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Personal and professional development does not happen without the help of others (Desjardins,
2010).Teaching, like any human activity, emerges from ones inwardness. It should be a
continuing expedition of self discovery, from growing toward the profession as a student to
growing in the profession as a practitioner. As an educator, my objective is to personalize and
differentiate learning for every student. The students of today are learning in a digital age which
requires teachers to customize and personalize learning activities to address students diverse
learning styles, collaborative strategies, and abilities to utilize digital tools and resources.
Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means
and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment. Technology education is a very
important aspect of the vastly advanced world we are living in and is aimed at helping students
to learn on their own. The purpose of education is to teach the basics so everyone has an
opportunity to acquire their full potential but more so to create a "spark" - the curiosity, the
creativity, the confidence, the zest for further knowledge that helps a person grow beyond what
they believe they can be. It's a lot to hope for - but I have watched it happen time and changes the scope of the world.

(NETS for Teachers, 2008) This standard is in line with my Philosophy of Education
Technology. Education is really aimed at helping students get to the point where they can learn
on their own. . . " says renowned linguist, philosopher, historian, and scientist, Noam Chomsky.
For years educators based the purpose of education on the definition by John Dewey, restated by
Gene Carter , Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of ASCD, " that the general
purpose of school is to transfer knowledge and prepare young people to participate in Americas
democratic society." But, says Carter, that definition is insular and inadequate in the 21st century.

Instead he'd rather that "purpose of schools must be preparing children to compete in the global
environment." (Click here for a .pdf of The Purpose of Education from ASCD.)
Our Mom Congress delegates weigh in:
Ilina Das Ewen of North Carolina: "To teach creative and analytical thinking. To spark curiosity,
imagination, and love of lifetime learning. I see education as a lifetime journey, not a destination
or a transaction."
Kathie Green of Indiana: "The purpose of education is to teach the basics so everyone has a shot
at life :) but more than that to create the "spark" - the curiosity, the creativity, the confidence, the
zest for further knowledge that helps a person grow beyond what they believe they can be. It's a
lot to hope for - but I have watched it happen time and changes the scope of the
Yolanda Gordon of South Carolina: "The purpose of education is prepare our children for higher
education, teach them to navigate social interactions with peers from different backgrounds, and
to help them become tax paying members of society. It is to provide them with the building
blocks to figure out what they want to do with their lives and to spark their curiosity to learn
more and to build on the skills that they already have. In the case of children with disabilities it is
also to teach them functional skills so that they can function on their own once they leave school
behind and to potentially obtain and keep a job for those that are high functioning."
What is technology
the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means
and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such
subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
Integrating technology into classroom instruction means more than teaching basic
computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. Effective tech
integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that research shows deepen
and enhance the learning process. In particular, it must support four key
components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent
interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts.

Technology education is a very important aspect of the vastly advanced world we are living in.
Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, like Piaget, believed that children are active in their own ongoing
process of development. He says that the relationship with other people is the major process

contributing to development. The constructivist approach puts its emphasis on the active process
of learning. It also maintains that knowledge is not received from outside, but that we construct
knowledge in our head.
There are several ways in which a teacher and student can achieve success with the constructivist

Emphasize active learning rather than teaching.

Emphasize the actions and thinking of learners rather than of teachers.
Encourage learner construction of information.
Use cooperative and collaborative activities.
Use authentic task and activities that are personally relevant to the learners
Support the learners by doing a reflection

Technology integration can be defined as the use of technological tools to enhance and support
the educational environment. This theory supports the integration of technology in education and
specifically it is relevant to the Jamaican context because successful practical applications are
being identified that positively affect learning, in that it creates opportunities for students to be
an active participant to their own learning. Technology caters to diversity in the classroom in that
a learning task can be tailored to the student capabilities rather than the student having to fit in
with the software designers generalized understanding of how learning should take place.
Technology also helps students to obtain information in a timely manner and they are engaged
for long periods. It also helps them to cooperate and collaborate while engaged in group
task/activities. Technology in the Jamaican classroom motivates students to learn and these
students, especially in this era can be seen manipulating the different technological devices.
NB We can clearly see the relevance that the constructivist ideas have in todays educational
practices, as real world learning situations are more motivating to students through practical
application of knowledge

In conclusion, my philosophy of Educational Technology includes personalized learning,

respecting the diversity of all learners and providing opportunities for learning through
discovery. It it my philosophy that Educational Technology is a tool that affords the opportunity

to differentiate my teaching to best meet the needs of my students in a learner-centered


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