Klappstein Danielle Resume 2016

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Danielle Klappstein

32F, Ocean View Building, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong ~ (+852) 9654 9986 ~
November 22nd, 2016
Mr. Raymond Loo
Director of Sixth Form Admissions
Sevenoaks School, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1HU
Dear Mr. Loo,
I am writing to express my eagerness in applying for the position of a sixth form boarding student at
Sevenoaks School during the 2017-2018 academic year. I discovered your institute through the school
website in which I have learnt of the high quality education as well as the excellent atmosphere. I have
also discovered that there is a diverse selection of courses provided which matches my interests.
Due to my experience with studying in an International Baccalaureate school at the Canadian
International School of Hong Kong (CDNIS) for the past 12 years, I strongly believe I will be able to
adapt to the Sevenoaks School atmosphere relatively quickly. As mentioned in the school website, your
school participates in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program which will allow my transition to
be smooth because I have previous experience with the IB. I believe myself to be a good candidate for
this position for I have developed a wide range of skills through my years at CDNIS which would benefit
my experience at Sevenoaks. I was the recipient of the Honour Roll award, an award that is awarded to
those who have performed in a high level of studies, clearly reflecting my superior level of academic
performance. Apart from academics, I was able to develop leadership skills, communication skills,
critical thinking skills and others. I have also been focused on school but also on my personal interests
such as sports, writing and dramatic theatre. I am a very well-rounded person for I am able to balance
my use of time between these activities.
Previously, I have been the recipient of the sportsmanship award, which is awarded to the best
performing, sportsmanlike athletes at the school, showcasing my outstanding performance in sports. I
have been a part of various different sports teams including soccer, touch rugby, track and field, and
basketball, allowing me to develop a set of leadership skills, teamwork, and many more. I have also
received numerous MVP and MIP awards for these sports which reflects my ability to perform to the
best of my abilities. I have participated in numerous international sports competitions including South
East Asia Students Activity Conference (SEASAC) tournaments, Southern Delta Region Conference
(SDRC), and many more. Apart from sports, I have also been involved in numerous theatrical activities
and productions, including a number of the schools musical productions.
I am thrilled to hearing back from you in response to my application for a position in your school. I will
contact you within the next week if I havent heard back from you. I can be reached through my email
at daniklapp@cdnis.edu.hk.com or through Skype (if you would like to have a private interview) at
daniklapp212121. I am grateful for your time.
Danielle Klappstein

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