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Abigail Sebastian
Professor Turner
Eng 114A
14 December 2016
Jokes Go Beyond a Laugh
The visual text I chose, is an image including, U.S. president Barack Obama and U.S.
42nd president, Bill Clinton, talking about current U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Making a reference to a previous affair between Mr. Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. In the text,
Obama ask how Mrs.Clinton's head is, and Mr. Clinton responds well she's no Monica. The
humor seen here is a dysphemism toward Mrs. Clinton, as well as trying to be satirical. Though
the visual text may only be targeting only Mrs.Clinton, it is sending out a message at a larger
scale. The visual text is sending a message, telling the world that a woman's head is only in a
man's pants. There has been a socially constructed idea that women and men are not equals and
women will always be below men. This idea made from society, is incorrect and if others try to
prove it wrong or try to go against this idea, they are pushed down by society.The visual text is a
perfect example of how a women can be pushed down in the pursuit of seeking more for herself.
From 30th B.C., to the 21st century, society has been built upon strong male dominance.
What I mean by this statement is, that since the beginning of time, male dominance has always
been something seen world wide. The United States in particular is very picky about their strong
men, like Peggy McIntosh, explains in her article White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible
Backpack, woman and all other races in America who aren't white males, are not really wanted
nor helped to try to climb the hierarchy of social class.The visual text seen, clearly does not
support Mrs.Clinton, because presidency is generally not a job seen fit for a women. The text

shown is not putting down Mrs. Clinton because of lack of qualification or votes, but simply
because she is a women. Though Mrs.Clinton is not the only one whos been put down by the
norms in society, and this is not the only job that is seen as a job that is just for men.The thought
that women and men are not equals is seen throughout jobs. Though it is wrong for people to be
evaluated for a job position based on only their gender. However, when people like Mrs.Clinton
try to step into a mans job she gets made fun of and pushed down by others.
Women who have come or choose to come into power, must struggle struggled hard, and
are continuously pushed down by not only white men, but mostly all men. Struggles for women
include, dealing with both work and their families, gender stereotyping, and leaderships styles.
(Jacob/Shain 99) In particular, jobs in politics is one of the hardest jobs for women to get into.
Since of June 2016, 22.8% of all national parliamentarians are women, a slow increase from
11.3% in 1995. Even though the number of women in parliament has nearly doubled, it still only
accounts for 22% of all of parliament.(UN women) Similarly to Hillary Clinton, another woman
in politics, Nancy Pelosi, though eventually won and became the first woman Speaker of the
United States House of Representatives. Since white men have always ruled politics,they try to
make it seem like they are alright with the company of having women around at work but don't
see them as their equals. In the book We Will Be Heard: Women's Struggles for Political Power
in the United States by Jo Freeman, brings to light many stories of women in politics and their
struggles with men and with how seriously they are taken in their job. In chapter 5 of her book
she speaks of previous women who tried to run for presidency, and the struggles they dealt with.
Like men, women work equally as hard to be able to taken seriously and be qualified for the job
of their choosing. Neither men nor women should push down on one another when trying to help
their society, we should work together to better ourselves.

Even though politics is not the only job that is being put at a harder reach for women, it is
a job that is seen more of and is important to our state and should be open to all people, no matter
their gender, ethnicity, or religion. To be stuck in the past thinking that it is okay to separate each
other into all these categories and have to live by them is wrong. We are supposed to be living in
a country where we have the freedom to choose whether we grown or stay as we are, as well as
what we wish to make of ourselves. However we mustnt be tied to the chains constructed by
society. The visual text is simply a way of making humor contribute to the strength of these
social chains.Yet it does not need to be this way, in John Morreals article, The Social Value Of
Humor we can read that humor is not something that must be used to harm one another but to
laugh and gain friendship as well as a sense of trust and relationships as well as harmony sence
with society, in the passage Laughing together unites people...It shows our acceptance of them
and our desire to please them. Though humor can be used in a negative connotation, as seen in
the visual text, it has more than one use for it, and we are the ones who have the power to decide
how to use our humor whether it be positive or negatively. Instead of contributing to the idea that
women will always be below men, humor should be used to correct it.
I understand this is a joke and is not meant to be taken as seriously as perhaps I am taking
it, however jokes like these that bring down the confidence and determinations as well as the
idea of women being able to grow outside the kitchen or the idea of a housewife. In addition, I
dont think the lives of women should be easier than men by simply just giving them the jobs
that they please. Men and women should be taken seriously in all work places and be chosen in
the right qualifications. I realize that in order to gain, one must work hard, however Id like to
point out that many women work hard and long to make something of themselves and little
things like harmfully humor or things as big as sexual harassment lead to women diminishing

their determination for growth. Clinical Psychologist Rod A. Martin states in his piece Humor
and Physical Health, humor seems to boost positive moods and counteracts negative
emotions, this may be true,though this means that humor can do just the opposite if used in a
negative way.
If it were the case, that who ever wrote the joke, did not have such harsh intentions, thats
perfectly fine and possible. Though this simply shows how blind our society is that we dont pay
any thought into what we say or share in social media. Having images like this laughed about, is
there to show us that we dont even realize how harmful and offensive this could be to others,
and though it may not be intentional because it is something that we are so used to, it is still
something that must change in order for our nation to progress and grow strong as a united
nation.In addition, it is true that nothing comes easy in this world, however should a person be
put down for where they are from, gender, Race, or by actual qualifications that matter, like
education, and experience? Ill let you be the one to answer that question.
The idea that women and men are not equals and that women will always be below men,
is nothing more than an idea, and women all around the world have take steps to prove this idea
wrong. Like Mrs.Clinton and Ms.Pelosi, are perfect example of women whove stepped into a
job that used to only be taken by men, and they are doing just as well as men were . Humor is
seen in the world as jokes, and laughs in order to relax and have a good time with those around
you, whether it be in person or in social media. Yet humor has expanded much more than that in
our lives know. Humor can manipulate the minds of people as well as construct bonds and ideas!
The visual text that I choose is an example of the type of humor that manipulates the mind into
thinking that Mrs. Clinton is not fit for presidency simply because her husband had an affair. The
image does not look at her education or qualifications for presidency, instead it focuses in her

relationship with her husband. When I first saw it, it simply looked like they were bashing at
Mrs.Clinton and didn't bother to think more of it, because it is something that I'm so used to
seeing. Should we live in a world where humor is used to put down people, and this does not
only put down the people, but it puts down our society, and in the end we are just holding
ourselves back from progress , as a nation. We should not limit ourselves in what how much we
can grow, as well as who can and can not, if we want to progress, only we have the power to
change that.

Work cited
"Facts and Figures: Leadership and Political Participation." UN Women. , Aug. 2016.Web. 08
Nov. 2016.
Morreall, John. "The Social Values Of Humor." Taking Laughter Seriously. Albany: State U of
New York, 1983. 52. Print.
Martin, Rod A. "Humor and Physical Health." The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative
Approach. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic, 2007. 47. Print.
Freeman, Jo. We Will Be Heard: Women's Struggles for Political Power in the United States.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. Print.
Jacobs, Pearl and Linda Schain. "Professional Women: The Continuing Struggle for Acceptance
and Equality. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics 1 (2009): 98-111.

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