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How might we

in local markets in Thailand



in local markets in Thailand?
15 December 2016

DBT416 Planet and Society

Instructor : Massimo Ingego

1. Nuchwara


No.23 5716440309

2. Petchpitcha


No.25 5716440358

3. Praew

Denpreechawong No.32 5716440432

4. Praew


No.33 5716440440

5. Ramita


No.36 5716440507

6. Tanit


No.48 5716440679

7. Chayanee


No.59 5716440861

8. Mayrisa


No.64 5716440929


Executive Summary
Chatujak province has the highest waste production rate in Thailand. In
order to archive SDG11, it is significant of the area to reduce its energy used
and save the government expense on waste. It deems that Chatujak market
would be the greatest area to pay attention because it is the one of the most
well known sightseeing that have so many tourists visiting in each weekend.


Chatujak market is controlled by SRT (state railway of Thailand). There

are two crucial methods that will be able to help reducing the waste production
in this selected area which are redesigning the trash bin and creating the JJ
market application.
The application is called JJ Market, that links through challenged
activities on app both the virtual and real world. The JJ talking bins use three
principles, which are trigger (talkable and movable bin), motivation (rewards)
and ability (ease to use) to encourage people to take an action on recycling
and participate in the activity in a more effective way. Moreover, there will be a
QR code in front of the bin to navigate people to the app instantly. It would be
much more convenient for people to get the access. About the application, it
will contain useful information such as maps, shop contacts, promotions, and
shop location. On the application, it will provide some interesting game and
daily challenges. By participating on these kinds of activities, people will be
able to collect points from the activities and exchange them as discount
coupons that could be used in all shops in JJ market. However, it is crucial to
convince vendors to collaborate first by promoting the application to street
users. Giving vendors some incentive, such as free advertising on the
application in recommend shop feature, will lead their cooperation. Thus, all of
them will help on raising awareness of waste separation and recycling habits





Title Page_________________________________________________________________________________ 02

Executive Summary________________________________________________________________________ 03

Design problem and objectives______________________________________________________________ 06

Background information____________________________________________________________________ 07

Ideation__________________________________________________________________________________ 20

Implementation____________________________________________________________________________ 41

Conclusion_______________________________________________________________________________ 42

References_______________________________________________________________________________ 44

Annexes_________________________________________________________________________________ 45



As, Separating trashes became unattractive
recycling method . Thus, it comes to a
challenge on How might we encourage
recycling in local markets in Thailand?





Generally, people in Bangkok are not

required to separate their trashes into
different types. Meanwhile, Public
awareness of environmental conservation
tends to be low comparing to other
countries. The government and individuals
ignore this problem of waste. Even though
in fact, Thailand's trash amounted to 26.9
million tons in 2015, up 10% from five
years earlier. Normally, the first waste
collection and storage in Bangkok is done
at the street bins or industrial waste store,
and there may be waste separation by
consumers and waste pickers. After that,
wastes are collected and transported by
the waste collection truck. Then, wastes
should be disposed by incineration and
landfilling, or they are recycled into
m a t e r i a l s , c h e m i c a l s , a n d e n e r g y.
Nevertheless, it is still ineffective because
people still ignore and see recycling
process too complicated and difficult to do.
Thus, In order to make it becomes habitual
for everyone efficiently, it is important to
motivate people to make a real change for
the greater future of a country .




Low morale in law enforcement

Social norms / Values



Low awareness

Raw materials

High birth rate &

Manufacturers & Retailers

Lack of community
participation (Incentive)

High volume of
solid waste

High consumption

Waste pickers hired by BMA

Waste collection trucks hired by BMA


Throwing trash inappropriate place

(e.g. pathway)
Environment impacts
(Flood / Disease / Etc.)


Made concession Watsadupan Turakit company & Pairojsompong Group (PSG)

(Private collection companies waste duty of care hired by BMA)
agreement with
Waste collection center

People dont SEPARATE their

trash for recycling

Private trash collectors

(They scatter trashes and pick
what they can sell from the bin
and leaving other trashes all
over the ground)

Limited Space
To separate in order to recycle easily, it requires more than just a community participation. It needs an appropriate method and analysis. Since,
separating problem always dynamic, multidimensional, and complex. A community participation through community empowerment framework may
become exactly the most practical separating scenario for recycling effectively in Bangkok.


Recycling is one of the most tremendous urban

issue that is closely related, both directly and
indirectly, to a number of triggers such as urban
lifestyles, resource consumption patterns,
occupations, and other and socio-economic. All
these issues have to be aggregated together on
the same platform in order to create a long-term
solution to urban waste. The general assumption
is that recycling should be started from the
separating trash correctly at the micro-level of the
community (e.g., all markets that has a similar
existing problem in Bangkok) to the macro levels
of city, state and nation. All in all, motivation
theory and gasification concept could apply to
engage and empower people by designing a
efficient solution.

Social interaction
After consumption, waste products will go
through some separation process in the the
waste stream; typically they go into either a trash
or a recycling bin. Secondly, collection services
will collect the products and separate them to
different facilities depending on the types of
wastes. Thirdly, some of the wastes will be taken
into a recycling/composting facility where the
machine will transform these wastes into a new
form and sell them back to the market (for
example, recycled bottles). On the other hand, if
these wastes are not recyclable or compostable,
they will go straight from collection to be
disposed in a formal landfill instead.

Research findings
Users interviews
Why people dont separate trash? (120people)
- It doesnt have enough
25% = 30 people
trash bins
- I dont care about separating 15.8% = 19 people
- It takes up too much time
- I always forgot
13.33% = 16 people
- Cost
10.8% = 13 people
- I dont know how to separate 9.1% = 11 people
- I dont feel separating trash 7.5% = 9 people
effort will make a difference
- I dont understand
5% = 6 people
the environment benefit

Markets in Bangkok where there are still problems
about separating trash correctly such as Chatuchak
Market, Lalaisap market, Train Night Market
Ratchada, Behind thai airway market, Pak Khlong
Market and small communities.
After the Interview, 15.8% percent of 120
interviewers stated that they dont think separating
trash is important.



It seems that there exists a wide range

of stakeholders in both the formal and
informal sectors ; their interrelationships may be complex, and this
reinforces the importance of a thorough
analysis as part of project preparation
Primary stakeholders
are directly affected, either positive or
negative, by the implementation of a
solid waste management project and
include all stakeholders in the market.
e.g., street users, vendors, market
owners (The State Railway of Thailand )
Secondary stakeholders
These include government
(municipalities), Bangkok Metropolitan
Administration (BMA), The Department
of Public Cleansing, Pollution Control
Department (PCD) , Office of Natural
Resources and Environmental Policy
and Planning (ONEP), concession
companies (WT,PSG projects were
based on biddings from BMA), waste
pickers, private sweepers, private
collector, small entrepreneurs and
contractors working on area-based
waste collection.

Q: What do you think about trash separation?

October 2016

I do not agree with people who

say the trash separation is big
problem for everyone to do. If
we do nothing, our actions will
definitely come back to affect

We are taught to put

everything in one bag and
throw it into a bin but
people in developed
countries are taught to
sort their trash

- Danai, Security Guard at

Chatuchak market

- Chalothorn, Shopper at
Chatuchak market

Even we are kindly asked to

deposit our trash in either a bin
for recycling. However, I am not
sure what happens after the
garbage trucks coming at night,
it seems they mix everything
together anyway.
- Adisak, Seller at Chatuchak

I think you need to make

people understand the
situation that they are
capable to interact, give
them a vision and a
management capacity.
If you dont have such a
core of people, you will
never do it
- Phimwa, Shopper at
Chatuchak market


I came from Bali. This is my

second time to visit Thailand.
If I think about the trash in
Thailand. It's not different from
my country. Road is always full
of trash, rubbish which caused
by poor waste management and
people behaviour. From my
experience, many of the most
commonly found pieces of trash
include items we use every day
from food wrappers to beverage
containers to plastic bags. It's
difficult to destroy and also has
the impact on environment. It's
time for raising awareness
before it is too late. If everybody
doesn't help, what will happen in
our future?
- Michell,Tourist at Chatuchak

I'm sorry to say that

I'm so lazy when it
comes separating
the trash, I just keep
a single trashcan in
my home, so I put
everything together
- Nin, Seller at
Lalaisap market


Q: Do you separate the trash?

4 November

I would but there is

no point because of
how trash is collected
there. We only have
bins for mixed trash
so if I separate
trashes it all ends up
in the same container
mixing once again.
- Pranee, Seller at
Lalaisap market

I separate items
which can be
recycled. But, at
times get lazy and
do not separate it as
good as I should.
I think separating
trash is a good idea,
especially with items
that are not
However, we do not
have a law that you
must separate, but I
think it is a good
idea for countries
and states to have

I don't make a habit

of separating all of my
trash, even because
where I live they don't
have separate trash in
the building. Thus, it
doesn't make that
much sense for me to
do it if at the end the
trash is not going to
go in separate
containers anyway.
However, I am used
to separating plastic
from everything else.
I will put on bottles
and stuff like that in
separate bags.

- Pitak, at Lalaisap

- Mongkol, Seller at
Lalaisap market

My apartment
building just has
dumpsters, not
separate recycling
containers, so there's
no reason for me to
separate trash. My
downstairs neighbour
does collect
aluminum cans, so
I save those for him.
But the rest of my
trash goes out to the
dumpster together.
- Nina, Shopper at
Lalaisap market

As seller, We
dont have
much time to do
it and theres no
point why we
need to do it.

- Bee at
Lalaisap market

5 November 2016

Yes. I did. It is a law in my

country. If trash is not
segregated, it will not be
collected by the waste
collector. However, even
though the law wasnt
implemented yet before, we
still segregated the trash.
- Scot, Shopper at Train
Night Market Ratchadi
Market Ratchada

Q: Do you
Q: Do
you separate
the trash?
the trash?

I will separate when I

have bigger items which
don't go in the trashcan
and those will get
- James, Shopper at
Train Night Market

Some places have

smaller bins with the
different compartments,
but they have no bags/
separators in place, so
what you throw in the
plastic orifice ends up
together with other waste
- Prim/ Supavit/Nareenart,
Shopper at Train Night
Market Ratchada

4 November 2016

I do not really have that option,

but I always reduce my trash to
the smallest possible amount. I
break down boxes and smash
plastic containers. I think
reducing the bulk of trash is good
too. Less waste of trash bags,
takes up less space. In fact, I do
separate a few things, but not
- Rawiporn, Shopper at Train
Night Market Ratchada


I live very far off my city. I don't

really have garbage trucks which
go by and collect my wastes, so
it's up to me to do the disposal.
However, I find it easier to
dispose of the trash once it's
separated and since I live alone
I don not really have to worry
about the chunks of trash
coming in, so it's easier for me to
separate them. Also the setup in
my place is strict. I will have two
separate garbage bins ready
and for the other parts of the
house I only provide one which
is for the plastics.
- Thomas, Shopper at Train
Night Market Ratchada

6 November 2016

They lack of awareness

about environmental
issues and role of
recycling, waste collection
and recycling system are
unable to prioritise
recycling, people are
living in a country which
does not recycle or
cannot support those
whod like to recycle

Q: Why many people still don't separate their trash for recycling?

My experience with these

individuals has been
1.They just dont care
2.They are too lazy to make
the effort required
3.Their arrogant and refuse
to do anything a
government would request
them to do

Because in many areas the

waste management system
does not support separating
trash yet, so people might
think that if they separate their
trash, it will ended up
combined by the waste
collector. This assumption
leads people to not separating
their trash.

- Jittaphon, student
- Boonyaked/Pattama,Officer

Our experience is that people

who do not do this are ;
2.Apathetic to environmental
issues around waste separation.
3.They arent forced to recycle,
so they dont.
4.They dont have the time to do
so they dont.
5.They want to do, but their
locale does not have recycling

- Fern, student
- Eve/Tukta/Pao, Street Users


People used to
think garbage as
stuff they didnt
want. Its out of
control, people are
throwing clothes,
glass bottles and

- Kansiree, student


22/25/29 October2016

There are many kinds of collector. First

are professional ones as same as me,
and the second one are not
professional. For me, I do not care about
going through the messy bins.I collect
stuffs from Chatuchak market then sell it
to the recycling site. I think the problems
between the BMAs collectors and
private waste picker are often down to
the recyclable trash, which is worth
money. I do this for a living, not like the
BMA officials who do it for the public
cleanliness and environment. But if what
I do helps the community, I am happy
about that, too.

I want everyone to see

public places like the way
they see their homes, so
they wont throw trash over
the place and separate
trash. Everyone are really
lacking a sense of
responsibility. They need
incentive to do it. The least,
I would like to ask people
put their trash into the
correct bins. No matter how
advanced our technology, if
the public doesnt care it
doesnt matter.

- Supan/Kitti, Private waste collector

- Kanyarat, Cleanliness and

Orderliness officer

Youve got to have a multifaceted

solution to motivate people for
separating trash and gamification
maybe one of those solution that
you can use in your project. I think
successful waste management in
cities depends on many different
parameters but the main one is to
understand the system, and not just
as a sum of infrastructure and
logistics. It is a system with
technical, social, financial and
institutional dimensions. The most
common mistake is that people will
think about waste management in
terms of infrastructure, and they do
nothing because they wait for the
government to deliver it so you need
to think about waste management
as a system disconnected from
human relations, and to try to
change it.
- Sukit Panvisavas, CEO Winner
Online Thailand (game online) /
Audit Committee / CSR Committee


" Usually we come and pick up the trash about

2-3 times a week, and everyone just dumps the
trash on the side of the road and expects the
council to pick it up. We know we are
complaining but it's something we think people
should understand. Even it is hard to solve the
problem, however people must change their
habits or live with the consequences. We can
help by collecting the trash, but people cannot
just rely on us. We hope people will do their
part, separate trashes, pay the council trash
fees buy a bin even if you have to clean the
bin yourself and empty trash out.
- Somnuk, Pasert , Thep, Waste collector hired
by Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)
at Ratchathewi district

Google form (120 responses)

On-the-ground-research (observation)


- Do you separate trash before you - Do you want the government to be a

litter ?

- Why did you separate / didnt

separate trash?
For people who separate, they said
separating trash will help staffs doing
their job easier because BKK has a
large number of rubbish that they
have to separate each day, in order
to make a city looks clean.
For people who dont separate, most
of people said they don't want do
because of many reasons. For
instance, people think it is
unnecessary. Meanwhile, they lack
knowledge about the negative
consequences from not recycling that
could harm both society and the

part of helping people to separate

trash ?

- Why do you want / do not want the

government to be the part of helping
people to separate trash ?
For people who want, they believe that
the government should provide some
rudimentary knowledge, so that people
could understand more about separate
trash which will encourage people to
recycle more.
For people who dont want, they believe
that the government does not take this
problem seriously at the beginning.
Similarly, they will not help much because
people don't get used to separate trash in
the right way.

-Do you think what is the best

motivation to male people separate
Reference :
Answer 1. reward
2. money
3. or thing that they get from
separating trash

This is how rubbish collection process works in Thailand. Firstly,

people put all their trashes into a plastic bag, then leave it on the side
of the street without caring about public appearance and condition.
The trash collectors will come and clean it up at night. However,
there are some animals come to eat stuffs inside the rubbish bags
which left a huge mess for the trash collector.

Secondary research


( behaviour insights, case studies, etc.)

Behaviour insights
According to the research,
People are educated adequately about
how to separate trash correctly, but they
just too lazy to follow
They lack motivation, and there is no
incentive for them to do
They think that it is insignificant
They feel like the process takes a lot of
time and too complicated
They think that it is a waste of time to
It will not make any differences anyway
because all trashes eventually mixed up at
the end of the process
Thus, it is crucial to encourage people to pay
attention on recycling more by providing
rewards. Meanwhile, motivation theory
(carrot and stick approach) and
gamification concept could be applied to
engage and empower people in order to reach
an effective solution.

Case studies

JJ App
With this app, you can find many useful information of the shops within the area
including shop details, promotion, and location map. Thus, all shoppers will not get
lost and can explore the shop more enjoyable. This app also provides other helping
tools like shopping lists, my favorite shops and share tools.
-Map information and route are
-Identify the location that you stay
-Data supports for foreigners
-New innovation
-Divide into a section which is nice and
-Technological development.
-Emerging new application.
-Engage people through social media
into a targeted group behavior

-The icon symbol is unclear
-No GPS (real time location)
-The application looks old fashioned
-Only a few users

-Internet connection

Type of bin

Case studies

Take a look at the project

Behaviour insights

Organic or
Can be
rapidly in the
such as:

>> Food scraps

>> Fruit and
>> Grass,
brushwood and

Recycle waste

General waste

Mainly consist of
used containers or
packages, which
can be recycled
processes such as:

Is nonorganic waste,
recyclable and
hazardous waste
which can be reused
or recycled however at
the high cost such as:

>> Glass bottles

and Plastic bottles
>> Pieces of paper
>> Cans
>> Beverage

>> Snack packages

>> Candy packages
>> Instant noodle
>> Dirty used foam

JJ App
With this app, you can find many useful information of the shops within the area
This project
the most
that iswill
including shop details,
and location
Thus, all bin
not get
lost and can explore the shop more enjoyable. This app also provides other helping
tools like shopping lists, my favorite shops and share tools.
optional key lock that allows people to decide which method they
want to use freely. This will help raising their awareness for
throwing the trash into the right bin by making them rethink
before lettering.
Hazardous waste
-Map information
of this project, it seems
-The icon
that symbol
people is
knowledge about separating trash,
lack an
-Identify the location
that youThus,
stay. this solution -The
help them
old fashioned.
-Data supports for
-Only a few users.
Consists of -New innovation.
poisoning or -Divide into a section which is nice and
hazardous tidy.
materials needed
to be disposed
properly for
safety on bothOpportunities
human and -Technological development.
environment such
-Emerging new application.
-Engage people through social media

into a targeted group behavior.

>> Fluorescent
>> Dry cells
>> Expired drug
>> Pesticides
>> Batteries
>> Chemical
substances from
a laboratory

-Internet connection.


Case studies


The Malaysia government has made

it mandatory to separate solid waste
at source.

Reference :


Monitor and optimize your

waste operations with
Enevos advanced waste
analytics solution.

Reference :



A community-buit map of
outdoor and event trash
cans and recycle bins.

A digital platform that makes

people responsible with their
energy consumption.

Reference :

Reference :

Case studies






A platform that turns charitable

donations into a game.

A competition that builds

school spirit and encourages
waste reduction and recycling
on campuses nationwide.

The application offers all kind

of useful information and
reminders about the various
city solid waste schedules.

One clever project sees smokers

vote on various topics by placing
their cigarette butts into clear
divided containers in public areas.

Reference :

Reference :

Reference :

Reference :


Answering all question about type of

waste and when to take out the
Reference :


When a passerby inserts an empty

plastic bottle, the machines sensor
scans it to assess the value of the
plastic and spits out a public
Reference: ride-beijing-recycling-plastic-bottle.html


1. Analysis of Traditional Approaches to The

Traditional disposal methods in Thailand is to dump all the water
to landfills. The government is not interested to use alternative
disposal methods because this way is inexpensive and widely
available. Meanwhile, an increasing number of population create
much more wastes to a country. However, people still prefer to
use old fashioned method which is incinerators without
concerning about its consequences to the environment and
people in term of creating more air pollution. Landfills continue to
be the primary places of solid waste disposal in most cities
throughout the world.

2. Potential Alternative Ideas

Reduce : Reducing the amount of insignificant stuffs that you buy
is the most effective option to reduce amount of wastes. The main
key is to only purchase goods that is necessary.
Reuse : before you throw some of your items away, think about
how they can be reused first
Recycle : When discarding your wastes, find ways to recycle it
instead of letting them on the landfill.
The Three Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) effort that
promote a better waste management, they have to be done in an
effective manner. These may be a challenge in the beginning, it
will turn to be effortless after you get used to it.



3. Detailed Design
3.1 Assumption
This practical solution will surely raise people's awareness about separating trashes, it will change their perspective on separating trashes
and help decreasing the amount of wastes which lead JJ market appear to be more sustainable market.

3.2 Function of the system

3.2.1 System thinking


Final Solution


JJ Talking Bins + JJ Market App




Get coupon

The final solution came up with the JJ talking bins, it links

through challenging activities on the application. The JJ
talking bins compose of three principles, which are
trigger(takable and movable bin), motivation (rewards)and
ability (ease to use). It encourages people to recycle more.
Moreover, there will be a QR code provided on the front of
the bin to navigate people to the app conveniently. This
application will contain useful information such as maps,
shop contacts, promotions, and shop location. Moreover, it
has many game and daily challenges on the app that allow
people to collect points. They could use these points to get
discount coupons for all the shops inside JJ market.
However, it is crucial to convince vendors to promote the
application to street users. Thus, giving vendor some
advantages on the app, such as free advertising on the
application to recommend shop feature, it will make then
want to cooperate which will help raising awareness of waste
separation and recycling habits for local people.











Use coupon



Commit to be
greener shop and
meet the goal


JJ Talking Bins
JJ Talking Bins are elegant and unique mascot bins. They will be
placed around in the selected area and make people enjoy walking in the
long distance or in the hot weather like JJ market. They will roll around
chatting and convince street users and vendors to put rubbish into the right
bin (their mouth) which helps people to recycle properly.

4 Types characters of JJ Talking Bins

1. JJ Organic Talking Bin: collects waste that can be decomposed rapidly
in the nature such as food scraps, fruit and vegetable, grass,
brushwood and leaf.
2. JJ Recycle Talking Bin:collects used containers or packages which can
be recycled though transforming processes such as glass bottles and
plastic bottles, pieces of paper, cans, beverage cartons.
3. JJ General Talking Bin: collects nonorganic waste, recyclable and
hazardous waste which can be reused or recycled such as snack
packages, candy packages, instant noodle package, dirty used foam
4. JJ Hazardous Talking Bin: collects of poisoning or hazardous materials
needed to be disposed properly for safety on both human and
environment such as fluorescent, expired drug, pesticides, batteries.

Fully mobile & fully interactive character. They are always
chirpy, never stops talking and loves to joke around. They could carry
on complete conversations with people seemingly on their own.


JJ Talking Bins as Tourist Attraction

JJ Talking Bins are also a tourist attraction. There will be daily challenging activities,
that encourage people to take action with the mascots, will be linked with the application.
People who can complete the challenges will get reward as discount coupons on the app.
They will be able to use these coupons in the shops at JJ market.
Moreover, the JJ application will get promoted from JJ talking bins. The QR code of
application will be placed on the front of the talking bins. It is easy to download the
application. Everyone can scan it immediately.



navigate to

Inspiration: case study

- The Paddington bear around London

- Push the Talking Trash Can around Disney land

(Discount Coupons)



Behind the JJ talking bins

The bin is a radio controlled robot that made occasional rounds

throughout JJ market. The radio control system is hidden by the bin's
regular steel liner and plastic trash bag should a guest peer inside.
The robot is discretely operated by JJ staffs who dress in plain
clothes, one with a remote control unit who operates the movement
of the robot and the other who provides its voice. The person who
operate JJ talking bins are quite good at blending in and not being
The transmitter is hidden inside a large gym bag carried by
one of them wherein a voice processor changes the second staff's
voice to a high-pitched, nasal register. Since they are within about 20
feet of the robot, they are able to make the trash bins interact directly
with street users and vendors as either atmosphere or face
characters. The robot appears to be propelled with the transmission,
wheels and tires of a mobility scooter.

How JJ Talking Bins

change People Behaviour
JJ Talking Bins will roll around chatting and hoping to
convince street users and vendors. It is two way interaction
between the bins and street users & vendors. It is a well
known targeted thing for marketing and has good action
rates because it is initiated when a customer is more likely to
be active in a decision process.



Motivation: Reward
Whether you're a street user or a vendor who shops and sells in JJ market, they reward you for
doing what you love. And the more you do with, the more you get.


Street users


Earning is easy



JJ Market
1> Join
events to get
access to exclusive
offers and Rewards.
You can get
rewarded for
missions, taking
surveys, spending in
the app, and more.


Turn your
dedication into
You'll earn
Rewards Credits
that get
converted into
into your
account on the


Get the stuff you

want. Redeem your
for couponds , use
them at Stores in
jj market . The
choice is entirely

Street Users

There will be some challenges on the JJ application that street users

need to take actions with the mascot bin and who can complete the
challenge will get rewards. For example, street users who can take photo
all of mascot bins and complete other challenge in JJ market, they will
gets free coupons discount for buying stuffs via JJ application or unlock
challenge when they complete 1 round walking around JJ market.

meet the

Shops can get benefit from the bin. If they commit to reduce their impact
promote as
recommended on the environment get more visibility and a better reputation from the
talking bins.
store on app
Note. Vendors who can reduce amount of trashes in their shop will get
promote from the talking bins. The talking bin will convince street users to
visit those shop. Also, giving vendors some incentive, such as free
advertising on the application in recommend shop feature, will lead their
cooperation as they are greener shops.

Lid Redesign: to offer users of the market to

Ability Make it easy to use

recycle and throw things in the trash more effective.

The Redesign models are easily

identifiable with dedicated, colour coded
aperture panel lids, which help
preventing cross contamination of waste.
The shapes of bin cover can call
peoples action to repeat or think twice
before they drop the trashes. The bins
are a highly visible, recycling stations
make users stay more sustainable
without overextending the staff. To
choose the aesthetic alternative for the
property; we make the design process in
a simple way.

For the first bin prototype, speaking from the interview and personas,
customers are looking for simple bins. To satisfy their need, the staffs
redesign the bin that need to separate the recyclable materials. The bins
are inspired by GSSE student who represent the most excellent bin that
are flexible and matched the users well. Each model is easily identify with
dedicated, colour coded aperture panel lids and graphics, which helps
prevent cross contamination of waste. The shapes of bin covers attract
peoples attention in order to remind them to think twice before they drop
the trashes. As the result of the project, people seem to have knowledge
about separating trash but they ignore the issue. Thus, it is necessary to
raise their awareness and encourage them to cooperate with the staffs.
Furthermore, the staffs surveyed on JJ market users and got feedback
that will be useful for improving the upcoming product. After the survey,
the team members brainstormed to find what they had missed, the
problem seems to be about convenience. Thus, they researched on how
to make the product more convenient. The bins are highly visible,
recycling stations make users stay more sustainable without
overextending the staff. To choose the aesthetic alternative for the
property; the staffs create the design in a simple way. The theory behind
this is to present a way for people to recycle easily.
It looks pain but good design.
You should add more feature

It looks pain but good design.

You should add more feature

Inspiration: case study

I suggest you to do some research

about universal design

GSSE students offer the bin that has excellent

flexibility to match the users, diverse recycling
It looks pain but good design.
You should add more feature

I suggest you to do some research

about universal design

I would appreciate if you add

the trash bin sign that easy to read



JJ Market Application


JJs picked

With the app, users can find all shops

in this market plus shops details that
separate all products to categories
and provide map which tell user
location and track JJ mascots (talking
bins). All users will not get lost
anymore. This app also provide other
feature such as challenging, game
and coupons exchange. Thats why
this app will be recommended for all
shopper and vendors. More challenge
and levels coming every month so
that make everyone keep the up in
order to be updated. It has a
scoreboard for the users for
challenging. Thus, they can against
other player in real-time.

Users will see the homepage which

shows JJ highlight events and
recommended shops that users
should visit at once called JJs
picked This JJs picked is selected
from the greener shops in JJ market
that have the high number of
recycling and also reduce plastic and
packaging. Moreover, There is a
notification feature added which
could be used to show users on
interesting promotions or JJ

As vendors, they can

update their shop
details on application
and create e-commerce
to create a new
opportunity for their
business. JJ market
application typically
displays categories /
subcategories on the
shop page and requires
users to click through to
subcategories or
products. It will change
the flow to make vendor
stores navigate for
users much easier.
However, users can
rate and write shop
review which can
improve a cooperation
between users and





Play Games for Points


For the next page, it

shows a user personal
information such as
name, favorite shops and
products that user may
like and the total points
that can exchange to JJ

Real time tracking of JJ mascots

(talking bins)

For the game features, it is called Match Up game. This

game will allow users to challenge their memory about
waste information.
It is a card game that designed for two people, however
there is a single player mode available for users as well.
Cards are laid out in a grid face down, and players take
turns flipping pairs of cards over. If the two cards match,
the player scores one point, the two cards are removed
from the game, and the player gets another turn. If they
do not match, the cards are turned back over. The object
is to match pairs of cards in as little moves as possible.
When cards are turned over, it is important to remember
where they are for when the matching card is turned up
later in the game.


The next pages provide the map of JJ market

which shows all facilities such as real time
tracking of JJ talking bins to find those
mascot to complete the challenge, first aid,
toilet, post office, police station, payphone, exist
way, transportation and ATM location. It also
demonstrates the location where user are in JJ
market like a google map. Moreover, it allows
people to share locations and find many
interesting shops within the area. The app will
provide many meaningful informations, such as
prices, locations, contact information, rates, or


It will allow users to challenge their memory. MatchUp

has very easy 2x2, 4x4 by tables which kids will love but
also 5x6, 6x6, 8x8 and 10x10 tables which can be very
challenging. Their brain's memory will be a on various
levels as the app has incorporated various images from
different themes about waste. Some of the themes are
harder than others as the distinctions can be very
specific. distinctions can be very specific.

On Point and Coupons page, users
can collect point from doing
challenges or play games. These
points can be redeemed for coupons
which users can use to get discounts
on JJ market products. The coupons
are unexchangeable for cash. Please
note that users can only exchange a
maximum of 3 coupons per a day.
Coupons are valid for a limited time
only. Thus, they need to redeem their
points quickly.
The purpose of this activity is to
motivate people to use the application
more, as there is a leaderboard that
allow them to challenge their friends
and experience the app together.

Create feeling of recognition

Customers will need to allow the app to access their locations

through GPS while completing challenges or play games on the
app, and once they leave JJ market , the text "JJ Market Thank
you for being a responsible customer" will pop up on their
mobile screen in order to create feeling of customer recognition.

If users win a game they can get points. At the same

time, there will be an instruction provided for new users

The last feature on the app
"More", users can sign out,
choose language, or study
more about waste
management tips.


The app will send out push-notifications to every customer who
have the app. Once the existing customers have received
customer service texts they are more responsive to future
promotional texts that add value. For example, the app may
send a loyalty coupon with an embedded code to purchase on
green shops, or updated tips for recycling at JJ market which
will be a great ability to keep customers informed in a way that
is personal and enables to engage with them. This is not only
leads to increased recycling awareness but also increased




3.3 Prototype developed


A. Prototype1

A perfect way to encourage

the targeted group to
separate waste is the idea of
vending machines for the
plastic waste that combine
recycling and rewards

On the application, users can use it as a

member card to access BTS skytrain, thus
users dont need to carry the member card.
Plus, after users insert a plastic waste in the
iRecycle machine, it will let them scan the
barcode to collect the points that can
exchange to BTS transportation fee via BTS

The aim is to work with the specific part of waste management which is Pairoj Sompong
Group. PSG is one of the experts in municipal solid waste management in Thailand which
mostly PSG projects were based on biddings from government sectors. The suggested
solution is encouraged PSG to do Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which PSG can be
partner with BTS to come up with a perfect way to motivate target group to separate plastic
waste with the idea of vending machines of the plastic waste that combine recycling and
rewards involvement. Then people insert a plastic waste, the machines sensor will scan to
identify the type of plastic waste and weight of the plastic. After that, the machine will let
users scan the barcode (as the online card feature in Starbucks application) to collect the
points that can exchange to BTS transportation fee via collect point feature in BTS
application. PSG will be the leader that invest in this project. PSG will get income from the
plastic waste, save cost, save energy producing and reduce the amount of plastic waste
sent to landfill for long-term sustainability that relates to SDGs 11 and 15. Plus, both of
company will get good images from doing CSR.


B. Prototype 2

- Design Process 2

- Design Process 1
The design is too simply

It difficult to separate the trash because

I dont know exactly about type of its

For the first bin prototype, speaking from

the interview and personas, customers are
looking for a simple bin. To satisfy their
need, we redesign the bin that need to
separate the recyclable materials.
The design are not different from the other bin

Each model is easily identifiable with dedicated, color coded aperture

panel lids and graphics, which helps prevent cross contamination of
waste. The shapes of bin cover call peoples action to repeat or think
twice before they drop the trashes. Refer from the research, people
already have knowledge about separating trash but they just lack
awareness. Thus, this solution may help them raise their awareness.
After the new product has already designed, the group staffs
redesigned the lid. Thus, people can recognize the real innovation
inside the lid. Team members did a survey on JJ market users and got
feedback that will be helpful in improving the upcoming product. Team
members also brainstormed to find what they had missed, they found
out that the real issue is about convenience. Thus, they did some
research in order to make the product appear to be more convenient.
The target is Chatuchak market area. Chatuchak market is controlled
by SRT, state railway of Thailand. There are two outstanding ways to
help reducing waste production of this area. Firstly, redesigning the
trash bin, this is mainly because the existing design fails to inform
people which type of bin they should drop trashes. Thus, the redesign
trash bin will make it easier to make the right decision. Another way is
to create the application that helps to raise awareness about waste
separation habits. All these solutions are not only from personas but
what interviewees suggest the most as well.

- Design Process 3


After the development, they got the new prototype. The bins are
a highly visible, recycling stations make users stay more
sustainable without overextending the staffs. To choose the
aesthetic alternative for the property, there is a new design
process which is much simple and easy to use. The aim behind
this new process is to encourage people to recycle and throw
things in the trash in a more effective way.

It easy to understand types of trash

It easy to understand types of trash

Organic waste Recycle waste

It easy to understand types of trash

It looks easy to use for me

General waste Hazardous waste

It looks easy to use for me

I like it, It is better than the existing trash bin


I like it, It is b


The next pages, there is a JJ market

map provided. It demonstrates all
facilities and direction of places inside
the market such as trash bin, first aid,
toilet, post office, police station,
payphone, exist way, transportation
and ATM. Furthermore, it shows the
location where the users are in JJ
market like google map in the real time.
It allows users to share a location to
their friends. Moreover, users can find
and select the shop that they may like
and find some details on their selected
places such as price, location, or

Reference :

Lets take a tour. The first thing that users

can see from the app is a log in page
which they will require to log-in either
traditional way or social media. Then
there is a homepage which shows JJ
highlight events and recommended shops
that users should visit at least once. For
the second page, it shows their personal
information such as name, the date user
joined, the calories that user burned while
shopping and walking in JJ market. Some
of those information will relate to features
such as emergency bottom which is
directly contact to police station in JJ
market and game.
This app provides many features that can create a
sense of community. The idea behind this is to
encourage people to interact in person through the
app and to separate trashes correctly for making it
easy for recycling process. This will lead to save
energy as the city government want JJ market to be a
sustainable market for being a part of one stop service
project of BKK.


The application will warn users if

there are JJ SOS sign occur. After
the users got a warning message
and opened it. They will enter the
game automatically. After following
the SOS sign, they will find the
location where people attending
the special event.

Reference :

Users will find a location where people attending the

special event that challenges on the billboard. This
is a great chance for people to make real-time
interaction through the market billboard and
Users can see the interactive digital billboard that
shows the amount of trash that is falling down in JJ
market. In the game, users have to click on the
SOS sign which will navigate users to turn on
Augmented Reality (AR) camera mode, then users
request to separate the trash into the right bin with
sliding bar in order to save JJ market from the
overwhelming of trashes. When people played and
completed the game in the application, their name
will be ranked on the billboard. By doing this, it will
raise their awareness about trash separating and
start encouraging people to take an action both
from the micro to the macro levels.


C. Prototype 3

JJ Talking Bin are unique and well

designed. They will be placed in the
selected areas in order to please
people who walk by. They will roll
around and chat with people, so that
they could reduce stress from the
hot weather and a long walk.
Meanwhile, these will be a great
method to persuade both street
users and vendors to throw their
rubbish into the right bins. In doing
this, it will help people pay attention
more on recycling and putting their
trashes into the right bin.


Reference :

Users can find all shops in this market along with

shops details that separate all products into
categories and provide maps which tell user location
and track JJ mascots (talking bins).This app also
provide other features, such as challenges, game and
coupons exchange. Unsurprisingly, this app will be
recommended for all shopper and vendors. There will
be new challenges and levels coming every month,
so that everyone could keep in touch with the app in
order to be updated. It also has a scoreboard for the
users to see their ranking. By doing this, users can
play against other player in real-time and see the
ranking score.


4. Human Factor Consider

2.JJ Staffs


Care and



1.The talking bins and JJ

market application

- Effectively convey the solution with

special offers

- Motivate all human factors to take a

specific action on recycling

- Educate users through two-way

interactive methods

- Encourage people to communicate to

each other

2. JJ Staffs

- Work to assure that the talking bin is

designed and utilized safely and
efficiently to serve the needs and
capabilities of the people who use the
talking bin
- Ensure compatibility and congruence
between the people, equipment, tasks,
procedures and training to assure that
"total systems performance and
reliability" are achieved

4. Market Owners
- Reduce waste management

store and get promoted

- Encourage street users to


participate in JJ market activity

with the application
Promote the application through

5. Street Users

- Shopping and supporting the

Invest in making application and
talking bin
The market will appear to be
more well known and have a
better reputation. As well as, a
better social interaction and a
more sustainable market

- Interact with the talking bins and

green shop in the market


- Complete the challenges via app

that will lead to behaviour
changes that might be influenced
on other people as well

This system create high value care and

responsibility which can lead to
sustainable market.


- Participate, commit to be a green


- Convince vendors to join the


3. Vendors



JJ Market application and bin

JJ market application will provide useful information

such as maps, shop contacts, promotions, and shop
location. Moreover, we will give game and daily
challenges on the app to collect points and exchange
them to discount coupons as incentive for users that
will be use when they shop at JJ market

This part is only for the bin.

The environment of the bin will clean because all
users separate the trash. So that make the trash
do not overflowing

JJ Talking Bins are cute and unique mascot

bins. They will be placed around and makes
people enjoy walking in the long distance or in
hot weather like JJ market. They will roll around
chatting and hoping to convince street users and
vendors to put the right rubbish in the right
bin(their mouth) which helps to recycle properly.
4 Types characters of JJ Talking Bins , the first
one is JJ Organic Talking Bin. Next is JJ Recycle
Talking Bin and the third is JJ General Talking
Bin. Last is JJ Hazardous Talking Bin.

We allow street users download our application

by QR code and app store and play store by
promote from vendors and mascot bin .

For the application , it available in app store for

iOS and play store for android.
For the bin we place them around Chatuchak

Our all stakeholders

- Primary stakeholder such as street
users,vendors,market owner and state railway
of Thailand(SRT).
- Second stakeholder such as government and
Bangkok metropolitan administration. (BMA)

We provide application for free and when people

litter , they don't have to pay.

This part is only for application.

Sellers will be promoted by application , if they
commit to be greener shop and meet the goal.





By interviewing , observation and

online questionnaire.
75.4 % dont separate trash
before littering

To encourage recycling in
local markets in Thailand

The JJ talking bins use three principles,

which are trigger,motivation and ability to
call people actions in order to easier make
a decision for recycling. Moreover, the
design of trash bin is easily identifiable with
dedicated, colour coded aperture panel lids
and graphics, which helps prevent cross
contamination of waste
About JJ Market application, the app
provides many features and creates the
sense of community.




This solution to waste management
has potential to be replicated in other
local markets. However, further
research is required to get a better
understanding of people's behaviour.
Moreover, contextual research in
each market is required in order to
adapt the application to different


Taylor & Francis. 2016. Gamification for behavior change, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 18 October 2016]
William D Eggers. 2016. Gamifying Sustainability, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 18 October 2016]
Mike Hower. 2016. What would the Pokmon GO of sustainability look like?, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 19 October 2016]
Chris Burns. 2016. iRecycle app for iOS and Android Review, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 23 October 2016]
Waste Connections of Wichita. 2016. RECYCLING HAS NEVER BEEN SO REWARDING!, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 23 October 2016]
Michael Wu, Ph.D. 2016. Gamification 101: The Psychology of Motivation, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 27 October 2016]
Kamala Rewlutthum. 2016. Evaluation of Plastic Waste Management in Thailand Using Material Flow Analysis, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 28 October 2016]
Muttamara, Visvanathan and Alwis. 2016. SOLID WASTE RECYCLING AND REUSE IN BANGKOK, [online]. From:'s%20CV/Journals/93/94_Solid%20Waste%20Recycling%20and%20Reuse.pdf, [Retrieved 1 November 2016]
Lauren Drell. 2016. The Future of Trash, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 5 November 2016]
Yu-kai Chou. 2016. Top 10 Social Gamification, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 7 November 2016]
me. 2016. 45 , [online]. From:, [Retrieved 10 November 2016]
gizmoz. 2016. JJ App, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 13 November 2016]
Pang Poko. 2016. JJ App, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 13 November 2016]
Visit London. 2016. Paddington Bear Day Out For Families, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 15 November 2016]
Wikipedia. 2016. Push the Talking Trash Can, [online]. From:, [Retrieved 6 December 2016]

Note; other references are place at the bottom of each pages.








Whats Your Workplace Thinking Style?

Team no.3

- Praew P. : Connector, Producer, and

Coach Nuchwara B. : Energize ,
Praew D. : Producer and Expert ,

- Understanding of the goal challenges and actors.

- Create awareness of the globalization.

- Develop research and creative thinking on a global

Petchpitcha L. : Optimize, and Producer
Ramita P. : Planner and Explorer

First, choose your usual area of focus. Then match that to whether you tend to consider
the big-picture view or the details.

- Development and sustainable ecosystem.

- Follow-up to Man and Ecosystems subject.

- Appreciate the role technology.

24 / 09 / 2016

- Trust, motivative, and energetic

Shared ideas and give feedback

responsible for the own tasks daily



social or environmental.

Chayanee W. : Producer , Mayrisa P. :


Nuchwara B.

Praew P.

provide with an understanding of the role

of design, management and innovation in

project. So team members need to learn

and help team members realize their true

Ramita P.

debate on international development and

stand and fight together until the end of the

how to help each other


-Learn about main global challenge,

Expert, Tanit L. : Explorer and Producer.

- The things which we called as a team are

Ramita P.
Tanit L.

the development aid sectors.

- The new development agenda,

with particular reference to the
sustainable development.

- Goals initiative and the new urban

-Provide an opportunity to adopt and

- Everybody in our group actually

reinforce design thinking concept as well

needs to be successful.

as design and communication skills for

- Helpful and harmonious are the

social change.

things which toward our team to

agenda and critically examines the opportunities


be the best.

globalization, technology, and digitization open up


for the international development field.



Praew D.
Mayrisa P.

Petchpitcha L.

- Personal experience

- Design thinking concept.

- Language and Grammar

- Technology

- Presentation skill

- Easy going

- Some innovative design thinking




Praew P.
Praew D.
Petchpitcha L.
Chayanee W.
Tanit L



Praew P.



People in BKK are

not required to separate
their trashes into different

People dont participate in

Solving community problem
(Low public participation)

There is no incentive for

them to do it and don't
think it is important.

Separating trashes to be recycled

has become less attractive for

Low public awareness of

environment conservation




They feel separating trash takes

too much time, too much
and too difficult

Lack of motivation


Problem addressed
As, Separating trashes to be recycled has become less attractive for people. Thus, our group challenge is How
might we encourage recycling in local markets in Thailand?
Separating waste is the key to recycling. Recycling saves materials and energy, reduces the need to landfill and incinerate, cuts down pollution and
helps to make the environment more attractive. Thus, it is related to SDGs11 which is sustainable city.



Interview guide

-Do you know correct method

and benefit of separating trash?
-Do you have any ideas or
incentive to make people
separate trash ?
-Do you want the government to
take care more on separating
-Do you want people separate
trash before throwing it? Why?

-Do you separate trashes before throwing?

-What kind of waste is the most?
-Is the market facing overflowing trash problem?
-Have you ever injured from trash such as glass or chemicals from the waste?
-How many spots of bin in the market? and for each sport are there have a separate bin?
-After you collect the trash, where are they going?
-Do you think gamification can motivate people to separate trash? What type of
gamification? How?

-What are the causes of poor waste management in

Bangkok? How?
-What do you think why people don't separate trash?
-Do you think salaries and welfare that you receive are
-What do you think about waste separation in Thailand?
-Do you think it is important for people to be involved in
Segregation of trash?
-What kind of incentive that can change people behaviour
especially Thai people?

-How much do bangkokers waste daily?


Target group
Street Users

The selected group are street users

(Thai people and foreigners), vendors
and market owners. These group are
interested because they are good
example problem that could be founded
in other markets in Bangkok.
Generally, most of trash were created
by street users and vendors , street
users are dumper, while vendors are
producer. People (both street users and
vendors) in chatuchak market producing
300 tons per a day.

From the research, the proportion of thai people is

70% and 30% is foreigners. The influx of people to
the Chatuchak market are estimated to be 200,000
people each day and around 500,000 shoppers per
a week. When urged about the frequency of visiting
Chatuchak market, 58 percentage of people said
that they were at Chatuchak market for the first time,
and 24 percent said they visited Chatuchak market
at least 2-3 occasions. Team members observed
100 visitors at Chatuchak market in an hour : Team
members surveyed on two groups which are Thais
and foreigners: 67 people are Thai and 33 people
are foreigners.
Vendors and market owners
Nowadays Chatuchak market was not belonged to
BMA.The State Railway of Thailand took control of
the Chatuchak Weekend Market, ending 25 years of
management by the Bangkok Metropolitan
Authority.The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) owns
the land on which Chatuchak Market operates, but
the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority (BMA) signed a
lease 25 years ago to run the market and has since
built it up into the successful marker as it is today.
The lease ended on Jan 2nd. Thailand's cabinet
ruled on Dec 27th that the SRT, as rightful owner of
the land, could take back control of the market,
despite protests from the BMA. SRT have to take
care approximately 10,000 vendors





Mr.Nattavut Teekawong
[Cite your source here.]

Merchant, 38 years old

Mr.Nattavut is a merchant in
Jatujak Market. He recently
moved into BKK from Pattaya
for work. He opened up a
coffee shop and he really
care a lot about good coffee
culture and educating their
customers about coffee
process. He like to create the
new things on digital service.
Such as website and
facebook of his coffee shop.

Stimulate behavior modification the

disposal of garbage.

He is lazy.

He will get the reward in the card.

He do not have time.

Save his money.

He dont have motivate to do.

[Cite your source here.]

Age: 38 years old

Location: Pattaya,Chonburi
Profession: IT and
Education: Bachelors degree
Home life: Married
Hobbies: Surfing online to
look for new coffee flavor,
create online service system
Personality: Knowledgeable
in popular stuffs, talkative

-IT and Internet

-Social network
-Mobile application and
-Professional to make coffee

He wants his coffee shop

has more branches around
Thailand and well known as
the best coffee shop. He
want to be a billionaire
because he wants his wife
and son live well.

He was born in Pattaya

where Natural
environments. His
childhood live with the
sea and everything which
is natural. But since he
moved to work in BKK, his
life was change. He face
only Man-made

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