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SESI 2016/2017


ASSIGNMENT: TASK 8 Environmental Impact


No Matric

Task 8 Environmental Impact

Choose any highway construction. Evaluate development impact to the environment in the
following areas, both during and after construction:

Soil and erosion. Likely impact for soil quality and soil erosion are assessed.

Water (Change in hydrological characteristics (change in ground water level), change
in water quality)

Flora (Impact for rare plant species)


Fauna (Impact for rare animal species)




Air quality.


Society life and economic activity.


Land use (Change in land use, possible conflicts with the existing land use plans)


Cultural heritage.

Landscape (Compatibility with the plans of nature frame. Impact for valuable
landscape complexes, protected areas)

Kuala Lumpur-Putrajaya-KLIA Highway (MAJU Expressway)

According to JKR, the objective of any EIA requirement is to promote and ensure that planning
decisions take into account environmental costs and benefits. Different countries have different
approaches to the decision making process but all basically subscribe to the viewpoint that the
development authorities make the trade-offs, except on the matter of compliance with prescribed
(a) Soil and erosion:
Soil erosion is one form of soil degradation along with soil compaction, low organic matter, loss
soil structure, poor internal drainage, salinization, and soil acidity problems. These other forms
of soil degradation, serious in themselves, usually contribute to accelerated soil erosion.
Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process on all land. And the distribution of soil forms
present varies considerably along the route in keeping with changing topography and position on
the slope. Soil erosion may be a slow process that continues relatively unnoticed, or it may occur
at an alarming rate causing serious loss of topsoil. The loss of soil from farmland may be
reflected in reduced crop production potential, lower surface water quality and damaged drainage
Soil stabilization protects soil from erosion, waterlogging and salinization. Amenity Vegetation
beautifies or enhances the character of an area heritage may be of historical importance or
protected by legislation.
There are some streams in the project that are crossed by one or more of the roads alternatives
and thus, would be soil affected because road works, also flow rainwater of sides of highway
causing soil erosion.
(b) Water (Change in hydrological characteristics (change in ground water level), change in
water quality)
The potential water quality impact resulting from highway operation are (1) possible
increase of peak flows in receiving streams; (2) possible erosion and sediment transport into
receiving water; (3) degradation of receiving water quality, with possible impairment of
beneficial uses and harm to aquatic biota, due to drainage of contaminants incidentally deposited
on the roadway; and (4) receiving water effects associated with maintenance procedures.


Flora (Impact for rare plant species)

A total of 14 potential impacts on the vegetation and flora have been identified, namely:
1. Loss of plant species richness
2. Loss of species of special concern
3. Loss or alteration to plant communities
4. Increase in natural instability of plant communities and ecosystems
5. Increased run-off and change in drainage patterns
6. Loss and changes in ecosystem functions
7. Barriers to migration and dispersal
8. Change in soil nutrient status
9. Invasion of alien plant species
10. Loss of medicinal and other plants used by the local community
11. Impacts on forests
12. Eco-tourism and conservation potential
13. Secondary impacts of the influx of people and villages along the route
14. Road construction activities outside of the road reserve

Impact on
Soil and erosion

Water (Change in




Air quality

During Construction
Effects on soils due to road
works and the movement of
heavy equipment, machinery
and sand. Including: sand and
soil compaction and causing loss
of topsoil.
Effect on change in hydrological

The destruction of vegetation

due to road works and the
movement of equipment and
heavy machinery, and
deposition materials and
construction waste as well as
waste water.
Construction sites may encroach
on native animal habitat. If
animals, including lizards and
snakes, are found on site and are
likely to be damaged by
earthmoving equipment, they
should be relocated to an area
away from the project.
Make a noise as a result of the
rehabilitation of roads,
especially bulldozing roads to
loading and unloading
operations and the use of
vehicles and heavy equipment,
as well as other activities related
to constructions.
The impact on air quality as a
result of the rehabilitation of
roads, especially roads and
bulldozing operations of loading
and unloading mechanisms and
the use of heavy equipment, as
well as other activities related to

During operation
Soil stabilization protects the soil
from erosion, waterlogging and
salinity comfort outlines or enhance
the heritage character of the area
may be of historical significance or
protected by legislation.
Prevent some of the rain water of
seeps into the ground, and effect on
change in hydrological
The pollution with particles is
suspension (dust) may generate
negative effects, should be for the
protection of flora the road
alignment and does not cross the
forest areas.
Putting fencing erected to prevent
animals and livestock from gaining
access to the road.

Existing sources of noise along the

route would include traffic.

Gaseous emissions as a result of

increased traffic volumes affect the
air quality.

Impact negatively on the

economic viability of
businesses. Quality of life for
adjacent residents will be
affected by the road. Local labor
should be utilized if the project
created new job opportunities,
local haulage companies should
be used to transport materials.
Informal settlements next to the
proposed his should be provided
with a bridge or underway to
enable safe crossing of the
Land use (possible conflicts) The value of farmland will be
lowered, especially if the road
traverses their land. The
economic viability of farms
would be negatively impacted
upon. Pipelines points of access
to farms or portions of farms
would be affected. Effect on
vendors shops, and small
businesses, which exceeded the
limits of the road or completely
adjacent to him, as a result the
road building and installation of
the fence.
Some areas or buildings; are
Cultural heritage
threatened by too much pressure
and other, suffer from neglect or
destruction; it is important to
save these and it is important
factor in creating desirable cities
or areas and tourist attraction.
These areas should be looked at
as assets, not as just things that
must be preserved.
Create highways may cause loss
Landscape (Compatibility
humid lands, and deforestation,
with the plans of nature
and solid waste generation
resulting from construction
project are potential to
landscape impact. Landscape
such as reserve pores, existing
lake, flora, and protected areas
Society life and economic

Marginalized neighborhoods and

residential complexes on both sides
of the highway because of the
installation of the fence. Transport
costs would become prohibitive if
local road users have to pay toll
fees. Informal settlements should be
addressed in accordance with the
responsibilities of the various
spheres of government.

Increases the value of farmland,

especially lands on road sides.
Current farming practices on certain
portions of farms may no longer be
viable if these areas are split by a

Effect on some areas Cultural

heritage that may occur during the
implementation the road.

Create highways cause in lands loss,

and deforestation; and effect on
landscape beautiful.

will be polluted. Due to the

leachate that produced by solid

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