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Use the Obj-Open method to open an instance stored in the
PegaRULES database or in an external database linked to an external
class, and save it as a clipboard page.
The system uses the specified class and key fields to find and open the
object and place its data into the specified step page. The system
searches up the class hierarchy as appropriate to find the instance. If it
finds the specified step page, the system clears any data that is on it
and reuses the page. If no existing page has a name matching the
specified step page, the system creates a new page.

OpenClass : Give the PEGARULES database name clause or class

name of external database.



PropertyName and Property value.

2. Obj-Save
Use this method to request that the system save a clipboard page to
the PegaRULES database or (if the page belongs to an external class)
an external database.
The Obj-Save method uses properties on the page to derive the
internal key under which it will be saved. This method can create a new
database instance or overwrite a previous instance with that key.
An object that is stored in the PegaRULES database is persistent. The
object is available to other users, and remains after the requestor
session that created it ends.

WriteNow: Select the box to cause the system to write this page's
data to the database as this method executes. If selected, when the
activity executes, the system performs an immediate write-through
(database commit) of the page to the database.

WithErrors: Select this box if the instance is to be saved even when it

contains messages, indicating validation errors.

3. Obj -Save-Cancel
Use this method to cancel the most recent uncommitted Obj-Save
method, so that the instance is not written as part of a later Commit

operation. You can also use this method to undo an Obj-Delete that has
not yet been committed.

Use the similar Rollback method to cancel all uncommitted Obj-Save

and Obj-Delete operations, not only the most recent one.

No parameters.

4. Obj -Browse
Use the Obj-Browse method to search instances of one class and copy
the entire instances, or specified properties, to the clipboard as an
array of embedded pages.
Only properties exposed as columns can be used as selection criteria.
However, values of properties that are not exposed as columns,
including embedded properties, can be returned.

PageName: Enter the name of the destination page to contain search

results. The system uses Code-Pega-List as the class of this page.

ObjClass: Identify a class to search. You can search one concrete

class, or all classes in a class group. Within the PegaRULES database,
the class can correspond to a database table or to a database view.

GetRowKey (check box): Select to include the primary key in the set
of property values returned. Clear to exclude the primary key.
(Selected by default.)

RowKey: Optional. Leave blank unless the class in the ObjClass

parameter corresponds to an external table. Enter the name of a
property in the external table, or an expression involving one or more
property names, that specifies the unique key of rows of the external

Label : Enter a unique letter or identifier for this row, referenced in

the Logic field.

Field: Enter name of property.

How to Expose a Property as Column

. Identify the Property in the class. In the advanced tab of Propperty
definition, select Required as a value for Column inclusion input field.

5. Obj -Delete
Use the Obj-Delete method to delete a database instance
corresponding to a clipboard page and optionally to delete the
clipboard page too. You can cause the deletion to occur immediately,
or (more commonly) defer deletion until a later execution of a Commit
This method can operate on objects of both internal classes
(corresponding to rows in a table in the PegaRULES database) and
external classes (corresponding to rows in an external relational
The Obj-Delete method uses the class of the page to obtain the
appropriate Rule-Obj-Class instance. It uses the table name, key fields,
and other aspects of the class rule to mark the instance for deletion.
Unless you check the Immediate check box on the activity form, the
database deletion does not occur until the system next processes the
Commit method.
You can reverse or cancel a previously executed Obj-Delete method by
using the Obj-Save-Cancel method (like the method Obj-Save can be
reversed), unless the Immediate box is selected or the Commit method
has already occurred.

Remove: If selected, the system deletes the page identified in the

Step Page column of this step from your clipboard and marks the
corresponding persistent instance for deletion.

Immediate: If selected, the system deletes the database instance

immediately (commits this deletion).
To delete the database instance immediately from the database,
select this box. If this box is cleared, the database instance is
deleted by the next Commit operation.

6. Obj-List:
Use the Obj-List method to retrieve data to the clipboard as an array of
embedded pages.
The Obj-List method searches sequentially through instances of the
PegaRULES database or an external database and retrieves specified
data to pages in the clipboard. It returns either:
(1) Complete instances, each as an embedded page.
(2) Selected properties from the instances, placed in embedded pages
known as shortcut pages. Shortcut pages contain only partial instance
data and so cannot be resaved to the database. This method is often
used with a list rule (Rule-Obj-List rule type), which defines a list of
properties to retrieve. Execution of this method does not trigger
declarative rule processing that depends on change tracking.
7. Obj-List-View
Use the Obj-List-View method to execute the retrieval and sorting
operations, but not the formatting and display processing, of a list view

ObjClass: The Data class

Purpose: Select the Purpose key part of a list view rule.

Owner: Select the Owner key part of a list view rule(ALL).

8. Obj-Filter
Use the Obj-Filter method to filter the embedded pages of a results
page (such as a Code-Pega-List page produced by the Obj-List, RDBList, Obj-List-View or Obj-Browse methods) based on one or more when
condition rules.

For example, if each embedded page on results page contains a Page

List property Child and each Child page contains a Single Value
property FirstName, you can use the Obj-Filter method to remove all
embedded pages where no value of FirstName is "Robert".
9. Rdb -Open
Use this method to retrieve a single row (record) of data from an
external relational
database and add the retrieved data into a specified clipboard page as
property names
and values.
OpenClass : Data Class

Request Type: Enter the third key part Request Type of the
Connect SQL rule containing the search operation.

Access : Enter the second key part Package Name of the

Connect SQL rule (by convention MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, UDB, or
Sybase, but not restricted to these values).

10.Rdb -List
Use this method to retrieve rows from an external relational database
and place the results as embedded pages in a specified step page of
class Code-Pega-List.

Request Type: Enter the third key part Request Type of the
Connect SQL rule containing the search operation.

Access : Enter the second key part Package Name of the

Connect SQL rule (by convention MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, UDB, or
Sybase, but not restricted to these values).

Class Name : Data Class

11.Rdb -Delete
Use this method to delete a row or rows from an external relational
database using SQL. This method operates in conjunction with an SQL
statement in the Delete tab of a Connect SQL rule (Rule-Connect-SQL
rule type) that contains the DELETE, TRUNCATE or DROP SQL

ClassName : Data Class used in Connect SQL rule.

Request Type: Enter the third key part Request Type of the
Connect SQL rule containing the search operation.

Access : Enter the second key part Package Name of the

Connect SQL rule (by convention MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, UDB, or
Sybase, but not restricted to these values).

Use this method to save the contents of a clipboard page into a row of
a relational database. The system saves the properties on the specified
step page to the specified table in the database.
This method operates in conjunction with a Connect SQL rule that
contains SQL statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, and CREATE
statements on the Save tab.

ClassName : Data Class used in Connect SQL rule.

Request Type: Enter the third key part Request Type of the
Connect SQL rule containing the search operation.

Access : Enter the second key part Package Name of the

Connect SQL rule (by convention MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, UDB, or
Sybase, but not restricted to these values).

Use the Page-New method to create a page on the clipboard. The new page
may be a top-level page or an embedded page. You can identify a model to
initialize the newly created page. The model can set values for one or more

Model Optional, enter a model to apply to the new page.

Page List Optional, to save the name of the new page as the final
element in a list, Identify a value list property. Use the notation

New Class Optional, Identify a class in most cases Concrete Class

for the new page. Enter the keyword $none to create a page less

Use this method to delete one or more pages from the clipboard. The
contents of the database are not affected. As a sound development practice,

design your activities or processing cycle to remove pages after they are no
longer needed. A large clipboard can affect system performance.

Page Optional, Enter a top level or embedded page that needs to be

deleted from the clipboard.

Use this method to rename a top-level page, or to name a primary page.

PageNewName Enter the new name of the page.

Use this method to copy the contents of a source clipboard page to a new or
previously created destination clipboard page. The source page is not altered.
After this method completes, the destination page contains properties copied
from the source page, and can contain additional properties from a model.

CopyFrom Optional, Enter the name of the page from which the
property values have to be copied. If blank, the system used the step
page of the current step, or the primary page of the activity is the
step page is blank.

CopyTo Enter the name of the destination page, which may or

maynot exists and. If it exists it must have the same class the source
page. The current contents of the destination page are erased before
copy operation occurs.

Model Optional, enter a model to apply to the destination page.

Page List Optional, to save the name of the new page as the final element in
a list, Identify a value list property. Use the notation Pagename.Property
Use the Show-Page method to send the XML representation of the step page
to the used internet explorer browser session, as an aid to debugging.
Use this method to set a value of one or more properties.


PropertyValue -

Use this method to start a new known flow from an activity. We need to enter
a space after flow-new to enter the name of the created flow.

No parameters

Use this instruction to start a new flow execution of a known flow rule.

To start and complete an additional flow execution for a work object already
open, call the standard activity Work-.StartNewFlow in your activity rather
than this method. This activity locks the work object, adds and runs the
identified flow completely, and then commits changes.

To start an additional flow execution for a work object that is already locked,
call the standard activity Work-.StartFlow in your activity rather than this
method. This adds a flow execution but does not commit.

Type Flow-New in the Method field, followed by one space and a flow type
(the second key part of a Rule-Obj-Flow rule) as a literal constant.

Usually, this instruction associates the primary page of the activity with the
flow instance, and the Step Page field is left blank.

If the Step Page field is not blank, it may contain a reference to a top-level
clipboard page, or a reference to an embedded page of the work object, such
as embedded page .pyWorkParty(zzz). The latter is known as an interest

This instruction has no other parameters.


This instruction can lead to the creation of one or more new work objects,
assignments, or other objects on the clipboard. It also performs the
equivalent of the Obj-Save method on these objects, but not a Commit

Use this method to call another activity and execute it. When the activity
completes the control is passed back to the calling activity.
The calling activity can provide input parameters to the called activity, or it
can share its own parameter page with the called activity, an approach
known as call-by-reference.

No Parameters -

Use the Branch instruction to cause the current activity to find another
activity and branch to it without a return. When the system executes a
branch step the current activity would pause for the called activity to
complete. When the branched activity ends, processing of the current activity
ends also; no steps after the Branch step are executed.

PassCurrentPerameterPage - Select if you want the current activity's

parameter page to be passed to (shared with) the branch activity,
which can alter its contents in any way.

The Exit Activity ends the current activity and transfer the control to the
calling activity.

No Parameters -

Use the Activity-End method to cause the system to:
(1) End the current activity and all calling activities (by throwing an exception
that is caught).
(2) Transmit any HTML code previously produced to an interactive user.
Use this method to commit all the unsaved/uncommited changes to the
internal or external databases.

No Parameters -

Use this method to cancel or withdraw any previous uncommitted changes to
the PEGARules Database or to the External database from an external class.
All pending Obj-Save, Obj-Delete methods are cancelled.

No Parameters -

This method is used to append a message to the Pega Log when the step is
reached. Depending on method parameters and the current logging level, a line
is added to the Pega log on the current node.

Message Enter the text of the message between double quotes

LoggingLevel Optional, Enter one of these values (Debug, Info,

Warn, Error, InfoForced). By default it will be Info.

Sent to Tracer [Check Box]- Select to cause a Tracer event when

this method executes, in addition to other results.

27.Obj- Validate
Use this method to apply a validate rule (Rule-Obj-Validate rule type) for the
object identified on the primary page or step page.

Validate Enter the Second key part of the validate rule to apply

OverRideClass - Optional, Enter the name of a class where Rule

Resolution will begin searching for the Validate Rule. If blank, rule
resolution begins searching for the validate rule on the class of the
step page.

28.Apply- Model
Use the Apply-Model rule to execute a model rule to update on an existing
clipboard page. (In contrast, use the Page-New method to create a new page
and apply a model in a single step.)

Model Add the model rule that you want to execute.

OverWriteProperties - Select to cause values from the model to

overwrite existing property values on the target page. Leave

unselected to add values from the model rule only for properties not
present on the target page.
29.Page- validate
Use the Page-Validate method to force validation (or revalidation) of the
value of all properties on the step page. The system adds a message to each
clipboard property that fails validation against the restrictions in its property
rule. If the page has hundreds or thousands of properties, this method can be
expensive in terms of system resources. The properties on the page already
set (through the Property-Set method or similar methods) may already be
validated. This method validates them again, and also validates any property
values not changed since the page was opened.

WithErrors (Check box) Select this box to force this method to

validate properties even if the page already contains messages

30.Property- validate
Use the Property-Validate method in an activity to ensure that a property
value meets certain requirements including: Checking performed by an edit
validate rule (Rule-Edit-Validate rule type)
31.Corrnew ( call corrnew for activities)

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