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Kathryn Baron

July 25, 2016

Task analysis of feeding a baby from a bottle.

For my task analysis I am doing a breakdown of 5 of the steps involved in feeding a baby from a
1. Removing a bottle cap from a baby bottle using both hands while standing.
2. Picking a baby up from a standard crib while the baby is lying down in a supine position.
3. Positioning the baby for feeding while sitting in a chair with the baby in the left arm, and with a
pillow under the arm and baby for added support.
4. Holding the bottle in the right hand and feeding the baby while it is positioned in the left arm.
5. Positioning the baby on the right shoulder for burping.

How would modifying the environment change the movement demands of the given task?
Depending on the environment in which feeding a baby is taking place the movement
demands can vary quite a bit. For example, I chose for the environment to be at home and mostly
sitting in a chair while using a pillow for support. Something as simple as changing the size of
the pillow that is used for arm support can alter the movement of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and
fingers. Had I changed the task to side lying in bed it would have greatly modified which joints
and muscles were being used. Another way modifying the environment could change the
movement demands would be if the setting is public versus private. Perhaps if in a public setting
there may not be time to sit down and support the baby with a pillow, this would put greater
stress on the caretakers ankles, knees, hips, trunk, shoulders, and arms. Additionally the task
could be modified by not holding the baby but rather feeding it while it is positioned in a car seat
or propped amongst pillows. Modifying the positioning of the baby by not holding it would
greatly change the demands of the person doing the feeding. Movements at the wrists, elbows,
shoulders, neck, trunk, hips, knees, and ankles could be modified by moving the babys position.
A car seat could be a particularly useful tool in feeding a baby for a person who may have
limited range of motion at some joints. A car seat allows for the baby to be positioned at different
heights and can easily be placed to the caretakers right or left side or centered to the caretaker.
What factors will be needed for my client to perform the task authentically?
In order to perform the task authentically a client will require many factors. First, they
must have some sort of values and beliefs that are contributing to their desire to feed the baby.

This could be in a range of ways such as they value their role as a caretaker or they value the
importance of the young. In terms of beliefs they may believe it is the responsibility of those who
are old enough to care for those who cannot care of themselves, or they may simply have the
belief that they must care for society tells them to. A client must have higher-level cognitive
abilities, attention, memory, perception, and mental functions of sequencing in order to
successfully feed a baby on their own. These client factors contribute to knowing when and how
to feed a baby. A client also must have consciousness and orientation to the task of feeding a
baby. Although a client may not require all sensory functions (visual, hearing, vestibular,
proprioceptive, touch, and sensitivity to temperature and pressure) they must at least have some
in order to compensate for the ones they are lacking. The sensory functions are contributing
factors to components of the task such as holding and positioning of the baby, holding the bottle,
and picking up the bottle. If all sensory functions were lacking this task would not be possible.
Joint mobility and joint stability are needed particularly in the hands, wrists, elbows, and
shoulders for the task of feeding a baby. Although the task can be modified to work with clients
with decreased joint mobility and stability, at least some will be required in all variations. Muscle
power, tone, and endurance are similarly important. Although the task can be modified for a
client who has decreased power, tone, and/or endurance at least some will be required no matter
the positioning.


Activity choice

Removing a bottle cap from a baby bottle using both hands

while standing.


The left hand is holding the bottle upright with a gross grasp
and the forearm is slightly pronated in order to do this. The
left wrist has extension and elbow is at about 90 degrees in
flexion. The left shoulder is internally rotated. The right hand
grasping the bottle cap using a gross grasp and the forearm is
in neutral. The wrist is in extension and the elbow is in flexion
while the shoulder is internally rotated. The neck has slight
flexion in order to look at what the hands are doing. The
trunk, hips, knees, and feet are all in neutral and squared with
the tabletop or kitchen counter.

Shoulder analysis

Left shoulderInternal rotation in the transverse plane.

Prime movers are the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major,
Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, and the Anterior Deltoid.
Eccentric muscles are the Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, and
Concentric muscles are the Pectoralis Major and the Anterior

Right ShoulderInternal rotation in the transverse plane.
Prime movers are the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major,
Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, and the Anterior Deltoid.
Eccentric muscles are the Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, and
Concentric muscles are the Pectoralis Major and the Anterior
Elbow and

Left ElbowFlexion in the sagittal plane.

Prime movers are Biceps, Brachialis, and Brachioradialis.
Eccentric muscles are the Triceps.
Concentric muscles are the Biceps, Brachialis, and
Left ForearmPronation in the transverse plane.
Prime movers are Pronator Teres and Pronator Quadratus.
Eccentric muscle is the Supinator.
Concentric muscles are the Pronator Teres and Pronator
Right ElbowFlexion in the sagittal plane.
Prime movers are Biceps, Brachialis, and Brachioradialis.
Eccentric muscles are the Triceps.
Concentric muscles are the Biceps, Brachialis, and


Left WristExtension in the sagittal plane.

Prime movers are Extensor Carpi Radialis (Longus & Brevis)
and Extensor Carpi Ulnaris.
Eccentric muscles are the Flexor Carpi Radialis and the
Flexor Carpi Radialis.
Concentric muscles are the Extensor Carpi Radialis and the
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris.

Right WristExtension in the sagittal plane.

Prime movers are Extensor Carpi Radialis (Longus & Brevis)
and Extensor Carpi Ulnaris.
Eccentric muscles are the Flexor Carpi Radialis and the
Flexor Carpi Radialis.
Concentric muscles are the Extensor Carpi Radialis and the
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris.

The Hips are both in anatomical position.

The Quadratus Lumborum, Iliopsoas, Gluteus Medius, Tensor
Fasciae Latae are primary muscles in stabilizing and keeping
the hips in place.
The muscles are working synergistically in an isometric

Knee and Ankle

The Knees are both extended in the sagittal plane.

The Quadriceps Femoris and the Tensor Fasciae Latae are
primary muscles in knee extension.
Eccentric muscles are the Hamstrings.
Concentric muscles are the Quadriceps Femoris and the
Tensor Fasciae Latae.
The Ankles are both in dorsiflexion in the sagittal plane.
The Anterior Tibialis and Extensor Hallicis are the primary
muscles in dorsiflexion.
Eccentric muscles are the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus.
Concentric muscles are the Anterior Tibialis and the Extensor

Trunk and Neck

The Trunk is in neutral anatomical position.

The Erector Spinae, Rectus Abdominis, Transverse
Abdominis, and Obliques are all primary muscles contributing
to the trunk staying upright and neutral.
The muscles are working synergistically in an isometric
The Neck is in flexion in the sagittal plane.
Prime movers are Prevertebral muscles and the SCM.
Eccentric muscles are the Prevertebral muscles.

Concentric muscle is the SCM.


In both the right and left hands all MCP, DIP, and PIP joints
are in flexion in the sagittal plane.
The prime mover is the Flexor Digitorum.
Eccentric muscle is the Extensor Digitorum.
Concentric muscle is the Flexor Digitorum.
The CMC of both thumbs are in abduction in the frontal
The prime movers are the Abductor Pollicis Longus and
Eccentric muscle is the Adductor Pollicis.
Concentric muscles are the Adbuctor Pollicis Longus and
The MP and IP joints are in flexion in the sagittal plane.
The prime movers are the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.
Eccentric muscles are the Extensor Pollicis Longus and
Concentric muscles are the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.



Activity choice

Picking a baby up from a standard crib while the baby is

laying down.


Feet, knees, and hips are all square to the crib and aligned
with where the baby is laying in the crib. Hips also squared to
the crib and are in flexion, with the trunk leaning into the side
of the crib towards the baby. The left shoulder is internally
rotated with abduction while the right shoulder is internally
rotated with flexion. Both elbows are in flexion with both
forearms in supination. Both wrists are in flexion. The left
hand is positioned so that it is supporting the babys head, the
left thumb is abducting and phalanges are in flexion. The right
hand is positioned under the baby at its hip/buttock on the far
side of its body. The right thumb is extended and the
phalanges are in flexion. The neck is in flexion looking down
at the baby.

Shoulder analysis

Left shoulderInternal rotation in the transverse plane and abduction in the

frontal plane.
Prime movers are the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major,
Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, Coracobrachialis,
Biceps Brachii, and the Anterior Deltoid.
Eccentric muscles are the Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, and
Subscapularis, Coracobrachialis, Biceps Brachii.
Concentric muscles are the Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid,
and Supraspinatus.
Right ShoulderInternal rotation in the transverse plane and flexion in the
sagittal plane.
Prime movers are the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major,
Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, Coracobrachialis,
Biceps Brachii, and the Anterior Deltoid.
Eccentric muscles are the Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, and
Concentric muscles are the Pectoralis Major and the Anterior

Elbow and

Left ElbowFlexion in the sagittal plane.

Prime movers are Biceps, Brachialis, and Brachioradialis.
Eccentric muscles are the Triceps.
Concentric muscles are the Biceps, Brachialis, and
Left ForearmIn supination in the transverse plane.
The primary movers are the Biceps and Supinator.
Eccentric muscles are the Pronator Teres and Pronator
Concentric muscles are the Biceps and Supinator.
Right ElbowFlexion in the sagittal plane.
Prime movers are Biceps, Brachialis, and Brachioradialis.
Eccentric muscles are the Triceps.
Concentric muscles are the Biceps, Brachialis, and
Right ForearmIn supination in the transverse plane.
The primary movers are the Biceps and Supinator.
Eccentric muscles are the Pronator Teres and Pronator
Concentric muscles are the Biceps and Supinator.


Left WristFlexion in the sagittal plane.

Prime movers are Flexor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris, Palmaris
Eccentric muscles are the Extensor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris.
Concentric muscles are the Flexor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris,
and Palmaris Longus.

Right WristFlexion in the sagittal plane.

Prime movers are Flexor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris, Palmaris
Eccentric muscles are the Extensor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris.
Concentric muscles are the Flexor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris,
and Palmaris Longus.

Hips are both in flexion in the sagittal plane.

Primary Movers are the Iliopsoas and Rectus Femoris.
Eccentric muscles are Gluteus Maximus, Semitendinosus,
Semimembranosus, and Biceps Femoris.
Concentric muscles are the Rectus Femoris, Iliopsoas, and

Knee and Ankle

The Knees are both extended in the sagittal plane.

The Quadriceps Femoris and the Tensor Fasciae Latae are
primary muscles in knee extension.
Eccentric muscles are the Hamstrings.
Concentric muscles are the Quadriceps Femoris and the
Tensor Fasciae Latae.
The Ankles are both in dorsiflexion in the sagittal plane.
The Anterior Tibialis and Extensor Hallicis are the primary
muscles in dorsiflexion.
Eccentric muscles are the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus.
Concentric muscles are the Anterior Tibialis and the Extensor

Trunk and Neck

The Trunk is in flexion in the sagittal plane.

The Rectus Abdominis, Internal Oblique, and External
Oblique are the primary movers.
Eccentric muscles are Erector Spinae, Transversospinalis, and
Concentric muscles are Rectus Abdominis, Internal Oblique,
and External Oblique.
The Neck is in flexion in the sagittal plane.
Prime movers are Prevertebral muscles and the SCM.
Eccentric muscles are the Prevertebral muscles.
Concentric muscle is the SCM.


In both the right and left hands all MCP, DIP, and PIP joints
are in flexion in the sagittal plane.
The prime mover is the Flexor Digitorum.
Eccentric muscle is the Extensor Digitorum.
Concentric muscle is the Flexor Digitorum.
The CMC joint of the left thumb is in abduction in the frontal
The prime movers are the Abductor Pollicis Longus and
Eccentric muscle is the Adductor Pollicis.
Concentric muscles are the Adbuctor Pollicis Longus and
The CMC, MP, and IP joints of the right thumb are in
extension in the frontal plane.
The prime movers are the Extensor Pollicis Longus and
Eccentric muscle is the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.
Concentric muscles are the Extensor Pollicis Longus and



Activity choice

Positioning the baby for feeding while sitting in a chair with

the baby in the left arm, with a pillow under the arm and baby
for added support.


The ankles are in dorsiflexion with feet flat on the floor. Both
knees and both hips are in extension at the preferred sitting
angles of 90 and 90. The trunk is straight and resting on the
back of a chair. The left shoulder is abducted with internal
rotation. The left elbow is in flexion with the forearm in
supination. The left wrist is in extension. The thumb is in
extension and phalanges are in flexion holding the baby at its
hip/buttock/thigh. The right shoulder is internally rotated. The
right elbow is in flexion and the forearm is pronated. The right
wrist is in flexion. The thumb is extending and the phalanges
are in flexion. The neck is in extension looking down at the
baby and the pillow.

Shoulder analysis

Left shoulderAbducted in the frontal plane and internal rotation on the

transverse plane.
The primary movers are Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major,
Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid, and
Eccentric muscles are the Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, and
Subscapularis, Coracobrachialis, Biceps Brachii.
Concentric muscles are the Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid,
and Supraspinatus.
Right shoulderInternal rotation on the transverse plane.
The primary movers are Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major,
Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid.
Eccentric muscles are the Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, and
Concentric muscles are the Pectoralis Major,
Coracobrachialis, and Anterior Deltoid.

Elbow and

Left elbowIn flexion in the sagittal plane.

The primary movers are the Biceps, Brachialis, and
Eccentric muscles are the Triceps.
Concentric muscles are the Biceps, Brachialis, and
Left forearmIn supination in the transverse plane.
The primary movers are the Biceps and Supinator.
Eccentric muscles are the Pronator Teres and Pronator
Concentric muscles are the Biceps and Supinator.
Right elbowIn flexion in the sagittal plane.
The primary movers are the Biceps, Brachialis, and
Eccentric muscles are the Triceps.
Concentric muscles are the Biceps, Brachialis, and
Right forearm-


In pronation in the transverse plane.

The primary movers are the Pronator Teres and Pronator
Eccentric muscle is the Supinator.
Concentric muscles are the Pronator Teres and Pronator
Left wristExtension on the sagittal plane.
Prime movers are Extensor Carpi Radialis (Longus & Brevis)
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris.
Eccentric muscles are the Flexor Carpi Radialis and the
Flexor Carpi Radialis.

Concentric muscles are the Extensor Carpi Radialis and the

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris.
Right wrist-


Flexion in the sagittal plane.

Prime movers are Flexor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris, Palmaris
Eccentric muscles are the Extensor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris.
Concentric muscles are the Flexor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris,
and Palmaris Longus.
Hips are both in flexion in the sagittal plane.
Primary Movers are the Iliopsoas and Rectus Femoris.
Eccentric muscles are Gluteus Maximus, Semitendinosus,
Semimembranosus, and Biceps Femoris.
Concentric muscles are the Rectus Femoris, Iliopsoas, and

Knee and Ankle

The knees are in flexion within the sagittal plane.

The primary movers for knee flexion are the hamstring
muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps
Eccentric muscles are the Quadriceps Femoris and the Tensor
Fasciae Latae.
Concentric muscles are the Hamstrings.
The Ankles are both in dorsiflexion in the sagittal plane.
The Anterior Tibialis and Extensor Hallicis are the primary
muscles in dorsiflexion.
Eccentric muscles are the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus.
Concentric muscles are the Anterior Tibialis and the Extensor

Truck and Neck

The Trunk is in neutral anatomical position.

The Erector Spinae, Rectus Abdominis, Transverse
Abdominis, and Obliques are all primary muscles contributing
to the trunk staying upright and neutral.
The muscles are working synergistically in an isometric
The Neck is in flexion in the sagittal plane.

Prime movers are Prevertebral muscles and the SCM.

Eccentric muscles are the Prevertebral muscles.
Concentric muscle is the SCM.

Both right and left handsAll MCP, DIP, and PIP joints are in flexion in the sagittal
The prime mover is the Flexor Digitorum.
Eccentric muscle is the Extensor Digitorum.
Concentric muscle is the Flexor Digitorum.
The MP, and IP joints of the thumbs are in flexion in the
frontal plane.
The prime movers are the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.
Eccentric muscles are the Extensor Pollicis Longus and
Concentric muscles are the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.
The CMC joints are in extension in the frontal plane.
The prime movers are the Extensor Pollicis Longus and
Eccentric muscle is the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.
Concentric muscles are the Extensor Pollicis Longus.



Activity choice

Holding the bottle in the right hand and feeding the baby
while it is positioned in the left arm.


The ankles are in dorsiflexion with feet flat on the floor. Both
knees and both hips are in extension at the preferred sitting
angles of 90 and 90. The trunk is straight and resting on the
back of a chair. The left shoulder is abducted with internal
rotation. The left elbow is in flexion with the forearm in
supination. The left wrist is in extension. The thumb and
phalanges are in flexion holding the baby at its
hip/buttock/thigh. The right shoulder is adducted and
internally rotated. The right elbow is in flexion and the
forearm is pronated. The right wrist has ulnar deviation and
the hand is holding the bottle. The hand is holding the bottle
with a cylindrical grasp, the thumb is abducted and the
phalanges are in flexion.

Shoulder analysis

The left shoulder is abducted in the frontal plane and

internally rotated in the transverse plane.
Prime movers include Middle Deltoid, Supraspinatus,
Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Subscapularis, Pectoralis
Major, Anterior Deltoid
Eccentric muscles are the Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, and
Subscapularis, Coracobrachialis, Biceps Brachii.
Concentric muscles are the Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid,
and Supraspinatus

The right shoulder is adducted in the frontal plane and

internally rotated in the transverse plane.
Primary movers include Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major,
Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid.
Eccentric muscles are the Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, and
Concentric muscles are the Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid.
Elbow and

Both the left and right elbows are in flexion in the sagittal

The primary movers are the Biceps, Brachialis, and

Eccentric muscles are the Triceps.
Concentric muscles are the Biceps, Brachialis, and
The left forearm is in supination in the transverse plane.
The primary movers are the Biceps and Supinator.
Eccentric muscles are the Pronator Teres and Pronator
Concentric muscles are the Biceps and Supinator.
The right forearm is in pronation in the transverse plane.
The primary movers are the Pronator Teres and Pronator
Eccentric muscle is the Supinator.
Concentric muscles are the Pronator Teres and Pronator

The left wrist is in extension in the sagittal plane.

Primary movers are the Extensor Carpi Radialis (both the
Longus & Brevis) and Extensor Carpi Ulnaris.
Eccentric muscles are the Flexor Carpi Radialis and the
Flexor Carpi Radialis.
Concentric muscles are the Extensor Carpi Radialis and the
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris.
The right wrist is in ulnar deviation in the frontal plane.
Primary movers are the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris and Extensor
Carpi Ulnaris.
Eccentric muscles are the Flexor Carpi Radialis and Extensor
Carpi Radialis.


Hips are both in flexion in the sagittal plane.

Primary Movers are the Iliopsoas and Rectus Femoris.
Eccentric muscles are Gluteus Maximus, Semitendinosus,
Semimembranosus, and Biceps Femoris.
Concentric muscles are the Rectus Femoris, Iliopsoas, and

Knee and Ankle

The knees are in flexion within the sagittal plane.

The primary movers for knee flexion are the hamstring
muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps

Eccentric muscles are the Quadriceps Femoris and the Tensor
Fasciae Latae.
Concentric muscles are the Hamstrings.
The Ankles are both in dorsiflexion in the sagittal plane.
The Anterior Tibialis and Extensor Hallicis are the primary
muscles in dorsiflexion.
Eccentric muscles are the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus.
Concentric muscles are the Anterior Tibialis and the Extensor
Truck and Neck

The Trunk is in neutral anatomical position.

The Erector Spinae, Rectus Abdominis, Transverse
Abdominis, and Obliques are all primary muscles contributing
to the trunk staying upright and neutral.
The muscles are working synergistically in an isometric
The Neck is in flexion in the sagittal plane.
Prime movers are Prevertebral muscles and the SCM.
Eccentric muscles are the Prevertebral muscles.
Concentric muscle is the SCM.


In the left hand all MCP, DIP, and PIP joints are in flexion in
the sagittal plane.
The prime mover is the Flexor Digitorum.
Eccentric muscle is the Extensor Digitorum.
Concentric muscle is the Flexor Digitorum.
The CMC joint of the left and right thumbs are in abduction in
the frontal plane.
The prime movers are the Abductor Pollicis Longus and
Eccentric muscle is the Adductor Pollicis.
Concentric muscles are the Adbuctor Pollicis Longus and
The MP and IP joints for the right and left thumb are in
flexion in the sagittal plane.
The prime movers are the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.
Eccentric muscles are the Extensor Pollicis Longus and

Concentric muscles are the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.
In the right hand all MCP, DIP, and PIP joints are in the
flexion on the sagittal plane.
The prime mover is the Flexor Digitorum.
Eccentric muscle is the Extensor Digitorum.
Concentric muscle is the Flexor Digitorum.



Activity choice

Positioning the baby on the right shoulder for burping.


The ankles are in dorsiflexion with feet flat on the floor. Both
knees and both hips are in extension at the preferred sitting
angles of 90 and 90. The trunk is straight and resting on the
back of a chair. The left shoulder is internally rotated with
horizontal adduction. The left elbow is in flexion with the
forearm in neutral. The wrist has slight flexion and the hand is
resting on the babys back. The thumb is extended and
phalanges of the left hand are in flexion. The right shoulder is
adducted. The right elbow is in flexion and the forearm is
supinated. The wrist is in extension and the hand is resting on
the babys buttock in order to support the child. The thumb is
extended and the phalanges of the right hand are in flexion.
The neck is extended and has a slight lateral bend to the left in
order to see the baby.

Shoulder analysis

Left shoulderInternal rotation and horizontally adducted in the transverse

Prime movers are the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major,
Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid, and
Eccentric muscles are the Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, and
Concentric muscles are the Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid
and Coracobrachialis.
Right ShoulderInternal rotation and horizontally adducted in the transverse
Prime movers are the Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major,
Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, and the Anterior Deltoid
Eccentric muscles are the Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, and
Concentric muscles are the Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid
and Coracobrachialis.

Elbow and

Left elbowIn flexion in the sagittal plane.

Prime movers are the Biceps, Brachialis, and Brachioradialis.
Eccentric muscles are the Triceps.
Concentric muscles are the Biceps, Brachialis, and
Left ForearmIn anatomical neutral position.
The muscles are working synergistically in an isometric
Right elbowIn flexion in the sagittal plane.
Prime movers are the Biceps, Brachialis, and Brachioradialis.
Eccentric muscles are the Triceps.
Concentric muscles are the Biceps, Brachialis, and
Right ForearmIn supination in the transverse plane.
The primary movers are the Biceps and Supinator.
Eccentric muscles are the Pronator Teres and Pronator
Concentric muscles are the Biceps and Supinator.


Left wristSlight flexion in the sagittal plane.

Prime movers are Flexor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris.
Eccentric muscles are the Extensor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris.
Concentric muscles are the Flexor Carpi Radialis & Ulnaris,
and Palmaris Longus.
Right wristExtension in the sagittal plane.
Prime movers are Extensor Carpi Radialis (Longus & Brevis)
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris.
Eccentric muscles are the Flexor Carpi Radialis and the

Flexor Carpi Radialis.

Concentric muscles are the Extensor Carpi Radialis and the
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris.

Hips are both in flexion in the sagittal plane.

Primary Movers are the Iliopsoas and Rectus Femoris.
Eccentric muscles are Gluteus Maximus, Semitendinosus,
Semimembranosus, and Biceps Femoris.
Concentric muscles are the Rectus Femoris, Iliopsoas, and

Knee and Ankle

Knees are in flexion in the sagittal plane.

The primary movers for knee flexion are the hamstring
muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps
Eccentric muscles are the Quadriceps Femoris and the Tensor
Fasciae Latae.
Concentric muscles are the Hamstrings.
The Ankles are both in dorsiflexion in the sagittal plane.
The Anterior Tibialis and Extensor Hallicis are the primary
muscles in dorsiflexion.
Eccentric muscles are the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus.
Concentric muscles are the Anterior Tibialis and the Extensor

Truck and Neck

The Trunk is in neutral anatomical position.

The Erector Spinae, Rectus Abdominis, Transverse
Abdominis, and Obliques are all primary muscles contributing
to the trunk staying upright and neutral.
The muscles are working synergistically in an isometric
The neck is in flexion in the sagittal plane and lateral
extension to the left is in the frontal plane.
Prime movers are Prevertebral muscles, SCM, and Scalenes.
Eccentric muscles are the Prevertebral muscles and the right
Concentric muscles are the SCM, and left Scalenes.


Left hand-

The MCP, DIP, and PIP joints are in flexion in the sagittal
Prime mover is the Flexor Digitorum.
Eccentric muscle is the Extensor Digitorum.
Concentric muscle is the Flexor Digitorum.
Left thumbThe CMC, MP, and IP joints are in extension in the sagittal
Prime mover is the Extensor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.
Eccentric muscles are the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.
Concentric muscles are the Extensor Pollicis Longus and
Right handThe MCP joints are in flexion in the sagittal plane.
DIP, and PIP joints are in extension in the sagittal plane.
Prime mover is the Extensor Digitorum.
Eccentric muscle is the Flexor Digitorum.
Concentric muscle is the Extensor Digitorum.
Right thumbThe CMC, MP, and IP joints are in extension in the sagittal
Prime mover is the Extensor Pollicis Longus.
Eccentric muscles are the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Brevis.
Concentric muscles are the Extensor Pollicis Longus and

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