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Seminar on Technology and Society

Final Seminar Paper: San Francisco Seminar

Kassia Webb
International College of the Cayman Islands

BE-422: Seminar on Business and Society

Instructor: Dr. David Marshall


This final paper gives the synopsis of the accomplishments that were involved in the
International College of the Cayman Islands, Seminar on Technology and Society, which was
hosted in San Francisco on Tuesday, November 8 , 2016 to Sunday, November 13 , 2016. We


traveled to San Francisco on the United States Elections Day, and as a result, we were
advised to complete an assignment about the potential impact of the U.S. Presidential
Election results on Cayman. In San Francisco, we visited the Bay Area Council Economic
Institute, RocketSpace, Chain, Google Headquarters, SB Architects, and University of San
Francisco, where we explored technology topics by attending lectures with professionals who
provided important views. We received lectures on several technology and society topics like
Start-Ups, FINTECH, Blockchain technology and also technology usage on the making of
Seafire Kimpton at Grand Cayman, Technology in Business and Organizational Behavior. In
addition, we participated in a community service activity at Project Open Hand and we also
had a tour of Chinatown. This paper takes a standpoint of Technology and demonstrates how
technology is progressing and its significance in businesses. This paper includes a research
on the explanations of the significance and enhancement of technology, and if social media,
cell phones, texting, and the Internet made the world bigger or smaller. Additionally, the
paper provides feedback on what amazed me the most during my experience, the impacts it
had on me, and the limitations that I acquired.


This research paper is conducted to show how social media, texting, cell phones, and the
Internet have made the world bigger and smaller. I came to explore this topic as I have firsthand
experience with social media, texting, cell phones and the Internet. I found it very interesting to
actually examine how these technology features have made the world bigger or smaller. It is
important to me as I need to keep up to date with what is taking place around the world and how
society has been impacted. What is also concerning to me is the way that social media, cell
phones, texting and the Internet as change the social interaction of people around the world. I am
also curious to learn how the different type of communication that is evolving across different
areas has impacted societies.
Literature Review
Delgado et al (2016) studied, that cell phones have become a part of people's everyday
lives. They also identified that texting is the most common that people keep connected (Delgado,
2016). However, texting becomes a phenomenon once people are texting while driving as it
causes a distraction. Delgado et al (2016) have done a research that shows the most negative
effect from texting and phone distractions are fatalities and disabilities due car crashes. Delgado
et al (2016) anticipate that holding educational programs could be a future implementation to
minimizing the dangers of texting and driving, in addition to other distractions.
Entner (2010) reviewed that smartphones would have taken over feature phones in U.S.
by 2011. To date, smartphones have overtaken the world since 2011 with the rapid increase in
users not only in the United States of America but also worldwide including small countries like
the Cayman Islands. The author states that new features such as better cameras; sound quality,
and life of the phones will cause users to get a smartphone. I strongly agree that WIFI plays a


significant role in the rapid growth in smartphones because the creators based most of their
applications to work via the internet. Customers indeed are loyal to their smartphones provided
since 2011 to today because of the relationship and connect built with the phones over the years.
It has gotten to the point whereby the loyal users needs to get an upgrade every year in order to
get the best features which will increase the performance of social medias.
In van Dijck, J., & Poell, T. (2013) article discussing how social media has impacted
peoples everyday life. Their result is that social media has weakened the social interaction of
people. Social media has changed the main point of social interaction. This article also shows
ways in which social media has transferred news in a quick and unexpected way, by posting
invitations and other personal information which is later spread and interpreted by others in the
wrong way. According to these authors, social media is referred to as a group of Internet-based
applications (van Dijck & Poell, 2013). Some elements of social media logic include
programmability, popularity, connectivity and datafication.
Technology and Society Topic Exploration
Providing the various topics to choose from for this seminar course on Technology and
Society, I have chosen to focus on how social media, texting, cell phones, and the Internet make
the world bigger or smaller. Social networking is commonly used around the world, causing
people to interact and share views with each other. Social media is a software network that is
designed for communicating and sharing information between others around the world. Social
media, texting, cell phones, and the Internet have made the world bigger and smaller in various
Social media has divided people and has brought them together. It has made the world
smaller as it has painted a picture of people who think they are living amazing lives for others to


believe. van Dijck & Poell (2013) wrote, Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and
LinkedIn as well as user-generated content sites, including YouTube and Flickr, became the core
of host of web-based applications that together formed an expansive ecosystem of connective
media (p.4). Social media brings popularity and connectivity. According to van Dijck & Poell, it
also includes programmability and datafication (van Dijck & Poell, 2013). Using social media
causes people to lose a sense of relationship as most people prefer to post pictures and share
news on social media for the whole world to see. Personally, I have friends on social media who
only like my pictures, comments and send me messages only on the Internet. When we see each
other in public, we are like total strangers. Social media permits people to contact close friends
and discover new family members around the world. It has made the world an easier place to live
and to boost the industry. Social media has also made the world bigger as it offers an easy and
quick way to connect, entertain and share information, create marketplaces, and find jobs.
Cell phones are owned by an increasingly large amount of people around the world. Cell
phones are important as it is not only used for calling but texting and others various functions
such as taking pictures and videos. Cell phones have made the world bigger when it pertains to
the vast amount of communication across the world. They now used for more than making calls
and texting. It is often used for accessing the Internet, video calling and sending and receiving
emails, downloading music, apps and GPS. Cell phones have made life easier in ways such as
being able to process and access personal banking for transferring funds and paying bills. It also
keeps loved ones and business people connected around the world. New marketplaces are also
created by using cell phones to develop the world. By communicating and networking, cell
phones also help people find jobs. Most importantly, cell phones also save lives by urgently
contacting someone help. Cell phones have also made the world smaller, especially with the use


of smartphones as you can do just about anything pertaining to technology with it. According to
Entner, all smartphones like iPhone, Blackberry, Droid has conquered the mobile market (Entner,
2010). Using video chat on smartphones could allow people to perform direct business
internationally from another country.
The Internet has made the world smaller by going to Google search engine and search
just about anything or anyone. The Internet also gives accessibility to view a geographical
picture of a location or area. The use of webcams and video chats has also made the world
smaller. The Internet is also important as it is used in significant areas such as education and
health. The Internet is accessible to any information that is required and it has made
communication better and easier. It also has a massive influence on all businesses and schools. It
provides knowledge in all areas and also helps to decrease expenses for training and other
educational courses. According to Kraut et al (1998) First, time spent online may take time
away from more valuable activities, including social contact, sleep, or reading books. Second, it
may be that the Internet activity itself is somehow to blame (para.9). The Internet is a common
everyday used tool because it provides just about any information in order to accomplish job
tasks, personal matters, and school assignments.
Texting is an international occurrence in which majority cell phone users around the
world use as a quick and inexpensive way to communicate with each other. It is now a central
part of our lives at it is convenient due to growing our connection and interaction. Texting has
made the world smaller as it allows people to send messages when a phone or video conversation
is not convenient, for example during a meeting or training. Its also beneficial if you do not
want to disclose your conversation around others. Texting also gives us the chance to be able to
look back at a previous conversation that took place. Sending text messages does not require the


use of the Internet which is very fitting for people without Internet access. In addition, sending
text messages provides us with the ability to make amendments before sending. Unfortunately,
texting also makes the world smaller as it people tend to text and drive and it sometimes causes
fatal accidents causing us to lose our loved ones. Delgado et al (2016) reports, As smartphone
and in-vehicle technology rapidly evolves, there is an urgent need to determine whether handsfree features actually reduce cognitive distraction and keep the drivers eyes on the road (p.7).
Over time, there have been some features that are being designed for smartphones, which are
convenient while driving such as, reading out text messages, or calling a person from your
contacts list by saying their name.
I also researched that texting improves language skills. According to BBCs article, a
very good point was made where people tend to learn easier through fun activities and it would
improve students reading development because they will be exposed to "textisms" at a tender age
(BBC, 2009). This theory is also true when it comes to child communication skills and
socializing, meeting new friends, and sharing bring ideas. However, it is difficult for me to agree
with the author when they stated that misspelling is not a big issue because the students are able
to understand each other. My view is that when it pertains to an English exam the student would
not be able to perform efficiently because they will not be able to identify words when it is
spelled correctly, or even writing in correct English. Being unable to read and write Standard
English or any other language will cause a deficiency in the working environment.
The San Fran Experience
The seminar on Technology and Society was held in San Francisco, California during
November 8 , 2016 to November 13 , 2016, and was organized by our lecturer, Dr. David


Marshall. The seminar provided us the opportunity to discover various aspects in which


technology has enhanced and is still improving. The seminar comprised of attending daily
lectures and excursions, as well as being involved in a community activity. As a result of these
lectures, we were instructed to write reflection papers on what was learned.
Our first visit was on November 9th, 2016, to Bay Area Council Economic Institute
where we met with Dr. Sean Randolph who is the Senior Director. He gave a presentation on The
Bay Area/Silicon Valley Innovation System - Collaboration with Europe. According to Dr. Sean
Randolph presentation, I learned that the Bay Area Innovation System is an ecosystem composed
of diverse institutions and actors, it's linked by networks and shares distinct cultural values
regarding how value is created. Bay Area Council (2016) states, "Through its economic and
policy research and partnerships, the Economic Institute addresses major issues impacting the
competitiveness, economic development and quality of life of the region and the state, including
infrastructure, globalization, science and technology, and governance" (para. 3). I was also
notified by Randolph that the Bay Area Council Economic Institute's research facilities include:
Federal Research laboratories of which are in five regions: Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, N.A.SA. Ames Research Center, Sandia
National Laboratories, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Based on reading the courses
textbook, I discovered that there are two different types of research which are basic research and
applied research (Easton, 2016). Easton (2016) remarks, "Basic research (also known as pure or
fundamental research) seeks no specific result. It is motivated essentially by curiosity" (p. 19).
Easton (2016) adds, "Applied research is more mission oriented" (p.19). Scientific research is
known as one of the leading practices performed by scientists (Easton, 2016).
We later went to visit the RocketSpace and met with Mark Weiss, who is the Ecosystem
General Manager of RocketSpace and also his colleague Ryan Lee. They gave brief details on


the company and its mission. RocketSpace is responsible for launching tech start-ups. I was
surprised that Uber was their star client who started with about eight people and this company
has now grown significantly around the world. After the RocketSpace visit, we went to meet and
greet with Matt Hatch from FINTECH Lead for EY Americas who spoke to us briefly about
On the same day, we visited the Chain where a presentation was given by Jill Carlson
who is the Business Development and Partner Lead. She presented on blockchain technology.
According to Jill, Chain is a startup company that started three years ago, in 2014 and it is based
in San Francisco but they have a growing in presence in New York as well as that's where a lot of
their partnerships are based. They have about 25 employees who are mostly engineers. Chain
vision is to digitize the world's assets so value moves as fast and intelligently as data. Their
technology is a secure blockchain architecture & platform for high-scale financial network. Their
approach includes partnership: from prototype to production.
Moreover, what I understood from her presentation about the purpose of blockchain is
that it is put in place to transform financial assets. The benefit of blockchain is that digital
transfer without copying. Everyone has concerns about blockchain because they are fear-driven,
opportunistic and strategic. She also advised that the five roles of a blockchain network consist
of operating the network, issuing assets, custody assets, creating products and observing the
network. Some of their main partners are NASDAC, Fidelity, VISA, City Groups, and State
Street. Chain is looking to stay on the core front of technology and to assist on how these
companies can best serve their own customers. Additionally, Chain makes money by licensing
their software to their customers like Visa for example.



On November 10 , 2016, we visited the Google Headquarters where we were given an

intriguing tour and a very informative lecture by Joe Demike who is the Head of Global
Business, Operations, Accelerator at Google, Inc. His lecture included details on the biggest
influence that Google has made to how people in the world function in their everyday lives, how
the company attract and keep top talent and how competitive it is to get hired at Google. He also
shared information on the latest technology improvements that Google is working on and what
the next 10 years will bring for Google. Joe informed us on how the company is addressing
privacy and cybercrime, and how Google has remained a leading brand. I was informed that
Google Inc.'s new name is now known as Alphabet, Inc. Their mission is to organize the world's
information and make it universally accessible and useful.
Interestingly, I learned that Google does not make money from their search option. It is
just a product that a billion people use. Google makes money from a list of organic search results
and paid ads. It was fascinating to know that the search ads are the real money makers and it
generates 90% of Google's revenue. For the paid ads, Google matches ads to what people are
looking for. Joe added, they like competition as its keeps them on edge. Joe mentioned that the
internet came out a long time ago but people started using websites or the worldwide web around
the mid 90's. Google had a historical method of categorization in the 90's, but currently their
modern method is a matter of just typing one to three words in the search option. Their average
length of a search query on Google is 4 words. Additionally, 80% of online activity starts on a
search engine and 4 billion searches are performed on google every day.
Afterward, we were welcomed at SB Architects by Mickey Mazerac, the Senior Associate
and Scott Lee, the President of SB Architects. They are responsible for the making of the Seafire
Kimpton Hotel in Grand Cayman. They provided us an overview of their practices and showed



us some technological sketches of their projects. They also shared a comparison of how
differently projects are done now with the advanced technology, for example, they provide 3D
images to clients as a service. They have been in business for over 55 years and design business
plans that are more tourism related other than schools and hospitals.
Furthermore, on November 11 , 2016, we were given lectures at the University of San

Francisco. Our first lecture was on Technology in Business lecture by Prof. Al-Abdulah. He
shared that software is changing traditional industries in the near future, for example, businesses
like Uber, Airbnb, and self-driven cars. His view was that Uber will not hire anyone to drive in
2020-2025 and that insurance companies could go bankrupt due to effects of self-driven cars. He
also mentioned that real estate companies no longer need to meet with clients to show properties,
because, with the use of enhanced technology, clients can just receive images. We also learned
from Prof. Al-Abdulah that blockchain is a chain of database transactions and that every activity
that is done is saved on a block. According to Kiviat (2015),
Blockchain technology enables secure electronic transactions without a centralized ledger
and without double spending. Instead of a centralized ledger, it makes a collective
accounting by distributing a shared (that is, decentralized) public ledger--a complete
record of all past transactions on the network. This ledger is the blockchain. When two
parties wish to engage in a transaction, they must broadcast it to the entire network,
effectively asking network participants to determine its authenticity. (p.578)
What I found surprising was the term bitcoins, which he said were used by cartels, as they
cannot be tracked. Kiviat (2015) wrote, Nevertheless, technologists and business leaders have
declared it "better than currency," citing its promise to lower transaction costs, transform
developing economies, and generally "reshape [the financial] system (p.572).



Then other presentations included a Welcome from Dean Liz Davis, Organizational Behavior
lecture by Prof. Lo.
Next, on November 12th, 2016, we participated in a community activity at the Project
Open Hand. Elliot Steinbach, who is the Volunteer Coordinator, gave us a detailed overview of
the organization and guided us with our activity. Project Open Hand is a nonprofit organization
that provides meals to ill and elderly people who have are battling serious illnesses like diabetes,
cancer, and AIDS. We volunteered by preparing and organizing meals, and shopping for clients
at the on-site grocery store.
On our final day in San Francisco, on November 13 , 2016, we were given a walking tour

of Chinatown by Linda Lee. This was more of a cultural and diversity activity where we learned
about Chinese food, language, medicines, dancing, religion and beliefs.
Application of the Learning
This seminar on Technology and Society that was based in San Francisco, California, will
be used as a tool to help my professional growth and my growth as a student because I was
exposed to areas of technology that I was not acquainted with.
I have changed as a result of this experience, as being a student of a little community and
with limited educational resources, hinders me from being exposed to the technology industry.
As a professional that would like to become successful and competitive in the world, I know that
it is important that I keep informed of the technological modifications that are happening
worldwide. However, the educational institutions in Cayman are not adequate in providing
information on technology from the expertise and how it is improving in the world, therefore I
would advise those around me to conduct researches or take relevant technology courses to keep
knowledgeable in this area.



It is significant to have continuing opportunities to be able to learn from others within
their line of work. This professional development in technology has kept me informed about the
new enhanced technology that we will be facing in the future. The information from this seminar
that was provided to us, has given me the knowledge that I was lacking. Also, it will better
prepare me for the developing technology that we will adhere to in the future.
Additionally, I am glad that I had been given this learning experience because I only had
little knowledge about the improved technology that the world will adjust to in the future. I did
not comprehend how the development of technology today and for the future will make such an
impact on the financial industry, the society, and professionals. This experience and the lectures
that were presented have provided me with great awareness. Now, I am aware of some aspects
that technology will have an impact on.
Furthermore, as a requirement for our course, I have conducted an interview with Emily
Bodden who is a Programmer at Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, to provide her personal
views in relation to my topic about social media, texting, cell phones, and the Internet have made
the world bigger or smaller. According to Emily Bodden (email interview, December 12, 2016),
she believes that social media has made the world bigger because it allows us to meet and
reconnect with people from all over the world; it opens doors for exploring all that the world has
to offer and offers many opportunities for the everyday social media user. She added social
media makes the world smaller as it tends to lessen face to face communication which can lead
to a smaller, more restricted environment and hence a smaller world. When asked, how has the
everyday use of cell phones and various social medias changed the actual existing social world?
She responded, It has both helped and hindered the growth of the social world. As mentioned
previously, face to face communication is now lacking due to social media outlets, but on the



other hand, more relationships are being formed due to social media and what it offers (E.
Bodden, email interview, December 12, 2016).
In addition, Emily Bodden (email interview, December 12, 2016), thinks that social
media has helped the internet to flourish into what it is today. She mentioned that social media
has both positive and negative effects on the world but, she believes that it has brought more
good than evil as it continues to bring humanity together and helps us to stay connected. She also
thinks that cell phones have made people impatient in some cases as we become accustomed to
everything being available right at our fingertips. Emily stated that social media has definitely
hindered this generations ability to communicate in-person as social media is used as a shield to
communicate with others. I strongly believe that this generation would be a lot more confident
with in person communication if texting and social media did not exist today. She was asked if
texting is considered as social media, she said yes because it allows us to communicate with
others without in person communication.
Based on the interview (E. Bodden, email interview, December 12, 2016), she agrees that
social media will get bigger. She stated: There are always new advances being developed and
every day more and more people are joining social media. As long as our population continues to
increase, I believe that social media will continue to grow also (E. Bodden, email interview,
December 12, 2016). Emily said that social media has increased the awareness of job
opportunity globally with applications such as LinkedIn that provide great opportunities and
awareness. She was not sure if crime rate would have increased or decreased, had social not
exist. However, she said that it is hard to say as I have seen social media being used to solve
crimes but on the other hand, also used for evil. She also believes that someone should be fired
for posting unethical act on social media. She even mentioned that she believes that one should



not live a double life and therefore not post anything on their social media which would not be
work appropriate. Lastly, she thought that social media has contributed to teenagers focusing less
on what really matters in society as they often get caught up in their social media image and
forget to live their real lives and focus on those dearest to them, like family.
Throughout my experience in San Francisco, I realized that there were some limitations
due to the demanding schedule in a short period of time. It would have been advantageous if we
were given the chance to have conducted specific interviews in relation to our main topic, to
specifically discuss thorough evidence and provide answers to my questions related to my topic
of interest. Besides, I would like to have been more opened to blockchain and FINTECH. I
anticipate that I can achieve these goals by doing some research. I could also accomplish these
unfilled goals by contacting a professional on LinkedIn or by doing a Google search. I have
conducted an interview with a professional in the Information Systems Division at the Cayman
Islands Monetary Authority to obtain her views on how social media, texting, cell phones, and
the Internet make the world bigger or smaller.
Summary and Conclusion
In conclusion, we have seen that social media, texting, cell phones, and the Internet have
made the world bigger and smaller in several ways. Technology is one the best tools and
entertainment that we have in this world today. Cell phones, but specifically smartphones is
excessively used that it has affected most peoples social communication in the society.
Personally, everywhere that I go, from attending a party or dinner, there is a room of people
constantly on their phones and not talking to each other, like normal socializing. Nonetheless,
they are convenient for using the Internet, accessing social media, and texting to name a few



features. With the improvement of technology, we no longer have to join lines for banking and to
pay bills. Also, we now have different and inexpensive ways on how to communicate with
people all around the world. Most captivatingly, we can have face to face communication from
all countries abroad. It is amazing that smartphones are able to store any personal and important
information. As a result of these technological features, enhanced technology has surely made
the world smaller and bigger.



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