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Name: Earl John Ramon E.

28, 2016
Yr. Section: III-France
Course: International Tour Packaging
Program: International Tourism Management

Date: November

Munato Festival
A. Munato Anthropomorphic Exhibit
Anthropomorphic pottery have been found in several Philippine sites
such as Bacong on Negros island, Huyop-hoyopan in Albay and
manunggul Cave in the Tabon Cave Complex on Palawan island.
Anthropomorphic limestone burial jars have also been found in lebak in
the Kulaman Plateu of Sultan Kudarat. These previously discovered
anthropomorphic jars, however, that are characterized by sketchy
facial shapes, are unlike the Maitum Anthropomorphic jars represent
facial features in meticulous detail so much so that each jar is unique
and appear to portray distinct individuals. Other Archeological material
recovered from the excavation include human skeletal remains
contained in jars, grave goods such as glass bracelets, shell scoop,
metal implement, glass and clay beads, worked shell, and small
earthenware vessels containing small bones.
B. Cultural Show
Station 1: The performers from Maitum showcase the history of the
Munato Jars - burial jars. It is in their performance that if a person die
they will cremate his remains and put it in the jar, after few years they
will dig the jar and cremate the remains once more. The magnificent
performance gives me chills as I learned the history of the jars.
Station 2: Tboli from Kiamba. Tboli showcase their dance for
courtship involving love triangle.
Station 3: Blaan from Malungon. Blaan showcase their music and
dance for marriage. And they decide the fate of their children from
birth. And they have the do have a respect for elders that they will
decide in every decisions of the family.


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