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Unscramble the words below. Then complete the sentences with the correct words.
Use the plural form when necessary.








1. A is a mammal that flies.

2. The panda is a from China.
3. have got eight legs.
4. I always order when we go to a seafood restaurant.
5. are very intelligent birds.
6. Do you prefer cheese made from cows milk or from s milk?
7. The has got special feet to help it swim.
8. are colourful birds.


Complete the sentences with who, which or where. Then tick ( ) the sentences
where that cannot also be used.
1. Did you watch the DVDs you borrowed from Tony? .
2. The woman led the nature tour was very informative. .
3. The gym I exercise is becoming too crowded. .
4. This is the shirt Linda gave me. Isnt it beautiful? .
5. Yesterday I met someone looks like you. .
Circle the correct relative pronouns.

1. Thats the boy who / which I met at Janes party.

2. The village where / which I used to live is a large town today.
3. These are the books that / where I got from the library.
4. Do you think animals who / that live in zoos are unhappy?
Combine the sentences with the relative pronouns in brackets. Make any necessary
1. Ive got a friend. She went on a safari last year. (who)
2. We took photographs of two squirrels. The squirrels were eating nuts. (which)

3. This is the pet shop. I work here on Saturdays. (where)
4. There was a nature documentary on TV. We watched it. (that)
Circle the correct answers.
1. My blue socks arent somewhere / anywhere in my room.
2. Im going to ask anyone / someone to explain the maths problems.

3. Did you buy something / anything for Debbies birthday?

4. There isnt anyone / someone in the office to help you at the moment.
5. I want to go somewhere / anywhere warm on holiday.
6. Lets listen to something / anything by U2.
Combine the sentences. Use who, where or which. Make any necessary changes.
1. This book is by a bat expert. I heard him on a radio interview.
2. There are many CDs of whale sounds. They were recorded in the wild.

3. I did voluntary work in an African village. There was no running water there.
4. Dr Morton is a scientist. He refuses to do experiments on animals.
5. Our class ran in a race. The race was held to raise money for charity.

Complete the sentences with the words below.

anywhere something someone somewhere anyone anything
1. a. Have you ordered online recently?
b. Yes, I ordered about a week ago.
2. a. Liz is giving her phone number.
b. Does know why shes doing that?
3. a. We couldnt find the dogs toy in the house.
b. Maybe its outside, in the front or back garden.

Choose the correct answer.

1. I cant find my keys somewhere / anywhere.
2. I need anyone / someone to help me.
3. Can he stay with you tonight? He needs somewhere / something to sleep.
4. I dont know anyone / no one who lives here.
5. I must tell you something / someone.
6. Is there anything / nothing I can do to help?
Complete the answers to the questions using some, any or no compounds.

1. What did she say?

She said , not one word.
2. Where is he?
I think hes over there.
3. What are you doing tomorrow?
Im not doing special.
4. Whos in the house?
There isnt in the house.
5. Are you hungry?

No, Im not. I just ate .

Write sentences using a relative pronoun to join them.
1. She doesn't know the man. We are talking about him.
2. Do you know the exact date? We are going to meet then.
3. We went to a restaurant. They serve excellent fish there.
4. Mary forgot to post the letters. She's my secretary.

5. Elizabeth George is an excellent writer. Her novels are best-sellers

6. I will never forget that day. We went to Paris.
7. Pete has become a singer. You met him last year.

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