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The Largest Official Opposition Ever Formed

The New Democratic

Some things the NDP have done for Canada include: they
helped introduced universal medical care, public pension, and
expanded Canadas social security net.

Current Party
Leader: Tom Mulcair

Mulcair was selected leader of the NDP with

more than 50% of the votes.
Mulcair used to be a lawyer.
Mulcair used to be a member of the Liberal
Mulcair almost joined the Conservative Party.
Mulcair was the first New Democrat to win a
riding in Quebec during a federal election.

The NDP will carefully select new immigrants to Canada and will make Canada a
welcoming place for refugees and immigrants. Canada will take in 10000 displaced
citizens from across the world and another 9000 yearly.
Children and child care
The NDP will introduce affordable child care for all Canadians. There will be one
million daycare spaces and for only 15 dollars a day.

Issues (Part 2)

Justice/Human rights
-maintenance and expansion of human rights and civil rights,
including gender equality, equal rights for LGBTQA citizens,
rights for people with physical and mental disabilities, workers
rights, and aboriginals, treaty, land, and constitutional rights.
National Defense
We would replace the aging cf-18 jets and create an effective
shipbuilding strategy for Canada's military.

The End

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