Federal Political Party Poster

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Leader : Tom Mulcair

Born : October 24th 1954

Office : Member of Canadian house of
Education : Vanier college and Mcgill


The NDP evolved in 1961 from a merger

of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)
and the Co-operative Commonwealth
Federation (CCF). The CCF grew from
populist, agrarian and socialist roots into
a modern socialist party.
In 1961, at the end of a five-day long
Founding Convention which established
its principles, policies and structures, the
New Democratic Party was born and
Tommy Douglas, the long-time CCF
Premier of Saskatchewan, was elected


Bill C-619 proposes national emissions reduction

targets as part of the global effort to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and avoid the
catastrophic effects of climate change. It also
includes accountability mechanisms to ensure
these targets are met.
After 10 years in office, the Conservatives have
done nothing on climate change, and Canadians
will only get more of the same from the Liberals,
said NDP Environment critic Megan Leslie. The
NDP is the only party with a plan to protect the
environment and grow the economy.


The NDP will ask profitable corporations to

pay their fair share, and invest that money in
child care, pharmacare and health care.

The NDP will end unfair tax loopholes for

CEOs, and invest that money to eliminate


In British Columbia there are

regulated childcare spaces available
for only 18 per cent of children
under the age of six, he said.
My plan is for a million $15-a-day
childcare spaces throughout the
country and that will mean 110,000
spaces across British Columbia.
Mulcair has said he plans to raise
corporate taxes and scrap income
splitting in order to pay for the
$5-billion promise


Every child in Canada should have access to high quality,

effective mental health treatment when they need it and
thats not been the case under Stephen Harpers lost
decade, said Mulcair. Evidence shows that addressing
mental health in children reduces the incidence of serious
mental health issues in adulthood, which reduces costs
and strain on provincial healthcare systems.

To support provinces and territories in the delivery of quality

mental health services to young Canadians and their families,
an NDP government will establish a $100 million Mental Health
Innovation Fund for Children and Youth aimed at wait-time
reduction and improved care.

Employment & Welfre

Conservative changes to EI have restricted access

to employment insurance; punished seasonal
workers and seasonal industries; and pushed more
unemployed Canadians onto provincial welfare

The NDP will clean up Ottawa, and replace

Stephen Harpers culture of corruption and scandal
with transparency and accountability.

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