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Golding 1

Aubrey Golding
Professor Altman
English 115
13 October 2016

Ethnography/Walking Tour
After our class lecture on the rhetoric of space, I decided to analyze the space within a
Bible study group (at Calvary church in Oak Park). The following are notes that I took while I
was there.
When I first walked into the church I walked past the small store they had inside and sat on one
of the many couches outside the chapels, where people typically met for bible study or
1. Although Bible study starts at 7 oclock PM, not many people show up until they are
considered fashionably-late around 7:15 (including the study leader).
2. People greet not just one or two people, btu usually address the group as a whole, From
there, an individual may go on to hug a few select people out of the group.
3. About 10-12 people regularly attend the bible study group I went to.
4. People speak softer, theres generally no harsh tones in their voice when expressing an
5. It seems there is always more optimism in this space. Pray for Gods will.
6. There is little to know cursing or use of profanities.

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7. People tend to dress in casual, comfortable clothing that isnt what a vast majority would
consider revealing.
8. People are willing to talk more about their personal lives and personal concerns than
perhaps they would be in conversation on the street.
9. People are open about their belief in God, whereas out in public they may not mention it
as much in order to avoid condemnation.
10. The group is positioned to sit on couches and chairs facing inward, in a circle.
11. People do not brag about what may be considered sinful, rather they are apologetic
towards God.
12. It is common to find humor in examples of sinning that are extreme, almost so because
they are seen as taboo.
13. When new people enter, or visit the group, there is no hostility, instead open and
accepting arms.
14. The main subjects of conversation are school, family, and obviously the Bible/God.
15. Group member (as far as the group knows) are all Christian with the occasional guest
who differs.
16. Most group members have all had former Bible education through school or prior Bible
study groups/ministries.
17. There is usually some hesitation to speak immediately, possibly due to biting ones
tongue or simply because conversation in this setting is more thought out than
18. There is no verbal judgements made when one speaks about something troubling them.

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The space I studied was within a Bible study group that consisted mostly of teens and a
few adults (about 10-12 people). Although there was a set time to meet, people often showed up
casually late. People also dressed casually. Anything that was not revealing was unspokenly,
appropriate to wear. When people arrived they addressed the group as a whole rather than only
recognizing the attendance of a few particular individuals. When they addressed people, or spoke
in general, group members were soft spoken. There was a change in language as well. Sitting in
this circle, there was little to no use of profane/curse words. While sometimes it may seem there
is hesitancy in speech, conversations in the group are usually very open and responses are that of
acceptance and understanding. Main topic of conversation are school, family/friends, and the
Bible/God. It seems as though people are more willing to open up about their personal lives and
personal relationships with god. I speculate this is because in this space, they do not have to fear
being condemned. However, there is also a bit of a double standard. Things that are considered
sinful are not bragged about. Rather they are more like confessions. For example, while a guy
amongst a group of male friends may brag about a sexual conquest, in this space he may repent
for it instead. There is a unsaid general understanding of right from wrong, as the majority of
group members have had extensive former Bible training/education. Those without that type of
experience or shared beliefs are not ostracized from the group, they are even more welcomed. It
is welcome to bring guests, including those who are non-believers and they are easily
integrated without judgment.
While this space may be called a Bible study group, it has so many more functions than
studying the word of God. It also functions as a place for people of varying ages to be social. The

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small amount of people and inward seating makes people act inclusive. Thus, when people arrive
they address the group. When there are discussions the group listens and different people may
respond. Like any social group, this one has norms. For example, people in this circle abstain
from foul language. In this space it is normal for people to talk about their personal lives and
therefore fulfills a human need to express their feelings.
Many of the feelings discussed in this space relate to the overwhelming ideology of
Christianity. This space challenges the beliefs we are taught in school or by other social groups.
People in this space generally see the World as a place made by God. In a larger context, this
space functions as a place for people to have the freedom of practicing their religion (in this case
christianity) and discussing it in an education setting.

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