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Request letter

Example 1
In our attempts to teach our students to be environmentally aware, Springfield Middle
School would like to start a recycling project. Please send us information on which
products are the best to start off with, and let us know what services you can provide to
help us. Fund raising is not a primary objective, but we would like to be able to cover our
costs. You can send information to the above address or call me, Jane Doe, at 555-5555.
Example 2
I saw your advertisement introducing the Doe 600 Plus in the Springfield Journal of June 10. I think your system
may be just what our company needs. Please send me more information on the 600 plus or other systems that
may be appropriate for our needs. We have 90 employees and run our plant 24 hours per day, six days a week.
You could mail the information to me at the above address, or call me at 555-5555.

Reply Request Letter

Fonseca Enterprises Bhawan,
28th August 2004
Dear Mr. Gandhi,
I have received your letter requesting a reduction in rent. I shall personally visit the premises and inspect the faults. It
might be possible for me to invest in a false ceiling to prevent leaking in the kitchen.
Unfortunately, I can not accept your request for rent reduction since the rent I have stipulated is based on present
market rates.
Kindly let me know when you will be available at the premises next week so that I can come and survey matters for
myself. Possibly, I will set all maters right then itself.
With all good wishes.
Yours Sincerely,
(Signature of George)

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