Letter From Councilmember Brandon Todd On Metro Vibrations in Ward 4

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Council of the District of Columbia

John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20004

Brandon T. Todd
Councilmember, Ward 4

Committee Member
Transportation and the Environment
Business, Consumer, & Regulatory Affairs
Chair, Subcommittee on Boards &

December 14, 2016

Paul Wiedefeld
General Manager
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
600 5th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Dear General Manager Wiedefeld,
I am writing to you regarding an urgent issue that Ward 4 residents recently reported at a
community meeting. In the area surrounding the 3800 - 4100 blocks of New Hampshire Avenue
in Northwest Washington, DC, residents are reporting vibrations and shaking in their homes as
green/yellow line Metro trains pass underneath. I urge you to expeditiously dispatch engineers to
investigate the problem and devise a plan to address it.
Residents uniformly say that the vibrations abruptly started this past summer. They are in
agreement that over the past months, the shaking has become increasingly severe.
In addition to being a nuisance waking residents up at 5:00 AM and keeping them awake until
midnight or later this issue endangers residents by threatening the structural integrity of their
I take this issue extremely seriously, and look forward to working with you and WMATA officials
to understand the cause of the vibrations and lay out a timeline to address them as quickly as
possible. Please do not hesitate to contact my office at (202) 724-8052 to discuss this matter.

Brandon T. Todd
Councilmember, Ward 4
CC: DDOT Director Leif Dormsjo, Councilmember Jack Evans, Ann Chisholm

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