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Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat.

1. Larry

:You ate the pizza, didnt ________?

:No, _______ didnt!

A you, you

C I, you

B you, I

D I, I

2. She shut the window ________ because she did not want to wake up her
A softly

C quietly

B gently

D meekly

3. Maria is sitting between her brother _______ her mother.

A or

C but

B so

D and

4. The farmer _______ his vegetables at the market.

A sell

C is sold

B sells

D selling

5. Gloria

:_________ are you painting?

:I am painting a portrait.

A Which

C Who

B Where

D What

Choose the most suitable proverb.

Pilih jawapan yang paling sesuai.

6. My father wants to study part-time. He says that we ____________.
A are what you eat
B are never too old to learn
C cant teach an old dog new tricks
D can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

Ali _________(7) Ahmad went to the market. Their mother gave them a
list of things to buy. At the market, they could not _________(8) the list, Ali
called his mother. She was angry. Just then, Ahmad found the list.
__________(9) bought everything and went home happily.
7. A or

9. A He

B and

B She

C but

C Our

D because

D They

8. A find
B finds
C found
D finding
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

Pilih perkataan yang sama maksud dengan perkataan bergaris.

10. The kind king pardoned all the prisoners.
A good

B cruel

C helpful

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11. A Have you seen Abus eraser? Its missing.
B Have you seen Abus eraser? Its missing.
C Have you seen Abus eraser. Its missing?
D Have you seen Abus eraser? Its missing?

D friendly

1. B
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. A
11. A

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