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Dianna Smith

EDUU 551 Lesson Plan

Template for Lesson Plan Integrating Technology (TPACK)
Lesson Title:
Grade Level or Age
Content Standard:

Learning Objective:
(Must be measurable
through assessment)

Ancient Egyptian rulers

6th grade
Social Studies
2. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text;
provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions.
5. Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a
text, including how the major sections contribute to the
whole and to an understanding of the topic.
To examine the timeline of the Ancient Egyptian
dynasty. By the end of the lesson, the students must be
able to name three things that are unique to the
Egyptian civilization.
To be able to identify and evaluate the different
pharaohs of ancient Egypt. By the end of the lesson,
the students must be able to identify five facts about one
pharaoh of their choice.

Technology being
used by Teacher/s
NETS Standard for
Teachers being met

To practice effective research techniques and

exercise responsible digital and online practices.
By the end of the lesson, the students must be able to
use Google search and upload their research on Google
Online resource (video from National Geographic
Channel and Youtube); Online game (Kahoot); Chrome
book (Google, Microsoft Word, Google classroom); smart
1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and
b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and
solving authentic problems using digital tools and
2. Design and develop digital age learning
experiences and assessments
c. Develop technology-enriched learning environments
that enable all students to pursue their individual
curiosities and become active participants in their own

educational goals, managing their own learning, and

assessing their own progress
4. Promote and model digital citizenship and
a. Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical
use of digital information and technology, including
respect for copyright, intellectual property, and
appropriate documentation of sources
Technology being
used by

Online game (Kahoot); Chrome book (Google,

Microsoft Word, Google classroom); smart board

NETS Standard for

Students being met

1. Creativity and innovation

b. Create original works as a means of personal or group
3. Research and information fluency
a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and
ethically use information from a variety of sources and
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital
tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks
d. Process data and report results
5. Digital citizenship
c. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong

Purpose and
Rationale for
Technology Selected
(Knowledge Building
and/or Knowledge
Expression Activity Type)
Essential Vocabulary

Knowledge Building

civilization (n.) the stage of human social development

and organization which is considered most advanced
pharaoh (n.) a ruler in Ancient Egypt
hieroglyphics (n.) an Egyptian system of writing with
pictures that represent words or sounds


pyramid (n.) a monumental structure with a square or

triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at
the top, especially one built of stone as a royal tomb in
ancient Egypt
History book; Online resource (National Geographic

Channel); Chrome book (Google, Google classroom,

Microsoft Word); smart board; Online game (Kahoot)
1. Anticipatory Set:
How do you get them

As an introduction, I will play a clip from the National
Geographic Channel about the Egyptian pyramids.
egypt-pyramids-dest) The purpose of this video is to
engage the students about the topic of Egyptian
civilization. The pyramids are one of the greatest
contributions of Egyptians in our culture and the video
identifies the importance of these pyramids in our
present time.

2. The Instruction:
Describe your
step by step
What will you do
and say?

a. After the introductory video, I will use the History

textbook to briefly highlight the timeline of Egyptian
civilization, identifying the following key concepts:
Egyptian economy is based on agriculture. Farming
was dependent on the Nile river.
Egyptians use hieorglyphics as a form of writing. It
is exclusively used on stones and monuments.
b. I will then proceed to show a video from National
Geographic Channel, briefly covering the ancient
pharaohs from the founder of the Egyptian dynasty to
the Macedonian dynasty
c. For the activity, students are now to choose their
favorite Egyptian king/queen, find a picture, and write
five facts about their chosen king/queen (not including
the dates they ruled and date of death). Chrome books
will be used to search for such information and I will
display on the smart board snippets of photos of the
kings/queens as a guide.
d. Final work will be submitted electronically.

3. Guided Practice:
(Student Tasks)
What will the
students do?

a. Student will watch the resource videos and engage in

a class discussion about things that they found
interesting about Egyptian civilization.
b. Students will do activity by using their Chrome books.
Students will use Google to research pictures and
information. The students will write all the compiled
information through Microsoft Word. They will upload the
final document on Google classroom.

4. Assessment:
What will students say
or do to show you
objectives were met?

Students must perform the classroom activity by

successfully identifying an Egyptian ruler and writing five
facts about him/her. A picture must be included with an
appropriate title.
A 10-item quiz will be conducted as a follow-up. To make
the activity more interactive, the quiz will be done

through Kahoot (an online quiz game).

5. Closure:
How will you help
students make a
transition to the next

The transition from the research activity to the quiz will

be easy since they are using their Chrome books for both
activities. In order to assist them, I will ask them to close
their Google chrome window and go to the Kahoot
website. I will project the Kahoot code on the projector so
they are able to instantly join the quiz.

English Learners,
Students with
Exceptional Needs or
Instructional Challenges

Modified version: Instead of uploading five facts, they will

only write three. If they are having a difficult time using
the Chrome book, they are free to use their History book
as a resource and use the traditional paper and pen to
write their findings.

How could you
extend learning
and foster further
inquiry beyond
this lesson?

To keep them interested in the lesson, I will list important

facts about the Egyptian rulers such as:
Only males were supposed to have the title of a
pharaoh, until one woman declared herself to be
Hatshepsut was the first female pharaoh because
her stepson was too young to become a ruler.
Both male and female pharaohs wore false beards.
Pharaohs wear make up.
Social studies is sometimes a difficult lesson to teach
because most students are not really interested or the
topics are not interesting enough to capture their
attention. This particular lesson, Egyptian civilization, has
many online resources such as videos on various
academic websites. I want to make the lesson more
interactive so I decided to use the National Geographic
Channels videos about pyramids and Egyptian rulers.

How will your
assessment guide
your teaching
Is there a better
way to teach this

As a learning assessment, I chose conducting a research

activity for this particular lesson because I believe that it
is a good way to stimulate the students minds by letting
them search for the information of a given topic. It will be
helpful for them to use their Chrome books (via Google)
in conducting their research as it prepares them for more
rigorous research activities when they go to high school.
It also teaches them how to be a responsible digital
citizen. As a follow-up, using Kahoot as a form of
assessment tool is an effective way of integrating
technology and learning.

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