Reflectionpapergoogle 2 Jing

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Running head: GOOGLE VISIT

A Reflection paper on our Google visit

Seminar on Organizational Behaviour and Development
Paula Grierson- Thompson
International College of the Cayman Islands


This paper was prepared for the Seminar on Organizational Behaviour and
Development,lectured by Dr. David Marshall ( Dec. 2016 )
1. What did you learn?
I learnt that Google has fully embraced the world of innovation through the use of
technology. By seeking to think years in advance, and revolutionized the search criteria on the
web. They found the solution to move away from categorization just by using keywords, place
emphasis on being fast with the principal focus on creating a culture of innovation and change,
creating avenues to survive in the competitive business world and so as not to become
complacent, place constant reminders on the campus. Google reminds their employees with an
artist rendition of dinosaur and a shark placed strategically on the compound, i.e., close to their
free gourmet food cafeteria of at least six different cuisines.( The dinosaur is the reminder that if
they don't keep upgrading and changing they would become like a dinosaur just like IBM in the
1990s and the shark reminds them that there are aggressive competition ready to take their
place. Their employees are truly empowered because the organisation provides red carpet style
benefits for them such a doctors with various specialisation, barber, beauty shop, concierge,
five months paid maternity leave, even the ability to spend 20% of their paid time working on
something they would like to create. As a result, Google was recognised as a top place to work
( J. DeMike, personal communication, November 10, 2016, 11.15 am ).
To addition to maintaining their status quo, Google adapted a consumption chain with
four main categories: aware, trial, repeat and loyalty. This ideology allows for Google to gain
and maintain loyal customers. They also adopted another concept called crowdsourcing or a
google moderator that uses a voting system, which allows customers a chance to make decisions


for the organisation through the utilisation of the world wide web which requires the best
question answer, the information garnered is in turn utilised by Google. (J. DeMike, personal
communication, November 10, 2016, 11.15 am ).I f I remember correctly, Nike instituted
customising Nike sneakers out of this very same concept the aim would be that each customised
shoe would not match one previously designed so that, no two people would have the same
style. Also, their corporate philosophy is:-, ideas come from everywhere, share everything you
can, rapid innovation not perfection, allow employees time to pursue dreams and use database
decision making and focus on users.( J. DeMike, personal communication, November 10, 2016,
11.15 am ). It is amazing how Google metamorphosed into a technological giant based on the
use of diversification, empowerment, innovation, collaboration and seeking the most brilliant

2. How is what you have learned related to the topic of Organizational Behavior and
The fundamental thing that I have learnt that is related to the subject of Organizational
Behavior and Development is that the rigid way of policies and procedures limited employee
innovative ideologies, organisations must become more dynamic. Be willing to change regularly
to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. In conjunction, be aware that it is the
customer that drives any business. Therefore, it is imperative that the focus must be with
employees for the sustainability of any organisation. According to Robbins,& Judge
organisations must welcome change by altering their culture, to do so institutions need to
stimulate innovative culture and create learning organisations (Robbins,& Judge, 2014)


3. How can you relate this topic to your reading -- the official text of the book? Please be
I found fascinating the fact that employees are truly empowered, and they know, this is
due to the benefits that they enjoy. They are treated fairly by their employer in regards to their
performance appraisals. Management meet in the form of a committee to give each employee a
performance score which therefore eliminates bias and presents a sense of fair; this is not a
usual practice in Cayman. Their organisational culture also advises employees ahead of time
any PR information so that they are aware of any changes or new development before it gets to
the public. It is not standard practice in Cayman, Joe outlines, which this approach measures
with Googles #6 DNA which is collaboration- employees know before advertised. Also, the
concept aligns with their corporate policy # 2 share everything you can and #4 give employees a
licence to pursue dreams. (J. DeMike, personal communication, November 10, 2016, 11.15
am ).
Robbins & Judge, speak to an organisational concept of happy workers are more likely
to be productive workers , they claim that a study conducted revealed that there is a correlation
between happy employees and successful organisations. Data gathered of satisfaction and
productivity, revelled that more satisfied employees tend to be more efficient than corporations
with little employee satisfaction (Robbins & Judge 2014, pg 42).
4. Are there any implications for Cayman?
Technology is the way of the future, if a country does not keep up they will be left
behind and lose business as well because their technological infrastructure cannot support the


demand of data traffic required for technology companies. Already the leading
telecommunication organisations in Cayman is having serious problems keeping up with the
internet speed needed for some international business seeking to enter the business marketplace.
Duncan states that Cayman Islands lags behind Aruba, the Bahamas, Curacao and eight other
countries in the Caribbean ( Duncan, 2015 ). It is, therefore, clear that there are concerns for
Cayman and it's ability to sustain any technological advancement.
A technology industry could become the number one income earner for Cayman. However,
the government would have to ensure that the country is equipped with the interspersed required
and talented workforce. Therefore a ministry of technology should be formed with the
intention of collaborating with the universities to ensure that Caymanians are trained to sustain
the industry and International business reassured that the country would have the workforce to
fill the vacancies. The Cayman Islands have no natural resources, therefore technological
industry is one that the country should embrace while using the San Francisco Bay area model
to create economic growth for the country years to come with the intent of the use of local talent
for sustainability.


Duncan, C . (2015) Internet speeds increase but lag behind competitors. Retrieved from
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. 12th edition (2014). Organisational Behaviour. Upper Saddle River,
Pearson Education,Inc.

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