Rajutan Ice Cream and Multi

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Ice Cream and Multi-Flavored Ice Cream http://crochetcakesachets.weebly.com/cakes.

Ice Cream
Do not join rounds.
Form an adjustable ring.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, 6 sc in ring - 6 sc.
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around - 12 sc.
Rnd 3: [Sc in next st, 2 sc in next] 6 times - 18 sc
Rnd 4: [Sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next] 6 times - 24 sc.
Rnd 5: [Sc in next 3 sts, 2 sc in next] 6 times - 30 sc.
Rnd 6: [Sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next] 6 times - 36 sc.
Rnd 7: [Sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next] 6 times - 42 sc.
Rnds 8-14: Sc around - 42 sc.
Rnd 15: [Sc in next 5 sts, sc dec] 6 times - 36 sc.
Rnd 16: [Sc in next 4 sts, sc dec] 6 times- 30 sc. Do not fasten off.
There is one row of a ruffles or two rows of ruffles. As pictured in the mint and triple flavored ice
cream, follow rnd 17 for one row of ruffles, sk rnd 18. As pictured in the orange sherbet ice cream,
follow rnds 17-18 for two rows of ruffles; fasten off at end of rnd 18.
Rnd 17: Ch 1, working in ft lps, [2 hdc in first lp, 4 hdc in next] 15 times - 90 sc. Fasten off leaving a
long tail for sewing to cone.
Rnd 18: Working in the free lps of rnd 16, [2 hdc in next free lp, 4 hdc in next] 15 times - 90 sc. Fasten
off leaving a long tail for sewing to cone.
Bottom of Ice Cream (if making a separate scoop)
Follow rnds 1-5 of Ice Cream. Fasten off leaving a long tail. Whip stitch bottom to ice cream. Stuff
before closing.
Form an adjustable ring.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, 5 sc in ring, join - 5 sc.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in each st around, join - 10 sc.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, [sc in next st, 2 sc in next] 5 times, join - 15 sc.
Rnd 4: Ch 1, [sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next] 5 times, join - 20 sc.
Rnd 5: Ch 1, [sc in next 3 sts, 2 sc in next] 5 times, join - 25 sc.
Rnd 6: Ch 1, turn, sc around in bk lps, join - 25 sc.
Rnds 7-14: Ch 1, sc around, join - 25 sc.
Rnd 15: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in same st. Working in ft lps, dc in next 4 sts. [2 dc in next, dc in
next 4 sts] 4 times, join - 30 dc.
Rnd 16: Ch 1, sc around in bk lps, join - 30 sc.
Rnds 17-20: Ch 1, sc around, join - 30 sc. Fasten off at end of rnd 20.
Whip stitch together ice cream and cone. Stuff before closing.
Multi-Flavored Ice Cream Guide (1/4, double flavor and triple flavor)
Important Notes
1. You will be simultaneously increasing or decreasing AND changing colors.
2. Many loose ends will result from frequent coloring changing unless you choose to carry the yarn

over. You can weave them in or

fasten off at the end of every round and tie loose ends in a knot. Then, dab the knot with permanent
glue to secure the tie.
3. The instructions for the multi-flavored ice cream is a guide. You will be using the ice cream pattern
alongside as it corresponds with the guide. The guide indicates the ordered number of stitches in the
designated color.
An example:
Ice Cream Pattern
1/4 Ice Cream Guide
Form an ac,
With c, form an ac,
Rnd 1: Ch 1, 6 sc in ring.
Rnd 1: 2 c, 4 mc.
The next 4 sts will be made in mc.

With c, form an ac,
Rnd 1: The first 2 sts will be made in c.

1/4 Ice Cream

mc= main color
c= color
With c, form an ac,
Rnd 1: 2 c, 4 mc.
Rnd 2: 2 mc, 3-6 c, 7-12 mc.
Rnd 3: 1-4 mc, 5-10 c, 11-18 mc.
Rnd 4: 1-6 mc, 7-14 c, 15-24 mc.
Rnd 5: 1-8 mc, 9-18 c, 19-30 mc.
Rnd 6: 1-10 mc, 11-22 c, 23-36 mc.
Rnd 7: 1-12 mc, 13-26 c, 27-42 mc.
Rnd 8: 1-13 mc, 14-27 c, 28-42 mc.
Rnd 9: 1-14 mc, 15-28 c, 29-42 mc.
Rnd 10: 1-15 mc, 16-29 c, 30-42 mc.
Rnd 11: 1-16 mc, 17-30 c, 31-42 mc.
Rnd 12: 1-17 mc, 18-31 c, 32-42 mc.
Rnd 13: 1-18 mc, 19-32 c, 33-42 mc.
Rnd 14: 1-19 mc, 20-33 c, 34-42 mc.
In the next round st 18 is a decreasing st as well as both mc and c. Likewise, st 30 is a decreasing st as
well as both mc and c. To work st 18: with mc insert hook in next st, YO, pull through, insert hook in
next st, YO c, pull through. 3 lps on hook in order from left to right - c, mc, mc. YO and pull through
all 3 lps. Decrease made with color change. To work st 30: with c insert hook in next st, YO,
pull through, insert hook in next st, YO mc, pull through. 3 lps on hook in order from left to right - mc,
c, c. YO and pull through all 3 lps. Decrease made with color change.
Rnd 15: 1-18 mc, 18-30 c, 30-36 mc.
Rnd 16: 1-16 mc, 17-26 c, 27-30 mc.
Rnd 17: 1-48 mc, 49-81 c, 82-90 mc.
For a second row of ruffles:
Rnd 18: 1-49 mc, 50-81c, 82-90 mc.
Rnd 19: Any color.
Double Flavor Ice Cream
c1= color #1
c2= color #2
With c1, form an ac,
Rnd 1: 1-6 c1.
Rnd 2: 1-6 c1, 7-12 c2.
Rnd 3: 1 c2, 2-9 c1, 10-18 c2.
Rnd 4: 1-2 c2, 3-13 c1, 14-24 c2.
Rnd 5: 1-3 c2, 4-17 c1, 18-30 c2.
Rnd 6: 1-4 c2, 5-21 c1, 22-36 c2.
Rnd 7: 1-5 c2, 6-25 c1, 26-42 c2.
Rnd 8: 1-6 c2, 7-26 c1, 27-42 c2.
Rnd 9: 1-7 c2, 8-27 c1, 28-42 c2.
Rnd 10: 1-8 c2, 9-28 c1, 29-42 c2.
Rnd 11: 1-9 c2, 10-29 c1, 30-42 c2.

Rnd 12: 1-10 c2, 11-30 c1, 31-42 c2.

Rnd 13: 1-11 c2, 12-31 c1, 32-42 c2.
Rnd 14: 1-12 c2, 13-32 c1, 33-42 c2.
In the next round st 12 is a decreasing st as well as both c1 and c2. To work st 12: with c2 insert hook
in next st, YO, pull through, insert hook in next st, YO c1, pull through. 3 lps on hook in order from
left to right - c1, c2, c2. YO and pull through all 3 lps. Decrease made with color change.
Rnd 15: 1-12 c2, 12-29 c1, 30-36 c2.
Rnd 16: 1-11 c2, 12-25 c1, 26-30 c2.
Rnd 17: 1-32 c2, 33-78 c1, 79-90 c2.
For a second row of ruffles:
Rnd 18: 1-34 c2, 35-80 c1, 81-90 c2.
Rnd 19: Any color.
Triple Flavor Ice Cream
c1= color #1
c2= color #2
c3= color #3
With c1, form an ac
Rnd 1: 2 c1, 2 c2, 2 c3.
Rnd 2: 1-2 c3, 3-6 c1, 7-10 c2, 11-12 c3.
Rnd 3: 1-4 c3, 5-10 c1, 11-16 c2, 17-18 c3.
Rnd 4: 1-6 c3, 7-14 c1, 15-22 c2, 23-24 c3.
Rnd 5: 1-8 c3, 9-18 c1, 19-28 c2, 29-30 c3.
Rnd 6: 1-10 c3, 11-22 c1, 23-34 c2, 35-36 c3.
Rnd 7: 1-12 c3, 13-26 c1, 21-40 c2, 41-42 c3.
Rnd 8: 1-13 c3, 14-27 c1, 28-41 c2, 42 c3.
Rnd 9: 1-14 c3, 15-28 c1, 29-42 c2.
Rnd 10: 1-15 c3, 16-29 c1, 30-42 c2.
Rnd 11: 1 c2, 2-16 c3, 17-30 c1, 31-42 c2.
Rnd 12: 1-2 c2, 3-17 c3, 18-31 c1, 32-42 c2.
Rnd 13: 1-3 c2, 4-18 c3, 19-32 c1, 33-42 c2.
Rnd 14: 1-4 c2, 5-19 c3, 20-33 c1, 34-42 c2.
In the next round st 18 is a decreasing st as well as both c1 and c3. Likewise, st 30 is a decreasing st as
well as both c1 and c2. To work st 18: with c3 insert hook in next st, YO, pull through, insert hook in
next st, YO c1, pull through. 3 lps on hook in order from left to right - c1, c3, c3. YO and pull through
all 3 lps. Decrease made with color change. To work st 30: with c1 insert hook in next st, YO,
pull through, insert hook in next st, YO c2, pull through. 3 lps on hook in order from left to right - c2,
c1, c1. YO and pull through all 3 lps. Decrease made with color change.
Rnd 15: 1-5 c2, 6-18 c3, 18-30 c1, 30-36 c2.
Rnd 16: 1-5 c2, 6-16 c3, 17-26 c1, 27-30 c2.
Rnd 17: 1-16 c2, 17-50 c3, 51-80 c1, 81-90 c2.
For a second row of ruffles:
Rnd 18: 1-18 c2, 19-52 c3, 53-81 c1, 82-90 c2.
Rnd 19: Any color.

Hello my lovely crocheters!

Hope you are all doing well. I am here again with a new crochet pattern for baby booties. These time
Ive decided to add a little less pictures and rather create a video tutorial that goes in hand with the
written pattern. I was watching tons of videos back when I was learning how to crochet and I still do
when I am learning new techniques or new stitch patterns. Do you like to watch video tutorials and
learn new cool stuff about crocheting too? Or do you like books more?
For this project I am Fibra Natura 100% organic cotton yarn in pink and beige. My 3.5 mm crochet
hook, stitch marker and a yarn needle. You will also need 4 buttons, 2 buttons for each shoe. They are
for the decoration only, the strap is not a functional part.
Hope you will enjoy using the pattern as much as I did when I was designing it.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment down below.
*Dont forget to share your creations with us. Use #crobypatterns so we can find them on Facebook,
Instagram or anywhere else and give them a big heart or thumbs up.
With love,

CROCHET PATTERN Baby Booties Pretty In

The pattern is written in 2 sizes: 0 6 months (6 12 months)
You will need:
3.5 mm crochet hook
Stitch marker
Yarn needle
DK weight yarn (I am using Drops Belle in light blue and beige color)
4 buttons.
Gauge (ukuran): 22 sts and 24 rows in sc measure 4 x 4 inch (10 x 10 cm).
St/Sts stitch/stitches
Ch chain
Sc single crochet
Hdc half double crochet
Dc double crochet
Sc2tog join two sts with single crochet two togetherer
Hdc2tog join two sts with half double crochet together
Dc2tog join two sts with double crochet two together.

* Chain at the beginning of the round does not count as a st unless otherwise stated.
* Join the round with the ss into the first stitch in the round. Ss does not count as a stitch unless
otherwise stated.
* Always be careful what is the ss and what the first/last stitch. Always place the marker into your first
stitch in each round.
* If the number is written:
in before the stitch 3 hdc = work 3 hdc into the same stitch, after the stitch hdc 3 = work hdc into
next 3 stitches.
*If you see something like that:

Repeat (2 hdc, hdc 1) 2 times. It means that you have to repeat the sequence: 2 hdc sts into the first
one, 1 hdc into the next one, two times.
Hdc 7(10). It means that you have to work 1 hdc into next 7 sts if you are working on the smaller size
and work 1 hdc into next 10 sts if you are working on the bigger size.
= 44(50) sts. Its the number of the stitches that you have to have at the end of the round. The first
number is for the smaller size and the number in the () is for the bigger size.

Take the beige yarn (or any color you choose for the sole part) and ch 10 (13).
Round 1:
Now start in the 2nd chain from the hook and make 2 hdc sts into the same stitch. Hdc 7 (10). Work 5
hdc sts into the last one. Now start on the opposite site of the chain and make 1 hdc into next 7 (10) sts.
One stitch left. Work 3 hdc sts into that last chain. Join the round with a ss. Dont forget, ss does not
count as a stitch. = 24 (30) sts.
Round 2:
Ch 1. Work 2 hdc sts into next 2 sts. One hdc into next 7 (10) sts. 2 hdc sts into next 5 sts. Hdc 7 (10). 2
hdc sts into last 3 sts. Join the round with a ss. = 34 (40) sts.
Round 3:
Ch 1. Repeat (2 hdc, hdc 1) 2 times. Hdc 7 (10). . Repeat (2 hdc, hdc 1) 5 times. Hdc 7 (10). . Repeat (2
hdc, hdc 1) 3 times. Ss. = 44(50) sts.
Fasten off.
You will need one sole for each shoe.

Find center back stitch of the sole; fold sole in half lengthwise. The stitch in the fold on is the one that
you want.
Upper part of the shoe is worked with hook going from outside of shoe to the inside and the nicer side
of the sole should be on the outer side of the shoe.
You should start each round in the joining stitch (ss) which should be in the center back of the heel. Do
not count the chain or ss stitch as a stitch at the beginning/end of round.

Here I am using pink yarn (you can use any color you like for the upper part).
Round 1:
Start in the middle of the heel. Work in back loops only (this round only :))! Ch 1 and hdc into the same
stitch. Hdc into next 43 (49) sts. Join the round with the ss into the first stitch of the round. (Do not
count the chain or ss stitch as a stitch at the beginning/end of the round). Do NOT turn. = 44 (50) sts.
Round 2:
Ch 1. Sc into the same st. Sc into next 43 (49) sts. Join the round with ss. Do not turn! = 44 (50) sts.
Round 3:
Ch 1. Sc into the same st. Sc into next 10 (13). Repeat (hdc2tog, hdc into next 2) 5 times. Hdc2tog into
the next. Sc 11 (14). Join the round with ss. Do not turn. = 38 (44) sts.
Round 4:
Ch 1. Sc into the same st. Sc into next 11 (14). Hdc 1. Hdc2tog. Dc2tog into next 4. Hdc2tog. Hdc into
the next one. Sc into next 12 (15). Join the round with ss. = 32 (38) sts.
Round 5:
Ch 1. Sc into the same st. Sc2tog. Sc into next 8 (9). Hdc2tog. Repeat dc2tog three (five) times.
Hdc2tog. Sc into next 8 (9). Sc2tog. Sc 1. Join the round with ss. = 25 (29) sts.
Fasten off and weave all the ends.

Take the beige yarn. Insert the hook into the 5th round of the upper part of the shoe. Find the stitch that
is in the middle of the heel. Ss all the way around. join the round with a ss. Fasten off.

So the main part is done. Now we have to make the straps. I am using the pink yarn again. They are
made of two rounds only.
But first of ch 10.
Round 1

This round is the same as the first round of the sole. Start in the 2nd chain from the hook and make 2
hdc sts into the same stitch. Hdc 7 (10). Work 5 hdc sts into the last one. Now start on the opposite site
of the chain and make 1 hdc into next 7 (10) sts. One stitch left. Work 3 hdc sts into that last chain. Join
the round with a ss. = 24 (30) sts.
Round 2:
Change the yarn color. Here I am using beige yarn again. Ch 1. Sc into next 11 sts. Work 2 sc into the
same. Sc into next 11. 2 sc into the same. Join the round with a ss and fasten off.

*Use the beige yarn and create a round of ss stitches on the bottom of the sole. Work into unworked
loops of the sole only. Ss 44 (50).

Take the buttons and attach them and the stripe on the shoe. On each side one as seen here.
Congratulations! Youve made your pair of baby booties. Arent they adorable?
Share with us who will be the special person that will receive them in the comments below!
All of the patterns you can find here crobypatterns.com are for your personal use only!

Clover Amour Crochet Hooks. I used sizes F, H, and J for the booties you see above.
Worsted weight yarn. I used Vannas Choice in White, Scarlett, Terracotta, Mustard, Fern, and Dusty
Purple. Blue is Loops & Threads Impeccable in Aqua.
Tapestry Needle
Magic Ring Tutorial
SC = Single Crochet
HDC = Half Double Crochet
DC = Double Crochet

Rainbow Baby Booties Pattern:

Starting with white
Chain 10, SC in 2nd chain from hook, SC in next 7, make 5 SC in the last chain
Now working on opposite side, SC 9, join, ch 1
Round 2: HDC, 2 HDC, HDC in next 6, 2 HDC in next 2, HDC in next 2, 2 HDC in next 2, HDC in next 6, 2 HDC,
HDC in last, join, ch 1.
Round 3: SC 10, 2 SC in next 2, 2 HDC in next 4, 2 SC in next 2, SC in next 10, join, ch 1.
Round 4: In back loops only, SC around, join, ch 1. (36 SC)
Change to red
Round 5: Now working in both loops, SC around, join, ch 1. (36 SC)
Change to orange
Round 6: SC in each stitch around, join, ch 1 (36 sc)
Change to yellow
Round 7: SC in each stitch around, join, ch 1 (36 sc)

Change to green
Round 8: SC in first 12, [SC decrease, SC in next ] 4 times, SC in last 12, join, ch 1. (32 sc)
Change to blue
Round 9: SC in first 10, [SC decrease, SC in next] 4 times], SC in last 10, join, ch 1. (28 sc)
Change to purple
Round 10: SC in first 8, [SC decrease, SC in next] 4 times, Sc in last 8, join, ch 1. (24 sC)
Change to white
Round 11: SC in first 6, [SC decrease, SC in next] 4 times, SC in last 6, join, ch 1. (20 sc)
Round 12: SC in each stitch around, join (20 sc)
Fasten off and weave in ends.
Weave strand of white yarn between round 11 and 12. Tie in a bow in the front. This can be used to tighten
booties onto little feet

If you want to get your hands on these fabulous Clover Amour Hooks you are in luck because the good people at
Clover are hosting a GIVEAWAY for Repeat Crafter Me readers! Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.

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