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Meilee Brown

HLTH 1050-004
November 6, 2016
Xanax Research Paper

In todays society, the abuse of drugs has only grown in availability and abusers.
The security for prescribing certain drugs has become inadequate. The amount of
people that are given medication without a real problem or an existing problem that is
no longer present, is incredible. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do to prevent
such things from happening since most of us do not have the ability to diagnose
patients. Because some drugs have psychoactive or mind-altering properties, they are
abused. The abuse qualifies as the drug is taken in amounts not prescribed for the user
or taken by someone other than the person they are prescribed for. In recent studies,
prescription drugs and over the counter drugs(OTC), after marijuana and alcohol, are
the most commonly used substances by Americans 14 and older. This number and
issue is only getting worse with time and new discoveries of drugs or ways to get them.
One of the most commonly prescribed drugs being abused today, is xanax.
Xanax is made of alprazolam which is a part of the benzodiazepine family. These class
of agents treat specifically anxiety and specifically deal with the central nervous system
or CNS. Benzodiazepine was first created by Dr. Leo Sternbach in 1956 to create a
safer less addictive drug. He was a chemist who also discovered Valium and many
other tranquilizers. It was then introduced in the market in 1981. It was distinguished by
immediate onset of action and a shorter half life or quickly elimination from the body. It
became widely used for anxiety disorders because of its rapid symptom relief.

Xanax is a white crystalline powder that is not soluble in water but only in
methanol and ethanol. It contains .25mg-2mg of alprazolam. It is prescribed for anxiety
disorders and panic disorders that are caused by depression. It affects the central
nervous system and directly affects many aspects of that function. Because this drug is
abused, many create a tolerance and therefore resort to other ways other than
swallowing the pill to receive the feeling quicker and more intensely. It is taken orally by
parachuting, eating it, swallowing, or dissolving it under the tongue(which is the quickest
way for the drug to work). It is also snorted after crushing the pill. Along with xanax,
many take it with alcohol and other drugs to increase the high.
The effect on the brain is extremely similar to other anti-depressants or downers.
The alprazolam binds to the GABA receptors which increases its activity to cause a
calming and relaxed sensation. When abused, it amplifies the symptoms to drowsiness
and incoherent behavior. There are many effects involved with taking xanax. The
physical effects are as follows:

Decreased urination
Swelling of hands and feet
Coordination difficulties
Dry mouth
Fluctuations in weight
Heart palpitations

The behavioral effects include:

Seeing multiple doctors for prescriptions

Aggression or hostility
Neglecting family or personal responsibility
Changes in appetite
Forging prescriptions
Crushing or snorting pills to increase effects

Taking more than prescribed

Finally, the psychological effects are:

Trouble concentrating
Non cohesive thoughts
Memory problems

Because xanax effects the central nervous system,it obviously causes a lot of problems.
It is incredibly dangerous to abuse psychoactive drugs like this because of the domino
effect it may have on the rest of your body.

Doctors that prescribe alprazolam, carry a heavy weight on their shoulders with
the growing abuse of this drug. They primarily write a short term prescription for legal
users and often reduce the amount slowly so they dont experience bad withdrawal
symptoms. If they are used long term, it is likely that a tolerance can build up and the
dose will need to be increased. This is where most addiction starts and users tend to
get creative on how to get their fix.

Because xanax relaxes the entire body, many are unaware that they are
experiencing an overdose in the case that they take too much. Most importantly, when
taken with other drugs many dont have the conscious ability to know that they are
overdosing. When taken with alcohol, overdoses can cause respiratory depression or
coma. Other symptoms can include:

Slurred speech

Impaired coordination
Slow breathing
Impaired memory consolidation

The health effects can cause a variety of things. When it is abused by itself, it can cause
high blood pressure, shaking and increased anxiety. When abused with other drugs, it
can cause low blood pressure, liver cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, stroke, and
pancreatitis. The sedation can cause the unawareness of these symptoms.

With the chances of an overdose or abuse, can come the harsh reality of
addiction. When users try to quit they go through a withdrawal stage which can cause
a number of effects. Abusers are diagnosed with symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, and
seizures. Other symptoms include blurred vision, aggression, depression, weight loss,
and tingling sensation in hands and feet. Therefore, many are given the opportunity for
treatment. Its recommended that they are given the chance to go to treatment centers.
There, you undergo a detoxifying process that takes approximately a week. After which
you are given therapy and rehab sessions. Many cases are minor and dont require you
to stay at an inpatient treatment center. However if that is the case, it is recommended
you stay 30,60, or 90 days. Some treatment is suggested by the law when caught with
doses of xanax. However in most cases, it is considered a felony. Users found to be in
possession of the drug without a prescription can be subject to up to 5 years in prison
for a first offense or 10 years for a second offense.

Over 49 million prescriptions were written in 2012, making alprazolam the

second-most prescribed psychoactive drug next to hydrocodone. The prescription costs
are as low as $17-$27 for 2mg pills. Street costs are around $5 for 2mg pills which is

proven to be high profit. The constantly growing industry of selling illicit drugs has
proven to be costly in many different ways. Not only is it affecting the economy it is also
influencing the lives of many. Xanax has proven to be more destructive in the lives of
many youth, however it can possibly be turned around if we make the youth more
educated on the drug. The health risks to those not in dire need of xanax, should be
enough to scare away the youth to a destructive future.

Works Cited
Acadiana Addiction Center. "Xanax Abuse & Addiction Signs, Effects &
Symptoms." Acadiana Addiction Center Xanax Abuse Addiction Signs Effects
Symptoms Comments. Acadiana, 2016. Web. 7 Nov. 2016.

Comstock, Hannah. Xanax Bars, Zanies or Planks the Deadly High.

Recovery Today Online, Recovery Today, June 2009,
Https:// "Prescription Drugs & Cold Medicines."
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). N.p., 27 May 2016. Web. 7 Nov. 2016.
McLaren, Erik. "Xanax History and Statistics." Drug Abuse, 06
Mar. 2016. Web. 7 Nov. 2016.
Miller, Lisa. Why Xanax Is the Most Popular Anti-Anxiety Drug in America ...
New York News and Politics, New York Media, 18 Mar. 2012,
Nichols, Hannah. Xanax: Side Effects, Drug Information - Medical News Today.
MNT, MediLexicon International, 4 Feb. 2016,
Popping Xanax Is More Harmful than You Think | Fox News. Fox News Health,
Self, 31 Jan. 2014,
Xanax Addiction: Dangers and Risks of Its Abuse. Promises Treatment Center,
National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, 2016,

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