the File Manager, see Paragraph 10.5.



Chapter 9: Chart Markup

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To select a Navline file for editing or removal:

a. From the Object Categories menu (see Figure 9-5), select the
NAVLINES button. There are no additional object types under
the Navlines category, so the Object Types menu will open
with no available choices in the top part of the menu. Select
EDIT or REMOVE to display the Edit (or Remove) Navline
menu (see Figure 9-19), where each available Navline file is
listed on a separate button.
b. Select the button for the desired Navline file, then select the
ACCEPT button at the bottom of the menu
When editing a Navline file, line segments can be added using the
same procedures as for creating a new file, as described in Paragraph Use the REMOVE LAST button to delete line segments in
reverse order, even if that line segment was added at a previous
editing session. The REMOVE LAST button is the only method by
which saved line segments can be removed.

Figure 9-19. Edit Navline




VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 9: Chart Markup




VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10


This chapter covers the following topics:


System Menu.
Navigation Data Logging.
System Playback.
File Manager.


From the System Menu window (see Figure 10-1), a variety of basic system functions are available.

Figure 10-1. System Menu

To open the System Menu:
Select the SYSTEM button from the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen.
Table 10-1 identifies and describes the controls on the System Menu window.
Table 10-1. System Menu Controls


Opens the on-line version of the system Operators Manual.


Initiates the automated update process for the VMS/NAVIECDIS software.


Opens the VMS Maintenance window, for entry of a password to permit the
performance of locked maintenance operations.


Resets the Center Window to its default setting. The Center Window defines
the reset boundary and the designated center location for the chart display.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10: System Tools

Table 10-1. System Menu Controls




Saves a log of system data to a floppy disk, for transfer to Sperry Marine as
an aid in system diagnosis when a problem has occurred.


Opens the Diagnostics window, from which maintenance personnel can

obtain about the VMS/NAVIECDIS software version, memory usage, and
other diagnostic information.


Opens the Screen Capture window, from which the operator can capture an
image of the display screen, and designate a filename and location for saving
the captured image file.


Opens the Brightness Check window, which provides for measured

adjustment of monitor brightness.


Closes the System Menu window.


VMS Help

From the System Menu, select the VMS HELP button to display the on-line version of the system
Operators Manual.
For legibility, the Operators Manual display is shown in Day brightness. Because the brightness of the
manual may have an adverse effect on the operators vision at night, the manual may only be opened
when the workstation is set to Day brightness. For more information on adjusting the VMS/NAVIECDIS
for ambient lighting conditions, see Paragraph 2.6.1.


VMS/NAVIECDIS Software Updates

Software updates for the VMS/NAVIECDIS can be applied using an automated process from the
distribution CD-ROM. To apply the update, the system should already be running. The update must be
applied separately at each individual workstation.
To apply a software update:
a. Insert the VMS/NAVIECDIS update disk into any system CD-ROM drive.
b. From the System Menu (see Figure 10-1), select the UPDATE button. Follow the on-screen
instructions to complete the update procedure.


Maintenance Password

For maintenance purposes, a password may be assigned by Sperry Marine for access to locked system



Chapter 10: System Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To enter the password:

a. From the System Menu (see Figure 10-1), select the PASSWORD button to open the VMS
Maintenance window.
b. Enter the assigned password, then select the ACCEPT button to apply the password.


Reset Center Window

When the chart display is set to Center mode, the Ownship symbol or outline is always visible on the
electronic chart. By default, as Ownship moves toward the edge of the chart display, the chart shifts
automatically to show Ownship at the center point of the display screen. The chart is repositioned when
Ownship reaches a pre-configured reset boundary.
An operator-designated Center Window can be used when desired, to control the reset boundary and the
designated center location on the display screen. For more information on using an operator-designated
Center Window, see Paragraph If an operator-defined Center Window has been applied, the
systems default behavior can be restored immediately from the System Menu.
To restore the default screen center and reset boundary:
From the System Menu (see Figure 10-1), select the RESET CTRWIN button. The change is applied


System Capture

System Capture provides a convenient method to immediately gathering information about the state of the
VMS/NAVIECDIS at the moment when a problem has occurred. Data concerning the software state is
saved to one or more floppy disks, which can be sent to Sperry Marine for analysis.
Since System Capture saves system data to floppy disks, it is useful only if a supply of
disks is available to the operator. Disks inserted for data capture are erased before data is
stored on them.
The data log saved by System Capture consists of all data related to the previous 24 hours from the time
when the capture is executed, at the workstation where the capture is executed. Captured data is
compressed to an electronic file in the Cabinet (*.CAB) format.
The autopilot overwrites its log data each hour. Thus, if steering related data must be
captured, it is necessary to perform the capture within that time limitation.
While the workstation is gathering data for System Capture, voyage planning and
monitoring functions on that workstation are interrupted.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10: System Tools

To perform a System Capture:

a. From the System Menu (see Figure 10-1), select the CAPTURE
button. As the capture is executed, a message window is displayed
indicating that the log file capture is in progress.
b. After the data has been gathered, a message window is displayed
(see Figure-10-2), prompting the operator to save the data by
inserting a floppy disk. Insert a disk into the workstations floppy
drive, and select the ACCEPT button. If more floppy disks are
needed, the system will prompt for them. Label the disks to show
the date, workstation (node) name, ship identification, and a title
for the specific problem that occurred.

Figure-10-2. Prompt for

Floppy Disk

c. Repeat the capture procedure on each workstation in the system,

using a different floppy disk for each. Label all disks clearly.

d. Once all data has been gathered, write down a description of the problem as it was perceived by
the operator. Transmit the description and the disks to Sperry Marine for analysis.


Diagnostics Window

The Diagnostics window (see Figure 10-3) provides diagnostic functions which assist in system analysis
and troubleshooting. In the event of a system-related problem, maintenance personnel can make use of
information provided there.
To display the Diagnostics window :
From the System Menu (see Figure 10-1), select the DIAGNOSTICS
Most of the information that is available from the Diagnostics window
is not intended for use by operators. However, the Build Information
window (see Figure 10-4) can be used to identify the specific software
version that is installed. It is important to make note of this build
information, and to include it in any correspondence to Sperry Marine,
such as requests for service or observations regarding the system.

Figure 10-3. Diagnostics


Figure 10-4. Build Information Window



Chapter 10: System Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To display the Build Information window:

From the Diagnostics window (see Figure 10-3), select the BUILD button.


Screen Capture

Screen Capture is a convenient way to save the present state of the VMS/NAVIECDIS display, for
recording of a ship situation, production of training materials, documentation of an error condition, or any
other purpose in which a picture of the display screen could be useful.
The screen image can be sent directly to the printer, or can be saved as an electronic file, in the .BMP
format. By default, it is saved to the local floppy drive, though it can be saved to any accessible drive on
the system network.
To perform a Screen Capture:
a. From the System Menu (see Figure 10-1), select the
SCREEN CAPTURE button, to display the Screen
Capture window.
b. From the Screen Capture window (see Figure 10-5),
image will be saved as a file, enter the desired path and
Figure 10-5. Screen Capture Window
c. Select the SNAP button to execute the capture.


Monitor Brightness Check

The brightness check is a method for accurately setting the monitors brightness control, and the contrast
control where available, to an optimal setting. This adjustment is made from the Brightness Check
window (see Figure 10-6).
To open the Brightness Check window:
From the System Menu (see Figure 10-1), select the CHECK BRIGHTNESS button.
The Brightness Check window contains a gray box within a black rectangle. When the brightness check
is performed, the operator adjusts the monitor controls while observing the gray box. All colors used in
the electronic chart should be clearly visible when the gray rectangle can be just be seen.
Typically, LCD monitors have only a single operator-accessible control, for setting the brightness (also
known as backlight intensity). Contrast adjustments for these monitors are preset to an optimal setting,
and there is no contrast control on the monitor. CRT monitors typically have both a brightness and a
contrast control. On both types of monitors, index marks on these controls indicate settings calibrated at
the time of system installation.
Because of the differences in the available controls, the procedure for making the brightness check is
slightly different for the two types of monitors.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10: System Tools

Figure 10-6. Brightness Check Window

Brightness Check for LCD Monitors

To perform the brightness check for an LCD monitor:

a. First, prepare the monitor for the test by turning the brightness control to the indexed position.
b. From the Brightness Check window (see Figure 10-6), observe the gray box in the center of the
window. Then take one of the following actions:
1. If the box is not visible, increase the brightness setting until it can just be distinguished on the
2. If the box is clearly visible, leave the brightness control at the indexed setting.
After brightness check adjustments have been made, the black level of the monitor is correctly set. Use
the brightness control only if further adjustment is needed for viewability.

Brightness Check for CRT Monitors

To perform the brightness check for a CRT monitor:

a. First, prepare the monitor for the test by turning the brightness control to the indexed position,
and the contrast control to the maximum.
b. From the Brightness Check window (see Figure 10-6), observe the gray box in the center of the
window. Then take one of the following actions:



Chapter 10: System Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

1. If the box is not visible, increase the brightness setting until it can just be distinguished on the
2. If the box is clearly visible, decrease the contrast setting until the box disappears. Then
increase the contrast until the box is just visible again.
After brightness check adjustments have been made, the black level of the monitor is correctly set. If
the display is too dark, use the contrast control to further adjust viewability.



The VMS/NAVIECDIS periodically records chart data, and data from selected navigation and
meteorological sensors, to electronic log files. Depending upon system configuration, these files can be
used for generation of various types of data reports. The Data Log files also support system Playback,
which is described in Paragraph 10.4.


Data Log Files

Data Log files are recorded periodically, according to a designated data logging interval, which is
configured at the time of system installation. Each saved file contains all data collected during one data
logging interval. Files older than 90 days are deleted to avoid using an excessive amount of the systems
hard drive storage capacity.
Filenames for data log files are based on the date and time when the data was stored. For example, the
filename A3051011.LOG can be interpreted as follows:
A3 = year (2003)
05 = month (May)
10 = day (Monday)
11 = index counter based on the hour of the day.



The VMS/NAVIECDIS can generate and print standardized reports, based on the
saved data log files. Available report types can include Bell Book reports, Data Log
reports, and Noon reports, depending upon system configuration.
To select a report type:
a. From the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen, select the PRINT
button to expand a drop-down menu containing the names of all available
report types (see Figure 10-7).

Figure 10-7.
Reports DropDown Menu

b. Select the desired report type.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10: System Tools

Data Log Report

To use the Data Log report, the system must be equipped with a
printer. The Data Log report is generated directly to the printer; no
screen display of the report is provided.
The Data Log report can be printed with or without chart
information, including chart name, cell list (S57 charts, if
available), revision date, chart scale and view center. By default,
the report is printed without chart information.
To create the Data Log report:
a. From the Print drop-down menu (see Figure 10-7), select
the DATA LOG button to display the Print Log Range
window (see Figure 10-8).
b. From the Print Log Range window, enter an ENDING TIME,
Dates must be entered in the format day/month/year.

Figure 10-8. Print Log

Range Window

c. Expand the INTERVAL drop-down menu and select a time interval. This interval represents the
time period between entries in the report.
d. To include chart information in the report, deselect the NO CHART INFO button. If chart
information is included, any change made to the displayed chart during the designated time
period is reported. Chart information will be printed only if the status box on the NO CHART INFO
button is dark.
e. Select the ACCEPT button to generate the report. To close the Print Log Range window without
generating the report, select CANCEL.
The printed output for the Data Log report is arranged in a table format. Each row in the table is based on
the time interval selected from the Print Log Range window. An asterisk (*) next to a row in the Data
Log indicates that the row contains data that is invalid. The columns in the table correspond to specific
data fields, which are configured at the time of system installation.
Data that is typically displayed for each time period in the Data Log report are time, position, heading,
speed, set, drift, sounding, and wind direction.

Noon Report

A Noon report provides a snapshot of Ownship information at 12:00 noon, UTC. The report is
automatically generated at noon each day. Noon reports can be displayed on-screen, and can also be
printed if the system is equipped with a printer.
The report is stored on a system hard drive, as an electronic file using the NOO filename extension.
Filenames for the Noon Report files are based on the date when the report was generated, in a manner
similar to the naming of data log files. Noon report files older than 30 days are automatically deleted
from the hard drive.



Chapter 10: System Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To print or display a Noon report:

a. From the Reports drop-down menu (see Figure 10-7),
select the NOON button to display the Noon Report
window (see Figure 10-9). The name of the presently
selected Noon report file is displayed at the top of the
b. From
SELECT FROM LIST button to display a list of all available
Noon report files by filename. Choose the desired file
from the list.

Figure 10-9. Noon Report


c. To print the selected file, use the PRINT SELECTION button. To display the report on the screen,
use the button labeled DISPLAY SELECTION.
d. Select the CANCEL button to close the Noon Report window.

Bell Book Report

Like the Data Log report, the Bell Book report is generated
directly to the printer. No screen display of the report is provided.
To create the Bell Book report:
a. From the Print drop-down menu (see Figure 10-7), select
the BELL button to display the Print Bell Book Range
window (see Figure 10-10).
b. From the Print Bell Book Range window, enter an
STARTING DATE. Dates must be entered in the format
c. Expand the INTERVAL drop-down menu and select a time
interval. This interval represents the time period between
entries in the report.
d. Select the ACCEPT button to generate the report. To close
the Print Bell Book Range window without generating the
report, select CANCEL.

Figure 10-10. Print Bell Book

Range Window

The printed output for the Bell Book report is arranged in a table format. Each row in the table is based
on the time interval selected from the Print Bell Book Range window. The columns in the table
correspond to specific data fields, which are configured at the time of system installation. Typically, the
reported data would include Time, Latitude, Longitude, Heading, Speed, Rudder, Throttle and RPM.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 10: System Tools


System Playback uses stored voyage data to show a graphical representation of the systems chart display
from an operator-selected starting date and time.
The ships movements during the selected time period are displayed in the Playback window (see Figure

Figure 10-11. Playback Window

To open the Playback window:
Select the REPLAY button from the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen.
The Playback window can be closed by selecting the



(Exit) button in the upper right corner of the

Chapter 10: System Tools


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Controls and Indicators for Playback

Table 10-2 identifies and describes the controls and indicators on the Playback window.
Table 10-2. Playback Window Controls and Indicators



Zooming buttons for the Playback chart display. Z IN zooms the chart display
in, to show more detail (display scale increases). Z OUT zooms the chart
display out, to show a larger area (display scale decreases). WINDOW zooms
the chart display in based on an operator-selected area.


Shifts the displayed chart to its default center (designated center of the chart
coverage area), at the charts natural scale.


Sets the centering mode for the Playback chart display to Offset.
Select OFFSET, and then select any point on the chart display. The chart will
shift to show the selected point at the center of the Playback window.


Sets the centering mode for the Playback chart display to Center. The chart
will shift to show Ownship at the center of the Playback window. As the ship
moves, the Playback chart is repositioned such that Ownship is always visible.


Opens the Chart Catalog, for manual chart selection.


Selects the mode of operation for Playback. When the status box on the AUTO
button is bright green, Playback is in Automatic mode; when the status box is
dark, Playback is in Manual mode.

Time and Date


These indicators below the Playback chart show the time and date that is
presently represented in the Playback window.


Starts Playback.


Stops Playback.


Opens the Playback Time window, for selection of a time and date for


Drop-down menu for selection of Playback speed. 1X RATE is the selection for
playback at normal speed. Other available options include 2X, 5X, 10X, or 20X.


Opens the Playback Sources window, which provides information about

navigation data sources that were active at the time and date displayed in the
Playback window.


Opens the Playback Features menu, which provides controls for setting display
options for the Playback chart display.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10: System Tools

Playback Data Sources

The Playback Sources window (see Figure 10-12) provides information about the navigation data sources
that were active at the time and date displayed in the Playback window. This window is available in
either Automatic or Manual mode.

Figure 10-12. Playback Sources and Playback Features

To display the Playback Sources window:
From the Playback window, select the PLAYBACK DATA SOURCES button.
To close the Playback Sources window:
Select the

(Exit) button from the Playback Sources window.



Chapter 10: System Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chart Display Options for Playback

The Playback Features window (see Figure 10-12) provides for operator selection of chart display options
during playback. The Playback Features window is similar to the main Features window, except that
selections made in the Playback Features window apply for Playback only.
To select chart display options for Playback:
a. From the Playback window, select the FEATURES button to display the Playback Features
window (see Figure 10-12).
b. From the Playback Features window, select the desired display options.
c. Select the ACCEPT. button to activate changed settings and close the Playback Features window,
or select APPLY to activate all changes without closing the window. Select the CANCEL button to
close the window without making changes to the Playback display.
For more information about using the Features window, including stored display configurations, see
Paragraph 2.6.3.


Running Playback

To run Playback, perform the following steps:

1. Select Playback Starting Time.
2. Select Playback Rate.
3. Select Automatic or Manual mode.
4. Select a chart for display (Manual mode only).
5. Start Playback.

Setting Playback Starting Time

To set starting time and date:

a. From the Playback window, select the SET TIME button, to
display the Playback Time window (see Figure 10-13).
b. From the Playback Time window, enter the desired start
date for playback, in the DATE field. The date must be
entered in the following format: Day/Month/Year.
c. Enter the desired start time for playback in the TIME field.
Time is entered as Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
d. Select the ACCEPT button to apply the entered values and
close the Playback Time window.

Figure 10-13. Playback

Time Window



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10: System Tools

Setting Playback Rate

Playback speed is controlled from the RATE drop-down menu.

To set Playback rate:
a. From the Playback window (see Figure 10-11), expand the RATE drop-down menu (shown in
Figure 10-11 as 10X RATE).
b. Select one of the available options (1X, 2X, 5X, 10X, or 20X).

Selecting Automatic or Manual Mode

Playback has two basic modes of operation: Automatic and Manual. In Automatic mode, the system
recalls the charts in use during the playback time period and replays exactly what was on the screen at
that time. In Manual mode, the operator selects the chart and operates the chart controls to achieve the
desired display in the Playback window. Controls that affect the Playback chart display are not available
in Automatic mode.
The status box on the AUTO button (see Figure 10-12) indicates the Playback mode of operation:
Automatic or Manual. Automatic mode is indicated by a bright green status box. Select the AUTO button
to toggle between the two modes.

Selecting a Chart

In Manual mode, Playback will display the Planning Sheet unless another chart is selected manually. To
display a chart, it must be selected from the Chart Catalog. The Chart Catalog is not available in
Automatic mode. For more detailed information on the Chart Catalog, see Paragraph 4.6.2.
To select a chart for Playback:
a. From the Playback window, select the NEW CHART button, to display the Chart Catalog.
b. Select the desired chart, and then select the ACCEPT button from the bottom of the Chart Catalog.

Starting and Stopping Playback

Once Playback is started, it will continue to run, even if the Playback window is closed.
To start Playback:
Select the START button.
To stop Playback:
Select the STOP button.
To resume Playback:
To resume playback, select the START button again.



Chapter 10: System Tools


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Individual files of various data types are stored on the hard disks of the VMS/NAVIECDIS computers.
The VMS/NAVIECDIS File Manager (see Figure 10-14) allows the operator to manage these files by
copying or deleting them on various system drives from any workstation.
The File Manager provides access only to files of types that are specific to the VMS/NAVIECDIS. It can
also be used to translate (export) voyage plan files to a standard text format. It is not intended to provide
full file management capabilities for the Windows operating environment.

Figure 10-14. File Manager

The File Manager can be used with the following file types:

Data Logs.
Noon Reports.
Voyage Plans.
Exported Voyage Plans.

Mariner Objects (Chart Additions).
Chart files of various types.

The primary purpose of the File Manager with chart files is to delete unwanted or
obsolete charts from the system hard drives. Chart files must be installed or updated
using specific procedures, as described in Chapter 4 of this manual.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10: System Tools

To open the File Manager:

Select the FILE MGR button from the secondary menu at the bottom of the screen.
To close the File Manager:
Select the


(Exit) button in the top right corner of the window.

File Management Window Functional Areas

The functional areas of the File Management window, as described below, are in reference to Figure
10-14. The functional areas will change in their arrangement and their appearance, depending upon the
selected data type.
The File Management window is divided into the following functional areas:

Data type selection controls. The drop-down menu at the top center of the window is used for
selecting a data type to work with. Only one data type can be selected at a time, and only files of
the selected type are displayed in the file selection areas. For chart data types or Mariner Objects,
a second drop-down menu is available below the main data type menu, listing chart suppliers or
object types.

Source drive selection controls. Drop-down menus to the left of the data type menu are used for
selection of a source location for file management operations. The source is the location from
which files are copied or deleted when the file management operation is executed.
Use the upper menu for selection of any workstation (node) currently active on the network. Use
the lower menu button to select any available source drive on the selected node. Only those
locations that are applicable to the selected data type will appear in the drop-down list.

Destination drive selection controls. Drop-down menus to the right of the DATA TYPE menu
are used for selection of a destination location for file management operations. The destination is
the location, for example, to which files will be copied when a copy operation is executed.
Deletion operations can also be made at the destination location.
Destination locations are selected in the same manner as source locations, using drop-down
menus for node and for drive. Only those drives that are appropriate as destination locations
appear in the drop-down lists. Read-only CD drives do not appear, for example, because they
cannot be used as a destination location.

Source file list. The selection list for source files appears at the left side of the window. It
contains all files of the selected data type, found at the source location. Each file is displayed on
a separate button. Selected buttons are indicated by a bright green status box.

Destination file list. The list of files at the destination location is displayed at the right side of
the window. It shows all files of the selected data type, found at the destination location. Each
file is displayed on a separate button. Selected buttons are indicated by a bright green status box.

File management execution controls. The buttons located between the two file lists are used to
execute file management operations.



Chapter 10: System Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

K bytes selected indicator. The indicator at the lower left corner of the window shows the
combined size of all files selected from the source location. This information is helpful in
assessing whether a copy operation can be made successfully to the destination drive. This
indicator is not used with chart data types.

K bytes free indicator. The indicator at the lower right corner of the window shows the
available space on the destination drive.
The File Manager does not provide for selection of specific directories on the selected
source or destination drives. The VMS/NAVIECDIS uses the appropriate subdirectory
on all system drives, based upon the file storage needs of the system. If when copying
files the necessary subdirectories do not exist, the File Manager will create them.


Data Type Selection

Before files can be selected, the data type must be selected. Only files of the selected data type are
To choose a data type:
a. Expand the drop-down menu of available data types, at the top of the File Management window
In Figure 10-14, for example, this menu is labeled VOYAGE PLANS.
b. Select the desired data type from the drop-down menu (see Figure 10-15). If the selected data
type is a chart format, an additional drop-down menu is displayed for selection of a chart supplier.
Select the desired hydrographic office, or select ALL to display data from all suppliers for the
selected chart type. If the selected data type is MARINER OBJECT, an additional drop-down menu
is displayed for selection of an object type. Select the desired object type.
After a data type has been selected, all files of that type are displayed, as found at the selected source and
destination locations.


Source and Destination Selection

The source and destination sides of the File Management window each contain drop-down menus for
selection of a workstation on the system network, and for selection of a drive at the selected network
locations (see Figure 10-15).

Node Selection

On both sides of the File Management window, the upper menu shows all available network locations
(nodes) that are appropriate for the selected data type.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10: System Tools

To select a network location:

a. On either the source or destination side of the File Management window, expand the drop-down
menu of available nodes.
b. Select the desired node from the list.

Figure 10-15. Data Type and Destination Selection

Drive Selection

On both sides of the File Management window, the lower menu shows all available drive choices on the
selected node for the selected data type. Examples of drive choices are: HARD DRIVE, FLOPPY DRIVE or
CD. Drive choices that do not apply to a particular data type are unavailable.
For example, in Figure 10-15 the selected data type is DATA LOGS. The source side of the window shows
Data Log files from the workstation named VMS-1, on that workstations hard drive. The destination
location is VMS-2. The drop-down menu is open for selection of the destination drive.
Having a CD drive as an option for a source path provides for copying files from a CDROM to a system hard drive. Read-only CD drives are not listed on the destination side
of the window, because they cannot be used as a destination location.



Chapter 10: System Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

To change the selected drive for source or destination:

a. On either the source or destination side of the File Management window, expand the drop-down
menu of available drives (see Figure 10-15).
b. Select the desired drive from the list.


Selecting Files

One or more files must be selected before any file management operations can be executed. From the
lists of available files, any number of files may be selected. Selected files are indicated by a bright green
status box (see Figure 10-14).
For convenience, the File Manager provides buttons to select or deselect all source files with one action.
Use the SELECT ALL SOURCE FILES or the DESELECT ALL SOURCE FILES button to change the selection
status of all source files at once. These buttons do not affect files on the destination side of the window.
The K BYTES SELECTED indicator at the bottom of the source side of the window shows the total size of
the selected files in kilobytes. If one file is selected, the size of that individual file is displayed. When the
File Manager is first opened, and no files have been selected, the indicator shows a 0 value for
To view the combined size of all files listed at the source location, use the SELECT ALL SOURCE FILES
button and then inspect the number indicated for K BYTES SELECTED. When a chart format is the
selected data type, the indicator is not displayed.
The K BYTES FREE indicator at the bottom of the destination side of the window shows the total available
space on the destination drive. Before copying files from the source drive to the destination drive, use the
K BYTES SELECTED and K BYTES FREE indicators to assess whether adequate space exists on the
destination drive for the files to be copied.


Copying Files

Copy operations are always made from the source side of the File Management window to the destination
side. Files cannot be copied in the other direction. A single file or multiple files can be copied in one
operation, by selecting the button labeled COPY TO (see Figure 10-14).
If the same node and drive location is selected for both source and destination, the system
will display an error message when a copy operation is attempted. An error message is
also displayed when an attempt is made to copy source files that are larger than the
available space at the destination location. In both cases, the only possible operator
action is to select OK from the message window. The copy operation will be cancelled.
To copy files:
a. Select a data type as described in Paragraph 10.5.2.
b. Select source and destination locations and drives as described in Paragraph 10.5.3.


VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10: System Tools

c. Select one or more source files to be copied. If necessary, compare the total size of the files to be
copied to the available space on the destination drive, using the K BYTES SELECTED and
K BYTES FREE indicators.
d. Select the COPY TO button. A message window is displayed, asking for confirmation of the
copy operation. Select YES TO ALL to proceed with the copy operation. See Paragraph 10.5.7 for
more information on the Confirmation Message window.
e. The selected files will be copied from the source drive to the destination drive. When the copy
operation is completed, the copied files are shown on the right side of the File Management
window and all files on both sides of the window are deselected.

Subdirectories On Floppy Disks and Remote Drives

On local or remote hard drives, files of each data type are automatically copied to the correct
subdirectories, in accordance with the file storage needs of the system.
When copying to a floppy disk, the correct subdirectory is created if it does not already exist. When
copying files from a floppy to a hard drive, files can only be copied from the correct sub-directory. Files
residing in the root directory of the floppy disk are not displayed in the File Manager.
Sub-directories used on a floppy drive must be in the following structure:


Deleting Files

Files may be deleted from either the source or the destination drive.
To delete files:
a. Select a data type as described in Paragraph 10.5.2.
b. Select source and destination locations and drives as described in Paragraph 10.5.3.
c. Select one or more files to be deleted. Files may be selected from either or both the source and
destination sides.



Chapter 10: System Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

d. Select the DELETE button. A message window is displayed to request operator confirmation of
the deletion operation. Select YES TO ALL to proceed with the deletion. See Paragraph 10.5.7 for
more information on the Confirmation Message window.
e. After the deletion is finished, the file lists are updated, showing only files that still exist in the
selected locations.


Confirmation Messages

Each time a copy or deletion operation is executed, a message window displays the status of the file
operation and requests confirmation if necessary (see Figure 10-16).
The confirmation message typically contains a question or a statement, followed by a single filename. If
multiple files are being copied, the message is displayed separately for each file, unless the operation is
cancelled by the operator.

Figure 10-16. Confirmation Message Window: Copying Files

Copy confirmation messages:

Copying <filename>. Displayed during a successful copy operation.

Error Copying <filename>. Displayed if the copy operation fails.
Overwrite <filename>? Displayed if a file of the same name already exists at the destination

Deletion confirmation messages:

Delete <filename>? Displayed to confirm each deletion.

Deleting <filename>. Displayed during each deletion.
Error Deleting <filename>. Displayed if the deletion operation fails.

To respond to the confirmation message, use the buttons at the bottom of the message window.
Confirmation message responses include:

YES and NO. Confirms or cancels the copy or deletion operation for a single file.
YES TO ALL. Confirms the copy or deletion operation for all selected files. The operation will
proceed for all files without requesting further confirmation.
CANCEL. Stops the copy or deletion operation. The CANCEL button can be seen as a No to All
During all file operations, the CANCEL button is always accessible to the operator, even after the
YES TO ALL button has been selected.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Chapter 10: System Tools


The REFRESH button (See Figure 10-14) can be selected at any time to update the files listed in both the
source and destination sides of the File Management window. If a new floppy disk is inserted into the
floppy drive while the File Manager is displayed, the file list for the floppy drive is not updated
To update the floppy drive file list:
Select the REFRESH button to re-read the floppy disk. The file list will now show files on the
disk currently inserted in the drive.
Selecting a different file type, source location, or destination location also refreshes the file lists.


Mariner Objects in the File Manager

Mariner Objects are additional objects added to electronic charts using the Chart Additions Editor. Figure
10-17 illustrates the organization of the File Management window for Mariner Objects. For more
information on the Chart Additions Editor, see Paragraph 9.3.

Figure 10-17. Mariner Objects in the File Manager



Chapter 10: System Tools

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

With Mariner Objects, File Manager functions are not changed, but the arrangement of the functional
areas in the window are changed. The source area of the window is displayed above the destination area,
to make room for additional information that is provided for each Mariner Object that is available for
After the Mariner Objects data type has been selected, an additional drop-down menu is displayed listing
all available object types. When an object type has been selected, all available objects of that type are
displayed in the source area. Only objects of the selected object type are shown.
Mariner Objects are not listed by file names; instead, they are listed by the following information:
LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, DESCRIPTION, and associated CHART. The DESCRIPTION field displays the
descriptive name that was saved with the object when it was created. The CHART field displays the
identifier of the associated chart.
The operator does not have the option of selecting a workstation (node) for either the source or
destination area of the window, because File Manager operations for Mariner Objects are limited to the
local workstation. The only choices for drive are the local hard disk or the local floppy drive.


Exporting Voyage Plans

In addition to copying and deleting files, the File Manager can be used to export saved voyage plans in a
standard, comma-separated text format. Exported voyage plans are saved to a floppy drive. After
exportation, exported files may be displayed in a spreadsheet.
After Exported Voyage Plans has been chosen as the selected data type, the appearance and function of
the COPY TO button will change. The label on the button changes to TRANSLATE, and it will function
to export voyage plans as comma-separated text files.
When displaying voyage plan files for export, any active node on the network can be selected as the
source location. The only drive option at the source location is the hard drive. Any destination location
can be selected, but the only destination drive option is the floppy drive.
Voyage plan files in the source area are displayed with their standard filename extension (.VP). On the
destination side, exported voyage plan files are in the Comma Separated Values file format, using the
.CSV filename extension.
When the TRANSLATE button is selected, the File Manager converts the file format of the voyage plan
data and writes it to the destination floppy drive. No confirmation window is displayed. If files of the
same name already exist at the destination location, they are overwritten.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Chapter 10: System Tools




VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix A


Table A-1. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations




Admiralty Raster Chart Service. A service of British Admiralty, suppliers of electronic

charts with world coverage, in the HCRF data format.


Automatic Radar Plotting Aid. Collision avoidance radar equipment defined by the
IMO and required by that body on all vessels above a certain tonnage.


British Admiralty.


BSB Electronic Charts. A supplier of raster-format electronic charts. Electronic charts

based on the paper charts supplied by NOAA or CHS are available in the data format
established by BSB.


Compact Disk Read-Only Memory.


Canadian Hydrographic Service.


C-Map Cartographic Service. Commercial supplier of vector-format navigational

charts, which are not fully compliant with ECDIS standards as defined by IMO.


Course Made Good. Same as Course Over Ground (COG).


Course Over Ground. The actual measured direction of advance of a vessel over the
surface of the earth. COG represents the ships actual track, expressed in angular
degrees from 000 at true north clockwise through 359.9. Also called Course Made
Good, or CMG.


Closest Point of Approach.


Cathode Ray Tube. Computer display monitor of the traditional design.


Digitized Chart. A data format for electronic charts that are made using a digitizer
device with paper navigational charts. On ships equipped to make digitized charts,
these charts can be used for operating in areas for which electronic charts from official
or commercial sources are not available. Digitized charts do not conform to any
standards for chart display.


Differential GPS (see also GPS). Position sensor intended for precise commercial
navigation in coastal waters. The DGPS employs an additional receiver for the
reception of correction signals from a land-based transmitter to be applied to the
satellite-based GPS position information.


Det norske Veritas. Independent maritime organization performing classification,

certification, quality-assurance and in-service inspection of ships and mobile offshore
units with the objective of safeguarding life, property and the environment.


Dead Reckoning.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations

Table A-1. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations




Distance To Go. Distance to next action, such as a turn, while running a Voyage Plan.


Electronic Bearing Line. Navigation tool available on the VMS electronic chart
display. EBLs allow the operator to quickly determine range and bearing from
Ownship to a feature on the electronic chart, or between any two points on the chart.


Electronic Chart Display and Information System. A standard of the International

Maritime Organization (IMO), governing electronic navigational systems.


Electronic Charting System. A chart display system that does not comply fully with
the ECDIS standard as defined by IMO.


Electronic Nautical Chart. Chart data conforming to specification published in IHO

Special Publication No. 57 (S57). Charts complying with this specification are
available from various suppliers.


Estimated Time of Arrival.


Estimated Time of Departure.


Great Circle.


Greenwich Mean Time. The international time standard, based on local standard time
at longitude 0 0' 0" (in Greenwich, England). Also called Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).


Global Positioning System. A system by which receivers anywhere on earth can

obtain accurate position data. The term GPS is also used to refer to the receiver


Hydrographic Chart Raster Format. Electronic format used for BA-ARCS charts.




Hydrographic Office. Refers to any national hydrographic office.


Heading-to-Steer Command. Heading order sent to an autopilot from an external

electronic navigation aid, such as the VMS/NAVIECDIS.


International Hydrographic Office. IHO has developed an ENC product specification

as the standard for ECDIS data, and has published this specification in its Special
Publication No. 57 (S-57).


International Maritime Organization. Agency of the United Nations, responsible for

improving maritime safety and preventing pollution from ships. The governing body
responsible for SOLAS regulations and ECDIS specifications.


Local-Area Network.


Liquid Crystal Display. Computer display monitor using a flat-panel design.


Man overboard.


Nautical Data International. Licensed distributor of CHS charts in the BSB electronic



Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table A-1. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations




National Imagery and Mapping Agency. An agency of the United States government,
supplying navigational charts to the United States Navy.


National Marine Electronics Association. An association of manufacturers that has

published widely used standards for navigation and other marine sensor
communication. Their published standards include NMEA 0183, Standard for
Interfacing Marine Electronic Navigational Devices, Version 1.5, December 1987, and
Version 2.0, January 1992. This standard is commonly referred to as simply "NMEA
0183." The VMS/NAVIECDIS is designed to use messages from any navigation,
weather, or machinery sensor that conforms to this standard.


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Agency of the US government,

supplying navigational charts. NOAA charts are available in the BSB electronic




Random Access Memory. Memory used in computer systems. RAM is volatile

memory, which does not hold data when the power is turned off.


Rasterscan Collision Avoidance Radar, a Sperry Marine navigation radar/ARPA

product line.




Rhumb Line.


Rate of Turn.


Return To Plan. Describes the operator-selected waypoint where the vessel will join
the track of a loaded Voyage Plan. A Return To Plan waypoint may be used after a
temporary deviation from the plan or when starting a Voyage Plan.


Internationally accepted standard for electronic charts in the ENC vector-format. ENC
data is standardized according to ECDIS specifications published in IHO Special
Publication No. 57. Charts complying with this specification are available from
various suppliers.


System Electronic Nautical Chart. System-usable chart data installed to the VMS by
performing a Direct Read process from distributed ENC data. SENC databases contain
installed chart data, and any updates to that data.


Speed Over Ground, or Ground Speed. Actual measured speed of advance of a vessel
over the surface of the earth.


Safety of Life At Sea. A set of conventions adopted by the IMO and all of its
signatory countries in 1974. These conventions regulate many of the features of ships
used in international trade, including navigation equipment and its functionality.




Standard Display. The standard set of chart objects (buoy information, conspicuous
landmarks, etc.) specified for ECDIS display, in compliance with IMO standards.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations

Table A-1. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations




Speed Through the Water, or Water Speed. Ships speed, as measured relative to the


Time to Closest Point of Approach.


Time To Go. Time to next action, such as a turn, while running a Voyage Plan.


Track To Make Good. In the context of the VMS/NAVIECDIS, TTMG denotes a

temporary plan which may be activated at any time, and which by default consists of a
500 nm track line on present heading.


Coordinated Universal Time. The international time standard. Also called Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT).


Voyage Management System-Vision Technology. A product of Sperry Marine.


Variable Range Marker. Navigation tool available on the VMS electronic chart
display. A VRM is a range ring drawn at an operator-specified distance from Ownship
or another operator-specified chart object.


World Geodetic System 1984. Chart datum specified in accordance with the IMO
ECDIS standard.




Cross-Track Error. The distance by which the ship's actual position deviates left or
right from the Voyage Plan track.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix B
This appendix lists the following alarm and warning messages:

Internal VMS/NAVIECDIS alarms.

Operator Messages.
Chart Warnings.


Table B-1 lists internal alarm descriptions, with a brief explanation of each.
responding to internal VMS/NAVIECIS alarms, see Paragraph 2.5.1.

For information on

Table B-1. Alarm Descriptions

Alarm description Text


Corrective Action

[node] is taking control

VMS-1 is taking control

This station takes control.

[node] Local security

block/distributed data error
VMS-1 Local security block
\distributed data error

Occurs when there is an error in

communication of security data.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

[node] Potential Task Lockup:

[Thread Name] [Thread ID],
Period: [Thread Period
VMS-1 Potential Task Lockup:
Update Status 89, Period 1.0

A software error has occurred that

is preventing tasks from

Shut down and restart the workstation.

If the problem persists, contact
Sperry Marine for technical

[node] Security block detached

VMS-1 Security block detached

A security block was expected at

this station but none was found.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

[node] Security data timeout

VMS-1 Security data timeout

The security data is not available

at this station.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

Table B-1. Alarm Descriptions

Alarm description Text


Corrective Action

[sensor manager] Auto-sensor

change to [sensor]
Heading Manager: Auto-sensor
change to GPS-1

VMS/NAVIECDIS has changed


Check operation of previously

selected sensor.

[sensor] reference datum not

WGS84. Conversion not
GPS-1 reference datum not
WGS84. Conversion not

Position sensor is not using


The recommended action is to

select an alternate position
sensor that uses the WGS-84
datum. Else, offset the selected
sensor to WGS-84 using
information provided in the
position sensor documentation.

[sensor] Trimble [sentence] not


Trimble sensor has not been


Check Trimble sensor.

[sensor] Trimble code version


Occurs if the wrong version of the

Trimble software is installed.

Call Sperry Marine for

technical support.

[sensor] Trimble config

message timeout

Trimble configuration message

has not been received by the

Check the Trimble sensor.

[sensor] Trimble device is not a

GPS-1: Trimble device not a

DNV ANTS requires Trimble


Call Sperry Marine for

technical support.

[sensor] Trimble GPS Mode

not Auto
GPS-1: Trimble GPS Mode
not Auto

Check Trimble sensor.

[sensor] Trimble Output not

NMEA Custom
GPS-1: Trimble Output not
NMEA Custom

Check Trimble sensor.

[sensor] Trimble Output not

NMEA Version 2.0
GPS-1: Trimble Output not
NMEA version 2.0

Check Trimble sensor.



Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table B-1. Alarm Descriptions

Alarm description Text


Corrective Action

[sensor] Trimble Output Rate

not 1s
GPS-1: Trimble Output Rate
not 1s

Check Trimble sensor.

[Sensor]: Trimble DGPS Mode

not Auto
GPS-1: Trimble DGPS Mode
not Auto

Check Trimble sensor.

Anchor Drag Possible Check


Occurs during anchoring, if

Ownship position is outside the
drag circle.

Determine if the selected

position source is in error. If
the source is in error, an
alternate source should be
selected (see Paragraph 2.7.5).
Else, take appropriate action to
correct the problem with the

Auto purged log file:


Occurs when the data logging

process evaluates that the
available disk space for data
logging is less than four hours,
and successfully purges the
indicated data log file.
The oldest files are purged.


Autopilot not responding


Pilot Control is in TRACK mode
and the autopilot fails to respond.
Communication is lost with the

Check the autopilot.

If the problem persists, contact
Sperry Marine for technical

Configuration files do not

match other nodes [hostname]

Configuration files are

mismatched between VMSVT

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Could not open COM[n].

[process and node name] for
Could not open COM1.vms1.vms for AUTOPILOT.

Occurs when the COM port for

the Autopilot is not working.
The Autopilot cannot be used.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Auto purged log file:



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

Table B-1. Alarm Descriptions

Alarm description Text


Corrective Action

Could not open

COM[n].[process and node
name] for DIGITIZER
Could not open COM1.vms1.vms for DIGITIZER

Occurs when the COM port for

the Digitizer is not working.
The Digitizer cannot be used.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Could not open

COM[n].[process and node
name] for PLOTTER
Could not open COM1.vms1.vms for PLOTTER

Occurs when the COM port for

the Plotter is not working.
The Plotter cannot be used.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Could not open

COM[n].[process and node
name] for SERIAL_OUT
Could not open COM1.vms1.vms for SERIAL_OUT

Occurs when the COM port for

the serial device is not working.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Could not open Serial Out File

on [process and node name]
Could not open Serial Out

File on vms-1.vms.
Occurs when the file to which
navigation data is being stored for
use by another system cannot be

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Dangers exist along current


Occurs when Ownship safety

zone intersects a known danger

Verify danger and make course

corrections as necessary. See
Chapter 7 for more information
on safety checking.

Dangers exist along present

Voyage Plan leg.

Occurs when dangers are detected

along the present leg of a running
Voyage Plan.

Verify danger and make course

corrections as necessary. See
Chapter 7 for more information
on safety checking.

Data log disk is almost full:

\\[host name\\path]
Data log disk is almost full:

Occurs when data logging process

evaluates the available disk space
for the data logging is less than
forty-eight hours.

Remove any unnecessary files:

charts, Voyage Plans,
portfolios, Navlines etc. (see
Paragraph 10.5.6 for more
information on deleting files).
If the problem persists, contact
Sperry Marine for technical



Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table B-1. Alarm Descriptions

Alarm description Text


Corrective Action

Data log disk is full: \\[host

Data log disk is full:

Occurs when the data logging

process determines that the disk
space available for data logging is
less than four hours and is unable
to find any old log files to purge.

Remove any unnecessary files:

charts, Voyage Plans,
portfolios, Navlines, etc (see
Paragraph 10.5.6 for more
information on deleting files).
If the problem persists, contact
Sperry Marine for technical

Invalid Radar Interswitch


Invalid configuration detected in

radar interswitch.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

No Portfolio selected

Safety checking disabled. Occurs

when no portfolio is selected.

See Paragraph 4.5 for

information on selecting chart

No radar overlay on
[hostname]:PSC driver init

PSC cards are defective.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Portfolio has no danger data for

ship's position

Occurs when no charts in the

active portfolio have danger
information for ships position.

See Chapter 7 for more

information on safety checking.

POS discrepancy between

[sensor a] & [sensor b]

Occurs when two indicated

position sensors fail to agree
within allowable limits.

Use alternate methods to obtain

a fix on ships position and to
check accuracy of the position

Position Drift Detected

Occurs when the expected

position (based on the last
position, course and speed)
differs from the position reported
by the selected position source.

If the Position Drift Detected

alarm occurs, the operator
should determine if the selected
position source is in error. If
the source is in error, an
alternate source should be
selected (see Paragraph 2.7.5).
Once a valid position source is
selected, track steering may be
resumed by restarting the
Voyage Plan.

Radar interswitch is not



communication with the radar

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Radar is off

Radar Overlay function.

Radar Overlay is inoperable

until radar is turned on.

Radar is switched off or on


Radar Overlay function.

Radar Overlay is inoperable

until radar is turned on.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

Table B-1. Alarm Descriptions

Alarm description Text


Corrective Action

Radar overlay cannot be turned


Radar Overlay function.

Radar Overlay is inoperable

until radar is turned on.

Radar overlay error on

[hostname]: Invalid azimuth

VMS/NAVIECDIS has lost the

radar azimuth signal.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Radar overlay error on

[hostname]: Invalid trigger

VMS/NAVIECDIS has lost the

radar trigger input.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Radar overlay error on

[hostname]: Invalid video input

VMS/NAVIECDIS has lost the

radar video input.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Set Radar in 0.25 to 1.5 range.

Radar Overlay function.

Request radar operation in

required range.

Set Radar in 24.0 to 96.0 range.

Radar Overlay function.

Request radar operation in

required range.

Set Radar in 3.0 to 12.0 range.

Radar Overlay function.

Request radar operation in

required range.

Shallow Water Alarm

Minimum Depth Exceeded

Depth sensor reading is less than

the Safety Depth setting.

For information on Safety

Depth, see Paragraph 7.3.1.

Ship speed exceeds Voyage

Plan limit

Occurs during Voyage Plan


For information on maximum

speed for a Voyage Plan leg,
see Paragraph

Ship speed less than Voyage

Plan minimum

Occurs during voyage plan


For information on maximum

speed for a Voyage Plan leg,
see Paragraph

Station not responding: [node]

Station not responding: VMS-1.

Occurs when communication fails

with the indicated work-station,
or when the indicated workstation
has been shut down.

If the workstation is running,

shut it down and restart. If the
problem persists, contact Sperry
Marine for technical support.
For information on system
shutdown, see Paragraph 2.8.
For startup information, see
Paragraph 2.4.

Swing Circle Violation

Occurs during anchoring, if

Ownship position is outside the
swing circle.

Determine if the active position

source is in error. If the source
is in error, an alternate source
should be selected (see
Paragraph 2.7.5).
Else, take appropriate action to
correct the problem with the



Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table B-1. Alarm Descriptions

Alarm description Text


Corrective Action

Timeout: [sensor manager]

Timeout: Heading Manager

Sensors are monitored by an

associated sensor manager which
reports a timeout alarm state if
certain conditions are true.

Select an alternate data source.

For information on sensor
management, see Paragraph
If the problem persists, call
Sperry Marine for technical

Timeout: Target Update [sensor]

Occurs during target processing.

If problem persists, contact

Sperry Marine for technical

Turn accepted without operator


Occurs during Voyage Plan

execution in Track mode when
Always Accept Turns.

Verify that the turn is made


Turn not accepted.

Occurs when operator did not

accept course change before
wheel over point.
configured to Always Accept
Turns, the ship continues the turn.
If the system is not configured to
Always Accept Turns; the ship
maintains a straight course.

Return to track if appropriate.

Unable to purge file:

Unable to purge file: \\vms1\users\install\dlog\

Occurs when the data logging

process has unsuccessfully
purged a data log file, and
available disk space for data
logging is less than four hours.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Unknown Autopilot Type.

Autopilot Unavailable.

Occurs when an unknown

autopilot type is configured.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

Voyage Plan Chart Load Failed

- [reason]

Occurs when a Voyage Plan is

unable to load a chart.

See Paragraph 4.6.1 for

information on automatic chart
Check the contents of the active
portfolio and of the chart
catalog. For more information
see Paragraph 4.6.2.

Voyage Plan Safety Checking No portfolio selected

Occurs when no portfolio is

selected and a Voyage Plan is

See Paragraph 4.5 for

information on selecting chart



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

Table B-1. Alarm Descriptions

Alarm description Text


Corrective Action

VMS version does NOT match

other nodes. [hostname]

Executable files are mismatched.

Contact Sperry Marine for

technical support.

XTE exceeds Voyage Plan limit

Occurs during Voyage plan

Cross-track error is greater than
the limit set in the voyage plan
being run.

For information on setting the

cross-track error limit for a
Voyage Plan leg, see Paragraph


Table B-2 lists VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator Messages, with a brief explanation of each. For information
on responding to Operator Messages, see Paragraph 2.5.2.

Table B-2. Operator Messages

Alarm description Text,


Approaching Turn to Waypoint

[waypoint #]
Approaching Turn to Waypoint

Alerts the operator that a turn to

the next waypoint on the Voyage
Plan is approaching.
The message appears 3-6 minutes
before the turn (the actual time is
set by the user on Voyage Plan
Control submenu).

For information on approach

time and approach messages
during Voyage Plan operation,
see Paragraph 5.5.2.

Approaching End of Plan

Occurs approximately five

minutes prior to the last waypoint in a Voyage Plan.


Autopilot control with no

Voyage Plan

No loaded Voyage Plan when

autopilot switched to Nav mode.

Load a Voyage Plan before

attempting to use automatic
track steering.

Autopilot active and track

keeping stopped


stopped sending heading order
data to the autopilot.

Switch the Autopilot out of Nav

mode or add an RTP to get back
to the Voyage Plan.

Current speed will cause

excessive turn rate

Occurs prior to a turn, warning

the operator that the ship's current
speed will cause its turn rate to
exceed the maximum
recommended turn rate.

Decrease speed or take other

measures as required to keep
the plan track..



Corrective Action

Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table B-2. Operator Messages

Alarm description Text,


Corrective Action

Differential GPS available

Occurs when the ship begins

receiving data from a differential

For more information on

selecting data sources for
position, see Paragraph 2.7.5.

Differential GPS not available

Occurs when the ship ceases

receiving data from a differential

For more information on

selecting data sources for
position, see Paragraph 2.7.5.

Invalid Radar Interswitch


May occur when a BridgeMaster

E display is switched to another
transceiver, is disconnected, or
powered off, leaving the
VMS/NAVIECDIS as a slave
display to a transceiver which
now has no master.

Select a BridgeMaster E display

unit to designate as master for
the transceiver currently
connected to the

Off Track. Track keeping


Occurs when the cross track error

limit has been exceeded.

Switch the Autopilot out of Nav

mode or add an RTP to get back
to the Voyage Plan.

Pilot to [new heading order]

Pilot to 200

Notifies the operator that the

VMS/NAVIECDIS has calculated
that the autopilot must steer a new
heading that is outside Heading
Order Limit.

For more information on

Heading Order Limits with
automatic track steering, see
Paragraph 6.4.3.

Plan Finished

Occurs after the last waypoint in

the plan has been passed.

For information on stopping

and clearing Voyage Plans, see
Paragraph 5.5.3.

Position Loss. Track keeping


Position sensor invalid.

Switch the Autopilot out of Nav

mode and select another data
source for Position. For more
information on selecting
Position data sources, see
Paragraph 2.7.5.

Speed control may be

inaccurate: Invalid sensor data

Occurs when the sensor providing

ship speed is no longer providing
valid data.

The operator must select

another sensor or use manual

Speed control cannot make

ETA: Max speed restriction

Occurs when the desired ETA can

no longer be reached due to
maximum speed restrictions. The
ship would need to travel faster
than allowed in order to achieve
the desired ETA.

Adjust Speed Control DTA to

override planned ETA, or adjust
Voyage Plan ETD or maximum
speeds. For information on
Speed Control, see Paragraph
6.5. For information on editing
Voyage Plans, see Paragraph



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

Table B-2. Operator Messages

Alarm description Text,


Corrective Action

Speed control cannot make

ETA: Min speed restriction

Occurs when the desired ETA can

no longer be reached due to
minimum speed restrictions. The
ship would need to travel slower
than allowed in order to achieve
the desired ETA.

Adjust Speed Control DTA to

override planned ETA, or adjust
Voyage Plan ETD or minimum
speeds. For information on
Speed Control, see Paragraph
6.5. For information on editing
Voyage Plans, see Paragraph

Speed control halted: Voyage

Plan not active

Occurs when the operator

attempts to use the Speed Control
application without an active
Voyage Plan .

Use Speed Control only during

Voyage Plan execution.

Speed control halted: Device

control not active

Occurs when the speed control

device is no longer controllable
(control is no longer granted by
the speed control device).

Use manual propulsion control.

Speed control halted: Device

control not selectable

Occurs when the speed control

device is no longer selectable.
The speed control device has
become unavailable.

Use manual propulsion control.

Speed control halted: Current

speed below minimum

Occurs when the speed control

system has been issued a speed
below the minimum allowable

Use manual propulsion.

Speed control halted: Ordered

speed below minimum

Occurs when a speed that is

below the minimum allowable
speed has been ordered by the
Speed Control system.

Use manual propulsion.

Speed control activated

Occurs when the Speed Control

has been started.


Speed control halted: turned off

at workstation

Occurs when the Speed Control

has been turned off by the


Speed control halted: Device

handler node failure

Occurs when communication

with the speed control system has
been interrupted for over 30

Use manual propulsion.



Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table B-2. Operator Messages

Alarm description Text,


Corrective Action

Speed control halted: Fuel limit

in use and sensor invalid

Occurs when the fuel limiting

feature of the Speed Control
system is in use, and the fuel
consumption input device is no
longer providing valid data.

Use manual propulsion.

Speed control halted: Power

limit in use and sensor invalid

Occurs when the power limiting

feature of the Speed Control
system is in use, and the power
usage input device is no longer
providing valid data.

Use manual propulsion.

Speed control halted: Manual

throttle override

Occurs when the commanded

throttle position diverges beyond
an acceptable tolerance when
compared to the sensed throttle

Use manual propulsion.

Speedpilot mode pending.

Occurs when the system is

waiting for the speedpilot to be
turned on.

The speed pilot must be

activated within the configured
timeout period.

Speedpilot mode canceled.

Timeout waiting for Speedpilot
push button to be pressed.

Occurs when timeout period for

turning on the speed pilot has

Press the appropriate button to

activate the speedpilot.

Speedpilot mode canceled. Port Occurs when the port azipod is

azipod not available
not available.

Ensure the port azipod is online

and available for use by the

Speedpilot mode canceled.

Starboard azipod not available

Occurs when the starboard azipod

is not available.

Ensure the starboard azipod is

online and available for use by
the speedpilot.

Speedpilot mode canceled.

Fixipod not available.

Occurs when the fixipod is not


Ensure the fixipod is online and

available for use by the

Speedpilot engaged

Occurs when the speedpilot is

turned on and has control.


Speed control halted:

Speedpilot mode disengaged.

Occurs when the speedpilot mode

is exited at the propulsion control

Use manual propulsion.

Speed control halted: Turned

off at VMS

Occurs when the Control Speed

button has been turned off by the

Use manual propulsion.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

Table B-2. Operator Messages

Alarm description Text,


Speed control halted:

Speedpilot interface station off
or failed

Occurs when the system is unable

to access the physical
input/output interface to the
propulsion control system.

Ensure that the workstation

with the input /output is
powered up and is operational.

Turn not accepted

Occurs when the operator does

not accept a planned course
If the ship is not configured to
Always Accept Turns, the ship
continues without turning. If the
ship is configured to Always
Accept Turns, the turn is made.

Make course correction as


[various questions to determine

operator alertness]
ATTENTION: No reply will
result in an alarm

This message is part of the

Vigilance Monitor.


Turn to Waypoint [next

Waypoint Name] hdg [new
Turn to Waypoint Wpt3 hdg

Prompt to make turn for next



Wrong reply, please try again.

This message is part of the

Vigilance Monitor.

Make another response.

Wrong reply. ATTENTION

PLEASE: last try before alarm

This message is part of the

Vigilance Monitor.

Make another response.



Corrective Action

Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual


Table B-1 lists VMS/NAVIECDIS Chart Warning messages, with a brief explanation of each. For
information on responding to Chart Warnings, see Paragraph 2.5.3.

Table B-3. Chart Warnings

Chart Warning Text


[datum code] Pos DTM: No Offset

ABI Pos DTM: No Offset Used

Displayed when a position datum (DTM) other than WGS84 is used on a chart, and the offset to WGS-84 is not
known. For more information on the chart datum, see
Paragraph 4.3.2. Datum codes are referenced in Appendix

[datum code] Pos DTM: Offset Used

NAP Post DTM: Offset Used

Displayed when a position datum (DTM) other than WGS84 is used and the offset to WGS-84 is known. For more
information on the chart datum, see Paragraph 4.3.2. Datum
codes are referenced in Appendix C.

[datum code] Pos DTM: Zero Offset

NAP Pos DTM: Zero Offset Used

Displayed when a position datum (DTM) other than WGS84 is used on a chart, and the offset to WGS-84 is known to
be zero. For more information on the chart datum, see
Paragraph 4.3.2. Datum codes are referenced in Appendix

[position sensor] Reference Datum Not

WGS-84. Conversion Not Possible.
GPS-1 Reference Datum Not WGS84. Conversion Not Possible.

Displayed when the position datum (DTM) message from

the indicated position sensor is not WGS-84.

ARCS Update CD is off line

Displayed when the update CD for BA-ARCS charts is not

inserted in the appropriate CD-ROM drive. For more
information on licensing requirements for BA-ARCS charts,
see Paragraph 4.7.4.

CRC Failure, Chart May Be Corrupt

Displayed when the CRC validity check detects a problem

with the raster images on a BA-ARCS update disc. The
chart will be displayed even when the message appears in
the chart warning window.

Chart is not ECDIS compliant data.

Refer to paper chart.

Displayed when the displayed chart is not of a type that

meets all requirements for ECDIS. For information on chart
types, see Paragraph 4.2.

Chart update in progress.

Displayed while charts are being added to the Chart Catalog.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix B: Alarm and Warning Descriptions

Table B-3. Chart Warnings

Chart Warning Text


Larger Scale Chart Available for the

Ship Position

Displayed when Ownship position is covered by a different

chart with a larger scale that is contained in the current
If AUTO + CENTER mode is selected, the system
automatically loads the largest scale chart for ship position.
When another chart must be displayed, the largest scale
chart is automatically selected and displayed. For
information on automatic chart selection, see Paragraph

No Chart Loaded

Displayed when no chart is loaded.

No HO Data Avail. Refer to Paper


Displayed when the chart data at the best chart scale is all
from a non-Hydrographic Office (HO) source. If any
official HO chart data at the best chart scale is displayed,
this message will not appear. This message is displayed
only when using vector charts.

NOAA update CD is off line.

Displayed when a NOAA chart is displayed, but no update

disk is found in any system drive.

Position Offset Applied

Displayed when a position offset is applied to the Position

sensor. For information on applying a position offset, see

Raster Grid Lines May Not Be


Displayed if the raster image is not WGS84 or NAD83.

This condition may result in raster chart grid lines that are
not aligned with VMS/NAVIECDIS grid lines.

Safety contour not available.

Displayed when the safety contour cannot be shown. For

more information on setting values for safety contours, see
Paragraph and Table 4-8.

Ship Symbol Not To Scale.

Displayed when the Ownship symbol is not presented to

scale on the Chart Display. The VMS/NAVIECDIS will not
display the Ownship symbol below a preset minimum size
required for visibility on the monitor. For information on
the display of the Ownship symbol or outline, see Paragraph

User Depth Contour Not Avail at OS


Displayed when the Safety Depth value is not available as a

depth contour at the current Ownship position. When the
entered Safety Depth is not available, the system
automatically emphasizes the contour with the next deeper
This message is displayed only when using vector charts.
For more information on setting values for safety checking,
see Paragraph



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix C


Table C-1 lists Chart Datums with their identification codes.

Table C-1. List of Chart Datum Codes



Abidjan, Ivory Coast


Leigon Pillar (GCS No 121), Accra, Ghana


Adindan (30th Meridian), Sudan


Afgooye, Somalia


Ain el Abd 1970, Saudi Arabia


M36 Astro 1975 adjustment, Montserrat


DOS Astro A14 1977 adjustment, Antigua


A4 Astro 1956, Anguilla


ARC 1950, Africa


ARC 1960, Africa (1960 adjustment of ARC 1950 datum)


Ascension Island 1958


Astro 1958, Montserrat


Astronomical Station 1952, Marcus Island


Astro Secor 1966, Tarawa and Gilbert Islands


Athens, Greece


Astro Beacon E 1945, IWO-JIMA, Bonin Islands


Australian Geodetic 1966


Australian Geodetic 1984


Australian National


Batavia (Djakarta), Java, Indonesia


Bathurst Base East End Datum, Gambia


Bermuda 1943, Bermuda Islands


Bermuda 1957, Bermuda Islands


Bissau Base North West End Pillar, Portugese Guinea


Bogota Observatorio, Colombia



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix C: Chart Datum Codes

Table C-1. List of Chart Datum Codes




Bukit Rimpah, Bangka Island, Indonesia


Cape Canaveral, USA


Campo Inchauspe 1969, Argentina


Castello Di Sao Jorge, Lisboa, Portugal (Bessel)


Canton Island Astro 1966


Cape Datum, South Africa


Camp Area Astro 1961-62, Antarctica


Castania Delle Furie, Sicily


Carthage, Tunisia


Chatham Island Astro 1971, Chatham Island, New Zealand


Chua Astro, Paraguay


Corrego Alegre, Brazil


Cruz Astro 1947, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands


DOS 66 CZX6, Santa Cruz (DOS 1966-72)


Dakar, Senegal


DCS-3 Astro 1973 adjustment, St Lucia


Djakarta New, Indonesia


DOS Astro Gux1, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands


M12 Astro 1983 adjustment, Dominica, Lesser Antilles


Easter Island 1967


Egypt 1907


Egypt 1930


Eniwetok-Wake 1960, Marshall Islands


European 1950


European 1979


Fahud, Oman (Also known as PD Oman)


Final 1958, Iran


Fiji 1986


Fiji 1956


Observatorio 1939 (Also known as Flores Astro 1939)


Fort Thomas 1955, St Kitts-Nevis, Lesser Antilles



Appendix C: Chart Datum Codes

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table C-1. List of Chart Datum Codes




Fort Thomas 1975 Adjustment, St Kitts-Nevis


Gan 1970, Addu Atoll


GCI Astro (IAGS 1959), Grand Cayman




Genoa, 1908, Italy


Geodetic Datum 1949, New Zealand


DOS 1968, Gizo Island, New Georgia


Goenoeng Dempo, Sumatra, Indonesia


Graciosa Base SW 1948


Goenoeng Segara (P5) 1933, Kalimantan E


Grand Turk Astro 1943


Guam 1963


Helsinki, Kallio Church, Finland


Hermannskogel, Austria


HITO XVIII Astro, Chile (Also known as Provisional South Chilean 1963)




Hjorsey 1955, Iceland


Hong Kong 1963


Hong Kong 1980


Hu-Tzu-Shan, Taiwan


IGN (North Block, Bellevue)


IGN72 Nouvelle Caledonie


Indian (Survey of India)


Indian 1954


Indian 1975, Thailand


Ireland 1965


ISTS 073 Astro 1969, Diego Garcia


Itarare N Base, Itajuba-Santa, Catarina


British Honduras 1922


Johnstone Island 1961


Kandawala 1933, Lanka



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix C: Chart Datum Codes

Table C-1. List of Chart Datum Codes




Revised Kertau


Kerguelen Island 1949


Kusaie Astro Station 3, 1951, Kusaie Island, Caroline Islands


Le Pouce, Mauritius




LC5 Astro 1961, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac


Liberia 1964 (Roberts Field Astro)


Lisboa (Castelo Di Sao Jorge), Portugal (International spheroid)


Luzon (1911), Philippines


Massoua (Eritrea), Ethiopia


Madrid 1853, Spain


Merchich, Morocco


Mercury Datum (Satellite Reference System Only)


Midway Astro 1961


Minna, Nigeria


Monte Mario 1875, Rome (Also known as Rome 1875)


Monte Mario 1940, Rome (Also known as Rome 1940)


Mogadishu, Somalia


Madzansua (Zumbo), Mozambique


Monavatu 1916, Viti Levu Island, Fiji Islands


Revised Nahrwan


Nahrwan, Iraq


Nanking 1960, China


Naparima 1955, Trinidad and Tobago


North American Datum 1983 (NAD83)


North American Datum 1927 (NAD27)


Vanua Levu, Fiji


Old Egyptian, Egypt


Ordnance Survey of Great Britain 1936


OSGB 1970 (Scientific Network)


OSGB 1980 adjustment (Scientific Network)



Appendix C: Chart Datum Codes

VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Table C-1. List of Chart Datum Codes




Old Hawaiian, Hawaiian Islands


Ordnance survey of Ireland (WOFO Grid)


Oslo Observatory (Old), Norway


Norwegian (New)


Panama Colon, Panama


Ayabelle Lighthouse (Phare D'Ayabelle), Djibouti


Pitcairn Astro 1967


Pico de la Nieves, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands


Port Etienne, Mauritania


New Porto Santo


Potsdam, Germany


Principe, Sinal Domorro Do Papagaio


Provisional South American 1956 PSAD56


Puerto Rico 1927, Puerto Rico, Greater Antilles


Qatar National


Qomoq, Greenland




Reykjavik, Iceland


Sainte Anne-Island IGN 1951-52, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles


South American 1969


Sao Braz, Sao Miguel and Santa Maria, Azores


Sapper Hill 1943, Falkland Islands


Schwarzeck, Namibia


Segura, Borneo


South East Island, Seychelles


San Fernando Observatory, Spain


ISTS 061 Astro 1968, S Georgia


Selvagem Grande 1938, Madeira


Service Hydrographique et Oceanographic de la Marine 1984 (SHOM 1984), Martinique


Sierra Leone 1960


GS8 Astro 1953, Grenada, Lesser Antilles



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix C: Chart Datum Codes

Table C-1. List of Chart Datum Codes




South Asia


Sao Tome


Stockholm, Sweden


South West Africa


Tananarive Observatory 1925, Malagasy Rebublic


Tete, Mozambique


Timbalai 1948 (datum point), Sabah (Bessel 1841)


Timbalai 1948 (datum point), Sarawak + Brunei (Everest)


Tokyo, Japan


Tokyo Astronomical Observatory (Old) 1918


Varesmae (System 1937), Estonia


HMS Vidal 1967 Astro


Vienna (Hermanskogel)


IGN 1957 (South Block, Tanna), Vanuatu (Also known as Tanna Astro 1957)


Fort Charlotte, St Vincent


Wake Island Astro 1952


World Geodetic System 1972 (WGS 1972)


World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 1984)


Yacare, Uruguay


Astro Yendegaia




IRL & OGB. These codes are used where a chart has been compiled by fitting information
on more than one datum directly to the chart graticule without making adjustments for the
shift between the datums. They indicate that, at the scale of the chart, such differences are
not plottable, and the chart may be regarded as being on either datum.


Undetermined Code. UND is used where it cannot be stated with any degree of certainty that
positions read from the chart can be related to any one horizontal datum. Where it is possible
to separately identify the datums to which different parts of the chart are referred, then the
chart will be subdivided for geographic referencing purposes.
In practice, there are large parts of the world where insufficient data exists to relate a chart to
any specific horizontal datum.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix D
This Appendix contains a document supplied by the C-Map Cartographic Service, relating to registration,
ordering, licensing and troubleshooting of C-Map chart databases.
Use the contact information given in the C-Map document for information or help with C-Map charts.



VMS/NAVIECDIS Operator's Manual

Appendix D: C-Map Charts




The C-MAP Cartographic Service

The system that you are now using has the capability of using and displaying the latest CMAP CM-93/3 worldwide vector chart database. These charts are fully compliant with the
latest IHO S-57 3.1 specifications and, when using the CM-93/3 ENC database in an
approved ECDIS, are considered equivalent to the navigational charts required by the
SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) convention.
In order to prepare the system for use with the C-MAP CM-93/3 database, there are a number
of things that will first need to be carried out: 1. Registration of the system at C-MAP Norway.
When a system is installed that has the capability to use the CM-93/3 database, a file
called USER.USR will be automatically created (normally in the Program Files\CM93v3
SDK directory). This file contains the Company ID and System ID assigned to the
ECDIS/ECS system when it is installed. These IDs can be found on the back of the
installation CD box or on a sticker placed on the equipment. This file must always be
sent to C-MAP Norway by email (license@c-map.no) or by direct connection to Internet,
when installing the software. Licenses can only be generated once this file has been
received and registered by C-MAP. It is important to note that the software may need to
be reinstalled and reinitialised if the operating system or hardware is upgraded (see the
troubleshooting section). In some cases the manufacturer of the system will have already
pre-registered the system.
If, when installing a new system, you do not know your Company ID or System ID,
please contact C-MAP Norway before continuing installation of the software.
2. Ordering Charts
It is very possible that charts will not be ordered together with the registration of the
system as described above. It is therefore essential that as much information as possible is
sent to C-MAP when ordering charts for a system. To order CM-93/3 charts, the System
Information section should first be completed (normally found in the License
Administrator section of your software). This contains vital information that will allow us
to monitor and maintain your licenses throughout the lifetime of the system. Once this
section is completed you can order charts by choosing the ORDER LICENSES section in
the License Administrator. Charts can be ordered by Zone, Area or Cell and these can be
seen on our Internet pages at www.c-map.no. Prices quotations can be obtained via your
chart dealer or direct from your local C-MAP office. Once the license order has been
prepared it should be emailed (license@c-map.no) or faxed to C-MAP Norway AS (+47

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The C-MAP Cartographic Service, C-MAP Norway AS, 2001

3. Applying Licenses
Once the order has been received at C-MAP, a license will be generated and transmitted
back to the user. This may be in the form of a single alphanumerical string (16
characters), or in the form of a file called PASSWORD.USR. Once this license has been
received it should be input using the License Administrator or the software designed by
the ECDIS/ECS manufacturer. There are two types of licenses, purchase and
subscription. Purchase licences are valid indefinitely while subscription licenses need to
be renewed each 12 months from the start of the subscription. Failure to renew a
subscription will result in the charts becoming unavailable.
If you are having problems installing your software or charts please check the following
before calling C-MAP: -

You are installing on Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows 98 second edition.
The system will not normally run under Windows 95 or Windows 98 first edition.
That you have registered the WORLD database in the GDBADMIN application.
That the registered WORLD database is available. If you are running the database
from the CD drive, the CD-ROM must be loaded.
That you have correctly typed the license string.
That you have not reinstalled Windows or any major hardware components. If you
have done this you will probably need to reinstall your software.

Contact Information:
For information or help please call youre nearest C-MAP Office (details can be found on the
reverse side of the C-MAP chart CD box) or contact C-MAP Norway: C-MAP Norway AS
Post Box 212
Hovlandsveien 52
4379 Egersund
Tel. +47 51464700
Fax.+47 51464701
Email: technical@c-map.no

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The C-MAP Cartographic Service, C-MAP Norway AS, 2001

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