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Alex Jones[1][2]

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Alexander Emerick Jones (born in 1974, replaced by an animatronic puppet

sometime after 2010) is a radio entertainer and comedian who specializes in
making up conspiracy theories to entertain his audience. [3]
Notoriously hard-to-place ideologically (though clearly located to the right on most
topics), Jones' views amount to some kind of high-powered mutant hybrid of
protestantism/neoreactionism/miscellaneous. Jones is one of the very few people
who can make Glenn Beck look comparatively sane; it gets worse from there.

Alex Jones, staring down

some NWO stooges.

Some dare call it

Alex got his start on Access TV in Austin, peddling basically the same horseshit,
except on a small-time scale. Y2K was what he really pounded the table over,
grunting about the end of money and shilling for his gun and survivalist's shop called


"The Hardware Store". They specialized in stuff like guns, ammo, MREs[4] and 8-stage
water filtration systems. He pimped the hell out of these on his show, promising us all
that the end was nigh. Then nothing happened.[5][6]
Most Texans assumed he was done. Then 9/11 swooped in and bailed the charlatan
out. Then in 2016 he became Donald Trump's ideologue of choice.[7] Dog help us all.

What THEY don't want

you to know!
David Ray Griffin

Contents [hide]
1 Influence

Fifth column

2 Conspiracy theories
2.1 New World Order

Fort Knox
Montauk project

2.2 Boston Marathon bombing

Walid Shoebat

2.3 Government-sponsored tornadoes

Sheeple wakers

2.4 Why isn't he dead?

2.5 Additional views

Bill Hicks

3 Political stance

Bobby Fischer

4 Media empire
4.1 DVDs

James Manning
Steven Anderson

4.2 Infowars

Wake Up 2 The Lies

4.3 PrisonPlanet

Zaid Hamid

5 Other dubious achievements


6 The Alex Avalanche

7 Guests
8 In popular culture
9 See also
10 External links
11 Notes
12 Footnotes


Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you


Donald Trump to Jones, during a 2015 Infowars-exclusive interview.[8]

Jones is apparently quite popular. In January 2016, his YouTube channel (which is a most exquisitely entertaining
way to kill time) had nearly 620 million views and over 1.2 million subscribers, [3][9] his daily four-hour show
aired on more than 60 AM and FM radio stations and drew 2 million listeners per week,[3][9][10] and his two main
Web sites, Infowars and PrisonPlanet, drew a collective 4 million unique users per month, more than Rush
Limbaugh.[10] Jones has had a cameo appearance in two Hollywood films[note 1] and numerous talk shows.[3][9]
In 2010, Jones took in revenues of about $1.5 million.[9]
Ironically, many of Jones' theories focus on about how celebrities and the powerful, wealthy elite are conspiring
against society.

Conspiracy theories


I'm like a chimpanzee, in a tree, jumping up and down, warning other chimpanzees when I see a
big cat coming through the woods... I'm the weirdo? Because I'm sitting in a tree going OOH OOH

Alex Jones, describing his attempts to wake the sheeple[11]

Jones can't fart without blaming it on a conspiracy of bean producers.[citation NOT needed]
His radio program is typified by frequent use of the Imperial March from Star Wars[note 2] while he rants about
the impending roundup and execution of Americans by the New World Order (NWO) in the next week or two. He
has been predicting this every day since at least 1995. We're still waiting. Any time a "major event" of any kind
happens in the media, the first words from Jones on his radio show are always, "This whole situation stinks!" and
he then immediately begins rounding up clues and evidence of the 'Massive Coverup' currently taking place in
the current situation whatever the situation is.
Jones loves to cite history to "awaken" the sheeple. Unfortunately for Jones, history is nothing but a series of
government-created lies and cannot be trusted.

New World Order


Devil worshiping pedophiles basically run the New World Order. [....] They love death and they
love killing babies.

Alex Jones[2]

They've got operations so big, grabbin your kids, they CPS 'em right out, Child Protection
Services, they're on a jet, to one of -- two dozen countries. And they are slaved out. And lotta
times when they hit 25 years old, they -- y'know, 10,000 men have had sex with 'em, they've had
30, 40 abortions,[note 3] they've been used up in ways that are so hellish you can't even imagine,
[slaps table] they just walk 'em right out, shoot 'em in the back of the head, and throw 'em in a
vat of acid. That's how they roll, just massive, MASSIVE murder operations.

Alex Jones[12]

Jones is the most visible (and literally LOUDEST) proponent of the grand Unified Conspiracy Theory wherein just
about every current event can be tied into the NWO's nefarious schemes.
The NWO is the framework which every new conspiracy-of-the-week can be fit into. According to Jones'
broadcasts and various "documentaries," the scaffolding around which the N.W.O. was built has its roots in
Biblical times and is in part the work of Satan, and branched further about over two hundred years ago when the
Rothschild banking family, the Illuminati, and the Freemasons came to power. Since then, things have
snowballed into a complete worldwide conspiracy of every government and corporate entity.
He also adheres to the notion that the NWO will be ruled by the Antichrist, who will eventually be defeated by
Jesus after the events of the Book of Revelation have taken place. It's to the point where a real conspiracy where
the NWO found him in a lunatic asylum and put him on the radio to make the mainstream not trust conspiracy
theories might not be out of the question.
All this, in spite of the little known fact that Alex Jones is simply a pawn created by the NWO to distract us from
the truth. [13]

Boston Marathon bombing


On April 15 2013, two assailants bombed the Boston Marathon. Three people died in the explosion, generated by
crudely made explosives, with over a hundred and seventy injured or mutilated. Of course almost immediately,
like a Pavlovian dog hearing the dinging bell, Alex Jones generated a conspiracy about it, claiming the suspects
were patsies and it was done by the government, even going so far to accuse a guy scratching his own ear of
being a FBI agent.
While it would seem to be the norm for the crackpot, new information seems to have shown a different shade to
this event. The elder assailant had become obsessive with conspiracies, and it seems that his delusions on the
subject played a part in the bombing. Worse yet, it seems he got a large portion of his crackpot information from
none-other-than, one of Alex's two websites. Considering few have tried to accuse him of such a
connection before, it seems a twisted irony that the conspiracy maniac had a hand in all of this madness.

Though it would be unfair to say he was the most influential part of this event, he was far from that, his influence
as a Crank Magnet may have played a part.
In addition, Jones insisted (along with equally credulous posters on 4Chan and Reddit) that missing Brown
University student Sunil Tripathi had something to do with the bombings;[14] this particular bit of false
information was made especially regrettable (if not outright disgusting) by the fact that Tripathi has since been
found dead.[15]

Government-sponsored tornadoes


His take on the massive tornado that leveled most of Moore, Oklahoma in May 2013 is typical; although he
seems to confirm that the The Evil Federal Gummint is capable of causing (and even steering) such a storm with
their "weather weapons," he stopped just short of saying that the Moore tornado was one of them.[16] At this
point, it's possibly worth asking whether he honestly believes this stuff and is just going Chuck Yeager on the
Poe's Law barrier - or whether this is some kind of weird performing art, like pro wrestling or Ann Coulter. Jones
may have wanted to set these tornado victims on the government, at the right moment they would be looking for
someone to blame, and even attacking people for following protocol for disasters, claiming the usual bits.
Then came the openly homosexual maiden of MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, who tore into the obvious accusation,[17]
and asked whether or not the Republicans that supported Jones would finally drop him like a rotten tomato for
his tornado conspiracies. In it she made a joke about wasps "hiving" underneath the UN, as a ridiculous example
to hit home how ridiculous Alex Jones conspiracies are.
Jones responded as his usual gentlemanly self by calling his video response Teaching Mr. Maddow, which he
promptly removed afterwards, likely in fear of it being taken down. Within he calls her a lying witch, basically
threatens her life if there is a revolution, and vilely laughing at her claims and pretending that she was begging
the conspiracy cranks to stop listening to him. He even failed to properly answer her criticism of the whole
supposed gun seizure and bullet famine by noting that the government has far too powerful weaponry to even
require such seizures, and likely would have taken over years ago.
The video also proved that Alex Jones is incapable of understanding whether or not when someone says there
are alien wasps underneath a building they are joking or not, as an episode after his disgustingly pathetic
attempt against Maddow he tried to insinuate she actually believed they had created such a conspiracy.

Why isn't he dead?


It seems reasonable to expect that conspirators with the power to control governments and enslave entire
nations would arrange convenient accidents for Jones and others who brazenly expose their schemes, yet the
whistle-blowers tend to remain unmolested and free to continue hawking their wares. This could cause one to
speculate that Jones is himself running a false flag operation in support of the Jewish lizard bankers!
Many Alex Jones fans sheeple have argued that if the government were to kill Alex Jones, then they would make
him a martyr and 'expose' themselves. A potentially logical thought, as a martyr can be very influential. Alex
Jones claims that he is Jesus Christ, and so that is why he is alive, meaning he operates without fear of death
anyway? Though considering how supposedly powerful and child-eating the conspiracy he sells is, it seems
unlikely they would not end him and make it look like an accident. Unfortunately this means that, ultimately,
whether Alex Jones falls down the stairs, eats bad sushi, gets in a car wreck, or dies of fluoride poisoning, his
death will be turned into a conspiracy theory.
Alternatively, assuming the NWO does exist, the only other plausible reason why Alex Jones is still alive, is that
he is actually on their payroll, because nothing discredits a conspiracy theory more profoundly than its promotion
by a paranoid pantopragmatic. In which case everyone concerned about the NWO should immediately start
ignoring Alex Jones.

Additional views


9/11 was an inside job[18] (oh, and so were the London bombings[19] )
The Bilderberg Group is controlling governments around the world[20]
A New World Order is set to kill 20%, 40%, 80%, 99.99999999% of the world's population.[21]
Various secret societies, including Skull and Bones,[22] Freemasons[23] and others are behind contemporary
politics, governance, society and economics
The devastating tsunami in south-east Asia on December 26, 2004, was manmade.[24]
Hurricane Katrina was an opportunity to test out the FEMA concentration camps[25]
The government is using chemicals to create gay people. It's putting "estrogen mimickers" in juice boxes and
water bottles. This makes the men want to wear women's clothes and make-up and no one will have children,
all ultimately designed to depopulate the world. [26]
Hunter S. Thompson,[27] Gary Webb,[28] Princess Diana[29] , Antonin Scalia (maybe)[30] and Prince
(maybe)[31] were all murdered to cover up what they knew about the New World Order, or whatever.
Nerds are out to get everyone: "I tell ya folks, nerds are one of the most dangerous groups in this
country, because they're gonna end up running things, but they still hate everybody, because they weren't
the jocks in high school, so they play little dirty games on everybody. [begins pointing to head] They use their
brains to hurt people. And I'm aware of them. Ok, I'mma -- I SEE YOU, YOU LITTLE RATS!"[32]
Fluoride: The standard fluoride woo. (See image.)
Are occultists: "Every time I've studied the groups that fund and run the atheist [sic], they're not atheist,

Are occultists: "Every time I've studied the groups that fund and run the atheist [sic], they're not atheist,
they're occultist. Aand I guess if they can't get people to be occultist, they
will just get them to be atheist and then atheists almost always become
supporters of eugenics and abortion and humans are just blobs and
humans don't have any great destiny and humans are a parasite [sic], and
you just can't ignore the fruits of these people." [33]
Worship Satan: "This, this is their religion! Y'see, you see, at the highest
level, the atheists aren't really atheists at the higher levels, they write
books, these people worship Lucifer!"[33] "The establishment is always
saying you shouldn't have a religion and god isn't real, but then you find
out the elites who're saying they're atheists, 9 times out of 10 in my
research, they turn out to be a occultist, who are Luciferian or Satanist."[33]
Love death: "And they do! They love death! And I'm just in love with life.
And I -- I'm sorry for those who've never experienced it, y'know, when they
laugh at us, all these unhappy atheists and psychologists and psychiatrists
that are all out there, talking about how horrible their lives are and their



incredible rates of suicide."[33]

The world is ruled by Satanists, and Satan is real: "But, uh, atheists and people say, oh, I don't believe
in the devil, well it doesn't matter if you believe in the devil or not, there are people who rule the planet who
believe in the devil. [....] Satan is real. Period. PERIOD. END OF STORY."[33]
"Control freaks": "[waving arms, talking in high-pitched "stupid" voice] Nellies[note 4] going "ehh ehh, kill
everybody, I'm a nellie" -- AHHHH RGGGHHH [sits still; face disgusted] -- just simpering control freaks in big
nerd packs,[note 5] taking everything over, ruling everything, becoming police officers with weapons and
tasering people for fun! I've had it with control freaks, and SCUM!!! [bangs table] You people are CANCER!
NNNGRGGHHNGYA! [bangs table, grumbles, then smiles] All right, I'm not in a good mood now, just -- I just
start thinking about Bill Gates doing that little chicken neck hopping around, little murdering eugenicist. You
know how he walks, like [waving arms again] "ehh heh heeeh heh heeeh", like a demonic elf, "I'm Bill Gates",
heeeh heh heeeh heh heh. [sits still] I'm gonna shoot you up with something that's gonna kill you deader
than a hammer! [stares intensely at screen] HOW'S THAT 30 YEAR DEATH FROM GUT DISEASE SOUND,
THE WILL TO SEE WHO I AM [sic]?"[34]
Justin Bieber: "They tell your kids that you gotta love Justin Biebler [sic], and then Biebler [sic] says hand in
your guns, pass the cybsersecurity act, and, uh, y'know, uh, the police state is good, and, and then your
children are turned into mindless vassals, and they look up to some twit instead of looking up to Thomas
Jefferson, or looking up to Nicola Tesla, or looking up to, uh, to Magellan. [waving arms] I MEAN, KIDS,
ENTIRE SHIP WAS ROTTING DOWN TO THE WATER LINE. That's destiny, that's will, that's being a trailblazer
and explore [sic]. Going into space, mathematics, quantum mechanics, the secrets of the universe -- it's all
there! Life is fiery in its beauty, its incredible detail! [unclear] THEY WANNA SHUTTER YOUR MIND, TALKING
ABOUT JUSTIN BIEEEBERRR! It's PURE EVIL! IT'S TYRANNY, PEOPLE! They're taking your intellect, your soul,
and they're giving you Michael Jordan and BIEBER!"[34]
Obama: "Bezelbub, Baphomet, Leviathan, the devil. He is the devil. Barack Obama is the devil."[35]
Oddly enough for a conspiracy-minded Christian fundamentalist, Jones is apparently a huge fan of heavy
metal music. Go figure that one.[9]
Like David Icke, Alex Jones prefers to wear hats made out of aluminum foil on a regular basis. He does this, it
is alleged, to keep (insert evil global conspiracy) from being able to read his mind. No,
seriously.[36][citation NOT needed]
Apparently Powerball and Obamacare and gun control are all related, because
gambling and political discourse are both addictive dopamine-heavy activies.
"Paul Watson and I are gay lovers. We are gay, reptoid space alien lovers."[38]
convincing evidence that Jones is in fact the new identity of allegedly
deceased comic visionary Bill Hicks,[wp][39][40] but you won't hear it in the
lamestream media.

Wake up, sheeple!

After initially arguing that the 2016 Orlando massacre was a false-flag terror attack, Jones then switched the
blame to America's LGBT community, for allegedly supporting the migration of extremist Muslims into the
country[41] .

Political stance


Because many of the conspiracy theories he espouses are similar to those passed around on the radical right, he
is often lumped in with the conservative talk radio milieu by some mainstream sources. This is something of a
mischaracterization. Jones has no discernible political stance aside from all-consuming paranoid rage. He claims
that the Illuminati controls the world. He claims that "the elite" conspirators who he says control the world
"believe they're contacting inter-dimensional aliens" through use of the drug DMT, and "believe that they are

being directed by them." Jones says that the entities that the world-ruling conspirators worship are called
"clockwork elves" and that their ultimate goal is to be granted "eternal life" after they "kill everybody".[42]
Jones identifies himself as libertarian, and occasionally he says something in line with mainline libertarian
principles. In practice, however, his brand usually leans towards paleolibertarianism, especially in his appeals to
the traditional values that he feels to be under attack by the "globalists". He has far more in common,
ideologically and stylistically, with the John Birch Society, the Constitution Party, and the sovereign citizen
movement than with Fox News, railing against the neoconservatism and neoliberalism of the Reagan and Bush
administrations (Junior and Senior alike) just as much as the "commie-fascism" of Bill Clinton and Obama, and
proclaiming the entire political mainstream to be in service to the NWO. According to Jones, both Hillary Clinton
and Obama are actual demons, smelling of sulfur.[43] Obama responded with an endorsement of the
RationalWiki mission statement, stating: "We live in a country where flaming nutjobs have massive audiences.
We need to laugh at them more."[44] To no one's surprise, Jones is also a fundamentalist Christian[45] , but rarely
preaches on his radio show.
Jones also has some (though certainly not a huge) amount of following on the far left. This was especially true
during the Bush Jr. administration, where he interviewed figures like Noam Chomsky and Dennis Kucinich in
addition to the usual who's who of far-right ideologues. This following is likely because, in addition to Federal
Reserve, global warming, gay agenda,[46] , end times prophecy, and United Nations conspiracies, he also covers
a number of conspiracy theories more stereotypically associated with left-wingers (remember, everything's a
conspiracy), such as 9/11 trutherism, Big Pharma, vaccine denialism, and Monsanto/genetically modified food
conspiracies (useless eaters!), all things that put him at odds with the likes of Bush supporters like Sean Hannity.
Because of his belief that these corporations are part of the NWO as well, he promotes all sorts of alternative
medicine and nature woo.[47] As an article in The New Republic put it, Jones "occup[ies] the shadowy territory
where the far right curves around and meets the far left."[48] It may be that he appeals more to persons who
possess crank magnetism than to persons of a particular political ideology.

Media empire

I ain't no ho! I ain't no ho! I ain't no ho! I ain't no ho, I ain't no

bitch! [2][49]



Jones is also a prolific filmmaker of direct-to-DVD films on various conspiracy topics, all done in much the same
style as his radio program and all are available on Youtube or Google Video. Most of these films involve copious
amounts of pseudohistory and go deeper "down the rabbit hole" of the machinations of the NWO, because he
knows the truth. As well as his own productions Jones has appeared as an interviewee in the The Fall of America
and the Western World.



If a website is touting the benefits of a certain supplement that

they also happen to be conveniently selling, guess what, idiot?
The article was written to sell you a product. You're reading an
ad. Speaking of ads, InfoWars is one of the worst offenders. They
pretend to be the arbiters of some supposed truth, while Alex
Jones bloviates every week about some supposed government
takeover that he keeps promising will happen year after year.
They're coming for your: guns, property, liberty. They're always
coming, but never here.

Maddox, Your alternate news site sucks[50]

Infowars is Alex Jones' Internet home; even the advertisements link to more

There's a war on for your

money... I mean your mind.

conspiracy theories.[51]
The site is quite popular, with an Alexa ranking of around 3000.[52]
Much like NaturalNews, citing Infowars in an argument usually means you are completely wrong, or you may be
so off your view is literally beyond wrong. Yet, everyone on YouTube does it.[53]
The site appears to push anti-science and apocalyptic views. For example, the site claimed that the number of
volcanoes erupting was massively over average, that the planet was becoming less "stable", and that much of
the world had entered into a time of immense earthquakes -- and scientists don't know why.[54][55] (All this,
despite the fact that no such increase occurred.[56] )
Recently they seem to be trying to push their way into the manosphere and the Stormfront crowd with
contributor Paul Joseph Watson constantly posting anti-woman ravings[57] and race-baiting articles[58][59][60][61]
(including typical asshittery about white genocide[62][63][64][65][66][67][68] ). Gold Buggery is also incredibly
common, as to be expected.[69] In other economic concerns, they follow the policy of "predict a collapse every
day and it'll happen eventually"[70] so much so that their economic news section is not called the typical
"money" section but is instead permanently titled "Economic Crisis".
One Infowars contributor argued that the mandatory viewing in public schools of the acclaimed historical biopic

about slavery, 12 Years a Slave, was a tactic to "control children in government internment camps also known
as public schools" and to promote "self-destructive tribalism"[71] .
The only time something with any relative truth appears on Infowars is when they post articles from the
mainstream media[72] that is supposedly in on the whole conspiracy Alex pushes, so much that any episode of
Infowars is not complete without a take-down of the "lamestream media".
The Infowars Shop[73] sells his DVDs for just $20 each! And if you want your friends to know just how much more
aware you are than them, you can buy T-shirts, bumper stickers, and other knick-knacks.



PrisonPlanet is a "news" website operated by Alex Jones. The site takes an almost
overwhelmingly negative stance towards all recent presidents and regards
government and corporations with a suspicious and twitching eye. While the
latter is not necessarily a bad thing in itself, PrisonPlanet goes beyond healthy
skepticism to a mind-boggling extreme you'll soon find that PrisonPlanet takes
everything to mind-boggling extremes. The bulk of the site is made up of
conspiracy related stories and advertisements hawking the kinds of products valued

PrisonPlanet consists of the

purest, locally-grown, truthfree bullshit.

by keen conspiracy

Alex Jones relies on the paranoia of a dystopian future, and promotes it through PrisonPlanet's blog, his radio
show and his online store. The blog features articles that instil fear of vaccination,[74] promote conspiracy
theories (see list below) and support alternative medicine,[75][76] because the big bad drug companies want
your money and to keep you addicted. Unlike before, the site proper does not push white genocide conspiracy
theories (sans once[77] ), but the forums are rife with it.[78] Very little of this is actually based in reality, and in
most cases, small statements of truth are projected into full-blown paranoia.
Alex Jones can't just give you his theories. He needs lots of money to impart his nuggets of wisdom to you. There
are two ways to acquire his poorly-researched, unrealistic and paranoid delusions: burned DVDs or streamed
online. He also sells books which, in a normal bookstore would be catalogued under fiction.
The second option requires a subscription to

for $5.95 per month, or $54.95 per year. What a

The website had an Alexa ranking in the 5,000s,[79] meaning it was a reasonably popular site. (Now, it's tanked
to about 30,000).
Advertising tends to be targeted, in the sense that adverts attract more responses if they're relevant to the
people reading them. For example, water purification systems and handguns are not typically advertised on
websites aimed at young girls, but the same adverts would be far more successful if aimed at paranoid
survivalists huddling in caves waiting for FEMA to come and steal their precious bodily fluids.
On Thursday August 26, 2010, the following adverts appeared on the front page of Prison Planet:
The Understanding and Surviving Martial Law manual
According to the above site, a former political insider has discovered that "globalists" have a "vicious new
plan to institute martial law". Worry not though! For just $49.95 (plus $9.95 shipping), you can prepare for
the inevitable institution of martial law in the U.S. by purchasing their manual. Wait, that's not all! Buy now
and receive a free copy of CAMP FEMA - American Lockdown.
Don't Tread on Me
A series of videos in which viewers can learn about the FEMA plans to turn the U.S. into a police state,
Obama's various and nefarious plans, 9/11 conspiracies, survivalism tips (water purification and use of
short wave radio equipment), and of course the inevitable coverage of secret societies and their role in the
new world order.
The Fall of America DVD set
The Fall of America and the Western World is a general guide to surviving the inevitable Armageddon that
will ensue as a mixture of financial destruction and government tyranny brings freedom to an end. It must
be true, since it has David Icke in it.
The most lethal self defense system in the world
Can you say "McDojo"? This style of martial arts is so dangerous that they require a disclaimer to protect
them should any of their students use their skills for illegal purposes. Although most self-defense systems
focus on defense and incapacitation of attackers, this system seems to advocate the killing of every single
attacker a practitioner should encounter. The following quote from the website leaves little room for doubt
(our emphasis):
"Get Lethal with the Self Defense Training System and let every attacker know HE made a fatal
mistake when he stupidly picked you. We call it Attackers Remorse and its the last thing he feels
before you obliterate him from existence. "
The last part is probably hyperbole, unless they are teaching people to use balefire .
Millionaire Patriot Wants YOU Armed and Trained!
A millionaire wants to give away free guns, training, and concealed weapons permits to Prison Planet
readers so they can be ready to protect America from enemies, both foreign and domestic. Well, Michael
Savage supports the scheme so what could possibly go wrong?[80]
The Survival Zone

The items on sale include the "Cold Steel" Recon Tanto Knife, pepper spray, camouflage gear, gas masks,
stun guns, military "ready to eat" meals, and everything else a survivalist could need, with the exception of
psychiatric care.
Heart And Body Extract
Not quite what it sounds like at first. A blend of herbs that'll provide a strong healthy heart, balanced
cholesterol levels, improved hearing and vision, healthy erectile function in men, restful sleep, warm
hands and feet, and many more things. It's a fairly standard mixture of easily found items, but their FAQ
warns that "The proportion, balance and quality of herbs is crucial", so you'd better buy their version
instead of just picking up the constituent ingredients yourself. Curiously, they have a page named "clinical
studies" , yet there are no studies listed. All they have is a collection of pictures of doctors of
naturopathy. Note to the manufacturers: taking photos of "doctors" is not a clinical study.
SilverLungs generator .
A company offering devices for the manufacture of colloidal silver and a system for delivering it through
inhalation. You too can join the Blue Man Group!
True Health Facts
How is it that many illnesses in animals have been cured while similar ailments in humans have not? Well,
it's either a conspiracy to shorten human lives, or perhaps farm animals are the true masterminds behind
the new world order. They're not entirely clear on this matter, but it is explained in the DVD set they're
selling. There's also a good dose of vaccine hysteria including a conspiracy by veterinarians using
vaccines to make pets sick to generate more revenue for themselves along with the alkaline diet and
pretty much every other health fad that's popular in the community that won't believe trained
professionals but will happily buy products from some random guy on the Internet who calls himself
"doctor" and takes the time to make a visually appalling website. (As usual, the juxtaposition of "true" and
"facts" is a sign that neither word applies.)
Midas Resources
Of course all good survivalists want to ensure they are well invested come the inevitable collapse of paper
money and civilization as a whole. Paper money will be of little use when we're all hiding in caves,
engaged in guerrilla war against the government, NATO and UN invasion forces. Gold on the other hand
will be very useful because well, it's not really clear how it's useful or even practical to carry heavy gold
coins while running from FEMA death squads and their robotic hounds. (Midas Resources is the parent
company of Genesis Communications Network, an independent radio network whose shows include the
Alex Jones Show and other bullshit.[81] )
Pure Water Freedom
Fluoridated water is an elaborate government plot to control your mind. Not only does it help prevent tooth
decay, it messes with the rest of your head too. Why buy a really inexpensive water filtration device to add
to your mains, when Pure Water Freedom will sell you one for over $3,000?[82] Heck, they can sell you the
replacement filters too!

Other dubious achievements


Jones is a recipient of a 2013 Pigasus Award from the James Randi Educational Foundation for his
"accomplishments" in promoting political conspiracy theories and quack medical treatments.[83]
He also attempted to initiate a public pissing contest argument with fellow loudmouth media figure Bill O'Reilly
over a graphic on The O'Reilly Factor that put the words "Hate Speech" next to a photo of Jones. Jones' apparent
solution is to stage a pay-for-view boxing match between himself and O'Reilly, which - if it happens - might be
the only time that both contestants end up forfeiting because of cardiac issues before the match even begins. [84]
On 9 June 2013, Jones was interviewed by the normally calm, cool, and collected BBC News correspondant
Andrew Neil, over Jones' appearance at the Bilderberg conference protests. Jones took the opportunity to shout
and scream numerous conspiracy theory bulletpoints, and repeatedly mentioned the URL of his website. Near
the end of the interview, Neil sternly said, "You are the worst person I have ever interviewed." Afterwards, Jones
shouted, "INFOWARSDOTCOM! Liberty is rising! Liberty is rising! Freedom will not stop! You will not stop
freedom! You will not stop the republic! Humanity is awakening!" During Jones' rant, Neil turned to the camera
and deadpanned, "We have an idiot on the program today!" [85] [86]
Jones also appeared on Piers Morgan's program to rant, rave, and carry on on the topic of gun violence, drawing
allusions to Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, because they thought a mass removal of guns would happen in America. He
also plugged his petition to deport Piers because of his issues with the 2nd Amendment. He called him "a
hatchet man of the New World Order." He was unable to answer a simple question about gun related deaths in
the US vs. the UK. As a form of admission to defeat in the ensuing "debate," Jones ended the interview by
mocking Piers' distinctive Anglican speech patterns by speaking in a cheesy, phoney-baloney British accent.[87]
Jones was also responsible for the creation of a truly awful SF meme on his show by insisting that the dual USRussian plan to place Syria's chemical weapons under international control was in fact part of a cunning plan to
kill off the human race and replace it with cyborgs.[88]
In December 2013, Alex Jones announced that he would be boycotting the NFL because of the NFL's decision to
ban a commercial submitted by a rifle manufacturer at the 2014 SuperBowl.[89]
Infowars has a German website, which translates some English articles into German and has an article archive
tracing back until 2006. [90] Its most read article is "Das Geheimnis der Zitrone" ("The secret of the lemon").

The Alex Avalanche


The Alex Avalanche is a particular debating style common to Jones. In fact, it's the only thing he ever employs.
It is similar to the Gish Gallop, wherein the interviewee completely dominates the discussion, not allowing the
interviewer or any other panel members an opportunity to interject and add their own thoughts or opinions. The
Alex Avalanche is basically the Gish Gallop on meth. The Alex Avalanche is frequently accompanied by wild
gesticulations, loud grunting, flop sweat and pounding the table with his fists.
The phrase was coined following Jones' antics during his appearance on the BBC's Sunday Politics show, where
he ranted non-stop about the Bilderberg Group and how they were behind the implementation of the Euro, which
was somehow originally a Nazi plot.[91] Afterwards, the show's host, Andrew Neil, described Jones as "the worst
person that he had ever interviewed."[92] Meanwhile, on Alex Jones' Facebook page, his supporters complained
about his poor treatment on the show and that he wasn't given time to "explain himself" - apparently blind to the
fact that the man was given ample time because he didn't shut up for five whole minutes.[93] The tirade was a
simple repeat of his performance against Piers Morgan on the subject of gun control.[94]



Surprisingly, Jones has managed to get a number of high-profile guests on his show (and, not so surprisingly, a
lot of high-profile nutters), including:
Mike Adams the Health Ranger.[95]
Buzz Aldrin, second human to walk on the Moon.[96]
Russell Brand, actor and "comedian".[97]
Vincent Bugliosi, prosecutor of Charles Manson and critic of JFK assassination conspiracies.
Pat Buchanan[98]
Noam Chomsky[99][100]
Piers Corbyn [101]
Mark Dice, Conservative Christian conspiracy theorist and activist, has been a frequent guest on the show
over the past eight years.
Lou Dobbs, former CNN and current Faux anchor.[102]
Dinesh D'Souza[103]
Lyndon LaRouche [104]
Joseph Farah[105]
Nigel Farage, UKIP MEP[106]
Yukihisa Fujita[107]
Dick Gregory[wp], comedian, civil rights activist, raw foodist, and chemtrail believer[108]
David Ray Griffin [109]
David Icke[110]
Gary Johnson,[111] former governor of New Mexico and the 2012 and 2016 presidential candidate of the
Libertarian Party.
Adam Kokesh[112]
Dennis Kucinich[113]
Michael Marcavage of Repent America.[114]
Mike Judge, creator of popular television shows King of the Hill and Beavis and Butt-head.[115]
Donald Trump (whom he is currently endorsing in the 2016 Presidential Election)[116]
Stefan Molyneux[117]
Christopher Monckton[118]
Ralph Nader[119]
Gay marriage does not sleep because of Chuck Norris.[120]
Ron Paul (whom he endorsed in the 2008 2012 Presidential Election).[121]
Rand Paul (whom he endorsed in the 2016 Presidential Election)[122]
Lew Rockwell[123]
Luke Rudkowski [124]
Immortal Technique[125] , rap musician who preaches roughly the same theories Jones does, only from a leftwing perspective.
Gad Saad, evolutionary behavioural psychologist[126]
I'm on a drug called Charlie Sheen.[127]
Doug Stanhope,[128] [129][130][131][132] a stand-up comedian and Libertarian atheist. He also happens to be,
sad but true, a friend of Alex Jones and they are truly a perfect odd couple.
John Trudell,[133][134] a Native American activist, poet, occasional actor and musician. In a nutshell he's the
bizarro version of Alex Jones in regards to sanity, truthfulness, common sense, grasp on reality and body

Jesse Ventura[135]
Alan Watt [136]
Dave Mustaine [137] The vocalist and one of two guitarists of the band Megadeth.
Richard Stallman.[138]
Vani Hari, the FoodBabe.[139]
Mimi Al Laham, otherwise known as SyrianGirlPartisan [140]
Jonathan Davis, the vocalist of american Nu metal band KoRn.

In popular culture


Jones briefly appears in friend Richard Linklater [wp]'s film adaptation of Philip K. Dick's A Scanner Darkly, as
himself a raving street preacher. While Linklater considers the fellow Texan a friend, he has disavowed
believing in Jones' innumerable conspiracy theories.[141]
The pilot episode of the 2016 revival of The X-Files features an eerily familiar Alex-Jones-a-like attempting to
blow the whistle on a government/alien conspiracy in conjunction with Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.[142][143]

See also


Art Bell

Si vous voulez cet article en

Lyndon LaRouche (If Jones had a crazy uncle, it would be this guy.)

franais, il peut tre trouv

The Obama Deception

Alex Jones (franais).

Jeff Rense (A rival conspiracy to Jones, with each thinking the other
is a double-agent of the Illuminati. Or something.)
Michael Savage

External links


, one of his most popular films

Waking Life rant

Alex Jones, DMT, and the clockwork elves
Alex Jones quote generator
A Strange Man is Following You , New York Magazine
Alex Jones profile on Right Wing Watch
Who is Alex Jones? by Devin Burghart
Southern Poverty Law Center profile on Alex Jones
Alex Jones v. Piers Morgan

(One of the rare times you'll feel pity for the latter.)

Alex Jones at the BBC One Sunday Politics

"You are the worst person I ever interviewed" Andrew Neil

"Five Stupid Things About Alex Jones" , a video by Steve Shives

Conspiracists Accuse Alex Jones of Being a Zionist Shill After Infowars Takes Down David Duke Debate
The Alex Jones Deception , a documentary on Alex Jones by Troy P Sexton
Alex Jones And Roger Stone Interrupt The Young Turks Republican National Convention Coverage
Cenk Uygur Explains What Happened With Alex Jones And Roger Stone At Republican National Convention
Trump Ally Alex Jones Is The Gateway Drug To White Supremacy In The United States, SPLCs Heidi Beirich
Tells NPR
Smokey Bear, the UN, and Hitler: How Alex Jones won an audience for his idiosyncratic blend of conspiracy
theory and libertarianism.
Alex Joness Bigoted Buffoonery Goes Viral in the Time of Trump



1. Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly

2. The famous one John Williams introduced for Darth Vader in the Empire Strikes Back soundtrack; not the earlier
Imperial March from the first Star Wars movie that hardly anyone remembers any more.
3. If somebody had an abortion every year every 9 months, it would take 22.5 years for them to have 30 abortions
and 30 years to have 40 abortions.
4. We presume "nervous nellies".
5. Alex Jones is the first sociologist to conclusively study the pack behavior of nerds.



1. YouTube: Aaron Dykes on Alex Jones TV: Aaron Talks About Bill # "666"
2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Lulzy Moments From Alex Jones

3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3


Who is Alex Jones?

4. Meal Ready to Eat: Prepackaged, nonperishable meals

5. Mason L. Bilderberg, "Party Like Its A Nuclear War!"

, Illuminutti.

6. Matt Novak, "Remember that time Alex Jones tried to start a Y2K riot?" , Gizmodo. ( "But like all good showmen,
you have to understand his early work to truly appreciate him as an artist.")
7. "Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Says President-Elect Trump Called To Thank His Audience"
8. Trump praises 9/11 truther's 'amazing' reputation
9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Who Is Alex Jones, Anyway? Five Fun Factoids - Forbes

10. 10.0 10.1 Alex Jones Is About To Explode

11. A Few Words on Alex Jones, Insane Clown of the Apocalypse Posse
12. Alex Jones Lulz 6
13. The Alex Jones Machine
14. Jones Still Reporting the Wrong Suspect,

Dispatches from the Culture Wars

15. Body of Missing Student at Brown Is Discovered,

New York Times

16. Alex Jones Explains How Government "Weather Weapon" Could Have Been Behind Oklahoma Tornado,


17. Transcript & video

18. 9/11 archive
19. London bombings archive
20. Bilderberg archive
21. New World Order archive
22. Skull and Bones archive
23. Freemasonry archive
24. The Tsunami: More Than a Natural Disaster?
25. Katrina archives
26. New Levels of Absurdity: Alex Jones Says The Government is Turning Us Gay with Chemical Warfare
27. The Murder Of Hunter S. Thompson
28. The Murder Of Gary Webb
29. [1]
30. Alex Jones: Did The NWO Murder Scalia? (Alex Jones)

31. Prince Revealed NWO Secrets To The Public

32. You bet we are. (Alex Jones)

33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 Alex Jones Says Atheists Worship Satan
36. InfoWars Anchor Wears Tin Foil Hat!
37. $1.3 Billion Powerball Winner Announced
39. Video offers irrefutable proof that Bill Hicks is Alex Jones
40. Alex Jones is Bill Hicks!?
41. Alex Jones Blames LGBT Community For Anti-Gay Orlando Attack
42. Alex Jones Radio Show: Globalist Elite Guidance by Machine Elves Contacted Through DMT
43. Alex Jones: Hillary Clinton Is a Literal Demon Who Smells Like Sulfur (People Around Her Said So)
44. Thats exactly what a demon would say
45. Examples of Fundie Alex Jones
46. Homosexuality is part of the depopulation agenda, don't you know?
47. Consider his complete agreement with Mike Adams on the Angelina Jolie breast cancer gene "hoax"
48. Goldberg, Michelle. "Truther Consequences."

, for

The New Republic, 7 October 2009.

49. YouTube: Alex Jones Tv 1/2:The Pimp Game!

51. Witness the horror
52. Alexa Site Info ,
53. 10 Things the Elite Are Planning for You in the Next 4 Years (2013-2016)
54. 40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire
55. 40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire
56. Debunked: Significant Increase in Volcano Eruptions
57. Neomasculinity: The Male Backlash Against Toxic Women
58. Oath Keepers: Prepare for Economic Collapse
59. New MTV Show Publicly Shames White People For What Theyve Done in America
60. The Truth About the Michael Brown Shooting: Who are the real racists?
61. Black Crime Facts That The White Liberal Media Darent Talk About
69. Feds lose audits for Fort Knox Gold
70. America is Running Out of Time!
71. 12 Years a Slave to Become Mandatory Viewing in Government Schools
72. Dozens Dead After Terror Attack in Turkish Border City
73. Fine, go ahead and click here. Feel your brain deflate.
74. Vaccines: The Deadly "Cure"
75. Dumbing Down Society: How to Reverse its Effects
76. How to Detox Fluorides From Your Body
79. Site Info
80. See Timothy McVeigh.

81. Genesis Communications Network

on SourceWatch

82. 6 Stage Water Filter

83. JREF's Pigasus Awards Honors Dubious Peddlers of Woo,
JREF web site
84. Alex Jones Fires Back At Coward, Punk, Rat Bastard OReilly: You Think Youre So Tough?!


85. Andrew Neil calls Alex Jones an idiot in Sunday Politics clash
86. BBC host to Alex Jones: You are the worst person I have ever interviewed
87. Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan On Gun Control - CNN 1/7/2013
88. Alex Jones Links Syrian Weapons Proposal To Human Extinction Plot,
89. Alex Jones boycotts the NFL

Media Matters

90. Infowars-Deutschland
91. My brain hurts.
92. "Shock jock" disrupts politics show
93. Alex Jones - "Paul Joseph Watson just confronted Bilderberg member Ed Balls at the BBC. Video coming soon."
94. Alex Jones Piers Morgan Part 1. 1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away
95. Adams interview
96. Aldrin interview
97. Brand interview
98. Buchanan interview
99. Chomsky interview - Part 1
100. Chomsky interview - Part 2
101. Corbyn interview
102. Dobbs interview
103. D'Souza interview
104. Nuclear Armageddon if WWIII Starts: Lyndon LaRouche Reports
105. Farah: 'Spy drone' buzzed my home
106. Farage interview
107. Fujita interview
108. Dick Gregory Real Black History Secrets - ALEX JONES, INFOWARS
109. Griffin interview
110. Icke interview Alex Jones interviewing David Icke. Hold me, I'm scared.
111. Gary Johnson Interview
112. Kokesh interview
113. Kucinich interview
114. Marcavage interview
115. Mike Judge Interview
116. The Donald interview
117. Molyenux interview
118. Monckton interview
119. Nader interview
120. Norris interview
121. Ron Paul interview
122. Rand Paul interview
123. Rockwell interview
124. Rudkowski interview
125. Immortal Technique Interview
126. Saad interview
127. Sheen interview
128. Doug Stanhope Interview - Part 1
129. Doug Stanhope Interview - Part 2
130. Doug Stanhope Interview - Part 3
131. Doug Stanhope Interview - Part 4
132. Doug Stanhope Interview - Part 5
133. Part 1 of John Trudell Interview
134. Part 2 of John Trudell Interview
135. Ventura interview
136. Watt interview
137. Dave Mustaine Unchained: Infowars Exclusive
138. Stallman interview

Chris Hedges, who is the opposite of Alex Jones on the truth scale, also is a guest on this

139. Vani Hari interview

140. SyrianGirlPartisan interview
141. Linklaters conspiracy
142. My Struggle (The X-Files)
143. Fox's X-Files revival has controversial new theories

Alternative medicine
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