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Makes 1 cup (240 milliliters)

4large egg yolks

200milliliters (3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons) full-fat coconut milk

30grams (3 tablespoons) light brown palm sugar, finely chopped

if crystallized*

65grams (5 tablespoons) granulated sugar

3fresh pandan leaves (you can find them in Asian stores; skip if

you can't find them)

1pinch fine sea salt

(All ingredients should be at room temperature)


Beat egg yolks with a fork until the yolks are combined (but don't
beat them so much that they get foamy).


Heat coconut milk together with the chopped palm sugar,

granulated sugar, pandan leaves, and salt in a double boiler or over
a bain-marie. I always use a medium-size pot, filled with about 1 inch
of gently simmering water, and place a heat-proof metal mixing bowl
(e.g. stainless steel) over the pot.


Stir constantly with a rubber spatula as the coconut milk gets

hotter. When the mixture comes to a boil (or at least nearly), remove
the bain-marie (including the water pot) from the heat.


With a ladle, gradually (!) pour half of the hot coconut milk
mixture (about 1/2 cup) into the egg yolks while constantly stirring
the yolks. It is very important to do this slowly and while stirring,
otherwise the yolks curdle easily. Also, if you remove the upper bowl
from the bain-marie to pour the mixture, be careful not to get burnt,
because the steam is very hot. That's why I use a ladle.


Put the bain-marie with the remaining coconut milk back on the
stove and gradually add the egg-milk mixture while stirring.


Stir until the mixture thickens, about 10 to 20 minutes, depending

on the heat. Don't cook it over high heat, as the yolks will curdle.
The final texture should be custard-like, similar to that of lemon curd.
The kaya will still get thicker once it cools.


Remove the pandan leaves and pour the kaya into clean jars. If
you see any lumps or curdled egg, press the curd through a strainer


Keep coconut jam refrigerated and use within 1 week.


*Note: If you can't find light brown palm sugar, you can use 30
grams (3 tablespoons) dark brown palm sugar, or regular light/dark
brown sugar instead.

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