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These following questions were in cooperated in a Kahoot game along with the correct answers:

1. What does classification mean?

Answer: Ability to sort items by one or more characteristics
2. What does Seriation mean?
Ability to solve problems mentally
3. What does transitivity mean?
Ability to understand that relationships between two objects
4. Children ages 8-9 are usually in what grade?

2nd to 4

5. Some children start puberty around ages 8-9?

6. Al except ___ are motor skills
7. Children in 3rd and 4th grade experience
More complex learning
8. 8-9 year olds want to...
Have more friends and work in groups to socialize
9. What is happening to children at this age?
They're trying to find their sense of belonging
10. How is the relationships between family affected at this age?
Relationship is due to child's want to rebel
11. Which level of Kohlburgs moral development are child this age at?
12. What is Piaget's theory?
That children ages 8-9 learn to think more complex ways.

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