Galileo RCS - Installing The Entire Espionage Platform - Hyperion Bristol

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Galileo RCS Installing the entire espionage platform | Hyperion Bristol

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10/28/2016 2:55 PM

Galileo RCS Installing the entire espionage platform | Hyperion Bristol

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--:type: reusable
:version: '9.6'
:serial: '192929383'
:expiry: '2020-12-30 23:59:59 UTC'
:maintenance: '2020-06-30 23:59:59 UTC'
:elite: true
:total: 6
:desktop: 6
- false
- true
- false
- true
- false
- false
:mobile: 6
- false
- true
- false
- true
- false
- true
- false
- false
- false
- false
:users: .inf
:shards: 1
:collectors: 3
:anonymizers: 9
- 2
- true
:exploits: true
:gapi: 100
- true
- true
:alerting: true

10/28/2016 2:55 PM

Galileo RCS Installing the entire espionage platform | Hyperion Bristol

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:ocr: true
:profiling: true
:intelligence: true
:archive: 0
:connectors: true
:translation: false
:hostname_sync: false
:modify: true
:deletion: false
:check: 3OqZ1N5a
:digest_enc: true
:crc: $2a$10$rQULDKlViK8zQmFe2F1rT.dw.dXaG5f6mU7EerC188SBsp3t2IGz6
:sha1: 80987d0c145eb5a71294fce8306761aa36e4820318b7125e8f1ab66a42375b13
:digest: fb11b44a95a6cbce1b7d61294b827276fb1f1a70
:signature: 23235187453c677cba17d1f0b7c2a54b6c2f6ade8b9e8abdcea389d07873583e
:integrity: 34e4a6e23ea4bf8a4b5bc50d03bae5966a3ccd531bf31ac51e0c1dcebec5af7f77bd69f99521b17cf

if lic[:serial] != 'off'
puts "Checking for hardware dongle..."
# get the version from the dongle (can rise exception)
info =
puts "Dongle info: " + info.inspect
raise "Invalid License File: incorrect serial number (#{lic[:serial]}) #{info[:serial
]} is needed" if lic[:serial] != info[:serial]
puts "Hardware dongle not required..."

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Galileo RCS Installing the entire espionage platform | Hyperion Bristol

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# load the license

license = load_license options[:file], options[:version]
# print the dongle infos
pp if license[:serial] != 'off'
puts "Version: " + license[:version]
puts "Expiry: " + license[:expiry].to_s
return 0
rescue Exception => e
puts "Cannot load license: #{e.message}"
#puts e.backtrace.join("\n")
puts "Lol- Carrying on anyway"
return 0 # <- This used to be a 1, but that's not very interesting...

10/28/2016 2:55 PM

Galileo RCS Installing the entire espionage platform | Hyperion Bristol

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10/28/2016 2:55 PM

Galileo RCS Installing the entire espionage platform | Hyperion Bristol

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10/28/2016 2:55 PM

Galileo RCS Installing the entire espionage platform | Hyperion Bristol

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