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Embroidery Club

Stain Glass Table Runners

Designed by Marie Duncan

Our colorful stain glass designs combine appliqu and embroidery and are perfect for these table runners! They can be placed on your beautiful wood table, or
on top of a tablecloth, to add color and decoration. The quick project is a very
luxurious lined napkin, that is super quick to make!

#711 030500

Embroidery Club 67 Page 1


Stain Glass Table Runner

Sewing supplies:
3/4 yard cotton, linen or linen blend home dec fabric 58 to 60 wide
3/4 yard fabric for backing. It could be the same as the runner or contrasting.
Assorted fabrics for appliqu, or one multicolor fabric as shown
Eyelet Cutter
Assorted sewing threads
Tear Away Stabilizer
1/4 wide Steam-A-Seam 2
1. Decide if you want to arrange the center designs to leave an empty
space in the center, like the blue runner, for a center piece, or if you
want the designs to come together to form a center design like the green
2. Cut one runner 20 x 58.
3. Trace or photocopy your template of the design,mirroring it. Use an eyelet
cutter to cut holes in the center, and at the top, bottom and side coordinates.
4. Following the photos, arrange the templates. Pin one in place. To mark the
runner for embroidery, fold the fabric in half lengthwise, then in half crosswise as shown. Place your marks as
indicated on the top layer, and then
place a pin, straight down, through each mark. Mark all the
5. The centers were sewn with the smaller designs, in multiple hoopings, marked as above.
6. Hoop 2 layers of Tear Away stabilizer. Place the hoop in the machine. Lower the needle into the
center mark. Line up the other marks with the marks on the hoops. Raise the needle. Place your template on top of the fabric, and check to see if you need to mirror the design. The stitching order listed
on the following pages will give you the colors used in the samples.

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The samples were sewn with the multicolored fabric, as the appliqu
fabric. It gives you a great variety of different shadings in the same
fabric. The fabric used had gold veining on the right side of the
fabric, which was a bit too much for this project, but the back
of the fabric was perfect!

NOTE: If your machine does not recognize STOP

commands, use the PCS les, and follow the stitching
order given on the extra sheet.

920504 Large Grapes

Color 1, black Sulky 1005
Stitches the outline of the leaf area and stops. Lay the
fabric in place, sew, stop.
Color 2, purple, Sulky 1545
Sews the outline of the grape area and stops.
Lay the fabric in place, sew, stop.
Sew Stitches the purple detail color in the grapes.
Color 3, dark purple, Sulky 1554,
Detail color in the grapes.
Color 4, green, Sulky 1177
Detail color in the leaves.
Color 5, dark green, Sulky 1272
Detail color in the leaves.
Color 6, brown, Sulky 1158
Stitches the stem.
Color 7 black Sulky 1005,
Leading lines/satin stitch.

920502 Small Grapes

Color 1, dark green Sulky 1272
Traces position for leaves and stops.
Lay the green fabric in place.
Sew, stops for trimming.
Color 2, dark purple,
Traces the position for grapes and stops.
Lay the purple fabric in place.

Sew. Stops for trimming.

Sews the detail color in the grapes.
Color 3, dark green, Sulky 1272.
Sews the detail in the leaves.
Color 4, brown, Sulky 1158
Sews the stem.
Color 5, black Sulky 1005
Sews the lead lines/satin stitch.

Flower Large 920503

Color 1, black Sulky 1005
Outlines the green leaf area and stops.
Lay green fabric in place and sew.
Stops, trim excess green fabric
Color 2, blue Sulky 1096
Outlines the blue ower area
Stop, lay blue fabric in place, and sew.
Stop, trim away excess blue.
Stop, sew veining.
Color 3, blue Sulky 1242
Sew veining.
Color 4, dark green Sulky 1272
Sew veining.
Color 5, green, Sulky 1272
Sew veining.
Color 6, black, Sulky 1005
Sew leading lines.
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Raw Edges

Color 1, green Sulky 1272

Outlines the area of the leaves.
Stop, lay fabric in place and sew.
Stops, trim excess green fabric
Color 2 blue Sulky 1096
Outlines blue ower area and stops.
Lay blue fabric in place and sew.
Stops, trim excess blue fabric.
Color 3, dark green Sulky 1272
Sews veining.
Color 4, green, Sulky 1177
Sews veining.
Color 5 blue Sulky 1096
Sews veining.
Color 6, dark green 1272
Satin stitches stem.
Color 7, blue Sulky 1242
Sews veining.
Color 8, black Sulky 1005
Sews leading.

Raw Edges

Flower Small, 920501

Raw Edges

7. After the embroideries are complete, press and trim the ends following the embroideries. They can
be angled corners, as in the green runner with the grapes, or rounded as in the blue runner with the owers.
8. For the rounded ends, place the runner face down on the lining fabric. Pin and cut the backing to
match the top. Sew, using a 1/4 seam allowance, and leaving a 6 opening for turning. Trim the curves
with pinking shears, or clip. Turn and press. Slipstitch the opening closed.
9. Using the edge of your foot as a guide, stitch a row of satin stitching at a 2mm width, around the
10. For the angled corner version, place the trimmed runner on top of the backing fabric. Pin. Trim,
leaving 1 extra all the way around. bring the raw edge of the backing fabric to the front of the runner,
with the raw edges meeting as shown. Miter the corners. Fold the backing fabric one more time
towards the front, creating a 1/2 binding. Place Steam-A-Seam 2 under the folded fabric, and fuse in

Embroidery Club 67 Page 4

Lined Napkin

Quick Project
Sewing Supplies:
For each napkin:
16 1/2 square of the front fabric
18 1/2 square of the backing fabric
Assorted threads
Tear Away Stabilizer

1. Hoop two layers of Tear Away Stabilizer in your small hoop. Using a pen
or pencil, mark the cross lines on your stabilizer as shown. Using your template,
place the designs as desired on the corner of your front fabric. Keep the embroidery
1 in from each edge. Embroider the designs.

Raw Edges

Raw Edges

Raw Edges

Raw Edges

2. Press the embroidered front. Place it centered, on the backing

fabric, wrong sides together. Fold the backing fabric towards the
front, so the raw edges meet as shown. Press.
3. Fold again, mitering the corners, to form a 1/2 binding.
Place Steam-A-Seam 2 under the folded edge, and fuse in place.
Stitch with a blanket stitch, or the stitch of your choice.

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Stitching order for Machines which do not recognize Stop Command:

(PCS les only)
Order for Grapes Small
Color 1 Trace outline for leaves
Color 2 Place green fabric and trim when machine stops
Color 3 Trace outline for grapes
Color 4 Place grape fabric and trim when machine stops
Color 5 Embroider grape veins
Color 6 Embroider leaf veins
Color 7 Embroider stems
Color 8 Satin stitch
Flower Small
Color 1 Trace outline for leaves
Color 2 Place green fabric and trim when machine stops
Color 3 Trace outline for owers
Color 4 Place ower and trim when machine stops
Color 5 Embroider leaf veins
Color 6 Embroider leaf veins
Color 7 Embroider ower veins
Color 8 Embroider stem
Color 9 Embroider ower veins
Color 10 Satin stitch

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