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Mineral and Energy Resources

1. Fluoride which is used to reduce cavities, comes from which mineral?
A. Fluorite.
2. Point out the name of the mineral which is formed as a result of evaporation especially, in
arid regions.
A. Potash salt.
3. In which form do minerals occur in the sedimentary rocks?
A. Beds or layers.
4. Which is the basic mineral and the backbone of industrial development in India?
A. Iron ore.
5. In which type of rock, minerals are found in cracks, crevices, faults or joints?
A. Igneous rocks.
6. How is gypsum formed?
A. It is formed as a result of evaporation especially in arid regions.
7. Which mineral occurs as residual mass of weathered material?
A. Bauxite.
8. What the larger occurrences of minerals in igneous and metamorphic rocks are called?
A. Lodes.
9. Which mineral is contained in the monazite sand?
A. Thorium.
10. What is Rat-hole mining?
A. Coal mining in Jowai and Cherapunjee is done by family member in the form of a long narrow
tunnel, known as Rat-hole mining.

11. Which mineral is formed as a result of compression of plant material over million of
A. Coal.
12. Which region of India is almost devoid of economic minerals?
A. Alluvial Plains.
13. In which state, Bellary-Chitradurga-Chikmaglur-Tumkur-iron ore belt are located?
A. Karnataka.
14. Which type of iron ore has the content of iron up to 70% ?
A. Magnetite.
15. Which iron ore deposits is known to be one of the largest in the world?
A. The Kudermukh iron ore deposits.
16. Which is the largest manganese producing state of India?
A. Odisha.
17. Which minerals provide strong base for development of metallurgical industries?
A. Ferrous minerals.
18. Which was the largest producer of iron ore during 2003-2004?
A. Karnataka.
19. Kudermukh is an important iron ore mine of _________.
A. Karnataka.
20. Which mine in Karnataka is a 100% export unit of iron ore?
A. Kudermukh.
21. Which mineral is mainly used in electrical cables, electronics and chemical industries?
A. Copper.
22. Balaghat copper mines are located in which state?

A. Madhya Pradesh.
23. Which metal is obtained from bauxite ore?
A. Aluminium.
24. Which mineral is indispensable for electrical and electronics industries due to its dielectric strength?
A. Mica.
25. Koderma in Jharkhand, is the leading producer of which mineral?
A. Mica.
26. India is critically deficient in the reserve and production of which mineral?
A. Copper.
27. Which non-metallic mineral is made up of a series of plates or leaves?
A. Mica.
28. Koderma-Gaya-Hazaribagh belt of Bihar-Jharkhand is the leading producer of which
A. Mica.
29. Which rock mineral is the basic raw material for the cement industry?
A. Limestone.
30. Which type of coal has the highest content of moisture?
A. Lignite.
31. Which is the oldest oil producing state in India?
A. Assam.
32. Which type of coal is used for generation of electricity?
A. Lignite.
33. Which oilfield produces more than 50% of India's petroleum?
A. Mumbai High.

34. Which type of coal is found in Neyveli?

A. Lignite.
35. What is the special value of metallurgical coal?
A. Smelting iron.
36. Which is the most abundantly available fossil fuel in India?
A. Coal.
37. Name the oil field located in Gujarat?
A. Ankeleshwar.
38. Which is the highest quality of coal?
A. Anthracite.
39. Which mineral occurs in close association with petroleum?
A. Natural gas.
40. Identify the popular liquid fuel used for vehicles which is environmental friendly.
41. Energy produced by using the heat from the interior of earth, is called?
A. Geo-thermal energy.
42. Name two places where geo-thermal projects are located in India?
A. Parvati Valley in Himachal Pradesh and Puga Valley in Ladakh.
43. The largest solar energy plant in India is located in which state?
A. Gujarat (at Madhapur).
44. Which nuclear power plant is located in Tamil Nadu?
A. Kalpakkam.
45. Energy produced from ocean is called __________.
A. Tidal energy.

46. India is referred to as 'Super power' in the world in which non-conventional sources of
A. Wind power.
47. Thermal power is generated by __________.
A. Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas.
48. What does the decomposition of organic matter yield?
A. Gas.
49. Uranium and Thorium are used for generating ___________.
A. Atomic energy.
50. Which nuclear power plant is located in Rajasthan?
A. Rawat Bhata.
51. Where does the largest wind farm cluster is located?
A. Tamil Nadu.
52. Which nuclear power plant is located in Uttar Pradesh?
A. Naraura
53. Kaiga nuclear power plant is located in which state?
A. Karnataka
54. What are the raw materials used for manufacturing of biogas?
A. Shrubs, farm waste, animal and human waste are used to produce biogas.

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