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Davis Briscoe
Mr. Van Wyk
Advanced Composition
17 October 2016
Unfit to be President.
Nazi Sympathizer.
We hear these types of quotes so often that they have become meaningless. These types
of quotes are not only coming from the left but from the party that Donald J. Trump now leads.
Yes, Trump is realigning the Republican party but people who have traditionally called
themselves Republicans are in a panic. Especially the following three categories of Republicans:
Power Brokers, Libertarian Powers, and Social Conservatives, who have been the main
influencers to the party for the last decade.
Anyone that follows politics knows that the Bush family is a political dynasty. The last
two Republican Presidents have been George H. W. Bush (41), and his son George W. Bush
(43). Now Jeb Bush, son of H. W. Bush, and the brother of George W. Bush decided to run for
President during the 2016 election and was defeated by Trump. With Trump defeating a so called
powerhouse, the favor of him winning the Presidency should be strong, but with a family that
has been significantly influential in the party is actually devastating. With neither former
Presidents endorsing Trump, and H. W. Bush voting against Trump by voting for Clinton, it
sends a message to people who would call themselves suporters of the Bush family. "He's not
war hero," Trump said. He continued to say, "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like
people that weren't captured" (Tani). This comment made by Trump is referring to the 2008

Republican candidate John McCain. After McCain endorsed Trump, he criticized a few policies
that could use some tweaking in McCains eyes. In my eyes, just because you endorse someone,
does not mean one has to agree with that person on every subject. McCain was doing his job and
trying to make Trump stronger by being critically constructive of his policies. However, Trump
did himself a disservice by criticizing a highly celebrated war hero, which offended many
Americans. After Trump made these comments, McCain took back his endorsement of Donald
Trump. Another familiar name in the Republican party is the Romney family. The Romneys
arent as big as the Bush family, but Mitt Romney is the latest Republican candidate that fought
against Obama in 2012. Romney, who is considered a poster child for the party, has come out
and has said many things about Trump which are all negative comments. "Here's what I know.
Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump
University. He's playing the members of the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to
the White House and all we get is a lousy hat (Kreig). With the latest nominee for the party
attacking the current nominee, it shows that people who call themselves republicans have to
make a choice of being a traditional Republican, or Trump Republican.
Another group in the party is the Libertarian side of the Republican party. Ron Paul, who
is a former Congressman, and a potential nominee in the 2008 and 2012 election, is also not
voting for Trump based on Trumps trade policy for not supporting free trade. Paul has stated
that he will choose an alternative to someone who he thinks fit his policies (Freeman). Ben
Sharpio is also another Libertarian who will not be voting for Trump, which he expressed when
he said:
I will never vote for Donald Trump because I stand with certain principles. I stand
with small government and free markets and religious freedom and personal

responsibility. Donald Trump stands against all of these things. He stands for
Planned Parenthood and trade restrictions and targeting of political enemies and
an anti-morality foreign policy and government domination of religion and
nastiness toward women and tacit appeals to racism and unbounded personal
power. I stand with the Constitution of the United States, and its embedded
protection of my God-given rights through governmental checks and balances.
Donald Trump does not. I stand with conservatism. Donald Trump stands against
Sharpio is very straight forward on why he does not stand with Trump.
The last category of people who dont support Trump are the Social Conservatives.
Social Conservatives are the base members of what the Republican Party is supposed to
represent. Anti-abortion, Anti-gay marriage, and promoting Christian values is what these people
believe in. Trump has said that he is pro-life, however he is not anti-gay, and does not promote
strong Christian values, so the Social Conservatives are not in favor of Trump. With Trump
rebranding the Republican party, the Social conservatives are now having a hard time calling
themselves Republicans.
The 2016 political season has been dynamic and explosive. This has been manifested in
the fact that traditional conservatives have broken ranks and have collectively gone after the
Republican candidate, Donald Trump. One should never underestimate the will of the American
people, and Trump was chosen by the citizens. Considering that his opponent is Hillary Clinton
makes this decision that much more surprising. Instead of coming together to defeat Hillary,
these Never Trumpers will never vote in favor of Trump. This movement is due to the fact that

Trump has altered the Republican partys collective values, therefore sectors of the party now
have a difficult time identifying with these ideals.

Works Cited
Freeman, Brian. "Ron Paul: I Won't Vote For Trump." Newsmax. N.p., 04 May 2016. Web. 23
Oct. 2016.
Kreig, Gregory. "10 Colorful Donald Trump Insults from Mitt Romney's Speech." CNN Politics,
n.d. Web.
Shapiro, Ben. "SHAPIRO: I Will Never Vote For Donald Trump. Here's Why." Daily Wire. N.p.,
04 Mar. 2016. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.
Tani, Maxwell. "Donald Trump Attacks John McCain: 'He's Not a War Hero'" Business Insider.
Business Insider, Inc, 18 July 2015. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.

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