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Name:__Phillip Le__

1. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.
Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.
Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of
Characters Name:Nova, female

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

She has the power to fly and telekinesis.
How does your characters ability work?
She can control matter to move through the air or be crushed, this involves hand motion.
She can fly using the wind to create wings.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
She is free to use it as long as her hand have free motion.

2. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.
Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.

Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of
Characters Name:Rowan, male

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

Rowan has the ability to make his fist into solid matter 20x stronger than diamond. He
can light his fist on fire to.
How does your characters ability work?
On his command, his skin starts to turn to scales and admit a glowing red light which
can increase to the point of magma.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
He can use his ability anytime though when he feels sad or hopeless, he is weakened.

3. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.
Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.
Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of
Characters Name: Jax, female

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

She has no powers, though she is very smart and therefore made a suit that allows her to
control electricity.
How does your characters ability work?
She uses a gun that shoots automatically little lighting bolt like ammunition that glows
blue as it passes through the air. She also has a electric discharge ability. Also electric
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
As long as the power cells in her backpack are charged, it will work. Not very good in
water though, I mean its effective against the enemy and she doesnt get hurt though
anyone in the blast radius can get a jolt.

4. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.
Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.
Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name:Hunter, male

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

He has super speed. He can move about the world as if time has slowed down for him.

How does your characters ability work?

His body can withstand the speed of sound though his shoes are a different story.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
Will work when ever except in the event of a solar eclipse.

5. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portmans. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.
Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.
Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of
Characters Name:Sarah

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

Has the ability to create force fields and heal the wounded. Has self healing abilities.
How does your characters ability work?
She can create violet pink force fields with the wave of her hand. Her eyes glow a neon
pink and there are visible pink energy that form around her forearm and fingers when
she makes a force field.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
Can be activated at all times, though she is not very good at using her abilities.

Home for Peculiar Knights

Heres a story unlike anything youve heard before. A tale of magic, sorcery
and monsters of all shapes and sizes. A tale of heroic knights with kings and
queens from across the land. This is a story about bravery, love, and friendship.
So!!! The story begins in a little village town known as Raven Hollows. It was a
dark town with its dark streets and empty houses. The place was nearly half
abandoned, well except for the few eleven or so residents residing on the
mountainside of old dormant volcano. The land was covered with snow and few of
the families ever had so much as a loaf of bread to eat. The inhabitants were poor
farmers and some street thugs. Life was difficult in the hollowed out hillside and it
was even more difficult for a family by the last name Donovin. They werent your
average family, not like those with mothers and fathers. They were orphans him
and his brother, there parents died from frostbite and the common cold two years
before the oldest 16th birthday.. The little one turned ten in May. The older one
took care of the younger one after their tragic loss. One night while the brothers
were home, Hunter the oldest asked, Rowan, where did you get this? You know
its bad to take food from the neighbors! as he pointed to the crackers and half
eaten loaf of bread sitting on a dusty rag. I didnt steal it if that's what youre

trying to say! Nova from down the street gave it to me. She said they had extras!
said Rowan as he walked off in frustration. Hunter replied, Youre lying! You
done this last time, I told you were fine. We dont need to be doing this. Are you
trying to get us in trouble?! Rowan turned around to face Hunter and hissed back
with anger, I told you Im not lying!! He walked up to Hunter with anger in his
eyes and said,Nova said that there was a cart that came by when you left and said
that the kings men were giving out food. For a few seconds Hunter became
silent. He later asked, Im sorryI overreacted.. Rowan replied,Darn right
youre sorry! Did you have fun at school today? asked Hunter. Rowan to
angry to reply rolled his eye and continued to the window. Can you at least tell
me when the next carts coming by? asked Hunter. Rowan tapped the glass
pretending to not have heard Hunters words. Hunter sighed and instead of argueing
just said, Look, were going to the city tomorrow to pack up on flour so you could
ask Nova if she wants to tag along. With a look of surprise, Rowan replied in an
instant, Can we get one of those swirly sweet things??? I forgot what they're
called?? Hunter with a laugh said, sure why not but only one, you two are going
to break it in half. Sure thing, no problem. said Rowan. They said their good
nights and went to sleep and waited for the morning to come.

Nova was skinny girl around the age of 10. She lived with her father and her
older brother who were rarely home since they worked at the railroads. Like a good
man, the older brother would always send money home to help the family. Nova
had brown hair which she'd tie in a bun. She would wear a bracelet that was gifted
to her as a present from one of the visiting knights from the city. Nova cherished
the bracelet just as much as she adored the lady knight who would bring in
medicine for the nearby villages. It was morning and Rowan was knocking at
Novas door. Nova lazily got up and looked through the cracks of the door hoping
to recognize who had knocked. Nova unlocked the locks and slowly opened the
door. Wake up already, we're going to town today, bring some mud shoes to.
yelled Rowan. Nova in a daze nodded in agreement and left to gather her things.
Rowan waited at the door tapping his shoe against the cold stone steps while
rubbing his hands together trying to keep warmth. A few seconds later, stomps can
be heard echoing through the mountain side. Rowan turned his head in the
direction of the noise. Two fully armoured knight with a encrusted red lotus on
their capes appeared out of the fog. Soon, more men could be seen trailing along
behind the knights. One of the knights came to a sudden stop at the front of the
Donovans estate. The knight jumped off the horse and the front door of the house
suddenly bursted open. The armoured gladiator pulled out a sword that glowed a

neon pink and emitted a violet ray like steam coming from the blade. Nova was in
the middle of gathering her things but suddenly jump at the booming noise coming
from the crashing door. Nova walked to where Rowan was standing to get a
glimpse of what was happening. Rowan ran to the house followed by Nova in a
desperate attempt to stop the knight from what Rowan believed to be a murder
attempt involving his brother. They reached what used to be a front door. Rowan
yelled, stop!! The knight replied in a female voice. It was at this moment that
Nova recognized the voice to be the same knight that gave her the bracelet. It was
the lady knight Sarah also known as the Angel of Death since she was both a healer
yet a fighting death machine. Sarah told the kids to stay back as she made a force
field pushing the kids away from the door. Out of anger and fear Rowan
transformed his fist into what one might say resembles a indestructible piece of
matter. His skin turned to scales and fire surrounded his hands as he blasted a hole
in the wall of the house. To the knights surprise, she called for reinforcements as
Rowan works his way through the hole. Her chief in command Jax jumped on the
roof, Jax jumped in the air in her mech suite and activated her jet packs which
allowed her to blast a hole through the roof. Jax the knight nicknamed Zeus for her
electric abilities landed down in the house in a cloud of smoke. The light from the
hole shined down on the Knight and the pile of molded roof tiles from the crash

that laid under the titanium boot of the Soldier. Jax stood up and with a
commanding voice howled, Stop! The word echoed through the mountain and
everything went quiet. It is as if one word from the knight caused the world to fall
into a silent void. Howard yelled, This is my home and that is my brother youre
messing with!The young boy Howard flames grew dimmer and fear could be seen
in his facial expression as he started to realize Hunters still body lying in the
corner. Jax began to talk again with a calmer voice, You children dont know the
seriousness of the situation that plagues this village. A hollowed soul has been
sensed by our profit. The soul has taken over your brothers mind and we are here
to cleanse his soul. Jax walked over to whisper orders into Sarah's ear. Sarah
nodded and began to walk over to Hunter's body and formed a healing circle that
covered him. Rowan slowly crept closer to his brother's corpse like body to
examine the inflamed veins that had appeared on his brother's neck and hands.
How did this happen? He was fine this morning? asked Rowan. The Knight
Sarah turned to Rowan and asked, Has your brother come in contact with any
Dark Hounds or Grinegas recently? Has he eaten anything that might have been
contaminated with there blood? Rowan said Im not sure, but he was in the forest
a few days ago hunting for food. Rowan went silent for a second, All he had
yesterday was a loaf of bread. Jax in shock asked Rowan, Was there a man

dressed in a knight's outfit carrying a cart of Bread? Did this man have a scar on
his face? The question came fast and Rowan couldnt answer them. Suddenly the
healing shield started to flicker and Hunter coughed and started to speak. Though
instead of a kind warm hearted voice, something demonic and unfathomable came
from the depths of Hunters vocal cords. Hunter's eyes rolled back as he started to
slowly stand up. Black swirls of energy started to form around his body. The color
of the energy was lurid, so much so it was getting uncomfortable to watch.
Hunters spine can be heard crackling as he moved in a inhumanly manner. Its as
if the metabolism for the cells in his body went wrong. Suddenly Hunter came to a
stop and everything seemed serene. Your brother's not here. HAHAHA!said the
demonic voice coming from the mouth of Hunter. Now the room seem ever more
treacherous than it had been before. We were too late.said Sarah. Then in the
blink of an eye, Hunter's body dispersed into a fine mist that seems to now attack
the knights in the room. Everyone became paranoid when one by one, each person
was being thrown around the room like a rag doll. You must refrain yourself
Hunter! Dont let the soul win! said Jax. A scream can be heard echoing in the
room and then everything went silent once again and Hunter's body couldnt be
found. I think its safe now. said Nova. Novas power of deduction had led her to
believe that it was now safe. Nova calling Rowan by his moniker, Howy!! are you

alright? Everyone regrouped outside and many question were asked pertaining to
Hunter. So what do we do now? asked Howard and Nova. Im not sure but
there is a wizard in our kingdom that might know how to save your brother. said
Sarah. Then its a expedition! said Nova. There is still hope. said Jax trying to
consult with Rowan as he cried on the side of a horse. Very well, I will
accompany you to the wizards tower. Then we will bring your brother back! said

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