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Name: ______________________

3 Levels of Government Challenge

You are the founder of a new country, the country of:
(Write the name of your imaginary
Country here) As founder you are incharge of setting up your levels of

government, assigning leadership titles, and placing esponsibilities at each

level of government. Remember you are inspired by Canada and you want to
copy Canadas design of government.
In the table on the next page please complete the following:
1) Label the three levels of government, use the same names for the
levels as we do here in Canada.
2) Make sure each level has a leader with the proper leadership title. Use
the leadership titles we use here in Canada. (
3) Give each leader a name, Make one up or use the names of the leaders
that represent us here in Canada.
4) Draw a picture or write down 2 responsibilites for each level of
government in your new country. Remember as founder you are
copying the responsibilites of Canadas three levels of governemnt.
5) Complete the challenges to save and protect your country.

Name: ______________________

My Country of: ______________________________________________________

(Re-write the name of your imaginary
1st Level of Government: (Whole Country)

Leadership title: ___________________________

Name of Leader: ___________________________
(Create your own or use Canadas Leaders)
Responsibility of Government Level:
2nd Level of Government: (Each Province and Territory)

Leadership title: ___________________________

Name of Leader: ___________________________
(Create your own or use Canadas Leaders)
Responsibility of Government Level:
3rd Level of Government: (Each city, town, and reserve)

Leadership title: ___________________________

Name of Leader: ___________________________
(Create your own or use Canadas Leaders)
Responsibility of Government Level:

Name: ______________________


3 Levels of Government Challenge

Now that you have your new country organized you have to be able to assign
more responsibilities to each level of government. Remember you are
inspired by Canada and you want to copy Canadas design of government
responsibilities for your country.
Write below if the responsibility should belong to the Federal, Provincial, or
Municipal Government of your country.

Challenge #1
Your postal service workers have gone on strike (they quit working). Which
level of government will you put in charge of making sure your Postal Service
runs smoothly? ( /1)

Challenge # 2
A sewage line burst and you have citizens who no longer have access to
plumbing and sewers. Which government are you going to put in charge of
fixing broken sewage systems? ( /1)

Challenge #3
As the founder of a country to need to make sure you have emergency
services in case of a disaster. Which level of government will you put in
charge of emergency services? ( /1)

Name: ______________________



3 Levels of Government Challenge

Now that you have your new country organized you have to be able to assign
more responsibilities to each level of government. Remember you are
inspired by Canada and you want to copy Canadas design of government
responsibilities for your country.
Write below if the responsibility should belong to the Federal, Provincial, or
Municipal Government of your country.

Challenge # 1
You are given a large amount of money to spend on fixing up Public Transit
within your country. Which level of government are you going to trust with
this money? ( /1)

Challenge # 2
Your country is taking in a large amount of refugees. Which level of
government is responsible for granting citizenship to each refugee?



Challenge # 3
Several animal shelters across your country are in need of repair. Which level
of government is in charge of animal control?
( /1)

Name: ______________________


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