Lesson Plan 1-5 Xuezi Zhang

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Lesson Plan-CUP Day 1

50 minutes class
Name: ______Xuezi Zhang____
Placement/level: __7th grade___
Date: __Fall________
Lesson Title: Getting to know graphic novels and reading Ghosts
Purpose or Goal of Instruction: State the long-term goal here. To what BIG IDEA or
core understanding is this lesson related? Why are you teaching this lesson? Why is the
topic important?
Besides recognizing the impacts of family on people, the long- term goal also
includes students will develop their cultural awareness and understandings of
death that are two other elements manifested in Ghosts, which I think will be
useful for them in both life and academics. The big idea of this lesson is students
can learn about graphic novels, realize stories can be written by different
mediums. Graphic novels are good teaching resources in classroom, not only
engage students at diverse levels, but also useful to increase reading
comprehension and vocabulary. Ghosts is a graphic novel and the first book of my
unit on family. Teaching this lesson to 7th graders with it would be a good
opening to engage students at all levels to participate in this unit study as its
impressive pictures and simple plot make reading accessible and its family theme
is also obvious to identify and understand. Moreover pre-reading strategies like
tea quote party and watching Ghosts trailer will help students comprehend the text
once they begin to read. And my other goal is to give students enough time to
begin the reading process in class to ensure their comprehension and interaction
with the novel.
Rationale: Explain why your chosen method of teaching is appropriate and why you
hope it will be effective. (Refer to readings and or lectures from your methods classes.)
This lesson focuses on pre-reading activities, quick write, interactive lecture, and
independent reading. I choose tea quote party and watching a book trailer as prereading strategies to engage students interests in the novel they are going to read
and help them practice making inferences by listening and observations. As what
said by Dr. Caprino in this method class, tea quote party gives students an overall
view of the book, helps them understand the novel better when they begin to read.
Quick write can help students sort out their thoughts by writing down, as well as
practice their writing skills required by common core state standards.
Equipping students with basic understanding of the reading and reading strategies
will make their reading more fluent and effective. Jim (2013) points out
preparing students by relevant background knowledge, skills and literacies is a
must in creating an effective instruction. Therefore in my interactive lecture, I
introduce the basic elements of graphic novel and ways of reading graphic novel
to students to help them understand the novel better.
And letting students see a novel trailer not only meets the requirements of multiliteracy and technology application in classroom emphasized by 21st century and

NCTE, but also arouse students curiosity of the novel, promote their meaningful
reading comprehension.
Moreover, both Dr. Caprino (2016) and Jim (2013) suggest that giving students
enough time to work, to read is as well an essential element of teaching.

Objective: What is the purpose of this particular lesson or series of lessons? What
will students be able to do as a result of your lesson? Also note how you will explain the
objective to students. (Hint: You must have them do the thing you want them to learn so
that you will then be able to assess how successful they were and what your next steps
might be.)
To enable students to understand my objectives, I will firstly orally explain what we will
be doing today, my expectations for them and then write my objectives on board. And
activities they will do today will also be listed on board.
Students will be able to identify six basic elements of graphic novel in Ghosts.
Students will be able to have a rough idea of the theme of Ghosts.
Students will be able to read Ghosts in class.
Assessment: What tools will you use to assess student learning or understanding? Will
the assessment be formative or summative? How will your assessment choice give you
insight into the learning of each student in the room? What will make the work excellent?
Work collected / observed:
Class discussion
Index cards
Sticky notes on Ghosts
Criteria used:
Students have an interactive conversation with partners and the teacher in a
discussion on Ghosts.
Students write sentences or key words of their thoughts on index cards.
Sticky notes on the right place of the basic elements of graphic novel on Ghosts.
Students read novel independently and jot down notes.
All the assessments today are formative, completed when I interact with them, circulate
the classroom, observe their discussion and working. I will be available to answer
questions and give comments on their conversations. As this is the first day of the lesson,
my goal of these assessments is to get to know students comprehension levels so that
informing my later teaching and content designing.
Complete this chart for objectives and assessment
Students will be able to have a rough idea
of the theme of Ghosts.

Listen to their discussion and see what they
write on index card.

Students will be able to identify six basic

elements of graphic novel in Ghosts.

Check their sticky notes on the novel.

Students will be able to read Ghosts in


Circulate the classroom and observe what

they do.

Process / Procedures for Teachers: What will you do to prepare for instruction? To
introduce the lesson? To provide assistance during the lesson? To conclude or close the
lesson? To connect the lesson to past and future lessons?
Preparation and time & materials needed:
For the preparation for the instruction, I will cut a few quote slips from Ghosts, it
will take half an hour.
Then I will collect information of graphic novel like graphic novel cover, basic
elements, how to read et al to make a PowerPoint to introduce the graphic novels,
it will take one hour.
Thirdly look for Ghosts trailer resource online, it will take 15 minutes.
And ten minutes to prepare the index cards and sticky notes.
Determine the reading pages students are going to read in tomorrows class, it will
take 10 minutes.
Before the class begins, I will review the goals and objectives of my lesson, check
all needed materials and practice teaching sequence, it will take 15 minutes.
Good morning, everyone! Hows your weekend? Do any of you have some
interesting and exciting things that happened last week and would like to share
with our classmates and me?.... OK now we are going to do an activity.
(Spreading the quote slips to them.) All of these quotes are from a novel. Now
read your slip loudly and describe the picture goes with it, Tom lets start from
you. . (finish reading) OK, could you guess what this book is talking about and
what kind of book these quotes are from?
I will design tea quote party to engage students in reading.
I will make a PowerPoint on graphic novels to scaffold students to know the basic
elements of graphic novel, how to read graphic novel and the benefits of graphic
To scaffold them to understand the trailer better, I will play it three times. And
giving them hints like pay attention to the picture, the speakers words and the
transitions before playing it each time.
To scaffold students to identify the basic elements of the graphic novel in Ghosts,
I will show them the model page of slides for reference.
To scaffold them to do activity of identifying, I will prepare activity explanation
handout and use my work to model for them.
Day 1 will conclude with students independent reading.
Connection to previous and forthcoming lessons:
Before this unit, students have completed a unit about how to overcome
difficulties. During that unit, they have practiced reading skills like determining a

theme of a text, analyzing characters and discussion skills. In the next class, they
will continue to interact with the text, practice these skills and more.
Process / Procedures for Students: What exactly will students be asked to do? You
must show that you can teach to a diverse population of students: an advanced learner,
an inexperienced learner, a second language learner, and a student with a learning
Students firstly will be asked to read aloud their given quote slip and describe the
picture with it, and then guess where they are from and what this novel talks
Then students will be lectured on graphic novels, supposed to answer teachers
questions in an interactive way with teacher.
Students will be asked to see Ghosts trailer, prepare for the discussion.
Students will be asked to discuss with their partners about the theme of the Ghosts
and jot down their thoughts on index cards.
Students will be asked to use sticky notes to identify the basic elements of graphic
novel in Ghosts after an interactive lecturing on graphic novel introduction.
Last but not least, students will be asked to read Ghosts independently and read
the picture as careful as read the captions.
Accommodation: How will you provide additional support or more challenging work for
students who are struggling with the materials or for students who are advanced?
Support Accommodation:
For struggling students who need help in understanding the trailer would be will
be offered guiding questions like what kind of picture do you see in the video clip
and what key words do you hear from the video clip and follow-up questions
based on their answers. If they need help in independent reading of Ghosts, they
will be offered a graphic organizer listing character, time, setting, plot to assist
them to understand the story.
Challenge Accommodation:
For advanced students, they are encouraged to use highlighter to color-mark the
literacy devices they learnt before when read Ghosts.
ESOL Accommodation
For ESOL students, if they feel uncomfortable to talk in discussion, they can write
down their thoughts on index cards; if they have language problems in
understanding the reading, they will be suggested to pay attention to the pictures
in the panel of Ghosts and generate the guess before turning to dictionary.
Accommodation form will also be prepared for them and I will always be
available to offer my help to help them clarify the reading.
Standards addressed:
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course
of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.

Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher- led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others'
ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats
(e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or
issue under study.
Burke, J. (2013). The English teacher's companion : A complete guide to classroom,
curriculum, and the profession. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Lesson Plan-CUP Day 2&3&4

50 minutes class
Name: ___Xuezi Zhang______
Placement/level: ___7th grader___
Date: ___Fall_______
Lesson Title: Exploring graphic novel Ghosts
Purpose or Goal of Instruction: State the long-term goal here. To what BIG IDEA or
core understanding is this lesson related? Why are you teaching this lesson? Why is the
topic important?
The goals of these three lessons are students will read the Ghosts, be familiar with
the plot, learn literacy device dialogue, think about why Cats family moves to a
new place, what special things they encountered in new home, what Cats
familys attitudes towards ghosts and how Cats attitude to ghost changes.
Students can validate and strengthen their comprehensions of above ideas through
discussion, acting and story-telling, meantime practicing their summarizing &
analyzing skills as well as speaking & listening skills that emphasized in common
core state standards.
Rationale: Explain why your chosen method of teaching is appropriate and why you
hope it will be effective. (Refer to readings and or lectures from your methods classes.)
These three days lessons focus on students reading process, are structured with
students talking like discussion and storytelling, teachers focus lesson, quick
writing and independent reading. Langer (2011) said literature learning is an
interactive process. In order to make this interaction presentation happen,
literature teacher should set the discussion as an essential part in his instruction.
Discussion like literature circle and storytelling not only enables students to
validate their understanding, be enriched by different perspectives of others, but
also enables me to adopt formative assessment to make sure students have finish
their reading in independent reading and understand the plots so that to inform my
later teaching. Jim (2013) as well suggests literature circle is a good way to
engage students to communicate with peers and connect literature to life. He
commented that students engaged in authentic discussion are motivated to learn,
to comprehend and to get their thinking stretched. (Jim, 2013)
For focus lesson, it is a great way to teach students reading strategies. By
modeling how to use the strategy and think aloud my thinking development,
students visually see how my thought goes on, thus know how to solve the
problem by themselves. Before having students do an activity, I will model
students how to do it, as modeling simplifies my instruction as well as facilitates
students learning process by showing them visually.
On day 2 the dialogue activity I designed will deepen students understanding of
the strategy and the novel.
Being able to integrate relevant information from multiple print and digital
sources to writing is one of writing standards stressed by common core state
standards, so I play a movie with similar theme but different mode for students to
practice integrating skills.

Quick writing in class helps students sort out their thoughts by writing down,
meantime serves a formative assessment for me to check their progress.
Moreover, after modeling and scaffolding students to master necessary reading
strategies, leaving students time to read independently shows the gradual release
of responsibility (Fisher and Frey, 2013) on students. Jim (2013) as well said
providing time in class to support extensive reading increase engagement,
develops students identity as readers and improve stamina speed and fluency.
So students interact with text by themselves can have more solid understanding of
the reading.

Objective: What is the purpose of this particular lesson or series of lessons? What
will students be able to do as a result of your lesson? Also note how you will explain the
objective to students. (Hint: You must have them do the thing you want them to learn so
that you will then be able to assess how successful they were and what your next steps
might be.)
To enable students to understand my objectives, I will firstly orally explain what we will
be doing today, my expectations for them and then write my objectives on board. And
activities they will do today will also be listed on board.
Day 2:
Students will be able to explain why Cats family move to a new place and what
they encountered in new home.
Students will be able to identify dialogue technique in Ghosts.
Students will be able to create their own dialogue on one panel of Ghosts.
Students will be able to read Ghosts in class.
Day 3:
Students will be able to discuss why Elsa locks herself in a room, refusing to
speak to Anna and how a rift develops between the sisters as they grow up.
Students will be able to recognize the common theme of sistership in the Ghosts
and the movie excerpt.
Students will be able to read Ghosts in class.
Day 4:
Students will be able to illustrate Cats attitude to Ghost and Cats small conflict
with Maya in reading part 3.
Students will be able to identify the Aha moment in previous reading part of
Students will be able to predict what will happen in the next part of Ghosts.
Students will be able to read Ghosts in class.
Assessment: What tools will you use to assess student learning or understanding? Will
the assessment be formative or summative? How will your assessment choice give you
insight into the learning of each student in the room? What will make the work excellent?
Day 2
Work collected / observed:
Small group discussion

Dialogue draft
Dialogue play
Criteria used:
Students can illustrate their thoughts of the topic clearly with main idea and
supporting evidence from the novel.
Students have written down their creative dialogue on draft.
Students have an interactive dialogue with partners based on specific scene.
Students can read independently and jot down notes.
Day 3
Work collected / observed:
Interactive discussion with teacher.
T-chart and index cards
Criteria used:
Student can answer teachers questions and follow-up questions.
Students can write down sentences that mentioning the common theme.
Students can read independently and jot down notes.
Day 4
Work collected / observed:
Panel story-telling
Interactive discussion with teacher
Criteria used:
Students can articulate their ideas of specific panel clearly and logically with
supporting details.
Students color-mark the right sentences that showing Aha moment.
Students can answer teachers questions and follow up questions.
Students can read independently and jot down notes.
All assessments on Day 2& 3 & 4 will be formative, as they just begin to read the novel, I
want to make sure their reading speed-read the pictures as well as the captions-and
reading comprehension, which will inform me to give their ongoing suggestions in
reading. When they have discussion and activities, I will walk around to observe their
progress and be ready to give them comments, assist them, answer their questions and
provide my feedback. When they telling a panel story in group, I will takes notes of each
students performance in this group, give their individual comments when they begin
independent reading part. The interactive discussion with me about predicting part four of
the novel on Day 4 is as well formative. By asking them guiding questions and follow-up
questions on their answer, I can track their reading comprehension meantime stretch their
understandings and imagination.
Complete this chart for objectives and assessment

Day 2
Students will be able to explain why Cats
family move to a new place and what they
encountered in new home.

Listen carefully to their discussions.

Students will be able to identify dialogue

technique in Ghosts.


Students will be able to create their own

dialogue on one panel of Ghosts.

See what they write on paper draft and

observe their interactive dialogue play.

Students will be able to read Ghosts in



Day 3
Students will be able to discuss why Elsa
Students answers to teachers questions
locks herself in a room, refusing to speak to and follow-up questions.
Anna and how a rift develops between the
sisters as they grow up.
Students will be able to recognize the
common theme of sistership in the Ghosts
and the movie excerpt.

See what they write on T-chart and index


Students will be able to read Ghosts in



Day 4
Students will be able to illustrate Cats
attitude to Ghost and Cats small conflict
with Maya in reading part 3.

Personal presentation-storytelling

Students will be able to identify the Aha

moment in part 3 & 4 of Ghosts.

Color- marking and signpost Notice and

Note Reading Log.

Students will be able to predict what will

happen in the next part of Ghosts.

Answer teachers questions and follow-up


Students will be able to read Ghosts in



Process / Procedures for Teachers: What will you do to prepare for instruction? To
introduce the lesson? To provide assistance during the lesson? To conclude or close the
lesson? To connect the lesson to past and future lessons?
Day 2
Preparation and time & materials needed:
Firstly I will make a handout listing key words and key questions for students to
discuss in a literature circle, which will take around half an hour.
Secondly, prepare accommodation forms, it will take around half an hour.
Then I will design a focus lesson on dialogue, and instructions for dialogue
activity, which will take around 40 minutes.
Determine the reading pages students are going to read in tomorrows class, it will
take 10 minutes.
Before the class begins, I will review the goals and objectives of my lesson, check
all needed materials and practice teaching sequence, it will take 15 minutes.
Good morning, everyone. Yesterday we read the first part of the novel Ghosts. Do
you enjoy your reading?.. What does this part talk about?... What does this
reading remind you?... I know you have lots of words to say, now lets do a
literature circle to hear more voices, feel free to share what you think!
To assist students to organize their ideas and facilitate their discussion, students
are provided discussion handouts that will list the key words and guiding
To help students understand and being able to use literacy technique dialogue, I
will design a focus lesson on dialogue and design an activity for them to practice.
To deepen students comprehension of dialogue, I as well plan a role-play activity
for students to act out their dialogue.
To scaffold them to know how to do the activity, I will model for them and also
make activity explanation handout for them.
Todays lesson will conclude with students independent reading.
Connection to previous and forthcoming lessons:
Todays literature circle discussion is based on the reading students did in last
class. What students read in todays class are foundations for next classs in-class
assignments. The dialogue device they learnt today as well assist them to
understand readings better in the next.
Day 3
Preparation and time & materials needed:
Firstly I will search the Frozen movie resources online, it will take around 15
minutes. Then make a handout listing the guiding questions for them when they
watch the movie, it will take around 10 minutes.
Secondly, prepare reading notes for students who may need help and other
accommodation forms, it will take around half an hour.
Thirdly prepare T-chart and index cards for students to write on, it will take 15

Determine the reading pages students are going to read in tomorrows class, it will
take 10 minutes.
Before the class begins, I will review the goals and objectives of my lesson, check
all needed materials and practice teaching sequence, it will take 15 minutes.
Good morning, everyone! How are you doing today? Do you have some
interesting story to share with us?... So who could tell me what you read in
yesterdays class?... Great! Excellent! Now I want to know how many of you have
seen the movie Frozen?... Do you like it?... Why do you like it/ or dont like it?..
Ok, now we are going to see a excerpt of it. And before see the movie, take a look
at the guiding questions on the handout, be sure to think about these questions
when you see the movie. Are you ready? Ok, lets begin!
To scaffold students to see the movie more attentively, understand the plot and
collect information for the later assignment, I prepare a handout with guiding
questions for them.
To help them identify the common theme in the novel and the movie, I create a Tchart for them to organize their topics. And after they finish the movie, I will take
them to go over the guiding questions and draw some examples to fill in the Tchart to model for them how to compare and how to use the T-chart before having
them to write.
To scaffold them to write a response, I will model them how to think out my
response and write it down.
Todays lesson will conclude with students independent reading.
Connection to previous and forthcoming lessons:
Todays identification of similar themes are the formative assessment of students
comprehension on yesterdays reading, also what they read in todays class would
be the content they are going to tell in next classs activity.
Day 4
Preparation and time & materials needed:
I will prepare a panel storytelling activity instruction, it will take around 5
Then I will design a focus lesson on Aha moment to help students better
understand the internal conflict and plot and create a signpost reading log for
them to use in reading, these will take around half an hour.
Determine the reading pages students are going to read in tomorrows class and
prepare accommodation forms, it will take around half an hour.
Before the class begins, I will review the goals and objectives of my lesson, check
all needed materials and practice teaching sequence, it will take 15 minutes.
Good morning, everyone! Hows your reading yesterday? Did you finish or no?
Whats your favorite panel of this reading?...Why do you like it?... Do you like
the pictures?... Why do you like these pictures?... OK, now we are going to do an
activity. Each of you will choose your favorite panels in part three and tell us

what it is talking about. You need to tell them like telling a story. And each of you
must tell at least one panel, at most three panels. Now you have 15 minutes to
read your novel again and prepare for your storytelling.
To scaffold students to learn how to do panel storytelling activity, I will show
them by myself and make activity explanation handout for them.
To scaffold students understand the inner conflict and plot of the novel better, I
design a focus lesson on signpost Aha moment. And to make sure they understand
it and practice it in the reading, I make a Notice and Note Reading Log for them
to fill when they do independent reading.
Todays lesson will conclude with students independent reading.
Connection to previous and forthcoming lessons:
Todays activities validate what students read in last class and what students read
in todays class are the base for tomorrows discussion and activities.
Process / Procedures for Students: What exactly will students be asked to do? You
must show that you can teach to a diverse population of students: an advanced learner,
an inexperienced learner, a second language learner, and a student with a learning
Day 2:
Students are asked to participate in a literature circle to discuss why Cats family
move to a new place & what they encountered in new home.
Students are shown a focus lesson on dialogue.
Students are asked to do two dialogue activities to validate their learning of
dialogue. They need to color mark dialogue in part 1 first, then create their own
dialogue in the word bubbles and act their dialogue with their partners.
Students are asked to read part 2 of the novel independently and read the picture
as careful as read the captions.
Day 3:
Students are asked to look over the guiding questions before watching the movie
Students are asked to see a movie Frozen with questions in mind.
Students are asked to fill in the T-chart to identify the common themes of the
movie and reading.
Students are asked to write a short response of the common theme they noticed on
the index cards.
Students are asked to read part 3 of the novel independently and read the picture
as careful as read the captions.
Day 4
Students are asked to read part 3 of the novel again and prepare for their panel
Students are shown a focus lesson on signpost Aha moment.
Students are asked to color-mark the Aha moment in the reading part 3.

Students are asked to read last part of the novel independently, read the picture as
careful as read the captions and fill in the Notice and Note Reading Log.

Accommodation: How will you provide additional support or more challenging work for
students who are struggling with the materials or for students who are advanced?
Day 2
Support Accommodation:
Struggling students who need help to participate the literature circle discussion
could refer to the literature circle handout with keywords and guiding questions
on. If they need help in independent reading of Ghosts, they will be offered
KWLS chart, scaffolding five W and H chart and story chart listing character,
time, setting, plot to assist them to understand the story.
Challenge Accommodation:
For advanced students, they are encouraged to write a short reading reflection of
the part 1 reading.
ESOL Accommodation:
If ESOL students have difficulty in memorizing the contents, they can refer to the
literature circle handouts; if they feel uncomfortable to talk in discussion, they can
write down their thoughts on index cards; if they are unwilling to participate, they
can talk to teacher directly. If they have language problems in understanding the
reading, they will be suggested to pay attention to the pictures in the panel of
Ghosts and generate the guess before turning to dictionary. Accommodation form
will also be prepared for them and I will always be available to offer my help to
help them clarify the reading.
Day 3
Support Accommodation:
Struggling students who need help to understand the movie could refer to the
movie handout with guiding questions on. If they need help in identifying the
common themes, teacher is available to offer extra help when students are
working on their own and they can also refer to the reading notes from part 2
reading. If they need help in independent reading of Ghosts, they will be offered
KWLS chart, scaffolding five W and H chart and story chart listing character,
time, setting, plot to assist them to understand the story.
Challenge Accommodation:
For advanced students, they are encouraged to write a long reading response that
identifying the common theme in the novel and movie.
ESOL Accommodation:
If ESOL students have difficulty in writing a response, teacher will be available to
help them brainstorming. If they have difficulty in memorizing the contents, they
can refer to the literature circle handouts; if they feel uncomfortable to talk, they
can write down their thoughts on index cards. If they have language problems in
understanding the reading, they will be suggested to pay attention to the pictures
in the panel of Ghosts and generate the guess before turning to dictionary.
Accommodation form will also be prepared for them and I will always be
available to offer my help to help them clarify the reading.

Day 4
Support Accommodation:
Struggling students who need help in storytelling would be given more time to
reread and prepare and can refer to the handouts with keywords and guiding
questions on. If they need help in identifying the Aha moment, teacher is
available to offer extra help when students are reading independently. If they need
help in independent reading of Ghosts, they will be offered KWLS chart,
scaffolding five W and H chart and story chart listing character, time, setting, plot
to assist them to understand the story.
Challenge Accommodation:
For advanced students, besides color-marking Aha moment, they are encouraged
to color-mark signpost contrasts & contradictions, again and again they learnt
before when read Ghosts and identify them in the Notice and Note Reading Log.
ESOL Accommodation:
If ESOL students feel uncomfortable to do panel storytelling in front, they can do
that with teacher directly when other students read independently. If they have
language problems in understanding the reading, ESOL students will be suggested
to pay attention to the pictures in the panel of Ghosts and generate the guess
before turning to dictionary. Accommodation form will also be prepared for them
and I will always be available to offer my help to help them clarify the reading.
Standards addressed:
Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly
as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course
of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the
characters or plot).
Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters
or narrators in a text.
Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or
multimedia version.

Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher- led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others'
ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats
(e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or
issue under study.
Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner
with pertinent descriptions, facts, details, and examples; use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and
findings and emphasize salient points.
Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other
information and examples.
Burke, J. (2013). The English teacher's companion: A complete guide to classroom,
curriculum, and the profession. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Langer, J. (2011). Envisioning knowledge: Building literacy in the academic disciplines.
New York: Teachers College Press.
Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2013). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework
for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

Lesson Plan-CUP Day 5

50 minutes lesson
Name:__Xuezi Zhang_____
Placement/level: _____7th grader_______ Date: ___Fall_______
Lesson Title: Understand Ghosts and appreciate sibling relation in family
Purpose or Goal of Instruction: State the long-term goal here. To what BIG IDEA or
core understanding is this lesson related? Why are you teaching this lesson? Why is the
topic important?
This lesson aims to further students ability to understand the whole text, culminate the
family theme of the whole unit. Discussion in literature circle with guiding questions will
help them cultivate a deeper comprehension of sistership focused on Ghosts, which is one
necessary element of family relations.
Rationale: Explain why your chosen method of teaching is appropriate and why you
hope it will be effective. (Refer to readings and or lectures from your methods classes.)
The topic of Ghosts Students learn stories in this book can easily connects to their own
experiences, generate real feelings and reflections.
Todays lesson will focus on summarizing the central idea of the novel and
highlighting the main theme of the Curriculum Unit planning. I will continue to
use discussion to engage students to talk about their understandings and
inspirations from the novel. A quiz will be used to assess students overall
comprehension of the novel. And to scaffold students in quiz, students are
allowed to refer to the novel. Cumulative story activity is a variation of dialogue
activity, aims to scaffold students application of dialogue. Creating a new
interpretation together by each one adds a sentence must be interesting for
students. Moreover as what emphasized by Beach (2011), sociocultural
perspective should be used to teach literature. Literature learning should be
occurred in meaningful process. Having students to create their own graphic novel
based on experiences with their siblings is a good way to connect what they learn
from the novel to their lives as well as a way of summative assessment.
Combination of drawing pictures and writing can help students express their
feelings and ideas better. Jim (2013) as well recommends teachers to use various
instructional strategies to enhance students comprehension.
Objective: What is the purpose of this particular lesson or series of lessons? What
will students be able to do as a result of your lesson? Also note how you will explain the
objective to students. (Hint: You must have them do the thing you want them to learn so
that you will then be able to assess how successful they were and what your next steps
might be.)
To enable students to understand my objectives, I will firstly orally explain what we will
be doing today, my expectations for them and then write my objectives on board. And
activities they will do today will also be listed on board.

Students will be able to describe how Cat overcomes her fear to Ghosts.

Students will be able to generate their new interpretations of Ghosts by putting

their creative dialogue in word bubbles together.
Students will be able to relate to their own experiences to tell their story with their

Assessment: What tools will you use to assess student learning or understanding? Will
the assessment be formative or summative? How will your assessment choice give you
insight into the learning of each student in the room? What will make the work excellent?
Work collected / observed:
Small group discussion
Cumulative story draft
Story draft
Criteria used:
Students can participate in a conversation, articulate their thoughts of Ghosts
logically with supporting details and answer their peers questions and comments
Meet the right answer in criteria.
Cumulative story draft shows students understandings of pictures and ways of
creating a story.
Students graphic story draft shows graphic novel elements and description of
their experiences.
The small group discussion is formative one. When they discuss, I will circulate the
classroom to give them feedbacks and guiding questions to engage their thinking. The
quiz is a summative assessment to test students comprehension of the novel. And
students individual graphic story is as well a summative assessment to prove students
knowledge of graphic novel, their understandings of the main theme and writing skills.
Complete this chart for objectives and assessment
Students will be able to describe how Cat
overcomes her fear to Ghosts.

Small group discussion & Quiz

Students will be able to generate their new

interpretations of Ghosts by putting their
creative dialogue in word bubbles together.

Cumulative story draft

Students will be able to relate to their own

experiences to tell their story with their

Graphic story draft

Process / Procedures for Teachers: What will you do to prepare for instruction? To
introduce the lesson? To provide assistance during the lesson? To conclude or close the
lesson? To connect the lesson to past and future lessons?

Preparation and time & materials needed:

Firstly I will prepare the literature circle handouts listing keywords and guiding
questions for students to discuss, it will take around half an hour.
Secondly, prepare accommodation forms, it will take around 10 minutes.
Thirdly, prepare for the cumulative story activity instruction, it will take around
10 minutes.
Before the class begins, I will review the goals and objectives of my lesson, check
all needed materials and practice teaching sequence, it will take 15 minutes.
Good morning, everyone! Hows your reading yesterday? Now we have finished
our graphic novel Ghosts, do you like it? Why do you like it? Whats your feeling
of this novel?... Pictures or captions, which do you like more? Do you fear
ghost?...Why dont/do you fear it? Now we are going to have a literature circle,
lets share our feelings and ideas with each other.
To scaffold students to actively engage in literature circle discussion, I make a
discussion handout listing the keywords and guiding questions for them.
To scaffold students to do quiz, they are allowed to refer to the novel.
To scaffold students to do cumulative story activity, I will make activity
explanation handout for them and model how to do it.
To scaffold students to create their own graphic story based on their experiences
with their siblings, I will show them my work.
Todays lesson will conclude with students independent work on creating their
graphic stories.
Connection to previous and forthcoming lessons:
Todays lesson is a summarization of previous lesson, will give students
background knowledge of next weeks book reading.
Process / Procedures for Students: What exactly will students be asked to do? You
must show that you can teach to a diverse population of students: an advanced learner,
an inexperienced learner, a second language learner, and a student with a learning
Students are asked to participate in literature circle with reference to discussion
Students are asked to take a quiz on Ghosts.
Students are asked to do a cumulative story activity.
Students are asked to create their own graphic story.
Accommodation: How will you provide additional support or more challenging work for
students who are struggling with the materials or for students who are advanced?
Support Accommodation:
Struggling students who need help in memorizing the plot to participate in
discussion can refer to the handouts with keywords and guiding questions on. If
they need help in understanding the questions in quiz, teacher is available to

explain to them. If they need help in creating their own graphic story, teacher will
as well available to help them brainstorming.
Challenge Accommodation:
For advanced students, they are encouraged to create detailed and longer graphic
ESOL Accommodation
If ESOL students have difficulty in memorizing the contents, they can refer to the
literature circle handouts; if they feel uncomfortable to talk in discussion, they can
write down their thoughts on index cards; if they are unwilling to participate, they
can talk to teacher directly. If they need help to create their own graphic story,
teacher will be available to help them brainstorming and solve language problems.
Accommodation form will also be prepared for them and I will always be
available to offer my help to help them clarify the reading.
Standards addressed:
Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly
as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course
of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the
characters or plot).
Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters
or narrators in a text.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher- led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others'
ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats
(e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or
issue under study.

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Beach, R. (2011). Teaching literature to adolescents. New York: Routledge.
Burke, J. (2013). The English teacher's companion : A complete guide to classroom,
curriculum, and the profession. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

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