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Anatomy and Physiology

Epilepsy is a neurological
disease stemming from a



signaling. Nerve cells within

the brain, called neurons,
commonly communicate with





junctions called synapses. One nerve cell sends a chemical signal to a neighboring cell,
which then activates an electrical nerve impulse within the receiving neuron. Together,
the series of electrical impulses allows for proper brain functioning. Epilepsy develops
when nerve cells lose the ability to turn off electrical impulses, leading to overstimulation of certain areas of the brain. The disease can affect multiple centers of the
brain and cause a range of symptoms.

Temporal Lobe
Some forms of epilepsy can affect the temporal lobes of the brain--regions that extend
along each side of the brain. Temporal lobes are the most common site of localized
epileptic seizures, although seizures beginning in the temporal lobes can extend to
other parts of the brain. Temporal lobe epilepsy can lead to a number of symptoms,
including auras and hallucinations. Patients experiencing temporal lobe seizures can
hallucinate visions, sounds, tastes and smells for the duration of the seizure, as well as
feel an inability to explain their sensations afterwards. Left untreated, temporal lobe
seizures can lead to brain damage due to over-stimulation of brain cells.

Occipital Lobe
Epileptic seizures can also occur in the occipital lobe, a region found at the back of the
brain behind the temporal lobes. Epilepsy affecting this lobe of the brain account for
between five and 10 percent of total epilepsy cases. The occipital lobe contains nerve
centers that help process visual stimulation, so patients experiencing occipital lobe
epilepsy typically experience visual hallucinations of flashing or repeated images,
involuntary eye movements, or partial blindness. In most cases, occipital lobe epilepsy
can be treated with drug therapy, though severe epilepsy cases may require surgery to
correct the underlying cause of the seizures.

Frontal Lobe
Frontal lobe epilepsy, which affects the anterior lobe of the brain near the forehead, is
the second most common type of localized epilepsy. The frontal lobe contains centers
that control voluntary and involuntary motor functioning, and seizures within the frontal
lobe can cause uncontrollable muscle twitching. Patients having frontal lobe seizures
may make irregular kicking movements or leg movements similar to riding a bicycle, due
to the over-stimulation of certain muscle control centers in the brain. Frontal lobe
epilepsy can run in families, with affected individuals experiencing seizures while they
sleep. Frontal lobe epilepsy is commonly controlled with medication, but may require
surgery for severe cases of epilepsy.


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