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Blood Favor

To be held in the ruins of Great American Midwest outside of St Louis, welcome to the Gladiator
Games: Blood Favor! Win your match and earn your favor!

Welcome to the Gladiator Games

Broken, rusted roller coasters and other rides abound the region. They provide the framework where
room for thousands of seats for an outdoor stadium have been built where a defeated people slump into
seats after getting food and merchandise from ruined stands reclaimed from the former theme park
known as Six Flags.
The fans get their treats and merchandise for free, their attendance noted by large humanoid creatures
with upper torsos nearly three times the size of a normal human by scale with their overall size being
nearly double. Long wicked barbed claws retract in and out of the ends of their fingers, splattering a
dark blue blood about as they tear the flesh of their hands. For attending this show in lands that have
been claimed by Mai of the Ripping Claw, Overlord of Skalar, these people have been granted
protection for them and their families for the duration of the show along with extra supplies to survive
for the next year. It is a fleeting promise of a temporary peace, but one they will seize onto with both
A wrestling ring manifests in the center of all of this, surrounded by a flooring of a midnight black
stone. The ring itself is of a solid, yet giving material. Something capable of holding the weight of even
the titanic Bruge the Massive, who's height varies between twenty to sixty to even greater heights.

A man materializes in the center of the ring. He seems small, compared to the monsters that surround
the ring. He is dressed in a plain brown robe with the hood pulled back to reveal a bald man with dark
gold flecked skin that sparkles in the lighting. He holds the attentions of everyone in the room from the
power that radiates from him. He is Skalar the Chaos Mage.
Skalar: "Welcome to the Gladiator Games with our opening show called Blood Favor. This is to reflect
the tone of these games. You win your match, I will grant you a favor...or wish if you prefer that
wording. Just do not expect any outlandish favor to be granted as I have the final say on words,
requirements, or how it is to be granted. Good luck."

We go down the the commentary table where sit Jane Coughlin and Neil Dizon.
Coughlin: "Hello and welcome to Blood Favor as presented it to you by the Gladiator Games!"
Dizon: "We're here because it was thought that the surviving staff from Imperial Wrestling Alliance
would be good to keep and help broadcast this show to any who can still get television."
Coughlin: "The power of the Chaos Mage has made it certain that every television in the world cannot
be destroyed, will remain on even unplugged, and will only get this show while we broadcast. It's a
way so that everyone sees us from the enslaved to the free."
Dizon: "After the show, we who are staff are teleported back to Asgard to await the next taping. It's a
gilded cage, but we all know that death can happen at any moment."
Coughlin: "Tonight we have a number of matches from talent from the IWA and a wide number of
bouts from random people against creatures of darkness."
Dizon: "There's bound to be bloodshed out and about tonight. It's an awesome thing, but it'd be even
better if the risk of us all dying wasn't hanging over us all."
Coughlin: "Let's get down to ringside where Stephan Theobald is ready to announce the first fight for
the Gladiator Games!"



Theobald: "This next bout is scheduled for...are all these bouts just essentially Texas Death matches
with a murder option?"
Dizon: "I think so unless otherwise mentioned. Knock em out, make them submit, or kill them."
Theobald: "Great. First up the challenger, hailing from Carbondale, Illinois...Senator John Ryan!"
A man walks out from the back to no music. He's in a bloodstained business suit as he slowly makes his
way down to the ring. He looks around at the fans with a scowl that slowly turns to a grin as people
cheer for him. Eventually, he begins waving.
Coughlin: "Senator is a nice term that we use for the man named John Ryan who was one of the two
Senators from Illinois for the United States Senate, a body of power that no longer exists."
Dizon: "He's here for some kind of favor. I wonder what it is that he's looking to get? He's a politician,
so I would imagine that it's something for himself."
Theobald: "And his opponent...Chieftain Swilg'ar the Swaggerous of the Serrated Sword Clan!"
A goblin walks out from the back, his headdress about three feet tall to make him a whole grand total of
about six foot, five. He is attended by two rather large and very ugly trolls.
Theobald: "Oh yeah, he is being attended by his bodyguards, Duluth Bone Snapper and Throg Skull
Eater. They will be participating in the fight."
Swilg'ar prances down to the ring with a mad cackle with the two trolls dully following behind him.
The three get into the ring with John Ryan looking on with wide eyes at the odds against him.
Dizon: "This is looking like less of a fight and more of a public execution!"
Coughlin: "I would say that human spirit can always-"
Duluth punches John Ryan in the face, turning his right cheek bone into a crater, sending him to the mat
where blood begins pooling on the mat.
Coughlin: "Alright...public execution."
Swilg'ar sits on John Ryan's chest with a cackle, drawing a foot long dagger. He begins speaking, but
not a word can be understood.
Dizon: "Don't you think that if a goblin chief were to come fight in the Gladiator Games that he should
be able to speak English during his trash talking sessions?"
Coughlin: "By what standard? This isn't a Britain based wrestling company anymore."
Dizon: "Fine."

John Ryan signals that he submits, but Swilg'ar plunges his dagger into John's chest nearly twenty
times with blood splattering everywhere.
Theobald: "Winner via sadistic murder...Chieftan Swilg'ar the Swaggering!"
Coughlin: "So, now Swilg'ar gets to have a favor granted."
Dizon: "I wonder if he'll ask to be taller."
Coughlin: "We're all going to Hell."
Dizon: "I know."
Swilg'ar the Swaggerous remains in the ring as an amorphous blob with writhing tentacles reaches into
the ring to drag off the body of Senator John Ryan. The Troll Bodyguards stand by their Chieftain as he
watches the corpse be dragged away.
Dizon: " mind numbingly frightening."
Coughlin: "You sure we shouldn't have chosen death over this?"
Dizon: "I'm not sure of anything anymore."
Skalar the Chaos Mage materializes in the ring before Swilg'ar with an easy smile.
Skalar: "You have won your contest. What will be your favor that you ask for?"
Before Swilg'ar speaks, Skalar makes a motion with his hand that almost goes unnoticed. When
Swilg'ar speaks, his mouth seems to move one way, but English comes out. Almost as if he is being
dubbed by magic.
Swilg'ar: "I would like more good hunting for my clan."
Skalar nods with a smile.
Skalar: "It is a good favor you ask of me. I will grant it twofold. I will increase the amount of available
game in the region your clan holds sway. It will also give you a greater chance to hunt mankind as
those pathetic humans nearby encroach upon your hunting lands in order to try to survive. Food and
glory for you and your bold clan."
Swilg'ar smiles, nearly jumping for joy.
Swilg'ar: "Thank you, Great Master! You have the loyalty of the Clan of the Serrated Blade forever!"
Skalar: "Return to your clan to tell them the news."
Skalar motions and the three vanish. He vanishes directly after.

Dizon: "The heck? So this Goblin Chieftain gets the amount of game increased in his homeland and the
humans that need food to survive will also be hunted by these goblins? That sick bastard!"
Coughlin: "That would be the gist of it. No one said that Skalar was going to be fair. He did murder
most of the people on the entire planet after all."
Dizon: "Well...ok. Let's carry on with this bit of madness."


Theobald: "The challenger for this next match...Martin Kask!"

Martin Kask walks out from the back to no theme music. He slowly walks down to the ring while
keeping his eyes on his destination. The crowd remain silent as he passes.
Dizon: "So, who is this guy?"
Coughlin: "He was the handler for Tony Manzell. He was the one pulling the strings to ensure that
Tony did what he was told for both the British Crown and the IWA. If I'm not mistaken, there was a
plan in place to betray Manzell and bring him back in, but the world sort of ended."
Dizon: "Why bring Manzell back in the IWA?"
Coughlin: "With the exception of one match, Tony Manzell went undefeated against all challengers. He
was money."
Dizon: "Alright. I can buy that. Though now Tony Manzell and his charge, Frietag, have died. Why is
Kask here?"
Coughlin: "The Games of course."
Theobald: "And his opponent...Chris Mmachi!"
Can't Keep Still" by KPM Music starts playing. Chris Mmachi walks in and crouches down. After a
few moments, he suddenly jumps up and stretches out his arms. Jet flames are set off. Chris walks
down the ramp, occasionally doing a bit of shadow boxing. He reaches ringside and raises one arm
before jumping onto the apron. This sets off red fireworks at the four corners. He walks in between the
middle and top rope and precedes to go to the four corners. He climbs up two, flexing his arms at each

one he climbs. He then goes to an empty corner and starts jogging in place.
As the bell rings to start the match, Martin Kask and Chris Mmachi lock up. They struggle back and
forth, but stop in the middle of the ring.
Dizon: What are they doing?This isn't some kind of love connection.
Coughlin: Are they talking?
The two break apart, Chris looking warily at Martin.
Mmachi: Are you sure?
When Martin nods, Chris mimics the motion. Martin Kask quickly takes Mmachi down with an arm
drag into an armbar that Mmachi quickly taps out of.
Dizon: Are you serious? That quick?
Coughlin: Looks like some kind of deal had been made during the lock up.
Martin Kask stands with his arms raised in victory.
Like a falling star, Skalar the Chaos Mage falls from the sky to land on the mat. He looks at the two
men in the ring with a smile before nodding to Martin Kask.
Skalar: You have won your challenge and may name your favor.
Martin takes a sidelong glance at Chris with a smile before answering.
Kask: I would like to take this chance to name my favor at a later date.
Chris Mmachi sits on the ground. His expression changes from expecting to confused to angry. He
snarls at Martin.
Mmachi: You son of a bitch, that's not what we agreed to!
Martin just shrugs.
Kask: That's what happens when you trust a stranger...
Chris jumps to his feet, leveling Martin with a right hand.
Mmachi: I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you!
Chris leaps at the prone Martin, but stops in mid-air as Skalar holds out a hand.
Skalar: You lost your challenge. Martin Kask was correct in asking for what he desires, no matter
what he had promised you. Begone.

A flick of the wrist and Chris Mmachi sails over the seating of the arena and out of sight.
Skalar: When you are ready for your favor, Martin. Just call my name.
Skalar jumps into the air, heading straight up until he's out of sight.
Dizon: So Martin Kask promised Chris his favor if he threw the match quickly and then betrayed him.
Coughlin: Dreadful, but cunning.

Theobald: "In this next bout features one of the Great and Powerful Overlords of Skalar the Chaos
Mage! We present the soon to be victim first...he is Tarrasque!"
The main theme music from the God of War video game series plays as Tarrasque walks out from the
back with Glaknar the Green and Major Hizir Sengun at either side of him. He raises his arms into the
air, bellowing out a roar to the fans, who cheer for the man-beast. He walks down to the ring with
purpose the orc and the human keeping pace with him.
Coughlin: "I hear that Tarrasque has been a bit of a thorn in the side of Bruge, killing some of his Iron
Giants in Greece. That is where Tarrasque had staked his claim after killing the last of the Olympian
Gods that had sided with Carthage."
Dizon: "Not that they have enough sense to stay dead. These evil guys come right back after you kill
them. Carthage was reeling from being attacked, but this new evil? They just come back from the dead
to kill you, and we don't come back."
Coughlin: "I have no idea. It's just the way it is in this new world of ours."
Theobald: "And his opponent, Bruge the Massive!"
The ground shakes and everyone looks up to see Bruge the Massive towering hundreds of feet over the
top of the arena. His skin looking made up of iron with rocky outcroppings across his body. He laughs
as he looks down at Tarrasque, shaking the arena with his rumbling laugh. He steps over the stands as if
to step on the ring, shrinking as he does so until he is a "mere" twenty feet tall and standing outside of
the ring. He leers at Tarrasque from outside of the ring.
Bruge: "You have hurt enough of my giants, little cannibal godling. Now you face me in the ring!"
Tarrasque cracks his neck with a laugh.

Tarrasque: "You come face me now. Me ready!"

Coughlin: "I don't know if this is one of Tarrasque's brightest ideas."
Dizon: "Tarrasque has bright ideas? Ok, ones that don't involve ripping someone's arms off and eating
them? I don't think he can do this with Bruge."
Coughlin: "I guess not. What kind of favor you think Bruge will ask for?"
Dizon: "He has taken over Jotunheim where Thor has gone missing. I'm guessing he will want the
ability to use Thor's hammer."
Coughlin: "Well? Makes sense."
As the bell sounds to start the match, Bruge kicks Tarrasque square in the chest hard enough to send
him across the ring to bounce off of the corner and slam face first into the very solid mat.
Coughlin: "That's a heck of an opening move. You think that Bruge has to do much more?"
Dizon: "It's Tarrasque so-"
Coughlin: "Okay. A lot more."
Tarrasque slowly gets up to his knees, holding his midsection with a cough. Bruge grabs him under an
armpit with one hand, lifting him up high over head, and slamming him back to the mat. Before
Tarrasque can react, Bruge stomps on his upper body and head, and holds his foot in place.
Bruge: "I don't know how you managed to kill little Olympian godlings or my warriors. You're such a
little thing. A weak little insect. Something for me to step on and put out of its misery."
Bruge grinds his foot into Tarrasque, bring out splatters of blood as the rough skin of Bruge's foot tears
apart the skin of his victim.
Coughlin: "This isn't a match, but more of another public execution!"
Dizon: "It's the way of-wait!"
Bruge frowns as his foot starts to slowly rise as Tarrasque grasps both sides of the giant foot, pushing it
high. Bruge pushes down, a look of determination on his face as he brings more of his weight down
upon Tarrasque to try to crush him.
Tarrasque lays under Bruge's foot with a smile, his torn flesh quickly knitting itself back together.
Tarrasque: "Me am STRONG!"
Tarrasque twists Bruge's foot, bringing the giant down across the ropes with his face shattering the ring
railing surrounding the ring as people run for cover.
Coughlin: "Did you hear that snap?"

Dizon: "I did! Damn!"

Tarrasque hops over the ring ropes to the floor, rushing to the head of Bruge when a backhand from the
giant sends Tarrasque flying through the air.
The crowd parts on the other side of the ring so that Tarrasque smashes into the seating.
Bruge rolls over, getting up to sit on the side of the ring, and bringing the ropes down to the mat. He
straightens his crooked foot, gnashing his teeth as he does so. His ankle seems to liquefy for a moment
before solidifying and growing a stony outcropping upon it. He cracks the stone as he works to move
the foot about freely.
Dizon: "What the heck? Did his broken ankle just heal that quickly?"
Coughlin: "It sure looks that way. Look! Tarrasque has made his way back!"
Tarrasque steps over the ring railing. He's covered in blood, but there doesn't appear to be any wounds.
He rolls back into the ring as Bruge steps inside fully.
Bruge: "You can't stop men little godling!"
Tarrasque smiles, a bit of drool hanging off of his chin.
Tarrasque: "Me am Fear! Me am Destruction! Me am War! ME AM STRONG!"
Tarrasque launches himself into the air with a leap, striking Bruge in the center of the chest. A ripple
spreads out from the point of impact, forming a crater in the center of Bruge's chest. Blood splatters
from Bruge's mouth as he falls to a sitting position on the mat.
Dizon: "Holy smokes! That was like a miss le punch!"
Coughlin: "It was certainly devastating, but will it be enough?"
Tarrasque stands before the downed Bruge and roars. He seems to grow, his visage becoming more
frightening as he does so. Bruge swings at Tarrasque, but his fist is caught as Tarrasque stands his
It quickly becomes a losing battle as Tarrasque twists and Bruge's forearm snaps. Bruge motions with
his good arm that he submits. Tarrasque turns to the crowd with his hands raised in victory.
Coughlin: "If I didn't just see it, I would not have thought it possible! An Overlord being defeated!"
Dizon: "I think we go with the understanding that an Overlord can be defeated, but the fact remains that
they will return from death. That and the three that rule over them are more powerful than even the
Coughlin: "I guess that's true."

As Tarrasque seems to shrink back to his normal size, the mat develops a swelling. It grows like an
infection in the mat until it splits open so that Skalar the Chaos Mage can walk out.
The tear in the mat reseals itself as Skalar regards Tarrasque with an even smile. Major Hizir Sengun
and Glaknar the Green join Tarrasque at his side.
Coughlin: "I wonder what it is that Tarrasque would ask for?"
Dizon: "I bet it's food."
Skalar: "You have won your bout and may ask a favor of me. What is it that you wish?"
Tarrasque looks at Hizir and Glaknar before answering with a chuckle.
Tarrasque: "We want go to entrance to Underworld."
Skalar raises an eyebrow, but maintains his smile.
Skalar: "You still think that you can defeat Vhahg the Death King to prevent my servants from being
brought back from death."
Tarrasque stands his ground, matching Skalar's smile.
Tarrasque: "Me do."
Skalar: "I will send you to the banks of the River Styx. You will fail, but I will not stop you from
trying. Have a good quest, Alexander."
Skalar motions as Tarrasque's expression turns to confusion.
Tarrasque: "Wait, what?"
Dizon: "Alexander? Does Skalar know who he's talking to? That was Tarrasque! If he was a Dragonball
Z character, he'd be Go-freaking-ku!"
Coughlin: "Those who are listening do not want to know how you used to watch cartoons."
Dizon: "Well, I suppose."




Theobald: "The challenger for this next match is as follows...formerly from New York City...Senator
Martin S. Grant!"
Senator Grant walks out from the back to the cheering of the crowd. He walks proudly down to the
ring, a neatly trimmed dark beard and hair in his business suit.
Coughlin: "Grant used to be a New York Senator and an opponent of President Lee. It seems that
Martin is descended from President Ulysses S. Grant. The rivalry seems almost genetic."
Dizon: "I did my reading on that one and it seemed that General Lee had respected the heck out of
General Grant for accepting Lee's terms of surrender that essentially fed and released all of Lee's
soldiers to go home without any prison time."
Theobald: "And his opponent...General Beilank of the Ripping Claw!"
General Beilank walks out from the back, playing to the crowd to draw some boos. When he gets the
reaction that he's hoping for, he rushes to the ring railing to murder several fans with a swipe of his
Coughlin: "General Beilank looks to be nearly eight feet tall. He's probably six hundred pounds of
muscle with those ripping claws that can extend to what five feet?"
Dizon: "It's another public execution like when the last Senator entered the ring."
Coughlin: "It's disgusting. Senator Grant looks to be fairly fit, but he's still no warrior."
Beilank steps into the ring and Martin looks to size him up, craning his head back to be able to see his
Grant: "By the authority vested in me by the State of New York, I accept your surrender."
Beilank looks down at Martin with a cocked head for a moment before he begins to laugh.
Dizon: "The Senator has brass balls if he thinks that was going to work. He gives away what, three to
four feet in height?"
Coughlin: "Close to-what?"
Martin punches Beilank in the crotch before gliding around behind him to side kick him in the back of
the knee to make him fall backwards. Martin grabs Beilank around the waist and slams the creature
down to the unforgiving mat as he falls.
Martin still isn't done. He grabs Beilank's left wrist, gives it a quick punch to the inside to cause nearly
two feet of claw to pop out on reflex, and turns his hand to slam Beilank's own claw into his chest.
Martin backs away as the General screams out in pain.

Dizon: "What the Hell? That just came out of no where!"

Coughlin: "The Senator has some fight in him!"
Beilank screams out, blood oozing from his wound and spraying from his mouth as he starts pulling his
own claw out of his chest. Senator Grant climbs to the top rope and jumps to land both feet on the
elbow of the creature.
Beilank's eyes go wide as his claws sink into the mat below him.
Coughlin: "The Senator has the General trapped to the ring!"
Dizon: "Isn't this the guy who led Mai's troops into the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of
Americans and Canadians?"
Coughlin: "He is."
Martin circles around to by Beilank's head so he can begin kicking him in the face. Beilank responds by
lifting his free hand to point his fingers at Martin.
Dizon: "Oh crap!"
Coughlin: "Move, Senator!"
Martin turns to the side as claws burst from the end of Beilank's fingertips. The claws rip into Martin's
right arm and out back through his shoulder blades. The claws retract back into Beilank's hand with a
bloody spray from Martin's wounds.
Coughlin: "I don't know that Martin will last much longer after that blow."
Dizon: "Still a public execution..."
Martin falls against the corner, coughing up blood. Beilank reaches for him again, sending out his
Martin dives at Beilank, the claws piercing through the ring post. Martin kneels by Beilank's head with
a fierce expression before leaning down and biting him at the neck. He tears flesh away with his teeth,
creating an arterial spray before going back in to bite and tear again and again.
Dizon: "Is he eating the General?"
Coughlin: "He's doing as much damage as quickly as possible."
General Beilank twitches for a moment before laying still. Senator Martin S. Grant rolls to lay against
the still oozing body, raising one hand in victory.
Coughlin: "He's won, but with him bleeding like he is...has he really won?"
Dizon: "Nope."

The blood on the mat and on the two people in the ring flies up into the air to merge and form into
Skalar the Chaos Mage. He regards the Senator on the mat for a moment before holding out his hand.
Dizon: "Execution granted."
Coughlin: "Maybe the favor the Senator will want is to be healed?"
Senator Martin S. Grant rises into the air, his wounds healing, and his clothing both being repaired and
cleaned before he lands on his two feet. He quickly looks back at General Beilank, which fades away.
Skalar: "You have won your fight amazingly enough. What is the favor that you wish to ask of me?"
Senator Grant straightens his clothing, looking Skalar in the eye.
Grant: "I want the Cullings to end. On all worlds, not just here in the United States and Canada."
Dizon: "Is he crazy? Skalar won't honor a request like that! I don't even know how the United States
and Canada are safe!"
Coughlin: "Wait and see."
Skalar smiles, looking past Senator Grant where Mai, Master of the Slashing Claw, is perched on a
section of ruined roller coaster above the built arena.
Skalar: "Mai put you up for this. Maybe you should allow your favor be for something else. How
would you like to live forever, or become a wizard of great power?"
Dizon: "I would take the deal."
Coughlin: "You would."
Senator Grant shakes his head.
Grant: "It matters not who influenced my choice. I have earned my favor and I want the Cullings to end
Skalar: "Fine. It will cost you something a bit more if I am to concede this. My forces across all worlds
will cease Culling. We will only kill those who attack us or disobey. You must be willing to give up
your own life in exchange for this. Are you willing to die for your Favor?"
Grant: "I am."
Dizon: "What the heck?"
Coughlin: "Dying for a noble cause."
Dizon: "I would never die for a noble cause!"

Coughlin: "Never?"
Dizon: "Well...maybe not never."
Skalar raises his hand again, this time to lay claim to the Senator's life when Mai lands on the mat.
Mai: "Master, if this Favor is to really be done right, we should have a formal document signed to
declare that the Cullings have ended. Grant should sign that he accepts the Favor."
Skalar rolls his eyes, but retains his smile.
Skalar: "Very well. What are the details."
Mai: "We will meet at the House of Wilmer McLean at the Applomattox Court House National
Historical Park and sign the contract stating that the Cullings will end and those conducting in such will
be banished to the Underworld forever. You have the power to enchant the treaty in such a way to
ensure that it is kept."
Skalar: "Who do you serve, Mai?"
Mai kneels down before Skalar, bowing his head to the mat.
Mai: "I serve you, master. This will ensure that chaos will rule the day instead of simple bloodshed."
Skalar: "Fine. The Cullings will stop now and we will meet at this location to sign the formal
paperwork to set the enchantment into motion. Then you will kill Senator Grant for me."
Mai: "Understood. Thank you, master."
Senator Grant bows his head with a smile.
Grant: "Thank you."
Coughlin: "Why is this paperwork being signed where General Robert E. Lee formally surrendered to
General Ulysses S. Grant at the end of the American Civil War?"
Dizon: "There must be some sort of parallel that's being drawn here. I just don't see it."
Coughlin: "Maybe it will become more clear with time, but it does seem to me that Mai worked with
the Senator on this. He seems to have encouraged the Senator to kill his General."
Dizon: "I wonder if his General knew this and played along? It isn't as if he was going to stay dead."
Skalar: "I will send you to the historical site now, Grant, so that you may live out your remaining days
there in the location that Mai has preserved. We will see you soon for your scheduled murder."
Senator Martin S. Grant vanishes from sight with Skalar fading directly afterwards.
Coughlin: "It's been a strange night so far-"

Dizon: "And we hadn't hit the main event yet!"



Theobald: "The challenger for this next contest...Elizabeth Devereaux!"

[The sound of a vintage picture reel began to click and pop, the screen illuminating up counting down
like a picture show. The pops, scratches, nicks and debris covered the screen, the numbers counting
as the reel continued, the screaming sounds of Lizzy Hale tore through the arena and the melody and
guitar began to pick up. On the screen, a barrage of action shots from Apathy's career, centered and
fixated, like an old film would. As the arena went down, red and white lights bathing the fans in a sea
of color, Elizabeth emerged, arms held high, a smirk on her face, the boos chorusing from the rafters to
the front row. Eyes closed, she sucked it all in, as the haunting sounds of "I Miss The Misery" filled the
arena and surrounded her.]
##Ohhh, I miss the misery!
##I've been a mess since you stayed, ##I've been a wreck since you changed, ##Don't let me get in your
way, ##I miss the lies and the pain, ##The fights that keep us awake-ake-ake
##I'm tellin you!
[She took her time down the ramp, egging on those who stood opposing her and spouting off insults of
her own, laughing at the crowds and waving them off, dismissively. She rolled into the ring, and ran to
the far corner, thrusting her fist into the air and sending a hand sign with her free hand, to her daughter
at home.]
##I miss the bad things,
##The way you hate me,
##I miss the screaming,

##The way that you blame me!

##Miss the phone calls,
##When it's your fault,
##I miss the late nights,
##Don't miss you at all!
##I like the kick in the face,
##And the things you do to me!
##I love the way that it hurts!
##I don't miss you, I miss the misery!
[With the crowd throwing some debris in the ring, she hopped down the turnbuckle and ran to the other
on the far side, again throwing her fists into the air, a smug, cocky, careless look on her face, taunting at
the crowd, working them up.]
##Just know that I'll make you hurt,
##(I miss the lies and the pain what you did to me)
##When you tell me you'll make it worse
##(I'd rather fight all night than watch the TV)
##I hate that feelin inside
##You tell me how hard you'll try ##But when we're at our worst
##I miss the misery
Coughlin: "The remnants of Carthage have now fallen to Queen Elizabeth Devereaux, the last of the
Three Siblings."
Dizon: "And she was adopted!"
Coughlin: "Why does that matter? The Three Brothers were not united by blood either. They were
united by ritual and purpose."
Dizon: "Oh yeah."
Theobald: "And her opponent...Lenneth!"
A golden light bathes the arena as Die with Honor by Manowar plays over the PA and, after a few
moments, Lenneth walks out from the back, looking around at the crowd as she raises her spear and
cries out ODIN! She makes her way to the ring, slowly removing her helmet, cloak, spear and shield.
They vanish from sight as she steps into the ring, awaiting her opponent and taking in the cheering
crowd again.
Dizon: "How the mighty can fall and still remain full of arrogance."
Coughlin: "Arrogance? They know that they have a struggle ahead of them."
Dizon: "Trouble is, they still think they can win."
Coughlin: "The Asgardians never really dealt with reality."
As the bell rings to start the match, Lenneth crosses the ring to catch Elizabeth across the jaw with a

right hook. She continues to pelt Elizabeth with punches and elbows to back her into the corner.
Elizabeth pulls her in close with a smile.
Devereaux: "Without the Allfather, you're nothing."
A blast of energy sends Lenneth across the ring into the opposite corner, the impact shifting the entire
ring. Elizabeth casually crosses the ring with a chuckle.
Devereaux: "After all the posturing you and your kind did, Asgard did not defeat Carthage. I was the
one to bring my Elder Brother down. I will be the one to bring you down."
Lenneth lunges at Elizabeth, her spear and shield manifesting as she does so. Elizabeth turns to dodge
the spear, letting her wings come forth to smack Lenneth across the back. She drops the spear as she
staggers a few steps.
Devereaux: "There's no rules here, Freya. Just give up before you find yourself with a meeting with the
rest of your damned family."
Dizon: "Why did she call Lenneth by the name of Freya?"
Coughlin: "Because it's her real name? Though rude because she prefers Lenneth."
Both Elizabeth and Lenneth turn around with Lenneth smashing Elizabeth in the face with her shield
before grabbing her by a wing joint for something of a hip toss.
Elizabeth starts to rise, but a fist drop from Lenneth while using the shield keeps her down.
Far from trying to get back up again, Elizabeth slips through the mat as if it were water, leaving only a
ripple behind. Lenneth slaps the solid mat, screaming in anger.
Dizon: "What the fuck did she just do? Where did she go?"
Coughlin: "The FCC, Neil!"
Dizon: "The FCC? They're all freaking dead, Jane! And if they were alive, you think they would fine
Coughlin: "Right."
Lenneth slams her shield into the mat a few times, tearing the strap as she does so.
Lenneth: "Come out and face me!"
Elizabeth Devereaux rises up from the mat behind her as if the mat were a pool and not solid. She lands
lightly on solid mat without a sound.
Devereaux: "Alright, little viking."
Lenneth spins around to catch an energy blast full in the face and chest. Elizabeth keeps the energy

flowing, pinning Lenneth to the mat.

Devereaux: "You Asgardians were fated to die. It is as it has always been. The Fates being as fickle as
they are have changed the way your extinction would come about, but here it is. You may join your
family in the beyond and I will ascend into power as I was always meant to be. Treading upon the
bones of dead Asgardians..."
The energy beams being sent out by Elizabeth increase in intensity as she intends to finish Lenneth off.
She screams in pain as the power burns her, but she manages to get her fingers onto her shield. She
pulls it in front of her, deflecting the energy beams back at Elizabeth. An explosion sends her back to
the corner where it snaps the ring post and sends both her and the post to the floor. It's here that
Elizabeth lays still.
Dizon: "Lady Apathy is down! Is this it?"
Coughlin: "I think it is. She looks out."
As Lenneth stands up, the bell rings to end the match. Elizabeth slowly staggers to her feet, using the
ring apron to help herself up. She glares at Lenneth.
Devereaux: "Another time, Freya. Another time."
Lenneth: "I'll be ready."
Lenneth raises her hands in victory as Elizabeth vanishes from sight.
A door manifests in the ring. Skalar the Chaos Mage steps through the door, it vanishing as he closes it.
He smiles at Lenneth.
Skalar: Lenneth, you have won your challenge. I do believe that the details of your favor have been
worked out in advance with my Left Hand, but I do not think that these are good terms. You wanted all
of Asgard freed. I'm afraid that Asgard will be mine for all time. Sikarin agreed to release Sessrmnir to
you. Let's be honest with ourselves, young goddess. That's really just your house isn't it? You want your
lands so you can have your Valkyries continue their work because you get half of the honored dead.
Half, because I have dark reflections recruiting for Valhalla, my dear. You may have all of Flkvangr
for this purpose. So here is this-
Skalar tosses Lenneth an necklace that has a medallion that bears the image of a field on it.
Skalar: It will transport you and those holding hands with you to your home. Also, since it is a
Skalar tosses a small cloth bag to Lenneth.
Skalar: Several hundred apple seeds. I'm sure Indunn can do something with them so that you don't
perish by age. I would prefer to see you die in battle.
Lenneth places the necklace around her neck, holding onto the bag. She nods.

Lenneth: We will defeat you as you have been in the past.

Skalar only laughs as the door reappears behind him.
Skalar: You can try, but you will die. Only one person on this or all worlds was alive when I was last
on my throne and he was cursed before I was defeated. None live who know how to defeat me.
Skalar goes through the door, it vanishing once the door is closed. Lenneth gathers her equipment with
a frown, heading to the back.
Coughlin: Who do you think was alive when Skalar was last in power?
Dizon: No idea, but that person would be really old.

The Bounty
A blue light shines from the entrance area as Sikarin Tsooth walks out with the Staff of the Seven
Elders in his hand, the crystalline globe at the top glowing blue as the skull within seems to laugh.
He walks down to the ring with an arrogant stride, vanishing and reappearing inside of the ring instead
of stepping through the ropes.
Coughlin: "What could he want?"
Dizon: "I'm sure it can't be anything good."
Sikarin gazes around at the many defeated faces in the audience with a smile. The lights in the arena
dim until only Sikarin's light shines to draw all eyes to him.
Tsooth: "I thought I would make an announcement. In Africa there is a little nation called Neerick that
is ruled by an ancient being. King Barack Goldenfire. Whomever kills him and brings his head back to
me, will be rewarded. Our master will see to it that twenty of your friends, allies, or whomever you
wish is brought back from the dead. His power can reach far and wide into the realms of the afterlife to
bring back whomever you wish. Now, if you still count my master as an enemy to be defeated, this
would bring you twenty allies to your side to help you in such a doomed quest. Think about it..."
When the lights come back on, Sikarin Tsooth is nowhere to be found.
Dizon: "So, off some King, bring his head, and get twenty friends and allies back from the dead?"
Coughlin: "That's what he says, but I wouldn't do it. There must be some reason that they want
someone else to kill this monarch."
Dizon: "We could have so many people back, Jane! Gideon Rogers, Rose Johnston, Erica Kelly, Peter
King, and the guys from the ASA! We could have what it takes to defeat him!"

Coughlin: "Don't do it, Neil. You couldn't go kill some monarch. Think about it! Unless you knew the
names of the people who stopped Skalar in the first place, a random batch of announcers, mercenaries,
wrestlers, and staff can't do any better than what we have now."
Neil Dizon sniffs, looking down at the table.
Dizon: "I know. I know. It's just...a bit of hope that we could have our friends back you know?"
Jane wraps her arms around Neil, placing her forehead to his with a clacking of headsets.
Coughlin: "I know, Neil. I miss them too. Everyone has friends and family that they are missing.
Killing a man that Sikarin doesn't seem to want to get his own hands dirty doing so sounds wrong. It
really sounds like it would be ideal to contact him to see what is so special about him."
Dizon: "Right. We should do that...and if there's nothing special about him, we should kill him."
Coughlin: "Well. I don't think we'll be alone in this, but alright."

Theobald: "The challenger for this match, Skakiis the Blood Wizard!"
A tall gaunt man in heavy dark red robes walks down to the ring. When he steps through the ropes, his
hood falls back to reveal a bald dark skinned man with a heavy pattern of criss crossed lighter scars
across the left side of his face that also shows a milky white eye. His skin seems wet as if covered with
a thin coating of blood. He casts a baleful gaze across the crowd that they respond with boos.
Dizon: "Who the heck is this guy? He looks like a Wizard Serial Killer guy!"
Coughlin: "It says here that he's from Western Europe where he plies his magic in trafficking blood
with vampires. Not that his style of magic can't be used for different healing powers. He's lived
amongst the undead and helped search out the living while performing foul magics with both their
blood, his own, and what other undead that still bleed."
Dizon: "That sounds rather specific. You have research files over there?"
Coughlin: "Yes. You would too if you would read them."
Dizon: "Right. This is why you're the brains of the operation."
Theobald: "And his opponent, "The Iron Bear" Joe Ghaven!"

"Everything is Awesome" from the Lego Movie begins playing as Joe Ghaven walks out from the back,
smiling to the fans. They respond to his seeming good nature with cheers as he heads to the ring.
Dizon: "Who are these people? This guy seems familiar, but then again who would forget someone as
massive as he is? He's gotta be close to eight feet tall and what, six hundred pounds? What do you
have, Jane?"
Coughlin: "Says here that he used to wrestle for a few small time places, but he used to carry a Santa
Claus worthy leather bag strapped to his belt and a short steel girder on his shoulder. Something must
have happened since he has neither."
Dizon: "He looks more like a Pale Jolly Green Giant. Heh, Jolly White Giant."
As the bell rings to begin the match, Joe Ghaven crosses the ring to look at Skakiis in the eyes before
holding out his hand with a smile.
Ghaven: "Good luck!"
Skakiis regards Joe's hand with a cruel smile before accepting the handshake. His eyes quickly go wide
in pain at the strength of Joe's grip.
Dizon: "Is that smoke or something trailing from just a handshake?"
Coughlin: "I didn't see Skakiis chanting a spell or anything. No idea. Joe does seem to have a forced
smile now though."
Skakiis rips his hand away from Joe and glides his hand down the side of Joe's face. The skin begins to
redden, smoke, and blister right away. Joe looks at his hand to see it much the same.
Dizon: "What foulness is this? Those look like...chemical burns!"
Coughlin: "Must be something that Skakiis put into place before the match. That or he always oozes
such acidic blood."
Joe wipes his hand on his pants, then wipes at his face with his shirt. He looks angrily at Skakiis.
Ghaven: "What is wrong with you?"
Skakiis says nothing, but strikes Joe across the jaw with lefts and right. The punches combined with the
contact with the Blood Wizard's acidic skin drives Joe Ghaven back to the corner.
Skakiis runs a fingernail across each palm to draw blood before grabbing Joe by the wrists and forcing
them to the top rope. Blood oozes around Joe's wrists and the ropes, solidifying quickly to bind Joe to
the corner. He places his hands on Joe's chest to do the same, but the blood only coils around Joe's
chest. It begins squeezing tight, bringing a cry of pain from the Iron Bear.
Dizon: "This Blood Wizard guy doesn't play very nice at all."
Coughlin: "There must be some kind of reason for this match. A punishment for Joe Ghaven? A test for

a dark magician that was loyal to Carthage?"

Skakiis backs away with a laugh as the blood bindings continue to tighten. There's a loud crack as one
of Joe's ribs break.
Ghaven: "You're not very nice! This is cheating! Stop cheating!"
Skakiis steps back up to Joe, extending a razor sharp fingernail to poke him several times to draw
Skakiis: "I don't have to play fair. C'mon, you can get angry. You know you want to get angry. Let it go!
Sikarin Tsooth said that you would be interesting if you lost your temper. Or you could just give up."
Ghaven: "No! I won't give up! I won't give in!"
Dizon: "Is it that bad if he loses his temper?"
Coughlin: "I guess? Isn't it bad if anyone would lose their temper?"
Skakiis places his hands on the side of Joe's neck, bringing out a scream from Joe as the sides of his
neck suffer from chemical burns.
Skakiis: "Not enough? Maybe I could go and attack some of the homeless people that you've met and
helped on your travels. Would you like that? Seeing little Charlene melted into a bubbling cauldron of
blood and bleached bones should-"
The bonds that hold Joe Ghaven into the corner snap as he seems to stand taller, breathing deeply
without a sign of pain.
Skakiis: "Interesting, but a little late."
Skakiis reaches into the sleeve of his robe, tossing a scorched little yellow ribbon at the feet of Joe
Joe's face goes pale at the sight of the ribbon, but his grief is quickly replaced by a much darker
Dizon: "Is Ghaven growing even bigger?"
Coughlin: "And hairier."
Joe Ghaven grows ever larger with hair sprouting everywhere while his very shape shifts until.
Coughlin: "There such a thing as a Werebear?"
Dizon: "I would have said that you're crazy, but here he is!"

Skakiis looks up at the head of the enraged Joe Ghaven that stands nearly twenty feet tall. To say that
he's intimidated is a vast understatement.
Skakiis: "Damn you to Hell, Sikarin..."
Joe swipes at Skakiis with a claw, ripping through the robe with ease, and tearing through the flesh and
bone of the Blood Wizard nearly to the spine.
Skakiis watches with a near clinical fascination as his shredded internal organs and shattered bones
splatter across the ring and into the crowd. He drops to his knees and then down, dead before his face
strikes the mat. A massive foot lands on the back of his head and upper torso to crush him into pulp. Joe
let's out a roar before slowly shifting back to human form. His wounds have healed, but he's also quite
Coughlin: "So, I'm going to say that Joe did not want to transform because of just this result."
Dizon: "You think?"
The ruined corpse of Skakiis the Blood Wizard burns into ashes that form into Skalar the Chaos Mage.
He motions and Joe's clothing reforms onto his body.
Skalar: "You have won your fight and may ask of me a favor."
Joe slowly nods.
Ghaven: "I lost my bag during a battle against some of the Ripping Claws. I want it back."
Skalar smiles, holding out a large leather bag.
Skalar: "Then it is yours."
Joe takes the bag in hand, tying it to his belt with a smile.
Ghaven: "Thank you. Now if you will excuse me, I have people who need my help."
Skalar: "You can help serve them better as an Overlord, you know. An army of helpers that will also
help destroy those who would harm those you consider worthy of helping."
Ghaven: "Will they destroy you?"
Skalar: "No. There is nothing on all the worlds that will do that."
Ghaven: "Then they will fail to destroy the person doing the most harm. You'll forgive me if I tell you
to fuck off."
Skalar: "Of course not. There are millions who want me dead, some of them are even my own
Overlords. I am the storm that transforms all worlds and so it is to be expected. Carry on with your
mission, Joe Ghaven. You are welcome to try to harm me, but none can. None ever will."

Skalar vanishes, leaving Joe Ghaven alone in the ring.

Coughlin: "That was rather...informative. So, do you think that there are really Overlords who both
serve Skalar loyally and want to kill him?"
Dizon: "Different strokes rule the world?"
Coughlin: "Did you...did you just say that out loud?"
Dizon: "Yup. I just did, momma!"
Coughlin: "You are in desperate need of a time out."
Dizon: "You know it!"


Theobald: "This next contest features the following. The challenger, Queen of the Aztec
Empire...Valora Salinas!"
"Death Triumphant" by my Dying Bride begins playing as Valora Salinas walks out from the back. The
crowd ranges from booing to cheers, but all of the reactions are quite strong. She walks down to the
ring with a smile.
Coughlin: "Valora's little empire has been without invasion by Skalar and his genocidal people so far.
Any wonder as to why?"
Dizon: "She's probably a secret Overlady. You know what she would do for power."
Coughlin: "I think she would have attacked South America if she was an Overlady instead of dealing
with a few skirmishes. I have heard that she's allied with the Director of Warhammer South America."
Dizon: "They moved all the resources that they could to the Aztec Empire, didn't they?"
Coughlin: "It was that or have them destroyed."
Theobald: "And her opponent, Mai, Master of the Ripping Claw!"
Mai comes down from the rotting skeleton of a roller coaster to land on the outside of the ring. He
looks into the ring at Valora with a twisted smile.
Mai: "The dreaded Aztec Queen. Long have I desired to see you in person."

Salinas: "Long have you waited?"

Mai: "Yes. I have wanted to see how strong you really were. Maybe I will just kill you today instead of
defeating you and roll through your empire. You will at least die with the knowledge that I alone will
bring down your empire. Skalar has promised me that no other Overlord will enter your lands to make
war and I do not participate in the Cullings..."
Salinas: "Good to know, but you won't be winning tonight!"
Coughlin: "So Mai bargained for the United States, Canada, and the Aztec Empire?"
Dizon: "Would seem that way. I personally wouldn't want anything to do with invading the Aztec, but
I'm also not Skalar."
Mai opens the match by extending his hand with his claws tearing from his finger with a splatter of
blood to cross the ring in an instant. Valora lunges at Mai, side stepping the claws to begin landing
punches into Mai's midsection (which mind is about eye level for her). Mai begins doubling over, but
then leans down quickly to head butt Valora in the top of the head. He withdraws his claws and
backhands Valora hard enough to send her into the corner.
Coughlin: "Mai currently stands at about twelve feet, but I don't think that's his natural height."
Dizon: "I think it varies with these bastards at times."
Mai starts toward Valora. She places a foot on the second turnbuckle, launches herself into the air, and
catches Mai in the throat with her shoulder. She clutches onto Mai's shoulders, digging her nails into
his flesh, and begins ripping his life force away.
Mai sends a single claw through Valora. It enters in just above her left hip that exits just above the right
hip. Valora opens her mouth in pain, releasing Mai from her grasp. Mai retracts the claw, letting her fall
to the mat.
Mai: "You are a treacherous little bitch. You think I don't know events that happened before Skalar rose
to power? You were set to invade the United States to try to distract them from attacking Carthage. This
despite the diplomats that the United States was sending. When I invade your empire, you will not be
under the thought that I desire peace."
Valora lays on the mat, coughing up black blood as it begins to pool on the mat.
Coughlin: "Valora looks like she could be in real trouble here."
Dizon: "I'm not sure who to cheer for here to be honest. How do you think Mai knows what Valora was
Coughlin: "He could be a recent convert I suppose."
Mai: "Get up. If you were still a simple undead creature, I would understand. You are not."

Valora gets up with a smile, her wound closing. She wipes blood away from her mouth with the back of
her hand.
Salinas: "Someone has done their homework. I think you jumped on the bandwagon when Skalar rose.
So, who were you before the change to becoming an Overlord?"
Mai: "A tale for another time perhaps."
Mai sends his claws ejecting at Valora, but she side steps again. She grabs the claw on his index finger,
snaps it off, flips it over, and leaps to plunge it into Mai's heart. He stiffens and drops to his knees.
Valora places her hands on his throat, draining his life force as fast as she can.
Salinas: "I guess I didn't need to know."
Mai: "Until next time then, Valora."
Valora releases Mai as his eyes roll up in death. She watches as his body hits the mat and dissolves into
Salinas: "No next time for you."
Dizon: "Does she not know?"
Coughlin: "She hasn't had to spend time watching them fight in preparation for this show like we have.
So, maybe not."
Dizon: "It'll be a big surprise then!"
Valora Salinas stands in the ring with her arms raised in victory. The shadows on the other side of the
ring deepen until Skalar the Chaos Mage steps out of the darkness. He smiles at Valora, his dark skin
glittering with the scattered bits of gold embedded in his flesh.
Salinas: "You have won your challenge, though I would have thought that Mai would have put up more
of a fight. I will see that he suffers before his return. What is your favor?"
Valora frowns at the mention of Mai's return, but shakes her head.
Salinas: "You know what my favor is to be. Grant it."
Skalar: "Bold. Powerful. No wonder my Left Hand and Overlord had such an interest in you. I will
grant your request. She will not come to harm by me or servants of mine."
Salinas: "And the other?"
Skalar: "Of course. Hold out your hand."
Valora frowns, but holds out her hand. Motes of gold from Skalar's gold bespecked face begin tearing
from his body in tiny bloody splatters. The glowing motes of gold collect above Valora's hand in the
shape of a dagger until they solidify and the dagger drops into her hand.

The thousands of tiny bloody wounds across Skalar reseal themselves, the gold returning to his skin so
that he glitters softly in the light.
Skalar: "The Golden Dagger of Chaos Prophesy. Capable of slaying any being with powerful magical
protections, except me. It is bound into my essence and plunging the dagger into my heart would claim
your Immortal soul instead of mine. Still, a powerful weapon. Use it well."
Skalar vanishes, leaving a few fading motes of golden light behind as Valora looks upon the dagger in
her hand.
Coughlin: "So you think the person that Valora was protecting was Elizabeth Devereaux?"
Dizon: "Probably. I wonder what she's planning on doing with that dagger?"
Coughlin: "I think she was hoping to have been able to have used it to slay Skalar himself."
Dizon: "Yeah, that plan was shot down quick."


Theobald: "The challenger for this next bout...Milamber!"
A curious wizard walks out from the back in plain blue robes. He waves to the fans with a cheery smile,
but otherwise there's nothing remarkable about him.
Dizon: "Alright, Miss Info, what's the dirt on this guy? He looks like he just blew in from a bland
Halloween Costume Party where not a soul remembers that he was there."
Coughlin: "Nothing."
Dizon: "He isn't some all powerful servant of Carthage that wasn't involved in the battles?"
Coughlin: "Nope. I have nothing on him. Not where he's from. Not what he does. Nothing. These
reports are generated by Skalar."
Dizon: "What does that mean?"
Coughlin: "Exactly what you would expect it to mean. So, let's be quiet about it."
Theobald: "And his opponent...J'darkt the Fire Giant!"
The air in front of the ring entrance becomes rather wavy like the air above hot pavement. A twenty
foot demon of a man walks out. He has dark red skin with wild orange hair that looks more bush than
hair. He has the same style of hair on his forearms and around his ankles. As he slowly walks down to
the ring, a few people close to him swoon from the sudden onset of the high temperature.

Dizon: "A Fire Giant? Heh. Distant cousin of the Frost Giants? What, does it depend on the season of
what they are when they come out?"
Coughlin: "They are related after a fashion and both enslaved giants of Bruge the Massive. The Fire
Giants come from a fiery world once ruled by a giant powerful enough to have slain two of Odin's
brothers in battle when he invaded Asgard once. Odin absorbed the power of his brothers or else he
may have been slain that day too and people who have never worshiped Asgardians in ancient times,
but Jotuns."
Dizon: "Ok? The name of this fiery world? I think there was whispers of a stronghold being built where
people could go to travel through the many worlds under the heel of Skalar. The only real worlds with
limitations would be Asgard. Maybe Helheim as well, but I think that common sense would prevent
folks from going to the world where the dead roam that is guarded by things that wish that you would
remain and tear your body apart so you do."
Coughlin: "It is called Muscleheim. Musphelheim? It's an 'M-word'. I think that this place where they
would be building a new bifrost would have something of a directory. Though why would he want us to
be able to travel through worlds?"
Dizon: "He's already won, Jane. What's the harm in letting us travel?"
Coughlin: "I guess."
J'darkt the Fire Giant stands in the ring, looking down upon Milamber with a smile.
J'darkt: "You don't look like a wizard. You look like a toothpick inside of a cloth napkin. I kin use you
to clean my teeth!"
Milamber looks up at J'darkt, his expression carefully guarded.
Milamber: "Whoever said I was a wizard?"
J'darkt brings both fists down on Milamber's head to level him. He continues pounding with both fists,
blood and torn blue clothing flying about. He stands up with a satisfied grunt with a gory pile of
smashed flesh and crushed bones on the mat.
Dizon: "Two second match."
Coughlin: "Well? Wait! Look behind the giant!"
J'darkt looks behind him to the mat to see Milamber standing there with a smile. J'darkt looks curiously
at Milamber and at the crushed corpse on the mat.
J'darkt: "If you're there, then-"
Milamber leans down, putting his finger into the puddled blood. He pops the finger into his mouth with
a smile.
Milamber: "Strawberry!"

Dizon: "How the heck did he do that?"

Coughlin: "Magic?"
J'darkt swings at Milamber, but then frowns when he doesn't connect with anything. Milamber calls
from sitting on the top turn buckle.
Milamber: "Mr. Fire Giant? Maybe we could cease playing tag?"
J'darkt swings at Milamber, connecting with the back of his hand hard enough to send Milamber flying
into the crowd about thirty rows in.
Milamber: "Mr. Fire Giant. May I call you J'darkt? I'd like to begin this fight."
J'darkt spins around, his jaw dropping at the sight of Milamber perched on the top turn buckle on the
other side of the ring.
J'darkt: "How are you doing this, wizard?"
Milamber: "I think you answered your own question. That is, if I were a wizard. I am not."
Dizon: "If he isn't a damned wizard, then what is he?"
Coughlin: "Magician like Harry 'Handcuffs' Houdini was?"
J'darkt charges at Milamber, but Milamber jumps through the air to catch the giant by the head. He
brings J'darkt's head down upon the ring post, but impact reveals a sharp spine that goes through the
skull of the giant.
Milamber rolls back into the ring, raising a hand in victory as J'darkt twitches and is still.
Dizon: "That corner post was flat! What the fuck?"
Coughlin: "Maybe he just doesn't like the term of wizard?"
Skalar the Chaos Mage steps into the ring as the body of J'darkt the Fire Giant fades into a mist.
Skalar: "Milamber, you have won your challenge tonight and may have a favor. What is it that you
would like?"
Milamber rubs his chin thoughtfully before answering.
Milamber: "I would like a cup of tea. English Breakfast with two cubes of sugar and a splash of milk."
Skalar: "You fought a Fire Giant to the death and all you want is a cup of tea?"
Milamber: "Well, Great and Powerful Chaos Mage, if you can't do it, I would understand. Not every
Mage can make a good cup of tea, you know."

Dizon: "Not every Mage can make a good cup of tea? I don't understand. Is he trying to get himself
Skalar motions with his hand and a small tea cup on a saucer comes into existence, floating to
Milamber. He picks the cup off of the floating saucer takes a sip with a chuckle.
Milamber: "A nice cup of tea!"
Skalar: "You speak as if there were more than one Mage. There is only one Chaos Mage."
Milamber motions with his cup as he nods.
Milamber: "You are correct. There is only one Chaos Mage. Good day to you, sir."
Milamber sets the empty cup back onto the floating saucer and vanishes from view. Skalar turns away
from the cup and saucer, vanishing as well. The cup and saucer fall to the mat, shattering upon impact.
Coughlin: "Curious."
Dizon: "I wonder if we will see this Milamber fellow again?"
Coughlin: "Probably."

Double Non-Title

Theobald: "We have now come to the main event of the evening! Featuring the challenger...Iro
"Built to Last" by the Protomen begins playing as Iro Waters walks out from the back to the cheering of
the fans. He rolls into the ring, shaking himself loose to get ready for the match.
Dizon: "So, I think I heard that Iro took a lot of damage in stopping Tabitha Osborne during the battle
outside of the arena when we were on Asgard. You think he has any new cybernetics?"
Coughlin: "If he does, I'm sure he wouldn't be putting them on display so Kronin can work to counter

Dizon: "That sounds like a solid plan."

Theobald: "And his opponent...Kronin!"
A couple quick spots of white noise is heard over the PA before Ich Will' by Rammstein plays. The
titan showing highlights of Kronins matches and Kronin marches out from the back, looking around
the crowd and nodding, making his way to the ring every so often pausing to shake hands with fans and
the like before climbing into the ring.
Once in the ring, Kronin warms up and begins to prepare for the coming match...
Dizon: "Kronin is with the other Asgardians in their secret location. Him having taken the roles taken
up by Thor and Tyr. You think he could really be their heir?"
Coughlin: "I think that he has some big shoes to fill. The world is in a dire place and we need heroes
now more than ever than any time in recorded history."
As the bell rings to start the match, Kronin and Iro Waters meet in the center of the ring.
Waters: "It's an honor to meet you in the ring, but I can't let you win. This Blood Favor. It's too
important to let it slip by."
Kronin: "I agree."
Kronin stuns Iro with an opening series of punches. Iro catches a fist with his left hand, using the
opening to begin his own counterattack. He takes Kronin down with a head lock, punching him in the
head with his left hand.
Kronin shoves Iro off of him, grabbing him from behind to drop him for a back suplex. Both men are
quickly back up and at each other again.
Kronin catches Iro first and brings him over with a snap suplex. He rolls over quickly, driving an elbow
to the side of Iro's head to stun him. He applies a Triangle Choke on Iro to try to cut off his air supply
to quickly end the match.
Dizon: "At last a match where the two people don't have a reason to hate each other."
Coughlin: "Though they are not wrestling for any championships, the stakes are high since they
probably both have important favors to ask for."
Iro struggles to break free, but then smiles as a small port opens up on his collar bone, and he begins to
breathe normally. Once he relaxes, he finds the strength to slip out of the hold. As both rise up, Iro
brings Kronin down with a Dragon leg screw. Kronin pops back up, but Iro dives down to catch him
with a clothesline. He grabs Kronin by the hair with his right hand, lifting his left fist into the air.
Waters: "I'm sorry, but too important."
Iro's left hand seems to catch ablaze as he sends it down at Kronin's skull. The punch never connects as

lightning streams from Kronin's fingertips to strike Iro in the chest, and hurl him from the ring.
Coughlin: "Iro Waters was looking for a big finish, but Kronin turned it back around on him. His
cybernetics are probably insulated against an electrical attack, but still."
Dizon: "Yeouch!"
Iro Waters lays on the floor outside of the ring, his body twitching from the attack from Kronin.
Kronin rolls out of the ring to stand by Iro, watching him. Iro slowly rises up, meeting Kronin's gaze.
Kronin: "I can't let you win today."
Waters: "It wouldn't be a win if you did!"
Iro leaps up, pointing his left hand at Kronin. He fires a projectile at Kronin, but it's easily dodged. Iro
turns away from Kronin, bringing his left fist in a wide arc back towards his own body.
Kronin frowns, turns around, and is caught full in the chest when the projectile swings back at him
under Iro's control. The resulting explosion sends Kronin flying backwards into Iro's waiting arms.
Iro spins Kronin around, brings him up into a suplex position, and then drops him straight down onto
his head with aCoughlin: "Iro hits a Mega Buster onto the flooring! Kronin could be out cold right now!"
Dizon: "He's certainly bleeding after that combination of attacks. A remote control explosive whatsit?"
Coughlin: "I'm sure there's explosives and magnetic control going on here."
Iro drops a knee onto Kronin's chest, wrapping his left hand around Kronin's throat.
Waters: "I need you to submit. I don't want to have to kill you. Our side would lose much if you died."
Dixon: "I wonder what Iro's favor is to be that it's that important that he would kill Kronin to get it
Coughlin: "Maybe he's wishing to have his mother and girlfriend returned back to him."
Dizon: "Ok. I would kill Kronin to bring you back too."
Coughlin: "Aww. You can be sweet at times."
Kronin's eyes snap open and he seizes Iro by the wrist. He pulls the hand off of his throat, crushing the
wrist, and sending sparks of power out from the broken arm.
Kronin: "Not tonight I will not."
Kronin rises up, bringing Iro with him. He gathers Iro up, and-

Coughlin: "Death by Metal! Iro Water is laid out on the floor!"

Dizon: "I don't see him getting up from that."
Kronin staggers up, leaning against the ring apron. The bell rings to signal that Iro Waters is finished.
Coughlin: "Kronin wins!"
Dizon: "I was wondering for a moment there, but Kronin is the World champion. At least the last I
knew the champions still had their titles."
Skalar the Chaos Mage walks out from the back to the hushed whispers of the crowd. He watches
Kronin climb back into the ring with an easy smile as he walks.
When Kronin stands up, and looks back, Skalar is gone. He turns around to see Skalar standing behind
Kronin: "I won. Let me have my favor!"
Skalar: "You want Lilly returned to you free of any control."
Kronin: "Yes."
Skalar holds out a hand, a hole being torn into space. On the other side stands Lilly.
Kronin: "Lilly!"
Lilly walks through the portal to embrace Kronin, but begins to laugh harshly. Kronin tries to pull
away, but finds that he cannot.
Coughlin: "What's going on here?"
Dizon: "Something bad."
Lilly's laughter deepens as she grows taller, changing shape until it is Sikarin Tsooth who holds Kronin.
Tsooth: "You thought it would be so easy to finally claim my prize?"
Sikarin's hands merge together, tendrils of dark liquid wrapping around Kronin, and squeezing him
Tsooth: "I have spent years in the grooming of my prize. Hers is a special destiny that you cannot
comprehend. You think I've spent a few scant years grooming her. Though a God, you still think the
thoughts of a Mortal. You think the fact that you defeated a little mortal with artificial bits would allow
you her back?"
Kronin works to break free of Sikarin's smothering grasp. He grits his teeth.

Kronin: "Your master said-"

Tsooth: "That I can defeat you and earn my own favor to cancel yours out. So, I could kill you and have
your woman...or I could just defeat you and have you watch as I groom your woman into becoming a
powerful Overlady. One that will render the last of the Asgardians extinct."
Kronin's eyes go white, glowing bright as electricity arcs from them. With a shout, he breaks free of
Sikarin's grasp. Sikarin falls backward a few feet, but reforms quickly. Kronin summons his sword with
a snarl.
Kronin: "You won't deny me this!"
Sikarin reaches into the folds of his robe, drawing a sword that appears to be made of a clear crystal
that glows green with faces appearing and vanishing inside of the blade.
Tsooth: "I will deny you what I wish. You can watch your woman from within Soul Harvest when I
claim your soul.
Sikarin goes on the attack with blinding speed, green sparks flying as Kronin blocks each blow from
Sikarin's blade. Hat is until Sikarin stops at a parry and presses Kronin back to try to cut his throat with
his own blade.
Tsooth: Or maybe you can keep V'hahg the Death King company when I murder you with your own
sword cleaving into your neck.
Kronin strains, pushing the gathered blades away from his neck. Sikarin fights hard to keep the blades
at the halfway point between the two of them.
That is until Sikarin's sword cracks. The tiniest bit of crystal flies off of the sword. A mote of green
energy containing a face flies away from the sword, striking the side of Sikarin's face with a little
explosion. Sikarin's expression betrays the pain he feels as a grey ooze begins to spill from the wound.
An ooze that slowly shifts colors until a drop hits the floor that turns to powder.
Tsooth: "What? How?"
Kronin: "Your prisoners desire revenge!"
Sikarin tries to back away, but Kronin goes on the assault, hammering away at Soul Harvest with his
sword untilCoughlin: "Get down!"
Dizon: "Oh shit!"
Soul Harvest explodes into tiny fragments, slicing Kronin open in several dozen places. Skalar stands
nearby uneffected as he watches on.
A shower of deadly crystal shards and green energy motes strike Sikarin, bringing him to his knee. He
let's the hilts of his ancient sword hit the ground.

Tsooth: "I yield. Lilly may be returned to you with my mental control and influence gone."
Skalar nods with a smile, motioning to the waiting portal. Lilly walks through it, heading for Kronin.
Before she can hug Kronin, an inky black blade pierces through her to appear out of her belly. She
drops to her knees, going pale quickly.
Tsooth: "Whole and without my mental manipulation. I did not say healthy though."
Kronin glares daggers at Sikarin, but holds onto Lilly.
Kronin: "We have healers. This won't last."
Skalar: "This wound will never properly heal. She will sicken and die once the clock strikes midnight
to ring in the new year. Nothing can stop this."
Skalar motions to Sikarin, healing his wounds, and then walking through the portal. Sikarin stands up
as the portal closes with a wide smile.
Tsooth: "Lilly will die on the New Year. Her body will transform into something wonderful that will
help you fight back if you still choose to fight. Though, if she were to swear her loyalty to Skalar and
become an Overlady. Death does not keep the servants of my master. She would be reborn after dying
and become...glorious."
Sikarin fades away with a laugh.
We focus on Kronin holding Lilly as we fade to black.

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