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Planning will take place between 14th-22nd

I will plan what my film will be about. I will also ensure it include
Todorov Theory. In addition to this, I will plan the actors, write the
script and finalise arrangements with filming and locations through
this time.
I originally planned to begin filming on the 23rd November. I planned
to shoot 2 scenes per day, therefore I would be finished filming in 5
days, and I would have the rest of my time to edit and perfect my
production. However, as I was unable to film due to unavailability of
my actors, which occurred on the 26th, days after filming started, as
actors repeatedly rearranged and eventually cancelled. Therefore I
had to plan my contingency plan.

Final Planning took place between 27th-29th

Because my actors are no longer available, I must use my
contingency plan. I briefly planned what I would do in case
something occurred and I could no longer produce my original plan. I
now need top develop this and plan further, which will run through
to the 29th November

Filming will now happen on the 30th November.

I will have 2 days to film, and with two actors; myself and Elliott

Editing will commence on the 2nd December.

I have allocated 1 day towards editing. This is so that I have more
time to film, which will help me capture all the scenes I have
planned for. My editing will have to be thorough, but speedy so I can
complete it on time.

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