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Outdoor Education

Principles and Aims

Some history...
"I regard it as the foremost task of
education to insure the survival of these
qualities: an enterprising curiosity, an
undefeatable spirit, tenacity in pursuit,
readiness for sensible self denial, and
above all, compassion."

Kurt Hahn, 1886-1974

Benefits of Outdoor Education

Improved concentration and more
creative thinking (Louv, 2008)
Greater feelings of revitalisation,
increased energy and positive
engagement, together with decreases
in tension, confusion, anger and
depression (TPCMD, 2011)
Enhances capacity to enjoy and
engage in life (Davidson, 2001)
Positively associated with dimensions
of psychological and emotional
development (Bailey et al., 2009)
Restoration of directed attention ability
(Kaplan, 1995)


Initiative encouraged:
failure not feared.

Plus est en

Guiding Principles
Challenge and
Outdoor, physical
Experiential learning
Team learning

Outdoor Education at UWCT aims to
Personal responsibility and integrity
Mutual responsibility and respect
Respect for the environment
Knowledge and awareness of the
Skills and knowledge in outdoor

Digital Free Expeditions

Life, free of technology!
Please do not bring mobile phones or electronic devices
(tablets/iPads, laptops, handheld games)
School will provide cameras
Teachers will have phones in case of emergency
Please do bring cards, games, healthy snacks, etc.

Parent Communication
When will I hear from the expedition?
On arrival
If arriving back early or late.
Teachers focus:
Spending time with and supervising your children
Ensuring students are engaged and happy
Model digital free time

Grade 5 Expedition
Phuket West Coast Camping & Kayaking
January 16-20, 2017


Nai Yang Nai Thon


Monday 16th January
0800-0830 Drop-off at Nai Yang National Park
Friday 20th January
1100 Pick-up at Layan National Park

Day One

0830-1000 Setting up camp

1000-1200 Mindfulness & Team-building
1200-1300 Lunch & Free time
1300-1500 Beach erosion & Air transport
1500-1700 Camp games & Activities
1700-1830 Dinner at Peony
1830-2030 Star gazing/Nightly routines

Day Two

0800-0930 Morning routine & Breakfast at Peony

0930-1200 Kayak training in Nai Yang Bay
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1600 Mangrove study & Activities
1600-1700 Free time
1700-1800 Nai Yang Market Trip
1800-1900 Nocturnal animal activity
1900-2030 Reflections and Nightly routines

Day Three
0800-0930 Morning routine & Breakfast at Peony
0930-1500 Paddle to Secret Beach & Nai Thon
(Lunch Break, Snorkel, Sea Life Study)
1500-1700 Set up Camp & Reflections
1700-1830 Dinner at Nai Thon Restaurant
1830-2030 Stories and Nightly Routines

Day Four
0800-0930 Morning routine & Breakfast at Nai Thon
0930-1500 Paddle to Banana Beach & Layan (Lunch
Break, Snorkel, Sea Life Study)
1500-1700 Set up camp & Reflections
1700-2000 Barbeque and Nightly Routines

Day Five
0800-0930 Morning routine & breakfast
0930-1100 Camp games and Reflections
1100 Parent pick-up

Packing List
Please see handout.


Kru James
Kru Nat
Kru Chris

Who to contact?
Khun Joyce in the UWCT Primary


Davidson, L. (2001). Qualitative research and making meaning from adventure: A case study of boys' experiences of outdoor
education at school. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1(2), 11-20.
Kaplan, S. (1995). The Restorative Benefits of Nature: Toward an Integrative
Framework. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 15(3), 169-182, doi: 10.1016/0272-4944(95)90001-2.
Louv, R. (2008). Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. New York: Algonquin Books.
TPCHM (The Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry.) 2011. "Benefits of outdoor exercise confirmed." ScienceDaily.
ScienceDaily, 5 February 2011. <>.

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