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This syndrome has occurred in the United Kingdom with some

regularity. Seven outbreaks occurred in the U.K. between 1976
and 1979. Two more incidents were reported by the Public Health
Laboratory Services (PHLS), of Colindale, U.K., in the summer of
1988. Reports of this syndrome in the United States are anecdotal
and have not been formally published.
Phytohaemagglutinin pernah terjadi di United Kingdom (Inggris),
dilaporkan antara tahun 1976 1979 sudah terjadi 7 kejadian luar
biasa. Dua kejadian dilaporkan oleh Public Health Laboratory
Services Colindale UK pada tahun 1988. Telah dilaporkan pula
bahwa sindrom ini sudah menyebar ke Amerika Serikat namun
belum dipublikasikan secara resmi.
Diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms, food history, and
exclusion of other rapid-onset food-poisoning agents (e.g.,
Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, arsenic, mercury, lead,
and cyanide).
Diagnosa dapat digolongkan berdasarkan gejala, sejarah
makanan yang dimakan, dan serangan cepat dari sumber
keracunan makanan seperti : Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus
aureus, arsenik, merkuri, timah , dan sianida.
Target populasi
All people, regardless of age or gender, appear to be equally
susceptible; the severity is related to the dose ingested. In the
seven outbreaks mentioned below, the attack rate was 100%.
Semua orang, tanpa memandang usia atau jenis kelamin,
semuanya tampak sama-sama rentan. Tingkat keparahan
berdasarkan dosis yang tertelan.

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