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Name of Student: ________________________________

Pilgrims and Thanksgiving Day Oral Post-Test

(Questions to be read by teacher)


Student Response


Who were the


Where did the

Pilgrims come from?

Why did the Pilgrims

come to America?

What kind of
clothing did the
pilgrim boys wear?
The girls?

What ship did the

Pilgrims come over

What happened on
the First

Who was at the First


What did the Native

Americans help the
Pilgrims do?

What are two types

of food that the
Native Americans
helped the Pilgrims
grow or catch?


What is the main

type of meat that
people eat in
America on
Thanksgiving Day?

Total Score:


Scoring Guide for Each Question

1 point if their response includes something about them being people who took a
journey to a new land.

1 point if they say England.

1 point if their response includes something about religion or church and freedom.

1 point if they describe general outfit of each gender and talk about multiple layers.

1 point if they say the Mayflower.

1 point if they talk about being thankful or celebrating their food and/or being safe and

1 point if they say the pilgrims and the Native Americans.

1 point if they say something about them helping them grow or gather food.

1 point if they say corn and fish.


1 point if they say Turkey, or another food that they eat specifically in their own

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