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Mason Elementary Lesson Planning Template

1.12 The student will recognize that communities in Virginia
b) Benefit from people who volunteer in their communities
1.6 The student will depict personal experiences in works of art
1.7 The student will identify and use the following in works of art:
1. Color- primary
2. Line- zigzag, dotted, wavy, spiral
3. Shape- geometric, organic
4. Pattern- alternating, repeating
After a week of discussing and learning about the benefits of
volunteering students will demonstrate their knowledge
through videos or a slideshow presentation.

Students will be grouped into groups of 2 or 3. Each group

can choose to make a video or a slideshow presentation or a
persuasive poster to hang in our school as their summative
Students will film each other and/or others at our school to
- What a volunteer is
- Why you should volunteer
- How you can get involved
- Personal experiences
If the group chooses to make a poster, then that must
incorporate those same ideas and they will present it.
Students can also include recordings, pictures, and ideas
from their field trip from earlier in the week.
After the videos/presentations are edited and practiced each
group will go to another grade level classroom in our school
along with a teacher or parent volunteer to present their
findings and explain the importance of volunteering. They
should also include ways these other students can get
involved in our community.


This lesson allows students to make a choice and show what
they know about volunteering in different ways, through
visuals, performance, lecture, etc.
And Modifications:

I will be aware of the students I pair together, for example I

will consciously pair a quieter student with someone who I
believe can help get them our of their shell to perform.
Final videos/presentations
4 - student goes beyond the guiding questions for the project
- its very neat, creative, and clear that a lot of effort was put into it
- practiced their presentation
- gave specific, persuading examples and used information from
multiple resources
- the student worked well in a group and treated others with
3 student answers all of the guiding questions for the project
- its somewhat neat and creative, you can tell there was effort put
into it
- the presentation was practiced
- gave examples from multiple resources
- the student could work in a group and treat others with respect
2 student answers some of the guiding questions
- there are some mistakes and it is not very neat
- the presentation needed more practice
- did not use examples from a resource besides themselves
- the student had trouble working with their peers
1 student answers one or none of the guiding questions
- there are major mistakes and the piece is messy and unorganized
- the presentation was not practiced
- did not include any specific examples
- the student did not treat their group mates with respect

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