10bt60303-Heat Transfer PDF

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(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapur)

III B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Regular/Supplementary Examinations May - 2015

[ Mechanical Engineering ]
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks


a) Fourier law of conduction

b) Thermal diffusivity

c) Modes of heat transfer


a) Explain a method to estimate the error in temperature measurement in a thermometer

well with a neat sketch.
b) A mercury thermometer placed in oil well is required to measure temperature of
compressed air flowing in a pipe. The well is 140mm long and is made pf steel
(K=40W/m C) of 1mm thickness. The temperature recorded by the well is 100C
while pipe wall temperature is 50C. Heat transfer coefficient between air and well
wall is 30W/m2 C. Estimate true temperature of air.


a) Explain significance of Biot number.

b) Consider a rod (mass= 0.1kg, surface area= 0.005m2, c=350J/kg.k and k = 7 W/m C,
= 1.5x10-5m2/s) of diameter 1.2cm initially at uniform temperature of 100C, cooled to 40C in
110 seconds by placing an atmosphere at 35C. Determine heat transfer coefficient of air.


Explain the various parameters used in Forced Convection. Using the dimensional analysis obtain an
expression for Nusselt Number in terms of Reynolds and Prandtl Numbers.


a) Explain regimes of boiling with neat diagram.

b) Steam at 0.2 bar condenses on the outer surface of a 0.75m long, 50cm outer diameter horizontal
tube maintained at a uniform temperature 40C. Calculate condensation rate and heat transfer.


a) Why drop wise condensation preferred over film wise condensation?

b) Saturated ammonia vapor at -5C, condenses on the outer surface of a 0.75m long, 1.27cm outer
diameter vertical tube maintained at a uniform temperature -15C. Calculate average
condensation heat transfer coefficient.


a) How heat exchangers are broadly classified?

b) A heat exchanger is required to cool 55000 kg/h of alcohol from 66C to 40C using
40000 kg/h of water entering at 5C.
Calculate i) exit temperature of water
ii) heat transfer rate
iii) surface area required for parallel flow type and counter flow type of heat exchanger.


Consider the 5 m 5 m 5 m cubical furnace, whose surfaces closely approximate black surfaces.
The base, top and side surfaces of the furnace are maintained at uniform temperatures of 800 K,
1500 K and 500 K, respectively. Determine:
a) the net rate of radiation heat transfer between the base and the side surfaces,
b) the net rate of radiation heat transfer between the base and the top surface,
c) the net radiation heat transfer from the base surface.

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